Category Archives: National Party

Chump Kai.


“Lake Taupo owners Ngati Tuwharetoa insist their demands for payment from Mighty River Power for storing water in the lake are not about money.”


Read about it Here:

At the Funeral of the Corrupt Copper who planted evidence which sent an innocent man (Arthur Allan Thomas) to jail for over 9 years…
“Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Bush, who told mourners last week that the officer in charge of the Crewe murder investigation, Bruce Hutton, had “integrity beyond reproach”.

Read about that Here:


Domestic spy agency the Security Intelligence Service commits 88 crimes against New Zealanders.
John Key denies this resulted in any arrests… yet wants to get the Law changed to legitimize these criminal government actions… as if their dishonesty warrents granting them further powers!

“Deputy Prime Minister Bill English said Section 14 of the 2003 act, which prevented the bureau spying on New Zealanders, was only included in the legislation by then Prime Minister Helen Clark “to get the votes in the House”.

The issue was not whether New Zealanders could be spied on “because they can” but “the issue here is whether the SIS can use the GCSB to carry out some of that function”.

“The assumption has always been that they can.”

Read about that Here:

Rigged Statistics supply Ammo for Racist claims of Maori Oppression.
The Maori and the Green Party Demand answers!

Using a massive Data set of 3 cases a report was able to conclude that 100% of Pakeha got off charges for Homocide, while 100% of Maori faced prosecution.
Seems Legit 🙂

Read about that Here:

The Broad way. Morality by vote. Social Arbitrary Law.

mob rule

“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be thereon.
Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it”
Jesus Christ.

The idea of the ‘Mandate of the majority’ in determining what ought to be Law, or how a country ought to be governed is a Pagan/ Greek idea.
It is a pseudo-morality which opposes itself to Christian Ideals of Justice.
Why then do so many Christians clamor for more democracy…less principle/ rule of Law?
Why is it that the socialists have been able to substitute the Idea of Majority Rule as being ‘the rule of law’ when it is no such thing?
Democratic whim is no more a protection of the rights of individuals than the whim of a dictator.
The Laws generated thereby are absolutely Arbitrary!
Why is this truth not taught in ours schools?

They dont teach this because the state does not want the people to slap Constitutional restraints on their power or limit their spheres of operation/ intervention.
Labour party Hench woman and Waikato University Propaganda Chief Margaret Wilson opposed the institution of a Constitution which restrained the powers of parliament. Ie she opposed the rule of Law, and desired the continuation of Totalitarian socialism.

She praised Social arbitrary law and mob rule… calling the Status quo… “Our wonderfully Fluid system…” !!!!

Remember that she was part of the Labour government who abolished Kiwi’s rights to appeal to Privy Council in England, and established the New Zealand Supreme Court.
This was a socialist Coup!


As one of New Zealand’s highest Lawyers/Legislators (Attorney General), it was in her parties vested interest to Bamboozle the people of New Zealand to keep her Party free to implement their Nanny state Agenda upon us.

These were dark days for unpopular minorities… Party pill/ NOS bans, Anti-smoking legislations etc. Massive handouts to Racist radicals, Anti smack legislation, etc.
By comparison John Keys inept governance looks enlightened!
We don’t see anywhere near as much Nanny state legislation being generated.
He still suxs badly, yet I will give him Credit for that…


That many people will look at the list of oppressive socialist laws and think they were all good ideas …. That Nanny State is great just goes to show that had they lived in Germany in the 1930’s, they would have been raising the One armed salute to the Democratically elected Socialist Tyrant Adolf Hitler.
He was all about ‘State Health’, ‘State Education’, ‘Nationalism’, etc.
This is why is is all too common to hear sheeple exclaim… “Hitler was a genius and had a lot of great Ideas…”.


be this guy

That Unchecked Social Democracy has bankrupted every Nation in Western Civilisation makes little difference to the Vested interests, dependent State Tit suckers whom now realise they have sucked the life blood out of their neighbors! They Clamour against state cost cutting… as if you can get more labour out of Dead slaves!
The Socialist politicians themselves refuse to admit they have ruined their Nations.
They make ridiculous statements “Austerity will cause a depression” when the truth is their largess has already Bankrupted us and that every year they continued their charade simply made things much worse!
We stagger beneath Massive Debts and Taxes!
Look at Cyprus today!
Frozen banks, and the prospect of looting the peoples savings!
It is difficult for me to feel sorry for them as the one thing that may be said about Democracy is that the Majority of people get the Government they deserve.
Ie In every Western Nation the resident sheeple have ignored the ‘Doom saying Libertarians preaching “The End is Nigh!” from their Soapboxes.
The greedy Sheeple have allowed their governments to lead them to destruction.

See Richard’s Post on Cyprus Here:

I’m from the government and I’m here to help


I didn’t realise quite how bad things are getting in government-stricken Christchurch.

EQC workers threatened by frustrated Cantabrians

Angry Cantabrians, frustrated with the speed of the rebuild, are threatening to blow up earthquake repair hubs and shoot staff.

The abuse of rebuild staff escalated yesterday when an eastern Christchurch hub, which looks more like a fortress, was locked down after an angry homeowner, with a violent past, threatened staff.

Things are going to get worse before they get better.

Bullying of EQC workers could escalate

[EQC] Customer services general manager Bruce Emson says staff have been verbally and physically abused by homeowners frustrated at the speed of the rebuild.

He says there have been death threats as well.

“It’s exacerbating a little, as people become less resilient and less tolerant as I guess as we head into our third winter it might even continue to escalate.”

You think?

Fletcher EQR general manager David Peterson said the firm had spent thousands of dollars on extra security to protect its 700 staff after threats and verbal abuse from homeowners.

“We have 20 hubs around the city and we’ve had to make the fences slightly higher, put in exit doors for staff and the reception counters are higher now too, so people can’t jump over them so easily,” Peterson said.

He understood homeowners were frustrated but some behaviour had forced staff out because “customer interaction had become unbearable”.

“When it’s every single day, it really does wear you down. We’ve trained staff specifically to be able to handle aggressive phone calls, and we’ve trained them how to deal with threats physically and emotionally.”

Some areas of the city, such as North New Brighton, were “more problematic” than others, he said.

Perhaps the EQC should focus its rebuilding efforts on “more problematic” areas—areas where people actually live—instead of on the CBD, where rebuilding has continued apace. Take a look at the recent picture below. You’d hardly think that just over two years ago the city was struck by a devastating earthquake.


New Book. Twisting the Treaty.


Six notable authors, have just published a challenging new book about the way the Treaty of Waitangi has been twisted to be greatly in favour of Maori tribes in the last 30 years. These twistings include the rewriting o…f our history by political “historians”, the never-ending so called Treaty claim process, and privatising and giving away our foreshore and seabed, as well as our native flora and fauna, and the rorts that apply to our sea fishery.

If you are interested in these matters, then this book, “Twi$ting the Treaty – A tribal Grab for Wealth and Power” provides readily readable discussion on these topics. The Cover below.

Warning – the book is factual and is non-PC, one of its charms in my view.
The book is available at a retail cost of $40. It has 414 pages and 16 photo pages.
But with 16 self-contained chapters it does not have to be read all at once.

Where to obtain it:
1 Good bookstores throughout NZ or
2 Write to Tross Publishing, P O Box 22 143, Khandallah, Wellington, 6441 with your order and cheque
3 Also see our website, for info and to order.

Enjoy your reading.

^^^^ Hat Tip: Tom Henry via Facebook.

Libertarians Tim Wikiriwhi and Guest Peter Cresswell On the New Freeland Radio Show.

Great to see Ex Libertarianz Party Leader Peter Cresswell listed as a Co Author of Twisting the Treaty!
Watch Here @ Eternal Vigilance for further commentary on this Book.

P.S Deep Purple in Concert Tonight! Yeah!

Fatal attraction


Today the government banned the sale of NIB (neodymium-iron-boron) magnets.

Ban on the sale of high powered magnet sets

Consumer Affairs Minister Simon Bridges has announced a ban on the sale of sets of small high powered magnets that have caused serious injuries in New Zealand and at least one reported death in Australia.

“These magnets are harmless to play with but if swallowed can cause serious internal damage that can require major surgery,” says Mr Bridges.

If two or more of these magnets are ingested they can become joined up in the digestive system and the pressure they exert can cause serious inflammation and ulceration. Left untreated, this can quickly lead to major tissue damage, perforations and potentially infection sepsis and death.

“Because of their strength, older children have been known to use these magnets as mock jewellery, such as mouth or tongue studs. Young children swallow them out of natural curiosity.

“As a result children have been seriously harmed overseas, including many hospitalisations in the United States and Australia and the death of an 18-month-old in Queensland. In December a New Zealand toddler was admitted to Auckland’s Starship Hospital after ingesting some of the magnets. Officials are aware of at least two other serious cases here involving hospitalisation and surgery.

“Though these magnets tend to be marketed at adults as office toys and many brands carry strict safety warnings, it is clear from the cases here and overseas that they pose too great a risk to children.”

The Unsafe Goods Notice for these small powerful magnets will mean that from tomorrow no one will be allowed to import or sell these magnets in New Zealand. The notice is issued under section 31 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 and will be enforced by the New Zealand Customs Service at the border and the Commerce Commission in the marketplace.

Bridges reassures us.

The action I have taken will only apply to the sales of these magnets for personal or domestic use. This ban will not affect the use of this type of magnet in schools and universities for teaching purposes nor would it affect any industrial or commercial use of these magnets.


Imagine the sinking feeling in your stomach, caused not by ingestion of NIB magnets, but by receipt of a letter from the New Zealand Customs Service telling you that they have seized your magnets, and will destroy them, if you do not provide evidence that you imported them for non-personal use.

Side Show Carnies : Socialist vs Socialist. The Auckland Housing Crisis.

National Socialist Bill English socks Commy Super City Mayor Len Brown.

Our system of Governments is ridiculous.
It would be Funny if it were not so tragic!

Recently I have blogged on the Super city Council manufacture of a housing crisis in Auckland (here)
This is The UN Agenda 21 in action.
I also blogged about Opposition to Mayor Len Brown’s unitary plan by Councilor Dick Quax (here)

Like all populist sensationalism which appears in the Media, the Hype has provoked the National government to act out of self interest resulting in a ‘socialist vs socialist’… Agenda vs Agenda situation… The National Party vs SuperCity Mayor.

Feigning Benevolence… with the aim of easing the extortionate rate of buying a home in Auckland Bill English has told Len Brown to ease council restrictions to free up land to be developed for housing… Or He will force the issue via legislation.

Read NZ Herald article and watch video here:

Super City Councilor Dick Quax put out a media release (Here) in approval of The government stepping in to force an easing of Council restrictions.
This is one of the rare occasions in which I too am in favour of Bill English using political coercion!
This coercion is aimed at forcing a tyrannical socialist council to loosen it’s grip.
it is a move which improves property rights (albeit ever so slight… It’s certainly not a fundamental reform)

Of course this artificial crisis offers Totalitarians like Brown both the the pretext, and the financial advantage to expand state housing… in the form of High-rise apartments… capitalizing on High rents in the city.

Watch this space…

Am I the only one who finds it despicable that Brown has no quams about knocking down Privately owned apartment buildings to create his Rail network?
Read about it here:
We are also witnessing the rise of left wing Totalitarian support groups posing as ‘concerned citizens’, for Eg The Tamaki Housing Group blames Deregulation for the Leaky buiding syndrome here:
It would be interesting to investigate what links Mayor Brown has with this lobby!
Of Course the ‘Red Flag’ aka The NZ Herald is quick to provide these Leftist with a media boost.

Objectivist Libertarian and achitect Peter Cresswell has done a series of blogs exposing this sort of socialist tactic used by the Tamaki Lobby that Leaky building syndrome was caused by deregulation Here:

Tim Wikiriwhi