Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.
Public Submission.
To the committee.
My name is Tim Wikirwihi.
I am a father, grandfather, a Christian Libertarian, and a Kiwi of both Maori and Pakeha descent.
Te Arawa is my Iwi.
In my daily affairs I never feel the need to mention my Maori ancestry, or Iwi as I do not see any relevance in my dealings with others.
In my work (I am a self employed engineer), or any other affairs I am simply Tim Wikiriwhi, and I expect others to interact with me simply on the basis of common humanity and my own reputation and character… not my race, yet given the nature of this Bill, and the position I stand for, I believe this is one of the few times that it is appropriate to mention my tribal affiliation because it adds an important context to my submission that I believe is essential for this committee to appreciate.
I am a representative of a substantial demographic that many pretend does not exist.
I am a New Zealander of Maori blood who emphatically supports this Treaty principles Bill and urge the committee to recommend it be passed into law.
Given Truth and Justice for our nation are at stake I think that it is vital for your committee to appreciate that there are many Maori like myself who stand with our fellow non-Maori countrymen earnestly desiring an end to the false doctrines of ‘Treaty separatism’, and a restoration of the true principles of the treaty that established a single Crown government over all peoples of New Zealand and that it guaranteed *Equality of rights* before the Law… for us all… As British subjects.
The Treaty did not establish a perpetual racial division.
It did not created a partnership of ‘shared governance’.
The Maori Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the British Crown.
These are the historical facts.
They are supported by mountains of documentation and recorded statements of such giants of Maoridom Sir Aparana Ngata, and evidence is plentiful in the Archives of the British and New Zealand Governments.
We even have the original English manuscript of the Treaty… penned by James Busby from which Te Tiriti o Waitangi was translated and transcribed.
The Littlewood Treaty.
Wars were fought and won to uphold the Sovereignty of the British Crown as written in the Treaty of Waitangi.
‘Treaty partnership’ as we know it today is a modern malicious political construct that exhumes dangerous racist rebellious delusions that had long been put to rest as a Nation resulting in prosperity, peace and unity.
Racist subversives have succeeded in hijacking our Nation and stirring up Race hate afresh.
These are facts… not opinions… embedded in historical realty.
To deny these is to falsify history and facilitate political fraud that was foisted upon our nation in 1975.
50 years of Heavy political favour has not lifted Maori out of their dire social statistics because it utterly fails to address the real causes of their plight!
It is not institutional racism that keeps Maori down, But institutional welfarism and dependence!
Maori need to take ownership and responsibility for their own crimes and poor health, and quit blaming everybody else… but themselves.
This is the key to breaking the social malaise that rests upon them, and will continue to do so as long as Treaty separatism and the grievance industries hold sway.
These blights on our Country require ongoing Racial strife for fuel.
This is the expertise of Radical Leftist Marxism.
The wave of ‘Anti-colonialism’/ calls for ‘decolonisation’ are a shameful slander upon the Good and Heroic Pioneers and Colonists who built this country not by thefts and oppression, but by sweat, toil, and virtue!
Making this Country the envy of the world and the envy of the racist radicals who are using political extortion to plunder our nation for themselves!
David Seymour (who is of Maori Descent) has boldly submitted this Bill for Parliament to consider as a first step in bringing this nasty Politics of race to heel.
One of the biggest hurdles to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament that have been the preserve and Powerbase for Maori Racists, Radicals, and extremists over the past 50 years.
Being a constant thorn in the side of any government who is not pandering to their demands.
When seeking to challenge any aspect of racial separatism, it takes heroic strength. integrity, and fortitude to weather the storm of vitriol that blows from the Racists occupying the Maori seats, yet who also enjoy a wall of security… protected from facing the just retaliation from the Non-Maori New Zealander voters they slander and extort by the perversion of our democracy… The Race based Electoral Roll.
They can Lie, and slander, and disrespect the bulk of the New Zealand citizenry without regard… for the Non-Maori people have no means by which they can vote them out.
Appalled by this situation many Maori like myself who reject the vile politics of race are not registered on the Maori roll.
We choose to stand as equals beside our Non-Maori Countrymen on the General roll.
And most grievous of all. Very often the Separate Maori seats hold the balance of power and so the Separatists revel in the opportunity to play ‘king makers’.
They are able to exact a high price for their support, playing the National Party and Labour party off against each other.
In their frenzy for power National and Labour then engage in selling out the rest of New Zealand to the demands of those holding the Maori seats.
This is how the separatist Seats corrupt our entire democracy and keeps our nation perpetually divided, and Maori in a state of Grievance, victimhood, and welfare dependence.
There is no end to this is sight unless New Zealanders wake up and demand Parliament fixes this disgusting racist travesty.
Yet herein lies the dilemma.
Any Coalition Gov that would move to end this travesty as Act is doing with this Treaty Principles Bill that we are considering today… must contend with the huge backlash that will ensue from the racist radicals in the Maori seats.
Hikios from Hell.
Hakas in the house, etc.
Vandalism of colonial monuments, etc.
Terrorism that causes feeble Governments to falter.
To repeat my assertion I made above IMO the biggest hurdle to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament.
This is where I call out New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.
Luxon has already said he will not allow National party MP to support this Bill past this stage of the process.
He intends to sink this bill… without even considering Submissions made by the New Zealand Public!
What arrogance!
Luxon does not have the spine to weather the slanders and angst that he fears will be his fate should he support this Bill.
Luxon knows that if He supports this Bill that next election the Maori Radicals will support a Labour led coalition government… so he is not considering this Bill on its merits… but on what the consequences possibly could be for the National party should he support it.
Should he continue on this path not only is his position immoral, not only will it cement his name in NZ history as being yet another facilitator of racist politics… that shall be his legacy and I believe he is making a massive strategic political blunder!
He’s misreading the temper of the New Zealand Public!
We the people of New Zealand have had enough of living in a two tier race based society and We will not forgive Luxon and National for siding with Te Pati Maori against his own coalition partner Act.
New Zealand put this coalition in office to address this issue in the light of what Jacinda Ardern was doing with Three Waters and The He Pua Pua Report, and it is something he said he would do!
Yet now he is reneging on his commitment. We will not forget this.
Support will bleed away from National towards Act.
You can be certain of it.
This Bill puts Act in the ascendency.
National would do well to support it thereby shoring up their own support.
Luxon underestimates just how angry New Zealanders are with the way things have been going… turning our country into an Apartheid Nation.
We have had it with the lies and extortion and the brainwashing going on in ours schools… the falsifying of history to condition the next generations of Kiwi into accepting being rendered second class subjects in their own Country.
Luxon claims to be focused on the economy and deludes himself that he can ignore this Cancerous growth in our Nations side.
If he cared about social justice and the economic condition of Maori he would support this bill as the establishment of One Citizenship, One law for all is absolutely essential for social justice… the first step to ending Maori dependence on the welfare state and embracing the philosophy of Self reliance *as individuals* for their own betterment.
For they must pull themselves out of the mire by their own bootstraps… no longer clinging to the apron of Nanny State.
They must learn and embrace good values and work ethics… these are essential if they are to shrug off crime.
This Treaty Principles Bill if passed into law will be the first step in the road to establishing One Citizenship, One law for all.
Ie establishing Justice and ending the false Treaty principles and extortion that has grown up from them.
To follow will be the abolishment of the Maori Seats in Parliament and the Race Based Electoral system.
Maori Politicians then will have to stand for election on the general roll and be accountable to all the people of New Zealand for their policies and utterances.
As a Maori I look forward to that day and will take personal pride in having raised my voice in advocacy for the True principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
That is the New Zealand I remember from my Childhood, and the New Zealand I wish to bequeath to my children’s children.
One New Zealand.
Equality for All.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
More from Tim.
Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .
A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill
Brilliant Tim. Best submission I have seen yet.
You are quite correct in what you say.
Cheers Mike!
Happy New Year!
Everyone in NZ should read your article Tim. I voted for Chris. Luxton not next election he just doesn’t get it! Shame.
He (Luxon)has to make a decision NOW…. The answer will depend on WHAT he VALUES the most; “ALL his PEOPLES n COUNTRY or NONE?”……Luxons HOME is his (country) his FAMILY are the (PEOPLES) in it
Thanks Nancy.
Great submission by tim
no, this is an individual’s opinion based on misinformation, go read Vincent O’Malley’s submission…. something based on fact, he is a reparable historian not a racist, he’s not biased… just states facts, unfortunately most on sites like these aren’t interested in facts and the truth… gets in the way of their right-wing agenda
So, just because you don’t like this submission you now feel the need to post ‘your opinion’ & of course state that the writer is misinformed, again only ‘your opinion’
You seem to think that we should consider another ‘opinion’
What about the majority opinion of the vast majority of New Zealanders ??
While you & your ‘mates’ are giving your/their opinions, I will give you mine.
Whilst we continue to look backwards about what ‘supposedly’ happened & all the rights & wrongs that occurred, the issues will never be resolved. Until we forget, or at least place less emphasis on the past, & focus on where we are & where we want to be as a country, & groups continue to want to have total control, we will go absolutely nowhere.
Looking over your shoulder will never get the change which is best for NZ.
David Seymour’s bill is the only way forward. It clearly states we are one people & all have the same rights. Any other ‘opinion’ will absolutely mean we as a country will continue to slip backwards & eventually become a third world country, hardly what anyone, on all sides of this debate really wants.
I think that we are already going down the path to be third world, so far Luxon is holding the country back. Not too sure about NZ FIRST
Well said Craig. I am of Maori and Pakeha background. As a child in the 50’s we mixed and played sport with non Maori. There was none of this separatism talk we hear now in my circles. The Treaty Principles bill is anti apartheid and definitely the way forward.
See my comment on O Malley’s Submission further down below.
I have read O Malley’s submission.
I might write a rebuttal, yet I have other matters to attend to such as a submission opposing Judith Collin’s Gene technology bill.
Please scroll down to my commentary on O Malley.
Saturday 4 Jan 6:18pm.
I have read quite a bit of Vincent O,Malleys history writings
Suffice to say he is a cherry picker of facts and happenings to suit his agenda.
“he is not biased” you said … oh man, you have mental blindness!! But, as long as it fits your worldview all it’s good eh ..
This is Tim’s submission. It is well written and clearly portrays his views.
It is not for you or anyone else to say he is wrong. In a democracy each of us is entitled to express an opinion based on our life experience, our hopes and our desires.
Tim is entitled to express his views and recommendations.
Well done Tim you have nailed it thank you .
Thank you Dianne.
What has happened to the Right Honourable Winston Peters? I can remember when he (correctly in my view) described the Waitangi Tribunal as “a gravy train for lawyers”.
There is no doubt some terrible things were done to Maori by the British Army but most (all?) of those wrongs have been addressed.
We totally agree
Brilliant article
Thanks Geoff.
Mike Webber
We used to camp on Kapiti as kids invited by Mike and Jean Webber
Are you a relative ?
Well written submission Tim. Thank you on behalf of critical thinking New Zealanders .
You are welcome.
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Brilliantly written Tim, Thank you
An excellent submission. Thank you for speaking out from a pert maori perspective. We need more people of maori descent speaking out.
At present we are being divided on racial grounds.
This is an absurd, repugnant and untenable situation. The country is being pressured by activists whose agenda is to divide our country in an effort to ensure superior rights are assigned depending on race and ancestry.
That agenda is simply unsustainable. No country can survive and flourish under those settings!
We cannot profess to be a fair and equal society while allowing one group to monopolize the benefits of “indigenous” status for their gain
Thank you John for you comment.
I completely agree with you.
It is a shocking state of affairs created by malicious far left radical activists, Loon academics, and foolish parliamentarians.
Hi John,
Agree 100% with you. All we have to do is look at Zimbabwe, drove out most of the white population, now look at their country. Do we need to say more. The Maori of this country that we call New Zealand, have all the rights that white New Zealanders have. They can go to doctors etc but choose not and then blame colonisation. We are way past colonisation as this is now the 2025. Tim obviously got off his backside and worked hard to get where he is. Hats off to this man, he New what he wanted and went for it.
Thak you for standing up for New Zealand. Please consider standing for Parliament, we need people like you to lead our country back to what made it so successful.
Thank you for your comment.
I have unsuccessfully stood for parliament back in the 1st decade of the new millennium… as a Libertarian. I have not ruled out trying again. I currently have no party affiliation.
Have you thought about starting your own party. I know that it would be hard to start up but with people like you with David Seymour we could go far to repairing this country
Starting a New Party really is a mammoth undertaking… It takes years to build… etc etc.
I was a member of the Libertarian Party that was active for 15 years… We did some amazing work… yet ultimately we had to throw in the towel because of Lack of support.
The system was/ is rigged.
It’s a shame That party is not still in the game as I believe the time is much better that the first decade of the 2000s.
Agree on both counts Kenneth
I’ve been very concerned how our country is tipping into dissension & reckless leadership without the deeper understanding of what humanity is & what we all aspire to, that is peace.
Clarifying the treaty principles & laying them down as a direction is wisdom in my view.
Thank you Sally for your comment.
New Zealanders ought to be concerned.
Our country has been hijacked by a very nasty and unjust political ideology that violates Enlightenment values and ideals.
We must resist and win back justice and common sense for our children’s sake.
It was a true pleasure to read your submission. I have spoken to Maori descendants in my community and they are straight up good guys. As you say like the people we grew up with.
I would certainly support you if you stood for Parliament.
I am ashamed by the way Chris Luxon is leading our country.
I must admit that I hadn’t thought of how disruptive the Māori seats would be. I was only young when MMP came to be but I have to say I have never agreed with it. It is only as I grown older that I have felt the strength to have my say about what is happening to our country but I fear my voice will make little difference.
Thank God for people like you Tim who can say it like it is. I truly hope you don’t get the terrifying back lash that so many people get.
Sue Jensen
Thank you Suzanne,
The Maori seats must be abolished.
Maori are over-represented in parliament. The Maori seats are a throw back from the past when to vote Men had to also own property which disqualified most Maori as their land was held collectively by their tribes.
When MMP was introduced they were supposed to be abolished yet parliament failed to act (No surprise there).
This is all documented.
Agree Tim,
Only our PM change change this by voting for the bill. Luxon has stated he will not vote for it, but what about the rest of the National Party don’t they have a right to vote for it or has Luxon dictated the no vote to the party. Makes you wonder. Why is Winston Peters against this bill.
As a young NewZealander (going on 84) after reading your submission I feel there is a chance for New Zealand to become great again ,as I am sure there are many out there who feel like you .
Tim thank you
You are welcome Colleen.
Happy New Year!
This is one of the best submissions I have yet seen on this extremely important subject.
Chris Luxon will be well advised to take heed.
Thank you John.
One of the best, if not THE best, submission I have seen – all the more powerful as it comes from one of the genuine maori who face up to reality – that we should ALL just be Kiwis.
100% Ross.
Equality for all.
Agree 100percent. An outstanding submission.
Hugh Perrett
Thank you Hugh. Much appreciated.
And what is a Kiwi? I’ll tell you. A white person. You want everyone to be white.
No !
A kiwi is a small brown bird from New Zealand who eats late and sleeps a lot.
Can I agree to disagree, Nigel. If your narritive was changed ever so slighly to ‘What is a New Zealand citizen’ then the definition can be ‘ one who is either naturalised or born of naturalised parents’ of this country. “Kiwis” come in a wide ethnic spread of origins.
And, to the submitter, Tim, I thank you for your words from an average “kiwi”.
At last some one has the intelligence and fortitude to spell it out and recognise the truth we are a mix race of people from all parts of the world and all contributing to NewZealand. As the treaty wisely spells it out we are one people and all equal and no matter the colour of our skin !!!.
Tim is right – spot on.
New Zealanders had better take note!!!
Thank You Bruce.
The fight goes on.
Totally agree Bruce, brilliant submission
Tim what a great submission, I am not of maori desent but have grand children that are, and even though I did not vote for ACT in the last election I am concidering voting that way for the next election. Over the last 50 years I have watched this country slide into the mess that we are currantly in. I firmly blame both the labour and national parties for our currant delemour,as they both have done nothing but try and gain votes while in actual fact they have sold this country out.
Thank you Grant.
Your Family is typical of New Zealand.
Ie We are intermarried. All Whanau now!
Thank you Tim for your excellent submission on the Treaty Principles Bill. Chris Luxon is shaping up to be a 1 term Prime Minister with his actions. I agree with your statements regarding all work and live together as equal. The nonsense that is happening in Parliament is because the speaker is allowing this to carry on. The standards have dropped so much it’s unbelievable. Thank you
Thanks Chris for you comment.
Let’s hope Luxon wakes up to what a mistake he is making by not supporting his Coalition partner.
Agree with you Chris,
The speaker needs to grow a pair and stand up and control parliament and stop the radicals in parliament from running rough shod, lying and bullying tactics over everyone. He should have shutdown the haka straight away, but he sat there like an idiot
Thanks Tim,
a truly great summation of the ‘divide and conquer wedge’ that is being pushed into our scene.
Cheers Collin.
You are right.
Socialism is all about Dividing demographics and pitting them against each other…. ‘Oppressor and the Oppressed’.
Its simplistic BS.
Great submission and very well done. I agree in whole with your opinions and thoughts especially relating to Luxinda and the pathetic National party stooges.IMO the only way forward for NZ and all Kiwis new and old is to embrace equal rights for all with no exceptions.
For sure!
The Great hijacking of our democracy is that the Woke Globalists have puppets in both major parties so that whoever gets in promotes the Evil agenda that is robbing Nations of their National sovereignty and independence.
A very succinct summation of which I fully concur. A must read for all critical thinking New Zealanders and should be brought in to our school’s to educate our children.
Thanks for you comment Julian.
Good one Tim… inspired me (Tamaraeroa) to submit my own. Thanks
Thankyou Tim for your remarkable and accurate submission.
Sir Aparana Gnata would be proud of you.
Please stand again for parliament.
Truth tellers are sorely needed in our government.
Have a great New Year.
Thank you Neavel…. Much appreciated.
Amen to you Tim.
My thoughts exactly I just couldn’t put in words.
Mike jones
Thanks Mike.
Congratulations Tim on your outstanding submission (above) on the Treaty Principles Bill and on you frankness , honesty , objectivity and on the factuality of your submission . You are to be applauded for your integrity in taking your stance as a ‘New Zealander’ on an issue which has become subject to race-based ‘contrived for purpose’ self-seeking , dishonest and deliberately misleading misinterpretation and misrepresentation .
Thank you .
Hugh Perrett
You are welcome Hugh.
Thanks for taking the time to commend my work.
Very much appreciated.
In the late 1950/60/70’s maori activists lobbied Lange and Palmer because they had found the bogus James Freeman’s flowery interpretation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi which had words that weren’t in Te Tiriti but which would financially benefit elite maori. Lange and Palmer and maori activists took that bogus document to the Courts, (without any consultation with NZ citizens) and (in my opinion) Robin Cooke at law committed a “Grave Miscarriage of Justice” in edifying and advancing that bogus document to the position of ‘the English Version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi’. Government then followed with creating the ‘Waitangi Act’.
A Court ruling and Government Act that was passed and enacted without the full knowledge of the NZ Citizens.
The ‘slow march’ through the institutions, Educationally and politically and the ensuing 49 years have spawned irreparable damage, a racial divide, a social disintegration and a distrust of Government.
Thank you for those insights Maureen.
The Leftist have a lot to answer for.
Tim Wikiriwhi, A man of the times. a clear thinking and factual commentator.
Please don’t stop edifying the ‘uneducated blind followers’ of the manufactured history.
I have no intention of stopping.
Hi Tim, Excellent submission. Made mine a couple of days ago. I have a suspicion the response is going to be unprecedented. Perhaps a silent hikoi. All the best, Lindsay
Happy New Year Lindsey!
I think there is going to be a massive pile of public submissions on this one…
Simply spectacular submission. I wish to live in the New Zealand I grew up in again – I shall support that and your vision for New Zealand always. A heartfelt thanks for publishing this.
Bless you. Carol Radford
Yes most Kiwis 50+ remember the truth.
There was no Racism against Maori… there was unity and brotherhood.
We all want to return to that.
Agree Tim,
Only our PM change change this by voting for the bill. Luxon has stated he will not vote for it, but what about the rest of the National Party don’t they have a right to vote for it or has Luxon dictated the no vote to the party. Makes you wonder. Why is Winston Peters against this bill.
I believe Luxon is not allowing National MPs to vote independently.
This is the action of a nasty little mind.
Awesome factual and accurate. I agree with you.
Thanks Gaylene.
Thanks for taking the time to lay it all out. I never thought that i would ever see a New Zealand divided by apartheid, having protested it en-masse over 40 years ago. The future forward is together, or this country will continue down the bankruptcy route. That affects everyone of us without exceptions. Once again thanks for writing up your views, they are views i share ,firstly as a Kiwi, secondly ,as a Human.
Thanks Barry.
I believe most New Zealanders feel this way. That’s why we need to boldly stand against this racist madness. It’s been going on Far too long.
Thank you Tim.
My family has stood shoulder to shoulder with the Maori people. My Grandfather worked with the people of the Wairara Pa in an effort to assist the tribe to get back as much of their land removed from them as possible. A Tangi was held in his honour when he died. He was made an Elder of the Waitara tribe, something as a family we are all proud of. Many, many “white’ families have stood beside their Maori bretheren over the years, forging strong friendships and working relationships in a shoulder to shoulder context. We were then and are today brothers and sisters of the nation. We all arrived here, hoping to make a better life for ourselves, no matter which centuary we arrived in.
What we as a nation are facing today is destructive and unconscionsable.
I stand by what David Seymour is proposing. I questioned a number of our High School aged young people as to why they were at the last Hikoi, and most unashamably said – “it was a day off.”: They could not tell me what the three Principles are and had very little understanding of the bill David Seymour put before the House. They had been “told’ by their teachers that they should be there. So what percent of those of school age on the Hikoi were there – because they understood the bill. Few, because even the adults around me – didn’t either.
When I talked to staff who went, many of them believed David’s bill was about taking Maori rights off them. They had little to no understanding the the bill sort to define for once and for all what the Principles actually meant in law. They did not realise that David Seymour through his bill – sort to clarrify in law what the principles actually meant. That he was doing so to ensure that the Principles could not be be interpreted and reinterpreted this way and that way to become further warped and twisted by those chosing to swing ideology and position their way.
As you say …”This Treaty Principles Bill if passed into law will be the first step in the road to establishing One Citizenship, One law for all.”
Ie establishing Justice and ending the false Treaty principles and extortion that has grown up from them.and ‘restore the true principles of the treaty that established a single Crown government over all peoples of New Zealand and that it guaranteed *Equality of rights* before the Law… for us all… As British subjects.’
Thank you. We, as my 11 year old grandson says are all human beings first and foremost and need to behave as such. A wise head on young shoulders that recognises that although he is of maori descent, he is also of scottish, Irish, British, French and other culural heritages. He believes we need to be one people, one nation under one flag as do you most other New Zealanders.
Yes Luxon is on a slippery slope with his stance. Many people I know who voted National and believed he was a change agent – have now lost faith in him or are losing faith in him and his party. as he procrastinates and refuses to stand up for the bill ans the rights of all citizens of NZ. Good luck with that stance for nationals place that in the polls – next year Luxon.
Thank you once again Tim. You clearly ennuciated all the issues surrounding David Seymours bill and stance. A very constructive piece of sanity to be delivered indeed.
Wow! Thank you for your awesome comment Dianne.
It is interesting how the Hikois are ‘faked’.
Tragic that our Education system is so full of brainless self-loathing activist teachers too.
We need to stand up and clean house!
Treaty Separatist Grifter and historical revisionist Dr Vincent O Malley’s Submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill can be found here…
I am not at all surprised by what he has written.
He is a professional Historic revisionist.
An Irishman who despises the British… a subversive who has made a profession supporting the Treaty grievance industry.
In writing, I have cross swords with ‘Dr O Malley’ in the past with regards to Hamilton City Council seeking his advise when considering ‘De-colonisation’ of Hamilton City, yet we have never had a debate.
Changing the name to ‘Kirikiriroa’ and removing the Names of Colonial War heroes from Streets, etc.
Public submissions were invited and I made a substantial one critisising O Malleys Council/ Tainui’s Commissioned report.
The Public submission were over-whelmingly opposed to the idea of these proposed woke changes and so the Public meeting was never held… Covid was the excuse.
Since then the Hamilton CC has been implementing their woke vandalism of our city by stealth.
Here is a link to my submission and critique of O Malley’s report. (Be warned… it is a considerable length!
War in the Waikato. Rebuttal of the O’Malley report for Hamilton City Council with regards to the proposal to change the name of our city to Kirikiriroa.
As for his submission on this Bill I could rebut it.
It would take some time, yet I read nothing that is not open to challenge.
A lot of it is straight up fabrication… eg saying The chiefs did not cede sovereignty!
He pretends he is more qualified to translate the meanings of Maori words that that of Henery Williams who wrote the Maori Dictionary and who translated and wrote Te Tiriti O Waitangi directly from Busby’s ‘Littlewood’ English original!
Some of what he says (About the state of democracy in Britain at the time) is quite true… yet his conclusions are shoddy. I can do a much better and more accurate job of that!
He’s a ‘Professional NZ Historian’ … written many books. Participated in the Waitangi tribunal process for decades.
I on the other hand am an engineer by trade… and an amateur NZ historian with 25+ years of private study under my belt and have participated in the Politics of our Nation for about the same length of time.
I don’t speak Maori, and struggle with Maori Names, and places which is a considerable disadvantage none the less I am more than willing to publicly debate O Malley.
He would have the greater experience, yet I know I can give him a run for his money… and probably beat him given the truth is on my side. He’s compromised.
he does not want the Treaty separatism and grievance to end. That’s how he makes his bread and butter.
If I have my way he will go down in history as a charlatan. A falsifier of History proper.
fair and honest response Tim.
I read O’Malley’s submission, which was quite a challenge. It is typically bloated and more agenda-driven than scholarly or factual.
Hi Tim, I can see you have taken a lot of time in doing your research on this matter. I agree 100% with what you have written and stand by you. Hopefully this government takes note of your submission and act on it accordingly, by supporting the bill.
Tony Mudgway
Thanks for your positive comment Tony.
Much appreciated.
This is a vitally important issue that will affect generations of New Zealanders If we don’t stand up for racial equality.
thanks very much for an incredibly enlightening article which i 100% agree with. to get the result that is needed regarding the ACT bill, Luxon needs to reconsider and support it or national as a party need to remove him as leader and replace him with someone who will support it.
michael sherlock.
Yeah… Luxon is selling out our country.
Thanks Michael.
Many thanks for your great submission, I wish we could go back to the days of 50’s 60’s 70’s where everyone had education, jobs, homes and food. We treated everyone the same. No point in looking back it is in the past. We can only go forward. Division of society will not do this. We are all New Zealanders, stand together and make NZ great again.
Thanks Susan… yes The Marxist Radicals and Labour Party created this racist mess out of thin air in the 1970s… destroying what was a Success story in race relations.
Excelent submission, I am of Maori descent and you put into words exactly how I feel.
I have put my submission in support of the bill as I wish New Zealand to be like it used to be, before the Maori radicals, Arderns Labour government, Te Pati Maori , Willy Jackson etc ramped up the division amongst us
So true
Awesome Adrienne.
Thanks for your comment.
Bravo Tim Wikiriwhi
We are kindred spirits.
Cheers, P
Thanks Peter. We must prevail. We cant let the racists win.
Thanks, Tim. Maori seats in parliament must go.
Take care, lad.
Thanks Ernest.
The Maori seats should have been abolished Decades ago. They only exist because of successions of spineless governments.
When MMP was introduced the Maori Seats were supposed to be abolished… yet again Weak governments failed in their duty.
You got it bro,I am Maori also and I agree with you….get off the benefits,set goals….education..achieve something in life.
Cheers for your support Peter. It means a lot because Being a Maori standing to end the favoritism I get a lot of hate from other Maori… this makes your support all the more heart felt. Thank you. Look me up on Twitter (X) and Ill follow you… keep in touch.
Thank you Tim, yours is far and away the best thought out and presented submission on this matter. However, one thing that is a continuing mystery for me is why there is no dissent, opposition and outcry from people of Maori descent who wll privately state that they are not represented by the likes of John Tamihere and his Te Pati Maori?
Thanks Richard.
Many Maori fear their own Whanau and friends should they dare to speak in favour of Act… or speak against the Maori Party.
They don’t vote for them yet neither do they feel comfortable opposing them… it’s a tribal thing… Many think they must ‘back their own no matter the situation’.
This nonsense is part of the reason why this madness has been going on so long.
Thank you Tim, so nice to read your article of common sense and it took me back in time, to when we were living in isolation on a sheepstation on the East Coast.
There was none of this carry on with the Māoris we had contact with and their children we played with. The women would be in the kitchen with my mum helping out with the smokos ,lunch and dinners. There was no them and us, we were one and nothing was a problem, it saddens me to see how it is today.
That’s how I remember things when I was young too.
It has been the Political S#!t stirrers who have made such a mess of race relations. We must work to repair and restore things to how they were in the golden years.
Brilliant Tim. Why did My Grandparents, parents generations go to war. So I, my children grandchildren and now great grandchildren could live in a free democracy. I have stood before our fallen soldiers at Casino, Maori and non Maori lying shoulder to shoulder as they fought and died. One country one flag one people. Equal in life and death.
Lest we not forget.
I support the Treaty Principles Bill.
Amen Bruce. My Maori Uncle fought at Casino. ‘Monty’ Wikiriwhi. He was seriously wounded… but survived.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
Your points are right on target and very well made. Sadly Luxon is out of his depth on these matters and it will hurt him. The continuing race-based discrimination under the cloak of “partnership” is not sustainable. It is a serious threat to social cohesion. Parliament created this mess in 1975 and they now have the responsibility to fix it. I have made a submission too, and I have asked for the opportunity to speak to it. Best wishes.
100% agree Trevor. Thanks for your comment.
Brilliant submission. Well thought out and well written with excellent succinct content.
I fully support your submission and the Treaty Principles Bill.
Thank you Andrea for taking the time to leave your positive comment.
Outstanding. I hope you are right about other Maori people thinking the same.
Thankyou so much for your brilliant submission and for sharing it openly. It is so easy to hide ones true feelings and opinions because of the vicious backlash from the activists and the ignorant. Your submission is the best I have read. I know how much time and thought goes into such a submission as I made one myself. One has to do one’s research and have a good appreciation of NZ history as revisionism abounds. Good on you! We need to stand tall in these times. I stand with David Seymour who is prepared to be ridiculed and pilloried as the distortion of history has to be halted and democracy must be restored before it is too late.
Thanks Barbara.
It looks like some of the Separatist institutions have Rigged the process by using Taxpayer resources to generate tens of thousands of submissions against the Bill.
It’s a scandal…
An investigation needs to be done…
“Māori health organisation Hapai Te Hauora will deliver more than 10,000 Treaty Principles Bill submissions to Parliament today following a Justice Select Committee computer glitch.
Over the past few days, Hapai has received more than 20,000, submissions to its portal.
Submissions closed at 11.59pm last night but there are calls for that deadline to be extended.
Hapai managed to load 10,000 to the committee webpage and decided to deliver the rest personally…”
They are associated with John Tamahere and that links them to Te Pati Maori.
They used a ‘Submissions builder’ for people to make submissions using their templates and software, yet it’s not beyond the realm of plausibility that they could have had Activists mass producing ‘submissions’ and attaching names pulled from some list… like the Maori Roll.
Thousands of those submissions could potentially be fraudulent… so they all need to be scrutinised.
Thank you Tim for an excellent submission. Many of the things you say echo the words in my own submission, but nowhere near as eloquently as your have done. Thank you
Thanks Cliff for your kind words and for doing a submission too!
Tim W
The Treaty doesn’t need to interpreted as a racial document. It doesn’t deflect from the fact those people who happened to sign a treaty with the British happened to ‘incidentally’ identify as Maori. You need to think of ‘being Maori’ as being an individual and having interests in a Maori corporation with interests. The substrate of that treaty is really the point of contention. Anything else is race baiting, and the court is the authority in this issue, not the parliament. That might grate with a lot of people, but deferring to populist politics will not resolve it, as David Seymour is attempting to do. The real issue is the common law interpretation. That is what is important. David Seymour should have sought a judicial review into the court ‘common law interpretation of the treaty’. Context on common law is key. It’s why common law is the greatest legal system ever created, and David is only seeking to destroy it with populist hubris. Statutory law is a membership system. Common law is not. So on what basis were members of Maori contracted? Was not the treaty an exercise in illegitimate contracting under duress? Remember: Context! You can only look at the treaty as a confession of values, whether in good or bad faith. I would suggest a new agreement is needed. I’d start fresh. With nit just common law, but a new ideology to support it, and dispense with populism. David however finds populist hubris useful to lead a group of reactionary idiots.
You could have said all that in a submission to parliament.
Those are your concerns about the Bill.
The Treaty established New Zealand as a Colony of Britain under British Jurisdiction and protection.
All New Zealanders were recognised as British subjects with the Rights of British subjects… which includes all the protections of British Common Law.
I think you are off base given the false Treaty principles that were enacted into law in 1975 and have ever since wreaked havoc.
This is what David Seymour is rightly addressing … as a matter of principle… not mere populist politics as you describe.
I’m not a big fan of Seymour. I don’t support Act, yet I will support his efforts on this one…