Here is a truly Great Dr who followed his convictions, spoke out against what he saw was dangerous to his patients… Suffered Persecution and ruin for standing against the corrupt State… and by God’s grace has emerged Victorious… A Hero! and with his integrity intact!
This is beyond HUGE. There are tears of joy, not just in Australia but across the world.
The criminal malfeasants from our government health bureaucracy have been destroyed in Queensland Supreme Court.
Thousands of Doctors failed to walk this righteous path because of the threats of ruin by the Australian State.
The same thing happened here in New Zealand, and all over the globe.
Hapless Sheeple were deceived into taking the Vax because they were told to take it by their compromised Drs who said it was safe… when it had not been tested as safe… nor were they allowed to speak out about Adverse reactions their patients were suffering.
*This was a massive crime against Humanity*
*Governments and medical professionals colluded and spread lies and dangerous misinformation about the Vaccines* Free Speech was crushed!
The people must use this experience to demand accountability for this massive crime.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geier because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. And I’m not going to tell you that they don’t because nobody should trust my word on this. You know, what I say is irrelevant. What is relevant is the science.”
“And this is the principal effort by CDC to actually verify that claim. And what the Geier study, and they looked at all the, you know, the history of each vaccine and health claims. And What they were trying to say is there was this huge decline in mortality from infectious disease that took place in the 20th century. An 80% drop in deaths from infectious disease.”
“And what caused that? Was it vaccines? And what they said is no, it had very little, almost nothing to do with vaccines. The real drop happened because of really engineering solutions, refrigerators. You could store food. transportation systems that would get oranges up from Florida, etc. the roads, better housing, sanitation, the invention of chlorine, sewage treatment, but mainly nutrition.”
2Nutrition is absolutely critical to building immune systems and so what was really killing these children was malnutrition and you know it was the infectious disease that was kind of knocking them off at the end But the real cause of death was malnutrition and a collapsed immune system. And that is what the Geier studies says.”
“Now anybody who’s listening to this, you know, you can go look at this study. So don’t blame me and don’t say, you know, Kennedy’s in denial. This is the only time CDC ever looked at this. And it’s called Geier. It’s published, as I recall, in Pediatrics. And it’s CDC and NIH and Johns Hopkins. in the year 2000. And I believe the study is true and that it’s borne out by many, many others.”
“There’s another study from 1977 called McGinley and McGinley. And it was, and that study also said that fewer than 1 percent of the decline in infectious mortality deaths could be attributed to vaccines. Oh, and that study was required reading in almost every medical school in this country until the mid-1980s.”
“So anyway, I’m just saying that orthodoxy that you just described, it’s not an orthodoxy that should be accepted on faith. People should actually look at it, and when they have, it has not borne up.”
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Watch Video Below.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geier because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. And I'm not going to tell you that they don't because nobody should trust…
While I don’t believe there is any Utopian solution to many of these issues… The biggest take away I get is that we the people should be far more aware about Natural/ organic foods and be far more wary about Big Pharma and Big Food. If there is a disconnect between Toxins in Food products… and paying the costs of Health crisis… then there is no reason to make food products safe… this to me is a legislative matter…
The Micro-plastics problem is frightening given they are already ever-present in our environment…and I don’t see how that could be fixed… at all.
That is a completely different type of problem… Plastics serve a heck of a lot of *good* in our societies to the degree that ‘Banning Plastic’ might be more detrimental to our collective health and well being… etc.
That one will probably only be solved by the development of new materials… yet they in turn might be discovered to have their own issues.
It is all part of the Human condition.
The more Informed we are as individuals and the more self responsibility we take on… and the more freedom we have to apply our own choices… these factors at least place the greater responsibility for our health *on ourselves* rather than dependence upon Government and being stuck with Big Pharma Big Food virtual Monopolies. So politicians who pass laws against people growing their own foods… Farm gate sales… Restrict Natural health products etc these politicians are destroying our freedom to take care of our own heath and assisting the Big corporations to capture the markets. In the end Obese people must take responsibility for their own eating habits and health conditions.
When Heath and medicine moved away from being *a Vocation*… That was when it began to lose it’s heart and soul, yet lets be real here… while we find it distasteful that profiteering is going on with regards to healthcare we certainly don’t want Soviet style State Health systems,
nor do we want Stalinist Control of Food.
Remember what Adam Smith said about the bakers baking good bread…
A Free society is not *Utopian*… it’s free… and that means many Human beings will choose to over eat… will choose to smoke… etc etc so we must take care not to mistake much of these bad statistics as ‘evidence’ that the government needs to pass regulations and prohibitions that impinge upon personal liberty. If We the people wise up and start demanding healthier foods, etc… demand that Governments remove regulations that protect Big Food from small time competitors who want to supply more natural products… It would be a natural consumer choice that might force Big Food to adjust their practices…
(NaturalNews) First comes a guy curing his stage 4 prostate cancer with baking soda. Next a woman cures her cancer with carrot juice while some time ago a UK farmer cured his cancer with wheat grass juice. Now there’s an obscure study proving garlic kills brain cancer cells without side effects.
There’s no money in any of that – only healing. Darn! How’s the cancer industry going to exploit cancer victims and create huge fund raising revenues if this type of news gets out?
A small group of researchers at Medical University of South Carolina discovered something that’s useful for anyone willing to properly consume lots of garlic. They discovered that certain organo-sulfur compounds in garlic do kill brain cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells.
But they did this in 2007! It didn’t get much mainstream press, if any. Did we miss something? Maybe Big Pharma is trying to figure out how to create those compounds synthetically to get a patent and pay the FDA for approval after offering dubious papers from sketchy trials.
Whether it’s useful for the cancer industry remains to be seen. But the results of this study haven’t received much if any attention from the mainstream press. Apparently, there wasn’t even a ripple within the medical establishment.
Instead of using the study to further explore natural methods of nipping brain cancer in the bud, the cancer industry encourages beginning “proven medical treatments” as early as possible. Treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy offer 15 months or fewer of practicing efficient drool cup use before dying. But these “treatments” are proven money makers.
Below is a ruff draft of my submission on the Therapeutic Products Bill.
My final submission is slightly tidier than the draft below yet as I did my editing on the official submission database I do not have an exact copy of it.
I made the deadline with only 3o minutes to spare.
When my submission appears on the Government website I will transfer the final draft here… yet the draft below is 90% identical.
To the Committee for the Therapeutic Products Bill.
I oppose the enactment of any new regulations that will impinge upon the current liberty of Truck between New Zealand Citizens and Alternative health businesses and suppliers of alternative products.
We already have a heavily regulated Health care system that is under extensive Bureaucratic control, the purpose of the alternative health industry is to empower citizens to participate more in their own health and well being and have access to products and services that are exempt from running the excessive bureaucratic gauntlet (trials) which most of the products available at pharmacies must navigate… increasing such legal hurdles will mean only the wares of wealthy Pharmaceutical Giants will be available in the marketplace.
This is at the heart of the matter.
Under the misguided delusion of concern about ‘risks’ to public health via tightening regulations the State will in fact put small time Health professionals, herbalists, and suppliers of unique and novel treatments out of business much to the glee of Big Pharma Cartels who relish the idea of holding a monopoly over the supply of health products, and much to the anguish of thousands of New Zealanders like myself who regularly use alternative products as part of our personal health strategy.
I have not herd a single Herbalist say they support this Bill.
In fact they all fear this will put them out of business.
This in my estimation constitutes a massive health risk to New Zealand citizens… a massive step backwards, in that on the whole it will result in less alternative products being accessible, and drive up the costs of those that remain… and that is a big factor for people on tight budgets.
Extra Bureaucratic costs may put many products out of reach of the poor!
These factors will far outweigh any supposed risk reduction heavier regulation is supposed to deliver.
The Hamilton Herbal shop. Where I get me urbs and alternative Medicinals. (Note: The opinions expressed in this submission has no association with the Hamilton Herbal shop. They are strictly my own.)
I am a happy customer of my local herbalist, who supplies me with many health support products, including a mixture they make for my Gout rather than taking officially proscribed medications.
We are adults! We demand you respect our rights to make our own health decisions and to evaluate risk/benefits for ourselves.
We don’t need or want any new regulations thank you.
Things are fine the way they are… in fact less regulations would probably be in the best interests of New Zealanders!
We need to protect our rights and alternative health sector from Political/ State over reach.
How about Parliament tidy up the massive problems you have in the Health system that you already are responsible for. Surely you have enough on your plate to deal with in that regard?
Leave the alternative Therapeutic market alone!
Lasize Faire!
It is doing fine without ‘more government’.
Look at the mismanagement of the Covid 19 Pandemic!
Mainstream ‘officials’ said that promoting Vitamin D to fortify natural immunity was dangerous misinformation and pseudoscience, yet the truth has now come out of the vital roll of Vitamin D in fighting the corona virus!
Of course the politicians and Big Pharma wanted everyone to think their MRNA vaccines were the only hope!
Ivermectin was banned! No doubt this cost lives.
Bill Gates and Big Pharma made Billions!
The world is waking up to what a debacle the whole Official narrative was.
Thankfully we… independent thinking citizens were able to network and do our own research, and still able to get hold of Vitamin D and Ivermectin substitutes like Quercetin, no thanks to attempts to try and prevent the citizenry from putting hope in anything other than Bill Gates/ The States Mass MRNA program.
Why, in the light of all this anti freedom State activity over the past 3 years, and how poorly the National Health sector is functioning, and how the Big Pharma cartels’ enriched themselves while the world reeled under Draconian lockdowns would you expect independent Thinking New Zealanders to desire the state to usurp greater control over alternative treatments?
It matters not if any of the hearing committee concurs with my evaluation of how the Covid 19 pandemic was handled, what matters is that you respect the rights of New Zealanders to continue to enjoy access to the broadest range of alternative heath products without additional restrictions and expense.
This sector is complimentary to the State Health system, the same way heathy food suppliers are, and as Free and self-responsible Adults we decide what dietary regime is best for our own heath and well being, and in this way we are less likely to require the services of the State health system.
I submit that this Bill be withdrawn.
Thank you for reading my submission.
Please forgive my tone, I am very passionate about this issue, and I have written this submission in the final hours before submissions close, and dont have time to tidy it up and smooth it out.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Update: 1-8-23.
Why Do drug companies want to capitalize on Natural health products?
Do I reall have to spell it out?
Read what the Merck CEO had to say about the future of Big Pharma profits…
Update 2: The despicable Labour Greens in parliament have used ‘Urgency’ to bypass the safeguards against tyrannical legislation and made this evil bill Law.
Look at this poor girl.
Appreciate why she is broadcasting this message… as a warning that there is a high risk of serious injury from taking the Covid 19 vaccines.
We are seeing more and more of these despite Social media threatening to deplatform ‘users’ who share such information that might be construed as being ‘Anti-Vaxx’.
She just had the Johnson and Johnson vaccine…. never had seizures before… yet no medical staff will admit the vaccination is the most likely cause!
It does not take a rocket scientist to do the math!
The willful non-committal ‘ignorance’ of the medical staff is simply trained collusion in a cover up.
They don’t want to admit their Snake oil is most likely the cause and that their so-called cure is worse than the disease!
What is blowing away the medical establishment is that now patients have the technology to broadcast these sorts of adverse reactions that in the past could easily be hushed up … and the scale of this Medical Scandal is an outrage!
Just as cell phones in the hands of ordinary people are catching out rouge Police engaging in abuses of power, intimidation and violence this same ability to broadcast videos to the internet is exposing that scale of adverse vaccine reactions that in earlier times would not be known by the general public.
Medical staff who witness such adverse affects are often too scared or indoctrinated to speak out about what is really going on.
We can see why Socialist Governments want to get control of the internet, and use AI Algorithms to hunt out and block streaming that exposes their programs as dangerous…. because they want to keep the populations stupid and gullible, and submissive to their tyranny.
What is also amazing is watching friends and family’s Cognitive dissonance when they are confronted with this empirical evidence!
They have an automatic shield … a fire wall… which will not allow them to properly evaluate the mounting evidence… and so they simply resort to name-calling and other derogatory devices to excuse rejecting what they don’t want to acknowledge… and they are hell bent on maintaining the lies of the Medical establishment.
Just the fact that this video is being shared by Alex jones Infowars can be enough for them to throw up their shied and not contemplate the evidence.
They label people like myself as Nutcase conspiracy theorists.
They completely fail to appreciate that these sorts of stories will never be front and center on main stream media, or given traction on their officially sectioned woke social media platforms.
They label people like myself as Nutcase conspiracy theorists.
Meanwhile poor young girls like this are having their lives destroyed.
Watch the video below… It explains how the Medical Guild maintains its ‘Orthodoxy’ in the public mind and thereby protects it’s monopoly over the healthcare of nations… Not by the quality of science it champions, but by indoctrination, persecution, Mass marketing, and coercion.
And the results are abhorrent.
“Consider how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity from the measles outbreak in Auckland in 2019 to drive home her desire to make vaccinations compulsory.
She blamed the anti-vaxx movement for low uptake on the government’s vaccination programme and the spread of the disease, even though medical experts said there were other factors that were responsible.
The anti-vax movement is another unpopular minority group that has been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the concept of compulsory vaccinations. They too have been getting slandered and de-platformed on social media.
The biggest problem with regards to vaccinations in New Zealand is that, because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures. As the saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and so many people don’t trust politicians or the health system they run. Personally I am not anti-vaxx but I am absolutely opposed to compulsory vaccinations because there are defnitely serious risks involved. And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access to the whole truth – not just the government’s side of the story. It is a parent’s right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet, to exercise this parental responsibility, they must be told the whole truth; they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions. Yet the power-trippers who want compulsory vaccinations, seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks. The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ – the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there is a risk of serious reactions to vaccinations. They should not be lied to about this or have their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot. She was crippled, and died young.
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition. Thus families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who don’t give a dam about such things and have convinced themselves that they are acting for “the public good”. And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe that vaccinations are dangerous to make their case publicly and it is wrong for the government to censor them.”
‘Free Speech Under Attack.’ Tross Publishing. pgs 188-189.
Get a copy from here.