All posts by Tim

Dante’s Inferno.

This is not an Image of Dante’s Inferno but a photo of Our Sun.

‘Lake of Fire’… What a brilliant description for a Star.
What better description of a ‘bottomless pit’ is there than being suspended in the centre of a star… unable to ‘fall’ anywhere?
Oh and I wonder if there are enough stars in the universe to accommodate all the lost souls that have ever been born, and all the Fallen angels… one star per Damned soul?… I’m thinking there are plenty!
Can there be any reasonable doubt of the fact that God Almighty has made Countless Lakes of fire and bottomless pits?

Hell is real people!
That is why God sent Christ!
He takes the judgement of Sin very seriously!

“Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” Job 28vs 28

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3vs19.

“God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” Rom 5vs 8

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”

Footnote: I am not saying the “Sun is the biblical lake of fire!”… im saying its ‘a type’…an interesting ‘Parallel in nature’. Tim Wikiriwhi.

The Crisis.

Thomas Payne

December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God. …

Great American. War of Independence.
Tom Paine.

“Libertarians are Nazis!” saith the Commy Zombie.

Campbell Live asked Facebookers an interesting question regarding the spheres of Government opperation…

“Should the Ministry of Health cut funding to other medical areas in order to subsidise the cost of dental care? or is it a matter of personal responsibility?”

There were plenty of responces…
One Lady (Lets call her Lambo) wrote…

“Your teeth and mouth are just as important as other parts of your body. Govt funding would be great, especially for those that can’t afford it!”

Someone please tear my arm off and beat me to death with it! You will be doing me a favour!
How flocking great would it be for the Gabberment to take away another burden of self responsibility!

No I did not say any of those things.
My bridled reply was…

“Definitely Self-responsibility! People cant afford it *Lambo* because they are crushed under the weight of socialist taxes, neither do they have their values and priorities in correct Hierarchy because they are used to being ‘Nannied’ like children whom dont have to think for themselves and make adult decisions… because the Government keeps encroaching into areas of self-responsibility. Why brush your teeth if the state will pay for you to have falce ones? Why do you think it is ok to tax people who brush their teeth, to pay for the dental work in those whom cant be bothered but expect others to pay their dental bills for them?”

Fairly basic sort of reasoning there… yet what followed really takes the sheepish ‘raisins’ and shows the sort of lunacy that has been fostered via The state indoctrination systems… It show just how thoroughly inoculated against freedom the sheeple are…
Lets call this contributor ‘Fluffy’

“Tim not sure of Nazism is allowed in NZ? oh, sorry, apparently it is…as 65% of New Zealanders are as they voted in Hitler Youth himself the great, the mighty, JOHN KEY!!! Ye!!”

Hemlock! I can bear no more!
Am I making a song and dance out of nothing? I wish I was! Yet as someone whom has been a Libertarian activist for well over a decade I regret to inform you that this is sadly an all to typical Kiwi crow.
I made my appeal to the highest authority…

“”Hey John, note how I got called a Nazi by *Fluffy* for advocating self responsibility! That is a typical ‘Sheeple’ response … they want Nanny to wipe their bums and tuck them in at night! And you wonder why our society is becoming so irresponsible! Advocating smaller/ less powerful government and personal responsibility can only be labeled *Totalitarian Nazism*… by brain dead Zombies! This is the society Nanny state has created.”

Quite self explanatory aye. (I’m no indifferent Philosopher!)
By Lefty Socialist logic Hitler was a Libertarian!
This does not bode well for New Zealand… unless you work for the Antichrist… then it’s Poetry! Kiwis are Gagging for it!

I can hear ‘Woolys’ thoughts…
“ Barrrr….Oh Nanny you’re so wonderful!
Libertarians are Evil!
They expect us to take care of ourselves… and bare the responsibility for our own amorality! How Cruel!
Thank God our Flock is bigger than theirs!”…

My Cranial shield, helps protect me from the ‘The screaming of the Lambs’. Tim Wikiriwhi

Civil Society Merely Skin Deep.

What separates our Modern society from savagery and Barbarism? Not a Lot.
If we are to assume We enjoy a higher quality of life today because of Lessons hard learned from the mistakes of history, I regret to say we are fast forgetting them…and thus doomed to repeat the process.

I was stimulated to such contemplations today when confronted by blunt and self-righteous calls to not bother giving The Norwegian Mass murderer Brevick a trial… apparently He does not deserve one… but ought to be lynched or shot.

Silly me. Here was I criticizing the Norwegian justice system for not allowing Anders Behring Breivik to say what he wanted in his own defence (Apparently they feel that if they allow him to read his 8000 word ‘New Manifesto’ that he will somehow be ‘winning a personal victory’… or may inspire other psychos to join his cause). I was saying that The Trial needs to follow due process, not muzzle the defendant… yet I was met with howls of Hatred that said that no trial was necessary…
“You would not be ‘so easy’ on him if he had killed one of your kids.” Quoth He.

I tried to explain to my detractors that if they were to simply execute him that they would in fact be no better than him, as he thought he had the right to execute 77 people without trial too.
I said It is vitally important that He gets a proper defence and is not unduly restricted from voicing his reasons why he did what he did.
That this will involve enduring a hatful and deluded tirade, which he will no doubt take great pleasure in preaching to the Media of the world… is not a good enough reason to deny him due process.

“The Bastard does not deserve it”… !!!! ???

A Fair trial is not a reward, Its not a prize, It’s an essential process which attempts to assure an Impartial judgement so that innocent people are not wrongfully punished. This is part of the vital machinery which differentiates a Civil society from a barbaric one governed by UTU/ vengeance.

“The Court case will cost Millions of Dollars! Why waste the money on a scum bag like him!” Quoth He…

I replied that I much prefer my Taxes go towards having a good justice system, rather than Paying hundreds of millions of Dollars in ‘bail outs’ or to Bludgers to sit on the dole or DPB!
I said that having a well organised and funded Justice system is one of the Few Legitimate and necessary duties of Government.

Was this little smoko room chat an oddity or was it an indication of a common mindset?
It appears to me that here in NZ, as in Norway that people have indeed forgotten what justice and civilisation is all about. Today people are more concerned with vengeance, and are not prepared to endure what must be endured for the sake of Justice.
Yes It is scary to realise just how thin is the skin of our civilisation… how close to Barbarism we lurk, and how easily tyranny could take advantage of the prevailing darkness.
I hope the Norwegians give Brevick a fair and just trial.
That is the only way he can be convicted fairly and justly punished… And Norway can maintain their claim to be a civil society.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Hell: The Logic of Damnation.

Book Reveiw.

“Focusing on the issues from the standpoint of philosophical theology, Walls explores the doctrine of hell in relation to both the divine nature and human nature. He argues that some traditional versions of the doctrine are compatible not only with God’s omnipotence and omniscience, but also with a strong account of His perfect goodness.”

“This book is a gem, clearly written and accessible to philosophers and non-philosophers alike. Within a fairly brief scope it covers the central issues and arguments relevant to its topic . . . Further, the book makes a case that universalists will find very hard to answer.” —Religious Studies

“Walls . . . does not think that because a culture trivializes the concept of hell it does not exist, nor does he think that belief in the existence of hell compromises belief in a good and loving God.”—Christian Century

“Hell: The Logic of Damnation is a forcefully argued reopening of questions that most liberal theologians had long thought to be decisively closed. . . . Jerry Walls has provided a bracing antidote to the moral frivolity and evil of our time.”—First Things

Sorry about this next one Richard. Get well soon Robin!