When The Sun Rises in the USA, Americans will Honour the Memory Of the Thousands of their Countrymen, Emergency Personnel, Police, etc Whom were murdered En masse Eleven Years ago by Islamic Extremists.
A Day of High Infammy, Great Heroism, and Insane Terror.
We must Remember this Day, esp as the Casualties rise in Afganistan.
Esp when we are confronted by the Peace niks and Commies who say The War On Terror is only about Oil.

Our Father Who Art in Parliament

The question I ask myself to work out my legislative political views is this…

In this situation is it right for me (or some other person) to use force against a neighbour?

If my answer is “yes” then I support legislative force and government interference in the situation.
If my answer is “no” then I oppose legislative force and government interference in the situation.

I have noticed that sometimes other people will think it is not right for them to use force in a situation but that it is right for government to use force in that same situation. Why do they have a discrepancy? Why would someone think it is right for government to do something that would be wrong for them to do by themselves? They must think that government is special. They must think that government is above their own moral limitations.

An attempt to explain this discrepancy was made to me in a recent discussion. The explanation given was that the government (in this case the court system) is like a father settling disputes amongst its children.

I think viewing government as a father is idolatry.

Questions for the readers…
Do you believe there are situations where it would be wrong for an individual to use force but right for government?
If so, how do you explain the discrepancy?

Chasing after the wind

Can I sue Ngāti Toa for compensation for the storm damage incurred by their deity?

Wind To Be Subject Of Next Treaty Claim

As the Government prepares to negotiate with Maori over ownership of rivers, a Waitangi Tribunal claim is being finalised for Maori to earn a dividend for the use of wind for commercial electricity generation.

Ngapuhi political commentator and Hone Heke Foundation chairman, David Rankin, has been approached by a cohort of hapu representatives to act as spokesperson for the claim.

“I’m not yet convinced about the full merits of the claim,” says Mr Rankin, “but in my preliminary discussions with the hapu representatives, they make some good points and I am hopeful that they will be able to get their claim finalised over the next few months.”

According to Mr Rankin, the planned claim will insist that a pan-tribal body be established to manage shares in commercial wind-generated electricity, and to exercise a casting vote on where wind turbines can be located.

Mr Rankin says that Maori entitlement to the wind can be justified under article two of the Treaty of Waitangi, which guarantees Maori full and exclusive ownership of all their properties. “Traditionally, the wind was regarded as a deity in Maori society, and Maori do not consider the Crown have the right to use it without Maori consent.”

Mr Rankin is encouraged by the recent Tribunal claim for water, and believes that the claim to wind will lead on to other areas of property rights such as aerospace.

Everyone’s toil is for their mouth,
    yet their appetite is never satisfied.
What advantage have the wise over fools?
What do the poor gain
    by knowing how to conduct themselves before others?
Better what the eye sees
    than the roving of the appetite.
This too is meaningless,
    a chasing after the wind. (NIV)

Freedom: A Hollow Platitude In America.

Romney Vows to fight Marijuana Legalisation “Tooth and Nail”.

Romney: Populist Nazi Tyrant.

Yet another reason to see the Competition between Republicans and Democrats as being a means of maintaining the Evils of the Status quo.
This proves The Constitution is meaningless.
Freedom is a hollow Plattitude in America.
A vote for either Democrat or Republican is a vote for Socialist Tyranny.

NZ Police: Brutalising the Sick


Cannabis Law Reform

NZ Police: Brutalising the Sick

On Wednesday, 57-year-old Levin man Billy McKee was found guilty in the Palmerston North District Court on four charges of selling cannabis and one of cultivation.

Libertarianz Spokesman on Drugs, Dr. Richard Goode, described it as a day of shame for the New Zealand police and their political masters in the Beehive.

“The job of the police is to prosecute criminals, not to persecute amputees. McKee lost a leg below the knee when a drunk driver deliberately rammed his motorbike decades ago. Since then, he has suffered constant pain from nerve damage to the stump. Now he uses medicinal cannabis – it’s the only thing that works.”

Goode quotes McKee: “If I could get medication from my doctor that worked for me then I’d just use it … but the medication I get from the doctor makes me really, really sick.”

“McKee might never have come to the attention of the police,” Goode surmises, “but he runs GreenCross, a support group for medicinal cannabis users, and actively campaigns to make cannabis legally available for medicinal purposes.”

McKee was targeted by the police in an undercover sting operation. A constable contacted McKee seeking help for a fake ailment. “This low-life pretended to suffer from painful migraines,” says Goode. McKee at first sold the policeman hemp oil, a legal product, and suggested he see a doctor. But he was persuaded to sell the constable cannabis. “McKee did what any decent human being would do, and tried to help ease the man’s suffering,” says Goode. “For this simple act of compassion, he could now receive a lengthy jail sentence.”

“When McKee is sentenced next month, the sentencing judge must be made aware that a prison sentence would manifestly violate one of McKee’s basic civil rights. New Zealand’s Bill of Rights Act 1990 enshrines the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment,” says Goode. “Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.” Goode continues, “And let’s be perfectly clear, torture is exactly what a jail sentence would amount to. Deprived of access to the only medicine that eases his suffering, McKee would spend his entire time in constant pain.”

“What has this country come to,” laments Goode, “when the police think that the best use of their time is to engage in treachery and deceit in order to entrap and torment traumatised road accident victims? A better use of their time would be to get drunk drivers off the road – like the drunk driver to whom McKee lost his leg in the first place. Instead, they take sadistic pleasure in brutalising the sick.”

“As for their political masters in the Beehive – those who voted to defeat Metiria Turei’s Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill in 2009 must now hang their heads in shame.”

Goode concludes, “The War on Drugs™ is a war on the medically sick, waged by the morally sick. It must end.”

For more information contact:

Dr. Richard Goode
Libertarianz Drugs Spokesman
Phone: 021 340 057
Email: richard.goode@libertarianz.org.nz

Libertarianz – More Freedom, Less Government


Give me Liberty, or give me Death!