Category Archives: Justice

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.


I wrote the following spiel for the last H.C.C Elections.
Since then Economic doom and gloom has increased…The City of Detroit has gone belly up in debt.


‘Revolution At The Roots’. Making Hamilton’s City Council, Smaller, Better, and more conducive towards prosperity
August 5, 2011 at 9:22pm
‘Revolution At The Roots’. Making Hamilton’s City Council, Smaller, Better, and more conducive towards prosperity. By Tim Wikiriwhi Independent Candidate for Hamilton West. HCC elections 2010

Election time is painful for me because it is a time when common sense looses its currency and is trodden underfoot by fanatical lobby groups with vested interests, and forked tongued power hungry politicians who will say and promise the moon for the sake of getting elected.

The financial imprudence, and Nannyism matters little in this feeding frenzy of demands and election bribery.
No one raises such common sense realities because election meetings are not about economic realities or justice, but about political power and imposing vested interests upon our communities.

Well I wont have a bar any of that. I have decided not to attend lobby group meetings because I dont have any political favors for sale.
I’m not putting up any election signs because I don’t want someone to vote for me just because of my good looks on a billboard.
I want people to vote for me because of my principles and financial prudence.
That I did not attend a meeting on getting commuter trains to run between Hamilton and Auckland, or one on city art, does not mean that I have no interest in these various issues, but that I know the council is running in the red with a climbing debt currently at $338.5 million which is projected to blow out to over $700 million before the next decade is through.
What this tells me is the junket is over! Past councils have mortgaged us to eyeballs, and getting this debt under control must be the highest priority of the newly elected council.
This is one reason I implore voters to turn a deaf ear to the big talking, big spenders whom have been in council so long they have grown roots!
These buffoons have run the city into the red, and yet they continue to promise heaven and earth just to be re elected.
I ask voters to not allow themselves to deceived and bankrupted by these incompetent dinosaurs, but to boldly vote in fresh people whom are committed to taking on the hard task of trimming down the size of city council to focus on core infrastructure, and getting the rates burden under control.
Not only will such an approach ease the effects of city council upon Hamiltonians, it will render it far more sustainable, and eliminate the very real environmental risks that occur when essential infrastructure are under funded and neglected due to having an obese council that frivolously wastes money in superfluous enterprises that it ought to left to free enterprise and voluntary community action.

If elected, I will start the dialogue and promote alternative ways to achieve the goals and dreams of Hamiltonians by means that don’t involve an increasing rates burdens or bureaucracy.
The problems that we face in Hamilton are far unique. Around the world the problem of bloated bankrupt bureaucracy, its mismanagement and suppression of prosperity are reaching such proportions that even Castro’s Cuba is looking at axing hundreds of thousands of State jobs and allowing free enterprise to work its economic miracle.


Books such as “Revolution at the Roots… making our government smaller, better, and closer to home” by William D Eggers and John O’Leary, and “Freedom to choose”, by Nobel prize winner for economics, Milton Friedman have already clearly defined the problems we face, and point the way to recovery, grow and prosperity.
If elected It is the ideas written in such insightful volumes that I will promote in the media so that Hamiltonians can see for themselves the wisdom of reducing the size and scope of Council to essentials, and the benefits that come from maximising free enterprise.
Thus my dream for Hamilton is to have a city council that is trim, and councillors that respect liberty, private property and free enterprise.
I envision a council free of small minded Nanny-ism, peopled with those committed to serving the community not tyrannizing over it.
While some may think my dream lacks grandeur…no Pyramids. No Coliseums, they forget that low rates, sustainable core infrastructure, and economic prosperity are a Win, Win, Win, for everyone, and the way to insure Hamilton’s future greatness built upon the innovations of Hamiltonians themselves whom unburdened by extortionate rates and red tape, can make our city great.

Prosperity will never come by foolishly trusting petty grand standing politicians whom inevitably lead us further into bankruptcy.
Vote Wikiriwhi for Hamilton West!

Hamilton City Rates System Review 2011. Where I Stand.

Me @ my Day job Fonterra Terapa.

My submission to The Hamilton City Rates system review.
September 22, 2011 at 7:34pm
On line Submission form – changing Hamilton’s Rating System
Thank you for taking the time to make a submission. Rates are a significant matter and it’s important we know what you think so Council can consider your views when making a decision.
Submissions must reach Council by Wednesday 12th October at 4pm.
Submissions to Council’s proposed Rating review are public. Your submission will be included in Council reports, which are available to the public and media.

1. It is proposed to change our rating system to one which is based on the total value of a property including land and buildings (Capital Value or CV), instead of the current system which is based only on the land value of a property (LV).
Do you support this change? (Please tick one)
Don’t know

Tim W Comments: *NO* I find this suggestion repugnant. It is a system which discriminates against those who have invested in property, and also does not promote self responsibility in water usage or waste. A system of direct user pays is far more just or a system under which the cost of the service supplied is spread evenly across all ratepayers as equal users is fairer than this proposed change.

2. The proposal suggests a charge per property for water and rubbish based on the total capital value of a property. This charge would vary from property to property and would mean higher valued properties would pay more for water and rubbish, and lower value properties would pay less.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *No* Rates should be based upon services used not property values. The council has no right to treat ratepayers as Cash cows to be milked. They have no right to extort revenues to fund their Grandiose pyramid building and circus schemes. They exist as a servants to take care of the utilities mundane utilities. they are not Ceasers whom can bankroll their absurd delusions of grandeur by extorting funds from an captive population. The extortion and Largesse must stop!

3. There are currently 7 different rates (differentials) for properties. The proposal is to remove 4 of these, which would mean all residential, multi unit, inner city and commercial properties would be rated the same amount per dollar of capital value. Rural properties would still be rated a lesser amount.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *Dont Know* I am opposed to any system which is merely a grab for more revenues by the council. I would support any changes which reflected the reality of services supplied to costs charged. I do not believe property values has anything to do with this. I would like to see a system of user pays whereby those whom consciously use less are rewarded with lower rates etc. i would like to see as many services as possible opened up to competition and free enterprise with the corresponding reduction in revenues taken by the council (It don’t with to pay the council for services I am getting from the private sector)

4. The proposal recommends central city businesses pay a lower rate so that the change to their rates will bring them into line with other commercial properties. In the past they have been paying a higher rate. This will give a boost to the central city.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *YES* Yes I wholeheartedly agree. The free market requires that all business is not crippled by unfair systems of Taxes and rates etc. I strongly appeal for a system of user-pays, thus giving thrifty businesses the opportunity to reduce costs, and gain competitive advantage by more efficient operations.

5. In order to give ratepayers time to adjust, it is suggested to phase in the change to capital value rating over 5 years form 1 July 2012.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *Dont Know*

I would like that period to be much shorter if the resolutions prove to be favourable to ratepayers (Eases their rates burden) and much longer if the council resolves upon a more rapacious revenue grab.

6. Are there any further comments or other rating issues you would like considered?
Tim W comments…*YES* Council spending is out of control. It is they whom are to blame for the current crisis, esp those whom have been in council for successive terms. I would like an inquiry into who is responsible for supporting this largesse and for the public to be informed. I also would like to have a charter enacted which sets down strict austerity measures restricting future council spending to only essential infrastructure, debt reduction, and a reform process which systematically reduces the councils spheres of operation and divests it of all interests which are not its proper duty to be involve with.


This is a ruff sign I hurriedly produced minutes before a meeting at the last HCC elections. it is a typical zero budget,rush Job, yet it tells a frightening truth about the sky-rocketing city debt under successions of Bad…big spending Mayors and councillors. It shows that I warned Hamilton this would happen in 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010!

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Copy of HCC Elections 2013 005

Due to gross incompetence our city wallows in high rates and crippling debt.
Yet still I believe Hamilton could become New Zealand’s premier city via the rigorous application of the principles endorsed by Nobel Prize winner for economics Milton Friedman.
Reducing Council interference with private property, individual liberty, and business will allow you to realize your full potential.

Hamiltonian’s interests are best served when Council keeps costs down.
Lower rates means lower rents, and ultimately lower food and petrol bills.
Lower rates gives Hamilton business’s the greatest advantage to compete both domestically and globally.
While you forge a brighter future, I’ll focus on the reduction of city debt and rates by running a tight ship.
Council should stick to essential utilities.
I will promote community interests by soliciting philanthropy from the Private sector, encouraging voluntary community initiatives to develop art, charity and culture.
Let’s think smart, and aim for success.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Affordable Waikato.

Yo Kotton mouth Kings… Dont you get it? Obama Sux nuts just as badly as the rest of them…except Jimmy Carter.

“Reefer Madness”

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized

Why People Always Be Afraid Of What They Don’t Know
I Understand can’t Comprehend The Infos So Old
The Reefer Madness video is Purely Propaganda
A Movie Made To Scare All Of The Kids In Alabama
Maybe they’re Afraid To Think That They Might Lose Control
Instead Of Embracing It’s Many Uses Performing The Medical
It’s All Pathetic Though A Pharmaceutical Company
Can Make You Feel High Than Low
It Seems It’s All About The Money
Funny Cause

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Too Much Peace And Harmony
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Open Minds And People Free

No Rest Upon My Feet Until My People Free
When They Turn The Ganja Plant Into An Evil Weed
It’s Reefer Madness

Check this
So Many Friends that I know Have Suffered The Lies The Governments Strangle
Into The Ground illegal Bound In Every Angle
Even The Lawmakers Making The Laws Are Smoking The Bong And Vapin The Chronic
And Nobody Hearing The Voice Of The Weed I Find It Ironic
So How Do We Govern The Danger Of Not Becoming To Hostile
Not Losing The Mind Not Crossing The Line Not Feeling Colossal
There’s Only One Avenue We Can Be Sure That We Getting Our Justice
The legalization of it, of the weed, they tryin’ ta bust us.


[Daddy X:]
We Got A Black President Before Weed’s Legal
In My Mind In My Time That Shits Unbelievable
I Love Obama I Love All People
I Just can’t Believe That The Plants Not Legal
A Plant, A Seed, That Grows In The Soil
And They’re Still Fightin’ Bloody Wars Over Oil?
Reefer Madness Is Useless Propaganda
Fear Is The Tool That They Use To Command Us
So Understand Us We Don’t Fear No Plant
We don’t fear no plant


Obama does not deserve any respect from Cannabis users.
He has maintained the oppression, and actually worked to hinder the independent states from legalising it for medical use.
Fortunately many of the States have ignored the Federal government and gone ahead and legalised it anyway.

Read more…
Ex US President Jimmy Carter wants to end the war on drugs.

The War on drugs is lost

Helen Clark calls War on Drugs a failure

Personal Enlightenment… That Glorious moment when the Scales fall from the Eyes of a Sheep blinded by Propaganda…and they See the truth! Cannabis is a Medicine.


When Realisations like this happen it’s called a personal Enlightenment.
I Salute any person who realises they were wrong about supporting an oppressive Law, and comes clean about it…. and says sorry…esp if they then actively work for the cause they once oppressed…
They Redeem themselves thereby.

Read more here>>>> Dr. Sanjay Gupta comes out in favor of medical marijuana

There is every reason to believe that Western society is at this moment waking up to the follies and delusions which underpin The prohibition of Cannabis and restring it’s reverenced Status as a blessing to Humanity which it previously enjoyed since the dawn of time..


Read more…

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

Self Help. Hands on…Fighting the Demon Cancer (No2). Cannabis cures Cancers

Good for the goose

If a person had good reason to believe that a violent crime was happening at his neighbour’s house then breaking in to the neighbour’s house would be justified. And even though they trespassed their testimony should be admissible in court.

If, on the other hand, a person broke in to their neighbour’s house without a good reason and discovered some crime their testimony should be admissible in court and they should receive the punishment for trespassing/breaking and entering.

That’s all pretty straight forward and I expect everyone agrees… now what if the person trespassing/breaking and entering is working for the government?

What happens is that government employees are not prosecuted and their discovery is not admissible in court (e.g the Tohoe spying). This accepted procedure enables two injustices.

All evidence should be allowed in Court and crimes committed by government employees should be prosecuted.

GCSB Legislation

Here’s my take on what’s wrong with the proposed GCSB Bill… the proposed GCSB Bill and the current GCSB Act rely on the Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Act which requires private companies to intercept communications for the government on request.

Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Act 2004

Section 7 (1)A network operator must ensure that every public telecommunications network that the operator owns, controls, or operates, and every telecommunications service that the operator provides in New Zealand, has an interception capability.

Section 27 Pecuniary penalty for contravention of compliance order
(1)If the High Court is satisfied, on the application of a surveillance agency, that a person has acted in contravention of a compliance order, the court may order the person to pay to the Crown any pecuniary penalty that the court determines to be appropriate.
(2)The amount of any pecuniary penalty under subsection (1) must not exceed $500,000.
(3)In the case of a continuing contravention of a compliance order, the court may, in addition to any pecuniary penalty ordered to be paid under subsection (1), impose a further penalty of $50,000 for each day or part of a day during which the contravention continues.

Security concerns by themselves do not justify forcing others to comply with your wishes.

Everyone’s politics in a nutshell…

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

new mordor

Picture by Slane Cartoons

I was asked if I would speak at the GCSB Bill protest in Hamilton last Saturday.
I had to decline because I said I had not read the Bill, and that I did not know enough about it to say that it was Bad legislation.

Now get this straight…. I believe DotCom has been very unjustly treated, and that John Key was as guilty as Sin and is lying through his teeth in respect to his complicity in this crime against a NZ resident… and also that I believe John Key seeks to rush through this Bill because he believes it will help him when he faces up and coming Criminal charges for his part in the GCSB Crimes Re: Dotcom and others.

One is reminded of Helen Clark’s ‘Pledgecardgate’ Electoral Fraud and misappropriation crimes and her rushing retrospective legislation to halt her High court conviction and the nullification of the Labour election victory over Don Brash.

….Thus I am fully aware that John Key and the GCSB have already abused the powers they have, and thus we must question any notion of granting them further powers to abuse!

None the less I could not say I oppose the bill, because in spite of all this shyster John Key business, I do believe that there could be legitimate National security issues at stake.

Let me elaborate further.
John key has said that the new legislation would not legitimise what the GCSB did to Dotcom.

John Key also said the GCSB bill will not legalise the Government collecting, storing and eavesdropping all New Zealanders Internet and phone communications… Ie the GCSB bill is not a part of ‘Prism’.

John Key’s has now made further claims that we need the GCSB Bill because there are Al Qaeda Operatives here
…Yet What evidence do we have to support that last claim?
I am not saying that’s impossible for Al Qaeda to be here, but why should we accept it on the word of such a dishonest Scum bag as Key?

Why doesn’t Key say the truth?…. Ie that the GCSB Bill would have been of value in the Tu Hoe Raids, and that Tame iti would probably be in Jail for 20 years had the GCSB Bill been in place at the Time Iti was planning Domestic Terrorism!
It was only because bungling Anti-terrorist legislation that allowed Tame Iti and those Psychotic Tree-hugging Greens to escape… because just like the Dotcom case… In spying on Tame Iti and co, the Powers that be broke the Law, and thus the evidence they gathered about Planned hijacking and murder was inadmissible.

John Key cant mention this valid example for spying because of his cosy relationship with the Maori Party.


For me it was the discovery of what Tame Iti was up to which has made me appreciate that there are Rare circumstances of National security in which spying might be justified.

I dont believe that spying on Drug dealers is at all justifiable… because I dont believe dealing or
using drugs is a Crime…nor a threat to National security.
I dont believe the spying on Dotcom was justifiable either because he’s not a threat to anything but a Happy meal… or 20.

The Tuhoe terrorism scare was a very different kettle of fish.
The Police raids and arrests were a result of a covert spy operation in the Urewera bush whereby special ops were able to film a terrorist training camp and to eavesdrop on conversations about kidnapping and murder.
Tami iti and a collection of Maori Radicals and Extremist Greens were practising Military/ Guerilla type drills using fire arms and home made explosives/ fire bombs.
And by my way of thinking if there is a known conspiracy to commit terrorism or murder, I have little problem believing it is the duty of Government to act covertly and pre-emptively to prevent innocent people being harmed.

This is all a very messy situation… It presents me with a conundrum… because had Tame Iti merely been doing Militia combat training, and not talked about ‘practising’ killing on unfortunate ‘Pakeha’ I would have no grounds to say he was committing any crime.

And yet that is not the case.
He was planning Murder, Kidnapping, and the armed Overthrow of the the NZ government via terrorist means.

Yet still ….and this is where things get even more muddled….I also believe it is fine to practice for a revolution… the overthrow of a tyrannical government by force… Indeed I believe the only thing that can keep a Government from over reaching it’s just powers is a fear of the People uprising… thus in a free society I believe that many New Zealanders ought to be training for such an event.

The dilemma is how to maintain the rights of the population to prepare for a justifiable revolution… and yet also maintain the legitimate government’s ability to cut off Domestic terrorism… ie Unjust revolutions such as Tame Iti was planning.

The dilemma is how to grant the government the power to spy and record evidence against such criminal organisations as Tame itis Terrorists… but forbid them from being able to spy on the Righteous militia and their plans to overthrow an evil Government?

The Dilemma gets worse when you appreciate the reality that Tame Iti and his Band of Violent Greens believed their cause was Just.

Now I myself would love to see our oppressive government overthrown :-)!
Yet my reasoning and justification is the exact opposite of Tame Iti and his TuHoe Terrorists.
They did not seek to establish a New Order of justice, Freedom, and equality, but to impose a severe Racist dictatorship… a lot like George Speight attempted to set up in Fiji… and like Mugabe was able to set up in Zimbabwe.

And Iti’s, Speights, and Mugabes Revolutions are to be juxtaposed against the latest military Coup in Egypt which has just overthrown the Elected government there because they were breaching the constitution and attempting to set up an Islamic State, and with Commodore Bainimarama’s righteous Coup in Fiji, who overthrew the Elected government there because they were busy setting up an apartheid system of Indigenous Rights.
Now Time has proven Bainimarama to be a very Benevolent Authority… with relatively few incidents of troop violence against the citizens of Fiji, and yet there have been some reported cases of serious violence purported by the Egyptian army against outraged Islamic Egyptians protesting the Coup… thus I hesitate to give full endorsement to the Revolutionary Cause.

These sorts of issues show just how difficult it is for any revolution to maintain the High/ righteous ground and avoid actions which are unjustifiable.
We must never forget that a righteous end cannot be used to justify corrupt means.

Some people may recoil at the Idea of the armed overthrow of an elected government… as if Mob rule is always right. It isn’t. The reality is all forms of Government can become oppressive, unjust, and tyrannical if they implement Laws which are purely Arbitrary, Oppressive, unjust, and tyrannical.

All governments ought to be ‘hemmed in’ by an Iron-clad Constitution… this is what constitutes the Rule of Law… and when any government violates the Constitution it has become a Criminal organisation which needs to be abolished and New government instituted.
It also ought to be obvious that the only power possible to protect a legitimate government from being overthrown by an Evil Military Coup is by having a well armed population trained in Militia.
The Army will hesitate from any actions when it knows the people will rise up and fight.

This has been a very heavy trip!
Spying…. Terrorism… Corrupt Politicians…Armed revolution… Constitutions…. etc
These were some of my thoughts in respect to the GCSB bill, and why I hesitate to either endorse the Bill or to protest against it.

gcsb scum

John Key is a Dirty lying scumbag Quisling and does not deserve to be granted more powers, and I fully support Dotcoms cause against the NZ Government… and yet there is so much more to this issue.

I believe we need more time to ponder what is at stake…. what are all the pitfalls, and in what final form such a Bill might be Good for New Zealand.

The Privacy of New Zealanders must not be curtailed under the guise of National security, and yet There must be means of identifying and catching terrorists before they strike.

It must be appreciated that it was because of poorly framed and rushed through Anti-terrorist legislation that allowed Tame iti and the Tuhoe terrorists to escape justice.
The Solicitor-General David Collins ruled that law was “almost impossible to apply in a coherent manner” and firearms charges were laid instead.

The last thing we need is more Bad legislation being rushed trough by a corrupt Prime minister who is seeking to mitigate his own culpability in regards to ongoing charges of Corruption and abuse of power.
That Key has played the Al Qaeda card is very suspect… and yet worrisome.

I also worry about the political connection between the PM and the GCSB.
We have all found out about John Keys devious Employment of his own Old school friend to the Head of the GCSB!…. Heinrich Himmler anyone???

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read my Free Radical article on Bainimarama’s Fijian Coup and The Right of Revolution’ Here:

Read about my condemnation of Tame Iti’s evil intentions Here>>> Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

Read about…. The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence. Here:

Read about New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:

Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

The Big Con. Lew Rockwell


Click>>>> Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Click>>>>> Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Crank it up….