Category Archives: Libertarianz

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.


Because I have failed in the attempt to organise an association of ‘Heavy hitting’ Libertarian minds to directly challenge the governments appointed Committee which is currently running a Mickey Mouse commission looking to entrench Waitangi Racism and Socialist Democratic tyranny, I am attempting to put together a ‘condensed’ submission advocating the institution of a New constitution embodying Libertarian principles for New Zealand to be submitted to Muriel Newman’s the independent Constitutional review panel.
Go Here:

This panel is primarily concerned with insuring any new Constitution guarantees Racial equality before the Law, and does not entrench the current Apartheid doctrines and institutions of Radical Indigenous racism and treaty separatism.
This independent Panel is to be highly praised for this work.
It is absolutely essential that the Government be prevented from establishing an Apartheid constitution, yet I fear the scope of this Independent lobby is not broad enough to challenge the many other injustices and usurpations perpetrated against the people of New Zealand in the name of ‘Social Democracy’ which is the prevailing ideology of 99% of MPs and their parties whom populate our parliament.

The difficulty for me is not only that I despair having to sit out and watch everything unfold from the sideline as a spectator rather than a participant in this process.
I despair of being able to do justice to this ‘Mother of all Political Institutions’ in a brief submission.


One of the most important jobs of a Constitution is to protect the Rights and liberties of Minorities and individuals from Mob Rule.
Living in an age in which Atheist Materialism and Moral relativism dominate the thinking in academic circles it is difficult to speak of ‘Higher Law’… Moral absolutes which trump the mere whims or Legislators in large numbers.
It is difficult to get support for Ideals which set limits to the pseudo-moral justification of Legislation founded upon the mandate of the majority.
In Today’s world I cannot make appeals to Individual rights as being inalienable because they are ‘God given’… which was in times past a perfectly acceptable and rational position to take for the simple reason that so many intellectuals have tragically abandoned belief in God.
Thus I must make appeals to other arguments, in secular terms which embody arguments which such mentalities will not dismiss because of personal bias against theistic Ideas.
And most essentially these arguments must be powerful enough to expose the evil delusion that Humanitarian sentiments can justify tyrannical and oppressive political means.

The Little video below was posted on Face book by a friend (Hat tip Mark Casey) and I share it with you here because it does a very good Job or presenting the distinction between real charity and Socialism/ forced welfare…. and the travesty of that pseudo-moral justification… ‘the democratic mandate of the Majority’…
In so doing this video embodies one of the important attributes my submission to the Independent Panel must encompass.

Watch and enjoy.

This video also makes me wonder if my submission could somehow included such streaming Media?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

On the reoccurring theme of ‘what is the proper roll of Government?’ I submit to you another post about the census yet with an extra punch.
Thomas Jefferson wrote “He who governs best Governs least”. He penned the American Declaration of Independence which actually defined what the proper duties of Government are… to defend the God given rights of the individual, which is a very limited sphere of operation which does not include the supply or control of such services as Education, hospitals, arts and sports, etc… all of which are the proper sphere of Free enterprise and private voluntary associations.

It is because western society has forgotten such enlightened principles as motivated Jefferson and the founding Fathers of America and instead have adopted a totalitarian socialist conception of government where the prevailing belief is that all of life’s problems have political solutions that western civilization teeters on the brink of Absolute economic collapse and chaos!
Keep this in mind when you read my following blog post.
Understand the gravity of the situation… the rationale that underpins the so-called justification for having the compulsory census…

^^^^ That is the Cover pic from the Government Facebook page Census NZ. Here:

It clearly demonstrates why the enlightened Kiwi is outraged by the underpinning arguments which Census NZ, and the Government use to vindicate this compulsory violation of our privacy… ie that the information gathered will be used to for their Social planning.

Bread and Circus.
Notice how this picture appeals to the unthinking… ‘the government as the font of all culture….get someone else to pay for it ‘ mentality…
‘More Drag strips, more skate parks, More Gigs and festivals, more sports…etc etc’.

Notice it completely forgets to add “More Taxes, more rates…. More Debt, more compulsions and property violations!, More Government poking it’s nose into things which are not it’s business to be involved in!

Now I like Drag strips, Concerts, etc yet I am not so stupid as to believe these things are only possible via political interventions!
I also know that every time the Government or city council builds a stadium or sports facility and events that they always run massively over budget and put us into massive debts…. And end up costing Rate payers and Tax slaves Tens of millions of dollars…. Every time!
Three examples from my home town of Hamilton will suffice as examples.

The Rugby stadium.

The V8 Supercars.

The Claudlands event center.

Each of these cost Hamilton Ratepayers many 10’s of Millions of dollars… over the price the Hamilton city council told ratepayers they would cost!
Via consecutive socialist medaling the HCC has racked up $500 million in debts!

And what needs to be appreciated is that this bankrupt situation is the norm across the globe in western socialist democracies… ie Socialist politicians are systematically bankrupting their captive populations! Debts are skyrocketing and Rates are going through the Roof!
Yet nobody seems to be waking up to the fact That City councils ought not to be involved in such ventures!
They are best left to Free enterprise, and voluntary associations, whom are much more realistic about how such things get build and on what scale.
Most importantly they don’t demand money via compulsory taxations upon the community!
Ie Little old ladies living on pensions don’t face rent increases or rates hikes to pay for the white elephants and delusions of grandeur which Big mouth big promising politicians spout at election time to get elected!
If the figures don’t add up… they don’t get built its as simple as that…. Ie economic reality prevails…. Not ridiculous socialist whim.
The sort of people whom support the Council/ government involvement in such things are either Ignorant, evil, or both!
The ignorant have not figured out that such things will turn around an bite them on the arse via higher rates, rents, and costs for necessities in goods and services, and the evil don’t give a damn if people whom don’t like Rugby, etc are forced to pay for New stadiums etc . All they care about is having a flash new place to worship their sporting Gods! They are too stupid to realize that Better stadiums and facilities could be established via legitimate means without the use of Draconian powers of compusion.

Here are just a couple of articles I have plucked off the net…

And below are some links to some blog posts I have done on thes subjects covering some of my own Libertarian Election campaigns standing for Hamilton city council in direct opposition to this Bankrupt big spending socialism….

How to solve Hamilton’s rates crisis

wikiriwhi for HCC 001

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.


Christian Libertarian Tim Wikiriwhi torches his New Zealand Compusory Census Papers 5-3-13.


I am Not a Number!
I am not a Statistic!
I am not a slave of Nanny State!
I know my rights, and the Census is a typical example of Government abuse of Power!
They have no right to demand I fill out any form!
Their threats of fines and convictions are a testimony to the Wickedness and disrespect for Individual liberty and privacy by our Nanny State Socialist democracy!
To all you Social engineers and Bureaucrats….Get Stuffed you little Nazi Scum!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Oh, you have come to pick up my Census?…. Here you go!” 😀
weapon of choice 001

The Census. Are you really Free?

Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes burning her census 2001.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes. Photo / John Stone A political party is urging people opposed to the “coercive nature” of the Census to take part in mass civil disobedience and destroy their Census forms in protest.

But anybody who takes the advice of the Libertarianz Party to indulge in “burning, shredding, defacing or ignoring” the Census form sent out by Statistics NZ could find themselves facing a $500 fine, with another $20 for each day they fail to comply.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes will be holding a party on Census day – March 5 – to “responsibly” destroy her form with others opposed to the information gathering exercise.

Ms Hughes admits it’s exhorting people to take part in a mass form of civil disobedience, but said many didn’t like the intrusive nature of the Census and don’t trust the Government.

“Nobody should destroy their [Census] forms unless they know what they are protesting against. Yes, it’s urging people to break the law, but when the law is wrong then protest is absolutely necessary.”

She said she and the party were opposed to more government intervention and saw the Census as a benign way of brainwashing people into giving up private information.

Read more here: NZ Herald

Related Blogpost…. The Census. Are you really free?

The census is a rediculously expensive waste of Taxpayer money!
Read about it here:

Join the Facebook ‘Event’ ‘Avoiding the Census’ Here:

The Census. Are you really free?

Copy of Copy of census 004
A friend Andrew, My Wife Joy and I burning our Census forms 2001.

My Wife has told me the Census Nazis have dropped off our papers for 2013.
They demand that we fill them out.
It’s compulsory.
Yet don’t I have the right to privacy?
What business is it of theirs what religion I am?
What ethnicities are in my family tree?, or where I happen to be on census night?

Now my life is an open book.
You can find out all these things simply by looking at my face book page.
Yet I intend to refuse to fill this form out…. For the sake of the principles that I have the right to privacy and the State has no legitimate rights to demand such information from me!
They work for Me!
I am not their subject!
The census is a violation of my rights.
After I have made a point for resisting their tyranny…for several visits, I will probably simply sign my name and address and they will go away.
I have done this for the past two census.
I burned my papers once!
The look on the Little Nazi’s face when I handed her a bag of ashes was priceless!
She went away and called in her more threatening Superior.
Blar! blar! Unless you fill out this form you will be summoned to appear in court, and will be fined.
And should you still refuse you will appear again, and fined… until you comply!
Most people submit to this tyranny without so much as a peep!

Yet the reality is folks that the only information you must give is your Name and address.
That’s all they will ever get from me… after I have exposed them as the nasty little Nazi’s that they are!
So I hope some of you appreciate the gravity of this situation and join me in my resistance to Bully Government powers.

Some of you may be thinking that the Government uses this information for their Social Planning.
That’s Good enough reason for me Not to fill them out!
You see I totally despise their ‘Social planning!’
Ie they intend to use this information to assist their Political machinations!
Give me Liberty, or give me Death!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census” Story Here:
Objectivist Strong Man, Libertarian Mentor of Tim Wikiriwhi, Co-founder of the Libertarianz Party of New Zealand, Broadcaster Lindsay Perigo.

Tim Wikiriwhi wins The Free Radical Award Monday March 12 2001
Lindsay Perigo’s Politically Incorrect Show.
Radio Pacific.

“Good afternoon, Kaya Oraaa & welcome to the Politically Incorrect Show on the free speech network, Radio Pacific, for Monday March 12, proudly sponsored by Neanderton Nicotine Ltd., the show that says bugger the politicians & bureaucrats & all the other bossyboot busybodies who try to run our lives with our money; that stands tall for free enterprise, achievement, profit, & excellence, against the state-worshippers in our midst; that stands above all for the most sacred thing in the universe, the liberty of the human individual.

[Music up, music down!]

A couple of Libertyloopers have reported taking great delight in handing census-collectors the charred remains of their census forms. One of them, Tim Wikiriwhi, organised a ceremonial burning in the Waikato region on census night. Here’s part of the speech he gave consigning the form to the flames:

“Why are we doing this? Is this a childish act of rebellion? An act of lawlessness? Many New Zealanders honestly believe that we are fools and even criminals for doing this, Are they right? No! …

“Two very important truths are in question here. First, what is the legitimate role of government, and where do the liberties of the individual rightly begin and end, defining what is truly legitimate
and what is truly a crime?

“To quote Thomas Jefferson and the American Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self evident – that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights: that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government …

“Thus there exists a limit to government. A government that keeps within its boundaries is just. But a government that does not recognise its legitimate function and crosses into domains in which it has no business immediately becomes the violator of the rights it was instituted to protect.

“The government is not a law unto itself and has no right to violate you any more than a thief, rapist or murderer… Demanding that you fill out this form under threat, the state is committing a crime against you.

“Burning this document can never be constituted to be a crime because you are perpetrating no injustice upon anyone! And so your actions fall completely within the boundaries of legitimate liberties.

“Burning this document is the act of free men standing up and saying I’m not your property! My life is my own. So let us light us a fire tonight and raise our glasses for freedom!”

These portions of Tim’s speech will be posted on my web site later today, under Latest PI Show editorial:

And right now I’d like to bestow upon him the Free Radical Award, for his guts & spirit. To Tim Wikiriwhi:

[FreeRad Award]

From The Free Rad website…

Gun rights advocates care about your wives, mothers, and daughters.


91% of rapes in the US occur against woman, and they occur with greater frequency in States with heavy gun restrictions.

The Stats for Sexual assault prosecutions in New Zealand for the year of 2008 was 1312!
The Stats for Male assaults Woman in the same year was 4762!

These stats are available here:

This is happening in a Nation with heavy gun Laws, and bans firearms, esp hand guns for the purposes of self defense.

Don’t kid yourself that Gun controls protect woman.
Woman are Easy pickings in this country.
They are disempowered by Draconian laws and left exposed to predation by violent male offenders.
Don’t kid yourself that Gun control advocates care about the safety of woman more than those whom advocate Gun rights!
The reality is Gun controls greatly benefit violent criminals, not Law abiding citizens.
Mass killings are not demonstrative of lax Gun laws, but Gun restrictions.
They occur in places where guns are banned, and are perpetrated against groups of unarmed people.
The few Crazy people whom attempt mass murder in places where Gun rights are strongest are quickly halted in their tacks by individuals who carry the means of defending themselves.

Those are the facts.
And they contradict the poor logic, fanaticism, and Machiavellian opportunism of Gun control advocates whom use such atrocities as school shootings to lobby to remove against the rights to bear arms.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

In on the Con(stitutional Advisory Panel)

There’s another Treaty Debate on tonight at Te Papa.

Treaty Debate Series 2013 – My Voice Counts

This year, we focus on the place of the Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements. Participants include two prominent lawyers and a panel of young people.

Kim Hill, 2012 International Radio Personality of the Year, chairs the second Treaty Debate of 2013. This year, we invite a panel of young people to discuss the Constitutional Review, which wraps up in late 2013. They answer the question: What are the issues you care about?

The event is introduced by Claudia Orange, Te Papa’s Treaty of Waitangi scholar, and Carwyn Jones, from the New Zealand Centre for Public Law.

The Treaty Debates are organised by Te Papa in partnership with the New Zealand Centre for Public Law at Victoria University of Wellington

I plan to go along to give John Ansell some moral support, perhaps I’ll assist by holding one end of his protest banner, which reads, “Enough Treaty Treachery – Treatygate – The Conning of a Country”.

The rigged panel of Griever Maori and Appeaser Pakeha charged by the National-Maori alliance with misrepresenting your desire for a Treatyfied constitution.

Ansell is right. The country is being conned.

There are no Treaty principles. There is no Treaty partnership. At least, not in the original Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi).

The third article of the Treaty guaranteed to all Māori the same rights as all other British subjects. This meant one law for all.


But there is at least one member of the Constitutional Advisory Panel who (last time I checked) doesn’t understand what “one law for all” means. She says

One-law-for-all is emotive nonsense. We have all sorts of varied laws for different categories of the population, age being the best example. Will Act, under Brash, get rid of the legal age for drinking, voting and obtaining a driver’s licence?

A libertarian friend tries to correct her woolly thinking. He says

You’re not comparing like with like. The drinking age is not a violation of one law for all. It applies equally to everyone. If there were an exemption for Maori, that would violate one law for all.

and goes on to ask

Is your article intended as an apologia for preferential treatment for Maori?

Perhaps it was intended as a job application?

A few brief words on why ageism is acceptable (in the cases to which Deborah Coddington refers) and racism is not. Law is all about discrimination. Morality is all about discrimination. We treat a man who has been found guilty of murder differently from a man who has been charged with murder and acquitted. We discriminate between the two cases. As we should. Legally (and morally), the difference between a Guilty verdict and a Not Guilty verdict is relevant to how people should be treated. In the case of age vs. race, a person’s age is morally relevant (they are deemed to be too young to give informed consent) to how they should be treated. A person’s skin colour is not.

It beggars belief that Coddington was once the Deputy Leader of the Libertarianz Party.

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

Guns: The great equaliser…

The old saying goes that God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal. Col. Samuel Colt’s revolver continues to serve as an equalizer. Being bigger, tougher and meaner than the next guy may not mean jack spit if the next guy carries a .357 in his waistband.

Bad attitude and big muscles make a poor match for a 200-grain lead slug.

John Birch – of no relation to the famed anticommunist – knows this well. His organization, Concealed Carry Inc., awards a free handgun every month to Chicago residents. The reason? To give citizens in the nation’s murder capital a fighting chance.

“I would feel terrible if someone needed a gun and I didn’t give him one, and they ended up dead,” said Birch, quoted in a May 26 Associated Press report.

Even though “Awards only go to people who are at least 21-years-old, have had a background check, and have completed a firearms training course,” the city of Al Capone is going ballistic over Birch’s giveaway, in which recipients are selected on the basis of an essay contest and lottery.

“I think he is encouraging violence,” said City of Chicago Attorney Mara Georges. “I think he is encouraging civil disobedience. I think he’s encouraging people to break the law,” namely a 20-year-old, citywide handgun ban.

Warned Georges, “if he’s going to violate the law, we are going to have to very, very fiercely protect our laws.”

Nearly 700 homicides happened in Chicago last year, and three-quarters of those were gun-related, according to AP. With fewer guns in fewer hands, Georges is confident the murder rate will drop.

Actually, it’s the other way around.

“Allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns reduces violent crimes,” argues John Lott in his groundbreaking book, “More Guns, Less Crime.” Further, “reductions coincide very closely with the number of concealed-handgun permits issued.” Having more guns in the hands (and inside the jacket pockets) of Americans deters violent crime, including murder.

The reason for this fact is simple: Firearms reduce the power differential between the weak and the strong, making it harder for the strong to prey upon the weak. Being strong doesn’t help much when you’re dead or wetting your pants in fear because your potential victim shoved a barrel muzzle under your nose…