Category Archives: Death of America

Protect and Serve.

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Please watch this video below….

When The Government write Bad Laws….. When Police ranks are peopled with Violent Thugs…. the wheels fall off Civil society and terror and chaos reign.
Why have faith in society when this sort of Evil is endemic to the system?
Why not join a violent gang… they are right… society is no better!

And guess what Sheeple…. you are just as guilty as these thugs because you have created this system…. yo have voted for it… you have done nothing said nothing against these outrages.
In fact most of you have said the Breakdown in Social order require even *heavier* response!
Every time you vote for politicians who campaign on ‘Zero tolerance’…. calling for greater police powers and the curtailing of individual rights and Just due process… you get blood on your hands.

The second amendment of the American constitution in particular was expressly written so that citizens can defend themselves from this sort of wicked State powers…. and of course the Socialists around the globe are working to disarm their populations and render citizens defenceless against their Brutal Government apperarti.

The current politically correct flow of western civilisation is in free fall towards Chaos and tyranny.
*Only the Libertarians* are working to stop this rot…. yet the Mainstream Media suppress this honourable movement and keep the sheeple in the dark.
We Libertarians are not anarchists.
We believe there is a legitimate roll for the Government and police… yet we must be Eternally Vigilant… and always ready to rise up when they overstep their just bounds and become the enemies of the people they are employed to serve.
I myself have plenty to say about how we can reform this culture of brutality and tyranny within the Police and re-establish them as the truly honourable profession the ought to be.
Will we get this chance?
Probably not.


It’s scary to realise that the way things are going voices like mine could be criminalised and silenced.
The powers that be are trying to gain control over the internet and pass laws which restrict free speech.
They will ‘make examples’ of some of us to instil terror against protest and dissent.

The Nazi Dictum…. “Ping a few, and the rest will fall into line…”
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read more from me on these topics….

Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

Virtual President for President! The Ugly Truth about Gun Control.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Crocodile Tears.

commy arseholes

^^^This Meme is bullshit!!!
This is the whiny Drivel of Parasites whom feed off the blood of their Neighbours in the private sector.
The reality is that those whom seek to Stop raising the debt ‘ceiling’and put an end to the Big spending over-government which created the crisis… is not merely ‘playing politics’ but a matter of either facing reality or putting off facing the music and making the eventual catastrophe that much greater…. that much harder to recover from!


Yet those whom profit from the tyranny of the Status quo are only concerned about maintaining the flow of filthy lucre into their bank accounts.
Those who live by suckling at the teets of a bloated government need to appreciate that the Day of reckoning is fast approaching and a revolution unto the Death!
A revolution between Liberty and tyranny…. and if Tyranny wins…. God Forbid!


State Tit suckers be warned!
Stop working for the Beast! 666
Get Real Jobs *Now*!
For the sake of your immortal souls…. and your Children.
Alas…. most of you will simply receive the Mark of the Beast…. Worship his image…. and Beg for greater Brutality!
And unfortunately …. because the financial collapse will be massive… many Good people in the private sector will also loose their Jobs and businesses, etc.
We all should be Prepping!
Read about the approaching Fiscal cliff here >>>> Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

Syrian Shit Sandwiches: Allied to Bin Stalin.

In League with Lucifer….
Is my Enemies Enemy …my friend?
In war… do expedients trump Ideals?

The Syrian mess.
The Rebels have a just cause against the Tyrant, yet does victory for their cause justify their allying themselves with Al Qaeda?
How does this effect the righteousness of their cause?
Some would say…. Such a pact with Satan negates their whole enterprise…. yet I was thinking about this today… and curiously my mind turned to WW2 and Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s pact with Stalin …. for the sake of defeating Hitler.


Hitler was defeated… yet does this justify Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s getting into bed with such a monster????

We all know that after the War Stalin became the greatest threat to Western civilisation and that the ‘Cold war’… and other communists conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, etc gained support from the USSR…. yet I would be interested in hearing opinions from those who oppose supporting the Syrian rebels because they are allied to Al Qeada…. yet condone the Pact between the Allies and the USSR in WW2.
What would have happened had Stalin been left unsupported and Hitler had been allowed to Conquer the USSR…. simply because Churchill and Roosevelt had refused to ‘ally’ with Stalin?????

Should not the Rebels accept help from Al Qeada to defeat Bashar al-Assad… and after that… take on Al Qaeda…. just as we did with the USSR *after* WW2?

Do you appreciate the dilemma I am presenting to ye who castigate the Syrian rebels on the basis that they have accepted aid from Al Qaeda?

I would be interested to hear what ye Arm Chair Field Marshals, Sages, and Peaceniks have to say on such matters.

If you condone the pact made with Stalin… for the expedience of defeating Hitler…. should you not also sympathise with the Syrian Rebels allying themselves with Al Qaeda?

How do you think Churchill felt having to rub shoulders with such a vile degenerate as Stalin???

Satan Laughing spreads his wings….

Dutch King Kills the Welfare State…

The Following is From The Libertarian Republic

end the welfare state

Dutch King Willem-Alexander did his best to garner support for the country’s new austerity measures yesterday in a speech that proclaimed the end of the Welfare State and welcomed the beginning of a “participation society.” Speaking in defense of spending cuts that have been sharply criticized, the monarch said the second half of the twentieth century had brought about arrangements in social security and long-term care that are “unsustainable in their current form.” In the participation society, people would be responsible for their own futures, and would have to plan for financial and medical needs on their own with less help from government. – See more at:

The budget revealed yesterday by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte contains cuts to their military, axing 2,300 military employees in addition to the 12,000 the country had already committed to eliminate between 2011 and 2015. The new budget comes after several years of unpopular spending cuts, as the Dutch try to gain control of unsustainable entitlement programs and bring their deficit for the upcoming year under the EU’s permitted 3% of GDP.

The European Union’s Stability and Growth Pact which took effect in 1999 seeks to limit member nation’s deficits and debts. It sets a 3% of GDP deficit cap which the Dutch are currently projected to go over by 0.3%. The moves towards austerity by European nations are not due to populace demands but rather an increasingly grim and sobering financial outlook. Despite resistance, King Willem-Alexander’s speech marks an important shift in European politics. The progressive, post-World War II welfare state has failed and its continuation is not financially possible.

– See more at:

The Truth!
Can you take it from a Fortunate son?
The lefties will call for the Kings head.
Demonstrations may follow.
Rioters may Kill, burn and loot…. yet nothing can eradicate the fact that Socialism is a Lie and a delusion.
It is not only completely Unsustainable… it is completely tyrannical.
It does not alleviate suffering!
It generates poverty and dependence!
Most socialists *Don’t want to know!* …. yet deep down they do know!
They know they are guilty of Cannibalism… they secretly enjoy it …. out of pure envy and malice.
They hide their vile approbation of looting and extortion under the guise of ‘Humanitarianism’, ‘Utility’,’Democracy’,….
They refuse to admit that Socialist Democracy…. ‘Pure’ Democracy….Unchecked/ Unlimited Democracy has destroyed Western civilisation… and yet the destroyers will sucker many by saying that the blame is not due to their Tyranny… but to their lenience!
They continue to delude the sheeple by insisting instead that their Legislative Micro-management and regimentation of our lives has not been thorough enough!

Yet as the Rot sets in the harder the Lie is to maintain…
The King speaks the truth when he says that Socialist Paternalism is untenable, and that Individuals must shoulder their own responsibilities….yet the Idea that we must take care of our own Health, education, Retirement, etc is simply too frightening for many institutionalised and dependent Plebs to bear!

Many will hate him for it!
They will cry “Regicide!”
“Lets Build a scaffold… a guillotine…. and rid ourselves of the Monarchy”…. wilfully pretending that ‘Democracy’ is synonymous with justice…. yet this is a great lie!

All forms of Government have their strengths and their weaknesses.
All suffer from the ‘Human Condition’ making them susceptible to corruption… so why Give any government Absolute power?
Best to strictly limit political power and leave Individuals free to take care of themselves and to pursue their own happiness.
Socialism has failed on every level, and Western civilisation teeters an the edge of economic catastrophe… and this King…. has in fact proven what are some of the virtues of Monarchy…. of being an unelected ruler and having a birthright which makes his self interest and the interests of his nation/ Dominion synonymous… The Fact that it is both his duty to care for his Subjects, and that he can speak an unpopular truth without having to face an election… ie his Seat of power is not so immediately dependent upon appeasing the Whims of the Mob… as is the chief problem of the demagogue.
A king still requires the support of his subjects, yet it is Easier to vote out an unpopular Demagogue, than to legally dethrone a King.

Back in the late 1700s, the American Founding Fathers discussing these questions of ‘What constitutes the proper role of Government?’…. John Adams said to Thomas Jefferson … “You Fear the Few, whereas I fear the Many…”

Both were right.

Whether Monarchy, Oligarchy, or Democracy… “He who governs Best… Governs Least.”
Thomas Jefferson…

These are Issues facing all Western Nations…. All Nations.
New Zealand included.
We are currently going through the pretences of ‘a Constitutional review’ and yet it is a Charade!
So few of the Real issues are being discussed…. because the Status quo seeks to maintain and even strengthen the status quo!
There is no desire for any True reform….. no question of the surrendering of any government powers or spheres of Intervention, regulation, Taxation…etc.
It is a parade….. an act…. a formality…. for the sake of The Morons…. It’s the ruse of setting up ‘commissions’ etc so that the the powers that be can claim “due process was followed”… the fools can be duped into believing they ‘witnessed’ Justice being done…. even though the conclusions were all forgone… and not one ounce of political power revoked.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The Big Con. Lew Rockwell


Click>>>> Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Click>>>>> Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Crank it up….

Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Think seriously about this people..
By what right does the government demand to you declare every cent you earn?
Think about how arrogant and oppressive such a demand is!
Tell me please that under such demands that you/we are not *being treated like Cattle…like slaves* of the State!
Are you are so stupid….so conditioned as to think you are free, and that the Status quo is as good as a society as is possible?!!!
You are Slaves indeed!
What a joke it is that you consider State control of Education to be beneficial to society!

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Read about an alternative… Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Money Week: The Great Socialist Catastrophe. You will not see a penny of your pensions.


Get Prepping for the Mega Collapse Peeps!

Update: 18-5-13.
Here: is a link to a short ‘The NZ Initiative’ article on the Bill English’s 2013 Budget which mentions New Zealand’s own ‘Fiscal Timebomb’ which brings home the realities of what NewsWeek is saying about the British Socialist Collapse.

Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for! Read about that Here: