Category Archives: Zombies

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

I write this post in corrolation with my post: The Coming American civil War.

One of the many important Blog posts I wanted to write last year but never had time was a commentary on the prosecution and imprisonment of the Racist Maori Radicals Tame Iti and the TuHoe terrorists after he was discovered doing military training and plotting to, Kill white New Zealanders, Kidnap John Key, and overthrow our Democratic government by ‘terrorist’ means.
Due to Police blundering, and Botched up legislation regarding Terrorism, hastily written and enacted in wake of 911, Tame iti and co escaped prosecution for their Murderous Racist scheme, Yet were convicted on various Fire arms charges and received short prison sentences.
Read about it here:
My veiw of it here:
As a person whom had spent years been warning New Zealand that the doctrines of the Indigenous rights radicals were very dangerous and would lead to violence, Tami It is actions proved me right, and many would think that I would be happy that Tame iti and co received Jail time.
For the record let me now state that I was very pleased that the Police caught Tame iti before innocent Pakeha got murdered, yet what may surprise you to know is that I was not happy at all about the charges used in the end to Jail Iti and co… ie They were not convicted for plotting murder and mayhem, but instead are serving time on various fire arms possession charges.
*In My Book Possession of Fire arms is not a crime but a Right!*
*In My Book Military training is not a crime but a Right too*
Thus for me the whole saga ended in absolute travesty, and served to buttress Evil government powers and worked against the legitimate rights and liberties of We the people of New Zealand.
In my view, because the Police failed in their prosecution of the Real crimes of Iti and co… they should have walked free.

As a Libertarian activist, I am attempting to get the right to Bare arms, and to form private militia constitutionally protected, as a defense against Tyrannical Government.

From this it ought to be obvious why I have added this as an update to my post on the coming American Civil war.
Currently We the people have our arses hanging in the breeze… just the way the Police and politicians want us and are completely defenseless and at the mercy of State Power…
They can virtually do what ever they want with us.

This raises the thorny question of what defines and distinguished Righteous Freedom fighters from Evil Terrorist plotters?
Tami Iti and co consider themselves heroic freedom fighters committed to getting Justice, and defeating an Evil and oppressive state.
Why do I deny this view of Iti and Co?
Are the distinctions between Terrorist and freedom fighter merely arbitrary… a matter of personal prejudice and opinion?
Millions believe Al Qaeda and Bin Laden are not terrorists, But Freedom fighters against tyranny too! Millions of deluded fools thing that Revolutions of Vladimir Lenin, Mao, Castro/ Che Guevara, Mugabe, etc were all heroic struggles against tyranny, when in fact they were the very opposite… they were Tyrannies in the making.
What Really distinguishes the Goodies from the Baddies?
When is it justifiable…if ever, to take up arms against a democratic state?
This is a massive subject yet a few years back I wrote a piece called ‘The Right of Revolution’ in support of Commodore Bainimarama’s Military Coup in Fiji.
Read it Here:
I explain what distinguished Bainimarama’s coup, from Rabuka’s and George Speights Coups, and it comes down to the Principles and ideals which motivate the actions.
These must be Righteous, not selfish… not motivated by bigotry… and the primary principle being ‘Political Equality for All’, and One must take care how one goes about ‘fighting for this ideal.
*Good Ends cannot justify Evil means*.
Resorting to arms must be a last resort, and only when the situation is dire and injustice Rife, and the people must be vigilant not to be sucker by the likes of the Marxists whom claim to be fighting for freedom and equality when in fact they are fighting to instill tyranny and oppression.

I will finish this post by saying that New Zealand is still in danger from violent indigenous rights radicals, many whom pose as Moderates yet whom incite Racist bigotry and Cry “Oppression!”
New Zealand is sunk deep into an Apartheid system of government which under john key is ever expanding as he plays politics, bargaining with the evil racists to swing deals and maintain power.
As we speak a Shyster Commission filled with socialists and racists is ‘Reviewing’ and making recommendations for a new Racist Constitution for New Zealand.
Voices of Freedom and equality are completely absent from this process.
This is an Evil usurpation which virtually achieves Tame iti’s ambitions …yet without recourse to arms!
And apart from a few Brave souls, like John Ansell, New Zealanders are doing nothing to stop it, or to ensure the New constitution is founded upon Equality and ensures limited Government, let alone be prepared to repair to arms if and when the Racist constitution is foisted upon us.
*And our Gun Laws have already rendered us defenseless!*
Read about this here:and here:
The reality is that in the unlikely event that Libertarians, and others like John Ansell be successful in provoking a call for the enactment of a just constitution of equality for all, New Zealand is in great danger of an Evil Armed rebellion of the same nature which Tame iti was hoping to generate… on a massive scale… driven by vile Indigenous rights Race Hatred and greed!
Don’t believe that our Gun laws are preventing the Racists from tooling up!
Tame Iti and co proved they are doing just that.

This Heinous evil… Racially motivated Civil war is waiting in the wings, in fact one could say we are already experiencing the beginning of one… as a ‘Cold’ Civil War with Indigenous Appartheid.
Welcome 2013.
My final remark is a question.
“What are you doing in defence of freedom, Justice and equality in New Zealand?
Rephrased: “Will you sell out your Childrens future to apatheid?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Rambling delusions!

Watch this Vid below.
If you actually have your Brains switched on and think about what these knobs are saying you will appreciate just how Ridiculous Evolutionist arguments are!
Note that first they say that the Human eye is ‘poorly designed’.
*Talk about Blind stupidity!* These dickheads actually stand there with a straight face and say that the eye is not spectacular super-tek… but ‘junky’ and haphazard!
“It’s got a blind spot!”… they say
… but then they go on to explain that the way the eye works… the so-called blind spot ‘disappears’… which they say is the Genius of Blind evolution!

*So there is no ‘imperfection’… no Bad design after all!*
>>>>>>>>> The whole argument is fallacious <<<<<<<<<< , and was simply invented to attempt to explain away the stark reality that the Eye points to a designer.

Those of you whom are familiar with the history of the Creationist/evolutionist debate will also spot that Dawkins has *stolen an argument Creationists used to thwart this ‘Bad design’ argument* …. the argument of ‘Trade off’s’.
Creationists argued against the ‘Bad design argument’ by proposing God made ‘trade off’s’ in his design and the so called ‘blind spot’ was one.

Now he claims it was *evolution* which made the ‘trade off’…. “Evolution is a series of trade offs”… (Sic)
And yet also in this video They say the squid has ‘Better designed eyes’ (No ‘trade off’ blind spot) and yet this ‘Better design’ is said to be by ‘Pure luck’!!!
Oh and it just so happens that in reality the ‘poorly designed’ Human Eye works better than the ‘more rational’ squids eye!???

Dawkins says Blind luck created eyes!
Though he has not one ounce of proof, His explaination is supposed to be a ‘more scientific’ than the belief Eyes are designed for a purpose!

I Need Drugs!
This sort of utter Rubbish pushes one to the edge!
For the life of me, I don’t know how people can stomach such childish and pathetic reasoning!
Evolution is Ridiculous!

Dawkins himself said… “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.”

Despite this Natural rationale derived from consideration of Living things Dawkins also says…

“It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that). “Put Your Money on Evolution” The New York Times (April 9, 1989) section VII p.35”

Evolution is not a science. It is an attempt by Man to deny the existence of God.

The reality is the sophistication of the Human eye is staggering.

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”
St Paul Romans 1vs20

The End?

Ok Atheists.
Lets say the Mayans are right, and a giant Comet is about to slam into the Earth.
Your Richard Branson, and have your own private spaceship.
May I ask what is your rationale?
Where do you intend going?
Earth is Unique.
… For all it’s massiveness, the Universe is Hostile, Dead, and empty.
Would the loss of the world awake you from your stupor?
Would you appreciate what divine blessings you took for granted… once they have been destroyed?
Your Spaceship is a Prison…. your Coffin.
Why not simply open the pressure hatch… and Die?
What is the point of the Atheist life?
You are Lost, and dead already
There is No Salvation for Atheists.

You must be a Self Deluded and Famous Biologist to not-understand that Atheism = Nihilism.

Is there anything so pathetic as an Atheist insisting they stand at the pinnacle of reality and maintain ‘ a sense of life’???

What’s the Point?

The average Teen is intelligent enough to know the difference between a theistic and Atheistic reality as a the distinction between Morality and Real value… from Amorality and worthlessness, sadly many are decieved into believing the Nihilistic veiw of reality.

Jim Morrison’s ‘The End’ is a Poem to the Atheist apprehension and value of Human Life.
“The Doors-The End
This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surpise the End. Ill never look into your eyes again….”
Jim Morison.

An Intelligent young Teenage friend of mine Austin Carter is busy contemplating his place in the Universe…
He is asking all the right Questions… yet is confronted by all the chaos and confusion that Mankind has propagated to sway souls towards and away from the light.

Austin ponders… “Life is just a journey…”

“…Terrible things in this world happen constantly, we only hear a mere fraction of whats reality. Ignorance is bliss…”

“Logically thinking, being religious is an opinion. Not everyone agrees on opinions, nor religions, you think you are right even when you may not be and no opinion is right, it’s just an opinion. Everyone has there own views and beliefs, that’s why there are so many choices. It’s what it means to the individual, not the populous…”

“Life is an elaborate dream.”

“ There are more questions than answers. Remember that…”

“ We are all just sacks of meat and organs, a living thing, with no purpose in the world other than reproduction of our species and whatever else we make of ourselves. If I were to die right now, it would affect a small group of people, but would it change the world or send a message? No. Of course not, I am just one insignificant person as all of you are, but what if we made something of ourselves? What if we stood up and decided to make our lives worth something, mean something. To stand for something is a powerful tool to the human spirit but together we can make everyone’s life worth something. Do you just want to live a normal, mundane lifestyle doing as everyone does, a life of a sheep? “


Nothing that Ayn Rand or the Dick Dawkin’s can say can imbue Atheist reality with value or meaning.
They are Liars… and the average teenager knows it.

… and yet millions of Decieved People still follow them!
Because they seek to hide from moral duty and accountability… and that is the Primary Psychological underpinning of Atheism… This is the gospel for the Amoral and Lawless.

Can there be any question as to how corrosive… how Fatal such a world view is to a human being?

And worst of all …it’s false!

Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”.
… Jesus Christ.
The Atheist Mockers have been silenced.
Modern science has caught up with Theistic Revelation.
The Universe/ Matter is not Eternal.

Now Everybody knows That one day this world will end, It’s just a question of when?
And consider this… The world and universe do not have to implode for it to be the ‘End of your world’.
For 150 000 souls 20-12-12 will be the end.
How many will step through the door and Meet their Gracious Savior?
How many of these thousands will instead step into a Courtroom and face THE JUDGE. ?

There is a greater reality than this Temporal plain!
Our Existence is not mere chance… but purposed.
Our Lives and actions do have moral weight.
God loves us and sent Christ to save us from Sin and death, and it is from God that our lives have real value.

Life is indeed a journey.

The World did not end 20-12-12.
We Christians Never believed it would.
And so the need to carry on blogging, and keeping busy with Christian Evangelism, and Libertarian activism, is still urgent…. to share this message of Hope to questioning souls like my young friend…
Without the preaching of Christian Libertarians , the lost will remain deceived by the Militantly Antichrist Atheists into thinking Religion is foolish and wrong.
They will dwell in the despair of the Black Meaningless finality of Atheist Nihilism.
In Futility will they attempt to find happiness, in meaningless, pointless, Cold and suffering Universe.

Thus in the New Year, I plan to continue to Preach The Gospel of God’s grace towards sinners, and to Defend our God given rights from A Moral Tyranny… believing this is what God has purposed for me to do…
I believe it is my God given purpose in life to Hold up the Tourch… To shine a light in the dark… to combat the Satanic lies which Damn Mankind… and when I myself stand at the Door, I will be trusting in Christ… in the Mercy and grace of God, and will be Happy that I used my time well…

Austin asks: … “Why do we create our own answers? How can we know we are right?
Knowledge = Fear
Ignorance = Fear
Acceptance = Enlightenment…”

My Retort: “Knowledge of God’s love brings Peace. Knowledge of God’s Holiness brings a sence of Right and wrong. Knowledge of God’s purpose in creating you brings a sence of Value and meaning.”

Austin has begun his Pilgrimage… his quest for the truth.

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Jesus Christ.

Buggin out. Mayan Apocalypse.

Buggin Out to secret bunker for Mayan Apocalypse…awaiting Rapture of The Saints.

The Final Sands of Time are passing through the Orifice!
Can you look back on your life and say your are proud of how you lived?
Have you found Peace and forgiveness with God your Creator?

The Good news according to St Paul…
“…God Commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Christ’s Triumph over sin and Death was proven by his Resurection.
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be Saved.”

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

The Vid below is one of the greatest speeches on what’s wrong with Western civilisation ever delivered.
God Bless you Mr Ron Paul.

Update: 16-11-12
Transcript of Ron Paul’s Historic Farwell Address Here:

Update 2.
On Hearing Ron Paul is retiring,…even after his monumental address an Objectivist says…
“Best news in the last eight days. I wish the rest of the Tinfoil Hatters would follow his lead into retirement”

Read how Objectivist Atheist Bigotry worked to undermine Ron Paul here:
God is the Font of Morality. Why Objectivists Hate Ron Paul.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Fizzer. American Demo-crazy.

Fizzer. American Demo-crazy.

Oh Yay… not!

When your Double Happy does not Bang… that’s a Fizzer.
Talk about an absolutely suspect voting system (USA). Who trusts electronic voting? Not I!
It was easy for the Republicans to Rob Ron Paul using that system and now who can have any confidence in this Obama result?
Yet still Romney is in no position to complain as this would raise the issue of his own rigging to become the Republican candidate!

Today One Shyster has defeated Another.

Though The American Presidency it touted as ‘the most important Job in the world’
Ironically it matters little if this Presedntal elections were rigged as many of us Libertraians dont believe it would have made much difference who won… there being so little to differentiate the candidates… The Powers that be had hedged their bets.

Thus Rigged or not… “The government you elect is government you deserve.” Thomas Jefferson.

It was the shafting of Ron Paul by his own party which was a blow against real change… and a real chioce.
After Ron Paul was removed… the retention of the status quo was assured.
Read more on the Rape of American Democracy Here:

And The Dirty tactics and Delusional Facade of a real choice is today the norm for democracies around the Globe.
Here In New Zealand the Two Party political Duopoly of National and Labour likewise renders voting vurtually moot.

It is scary to realise that because Obama will not be standing for a third term he can do whatever he purposes with less regard of how Americans feel about it….making him more dangerous… more heavy handed.

I fear the Global crisis will smite Western civilisation.
This Socialist charade cannot go on indefinitely
There will be great civil unrest in America and around the globe… and Tyranny will rise and Civil liberties will be crushed… this seems hard to believe yet all the auguries forbode this evil is nigh. Massive unemployment and economic shrinkage… collapsing governments…. Ill conceived leftist uprisings decrying austerity…demanding handouts…. protectionism… And yet the Dumbfounded Dipshits … the sheepish herds… will have forgotten they voted for the Despots.

Ultimately it is still the Gullible masses whom are the most culpable for their own misery because they love to follow the melody of the Piper… they tollerate the dirty tactics employed by the Demagogues.
They want Tyranny… the Sheeple keep begging for more.

I realise Prophesies of Doom are a mocking.
Making such Cynical and Fringe, blog posts as this will not tend to increase the Credibility of ‘Eternal Vigilance’, yet let those whom have not hardened their hearts, seared their consciences, or shut their minds consider this…

Remember what Lord Action said!
When you consider the vested interests involved, and the Power of the Whitehouse it really would be far more extreme to expect the democratic process to be corruption free… Yes?
The gospel of democracy is false… It cannot Redeem Fallen humanity nor substitute his loss of God.
Return Lord Jesus!

And futhermore…

The only people whom will be least effected by a Global Economic collapse will be the Third world Subsistence peoples and Amish types, and Preppers… ie the Self reliant peoples whom are not dependent upon the system of Mammon.

Prepare yourselves folks… Better to build an Ark yet the flood never come, than to mock and carry on ‘Marrying and giving in Marriage’… Nek Minit…being swept away…

The Moral victory goes to Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and those Americans whom voted for Libertarian reforms.
it is sad to see that the struggle for freedom is in as dire straights in America as is is here in New`Zealand.
None the less… “With 97% of precincts reporting, Gov. Gary Johnson for President won 1,140,804 votes for the Libertarian ticket, breaking the 32-year record held by Ed Clark, who won 921,128 votes (1.06%) in 1980.”
it just goes to show that those foolish Libertarian voters whom voted ‘strategically’ for Romney… whom they considered ‘the lesser evil’… really did waste their votes! They could have helped Johnson reach the 5% mark he was hoping for.