“If you do not find me reclining beneath the Plane trees.
Look for me in the Garden of Contemplation.”
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Summer camping is a time I plant my arse in a cozy Beach chair and meditate.
I write my thoughts into a journal. I like to speak from Introspection, and personal experience.
Here is one from this last mission….
I sneak off into the bush and hug trees…but does it still count if nobody sees you?
You don’t have to wear a Greenpeace Tee-shirt or Camp out in City squares to be an Environmentalist.
So much of the Environmental extremism of today is merely a fashion statement…more of a social club than anything else.
People want to Look Green. They think this gives them the higher moral Plateau, from which to pour down their Communist vomit upon Freedom, consumerism, and industry.
I reach this conclusion because of the disconnect many people have between their ‘profession of concern’ from their ‘actions of disregard’.
Socialist Greens are in the habit of pointing out motes in eyes of others rather than focusing upon the beams in their own.
The fact that we now have a generation of youth whom have been thoroughly indoctrinated via a bombardment of Green Propaganda and yet they still leave their Beer bottles and chip packets behind them like a trail of dung.
They sure do like to consume their share of Booze and junk food!
Is this simply the rebelliousness of youth?
Does the incessant bombardment of Greenism actually counter-productive and provoke a negative response?
Whatever is going on inside their heads it obvious that theory and practice are separate things.
Now my Wife Joy, my son Roman, and I have just got back from camping in the Coromandal. We do a lot of Camping in the summer, and we employ one very simple Libertarian scruple …
*Always leave the place in a better condition that when we arrived*
This is a Voluntary virtue, which we impose upon ourselves, and we Police ourselves.
We don’t need a sign to tell us ‘Don’t litter’.
We don’t need the threat of DOC staff hiding in the bushes to motivate us to Camp in an environmentally friendly manor.
Why? Because we have assimilated this ethic into to our self-esteme… and take pride in not only keeping our waste in control, but also in picking up rubbish (esp broken glass) that we find lying about, so that when we depart…the site is cleaner, safer… and we can have self-respect.
This is how Humans ought to function… not via oppressive tyranny, but by Ethical Self- Government.
This is an example of Libertarianism in action.
Laws are written for the sake of Cretans and Barbarians.
Truly civilized people don’t function on such a base knuckle scrapping level.
Libertarianism is founded upon the fact that Ethics in action spring from the Heart…the Soul…not the threat of punishment.
An enlightened society is a society with few Laws, but peopled with individuals of strong personal ethics.
A barbarous society has many Laws emanation from a Draconian State, and is peopled with mindless Zombies.
Libertarianism is about growing the former. Socialism is about manufacturing the latter.
Hence when there is no one from the government watching over their shoulders, Socialist youths revert to Barbarism. They have been raised to need Nanny.
As a Christian, that little Libertarian Scruple ‘Leave the place in a better condition than when you arrived’… is a simple, yet beautiful rule that ought to be applied to one’s entire life.
Simplistically speaking there are two sorts of Human beings in the world.
Life affirmers vs The Degenerates.
Independent Self-governors vs The Domesticated beasts.
We ought to voluntarily Live as an Agent of virtue, rather than as Agents of decay.
Only a Savages thinks of Liberty as License.
The Enlightened Man considers liberty the domain for practicing his personal discipline.
In a free society, It may be lawful to be a rude, selfish, arse hole whom reviles in depravity…and there will always be those whom choose to live this way… and I must confess to have done my share of that, yet I have grown up. I have learned by my many crimes and mistakes. I repent. I have learned the Redeeming truth, that A leopard can change its spots! You can re-invent yourself and become a better person. You can become the sort of person you wish to be….the reward for which is Self esteeme… and when you finally go to your grave you will * Leave the place in better condition than when you arrived* …and many will say “Oh how sad it is that Tim has Gone! We have lost a good man, we have lost our best helper, we have lost our strong example, our encourager, …etc”
Is not that a Legacy of a life well lived?
Will anyone think like that about us when we die?
I guess that depends on how successufully we embody the Ideal.
I guess the one virtue the Young have is time to get wise.
Riverglen camp. 6km down Tapu rd from the Coroglen Pub. Coromandal Peninsula.
Tentsites + Cabins.
“Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth : That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly .” (Mat6vs1-4)
Litter is yet another evidence of Mans Fallen Nature, and need of God.
Copying is not theft and copyright is not a property right.
Here are some other things which aren’t theft.
And here are some other rights which aren’t property rights.
The right to life
The right to liberty
The right to the pursuit of happiness
The right to a fair trial
Copying is not theft and copyright is not a property right. It baffles me that so many libertarians (Objectivists, especially) don’t seem to get this. Perhaps it’s because anarchists release viral videos like this one which confound two distinct claims, viz., copying isn’t theft and copying is fun.
Copying isn’t theft, but neither is rape. And rape isn’t fun. So perhaps copying isn’t good, clean fun, either, even though it’s not theft.
Here is another doozie for all you Controlfreaks out there who think Heavy measures ought to be taken to curb Alcohol consumption in NZ.
Read this NZ hearld article… ‘NZ rugby tourist’s fatal Bali cocktail’
Note in particular that… Michael Denton, 29, died after consuming a drink believed to contain a distilled local alcohol called arak, which in 2009 killed dozens of people, including four foreigners.
A month after Michael Denton died, a warning appeared on the Foreign Ministry’s safe-travel website warning that arak was often mixed with fruit juice. It said anyone trying it should ensure it came in a sealed bottle from a commercial distillery.
Authorities in Indonesia have blamed rogue producers in small factories that have started after crackdowns on alcohol imports.
There you have it. All prohibition achieves is that it exposes innocent people to Dangerous products.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
For more on this subject See my Blog post : Prohibition is a Bad trip.
Don The Freedom Fighter. With his fall New Zealand lost its best hope of economic recovery, improved property rights, greater personal freedom, and racial equality before the Law.
I Salute You Don. You stepped forward in the time of your country’s need and did your best to bring economic sanity to the table and halt our spiral downward into the abyss. You opposed Waitangi Racism. You opposed The Green Scam of ETS. You sought to end the stranglehold of the RMA, and you even dared to question the popular bigotry and oppression of the war on drugs. You did not fail in my book. You are a hero. It was the one eye media and the Sheeple of New Zealand, and the Luke warm whimps in your midst whom failed you and themselves. Please dont regret your Idealism. Do not think you ought to have pandered to the Sheepish mentality. Be proud that you made your appeals to Reason and justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Don The Stoner. This image appeared after Don Brash bravely declared he believed Cannabis ought to be decriminalised. Truly a Legendary appeal for Liberty and Justice.
The Devil offered Christ all the Kingdoms of the world if he would but bow down before him.
A low vote count can be very devastating to a person or party standing for election.
No doubt many Act party members are moping about, licking their wounds.
There can be many reasons why election defeats occur and those involved in such situations discuss ways to improve their chances of election next time, yet there is a very evil temptation that must be avoided at all cost.
The thing to beware is the notion that principles must be sacrificed for the sake of popularity… Compromise is the road to hell.
Many Power hungry Politicians are Poll driven sluts!.
Humanity is in peril. The stormy world of politics needs an immovible lighthouse to shine its light in the darkness
The Libertarianz Party will Stoically endure all. They have faced election defeats for a decade and a half, yet have always resisted the temptation to soften their bid for freedom and justice. I have stood for Parliament and council both as a Libertarianz Party Candidate and as an Independent, yet have never changed a single policy. My principles are not for sale. Having no lust for power for its own sake. I see no point in striving to win election if the price must be to forsake and betray my values. Yet it is amazing how many parties and individuals do just that. If you read the National party constitution you would think they were the Libertarianz or Act party, yet in reality they are today virtually identical to the Labour party. Via compromise after compromise….step by step they deserted their original/ foundational ideals and now represent the very opposite convictions. For the sake of Political power they sold out. Thus my message to Don Brash and the Act Party is Don’t blame your principles as being ‘the problem’! Don’t fall into the trap that you must ‘water down’ and compromise your Ideals…for popularities sake! No! You must be resolved. You must improve how you get your message across to the public… but stand rock solid… immovable upon the principles which define you and distinguish you from the National Party…lest ye become light blue. Here is a short list of things you cannot compromise upon without selling your soul to Satan.
1. Be resolute in regards to the RMA. Liberty and Property rights are an essential for a prosperous and just Nation.
2. Be resolute in opposition to the ETS. It is a giant socialist scam attempting to cripple industry and growth, and control of the Means of production.
3. Push for the decriminalization of Cannabis. This is an extremely important Law and order issue. The gains that such a reform would make to our society is Monumental.
4. Stand firm upon Ending Waitangi Apartheid. Racial Equality before the Law is a fundamental of Justice. The Waitangi Gravy train is a heinous disease that ensnares Maori in Racism and socialist dependence and corrupts race relations.
Thus Act must spend the next three years working to gain back support. I suggest you push harder…not softer upon these righteous policies… or Quit….and leave the field clear for the Libertarianz Party. Those are the only two moral options you have.
I may have only recieved 101 votes yet I wont be changing my principles.
St Paul said “I have fought the Good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…”
Christian note: Of all people, Christians ought to be aware of the evils of selling out the principles of justice for Popular support. We are warned about the evil of compromise many times in the scriptures. For example “Broard is the way that leadeth to Damnation, and many there be thereon; Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it”, and again “Let God be true and every man a Liar”, and again What profit a man should he gain the whole world but loose his own soul?, and again “Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon”. The Utilitarian Principle of the greatest Happiness is actually an Anti-Christian Atheist Doctrine designed to opposes Christian Values and Idealism.
Of course this does not mean a Christian cannot make compromises on non-essential questions and be accommodating with the desires of others, as long as this does not compromise essential principles. As far as values go Integrity to truth and justice ought to be much higher up your hierarchy than the lust for power (Integrity to truth and justice ought to occupy the very highest tier and be a defining characteristic of your being!). Do not deceive yourself that you may Compromise yourself to gain power, and that when it is within your grasp that you will then wield it with resolute integrity. Remember ‘Power tends to Corrupt’, thus if you are prepared to make compromises to gain power, undoubtedly you will be prepared to make more to keep it. Tim Wikiriwhi.
The Hydra of Democratic totalitarian Parliament. The 120 tyrants.
The predicament of the tiny Libertarian minority living under a Socialist Mobocracy provokes contemplation. Firstly If Democracy ever delivered Justice, it would be accidental to the happy circumstance that the majority of Citizens were truly enlightened human beings whom value Liberty and equality, self reliance, and limited government, above vested interest, envy, and favoritism. For that to happen the individuals of the society must hold Private convictions, values and ethics which underpin the belief in the sanctity of individual rights, the justice of liberty and self responsibility, and the binding objective morality of Law as being more than merely an arbitrary and pragmatic convention.
Because the Majority of New Zealanders of 2011 don’t come close to holding such personal convictions, Having been utterly brainwashed it is impossible that our democracy will deliver Justice, instead the tyranny and foolishness that will emerge will reflect the Unenlightened barbarous values of the Masses.
Hitler was elected into power by appealing to the common Phobias and Bigotry of the masses (The same ploy that Winston Peters uses) .
Now I expect the tally of Libertarian votes, even if we loosen the definition and stretch it to include the votes for Act, and ALCP to be well under 5%. This is truly a frightening thing to contemplate. It is an outrage. It is a figure that you might expect of a tiny group of New world Missionaries having landed upon a Island full of uncivilized savages. That this is the current state of affairs in a Nation considered to be among the most civilized Nations of the world is staggering. It tells me much of what is mistaken for ‘Civilisation’ in our country is actually ‘Coercion’/ Control/ suppression, not real ‘Civilisation’ at all! ( I have been told that there was great ‘Order’ under Gadaffi in Libya, and little theft yet does that make His regime ‘Good’ and the resulting society ‘Civilised’? )
And the reality is that Our Current Nanny state system is rotten to the core. There is a famous saying of Olde “The more corrupt the State, the more it legislates” and the façade of ‘Socialist civilization’ is constantly being shored up by the mass production of Bad and oppressive Laws, and by those other indicators of Corrupt Government… the growth of Bureaucracy, and the rapaciousness of taxation. We are heading for a collapse and social Chaos as surely and as inescapably as The Soviet Union was. And things will get unbelievably nasty the closer to the end we become. Forgotten is the Jeffersonian Maxim “He who governs best Governs least”
Such is Life. What is a Guy like me to do? I am but one man, and a member of a small group of Fringe dwelling social rejects. The frustration of knowing the travesty which is being acted out regarding holding elections… ‘Having your say’… the mandate of the Majority… Representative Government…. Etc yet missing the vital components of The rights, liberties, and responsibilities of the Individual, and the clearly defined limits to government power is very hard to bear. Members of minorities are effectively captive to the whims of the bigger mobs. Just principle counts for Naught. It is a very dangerous/ hazardous existence as Minorities are exposed to the constant danger of popular Oppressions and suppressions.
Corrupt Coups:Two Racist Radicals whom wanted to impose rasist Laws via force.
Speights Armed Racist Coup.
Frustration at spending years and years working within the system via activism and standing for election yet to no avail, Members of Minorities might be tempted to quit and accept their serfdom, or perhaps to try more extreme measures for eg The activities of Tama Iti and the Tuhoe Terrorists, who for those whom don’t know were a bunch of Indigenous racist radicals, and Green Environmentalist extremists caught by the Police having set up terrorist training camps in the Bush, and were planning Murder, kidnapping politicians, in an attempt to overthrow the government and set up a racist dictatorship. Now these guys are a bunch of Commy psychopaths, yet their ‘solution’ to the problem of Mobocracy and bringing about the changes to the government they wanted, is a tempting proposition to Frustrated minorities whom see no hope for their ambitions via the democratic process… An Armed struggle… A violent revolution.
This is exactly what happened in Fiji Re: George Speight and Mahendra Chaudry
At that time Army Chief and Hero of the Fijian people, Frank Bainimarama put an end to the coup and restored the Democratic government, only to realize that the democratic government was becoming corrupted and subverted by the very same interests whom were behind Speights racist Coup. For the sake of Justice, He then implemented a coup himself, stepping in and removed the corrupted government by force. Since then he has been working to restore a more just Democracy back to Fiji, one that will forbid racial segregation, one that denies indigenous favouritism, one that guarantees equality before the Law… yet this is a very difficult thing to accomplish when a vast percentage of the population is steeped in racist bigotry and wants a government that gives them special rights and privileges over and above a suppressed so-called ‘migrant’ population.
Righteous Coup: Commodore Frank Bainimarama first halted a corrupt Coup of George Speight and restored parliament but was forced to overthrew that parliament because it had become corrupted with a racist agenda.
Now for me it is very Sad that few people seem capable of figuring out what makes a Democracy just and what makes it unjust, what makes a Coup just or unjust, or even under what circumstances a dictatorship can be more just than a democratically elected parliament. The activity by the Racist Maori Radicals and Greens show that Minorities can be even more deranged than the deluded ruling majority yet this also shows being a member of a suppressed minority does not automatically equate to an injustice. What is harder for people to grasp is that Being a member of a suppressed majority does not equate to an injustice either! What matters are the ideals that underpin the Law…ie the justness of the Law. Majority Whim does not equate to justice. (this is the problem we Libertarians struggle with under New Zealand democratic socialism). Knowing this is true does not seem to be enough to convince many Libertarians of the rightness of what Bainimarama has done in Fiji. This is a great shame. He needs to be supported and helped to achieve his Nobel ambitions for Fiji. Bainimarama’s coup was the equivalent of the Police action which halted the ambitions of Racist Tama Iti and the Radical Greens. That Libertarians cannot figure this out just goes to show how the depth of the delusion surrounding democracy.
Yet again if having condemned the activities of Tami Iti, and endorsed the Coup of Bainimarama why do I not set about to being a just revolution here in New Zealand?
If I tell you… id have to kill you!
No seriously, though there are great injustices being perpetrated in our Nation, I have absolutely no desire to use arms to overthrow the government. I have much more longsuffering and endurance before even contemplation such an extreme and horrible solution. May that dreadful day never come! Consider the blood of the American revolution. It was a just cause, yet a Horrific ordeal! It is my hearts desire to pass through this life without taking the life of another human being… even my enemies…and I have a rock upon which I can Stand. My Christian Faith.
The Bible tells me to defend the oppressed, and always be found on the side of justice, and to testify the truth… yet it is not my job to save the world. I fulfill my moral obligations to my fellowman by my Christian Libertarian activism and standing for election thereby giving them a valid moral choice to make on polling day.
Many Christians don’t understand the great dispensational differences between what Christ taught and what St Paul taught, esp the fact that Under St Pauls Gospel we are not attempting to establish ‘Gods kingdom on Earth’. Christianity under St Paul is not a nationalistic/ legalistic political movement, but a call to individuals to join a voluntary association. The only political prerequisites being the liberty to practice and preach my faith. I don’t need political power to impose my Christian values upon an unwilling population. It is enough that I may preach the truth and leave my hearers free to embrace the truth, or carry on in their delusions. If they begin to oppress others, I will use free speech to condemn them. On private property I may build schools and churches… or sit at my computer writing condemnations against the powers that be and the follies of the masses. By these means I fulfill my duties to My God, and my fellow man. Things will have to get much worse that they currently are before I would ever consider violent rebellion. Without the support of a large proportion of the population, or a New Zealand equivenlent of Bainimarama ie support of the military any armed resistance would be a futile gesture. This is not a plausible option.
Martin Luther King and Ghandi brought about great reforms via preaching, activism, protests, and peaceful civil disobedience.
Though I suffer the foolishness and injustices of our corrupt Socialist Nanny state, I can find serenity in the knowledge that I have fulfilled my moral obligations by stepping forward and testifying the truth, speaking out against oppression and injustice, and that if the world goes to hell… that is not my responsibility. I do not have to convert the world to be ‘a success’. That is beyond my humble power. My Job is to sow the seeds, and in so doing I am peacefully living my Christianity in a lost world.
We have the examples of peaceful civil disobedience from Gandhi and Martin Luther King, whom managed to bring about great political reforms via peaceful means.
These methods are to be preferred to armed struggle.
Ultimately the Gospel of Democracy is being put to the test. The Christian ought not to be supprised reality proves it to be falce and that it is not the saviour of Mankind but ultimately testifies to the sin nature of Mankind. It shows that the lust for power drives popular government to abandon the principles of justice which would limit those powers.
a href=”http://blog.eternalvigilance.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/wolves-and-sheep.jpg”>
Democracy has been described as two wolves and a Lamb voting ‘Whats for dinner?’
The New Zealand Hero Activist Dakta Green.
ALCP Activist Dakta Green is currently serving a prison sentence as a consequence of his civil disobedience in relation to reforming Cannibis Laws. It is a dark time for him and many thousands of Kiwi whom are unjustly persecuted by the state for growing, smoking, selling cannabis. I hope that the ALCP get a good tally tomorrow. One that reflects the efforts of this Heroic Man and his collogues.
Yet because our nation is racing towards Absolute Tyranny and bankruptcy, the Time could arrive that a minority of resolute Liberty loving Patriots can no longer tolerate the injustice and will be duty bound to reach for their carbines and march towards Wellington. Because the right to bear arms is not merely for the means of self defense from violent criminals, but as a means to defend oneself from tyrannical and corrupt governments be they Kings or parliaments.
Of course the Corrupt powers that be will attempt to suppress any uprising that challenges their Regime and without the support of the people, or the army such revolts are virtually doomed to failure.
Thus the real revolution is an idological one which must first take place on the battlefield of Ideas, in the hearts and minds of the people. This is where the true battlefront is. This is why the Political manipulation of the masses via State control of the Education system is the ultimate form of political control. From this flows the political beliefs which permeate the media, and if the Media are devout Fascists… Hitler will always win elections and Justice and liberty will always lose.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Gadaffi was overthrown by popular revolt(with a little help from NATO), yet what made this revolution just was not the fact that it was popular, but that Gadaffi was a tyrant.
Cluas von Stauffenburg (Far left) was one of many Germans whom attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He planted a bomb, yet Hitler survived. Stauffenburg and many of his co conspirators were rounded up and executed.
Churchill was part of a Coalition that fought a world war to put an end to the tyranical ambitions of Hitler and The Japanese. Millions died in the process.
In a bid for Religious Liberty the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World in their wake and set forth to found their own society in the New World.
The Late Great Charlton Heston, President of the National Rifle Association. The point of having an armed population is to empower them to defend their rights and liberties from tyranical Government.
In Booker T Washingtons Autobiography ‘Up from Slavery’ there is a story about a slave being sold. In retelling the event he said “There were five of us; myself and brother and three mules.”
That is as funny as it is tragic.
Liberty lovers are about as excited about the approach of Election Day this Saturday as Slaves at a market. We are painfully aware that no matter whom wins, our slavery will continue. We will be treated like Beasts of burden.
It is cutting to be surrounded by willing slaves, whom actually believe our slavery to Socialism is good and that Libertarians like myself are fools to believe in Freedom.
The absolute travesty of the Election process, esp the whore-ish sycophantism of the so-called ‘Free Press’ is unbearable! The Evils of state control of the Education system has resulted in the so-called free press becoming the Lap dogs of the Status quo. Thoroughly indoctrinated and certified by the State, they willingly peddle the Official line.
Our Country is marching towards destruction like Children enchanted by the Pied Piper.
You think Im exaggerating dont you…FOOLS!
I would board a Plane and fly away… yet what is happening here in our crappy little Hippy commune is happening the whole western world over. There is nowhere to run.
Thus I and my fellow Liberty lovers are trapped like rats. Dont get too close… We may Bite.
Tim Wikiriwhi
It has come to my attention that a young relative of mine, whom I love very much has just experienced a very terrible thing. He and a friend have been experimenting with illicit drugs, and just recently dropped some Bad E, and apparently his friend has suffered some sort of Brain damage. This is tragic!
No doubt many of his friends and family will be cursing the Drug dealer as ‘scum’ and will be hoping the Police bust his arse and throw him in jail for ever.
And there currently seems to be a lot of bad gear on the market. On the front page today’s NZ Herald is another story regarding ‘Tainted E’… ‘Ecstasy at Fairfield: 6 girls taken to hospital’
The experience of having a loved ones harmed by a toxic substance can make people become ardent prohibitionists, not understanding the reality that Prohibition is actually responsible for this tragic situation. The E being manufactured by dodgy people, out of dodgy ingredients processed using dodgy equipment. Thus these concerned citizens unwittingly perpetuate the very situation that will guarantee many more tragedies like this will happen. They probably are not aware of the fact that properly manufactured E is a relatively safe recreational drug.
Police Chief Richard Brunstom insists that ‘Ecstasy is a remarkably safe substance’
In their anger and pain, and desire for vengeance, many fail to consider the fact that Prohibition did not prevent this tragedy from occruing, nor will it ever work because the reality is most young people will experiment with drugs, and that because there is a huge market for them, Entrepreneurs will always seek to make a profit from supply.
Nor will many people consider the relevance of the government Ban of BZP Party pills, which took away another safe alternative to Black market substances.
The Waikato Times also ran a story about the school girls, and while they failed to mention that the ‘Pills were tainted, they unwittingly revealed the detremental effect of prohibition means that
…’ Because it is illegal, there is no control over the purity, amount, or type of ingredients in ecstasy
Symptoms of an overdose include death, seizures, vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea and confusion
– Waikato Times’
That Prohihibiton results in this chaos is one of the grim realities Prohibitionsts ignore.
Nor will they consider the Lessons of Alcohol Prohibition when Dodgy people brewed dodgy Piss using dodgy equipment, and that this resulted in ‘Tainted booze’ that poisoned thousands of people, explosions, and Gang crime.
Alcohol Probition made Al Capone Millions!
Thankfully Alcohol prohibition was abolished. Criminal Gangs no longer profit from it, Its sale is restricted to Adults with those whom sell to minors being prosecuted, and it is manufactured in a safe manor and to a high quality. It is in the interest of the legitimate brewery to manufacture good quality/ safe alcohol to avoid prosecution and to stay in business. Illness and Deaths from ‘tainted brews’ are virtually eliminated, yet if some bad brew was to hurt someone the fact that alcohol is legal does not prevent the Law from prosecuting the maufacturers.
Prohibitionists also fail to consider the corruption of society that Prohibition fosters amongst the Police, and others professionals, like chemists, Businessmen, Sports professionals etc, for eg a recent drug operation in Auckland netted two police
I am appalled that the Drug trade has been given over to the Underworld and such scumbags as will supply minors with Crap gear, yet I know the answer to Harm minimization lies in Ending the drug War, not escalating it. This view is now widely held… and yet the madness continues. I would like to remind you to the recent report by the Global commission on drugs which marks a milestone in the history of Law and order, and in the notions of how mankind ought best to cope with the reality of drugs in society. It is the work of a group of political heavy weights called The Global Commission on Drug Policy, in which they argue that the “global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world”. They say governments should explore legalising marijuana and other controlled substances. The commission included former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former US official George P. Schultz, former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, former presidents of Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, writers Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, Virgin boss Richard Branson and the Prime Minister of Greece. The evidence they say leaves no room for doubt. The war on drugs must stop!
As a Christian Libertarian I reject the notion that oppressing drug users is a just or intellegent way to deal with drug use in society. I do not believe political force can substitue self-responciblity and personal ethics. Prohibition and persecution are not propperly Christian modus opperandi. Nor is it biblical to believe that it is possible to legislate mankind into a socialist utopia. And Drugs can save lives. There is no Eternal salvation in Drugs, yet they can bring temporal relief to misery, and a depressing reality and thereby keep people from insanity and suiside… until they find Christ.
Tim Wikiriwhi Libertarian Independent for Hamilton West.
Update: 2-12-11. Government Crackdown on Alcohol Kills.
Paul Holmes wrote an article which touched upon a subject I have recently been contemplating… The Brain Dead modus opperandi of the average voter.
Its here: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/paul-holmes-on-new-zealand/news/article.cfm?c_id=1502869&objectid=10765413
It is titled ‘Phil Goff’s heartbreak – running in a race he knows he can’t win’
Here is the opening paragraph…
“The polling and the empty seats and the poor crowds of people over 90 years old must be breaking Phil Goff’s heart.
He’s been a loyal servant of the people for decades, and now the people are walking away from him.
I’ve written before about his ferocious capacity for hard work, which I witnessed once right through an all-day flight to Tokyo.
Head down in hundreds of pages of dense stuff, probably meaningless outside of the bureaucratic world but stuff he had to read and familiarise himself with.
That’s what politicians have to do: read endless screeds of boring stuff. But hard work alone doesn’t do it. Such is life.
You can talk about policy until you’re blue in the face, but in the end I wonder if people vote on policy. I don’t think they do. Most people don’t give a rats about policy. If we like the leader we vote for him.
When Holyoake was National leader, we voted for Holyoake. When Kirk came along we voted for Kirk. When Muldoon came along, we voted for Muldoon.
Rowling had a silly voice, so people continued to vote for Muldoon….”
Now I find those comments very interesting…very telling… about the dangers of unchecked Democracy…. Because it highlights the fact that Democracy in an unenlightened society… is fickle…. is Idiotic… and that it does not result in putting the best people, the most competent people in power. It shows one very important reason that the powers of Parliament must be kept to a minimum…constitutionally bound, so as to minimize the potential disaster that the elected morons and shysters can cause to the population they govern. Sadly no such restraints currently exist, and this is the primary reason successions of elected National and Labour governments have lead us into ruin.
In the past week I have talked to several people about the election and it is frightening to hear their voting Rationale.
One guy told me he was thinking of voting for the National Party’s Hamilton West candidate, Tim Macendo…. Not because he actually thinks hes been a good MP, but because in his word… “He’s the only hope of keeping Labour out of power.” Thus his electorate vote is being determined out of Fear of the Left. Now that is not necessarily an irrational fear, yet is that a proper/ wise way to Vote? He obviously thinks this is a clever strategy, yet I argue that such voting is not how one is supposed to use the electorate vote, that his argument is short sighted and a perversion of the two vote idea. It is actually very lazy because to caste a proper vote for your electorate ought to entail a thorough investigation of all the candidates and making the choice upon whom displays the most impressive character and values. That this type of ‘strategic thinking’ is very common, is one reason it is so hard for candidates from outside the ‘duopoly’ to get elected, even though they may indeed be by far the best candidate on offer. Punters will vote for the National party, or the Labour candidate irrespective of their competence.
This habit has not escaped the notice of unscrupulous Power trippers who seek to fast track themselves into Parliament. Knowing this weakness of the sheeple, they turn it to their own advantage. They will join the ranks of either National or Labour rather than any of the smaller parties…. Even if their true values better align with a minor party, because they know that by being in either of these two Parties almost guarantees they will make it into parliament within a few elections cycles. Thus these parties are filled with unscrupulous pragmatists whom would sell their Grandmothers into slavery for the sake of their own political ambitions. They are Political whores. They are prepared to actively work in opposition to minor parties that they actually believe to be right, yet choose to take a short cut into office and win personal power at the expense of their own moral convictions and principles. They are decievers.
Then you get the masses of People whom vote for their favorite Celebrity! Breakfast show hosts, Cooks, Gardeners, and Sportsman! In the Hamilton local body elections of 2007 television presenter Kay Gregory was the highest polling of all councillor candidates with 11,808 votes ( http://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/16219/Simcock-back-down-to-business-today )
They elected her to council because they thought she was ‘Lovely’.
Several Blokes I have talked to recently say they’re going to vote for Sehai Orgrad (Labour party candidate for Hamilton West). Why? Because they think she’s ‘Hot’.
That Pisses me off! That they can be so callous as to vote for such a Nasty power tripper… consumed with her own self importance, simply because they fantasizes about ‘banging her’, is a frigging travesty! It’s a tragic example of how frivolously they choose whom will govern them, and shows plainly that many New Zealanders are unfit to participate in the democratic process. That is a ludicrous reason for deciding for whom to vote! Conversely not voting for a good and principled candidate because you think they are ‘ugly’ is equal Lunacy.
And The Media seem to think the same way. They are suckers for charisma and celebrity. An article appeared recently in the NZ Herald regarding a poll “Who was the sexiest candidate standing for election”.
The lack of quality Political analysis and investigative journalism is a hallmark of the Major Media players, with very few exceptions. They are the lapdogs of the Status quo. It is almost impossible for outsiders to get their view herd in the mainstream media. This is a shameful betrayal of their moral obligations as Free press in a Democracy. Quite often the smaller Papers do a better job of informing the public about alternatives to the Satus Quo.
To think that some people are prepared to Damn our country to hell simply because they wanna vote for the Hot Demoness is a short skirt just goes to show how Democracy does not tend to deliver the highest caliber of Government, and how dangerous it is not to have constitutional restraints on Parliament! The truth is if we had a proper constitution which restricted the powers and spheres of operation of Government, this would reduce the risk to life and liberty posed by an elected Parliament of Cooks Rugby players and show girls.
We live in a Godless world that has lost faith in Principles. What is left that really matters?