Category Archives: Apartheid

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The coming of the Maori to Aotearoa.

I have just posted a reply to a private facebook Status, which I cannot share here.
The Status was by a Maori who had just descovered that the word ‘Maori’ was ‘invented’ by the Pakeha, and this descovery has made them want to divest themselves of that ‘fully colonised’ title and instead to redefine themselves as “TANGATA WHENUA”. (People of the Land)

It seems to have escaped them that the Pre-colonial Maori people did not call themselves “TANGATA WHENUA” either.
That term was used to describe the people who were already here when Maori arrived in their Waka. Back in the Day Maori took great pride in the fact that they were decendants of great navigators whom had migrated here, yet today that part of Maori traditional pride has been conveniently forgotten because the political scheem to claim ‘indigenous rights’.

The Status finnishes with an expression of love to Maori ‘Peeps’ and an appeal to them to ‘De-colonise yourselves’.

This Status is a sad yet powerful testimony to toxic anti-colonization indoctrination which is systematically generating an apartheid hatred and Race relations disaster in New Zealand and setting up Maori Children to perpetuate the poverty and terrible statistics which are the lot of many today.
The ‘closing the Gaps’ socialist policies, and political favoritism has not led to Maori betterment, but to entrenched dependence and a hateful racist and victim mindset … not self reliant empowerment … not High personal ethics.

My reply is below.

I know this a very sensitive subject.
May I say a few words from my own perspective.
It is true that Missionaries from England introduced, not only many new helpful skills , but also many new words. They ‘invented’ the written Maori language and thereby saved much Maori culture from being lost by the passage of time.
The tribes of Pre Treaty times were very keen to have a missionary living in their communities. They were quick to appreciate the great store of wisdom they brought, and to assimilate many of their ways… like wearing English clothing, Their Buildings (The design of the Meeting house we all love is a post-European design, they did not exist prior to the Missionaries).
What this proves is that our ancestors were very smart and progressive, and wisely learned and assimilated things of value from the Europeans… not just cows, apples, nails… but Ideas, values, etc…and this was good for Maori.
We must understand that a Good Culture is always progressing, not stagnating, not trapped by backward superstition, not adverse to new enlightened ideas or better ways of doing things.
Thus it is a credit to our ansestors that they were quick to abandon many of their primitive traditional ways and embrace the advantages That British civilisation offered.
It is so sad that Many Maori are being taught today to have a dreamy idea that to be a ‘real Maori today we must picture ourselves as being like our stone age ancestors, and seek to ‘De-colonise’ ourselves.


Sad because the truth is We modern Maori have gained so much from colonization, yet we are taught by the political activists to think colonization was all bad… all an evil plot. This is how the Maori people are being deceived into supporting the Separatist movement, and are being steered away from the most vital and important realities they need to understand to prosper via their own efforts rather than seeking Political interventions, hand outs, and favoritism.
Modern Maori Boys need to see themselves as Doctors, Engineers, scientists, Electricians… not warriors.
We Maori ought to first think of ourselves as Honest hard working individuals… not as members of a race.
That is secondary.
The first is something we have control and self responsibility for.
The second is merely a fortunate birthright.
And it is essential that we ought to treat everyone else with equal respect… irrespective of their race, and teach our children this respect as well because without this important humanitarian value they are in danger of becoming hateful racists.
It was belief in the Equality of all human beings which brought the Missionaries to New Zealand to share the Gospel of Christ with the Maori people whom were lost in darkness and superstition.
Thus I am saying it is a good thing to teach our children to take pride in their Maori heritage, yet not good to teach them that this is of the highest importance.
There is a whole layer of personal/ universal values which they must take even greater personal pride in because they will shape and define who they are *as individuals* and how they will treat others.


They need to learn skills like engineering, science, etc which will help them to provide for themselves and their families … and take pride in being Modern independent self reliant and humanitarian Maori, whom compete and hold their own in society on equal terms with other Kiwi… not blaming others for their own lack of achievement… happy to struggle and save, and slowly become more prosperous through good values, thrift, and honest hard work… and always being loving towards others in our society.
This is my vision of how a want my children to grow up.
I want them to be enlightened, honest and caring… not racist… not trapped in a mythical past. I hope they take what is good from Maori tradition, yet forsake all the negative and twisted Political propaganda which attempts to say Colonization was only evil and generates serious race hatred.
In my view to be a Real Maori it does not require any special rights, or Laws.


I know what I have written here will be very difficult for some Maori to swallow.
It is so contrary to the view of history they have been taught , and to the twisted politically motivated idea that We are supposed to put our Sanitized/ idealized ‘primitive Maori heritage’ first… to be on the Maori electoral roll… to support treaty separatism… if we want to claim to be ‘Real Maori’.

Thus I offer a complete alternative in which I dream of A New Zealand with one law for all, and that Maori can enjoy and revel in their heritage without demanding political favoritism or special rights… or Millions of dollars stolen from Everyone via taxation.
My vision is one of racial harmony.

I know that I am virtually alone at present in my vision.
I know some reading this will hate me for my views.
That make me very sad, because I seek to enlighten the Maori people so that they can save themselves from the political evils of racial separatism and race based laws… save themselves from welfare dependence, poor health, terrible crime statistics, etc…. which cannot be fixed via Political interventions but must be done by Maori themselves taking personal responsibility for their own predicaments and determining to make the ethical changes, and put in the hard yards, and teach their children self reliance… not hatred.
This is the way ahead for Maori.
I sincerely believe this, and spend my life preaching this gospel of self responsibility, of equality before the Law, of the ethics of Humanity first.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.


The lies against the Jews which underpinned the fanaticism and extreme violence of The Nazis under Hitler are being replicated by the Maori separatist movement, and the endorsment of their ‘grievances’ by consecutive Labor and National led governments.
Waitangi separatism has resulted in a Race relations crisis, in Massive extortion, in the mass manufacture of corrupt law and institutions, in the enslavement of thousands of Maori in socialist dependence, and most seriously still… in the growth of fanatical race hatred and a propensity for violence.
The Maori people are being manipulated by malicious, and dangerous radicals and are being led down a very dark path.
They are being told that this is a process of ‘righting the wrongs of the past’, when in fact it ism nothing short of a despicable demonstration of race hatred, and grab for wealth and power.

I identified this ideological cancer well over a decade ago, and have ever since dedicated myself to exposing this evil for what it is, and busied myself attempting to awaken the Maori people to the truth.
I was the Libertarianz party spokesman on Maori affairs for approximately ten years, and since my resignation have remained vocal as an Independent Libertarian and Christian.

I would like to share with you part of what has been the personal cost of my stand against the Radical separatists, and the established/ entrenched doctrines of Socialist Indigenous Rights which underpins New Zealand’s ever expanding system of Apartheid… under the guise of ‘honoring the treaty’.

Today I received several comments to a blog post I wrote about the Tame Iti and the ‘Tuhoe terrorists’, in which I was explaining exactly how dangerous are the anti-colonialist lies and the socialist doctrines of indigenous rights, ‘self determination’, etc are. I was explaining why I was not at all surprised that Tame iti and the radical Greens were involved in plotting a campaign of violence.

The Blog post is here:

‘Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti’


Today I received two ‘Comments’ from a very ‘Brave’ person called ‘Collar Shirt’.
The nature of his comments are very telling.
They show what race hatred really is.
They expose what people like myself face when we dare to criticize Maori Radicalism.
It is like a letter written by a member of the KKK against a white American whom expressed support for Martin Luther king.
It is like a letter written by a member of a fanatical Islamic sect against a liberal Muslim whom dared to suggest that Christians have a right to exist in peace.

The enlightened humanitarians among mankind who refuse to cower in silence, and instead bravely step forward and dare to challenge the haters… all must run the gauntlet and risk everything for the sake of truth, justice, humanity, and progress.
They are torn between a sense of selfish guilt… that perhaps their High ideals are bringing danger upon their wives and children…and that maybe they should shut up… and simply blend back into the crowd.
But then they realise that Silence only makes the Evil ones more successful in their plans, and that unless brave souls stand up and set an example… their silence condemns their loved ones, friends, and neighbors to even greater perils and injustice.

“Evil prevails when Good men do nothing”.

What these brave people need is for their fellow countrymen, fellow brethren, to not allow these ‘torch bearers’ in their midst’s to be left alone and unsupported, but ought to rally around them, and to add their voices to the cause.

> on August 22, 2011 in Washington, DC.

Collar shirt’s 2 Comments are below, and my reply follows.
I hope readers will both appreciate my cause, and will determine to get involved and help me and other brave Kiwi, like John Ansell, defeat the lies of The Radical Maori separatist movement, and the corrupt politics of Treaty separatism which has being foisted upon us by Labour, National, Act, NZ First, The Greens, The Maori Party, Mana,etc…

Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:35 AM
Tim how the f**k do you know Tame Iti was planning to kill white people you f**king point the finger judgemental pr**k – and what do you know about any violent murderer radical Separatist, if you have got any evidence to hand on to the Police – tell us what that evidence is right now – This is a RACIST & FICTIONAL story of yours. And as for pimples I would like to squeeze your head like a pimple until the white puss you call your brain squirts out you piece of hard WHITE SH*T! and you too Angry Tory! I challenge you’s to print what you’s have both written and start handing them out to the public – and see how long you can last on the street without getting your face smashed in! – Pussay’s

2. Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:53 AM
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
I would like to make a complaint about the RACIST nature of this article which is in very bad taste, lacking in facts and based on innuendo and to compare a person to a murderer is asking for trouble. – but most of all it doesn’t stick to the kaupapa of the rules – this article is “unwholesome” and “does not build others up” in fact it does the complete opposite of discriminating against a fellow human being – and has absolutely NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER to any right minded and virtual thinker.
Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian – i will hand on your message to the Iti whanau in Ruatoki and don’t be surprised if they come looking for you and ask you to say what you just wrote to their face. I will make you my special project to read & check all your other articles too to make sure you are not spreading your RACIST HATRED poison around that ends up on the web – you piece of SH*T!

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Reply:

What is your real name ‘Collar shirt’?
Very brave talk coming from someone hiding behind a pseudom.
And your threats prove the validity of my statements Re: the Violent mentality of the Racist radicals.
Your threats are a testimony to the stark fact that while you want so called ‘Maori rights’ to be recognised, you don’t recognise any one else’s rights (like mine) to free speech, etc.
Thats called hypocracy.

I have been threatened many times in the past… face to face with radicals at Waitangi and other places.
I have always spoken my mind in the open… not the shadows, and will continue to do so irrespective of threats like you have delivered above.

I have spoken many times publicly, on Marae, and on TV before my peers.
See a TV one debate Here:

My reports about Iti’s intentions are based upon Media releases regarding the recordings the police got of conversations between Iti and his crew.
If it had not been for the bungling of the Legislation, and the bungling of the police Iti and crew would have faced much more severe charges… including discussion of kidnapping John Key and ‘practicing’ by killing white people.
I don’t suppose you bothered to use our search engine to find out what I have written about Tame Iti’s conviction on Fire arms charges… Here…

You would see that I actually *condemned* the basis on why he was actually sent to jail! I defended the right of peaceful people to own firearms, and even to be members of private militia. Thus I show my integrity is to justice, and though Tame Iti is a dangerous radical, yet still I have no desire for anyone to be jailed on bad laws or bad judgments.

Yet I dont expect that my integrity in this post will impress you either.
You fanatical haters only want to hear your own hate… you are not interested in tolerating dissenting views…. a lot like the Nazi’s whom hated the Jews, and who likewise could not tolerate any criticism of their mentality, or methods.
Think about that.
Think about what race hatred has done to the world?
This is the very evil I am seeking to save the Maori people from.. the manipulations and hate mongering of violent racist radicals whom blame everyone else but themselves for their own lack of achievement, violence and misery.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read about Violent support in Waikato for Terror suspects Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:
Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.


Because I have failed in the attempt to organise an association of ‘Heavy hitting’ Libertarian minds to directly challenge the governments appointed Committee which is currently running a Mickey Mouse commission looking to entrench Waitangi Racism and Socialist Democratic tyranny, I am attempting to put together a ‘condensed’ submission advocating the institution of a New constitution embodying Libertarian principles for New Zealand to be submitted to Muriel Newman’s the independent Constitutional review panel.
Go Here:

This panel is primarily concerned with insuring any new Constitution guarantees Racial equality before the Law, and does not entrench the current Apartheid doctrines and institutions of Radical Indigenous racism and treaty separatism.
This independent Panel is to be highly praised for this work.
It is absolutely essential that the Government be prevented from establishing an Apartheid constitution, yet I fear the scope of this Independent lobby is not broad enough to challenge the many other injustices and usurpations perpetrated against the people of New Zealand in the name of ‘Social Democracy’ which is the prevailing ideology of 99% of MPs and their parties whom populate our parliament.

The difficulty for me is not only that I despair having to sit out and watch everything unfold from the sideline as a spectator rather than a participant in this process.
I despair of being able to do justice to this ‘Mother of all Political Institutions’ in a brief submission.


One of the most important jobs of a Constitution is to protect the Rights and liberties of Minorities and individuals from Mob Rule.
Living in an age in which Atheist Materialism and Moral relativism dominate the thinking in academic circles it is difficult to speak of ‘Higher Law’… Moral absolutes which trump the mere whims or Legislators in large numbers.
It is difficult to get support for Ideals which set limits to the pseudo-moral justification of Legislation founded upon the mandate of the majority.
In Today’s world I cannot make appeals to Individual rights as being inalienable because they are ‘God given’… which was in times past a perfectly acceptable and rational position to take for the simple reason that so many intellectuals have tragically abandoned belief in God.
Thus I must make appeals to other arguments, in secular terms which embody arguments which such mentalities will not dismiss because of personal bias against theistic Ideas.
And most essentially these arguments must be powerful enough to expose the evil delusion that Humanitarian sentiments can justify tyrannical and oppressive political means.

The Little video below was posted on Face book by a friend (Hat tip Mark Casey) and I share it with you here because it does a very good Job or presenting the distinction between real charity and Socialism/ forced welfare…. and the travesty of that pseudo-moral justification… ‘the democratic mandate of the Majority’…
In so doing this video embodies one of the important attributes my submission to the Independent Panel must encompass.

Watch and enjoy.

This video also makes me wonder if my submission could somehow included such streaming Media?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

New Book. Twisting the Treaty.


Six notable authors, have just published a challenging new book about the way the Treaty of Waitangi has been twisted to be greatly in favour of Maori tribes in the last 30 years. These twistings include the rewriting o…f our history by political “historians”, the never-ending so called Treaty claim process, and privatising and giving away our foreshore and seabed, as well as our native flora and fauna, and the rorts that apply to our sea fishery.

If you are interested in these matters, then this book, “Twi$ting the Treaty – A tribal Grab for Wealth and Power” provides readily readable discussion on these topics. The Cover below.

Warning – the book is factual and is non-PC, one of its charms in my view.
The book is available at a retail cost of $40. It has 414 pages and 16 photo pages.
But with 16 self-contained chapters it does not have to be read all at once.

Where to obtain it:
1 Good bookstores throughout NZ or
2 Write to Tross Publishing, P O Box 22 143, Khandallah, Wellington, 6441 with your order and cheque
3 Also see our website, for info and to order.

Enjoy your reading.

^^^^ Hat Tip: Tom Henry via Facebook.

Libertarians Tim Wikiriwhi and Guest Peter Cresswell On the New Freeland Radio Show.

Great to see Ex Libertarianz Party Leader Peter Cresswell listed as a Co Author of Twisting the Treaty!
Watch Here @ Eternal Vigilance for further commentary on this Book.

P.S Deep Purple in Concert Tonight! Yeah!

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.


‘Liberated’ the following speil from my facebook friend Stephen Maire…
It’s Holmes at his best.

the late Sir Paul Holmes – who had a wonderful way with words – wrote the following:

“Waitangi Day produced its usual hatred, rudeness, and violence against a clearly elected Prime Minister from a group of hateful, hate-fuelled weirdos who seem to exist in a perfect world of benefit provision. This enables them to blissfully continue to believe that New Zealand is the centre of the world, no one has to have a job and the Treaty is all that matters.

“I’m over Waitangi Day. It is repugnant. It’s a ghastly affair. As I lie in bed on Waitangi morning, I know that later that evening, the news will show us irrational Maori ghastliness with spitting, smugness, self-righteousness and the usual neurotic Maori politics, in which some bizarre new wrong we’ve never thought about will be lying on the table.

“This, we will have to address and somehow apply these never-defined principles of the Treaty of Waitangi because it is, apparently, the next big resentment. There’ll be lengthy discussion, we’ll end up paying the usual millions into the hands of the Maori aristocracy and God knows where it’ll go from there.


“Well, it’s a bullshit day, Waitangi. It’s a day of lies. It is loony Maori fringe self-denial day… No, if Maori want Waitangi Day for themselves, let them have it.”……

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

NZHerald letter-to-the-editor 31/1/13 posted to the facebook page ‘Constitutional Reveiw’ for discussion.

My reply….

This letter displays many ‘all too common’ errors in that it starts off quite well, yet by the time it finishes, it has undone itself.
By this I mean that the writer is correct when they say that a constitution which embodies the false (separatist) treaty principles would exacerbate our already intolerable system of inequality, yet the writer fails to appreciate that the “Government interventions via regulation” as the solution to inequality… is in fact a continuation of the status quo!… ie these interventions and regulations are fundamentally the politics of favoritism, and oppression!

The purpose of a constitution is not to empower the state or parliament to pass any legislation it deems advantageous to achieving it’s political agenda, but to limit the powers of parliament to upholding the Principles of justice while protecting individuals and minorities from Mob rule, and arbitrary power.

Lady Justice is blind to Race, Creed, sex, Wealth, etc.
She holds the balances which are true. Ie the fulcrum is so positioned as not to flavor anyone.
These are principles of justise and they determine what it means to be governed by the rule of Law as opposed to the rule of whim.
Governments which write laws in contravention of these principles are establishing injustice!
A proper Constitution forbids the generation such unjust legislation.

So many people have been duped by years of socialist democracy into mistaking the mandate of the majority as being the rule of Law.
It is no such thing. Without constitutional restraints which embody universal principles of justice (such as equality before the Law), the mandate of the majority is purely arbitrary and oboundless…. only dependent upon the whims of the biggest Mob.

It is surprising to me that so many people whom are actively attempting to End treaty separatism fail to understand that we got into the current Apartheid mess because of the unchecked mandate of the majority… not because of the treaty.

It was not the minority of Maori radicals whom created the current apartheid state, but the Predominantly/ majority Pakeha parties…. Full of socialists whom believe all the anti-western, and anti-capitalist doctrines of intervention and indigenous rights.
Having swallowed all the anti-British colonization Myths and doctrines which teach Maori suffered a holocaust at the hands of invaders and were cheated and dispossessed of their lands in violation of the treaty… They began to dance to the Beat of the Maori Radicals.
Being free to simply Ignore the principles of Equality before the Law, It was the Majority parties, National and Labour whom perpetuated the lies of the treaty principles which sever our Nation racially in twain… all in the face of the fact that the treaty granted all the peoples of New Zealand equal rights as Brittish subjects, and that Hobson declared to each chief upon signing the treaty “He Iwi’ Tahi Tatou”… “We are now one people”.

This institutionalized racism demonstrates the evils of not having an ironclad constitution which would nullify any and all laws which are unequal … even if it is the will the majority to create them!
It was New Zealand shamefully childlike refusal to cut the final cords from Mother England and establish ourselves as a republic, in spite of the fact that England had granted us self government many generations ago!
Foolishly many believed remaining in the commonwealth was a form of protection, when in reality it left us exposed to popular Machiavellianism.

It’s true to say that the separate electorol rolls have proved the evils of Racist institutions… though like their modern ‘closing the gaps’ counterparts were created by ‘socialists’ seeking to improve justice, yet ultimately it was the ‘liberty’ to ‘wheel and deal’… which allowed the Majority to pander to the separatists whom held the ballance of power.
Yet so many whom oppose the treaty graveytrain which resulted, actually fear shacking parliament… you hear them talk of ‘activist judges’. Yet Activist judges are a consequence of the status quo. ie of not having clearly defined principles enshrined in a constitution.
Those whom propagate such fears are slippery devils whom covet political power and dont want limits set for parliamentary power and the gullible and fearful believe their ruse..

I could go on to talk about why the separatists are now busy seeking to dominate all discussions about forming a New Constitution, yet I will leave that for another time.
It is suffice to say that the majority of people involved in this constitutional review… on both sides of the treaty debate, don’t understand what the Rule of Law really is, or how to differentiate it from social arbitrary power.

I support those people whom have actively spoken out about the injustice of Waitangi racism, yet there has been no real discussion of any caliber in the public arena, in respect to what is necessary to remedy it, or what a Constitution needs to embody to function as a defense against unjust law and Government power.

I mean no offence. This issue is far too important for pettiness. I offer my services to the people of New Zealand to see that this most vital of subjects get proper debate and the real issues are presented to the public mind.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

In on the Con(stitutional Advisory Panel)

There’s another Treaty Debate on tonight at Te Papa.

Treaty Debate Series 2013 – My Voice Counts

This year, we focus on the place of the Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements. Participants include two prominent lawyers and a panel of young people.

Kim Hill, 2012 International Radio Personality of the Year, chairs the second Treaty Debate of 2013. This year, we invite a panel of young people to discuss the Constitutional Review, which wraps up in late 2013. They answer the question: What are the issues you care about?

The event is introduced by Claudia Orange, Te Papa’s Treaty of Waitangi scholar, and Carwyn Jones, from the New Zealand Centre for Public Law.

The Treaty Debates are organised by Te Papa in partnership with the New Zealand Centre for Public Law at Victoria University of Wellington

I plan to go along to give John Ansell some moral support, perhaps I’ll assist by holding one end of his protest banner, which reads, “Enough Treaty Treachery – Treatygate – The Conning of a Country”.

The rigged panel of Griever Maori and Appeaser Pakeha charged by the National-Maori alliance with misrepresenting your desire for a Treatyfied constitution.

Ansell is right. The country is being conned.

There are no Treaty principles. There is no Treaty partnership. At least, not in the original Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi).

The third article of the Treaty guaranteed to all Māori the same rights as all other British subjects. This meant one law for all.


But there is at least one member of the Constitutional Advisory Panel who (last time I checked) doesn’t understand what “one law for all” means. She says

One-law-for-all is emotive nonsense. We have all sorts of varied laws for different categories of the population, age being the best example. Will Act, under Brash, get rid of the legal age for drinking, voting and obtaining a driver’s licence?

A libertarian friend tries to correct her woolly thinking. He says

You’re not comparing like with like. The drinking age is not a violation of one law for all. It applies equally to everyone. If there were an exemption for Maori, that would violate one law for all.

and goes on to ask

Is your article intended as an apologia for preferential treatment for Maori?

Perhaps it was intended as a job application?

A few brief words on why ageism is acceptable (in the cases to which Deborah Coddington refers) and racism is not. Law is all about discrimination. Morality is all about discrimination. We treat a man who has been found guilty of murder differently from a man who has been charged with murder and acquitted. We discriminate between the two cases. As we should. Legally (and morally), the difference between a Guilty verdict and a Not Guilty verdict is relevant to how people should be treated. In the case of age vs. race, a person’s age is morally relevant (they are deemed to be too young to give informed consent) to how they should be treated. A person’s skin colour is not.

It beggars belief that Coddington was once the Deputy Leader of the Libertarianz Party.

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

Where Haters come from.


Where do Haters come from?

This is an important subject I have been wanting to blog for some time.
It has to do with the Nature vs Nurture debate.
It’s a very big topic which will only lightly be touched upon in this post.
I would like to talk about a few examples which prove the importance of how Parents nurture their children.

While it may not be strictly true to say We start our ideological/ mental lives ‘Tabular Rasa’ (with an empty slate) we… like Birds who don’t need to be taught to build nests…We humans too possess some ‘instincts’/ innate knowledge, and despite the latest controversial/ absurd claims by Evolutionary biologists that try and assert that we are born politically Left, or Right, or Libertarian….the reality is how we end up ideologically speaking as adults has a hell of a lot to do with the environment in which we live and the external influences we imbibe.

It is patently obvious to me that both Nature and Nurture work together in producing Human personalities, yet for now let put aside the discussion of Nature and focus on Nurture.
I raise this subject for discussion to highlight just how important our behavior as parents is in respect to effecting our Children’s perspective of the world and how they learn to deal with life, and how vitally important the Ideas and values we embody and teach them are to our children’s future well being.

Just two examples will suffice to get this discussion going…

The first is an article which appeared in the NZ herald
‘Hate-filled Family made monster’ read it Here:
Now in this article the brother of a Terrorist… the French Scooter Killer Mohamed Merah whom Murdered 7 people (including 3 Jewish children) and died in a hail of Bullets resisting arrest.

Yet Mohamed was not born in a vacuume.
In a book he has written this Terrorist’s brother dis-owns and condemns his own family members for filling his brothers head with hatred.
I would suggest that this is a very common thread within the Lions share of Radical Islamic extremists whom end up with a Rabid Race hatred for the Jews and others, and go on to become Terrorists, suicide bombers, etc.
Not having read the book I must ask why it is that this other brother did not become a terrorist too?
What saved him?
In what way was his individual nature and Nurturing different to that of his fanatical Brother?

Racist radical and Mana Party Leader and MP Hone Harawera.

The Next example I would like to raise is closer to home (for Kiwis)….that of the Racist Radical MP and Leader of The Mana Party John (Hone) Harawera son of the Rabid Racist… the Evil Titiwhi Harawera.
Now it is obvious to all what sort of upbringing Titiwhi gave her son!
She filled his head with stories of how the Pakeha (European invaders) executed a ‘Holocaust’ against the Maori people, and robbed them of their land, and have left them destitute. She has taught him that ever since the establishment of ‘White rule’ Maori people have been trodden underfoot and suffered vile Race oppressions.

The end result has been to produce one of the countries most militantly hateful and racist personalities… Hone Harawera.
Mummy must be proud!
This tale would be common to many of our worst Maori Radical… like Tame Iti.
Thus from these two examples we can easily see that Haters do in fact grow on trees… They are carefully propagated… nurtured… Indoctrinated.
We can be sure that had Hone been adopted out as a child to a Pakeha family (like my uncle was) that he would not be the same person today.
That many of the most vile Haters are born from Hate filled environments surely means we ought to mitigate our condemnation of Hone’s current attitudes and activities.
Putting it bluntly… he’s been brainwashed from a very early age, and his attitude is almost to be expected.
We can see that his hatred for Pakeha, and his desire for UTU has less to do with factual history, and more to do with the vile racism of his mother.
It’s like an moral virus he picked up.
I suspect Titiwhi herself had a similar upbringing.

Of course depending upon how solid a moral foundation we ourselves have been taught by our parents, (and others) will determine how resilient we are against the hatred and prejudices of others throughout our lives. Ie if we have been taught enlightened values as a child, and wisdom about how the world really works, we will be able to fend off the vile lies and hate filled Bigotry of others rather than assimilating it.
This points to just how vital it is that we as parents take pains to instill enlightened and humane values in our children to fortify them when they go to school, and eventually out into the world.
So many evils are taught in school!
Today from primary school to University our politically corrupted Education system since the late 70’s has actually taught our nations children many of the lies that Titiwhi taught her son!
And due to a serious lack of wisdom on the part of the average parent today we have an indoctrinated society of sheeple whom accept a heinously distorted view of the history of New Zealand, and embrace an apartheid system of Government!

Copy of bt
The Great Booker T Washington.

I do not suggest that All haters result from hateful upbringings, or indoctrination. I know horrible events in peoples lives can also generate hatered.
Nor am a saying Hone’s upbringing renders him morally blameless for his prejudices and activities as an MP. I have said what I have said with hope of understanding how such a bigot came to be… where many haters come from.
As an adult he is morally culpable.
If we look at such Moral exemplars as ex slaves, Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, or Equal rights activist Martin Luther King, we learn from them that oppression and prejudice does not justify reciprocation.
These Humanitarians were followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ… “Render no man evil for evil but overcome evil with good” .
They broke their chains… not only the legal chains which kept their peoples under, but most importantly, the Chains that link intergenerational Race hate.
So I ask Parents here … esp to Maori parents…” What values are you teaching your children?”
“What example do you set?”
Are You holding up a torch to lighten their paths, or are you filling their hearts with malice against their white friends and neighbors?
Will the values you have instilled help them to succeed in the world or will they hobble their ability to make good judgments… free of malice?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

love thyir kids

Update: 28-4-13 Who Radicalised Boston BomberTamerlan Tsarnaev?

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

I write this post in corrolation with my post: The Coming American civil War.

One of the many important Blog posts I wanted to write last year but never had time was a commentary on the prosecution and imprisonment of the Racist Maori Radicals Tame Iti and the TuHoe terrorists after he was discovered doing military training and plotting to, Kill white New Zealanders, Kidnap John Key, and overthrow our Democratic government by ‘terrorist’ means.
Due to Police blundering, and Botched up legislation regarding Terrorism, hastily written and enacted in wake of 911, Tame iti and co escaped prosecution for their Murderous Racist scheme, Yet were convicted on various Fire arms charges and received short prison sentences.
Read about it here:
My veiw of it here:
As a person whom had spent years been warning New Zealand that the doctrines of the Indigenous rights radicals were very dangerous and would lead to violence, Tami It is actions proved me right, and many would think that I would be happy that Tame iti and co received Jail time.
For the record let me now state that I was very pleased that the Police caught Tame iti before innocent Pakeha got murdered, yet what may surprise you to know is that I was not happy at all about the charges used in the end to Jail Iti and co… ie They were not convicted for plotting murder and mayhem, but instead are serving time on various fire arms possession charges.
*In My Book Possession of Fire arms is not a crime but a Right!*
*In My Book Military training is not a crime but a Right too*
Thus for me the whole saga ended in absolute travesty, and served to buttress Evil government powers and worked against the legitimate rights and liberties of We the people of New Zealand.
In my view, because the Police failed in their prosecution of the Real crimes of Iti and co… they should have walked free.

As a Libertarian activist, I am attempting to get the right to Bare arms, and to form private militia constitutionally protected, as a defense against Tyrannical Government.

From this it ought to be obvious why I have added this as an update to my post on the coming American Civil war.
Currently We the people have our arses hanging in the breeze… just the way the Police and politicians want us and are completely defenseless and at the mercy of State Power…
They can virtually do what ever they want with us.

This raises the thorny question of what defines and distinguished Righteous Freedom fighters from Evil Terrorist plotters?
Tami Iti and co consider themselves heroic freedom fighters committed to getting Justice, and defeating an Evil and oppressive state.
Why do I deny this view of Iti and Co?
Are the distinctions between Terrorist and freedom fighter merely arbitrary… a matter of personal prejudice and opinion?
Millions believe Al Qaeda and Bin Laden are not terrorists, But Freedom fighters against tyranny too! Millions of deluded fools thing that Revolutions of Vladimir Lenin, Mao, Castro/ Che Guevara, Mugabe, etc were all heroic struggles against tyranny, when in fact they were the very opposite… they were Tyrannies in the making.
What Really distinguishes the Goodies from the Baddies?
When is it justifiable…if ever, to take up arms against a democratic state?
This is a massive subject yet a few years back I wrote a piece called ‘The Right of Revolution’ in support of Commodore Bainimarama’s Military Coup in Fiji.
Read it Here:
I explain what distinguished Bainimarama’s coup, from Rabuka’s and George Speights Coups, and it comes down to the Principles and ideals which motivate the actions.
These must be Righteous, not selfish… not motivated by bigotry… and the primary principle being ‘Political Equality for All’, and One must take care how one goes about ‘fighting for this ideal.
*Good Ends cannot justify Evil means*.
Resorting to arms must be a last resort, and only when the situation is dire and injustice Rife, and the people must be vigilant not to be sucker by the likes of the Marxists whom claim to be fighting for freedom and equality when in fact they are fighting to instill tyranny and oppression.

I will finish this post by saying that New Zealand is still in danger from violent indigenous rights radicals, many whom pose as Moderates yet whom incite Racist bigotry and Cry “Oppression!”
New Zealand is sunk deep into an Apartheid system of government which under john key is ever expanding as he plays politics, bargaining with the evil racists to swing deals and maintain power.
As we speak a Shyster Commission filled with socialists and racists is ‘Reviewing’ and making recommendations for a new Racist Constitution for New Zealand.
Voices of Freedom and equality are completely absent from this process.
This is an Evil usurpation which virtually achieves Tame iti’s ambitions …yet without recourse to arms!
And apart from a few Brave souls, like John Ansell, New Zealanders are doing nothing to stop it, or to ensure the New constitution is founded upon Equality and ensures limited Government, let alone be prepared to repair to arms if and when the Racist constitution is foisted upon us.
*And our Gun Laws have already rendered us defenseless!*
Read about this here:and here:
The reality is that in the unlikely event that Libertarians, and others like John Ansell be successful in provoking a call for the enactment of a just constitution of equality for all, New Zealand is in great danger of an Evil Armed rebellion of the same nature which Tame iti was hoping to generate… on a massive scale… driven by vile Indigenous rights Race Hatred and greed!
Don’t believe that our Gun laws are preventing the Racists from tooling up!
Tame Iti and co proved they are doing just that.

This Heinous evil… Racially motivated Civil war is waiting in the wings, in fact one could say we are already experiencing the beginning of one… as a ‘Cold’ Civil War with Indigenous Appartheid.
Welcome 2013.
My final remark is a question.
“What are you doing in defence of freedom, Justice and equality in New Zealand?
Rephrased: “Will you sell out your Childrens future to apatheid?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

John in the Lions Den.

John Ansell has just appeared on TV one’s ‘Marae’.
I did not see it, and will either embed it when it appears on You Tube, or post a link to it shortly.

I absolutely Support John Ansell. Race based Law is Morally repugnant. The Privilege he is referring to is the Political favouritism which skews everything in favour of Maori Radicals and racists, eg the Separatist Seats in Parliament and councils, etc… The One eyed Waitangi Tribunal, The special interventional written into the RMA all of which are used as levers to siphon loot into ‘Special interest’ coffers. The benefactors of this filthy lucre is rarely ‘Rangi in Ranui’… but the Tribal Fat Cat elitists and Bureaucrats whom like all socialist politicians use the ongoing misery of their failed Ideology as a Ruse to demand alms… which like rice in Africa… never get past the corrupt officials.
The truth is that Maori will be much better off when Waitangi racism has been overthrown …being liberated from the perpetual ‘victim mentality’ which their leaders foster. Under equality Maori will thrive as they do in Australia etc… where they get no special treatment, and understand that if they are to have a prosperous life they must achieve it via their own efforts… not via political extortion.
The Current Politicized ‘Renaissance in Maori Culture is Fake! I cringe when I watch the pretentious ‘Acting’ of the radicals whom pretend to be ‘Old world Maori’… whom think that you have to be like that to be a Mori today!
And heres the truth! Under Equality… when the Treaty separatism has been Abolished those whom wish to ‘Play Maori’ will still be free to do so! Ie Freedom is no threat to Maori Culture… Real or ‘Idealised’…. It is only a threat to the racists and extortionists whom enjoy using Political means to impose their views upon others, to use the education system as an engine of Propaganda, and to extort loot.
That The racists have been allowed to assume the leadership of the Maori People, has brought shame upon us.
I salute John Ansell for his courage, and benevolence for all New Zealanders…including the Liberation of Maori from Apartheid hatred and greed.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Maori Libertarian Independent.

Read about the Apartheid corruption of our Democracy here: