Category Archives: State Rape

State of Pennsylvania ‘s letter to Mr. DeVries:

I recieved this as an Email… Thx Ela!

Dear Mr. DeVries:

It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of property. You have been certified as the legal landowner and/or contractor who did the following unauthorized activity:

Construction and maintenance of two wood debris dams across the outlet stream of Spring Pond.

A permit must be issued prior to the start of this type of activity. A review of the Department’s files shows that no permits have been issued Therefore, the Department has determined that this activity is in violation of Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, being sections 324.30101 to 324.30113 of the Pennsylvania Compiled Laws, annotated.

The Department has been informed that one or both of the dams partially failed during a recent rain event, causing debris and flooding at downstream locations.. We find that dams of this nature are inherently hazardous and cannot be permitted. The Department therefore orders you to cease and desist all activities at this location, and to restore the stream to a free-flow condition by removing all wood and brush forming the dams from the stream channel. All restoration work shall be completed no later than January 31, 2010.

Please notify this office when the restoration has been completed so that a follow-up site inspection may be scheduled by our staff. Failure to comply with this request or any further unauthorized activity on the site may result in this case being referred for elevated enforcement action..

We anticipate and would appreciate your full cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to contact me at this office if you have any questions.

Sincerely, David L. Price
District Representative and Water Management Division.

Response sent back by Mr. DeVries:

Re: DEQ File
No.. 97-59-0023; T11N; R10W, Sec. 20; Lycoming County

Dear Mr. Price,

Your certified letter dated 11/17/09 has been handed to me. I am the legal landowner but not the Contractor at 2088 Dagget Lane , Trout Run, Pennsylvania.

A couple of beavers are in the process of constructing and maintaining two wood ‘debris’ dams across the outlet stream of my Spring Pond. While I did not pay for, authorize, nor supervise their dam project, I think they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use of natures building materials ‘debris.’

I would like to challenge your department to attempt to emulate their dam project any time and/or any place you choose. I believe I can safely state there is no way you could ever match their dam skills, their dam resourcefulness, their dam ingenuity, their dam persistence, their dam determination and/or their dam work ethic.

These are the beavers/contractors you are seeking. As to your request, I do not think the beavers are aware that they must first fill out a dam permit prior to the start of this type of dam activity.

My first dam question to you is:
(1) Are you trying to discriminate against my Spring Pond Beavers, or
(2) Do you require all beavers throughout this State to conform to said dam request?

If you are not discriminating against these particular beavers, through the Freedom of Information Act, I request completed copies of all those other applicable beaver dam permits that have been issued. (Perhaps we will see if there really is a dam violation of Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, being sections 324.30101 to 324.30113 of the Pennsylvania Compiled Laws, annotated.)

I have several dam concerns. My first dam concern is, aren’t the beavers entitled to legal representation? The Spring Pond Beavers are financially destitute and are unable to pay for said representation — so the State will have to provide them with a dam lawyer.

The Department’s dam concern that either one or both of the dams failed during a recent rain event, causing flooding, is proof that this is a natural occurrence, which the Department is required to protect. In other words, we should leave the Spring Pond Beavers alone rather than harassing them and calling them dam names.

If you want the damed stream ‘restored’ to a dam free-flow condition please contact the beavers — but if you are going to arrest them, they obviously did not pay any attention to your dam letter, they being unable to read English.

In my humble opinion, the Spring Pond Beavers have a right to build their unauthorized dams as long as the sky is blue, the grass is green and water flows downstream. They have more dam rights than I do to live and enjoy Spring Pond. If the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection lives up to its name, it should protect the natural resources (Beavers) and the environment (Beavers’ Dams).

So, as far as the beavers and I are concerned, this dam case can be referred for more elevated enforcement action right now. Why wait until 1/31/2010? The Spring Pond Beavers may be under the dam ice by then and there will be no way for you or your dam staff to contact/harass them.

In conclusion, I would like to bring to your attention to a real environmental quality, health, problem in the area It is the bears! Bears are actually defecating in our woods. I definitely believe you should be persecuting the defecating bears and leave the beavers alone. If you are going to investigate the beaver dam, watch your dam step! The bears are not careful where they dump!

Being unable to comply with your dam request, and being unable to contact you on your dam answering machine, I am sending this response to your dam office.



John in the Lions Den.

John Ansell has just appeared on TV one’s ‘Marae’.
I did not see it, and will either embed it when it appears on You Tube, or post a link to it shortly.

I absolutely Support John Ansell. Race based Law is Morally repugnant. The Privilege he is referring to is the Political favouritism which skews everything in favour of Maori Radicals and racists, eg the Separatist Seats in Parliament and councils, etc… The One eyed Waitangi Tribunal, The special interventional written into the RMA all of which are used as levers to siphon loot into ‘Special interest’ coffers. The benefactors of this filthy lucre is rarely ‘Rangi in Ranui’… but the Tribal Fat Cat elitists and Bureaucrats whom like all socialist politicians use the ongoing misery of their failed Ideology as a Ruse to demand alms… which like rice in Africa… never get past the corrupt officials.
The truth is that Maori will be much better off when Waitangi racism has been overthrown …being liberated from the perpetual ‘victim mentality’ which their leaders foster. Under equality Maori will thrive as they do in Australia etc… where they get no special treatment, and understand that if they are to have a prosperous life they must achieve it via their own efforts… not via political extortion.
The Current Politicized ‘Renaissance in Maori Culture is Fake! I cringe when I watch the pretentious ‘Acting’ of the radicals whom pretend to be ‘Old world Maori’… whom think that you have to be like that to be a Mori today!
And heres the truth! Under Equality… when the Treaty separatism has been Abolished those whom wish to ‘Play Maori’ will still be free to do so! Ie Freedom is no threat to Maori Culture… Real or ‘Idealised’…. It is only a threat to the racists and extortionists whom enjoy using Political means to impose their views upon others, to use the education system as an engine of Propaganda, and to extort loot.
That The racists have been allowed to assume the leadership of the Maori People, has brought shame upon us.
I salute John Ansell for his courage, and benevolence for all New Zealanders…including the Liberation of Maori from Apartheid hatred and greed.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Maori Libertarian Independent.

Read about the Apartheid corruption of our Democracy here:

Te Tari Tāke

I meant to vent spleen today re Peter Dunne in his capacity as Associate Minister of Health, but I didn’t get around to it. So let’s have atheist Mark Hubbard venting spleen re Peter Dunne in his capacity as Minister of Revenue instead.

I particularly liked Mark’s post below. He’s since written a couple more on the same theme here and here. Be sure to visit his blog.

Taxing Language: A Question for the Politicians – Fair: What Do You Mean?

Liberty and freedom are two proud words that have been executed – as in ‘taken out’ – from the political lexicon: they were frog marched and stood before a wall of blank minds, then forcibly blindfolded, and shot, with the whimpering staccato of ‘inequality’ and ‘fairness’ resounding over and over. And not only did this atrocity go unreported by journalists in the mainstream media, they were in the firing squad.

Statists of all hues have taken to the word ‘fairness’ with the glee Chris The Fist Trotter has to the use of state violence, in order to make the theft that is compulsory taxation seem a little, well, fairer.

The slanderous union economist, for example, Bill (unfortunately named) Rosenberg, not letting facts get in the way of persecuting a minority, yet again, interrupted his Chardon-day, yesterday, to emote:

“… How many of the rich list pay a fair tax?”

And if Messrs Dunne and English had a blog label cloud pinned to their foreheads, ‘fairness’ would be in a huge font, over-clouding everything else. Just Google ‘fairness’, ‘tax’, and either of their names and you’ll get pages of quotes.

And so my point. I have a simple question for these three men: what does fairness, in relation to taxation, mean? Plus what is a fair amount of tax, please? How do you derive it, both in terms of the amount taken, and morally? Explain it to me, because I truly don’t understand. There is nothing in any of our taxing acts to give any guidance on this, and yet going on your constant utterances, taxpayers are, daily, being crucified on it.

In the first instance I want a generic principle, clear enough to write into tax law, which shouldn’t be too hard, given you write so much law in the fortress of legislation. And secondly, or rather, ‘but’ secondly, to test this law, for once, before foisting it on us, please interpret it, here, in relation to the below three scenarios.

Taxpayer 1:

Single man, twenty three years old, lower order contract worker putting in seventy hour weeks, earned $186,000 last year. He’s doing it hard, on himself, because with cow prices reaching $2,500 his ability to be able to buy his first herd, and so be in a financial position to propose to his girlfriend, and start a family, is looking more and more remote.

Taxpayer 2:

Family, three children at state school, both parents working to bring in a total of $60,000 per annum, only, to the household. They can’t afford a house in the current market, and with the rental squeeze due to government making it unattractive to be a private landlord, they’re having to pay $750 a week rent for a sub-standard house in Auckland, after which, when they pay for the essentials they have no pay left: indeed, all their credit cards are maxed out.

Taxpayer 3:

Family, two children, dad’s a banker, earning $200,000 per annum, mum stays home to look after their new baby, plus their first child has genetic disease meaning he’ll never be able to look after himself, so mum has taken on that job, for life. The couple have paid over half a million dollars over the last two years traveling around the world to see specialists, for operations, and so forth, and have had to re-mortgage their Fendalton home, twice, to the maximum amount possible. Husband is having to put huge hours in to make it all work financially, and with so much stress and little time together, the marriage is floundering.

So, for the statists, surely this should be easy: please write in the comments the interpretation of the tax fairness law you write for us, in relation to these individuals?

Finding it hard? Well, assuming intelligence on your behalf, you should find this impossible. And that’s even before I move to my position on tax which is not to use the word fair, but unjust. I wonder if we should ring Her Majesty for some input, given, in a story as stunning as it was alarming, the UK’s IR, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, expect school children not only to be able to define what is a fair amount of tax, but, taking their state to its Orwellian conclusion, expect them to dob in adults who don’t play fair on a playground where the biggest bully is the state itself. Politicians should at least admit there is nothing ‘fair’ about tax in any of the above instances, or period: tax is an arbitrary imposition of the state, enforced with the full draconian powers of the police state. That’s the truth. Let’s at least acknowledge the implied violence and immoral act on which our society is based, because from that, we may ultimately find a kinder way to live our lives, which would be a society that constitutionally protects the smallest of its minorities: the individual, and particularly from what is now the biggest abuser of an individual’s right to be left alone – the state.

As always, thanks, Mark, for giving your blessing to copying your content here at Eternal Vigilance.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

It was an accident…

Dotcom tells story of Police Brutality

Police deny assaulting Dotcom…

Police try to excuse their thuggery…

Dotcoms Lawyers call Police raid Disgraceful…

Arrest of Dotcom was illegal…

FBI Illegally take Dotcom files…

Pig Thugs!
I Hope Dotcom Sues the New Zealand Police for Millions!
I dont care that it is us Taxpayers who will foot the Bill because Justice must be Done!
BIG PiG Heads must Roll, and they ought to face criminal charges.
We need to clean out the Filthy Bastards responcible for this act of criminality, then Dotcom will have done our nation a great service… by teaching the Police that if they abuse their powers they will take a fall.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

The Parasites

Why is there no entry Parasites in the Ayn Rand Lexicon?! Nor Looters, nor Moochers??! (I almost clicked Entitlement, Age of but then realised I’d misread it.)

It ain’t right. ‘Parasite’ was one of Rand’s favourite words. A search for ‘parasites’ delivered the goods, though. Here are some excerpts from The Ayn Rand Letter, filed under Welfare State.

Morally and economically, the welfare state creates an ever accelerating downward pull. Morally, the chance to satisfy demands by force spreads the demands wider and wider, with less and less pretense at justification. Economically, the forced demands of one group create hardships for all others, thus producing an inextricable mixture of actual victims and plain parasites. Since need, not achievement, is held as the criterion of rewards, the government necessarily keeps sacrificing the more productive groups to the less productive, gradually chaining the top level of the economy, then the next level, then the next. (How else are unachieved rewards to be provided?)

There are two kinds of need involved in this process: the need of the group making demands, which is openly proclaimed and serves as cover for another need, which is never mentioned—the need of the power-seekers, who require a group of dependent favor-recipients in order to rise to power. Altruism feeds the first need, statism feeds the second, Pragmatism blinds everyone—including victims and profiteers—not merely to the deadly nature of the process, but even to the fact that a process is going on.

[A] real turning point came when the welfare statists switched from economics to physiology: they began to seek a new power base in deliberately fostered racism, the racism of minority groups, then in the hatreds and inferiority complexes of women, of “the young,” etc. The significant aspect of this switch was the severing of economic rewards from productive work. Physiology replaced the conditions of employment as the basis of social claims. The demands were no longer for “just compensation,” but just for compensation, with no work required.

So long as the power-seekers clung to the basic premises of the welfare state, holding need as the criterion of rewards, logic forced them, step by step, to champion the interests of the less and less productive groups, until they reached the ultimate dead end of turning from the role of champions of “honest toil” to the role of champions of open parasitism, parasitism on principle, parasitism as a “right” (with their famous slogan turning into: “Who does not toil, shall eat those who do”).

Well, what’s there to say, except that Rand was right on the money? This stuff is razor sharp, and remarkably prescient, given that she wrote it in the early 1970s. And chilling. But I wonder if even Rand would have envisaged a President of the United States who, on the campaign trail just four decades later, would say to his audience

If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The obvious implication being that if you didn’t build it, it’s not yours, and the government is entitled to take it and “redistribute” it to “somebody else”. The entitlement mentality is endemic and infects the highest levels of government in a country that was once a shining beacon of capitalism.

Death metal is the soundtrack to the End of the Age.

Here’s Brain Drill with The Parasites from their debut album Apocalyptic Feasting.

Peter Dunne = EPIC FAIL

Quarter past midnight. Central Wellington. Cosmic Corner is OPEN.

“Do you have any synthetic cannabinoids?”


“That haven’t been banned yet?”

“Yes. We have …”

Puff is “mellow.”

K2 is “stronger, lasts longer.” Of the two, I’m told K2 is the most popular.

“It’s $30. Two grams.”

“I’ll buy it. Thank you.”

Yes, I know. If I had any sense, I’d smoke cannabis. Not some novel compound with no history of human use sprayed on some unidentified plant material.

If Peter Dunne had any sense—or even an iota of compassion—he’d legalise cannabis. As a recreational drug user, I have choices. Medicinal cannabis users do not. I’m sick of Dunne, and I’m sick of his gang of thugs who are now actively persecuting members of the medicinal cannabis support group Green Cross, including Billy McKee and Stephen McIntyre (recently deceased).

Just go the hell away, Peter Dunne. Now. And don’t fucking come back.

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

This is a scary video (Below).
It is a *MUST WATCH*.
Its something straight out of the Nazi era… and the Time is ripe…
Comments please

What this shows is that during a crisis… when you are most likely to need your firearms for self defense… The threat will come from the Government!
Many of the Preppers will be fucked over… by the police!
Most will submit to being robbed of their means of self defense.
Only three three types of people will have Guns… two of them evil… The state, and Criminals who hide their weapons. The third group who will be armed will be the Libertarians who will not submit to being left defenseless. Ie the Libertarians may hand over a gun or two if they are faced with an armed police squad… but they will have a stack more buried in their Back yard… or up in the hills so they can Re arm themselves.
This defiance of the Government will make Libertarians enemies of the State.
They will face a ferocious tyranny… many will be murdered by the government.
This could well be the price of Resistance to slavery.
Are you ready to Die in defence of freedom?
When you look at this scenario it is as if the police are working for the criminal gangs, by taking away the Good guys only means of protecting themselves from armed and violent criminals.
The whole Anti-Gun lobby is Batshit insane….
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

How is it that things have got this point?
Tyranny is at our Door!
Watch the Video below…Charlton Heston explains…

Update: 20 7 12.
More guns… less Crime…”Although a 19-year-high 47 percent of American adults report owning a gun, the firearm homicide rate has dipped remarkably. Gun murders sank from more than 10,000 in 2005 to 8,776 in 2010, and appeared to drop again in 2011, according to a recent FBI preliminary report.”

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

Re: Maori Grab for ownership of Water.
The latest saga in the perverse politics of Waitangi apartheid are very telling of how our shameful separatist system functions.
It is a testament to the Machiavellianism of the Maori Radicals of this country watching how they use the opportunity presented By John Keys plan to sell off assets like hydropower, to make a bid for ownership of the Water.
“>By admitting the recommendations of the Waitangi tribunal may be ignored by parliament in respect to Maori claims to ownership of the water, John Key exposes the travesty of the whole Treaty Grievance industry!
It is an admission that the tribunal is not as we have been told… a legitimate tribunal which functions to right supposed injustices of the Past, but a militantly racist body with an biased and extortionate agenda… and whose findings and ‘recommendations’ ought never tobe believed to be just.
Key has been caught in a web of his own construction.
This confrontation with the Maori Party exposes John Key himself as a Political shyster who was prepared to sell New Zealanders out to the racists… simply to acquire and maintain Political power for himself!
This is patently obvious because he has measured just how much political capital he can afford to surrender to the Racist Maori Party whom he relies on for support, without ‘spooking the sheeple’ in the larger General electorate.
It ought to be obvious why Key has assumed this new position in regard to The Waitangi tribunal.
It is not because of any freah realisation that the tribunal is corrupt , or any principle other than the political expedience of self preservation… ie It simply because he understands that cannot afford to surrender as mush political capital as they demand… without risking his own political power base.

This history is repeating itself.
The Key-Turia relationship hangs in the balances just as not long ago the Clark-Turia relationship hung in the ballance… in the days of the Foreshore and seabed debate .
Like John Key, Helen Clark was a cold calculator of her own political self-interest., and figured out that it was cheaper to alienate the racist radicals in her midst, rather than loose massive proportions in the general electorates to Don Brash, whom was championing the abolishment of the Racist electoral system, winding up the Grievance industry, and establishing ‘One Law for all New Zealanders’.
This is how the Maori Party was formed… out of Radical racist jettersoned from the Labour Party.
And not being as principled as Don Brash, it is these radicals whom John Key decided he needed on his team.
Right now Key is not concerning himself with Justice for New Zealanders. He is not even concerned about Justice for Maori. He is busy scheming how he can maintain his own grip on power …just as Helen Clark once did.
I have no doubt that he will be negotiating with the Maori party for a huge share of the state assets which are to be sold to be given to their separatist support base, in exchange for a temporary reprieve regarding the ownership of the water itself.
This is an old trick the Racists have used to gain ‘custodianship’ of things like the Waikato river.
They will agree to this deal knowing they can come for the water again at a latter date.
That we find ourselves in the very same situation…being held to ransom by the very *same racists*… just goes to show that Don Brash was right… there will be no end to this Racist Political charade until we end Waitangi apartheid and the grievance industry…and the lies they are founded upon.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Hamilton West.

Narcissistic Nanny

What’s Up? 4 Non Blondes.
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
ooh, ooh ooh
and I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination