Category Archives: Communism

PM Chris Luxon’s False claims NZ must stay in the Paris Climate accord or risk heavy Trade sanctions from our trading partners.

What a Joke Luxon is… a timid little coward.
He’s willing to slash and burn New Zealand because of Self imposed Green extortion… that threatens our Dairy and all our rights including Petrol private cars, etc.
*All this shit* We New Zealanders don’t want… he’s going to try and force down our throats… to appease foreign corporations and the WEF.
Watch Video below… Luxon interviewed by Mike Hosking…(Click link)

Turns out everything Luxon said (above) is bullshit!
The Platform: Sean Plunket exposes Climate Change Minister Simon Watts, and PM Chris Luxon’s claims NZ must stay in the Paris accord or risk Trad sanctions from our trading partners.
This is a farce. Luxon is using grossly exaggerated Fears of Trade sanctions to soften up Kiwi résistance to his oppressive schemes he intends imposing upon us without a mandate from We the people of New Zealand.
Watch Video below.

Great questions by Sean… Luxon and Watts are lying to us about ‘the dangers to our trade’ should NZ pull out of the Paris Climate accord. The Truth is *there are no threats* by our trading partners that they will cease trade with us… if we fail to meet the completely arbitrary targets set by the pompous arses of the Paris accord! There are zero threats to our trade should we demand Luxon to pull us out of the accord completely!
That is just Hot air Bullshit designed to scare New Zealanders into accepting Luxons/ National parties decision to stay in the Idiot club of Paris! much to the pleasure of Claus Schab!
It’s all just hot air to make us submit to Nationals planned New Tyrannical and ridiculous New Climate laws and regulations they plan to impose…. that none of us citizens want… or believe will make any difference to the climate!

Remember NZ is so insignificant as to not have any impact on the global climate… Yet Luxon expects us to hobble our industry and oppress citizens rights… eg… carbon taxes on Petrol, Diesel, coal,…. *simply as a gesture*…. *simply as a Woke example*…. *simply as a sheepish genuflection to the Climate cult* …. while all the major economies of the world ignore Climate hysteria for the bullshit that it is!

Other important admissions from Watts is that the so-called ‘penalties’ for not reaching the targets… according to Watts … are nothing but hollow threats… won’t be paid for not reaching the targets… so are only there ‘for show’… again to use as justification for passing new restrictions that will hurt New Zealanders businesses, and our rights.

Also that despite that fact that the Paris accords ‘exempts food production’… Watts and Luxon *still intend to attack our dairy industry with Carbon regulations!*
That is what they have been tasked to achieve by the powers that be… behind closed doors.

These admissions are HUGE!

How sheepish are we here in New Zealand???
Luxon is taking us all for a ride and treating is like a flock of idiots…
He either takes us out of this corrupt accord or He’s toast next election.

It’s easy to surmise they are threatening/ sorry/ warning companies like Fonterra that Carbon taxes will be coming ‘to comply with the Paris accord and that they had better start cutting their Carbon *now*… and believe me this is having *major* impact on Fonterra’s Operations. costing Billions.
*This is Pure Political Extortion*… and National are doing it. And they will be coming for our Petrol cars… and they intend to allow *Banks* to pressure our industries too….
This is unprecedented extortion.
It is the greatest threat our Nation Faces Today.
The Political Climate cult seeking to destroy Free Western civilisation so that we embrace the great Reset.
Politicians like Luxon and Watts should be on trial for Treason against the Nation.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

The European Union and World Economic Forum are hell bent on pushing legislation to impose their policies and agenda on Social media (like X)

^ Watch Video above. These are the topics that get discussed at the WEF by Globalist politicians.
They routinely discuss passing tyrannical legislation to take control of the Internet so they can crush free speech.
This is what tyranny looks like. Having an agenda that requires forcing the people into compliance, censoring dissent, punishing wrong think.
All under the guise of ‘moral responsibility’ . That is the sheep’s cloth that hides the wolf.

This Bastards speech must be understood in context of Elon Musk Buying Twitter and Mark Zuckerburg ditching factcheckers and diversity hire at Facebook.

Elon Musk Saved America from Globalism by making X a free speech platform… Trump has been elected… and the Globalists are watching their stranglehold over the World wide web crumble before their eyes.

They are pissed about it and desperate to claw back control.

What really upsets the Globalist tyrants is that we all know exactly what they are doing!
Because of Mass communication on line and free speech.

We are all up to speed on their schemes and agendas… and we see them trying to implement their Machiavellianism *in real time* and are able to ‘broadcast’ what’s happening in our corner of the world to the greater Freedom loving community.

Tyranny is a small number of Freaks seeking to control the Billions. Free speech prevents them controlling the narratives.

Governments should never be allowed to act as if they are a separate interest group and above the people who elect them. Nobody is asking them to do any of that crap except foreign Globalist organisations…. certainly not the people they intend to dictate ‘truth’ to.

So it is up to the populations in every Free Nation to Rally and forbid their Governments from enacting laws that throttles free speech and open dialogue.

The woke agenda must not be allowed to suppress other opinions.

Climate change skepticism must not be allowed to be labeled ‘misinformation’.

Criticism of Mass Immigration must not be allowed to be deemed ‘Far right extremism’.

The Outrages of Transgender ideology must be exposed for the delusions, lies, and crimes against children that it propagates.

And Citizens should not be controlled via Tech systems, the surveillance State, Digital ID, Digital Currency/ social credit systems…

It does appear that America is back on the Road to becoming Great again… because all these issues are being pushed back.

This is a critical hour. Many of the Top Globalists have been toppled… yet there are always more waiting in the wings to take their spot.

The WEF must be declared to be A Global Criminal Organistation. One that is actively corrupting democracies around the globe. And that politicians and Deep State bureaucrats with WEF WHO UN connections must be deemed to be serving nefarious interests that are contrary to the true interests of their own citizens.

The people need to establish Anti-WEF Protest movements that target politicians who peddle WEF agendas and seek to corrupt our laws and institutions to serve Globalist interests.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Facebook Dumps Fact Checkers and Diversity hire. Why I say We Should Negotiate a Settlement With the Zuckster.

So… Facebook/ Meta’s Mark Zuckerburg Now claims to be a Libertarian… This prick helped rig the US 2020 election against Trump!

Bye bye my Facebook people. It’s time to go.

Gab, Mewe. Life on the Frontier. My Post-Facebook experience in Alternative Social Media sites.

Plan B: Preparing to Abandon Facebook, Google, and Youtube. Propaganda machines for Communist New World Order and the Great Reset.

Tim Wikiriwhi: My Submission to the Discussion Document for Safer Online Services and Media Platforms.


Bill of Rights for Internet Users: Donald Trump, Champion of Free Speech.

The Matrix : Facebook, and the end of free speech and democracy in New Zealand.


FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

Its time for the Freedom movement to liberate themselves from facebook… Get the party started over on Me We!


Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.


Facebook’s ‘Community Standards’ are a despicable fraud to cover their Political suppression of Criticism of the Leftist Globalist Agenda

Welcome to the Machine! I guess it wont be long before I am put in jail for breaking New Zealand ‘Hate speech’ legislation.

Guilty Plea by New Zealander who shared the Banned Live Facebook feed of the Christchurch attack is a victory for tyranny and a defeat for Liberty


Free Speech is in Peril. Powerful testimony by Lara Logan.

Facebooks collaboration with Liberal Tyranny. Shutting Down Dissent Against New Zealand PM’s New Gun Bans

Facebook AI does not follow their own Community Standards… but then who expects intelligence from a Stupid Robot?

I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence
World War 3 On The World Wide Web. The Crushing Of Free Speech in New Zealand.

The WEF. Klaus Schwab’s New Age Religious Cult.

The diabolical Claus Schwab Sells A Heavenly futuristic vision of Global Tyranny

From X.
Posted by ‘Resist CBDC’ @Resist_CBDC here

“The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.

“You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”

The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.

This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.

All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”

Click and watch…

My commentary….

There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…

And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?

WEF, Soros Determined to insure Donald Trump Does not win 2020 Election… and they achieved their objective.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

“There’ll be NO FOOD LEFT And It’ll Be WAR” – Farmers Expose WEF Agenda: Russell Brand.

UK PM Starmer does sharp U Turn on illegal immigration. Admits ‘Open Boarders experiment’

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.
As a matter of urgency….

Comments on New Zealand’s New National/Act/NZ First Coalition Government.

6 weeks after New Zealanders voted to oust the remnants of the Ardern regime, National Party Leader and New Prime minister Christopher Luxon announced to the NZ public the results of the coalition agreement between the three parties (National, Act, NZ First) whom have formed a majority government.
While most of New Zealand has been chomping at the bit in anxious anticipation to finally know what the outcome of their negotiations would be, I personally have been largely indifferent to it because I believe none of these parties truly deserve to be in parliament… none of them… they did not get my vote… so I have little expectations. It will be far harder for them to disappoint me than to impress.

Anyone who has followed my commentary on NZ politics over the last 6 years of Ardern, the Christchurch terrorist attack, the Covid 19 Scamdemic will know I’ve expressed open contempt not only for Ardern’s Woke tyranny, but also for these so-called opposition parties and their Leaders for failing to protest Ardern’s radical Globalist socialist machinations, and instead often collaborating with her in trampling our rights under foot.

When it comes to rights and liberties, to date these guys have proven to be piss weak, nonetheless I do expect this center right coalition to be an improvement on Ardern.
That’s not saying much as it would be near impossible *for anyone* to be as arrogant, and devious and incompetent as that walking catastrophe Jacinda Ardern.
For me however… despite any improvements that eventuate from this new government… they will never salve the bitter sense of injustice I harbour and the disgust I carry for the way these politicians operated over the past 6 years.
Useless Inert nothings!
For the past 6 years New Zealand functioned like a one party State!
Ardern ran amok while they bumbled about,
I did my best to deride them for their failure to defend Kiwis from her madness and treason.

Thankfully The Communists have been sacked!

Despite my disdain for these failed opposition parties… these Political Weasels, my arguments were never in favor of maintaining the Status Quo!
Far be it!
I wanted Labour gone with as much urgency as any other freedom advocate.
I never inferred a National led coalition would not be an improvement on the horrors of the woke radical Ardern regime.
My arguments were always founded upon *holding all these people to account* for their complicity with what happened during the Ardern Regime.
For that reason I say they are unworthy of being in parliament.
I hold them guilty of massive life destroying rights violations that occurred during this epoch of tyranny.
That is something that must not be forgotten… yet so many people wish to do exactly that.
Zero accountability for their crimes… nor has there been any contrition on their part.
I won’t forget this.

I’m still smarting from watching the support of the Freedom movement evaporate in the final months leading up to the election!
I have blogged about this elsewhere.

How will this new government performs and measure up to the expectations of those who voted for them?
Whatever happens, it will be impossible to speak of what might have been if the so-called supporters of the Freedom and equality movement had held the line and actually voted in the true and heroic advocates for New Zealand’s values!
It is impossible to compare what is about to unfold, with that which must forever remain speculation.

Only the small percentage of *Real Freedom advocates* who held the line are capable of maintaining the vision of what could have been.
They are my people.

For better or worse we now have a new government.
Will they deliver?

Over the years as a Blogger and commentator I have always endeavored to remain objective… Being quick to condemn when politicians do evil, yet also equally quick to commend when they do something righteous… irrespective of who they are or which party they belong to.
In keeping with this, though I am no fan of any of these politicians I am happy to say the new coalition agreement and first batch of policy directions promises to reverse some of the Far Left radicalism that was imposed under Ardern.
This is a positive sign.
They are off to a good start.
They appear to be putting their personal differences aside.
That is something interesting and commendable in itself.

Here is a NewsHub Article… Election 2023 coalition agreement: Christopher Luxon, David Seymour, Winston Peters reveal Government policy, ministers

Sad sack Authoritarian, Ousted Radical Left PM Chris Hipkins comments the National/ACT/NZ First Coalition “…will ultimately take New Zealand backwards,”… He’s right… yet what does that actually mean?
Be of good cheer!
It means undoing the subversive anti-Western radical socialism Hipkins and Ardern inflicted upon our country by every devious means they could conceive!

Arderns Woke Globalist tyranny was imposed largely without any mandate from the people.
Ardern imposed her extremist bents trampling underfoot the long held Christian values upon which our free and tolerant society has been founded, and by which New Zealand became the envy of the world.
Satanic Comrade Ardern did her best to destroy this… hiding her evil doings with ‘hugs’ and declarations of being ‘kind’, all the while she worked in the shadows setting up a heavily apartheid state that sort to make the majority of New Zealanders second class subjects, and making it illegal for them to publicly express their opinions that were contrary to her Satanic and insane woke radical agenda.
No government in our history trampled underfoot our Safeguards against corrupt legislation as her government did passing unpopular and so many oppressive laws under urgency in the dark of night… all the while keeping our compromised media in her back pocket.

Our press Absolutely failed to expose her underhanded schemes or warn the people of what she had planned to come down the pipe.

New Zealanders eventually awoke from their bewitchment and Ardern worship… almost too late… so devastating was her radical totalitarianism to the heart, soul, and economy of our nation.
She knew the people held her in contempt, and that is why she (metaphorically) jumped in a helicopter and fled the country… like a deposed African Dictator… Like a defecting traitor!

Did Nat/Act/NZ1 really ‘win’ the election or rather did they gain power simply because Labour crashed and burned?
Labour became so detested New Zealanders were desperate to see them deposed!

So while Chris Hipkin’s crys about Nat/Act/NZ1 taking New Zealand ‘backwards’… most of the country will be clapping and cheering with relief!
For the life of me a cannot think of a single reform or anything that happened under Ardern’s leadership that deserves to be retained for posterity.
‘Going backwards’ 6 years is absolutely essential to restore a New Zealand to that was Freer, more prosperous, less oppressive, less divisive, less indebted.
A reversal in this sense reflects a return to a government more respectful of New Zealanders true traditional values and Ideals.

On a final note before I post comments lifted from a Twitter post that details the New Coalition plan, I must swallow my election disappointments for the Freedom movement and come to terms within myself about the new government.
For the sake of our country I have determined to continue with my already well established modus opperandi.
Henceforth I shall encourage the coalition to be bold and be willing to withstand all the Guile and slanders that the Woke left will heap upon them for every reform they seek to implement.
I will uphold them when they seek to do good, yet still and I will revile them when they falter.
I sincerely hope to encourage more than disparage.

Read Damien Grant’s Stuff article… The new Government has a once in a generation opportunity to lower taxes

Being an objective commentator wins few friends.
The nauseating sycophantic cultist ‘Winston worship’ has already started, and in fickle times any positive commentary wins approval from the shallow swimmers, yet should you dare to point out any flaws in their Idols you are guaranteed to face slander and contempt.
Such is life for the honest and principled.

It will be interesting to see whether or not the remnants of real Freedom movement, and the many great New Zealanders spread among the small new parties who were betrayed and deserted in the final hours leading up to the election whether or not they can use the next 3 years to unite and rebuild their strength, to come back with avengeance.
I myself hope that becomes a reality, and am willing to participate in that… so people please post this article to the various Freedom parties and encourage their leadership to contact me so that I can participate in that unification process.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

What follows is a post I copied and pasted from Twitter (X) that lists the Coalition agreement and initial aims of the New National Led Government.
I must say there is much to be hopeful about… for example they plan to abolish The Maori Health Authority.
Hopefully that is just the beginning of the deconstruction of Apartheid in New Zealand.

Still there is much that remains dubious… for example to what degree will the promise to expand the Covid 19 inquiry actually bring accountability to government actors who violated New Zealanders rights?
To what degree will tyrannical pandemic legislations be be abolished to prevent the same evils happening again?
To what degree will constitutional reforms be enacted to prevent abuses of power and the subversion of our legislative due processes so that the ‘Urgency’ cannot be weaponised to impose anti-democratic radical Social engineering policies that are contrary to the principles of Liberty and equality before the Law?
Forgive me from being skeptical about how committed this new government will be to fixing these problems given National Act and NZ First have been completely spineless on all these counts up till now?

Let’s see how things pan out….
God defend New Zealand.


The Consultant
New Zealand 🇳🇿

NZs new government will be in place next Monday , coalition deal signed

Real change is here

Chris Luxon is the PM & Minister of National security & Intelligence

Winston Peters/ David Seymour to share deputy PM. Winston Peters to undertake first rotation

Winston Peters – Foreign Minister

David Seymour Minister of regulation

Nicola Willis – Finance Minister

Judith Collins Attorney General & Minister for space

Gerry Brownlee – Speaker of the House

Chris Bishop – Leader of the house

Dr Shane Reti is Minister of Health

Paul Goldsmith Minister of Justice & Arts

Erica Standford Minister of Education

Matt Doocey Minister of Mental health

Minister of Police, Corrections, Emergency management

Act Ministers get Courts, Children, Internal Affairs

NZF Ministers get regional matters, Customs, Foreign Affairs

Maori Health Authority will be de-established

Covid inquiry is planned with expanded scope

All reference to co governance to be removed from government documents

3 strikes is back

Mini budget to be delivered before Christmas

Firearm act to be written

Tax cuts from July 2024

Rural sector to be treated with respect

20 ministers in cabinet – 14 from National, 3 from Act, 3 from NZF


More from Tim…