Category Archives: Green Party

The Art of Feigning Oppression.

I’m running, yet no matter how wildly my legs flail about… I cant get traction.
I just cant seem to awaken from this nightmare!
The problem is I’m not dreaming. This shit is real.

So the Jury could not find Tame Iti and Co Guilty of anything more serious than possession of illegal fire arms. Why do you think the defence fought tooth and nail for trial by jury? The reality is that after Decades of Anti-Colonial Propaganda and indoctrination, it would have been a miracle to have found a jury that has not been corrupted by the delusion that Tame Iti is a member of a race of Victims of injustice and oppression… Ya know Maori violence, Crime, unemployment, and ill health…is all the White Mother fuckers fault …according to Mana MP John Harawera,… They executed a Holocaust upon Maori and stole all their land…according to Maori Party MP Turiana Turia.
New Zealanders believe this rubbish and obviously so did some of the Micky mouse Jurors who have allowed the dangerous Racist radical Tame Iti to reamian at large when he should be in Jail… for a very long time. If he had been a White power racist with Guns…waiving a swastika instead of the Maori sovereignty flag… they would have been convicted. I don’t hold out much hope of the people of New Zealand getting justice from a retrial either… because Getting an untainted Jury will be next to impossible… so thoroughly indoctrinated are the sheeple.
True to form, without shame…. without blinking…. he now has the gaul to pretend that he is a peaceful man…yet again the innocent victim of an oppressive Pakeha Government! Well what do you expect From this professional Victim?
He is a master of the violin… and oh how the chumps all swoon.
Maori victimism is an Artform and Tame Iti is a Master Fiddler!

Tapu Misa wrote an article in the NZ Herald today painting Iti as at worst ‘ A bumbling baffoon… “A master of theatre”… playing down the seriousness of what these hate filled racists was doing by joking about his childish antics of the past such as Butt waving, and shooting the flag… She poses the Question…
” Could they have “organised” anything, much less posed a threat to New Zealand society?”
I would like to pose her another question… “Ought the police have waited until they had murdered some one before they moved in?”
It is sickening that she minimalises the grave nature of the business that Tami iti and co were about, as it matters little that they were doomed to failure… they still could have killed many people. They had the Guns to do it. They were recruiting and practicing terrorist activities… It is Disgusting that people like her refuse to see the obvious truth which is Tame Iti and his Gang Of Racist Green Radicals are very dangerous criminals whom were planning Violent ‘Direct action’.

Tapu Misa has obviously has forgotten how much damage one madman caused in Norway recently!

And I knew this type of violence was coming!
I have published articles warning that the continued propagation of racist Anti-colonial lies would lead to greater race relation problems and escalating violence.
*I warned New Zealanders about Tame Iti when he went to Fiji to support George Speight!
So don’t tell me that The Maori separatists and Radical Tree huggers are not Dangerous!
But nobody listens… What is left for me to do?
All I can do is continue to call New Zealanders…esp Maori New Zealanders to realise the Evils of Racial separatism and to stand as one… calling for an end to Waitangi Apartheid and make New Zealand a nation of racial equality before the Law.
(An example of an anti- colonialist anticapitalist pro indigenous rights self professing revolutionary (Like tame iti) …whose favourite books include… Communiques of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation January-August 1996, Durutti in the Spanish Revolution by Abe Paz, Guerilla Warfare a method by Che Guevara

Auzzie Greens Summon AntiChrist.

THE world should be ruled by a new “global parliament” under the auspices of the United Nations, according to Bob Brown.

Delivering the Third Green Oration in Hobart, on the 40th anniversary of the party’s founding, Senator Brown asked an audience of “fellow earthians” why the “intergalactic phones” weren’t ringing, suggesting advanced civilisations elsewhere in the universe could have “extincted” themselves through their own greed.

In a sweeping address, quoting Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, Senator Brown called on Australia to take the lead in establishing a global parliament to govern issues such as nuclear proliferation, international financial transactions and poverty.

Excerpt from this article.

Libertarian Christians ought not to be suprised by this at all.

The Green movement is a jumble of Radical Left delusions mixed up with generous helpings of Radical Right ‘expedients’ ie Though they prefer the State to own everything, they will settle for State control of everything…with a semblance of Market functions and very limited ‘private property’… and as the most Die hard comrades of Cold war Communism… they have never abandoned their ambitions for World Communist Revolution and Politburo Dominion… and The UN has always been thoroughly infiltrated and infested by Anti western Lefties (Think: Helen Clark!)
We ought not to be surprised that The Greens do not Dread the Threat to individual liberty that such an all powerful centralised Global State represents, they actually relish the thought!

With such absolutely Evil ambitions, cloaked in terms of concern for the Poor and the wellbeing of The Ecosystems of the world It is a real travesty that so many Christians support this Demonic political movement. They must be as thick as two short planks!

The Green Movement is absolutely Anti Christ in respect to the fundamental foundations of Christian values… They hate the Judeo-Christian Idea that God gave Mankind dominion over the Earth and other creatures. It is no mere coincidence that the Greens align themselves with every Primitive Earth worshipping culture around the globe against Western domination, not because they believe the Earth is God, but because their beliefs dont grant Mankind Higher God-given rights or dominion. Comunists are famously Atheistic (Note Browns reference to Alien lifeforms… a thouroughly Atheist/ evolutionary delusion of our age)
And this call for a One world Government also exposes them as the Ultimate hypocrites in respect to the Occupy movement which is full of Lefty Greens whom claim to be ‘Anti-Imperialism’…’Anti-Globalists’…when in fact they are the Ultimate Globalists of them all!

As a Libertarian Christian I know the Antichrist shall rise on a wave of exactly this type of Ungodly hypocrisy dressed up as Humanitarianism … Deluding Billions of Dipwits… He will not only insist upon thorough product labelling… he will insist upon labelling People!… No man will be able to buy or sell except they have his mark… He will not Tolerate Christians or Jews, nor will respect their values, or religious liberty, but will label them Terrorists and have them killed if they will not bow down before him. It has all been foretold in the Book of Revelation.

Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

Sometime soon I hope to write a substantial piece on the deteriorating State of New Zealand Justice and Race relations as there is much that needs to be said, yet tonight I must satisfy myself with a few words in respect to the Tuhoe terrorist Court case that is winding up in particular the barefaced delusions of the Defence which are claiming Tama Iti may be compared to Nelson Mandela!!! Thats like calling a circle a square!

Now From what I remember Black south Africans Were suffering as an oppressed Ethnicity, not as a favoured one as Maori are today… and Mandela was trying to End an Apartheid system, not Perpetuate one! Yes Mandela fought for Equality before the Law…and an end to separatism, the very opposite of what Iti was doing…. planning to Murder white people.
The defence say Iti is a ‘peace activist’… and his fellow Co conspirator Green Extremists “Were immersed in the peaceful teachings of Parahaka”… I await the verdict with interest because if such blatant lies succeed in an acquittal, or a trifling sentence we shall know that There is no Justice in this country. In my view they all deserve at least Ten years Jail.

A better comparison of Tama Iti would Be the violent murderer radical Separatist …Fijis George Speight! (Whom when in the midst of his Coup for Indigenous Rule, Iti took the trouble of flying to Fiji to support!)

I personally liken Iti To Mugabe! Another Rabid violent Racist, whose policies Iti has endorsed many times.

Mandela’s words, “The struggle is my life,” are not to be taken lightly.

“I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die”.

Iti Ought to be starkly contrasted with Mandela, and Martin Luther King whom Richard has Blogged just this week…

Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian.

A Simple Life well lived.

“If you do not find me reclining beneath the Plane trees.
Look for me in the Garden of Contemplation.”
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Summer camping is a time I plant my arse in a cozy Beach chair and meditate.
I write my thoughts into a journal. I like to speak from Introspection, and personal experience.
Here is one from this last mission….

I sneak off into the bush and hug trees…but does it still count if nobody sees you?
You don’t have to wear a Greenpeace Tee-shirt or Camp out in City squares to be an Environmentalist.
So much of the Environmental extremism of today is merely a fashion statement…more of a social club than anything else.

People want to Look Green. They think this gives them the higher moral Plateau, from which to pour down their Communist vomit upon Freedom, consumerism, and industry.
I reach this conclusion because of the disconnect many people have between their ‘profession of concern’ from their ‘actions of disregard’.
Socialist Greens are in the habit of pointing out motes in eyes of others rather than focusing upon the beams in their own.
The fact that we now have a generation of youth whom have been thoroughly indoctrinated via a bombardment of Green Propaganda and yet they still leave their Beer bottles and chip packets behind them like a trail of dung.
They sure do like to consume their share of Booze and junk food!
Is this simply the rebelliousness of youth?
Does the incessant bombardment of Greenism actually counter-productive and provoke a negative response?
Whatever is going on inside their heads it obvious that theory and practice are separate things.

Now my Wife Joy, my son Roman, and I have just got back from camping in the Coromandal. We do a lot of Camping in the summer, and we employ one very simple Libertarian scruple …

*Always leave the place in a better condition that when we arrived*

This is a Voluntary virtue, which we impose upon ourselves, and we Police ourselves.
We don’t need a sign to tell us ‘Don’t litter’.
We don’t need the threat of DOC staff hiding in the bushes to motivate us to Camp in an environmentally friendly manor.
Why? Because we have assimilated this ethic into to our self-esteme… and take pride in not only keeping our waste in control, but also in picking up rubbish (esp broken glass) that we find lying about, so that when we depart…the site is cleaner, safer… and we can have self-respect.
This is how Humans ought to function… not via oppressive tyranny, but by Ethical Self- Government.
This is an example of Libertarianism in action.
Laws are written for the sake of Cretans and Barbarians.
Truly civilized people don’t function on such a base knuckle scrapping level.
Libertarianism is founded upon the fact that Ethics in action spring from the Heart…the Soul…not the threat of punishment.
An enlightened society is a society with few Laws, but peopled with individuals of strong personal ethics.
A barbarous society has many Laws emanation from a Draconian State, and is peopled with mindless Zombies.
Libertarianism is about growing the former. Socialism is about manufacturing the latter.
Hence when there is no one from the government watching over their shoulders, Socialist youths revert to Barbarism. They have been raised to need Nanny.
As a Christian, that little Libertarian Scruple ‘Leave the place in a better condition than when you arrived’… is a simple, yet beautiful rule that ought to be applied to one’s entire life.

Simplistically speaking there are two sorts of Human beings in the world.
Life affirmers vs The Degenerates.
Independent Self-governors vs The Domesticated beasts.
We ought to voluntarily Live as an Agent of virtue, rather than as Agents of decay.
Only a Savages thinks of Liberty as License.
The Enlightened Man considers liberty the domain for practicing his personal discipline.
In a free society, It may be lawful to be a rude, selfish, arse hole whom reviles in depravity…and there will always be those whom choose to live this way… and I must confess to have done my share of that, yet I have grown up. I have learned by my many crimes and mistakes. I repent. I have learned the Redeeming truth, that A leopard can change its spots! You can re-invent yourself and become a better person. You can become the sort of person you wish to be….the reward for which is Self esteeme… and when you finally go to your grave you will * Leave the place in better condition than when you arrived* …and many will say “Oh how sad it is that Tim has Gone! We have lost a good man, we have lost our best helper, we have lost our strong example, our encourager, …etc”
Is not that a Legacy of a life well lived?
Will anyone think like that about us when we die?
I guess that depends on how successufully we embody the Ideal.

I guess the one virtue the Young have is time to get wise.

Riverglen camp. 6km down Tapu rd from the Coroglen Pub. Coromandal Peninsula.
Tentsites + Cabins.!/pages/Riverglen-camp-Coromandel/105939656141976

“Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth : That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly .” (Mat6vs1-4)

Litter is yet another evidence of Mans Fallen Nature, and need of God.

The Green Death (Part 1)

A long time ago there was a 6-episode serial of Dr Who called The Green Death. It terrified me as a child. The story is set in the Welsh mining village of Llanfairfach. The Doctor discovers that the mine is full of giant maggots and fluorescent, putrescent green slime. Deadly green slime that is lethal if touched, because the green death infection not so gradually turns its victims into fluorescent, putrescent green slime themselves. Ironically, the serial had an environmentalist theme. It turns out the slime has been produced by chemical waste pumped from the nearby plant of a company called Global Chemicals. What a great name for an evil capitalist corporation!

Yes, you can see where I’m going with this. Today’s Green Death is the environmentalist movement and, in particular, its local incarnation, the Green Party of New Zealand. Today’s putrescent green slime is the propaganda piece on a billboard I drive past on my way to work, pictured below. It exhorts us to party vote Green “for a richer New Zealand”.

For a richer New Zealand

Now, I’m a great fan of juxtaposition. I thought this post was pretty funny. But juxtaposition isn’t always funny.

Yes, that’s right. The Green Party is going to take money from the productive – those who actually create wealth and who create jobs – and employ the unproductive and unemployable to create – ostensibly – a richer New Zealand. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see that it’s not going work. The Green Party, if they had their way, would condemn us all to a poorer New Zealand.