A song for Wednesday

Off the top of my head …

Outlook for Thursday – DD Smash
Friday – Rebecca Black
Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting – Elton John
Sunday Bloody Sunday – U2
I Don’t Like Mondays – Boomtown Rats
Ruby Tuesday – The Rolling Stones

… I can’t think of a song for Wednesday. Can you?

A week is a long time in politics.

It’s been 7 days and I still haven’t heard from Muhammad Sadik.

Sunday was Blasphemy Day, but why insult the Prophet? I contented myself with a couple of photoshopped images of Shakeel Bhat for Friday.

Saturday marked the start of some (un)healthy media coverage of the forthcoming Liberty Conference 2012. Can Libertarianz step up? I hope they don’t! I thought the whole idea was for Libertarianz to stand down—indeed, to disband and deregister—to clear the way for a new freedom Phoenix to rise from the ashes. I certainly didn’t reappoint myself as the Libertarianz Spokesman on Drugs with the expectation that the party would keep on keeping on into 2013 and beyond! He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.

Is Libertarianz ready to embrace new image?

Commentators also argue the Libertarianz are without a political figurehead but Peter Cresswell, Auckland architect and political blogger, is willing to be that person. He too believes the party is in need of a facelift, which could be revealed as soon as Saturday at their party conference in Auckland.

This was the first I’d heard of Peter Cresswell’s nomination. My co-blogger Tim asks, “Is Peter Cresswell the Right Man for the Job? I’m not so sure. Can an Objectivist Zealot change his spots?” I’m an optimist, but an optimist who carries a raincoat. IMHO, there is at least one better candidate.

A year is a long time in politics.

Yesterday’s post is a timely reminder that “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit …” Is this the way forward for the new freedom party?! This Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing. And Monday. Don’t like Mondays? Me neither. We are all going to die. Yay!

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

In the history of courageous activism against Tyranny and Evil, the story of the White Rose Resistance to Nazism is truly Awesome!
Brave Young Souls whom were Murdered by The Nazi state for their Defiance of Hitler’s Infernal Rule.

For an excellent Personal account of the Lives of Hans and Sophie Scholl, and their Enlightened and Freedom loving Parents… Read Anton Gill’s account Here:

The following are Excerpts From Wikipedia…

Origin:…In 1941 Hans Scholl read a copy of a sermon by an outspoken critic of the Nazi regime, Bishop August von Galen, decrying the euthanasia policies (extended that same year to the concentration camps)[2] which the Nazis maintained would protect the German gene pool.[3] Horrified by the Nazi policies, Sophie obtained permission to reprint the sermon and distribute it at the University of Munich as the group’s first leaflet prior to their formal organization…

Hans and Sophie Scholl.

“ Isn’t it true that every honest German is ashamed of his government these days? Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes—crimes that infinitely outdistance every human measure—reach the light of day? ”
— From the first leaflet of the White Rose

“ Since the conquest of Poland three hundred thousand Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way … The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals … Each man wants to be exonerated of a guilt of this kind, each one continues on his way with the most placid, the calmest conscience. But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty! ”
— From the second leaflet of the White Rose

On 18 February 1943, coincidentally the same day that Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels called on the German people to embrace total war in his Sportpalast speech, the Scholls brought a suitcase full of leaflets to the university. They hurriedly dropped stacks of copies in the empty corridors for students to find when they flooded out of lecture rooms. Leaving before the class break, the Scholls noticed that some copies remained in the suitcase and decided it would be a pity not to distribute them. They returned to the atrium and climbed the staircase to the top floor, and Sophie flung the last remaining leaflets into the air. This spontaneous action was observed by the custodian Jakob Schmid. The police were called and Hans and Sophie Scholl were taken into Gestapo custody. Sophie and Hans were interrogated by Gestapo interrogator Robert Mohr, who initially thought Sophie was innocent. However, after Hans confessed, Sophie assumed full responsibility in an attempt to protect other members of the White Rose. Despite this, the other active members were soon arrested, and the group and everyone associated with them were brought in for interrogation.

The Scholls and Probst were the first to stand trial before the Volksgerichtshof—the People’s Court that tried political offenses against the Nazi German state—on 22 February 1943. They were found guilty of treason and Roland Freisler, head judge of the court, sentenced them to death. The three were executed the same day by guillotine at Stadelheim Prison. All three were noted for the courage with which they faced their deaths, particularly Sophie, who remained firm despite intense interrogation (however, reports that she arrived at the trial with a broken leg from torture are false). She said to Freisler during the trial, “You know as well as we do that the war is lost. Why are you so cowardly that you won’t admit it?”

When Hans was executed, he said “Let freedom live” as the blade fell.

Without me ye can do nothing

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (KJV)

No, you really did not build that says Glenn Peoples.

It takes an almost unbelievable lack of charity to construe Obama as actually claiming that the government built your business, and that you were a bystander who really contributed little of value. Who would say that?

Well, I can tell you who. Here‘s who. I don’t think Glenn’s talking about me. Because mine was a charitable misconstrual, not an uncharitable construal. Oh, well, it was good while it lasted.

Kai Mate! Kai Mate! Eat you when Your Dead! The REAL Haka of Te Rauparaha. Copyright Tim Wikiriwhi

Kai Mate! Kai Mate! Translated into English “Eat you when your Dead” “Eat You when your Dead!”
(Repeat for 5 minutes)
I am Copyrighting this Haka. (to cause a stir… and expose a Political charade)
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Now this is what a Pre-European War Haka was really all about!
Warriors would waive their Bare Butts at eachother to indicate that they were going to Kill, and Eat their enimies, and shit them out… render them down to shit… (and make combs and fish hooks from their bones)… Lyrics like this could be added to my Kai Mate Haka… in keping with Acient tradition and real Pre-European Maori culture.

The Haka as commonly practiced by the AllBlacks and has been copywrited by Ngati toa is a Politically correct fraud… and they are welcome to it!

I believe My Haka is in fact *The True Haka*… written by the Notorious Cannibal and Master of Maori Warfare … the ferocious Te Rauparaha!
The Modern version being nothing but a ‘Politically correct’ fraud… designed to hide the truth about Pre-European Maori life and culture… of which Cannabalism was the norm… and indeed celebrated… ritualised… and feared.

Anyone who doubts my assertions ought to read Paul Moon’s ‘This horrid practice’

…And The Maori Separatists claim European colonisation has been a disaster for Maori!
Get Real!

Randiod Zealot Proposes to lead New Moderate Libertarian Party?

Peter Cresswell and Tim Wikiriwhi on the ‘New Freeland Radio Show’

Libertarianz Party ready to embrace new Image:

The Libertarianz Party have put out a Press release which proposes the formation of a moderated Libertarian Party under the leadership of Peter Cresswell.
Now I like Peter. He’s a very smart man, and has many great leadership qualities yet I have serious reservations about his ability to lead the New Party.
The press release mentions the fact that the new parties policies would have to be toned down into more palatable bite sized portions…more readily digestible for the Timid masses.
I say that’s not good enough!
The problem I have is that it was the dominance of Objectivism which ruined the Libertarianz Party… esp its staunch Anti-religion and Cold/Selfish Egoism.
I say what is needed most is a separation of the Objectivist Church and the Party.
Thus The rhetoric of the Party needs to be modified in general terms to state facts without crossing the line of separation between righteous expositions and un-libertarian personal bents.
Eg When talking about Islamic Terrorism, It is important to frame commentary in such a way that condemns the atrocities without collictivising all Muslims or the Islamic religion as an enemy of freedom.
When discussing issues like abortion, or the teaching of creationism in schools…these subjects must be handled with tact… not tirades about how irrational Religion is…

Is Peter Creswell the Right Man for the Job?
I’m not so sure. Can an Objectivist Zealot change his spots?

Richard McGrath is a far more moderate personality.
IMO the Randoid PC could be the worst possible choice… I will be attending the Conference on Saturday, and will be listening carefully to What PC has to say…
I Hope he supprises me!
This will take as great a personal transformation for PC as is necessary for this New Libertarian Party to shrugg off the Ugliness which spoiled the true Glory of the old Libertrarianz Party.
The New Party must show Kiwi’s They have a Heart.

Having said this I dont even hold out much hope for my own participation!
Will a more moderate Party have room for such an uncouth scoundrell as I?
Will they welcome someone who is already critical of the direction they are taking?
I dont know.
This Blog post may be unpopular yet is written to raise this vital issue for discussion.
The New Party must start off on the right footing.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Salmon Rushdie

Imagine that one night, an alien prankster secretly implants electrodes into the brains of an entire country – let’s say Britain. The next day, everyone in Britain discovers that pictures of salmon suddenly give them jolts of painful psychic distress. Every time they see a picture of a salmon, or they hear about someone photographing a salmon, or they even contemplate taking such a picture themselves, they get a feeling of wrongness that ruins their entire day.

I think most decent people would be willing to go to some trouble to avoid taking pictures of salmon if British people politely asked this favor of them. If someone deliberately took lots of salmon photos and waved them in the Brits’ faces, I think it would be fair to say [he] isn’t a nice person. And if the British government banned salmon photography, and refused to allow salmon pictures into the country, well, maybe not everyone would agree but I think most people would at least be able to understand and sympathize with the reasons for such a law.

So why don’t most people extend the same sympathy they would give Brits who don’t like pictures of salmon, to Muslims who don’t like pictures of Mohammed?

Should everybody draw Mohammed?

Dumbfounded Dipshits vote Left/Right.(updated)

“…On reasoning and emotions: Libertarians have the most “masculine” style, liberals the most “feminine.” We used Simon Baron-Cohen’s measures of “empathizing” (on which women tend to score higher) and “systemizing”, which refers to “the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.” Men tend to score higher on this variable. Libertarians score the lowest of the three groups on empathizing, and highest of the three groups on systemizing. (Note that we did this and all other analyses for males and females separately.) On this and other measures, libertarians consistently come out as the most cerebral, most rational, and least emotional. On a very crude problem solving measure related to IQ, they score the highest. Libertarians, more than liberals or conservatives, have the capacity to reason their way to their ideology…”

Haha I don’t put too much weight on these sorts of ‘Findings’.
I certainly don’t believe Woman empathise more than Men, or that Libertarians Empathise less than socialists. I think this conclusion shows a failure to appreciate the Christian Libertarian belief that Liberty and self reliance tends to greater prosperity for everyone, and thus less poverty, and a greater voluntary spirit of community, and benevolence…. all things which socialism destroys. Thus Liberty fosters a more Christian spirit. Yet of course the Objectivists have done their best to destroy this understanding of Freedom and empathy, and instead promoted Selfishness… thus again they have done their best to undermine the Libertarian cause…
As for the IQ Part… well I don’t put much weight on thoses things either as there have been plenty of high IQ Morons!
Apparently plenty of Hi IQ folk believe the theory of Evolution!
So that proves IQ is no Guarantee of intelligence/ wisdom!
Yet I do Believe Socialists are stupid!
That is an empirical Fact!
(I guess I stand convicted of Lack of Tact! Yet I dont believe Being PC shows empathy either… really it’s cloaked Malice)

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!