Category Archives: Easy Listening

The Music’s over for Doors Founder Ray Manzarek.


Ray Manzarek, 74, Keyboardist and a Founder of the Doors, Is Dead

me terry tom
Before I became a Christian… in the late 80’s I believed in the Doors!
I used to roll… 100mph… in my Doorsmobile…a white Valiant Ranger 245 Hemi… with a Doors Badge in the Grill which had I cut out of 16mm thick Aluminum plate and painted Red.
I never Got tired of getting high and listening to the Doors, or Pink Floyd!
Ray Manzarek’s Keyboard put the ‘trippy-ness’ into the Doors sound.
He was one of the very best…ever!

The Door’s (of Perception) music is a Religion… Hedonistic, Mystical, Nihilism,… all mixed together… ‘Break on through to the other side!, ‘The Crystal ship’…
A word of warning to you young-uns….
You gotta be real careful who you Idolise!
Worshipping people like Jim Morison can put you in an Early Grave!
Dead is a Bath by 28.

I guess we young guys easily fall for that sort of thing to fill the black void… that mystery and enptiness which consumes the lost soul… wandering wandering in hopeless Night.
Out here on the perimeter there are no Stars.
Out here We is Stoned Immaculate.

I really hope Ray found out Life and reality are so much more that that…
It’s quite staggering to realise that millions of souls dont find any deeper meaning or value…

Yet again I question thus… Were the Drugs and Doors music really that bad for me… as all the Condescending wonkers like to assume?
I sometimes think that these things actually helped me in my quest for truth and that they were an essential part of my ‘mind expanding enlightenment’ which eventually led me out of atheism and into Faith in Christ.
Smoking a lot of Pot and listening to music like the Doors also meant I spent a lot of time meditating on the meaning of Life… They made me wonder if there was something more to life than mere materialism?
And Drugs and the Doors also (ironically) kept depression and suicidal thoughts to a minimum as being a lost soul is truly a frightening thing… and so the fact that the Drugs and the Doors gave me relief and stimulated Contemplation about reality makes me think they actually played a roll in saving my life and helped steer me towards belief in the Spirituality of existence… they got me started on my pilgrimage. 🙂
I Owe a debt of gratitude to Ray, Jimmy, John, and Robbie for that.
Along with other Great Muso’s, Their Art enriched my life.

I think this ‘apparant contradiction’ is very valid… It all depend’s on the Individual’s desire to know the truth rather than hide from it.

‘The End’
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes…again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need…of some…stranger’s hand
In a…desperate land
Lost in a Roman…wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There’s danger on the edge of town
Ride the King’s highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake…he’s old, and his skin is cold…

Alonzo T Jones. Classic defence of Religious Liberty. National Sunday Law.

Alonzo T Jones.

It has always been the fate of minority faiths to defend their right to religious liberty from oppresion from Popular Orthodoxy and encroaching Legalistic mobocracy.
American Seventh Day adventist Alonzo T Jones delivered a classic defence of religious liberty in opposition to the establishment of a National Sunday Law in 1889.

“In 1889, A.T. Jones spoke before a United States Congressional subcommittee; the topic of discussion was the “Breckinridge Bill” which proposed the compulsion of Sunday observance in the Washington, D.C. environs. Jones’s testimony helped to defeat this bill, and Jones became known for his abilities in defense of and knowledge regarding freedom of religion. In 1892, he was again called to speak before the U.S. Congress regarding the Sunday closure of the Chicago World’s Fair, known as “The Columbia Exposition”.
Read about him Here:

Part 2.

Part 3.

Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

suffer the children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.

“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 19vs14 KJV.

This blog post is a tribute to the little one’s and their families whom have done battle against Fatal diseases, and a Christian Libertarian call to Humanity to voluntarily contribute charitable funds to finding cures.

Read about ‘The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!’

Katherine the brave

Katherine is gone. Please pray for her family and friends. I can barely see what I am typing through my tears. Fly free, baby girl. We love you so much.
From here > Katherine The Brave

Safe with Jesus.

miricle ryker

At exactly 9:40am EST our sweet little Ryker earned his Angel Wings & left this earth to be in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. We don’t know how we will possibly make it through the night tonight without our little Miracle, let alone a lifetime! We love you Ryker, with all our whole hearts & we’ll miss you more than words could ever possibly describe!!!

Rykers Facebook page Here:

little london rip

London is a beautiful 15 month old baby girl who was diagnosed in March with a malignant brain tumor. She has been in a hospital bed for almost 7 months courageously fighting for her life. Update: We lost our beautiful London Love on 10/23/12.

Love for London Facebook page here:

cash Hyde foundation

General Information
“Cash Michael Hyde”
AKA “Cashy”

Cashy Michael Hyde was born to Kalli & Mike Hyde on June-21-2008. His big brother is Colten Hyde and our family lives in Missoula, MT.
When Cashy was 20 months old Radiologist’s at Community Medical Center in Missoula, MT. Discovered a 4.5 cm. Stage 4 Brain Tumor in Cashy. He was …transported on Life Flight to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT. Cashy was placed on the 2nd floor NTU intensive care unit.
Cashy went into emergency open brain surgery the following day to try and remove the tumor. The surgeon’s only removed 10% of the tumor for biopsy because it had grown around his optic nerves. After the surgery Cashy lost his eyesight from the pressure of the tumor on his optic nerves.
Oncologist’s diagnosed Cashy with a Malignant and Aggressive Cancer classified as a PNET Brain Tumor. PNET’s are part of the Blue Cell Cancer group that our aggressive and have a high fatality rate. The Oncologist recommended that Cashy receive 3cycles of Chemotherapy followed by 3 cycles of High Dose Chemotherapy with Stem Cell Rescue. This protocol is aggressive and will take 6 to 8 months to complete.
We were told that we needed to do the treatment at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT and that Cashy would have to stay in the hospital for weeks at a time. We returned home to Missoula for 6 days to pack are basic belongings and prepare ourselves for the Battle of a Lifetime!
If cancer has ever touched your life or the life of someone you know, I don’t have to tell you how devastating it is. There are no words to describe watching cancer and chemotherapy take effect on someone you love.

From the day Cashy’s tumor was discovered he has marveled the medical profession and defied odds countless times. Cashy is considered a Miracle to thousands of people around the world and many Doctors and Nurses at Primary Children’s Hospital. Along the way Cashy regained his vision, survived seizures, blood infections, septic shock, 4 code blues, stroke, pulmonary hemorrhaging and 45 days on life support in a sedated coma. Earning him the name “BOY OF STEEL’
Cashy died 14-11-12.

snoop dog Cash hyde foundation
Snoop Dog putting on a Cash Hyde Foundation wrist band.

.Fighting Pediatric Cancer!!
The Cash Hyde Foundation’s mission is to fight cancer with smiles, prayers, positive energy and provide information and financial support for children with cancer and their families.

What We Do
• Make custom Reggae Runners, and donate them to patients at Children’s Hospitals.
• Raise money to purchase a trailer for famalies to use at Primary Childrens Hospital.
• Purchase DVD’S, I-Tunes, and CD’S and donate them to patients at Children’s Hospitals.
• Help families in need organize fundraisers so they can concentrate on fighting cancer.
• Collect donations and organize fundraiser’s to financially assist the foundation with its projects and financial support for children with cancer and their families.
• Maintaine a open forum and blog on the foundations website for donors to stay informed and communicate.
• Create childhood cancer awareness in our communities and financial support for children with cancer and their families.

Company Overview
The fact is, in one way or another, cancer may affect us all. That’s why it is up to all of us to play a part in fighting cancer during our lifetime. Cashy’s journey has given us all the opportunity to unite, with the same common goal, help children fighting cancer.
The Cash Hyde Foundation’s mission is to fight cancer with smiles, prayers, positive energy and provide information and financial support for children with cancer and their families.

Meme from Cashy’s Facebook page.
What is most important about this Meme is that it represents the Parent’s rights and responsibility to explore alternative treatments for their Children rather than simply trusting ‘orthodox’ quackery… trusting ‘State health systems or regulated/ FDA approved corporate medicine.

Cash Hyde foundation facebook page Here:

Cash Hyde Blog ….

And with Christ we have reason for hope… Everythings not lost!

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
St Paul 1 Thes 4vs 13-18.



The Boy Mountain. Scott’s towering example.

Deven Leonis and Best Pal Jakob Antone Santos

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

This beautiful little boy died on Friday (15-6-12)
He was 3 years old.

‘Brave Boy’ Chace Topperwien.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Copy of 430328_537384029645965_1287147278_n

Are you suggesting this is justification to cry out “Death to Muslims”?
How do you differentiate yourself from the hater and the fanatic?
We must walk a higher path.

It is a fundamental principle that when seeking to over throw an evil, you must never assimilate the evil yourself.
That is to fall from the position of righteousness and to become a hypocrite.
Furthermore is your own faith defined by the Religious Zealots whom claim to represent Christianity?
Is your faith even defined by what the so-called majority of Christians claim to believe?
Mine is certainly not!
Thus why would you assume these Muslim fanatics truly represent the Muslim faith?
Is that not Duplicity on your part?


The Higher road may seem to most much too difficult…. an absurdity to even attempt, yet does the fact that it is difficult make it the wrong way to go?
Because the Low road of reciprocal Hatred appears much ‘easier’… much more satisfying, and direct… does this make it acceptible for the Christian to travel?
Are you allowing these haters to sow hate directly into your own heart?
Don’t you have control of your own feelings?

“Vengence is mine saith the Lord, I will repay thee”

I don’t find any place in Pauls’ writings where we are called to Hate the lost.
(I must confess to my own shortcoming in this area too)
Let us not render evil for evil but overcome evil with Good.

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you. Live peacefully with all Men.”
St Paul.

Boston Marathon. The Horror of Religious Violence and War.

I add that even if it is not possible to live peacefully with some people because they are hell bent on your enslavement and destruction, yet still, though we must defend ourselves, we must not become like them, and take the first opportunity for peace.

To allow the Terrorists to sow Religious hatred and intolerance in our hearts, or to make us so fearful as to accept a more tyrannical Police State in the name of ‘Security’… is to retreat in the battle of Good over Evil.
It is to loose faith.
Satan Laughing Spreads His Wings.

I bow my head in sorrow for the Lives lost and pray for the injured and Maimed in Boston.
I also pray for God to raise up Brave Preachers to preach grace to the lost, and to put his protecting hands upon those enlightened Muslims whom seek an end to Religious fanaticism and who work for peace.

WithTom, Terry, Barry, Pete… Stone Free in the 80s.



Avondale. West Auckland.
Back in the day when a three finger Bag cost only 30 bucks!
W.O.Fs $10.
The Cheapest, crappyest Record player with exrta speakers spliced in… scratchy Lps.
10 young Idiots sitting around in a room with a painted light bulb.
Drinking cheap and nasty piss until…
God bless you Mrs Wellington for giving us a place to exist.

terry tom

me terry tom

terry w me and tom 003
Early 90’s Still Swinging!

Fakery and futility

If you live in New Zealand and you click the Play button on the top video, expect to see the following message.

This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

If you click the Play button on the bottom video, you should see identical content published by EMI.

Go figure.

Intellectual property is fake property, and enforcement of copyright is futile in the digital age.

If you want more than asseveration, I have actual arguments for my view that IP is a crock here and here. And here’s a good one from Stephan Kinsella.

“copying” is merely a subset of learning, emulation, competition. None of us can oppose “learning” as a general matter. So I have yet to hear an argument that some forms of learning are okay but not others.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Jakob Antone Santos with his Pal Deven

Jakob Antone Santos at the Bedside of his Best Little Buddy Deven Leonis.

jacob with deven Leonis

Deven Leonis and Jakob Antone Santos many years ago when Dev was fighting PLE. Jake has always been there for Deven, no matter how hard it has been to see what he was going through. Even at 17 years old, Jake has been Devs best friend!

March 23 Deven’s Mom posted to facebook “At 8:36 am, my angel gained his wings…..”
He was 15.

Since that terrible day Deven’s Family and friends have been doing their best to cope.
Deven’s Mom keeps posting to face book, expressions of grief, the things which go through the mind of Moms whom loose their precious children.
She shares her pain with the world, in the hope that it will stimulate us into action… into supporting the fight against Cancer and other diseases which steel away the lives of the young and innocent.

And it is because I am a person whom cares about humanity that I join up to such Face book pages like Devens which reveal the struggles of Families facing these types of horror.

We who care join up in the belief that in some tiny way we can bring some comfort… to show that the world is not completely indifferent to their plight.
That many people do care.

It is so difficult to know how to help her (and all the other Moms, Dad’s, Brothers, Sisters, etc whom experience such loss) esp as a complete stranger, Yet I do what I can.
The one thing I have is the Gospel Hope which is in Christ.
It is so precious to me, and it is my hearts desire that other people, esp those buckling under the weight of despair, realise the hope which is in Christ is something real and important to hold on to in such dark times.

9 April Deven’s Mom writes… “I cannot forget that image. Watching him take his last breathe. Keeping my hand on his chest while his heart continued to beat for another 3 minutes!!! His hear was supposed to be his weakness, but it was so strong!!! It wanted to keep going! Seeing his Daddy carry his lifeless body to the stretcher just about killed me!! I know we shouldn’t have let him do that, but he did. It was horrible!! Watching my baby get taken away in a van. Knowing he was sitting down the street for over a week waiting for them to burn his body! Waiting to put my baby’s ashes 3 feet into the groung while his baby brother couldn’t let him go!

I am so haunted! No matter how many pictures I look at or videos I watch, all I see is that last week. Then I go back through pictures since January, and I can see that he was changing. I didn’t see it as it happened, but now I do! I wish we would have know. I wish I wasn’t in denial. I wish I would have taken more videos. I wish we would have had more time! I WISH I HAD MY BABY BACK!!!! I WISH HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN BETTER INSTEAD OF BEING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Such Anguish!

My Reply…
“You did everything you could for Him… and he knows that. You fulfilled your Duty! You Loved/Love him… and Death is more sad for those left behind, because there is a most wonderful surprise awaiting those whom pass over in faith in Christ. One day you will experience that surprise and Deven will be a part of it! Your sadness will be instantly transformed into an overwhelming Joy! That is the hope which is in Christ and the power of his Resurrection.”

I also posted Cold Play’s ‘Fix You’

Why have I written this Blog post and shared Deven’s story today?
Many Reasons!
One is as a Tribute and Memorial to Deven and his Family.
Another is to help Deven’s Mom get the message ‘out there’ to rally caring people into contributing whatever they can to finding a cure for Cancer, and other evils.
And yet another… just as important reason… to serve as an example to other Mom’s/ families whom suffer the loss of a Child, that though they grieve, that they must appreciate the fact that they did everything possible to save their children, and that they should take comfort in the fact that their Children Know this… they Know they are loved.
And finally I share this Facebook interaction in the hope that others going through such darkness can see the Light and hope which Christ offers to those whom reach out to him in Faith.

I hope it dawns on Mom’s and Dads with terminally ill Children what a wonderful story of Hope the Christian gospel is, and that if they share it with their little loved one, that it could instill a beautiful restful faith to hold onto as they approach the door.
Trusting in Christ These little children can rest assured that death is not the end, that they will be going to a wonderful place… that God loves them…and that one day soon they will be reunited with their Mommy and Daddy.

I hope it dawns on those whom have no faith, what a wonderful thing Christianity really offers and that Unbelief is absolutely dark and empty by comparison.
If Jesus really did rise from the Dead it is the greatest… most important truth…. Ever!
And that It really happened is evidenced by the conversion of St Paul and the Fact that the Resurection of Jesus Christ Changed world History.
Early editions of Pears Cyclopedia admitted that Jesus Christ is the Greatest Figure of Human History! (for some unknown reason they cut that out of latter editions… we can speculate that it was cut out because it annoyed atheists)

The Bible story is very amazing in another very special way.
It clearly teaches that God is not indifferent to the trials and tribulations of us Terrestrial beings. It teaches us that God experienced the loss of his own child… by that terrible Evil… murder… and so he is well aware of how it feels.
The super amazing thing about the story of the Son of God is that though God allowed him to be unjustly killed by evil men, he had a secret plan which would turn this apparent tragedy into the most wonderful hope for all mankind!
The testimony of the Resurrection of Christ and the declaration of God’s Love for us, and his plan of Salvation to save us not only from our sins… but from Death itself!

I don’t expect those in the immediate pangs of grief to always be in a frame of mind to consider these things, yet It is my hope to communicate these truths to them ASAP, so that they might find hope and comfort… and not be destroyed by bitterness and Hatred towards God… whom loves them and sent Christ that we might have hope.

I intend to use this Blog post as a means to communicate the gospel to those in need.
And I will update it, and add to it, as a memorial for others.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Team Deven’s facebook page Here:


little Miette
Little Miette passed over March 27 2013

From her facebook page…
“Miette survived her DIPG for 1 year, 8 months, 3 days…..

She lived for:
2715 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes and 0 seconds
7 years, 5 months, 7 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes

So on a day just as the most beautiful sunrise was happening, Miette grew her wings. She stayed with us in the house for another 3hrs. More time to lay with her and spend precious time that slipped away. Some of the girls coloured her hair the colours of a rainbow. Xander got to say his final farewell and described to me a bit later while played the wii, how the spiderman in the game was the tumou…r and he wrecked Miettes brain.(a building spiderman crashed)
Glen and Natalie are laughing one minute,and a ball of tears the next. They need us all now more than ever.
The funeral people came and Glen carried Miette down stairs. It looked like she was just being carried after falling asleep. Onto the streacher where we all kissed her goodbye & cried & cried & cried.

Then she was wheeled to the car, more goodbyes, then driven away.
Lots of hugs and more crying.
A little while later flowers started to arrive. Tara brought balloons and a poster from the school. The (eye) donor lady showed up with papers to be signed.
The ripple effect will go far and wide. My 2 younger boys(Miettes cousins) will be home from school soon. More hugs and tears. AS many other families come to grips with this as well.
It weighs heavy on Natalies’ heart that their story has made everyone so very sad. But people have been touched and chosen to follow, comment, share or like status’ about the journey they are on. If they didn’t want to, they wouldn’t be here.
Natalie needs people to talk with and will retreat when she needs too. Glen is doing okay, but locks himself away if it gets to much. Those waves of emotions are going to be so erratic. There will be lots of dumper waves coming their way but with the love of everyone they will get back up, even if it’s just to take a quick breath.
Family ♥ Friends ♥ Aquaintances ♥ Strangers ♥

Miette’s Journey… Face Book Here


“Waylin Grace was a 2 and a half year old little boy who fought Stage IV High-Risk Neuroblastoma. He fought for 6 months and gained his wing 02/01/13.”


Waylin’s Facebook page Here:



ryder 2
Ryder. Not quite Two years old Here.

Ryders kites one month on
Ryders Kites.


So I wanted to share a funny story about our little hero. For a long time m&m’s commercial featured the “I’m sexy and I know it” song. Ryder apparently thought this was his theme song for a while. Lol. It got to a point when I could just l…ook at him and smile and whisper “do it”! He would smile and shake his little booty and sing “iiiiii’mmm sexy and i know it” really fast and then return to business as usual. Made me laugh til I cried every time… 😛

RIP RYDER JACK 12/13/06-03/14/13. Fly high my little hero. Mama loves you.

So I have been fighting in my mind about weather or not to post this picture of Ryder finally at rest. As I Iay awake and face burying my beautiful baby boy in the morning I feel the need to show those who can only be here in prayer and spirit how at peace our little hero is. He is finally free. I love you Ryder Jack.— with Ryder-angelo.
Ryders facebook page here:

ryders army

‘Ryders Army Childhood Cancer Awearness’
Please like this page. This is the page in Ryders name we will use to help build awareness to childhood cancer. Support other families. Support other groups and organizations that are doing the same.

Let us all be committed to Charity, and helping those families struggling to cope.
I encourage everyone to join and share Facebook pages which are set up to tell the stories and rally support and charity for Children (and others) aflicted with serious illness.
Remember that the parable of the good Samaritan was the tale of a Stranger helping a person of a different Faith and culture… A Jew…. whom at the time Christ spoke looked down upon the Samaritans with bigotry and hate.
Yet still the Good Samaritan did not hesitate to help his fellow man in distress.
It’s called loving our Neighbor as ourselves!

We might live many thousands of miles away, yet still we can act and show our love…One of the best things we Christians can do for sick Children and grieving and struggling families is to Pray for them… and let them know we are praying for them.

I believe such prayers, Encouragement, and Charity to be one of the most valuable contributions we can make in our lives.
While so many other endeavours can seem futile(Eg like trying to establish a free society)
Charity can have real results!
We can have a real positive impact helping those whom need it most.
It is humanity at our Best.
This is especially true for Christians.
We are God’s hand’s and feet.
God’s Love of humanity ought to flow through our actions.
Tim Wikiriwhi

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Please Read This:

Lane Goodwin takes flight… Read:

‘Never Happy Again’… Read more here

Brave Boy Chace Topperwien His story here:

Car Crash! Here:

A High Calling…

Is Faith in life after death rational?
What wise philosophers say about that Here:

Smoothing the pillow of a dying institution

It’s all very well for the government to redefine marriage, but what then becomes of the heterosexual institution formerly known as marriage?

Clearly, marriage as it is now—the union of a man and a woman—is a subset of marriage as it will be—the union of a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Traditional marriage will be assimilated and its cultural identity lost.

Apologists for Louisa Wall’s Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill are now smoothing the pillow of a dying institution.

But rest assured, traditionalists! Traditional marriage will rebound. And a hundred years or so from now, we’ll have our very own, government mandated and government funded traditional marriage television channel!

Kia kaha!