Genesis is real history: Evidence supporting the account of Noah.


This from the Facebook page Biblical Creation


The Hebrew name for one of Noah’s grandsons is Mizraim (Genesis 10:6). It is no coincidence that modern Egyptians call themselves Misr, which is a derivative of Mizraim. According to the Book of Genesis, Noah’s grandson, Mizraim, is the father of the Egyptians. In a revised chronology, Egypt comes into existence soon after the dispersion from Babel, around 2100 BC. Eusebius, the famous 4th century AD historian, writes:Egypt is called Mestraim by the Hebrews; and Mestraim lived not long after the flood. For after the flood, Cham (or Ham), son of Noah, begat Aeguptos or Mestraim, who was the first to set out to establish himself in Egypt, at the time when the tribes began to disperse this way and that…Mestraim was indeed the founder of the Egyptian race; and from him the first Egyptian Dynasty must be held to spring.


5 thoughts on “Genesis is real history: Evidence supporting the account of Noah.”

  1. Unravelling myths about myth

    In his undergraduate years in the late 60s, Murray says, he was “mercilessly hammered” by an unbelieving lecturer who insisted the Bible was full of myths. He claimed that early Genesis was a conglomeration of the myths of surrounding cultures, because of parallels to early Genesis found in the Babylonian culture. The lecturer’s opening words to his students were, “I would think you very bigoted and obscurantist if you believe the stories in Genesis. They are myth.”

    So in the early 70s, Murray chose to study Akkadian, so he could read the ancient cuneiform language for himself. He wanted to investigate Mesopotamian texts and source material and archaeology to see if these alleged relationships to the Bible were real. Of course, he already believed the Bible’s claims about itself. “No-one is a blank sheet,” says Murray. “We all bring our presuppositions to the table.” But he had genuine questions, and wanted to see for himself the evidence that was alleged to demolish the Bible’s claims.

    He repeatedly found that the Bible’s critics were really not open-minded at all. Not only did they seem to presuppose that it was not the Word of God, often they had not even read and investigated the Bible in anything like the detail they claimed.

    Not surprisingly, Murray found that when one took the Bible on its own terms, there were generally straightforward answers to the overconfident challenges of the critics in his field of specialty…. read more….

  2. I like your site. It’s a way to relate biblical Christian principles to our modern life and I see that you tie in modern knowledge to biblical times as well. Keep up the good work.

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