Category Archives: Libertarianz

Dumbfounded Dipshits vote Left/Right.(updated)

“…On reasoning and emotions: Libertarians have the most “masculine” style, liberals the most “feminine.” We used Simon Baron-Cohen’s measures of “empathizing” (on which women tend to score higher) and “systemizing”, which refers to “the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.” Men tend to score higher on this variable. Libertarians score the lowest of the three groups on empathizing, and highest of the three groups on systemizing. (Note that we did this and all other analyses for males and females separately.) On this and other measures, libertarians consistently come out as the most cerebral, most rational, and least emotional. On a very crude problem solving measure related to IQ, they score the highest. Libertarians, more than liberals or conservatives, have the capacity to reason their way to their ideology…”

Haha I don’t put too much weight on these sorts of ‘Findings’.
I certainly don’t believe Woman empathise more than Men, or that Libertarians Empathise less than socialists. I think this conclusion shows a failure to appreciate the Christian Libertarian belief that Liberty and self reliance tends to greater prosperity for everyone, and thus less poverty, and a greater voluntary spirit of community, and benevolence…. all things which socialism destroys. Thus Liberty fosters a more Christian spirit. Yet of course the Objectivists have done their best to destroy this understanding of Freedom and empathy, and instead promoted Selfishness… thus again they have done their best to undermine the Libertarian cause…
As for the IQ Part… well I don’t put much weight on thoses things either as there have been plenty of high IQ Morons!
Apparently plenty of Hi IQ folk believe the theory of Evolution!
So that proves IQ is no Guarantee of intelligence/ wisdom!
Yet I do Believe Socialists are stupid!
That is an empirical Fact!
(I guess I stand convicted of Lack of Tact! Yet I dont believe Being PC shows empathy either… really it’s cloaked Malice)

Can Libertarianz step up?

This by Michael Hooton just appeared on the National Business Review website.

A new liberal bloc

Next weekend, the Libertarianz will hold their annual conference in Auckland.

The party has a record of electoral failure exceeding even where ACT is today, peaking at just 6000 votes in 1999.

In its defence, the party points out – with some justification – former National leader Don Brash, former Act MP Deborah Coddington and former United Future MP Marc Alexander can be seen as previous parliamentary torchbearers for its ideas.

This year, though, it is getting serious, calling its conference Towards a True Liberal Bloc in parliament. Its doors are open to anyone who believes there needs to be a new political party in parliament advocating small-government, liberal solutions to economic and social problems.

It believes next year’s local body elections will provide a proof-of-concept opportunity, claiming some rural and provincial New Zealanders are facing rates rises of up to 40%, largely because of parliament’s idiotic 2002 decision to grant local government general competence.

Libertarianz representation on councils and parliament would undoubtedly be good for New Zealand, but achieving it will require discipline which classical liberals and libertarians are programmed to resist.

Historically, like the far left, the movement has suffered from regular schisms.

While all libertarians agree that self-interest, individual rights and capitalism are the ethical, political and economic systems of objectivist philosophy, some insist the political wing must also insist, for example, on romantic realism in art.

Others believe broadly in classical liberalism but would be quite happy with, say, vouchers for all schools rather than wholesale abandonment of the state system.

There are potentially as many different opinions as there are libertarians over matters from tolerance toward Islamism or creationism being taught in schools to defence.

Without destroying the very nature of libertarianism, a way must be found to accommodate different views while achieving the degree of political discipline necessary to win the 100,000 votes to get into parliament.

The good news for everyone who would like to see the Libertarianz succeed is that all matters of political strategy appear to be on the table, including perhaps even the party’s name.

If they do get into parliament they will not see themselves so much as a coalition partner for Mr Key but a faction to give his government a kick up the bum.

NZ Police: Brutalising the Sick


Cannabis Law Reform

NZ Police: Brutalising the Sick

On Wednesday, 57-year-old Levin man Billy McKee was found guilty in the Palmerston North District Court on four charges of selling cannabis and one of cultivation.

Libertarianz Spokesman on Drugs, Dr. Richard Goode, described it as a day of shame for the New Zealand police and their political masters in the Beehive.

“The job of the police is to prosecute criminals, not to persecute amputees. McKee lost a leg below the knee when a drunk driver deliberately rammed his motorbike decades ago. Since then, he has suffered constant pain from nerve damage to the stump. Now he uses medicinal cannabis – it’s the only thing that works.”

Goode quotes McKee: “If I could get medication from my doctor that worked for me then I’d just use it … but the medication I get from the doctor makes me really, really sick.”

“McKee might never have come to the attention of the police,” Goode surmises, “but he runs GreenCross, a support group for medicinal cannabis users, and actively campaigns to make cannabis legally available for medicinal purposes.”

McKee was targeted by the police in an undercover sting operation. A constable contacted McKee seeking help for a fake ailment. “This low-life pretended to suffer from painful migraines,” says Goode. McKee at first sold the policeman hemp oil, a legal product, and suggested he see a doctor. But he was persuaded to sell the constable cannabis. “McKee did what any decent human being would do, and tried to help ease the man’s suffering,” says Goode. “For this simple act of compassion, he could now receive a lengthy jail sentence.”

“When McKee is sentenced next month, the sentencing judge must be made aware that a prison sentence would manifestly violate one of McKee’s basic civil rights. New Zealand’s Bill of Rights Act 1990 enshrines the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment,” says Goode. “Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.” Goode continues, “And let’s be perfectly clear, torture is exactly what a jail sentence would amount to. Deprived of access to the only medicine that eases his suffering, McKee would spend his entire time in constant pain.”

“What has this country come to,” laments Goode, “when the police think that the best use of their time is to engage in treachery and deceit in order to entrap and torment traumatised road accident victims? A better use of their time would be to get drunk drivers off the road – like the drunk driver to whom McKee lost his leg in the first place. Instead, they take sadistic pleasure in brutalising the sick.”

“As for their political masters in the Beehive – those who voted to defeat Metiria Turei’s Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill in 2009 must now hang their heads in shame.”

Goode concludes, “The War on Drugs™ is a war on the medically sick, waged by the morally sick. It must end.”

For more information contact:

Dr. Richard Goode
Libertarianz Drugs Spokesman
Phone: 021 340 057

Libertarianz – More Freedom, Less Government


End Waitangi Apartheid! Reject Racist Constitution! Sign Petition!

Muriel Newman has a valuable petition running designed to thwart the Ambitions of the Racists whom have hijacked the Discussion Regarding a New Constitution for New Zealand.

The Objectives of the petition:
We, New Zealanders, having founded our society in the equality of comradeship, and living here at home in the land we have made, utterly oppose any laws which establish or promote racial distinction or division.

There shall be one law for all:

The Declaration…

We refuse to accept any reference to the Treaty of Waitangi or its principles in any constitutional document.
We require that such references be removed from all existing legislation.
We require that race-based Parliamentary seats be abolished.
We require that race-based representation on local bodies be abolished.
We require that the Waitangi Tribunal, which has outlived any usefulness it may have had, be abolished.
And we pledge ourselves to oppose and resist all those of whatever rank or degree who, whether by force or the devious processes of the law, attempt to impose the fetters of racial inequality on the free citizens of New Zealand.

Please Sign this petition Here!

Please join John Ansells TreatyGate here:

Please Like the Treatygate Facebook page Here.

Please Like the Constitutional review Facbook page here.

Please join the One NZ Foundation Here:

The Great Waitangi Swindle…

Freedom Alliance

A message from Richard McGrath, Libertarianz Party Leader, in the latest Liberty newsletter.

To freedom lovers, the return of John Banks to Parliament as an ACT MP is as unwelcome as the rash that announces the resurgence of syphilis following healing of the primary ulcer. If ever it could be claimed that ‘the science is settled’, it is the political science that predicts annihilation of the ACT Party at or before the 2014 election. The demise of the liberal wing of this once proud political force creates an opportunity for a regrouping of New Zealanders committed to the idea that self-government is the best form of government.

For several months, in various forums including Facebook groups, disaffected current and former ACT members, along with Libertarianz members and others, are throwing around ideas and discussing how best to advance the cause of liberty in this country. One suggestion is that a coalition of political organisations that broadly promote the ideals of smaller government and more individual freedom – a Freedom Alliance – be formed, with candidates to contest the local body elections next year and possibly the general election scheduled for 2014. The individual parties forming such an alliance would most likely comprise the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, the Libertarianz Party, the liberal rump of ACT represented in part by the ‘True Liberals’ and others yet unknown.

The unifying principle of such a coalition would be a belief in the principle of self-determination; of New Zealanders having greater control over their lives, and taking greater responsibility for their actions. The various parties to such a grouping would not have to see eye to eye on every single issue, and would retain their individual identities and be able to withdraw from the Alliance at any time.

Aiming for success at local body level is, as I see it, far more realistic than hoping that an ALCP or Libertarianz candidate will upset their National or Labour counterparts in an electorate seat, or break the totally arbitrary 5% (six seat) party vote barrier that crushes the smaller parties (why couldn’t the threshold be 0.83%, which would result in one seat?). Although local government is, to a large extent, dominated by central government in terms of its funding, a Freedom Alliance could stand on the basis of (for example) opposing rates rises (instead, pushing for significant and sustained decreases), slashing compliance costs, balancing district council budgets, devolving services into the private sector where feasible and legalising cannabis for medical or other use.

Over the past week, I have had conversations with the ALCP, and the True Liberals. I have examined the ALCP list of policies and estimate about 90% (if not more) of the content of those policies is written from a pro-individual liberty stance. The True Liberals may as well be clones of Libertarianz in terms of underlying beliefs and principles, so I hold great hopes of being able to working constructively with these two fairly major players.

If you are reading this, and think you have a better name than ‘Freedom Alliance’ for a grouping of liberal-minded political activists, or a better strategy for advancing the cause of freedom, then please let me know. Meantime, aim to get yourself to Auckland on Saturday 6 October to attend the Libertarianz Party conference. We are organising some interesting speakers including, I am confident, representatives from some of the other political groups mentioned above and one or two special (and unexpected) guest speakers.

I am looking forward to capitalising on what appears to be a groundswell of discontent at the way the centre-right coalition led by John Key continue to over-borrow (still a third of a billion dollars a week – ouch!), over-spend and overgovern us in the same misguided and mindless manner as their predecessors.

Liberty Conference 2012

Towards a True Liberal Bloc in Parliament

‘Not your usual Libertarianz conference’

The 2012 conference will be different from those of the past. It’s not just for Libertarianz members—it’s a symposium for all people who believe we need a new political party in Parliament presenting small-government answers to the issues of today; a party which consistently advocates liberal solutions to problems such as our current economic malaise as well as taking a small-government approach to what individuals do in their private lives.

We will be confronting the urgent need for a new liberal party at both the national and local body level. Ever since local government was granted Power of General Incompetence in 2002, we have seen an explosion in its spending and power. In Auckland the C&R City Vision duopoly has run amok, overseeing year after year of enormous increases in rates and spending. There is room in local councils across the country for a party that really protects ratepayers’ wallets, property and liberties.

This year’s conference is shaping up to be historic. We have fantastic speakers lining up to have their say on the design of a new, united, truly liberal force in New Zealand politics.

Whether you be libertarian, liberal, a cannabis law reform advocate or disillusioned with the formerly semi-liberal ACT, you should help write New Zealand political history by attending this year!

Note: Persons who wish to attend this conference have the opportunity to make submissions on the name, branding and policies of a new national and local level political party at the conference. Anyone wishing to be part of the submission process can email with their personal/organisation details and the content of their submission.

Saturday, 6 October 2012 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Crowne Plaza Auckland
128 Albert Street, Auckland

Schedule (Provisional):
09:00 AGM
09:15 President’s Address
09:30 Sean Fitzpatrick
09:50 Julian Pistorius
10:10 Richard McGrath
10:30 Morning Tea
10:45 Phil Scott – Foundation for Economic Growth
11:15 Lindsay Perigo
12:00 Peter Cresswell
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Stephen Berry on party re-brand and chairing of submissions
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:15 Cameron Slater
15:45 Submissions on local body elections
17:00 Conclusions
17:30 END

$59 Full price (Includes morning & afternoon tea & lunch)
$49 Early bird special; pay by 31st August
$39 Student/youth rate

Bank account:
02 0278 0151989 00

Or send cheque to:
PO Box 6173
Wellesley St
Auckland 1036

Please email to confirm.

(Or credit card/Paypal – See Eventbrite link below)

Online Registration:

Go to the page below to register:
Libertarianz Conference 2012 – Eventbrite Registration Page

John Ansell’s Challange To End Racist Government In New Zealand.

John Ansell has laid down a Challenge to Achiever Maori… Here. … and includes All New Zealanders ‘with a Spine’.

I endorse this challenge.

To My Maori Family and Friends. Understand that Political equality takes nothing away from Maori except Racism and Hatred. Under Liberty and equality you can still embrace who you are to the fullest extent. Stop allowing the deluded and hypocritical Racist Radicals to poison your souls with hate mongering lies. Liberate Yourselves from being used as pawns by those Political Fat cat Maori Racists whom have Got money and Power by turning you, your families, and your friends into The brown equivalents of White supremacists… heads filled with the same kinds of distorted history and Racist delusions.
And to my Pakeha Family, and friends I ask you to snap out of your wooly headed acceptance of Waitangi Racism, and the separatist system of Government.
You are just as Bad as the Racist Maori radicals because you sanction their lies and embrace their corruption. I call upon you to stop voting for politicians and political parties which support Racist Laws and Government. Liberate yourselves and your children from being treated as second class Subjects in your own country!
Please everyone support John Ansell’s movement to End Waitangi Apartheid!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

What a joke The ‘Renaissance in Maori culture and treaty settlement process is! All the Billions of dollars and assets of the so-called ‘Maori economy’ are enjoyed by the Aristocracy while the average Maori tribesman are just the miserable chumps wallowing in racism , dependence, and poverty!

According to the NZ Herald despite all the Political favoritism and Nannyism, The Income Gap between Maori and Pakeha continues to widen.
Yet what would you expect?
Learning TeReo Maori, and doing The Haka don’t have any economic value Homie!

The whole ‘Treaty partnership’ is a massive joke at the expense of all New Zealanders esp the foolish Maori whom are being deceived by the Political Class shyster Maori Lawyers and Elite into supporting the Separatist movement.

When will you understand that the only people oppressing you are your own leaders who fill your heads with race hatred and ensnare you in a victim mentality?

The average Maori would be much better off keeping their cultural interests as private pleasure, forsaking all the Race hatred and ‘blame’ that the separatists cultivate, and instead encourage their children to stand on their own two feet as individuals and take responciblity for their own well being… stressing the importance of the study English, Math, Engineering, etc.
Then watch a liberated Modern Maori make their escape from the Racist lies and delusions and compete as equals in the world.
This is how Moari must seek to improve their Economic lot (and escape the ethical poverty which sees them filling Jails, hospitals, and morgues).
By Hard work and self reliance. Socialism is a scam! A Trap. A complete failure!

Important note: I am not saying Maori people ought to completely forsake their culture. I am saying the Bogus Political Agenda, racial separatism, and its fabrication of a false Renaissance has led Maori down a very dark and deluded path.
And that they must stop following their Evil racist leaders who pretend to have the ordinary Maori’s best interests at heart when in reality they only give a damn about themselves.

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

This is a scary video (Below).
It is a *MUST WATCH*.
Its something straight out of the Nazi era… and the Time is ripe…
Comments please

What this shows is that during a crisis… when you are most likely to need your firearms for self defense… The threat will come from the Government!
Many of the Preppers will be fucked over… by the police!
Most will submit to being robbed of their means of self defense.
Only three three types of people will have Guns… two of them evil… The state, and Criminals who hide their weapons. The third group who will be armed will be the Libertarians who will not submit to being left defenseless. Ie the Libertarians may hand over a gun or two if they are faced with an armed police squad… but they will have a stack more buried in their Back yard… or up in the hills so they can Re arm themselves.
This defiance of the Government will make Libertarians enemies of the State.
They will face a ferocious tyranny… many will be murdered by the government.
This could well be the price of Resistance to slavery.
Are you ready to Die in defence of freedom?
When you look at this scenario it is as if the police are working for the criminal gangs, by taking away the Good guys only means of protecting themselves from armed and violent criminals.
The whole Anti-Gun lobby is Batshit insane….
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

How is it that things have got this point?
Tyranny is at our Door!
Watch the Video below…Charlton Heston explains…

Update: 20 7 12.
More guns… less Crime…”Although a 19-year-high 47 percent of American adults report owning a gun, the firearm homicide rate has dipped remarkably. Gun murders sank from more than 10,000 in 2005 to 8,776 in 2010, and appeared to drop again in 2011, according to a recent FBI preliminary report.”