Category Archives: Green Party

No Utopia.

Mayor Len Brown’s Vision for Auckland

It looks as if Auckland is to become the most Un-livable City in the world.
Mayor Len Brown and his Socialist Council are orchestrating a Housing crisis via their refusal to allow the city to expand itā€™s boundaries so that much needed land can be developed to cope with increasing demand for New Homes.

“Property expert says up to 20 per cent of Auckland’s homes must go for infill and high-rise to cope with growth.

Between 50,000 and 80,000 Auckland homes have to be demolished and replaced with townhouses and apartments to create the world’s most liveable city, says a housing expert.

Martin Udale, ex-chief executive of McConnell Property, yesterday said that up to one in five of the city’s 385,000 existing homes had to be replaced with infill housing to accommodate an extra 1.2 million people over the next 30 years.”

Read more about this Politically engineered Crisis here:
‘Crisis demands mass demolition’ NZ Herald.

The Agenda.
Anyone who know anything about politics will recognize that like many cities around the countryā€¦ around the Globeā€¦ The Super-city is being made to conform to the United Nations socialist Agenda 21 whereby the Communist Mankind hating, Nature worshipping, Control freak Green philosophy is to Force Populations to exist in ever increasing Densityā€¦ the underlying idea being that this will force population growth to slow, and Preserve The Natural world from the Effects of the Human Contagion.

In the Minds of the Socialist Tree Huggers, This Tyranny is the Embodiment of Enlightenmentā€¦ Caging Mankindā€¦and thereby saving the Planet.
They seek nothing less than absolute control.
They believe owning your own home with a Ā¼ acre section and driving about in Greenhouse gas makers whereeva / wheneva you pleaseā€¦ are Decadent extravagancesā€¦ which they intend to take away!
And they are busy implementing these delusions as we speak!
This Socialist Movement and sycophant Media are busy undermining the Kiwi dream by making out that it is Greedy, and selfishā€¦ and evil. >>>”Urban sprawl“<<< And these delusions are shared by the City Councils everywhere, and around the globe they are attempting to force the Growth of High rise apartment buildings at the expense of the home and back yard. They're hoping that within a generation that the Kiwi Dream... for city folk... will be completely forgotten, and that High-rise ā€˜projectsā€™ and ā€˜Ghettosā€™ will be thought of as ā€˜Normal city lifeā€™ā€¦ and of course this congestion will exaserbate Traffic jams, inner city Parking costs will skyrocketā€¦ so why own a car? Why not ride *that train* which the council has conveniently built right next to your Building? Owning a Car and living in a single family detached home will become more and more the preserve of the upper class.
The UN agenda 21 is to force cities into high density vertical expansion.

Agenda 21 described…
“Agenda21 is global socialism directed through the United Nations. ā€œSmart Growthā€ is doublespeak for planned communities. ā€œSustainable Developmentā€ means a centrally planned economy. ā€œIndustry Clustersā€ are government work factories. ā€œGreen Designā€ is the clustering of people in 700 sq/ft, 14 story ā€œpack and stackā€ living quarters with your personal universe restricted to walking distance or light rail travel to your place of work. This is the reinvention of Maoā€™s China.”
Quoted from here:

The Platitude.
Yes To Live like Antsā€¦ Len Brown would have us believe… will make Auckland the most livable city on Earth!

Super City Councilor Dick Quax raised his concerns about this Diabolical Agenda recently at The Liberty Conference held earlier this month in Auckland.

Read about what he said here:
Now if you have read what Dick Quax said at the Liberty Conference, or are familiar with the goings on in Len Browns Council, you will be aware that to achieve his Socialist Utopia that Rates must increase at an annual rate of over 5%… which is 2.5 times current inflation, and despite this Revenue Grab, Mayor Brown will still have to borrow an extra 1 billion dollars per Year!

The Ploy….
Looking from his Ivory Tower Len Brown has already seen the stirring of a Plebs rebellion ā€¦ as outraged Aucklanders vent their anger at their massive Rate hikes.

Election time is fast approaching (next year)ā€¦ and so what do we see in todayā€™s Herald?
Nek Minit….. An article appears in which Len claims he is attempting to trim his Rate hikes to 2%!
Herald Reading Jaffas may have exclaimed “What a relief!”
Sorry folks… This is Barefaced Machiavellianism!
In this article Mr Brown has the audasity to claim that up comming Elections has not been a factor in his attempts to reduce his sheduled rates hikes!

Schemer Auckland Mayor Len Brown.
Mr Brown said he was not giving any thought to next year’s election…


Ask yourself people …What Politician gives no thought to up coming elections?
One thing is certain. Socialist Powertrippers like Len Brown certainly think about elections… a lot!
Because they believe Political Power and coercion is essential to ā€˜save the worldā€™, they have no sence of achieving goals in freedom, via voluntary community action.
Len Brown is straight out Lying!

Read this article here: Brown strives for 2% rates increase. NZ Herald

Many Green fanatics wont care about the finacial or human costs of implimenting the UN Agenda 21.
They wont care that Len lies to get re elected… they are true believers!
I dont waste my breath attempting to reach such people.
Yet to those of you with even a modicum of rationality must realise that Len is not attempting to reduce his rate hikes out of any benevolent concern for Aucklanders!
He is doing this out of self interest.
He is posturing himself for Re-election!
And what he is not saying is that his reduction in Rate hikes will translate into even greater increases in city dept and interest payments!

because his juggernaut will not be stopped!

What Aucklanders need to ask themselves is why they would wish to Re elect such a heavy handed, deluded and, callous personā€¦ whom clearly does not have their best interests at heart, but puts his own megalomaniac schemes firstā€¦ and expects Aucklanders to carry the costs?

Aucklanders Need to listen to what Councilors like Dick Quax, and how Auckland could be saved from this Socialist Nightmare, and the Kiwi dream restored by removing the Draconian restrictions on Land developmentā€¦ and allow the City to expand outwards. This will cause House prices to stabilize, and even make the construction of cheaper houses possible.
And with more spaceā€¦ everyone, esp the children will have a better quality of life than the Slum conditions, the heavy Rates bills, and the lack of personal transport which are all the inevitable consequence of Len browns implementation of Agenda 21.

Power crazy Len Brown and his UN Flunkies must be stopped!
Get involved with the development of a New Libertarian political organisation to get Libertarians into city council.
I will blog more on this New Organisation as things develop.
But donā€™t waitā€¦Get involved!
Make submissions!
Oppose Len Browns Unitary plan!

The Herald finnishes…
‘How can the public have a say?
The Auckland Council is drawing up a rulebook, the unitary plan, for residents and developers. Discussions have started with local boards and some groups. The draft plan will be released in March.’

Dumbfounded Dipshits vote Left/Right.(updated)

“…On reasoning and emotions: Libertarians have the most ā€œmasculineā€ style, liberals the most ā€œfeminine.ā€ We used Simon Baron-Cohenā€™s measures of ā€œempathizingā€ (on which women tend to score higher) and ā€œsystemizingā€, which refers to ā€œthe drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.ā€ Men tend to score higher on this variable. Libertarians score the lowest of the three groups on empathizing, and highest of the three groups on systemizing. (Note that we did this and all other analyses for males and females separately.) On this and other measures, libertarians consistently come out as the most cerebral, most rational, and least emotional. On a very crude problem solving measure related to IQ, they score the highest. Libertarians, more than liberals or conservatives, have the capacity to reason their way to their ideology…”

Haha I donā€™t put too much weight on these sorts of ‘Findings’.
I certainly donā€™t believe Woman empathise more than Men, or that Libertarians Empathise less than socialists. I think this conclusion shows a failure to appreciate the Christian Libertarian belief that Liberty and self reliance tends to greater prosperity for everyone, and thus less poverty, and a greater voluntary spirit of community, and benevolence…. all things which socialism destroys. Thus Liberty fosters a more Christian spirit. Yet of course the Objectivists have done their best to destroy this understanding of Freedom and empathy, and instead promoted Selfishness… thus again they have done their best to undermine the Libertarian cause…
As for the IQ Partā€¦ well I donā€™t put much weight on thoses things either as there have been plenty of high IQ Morons!
Apparently plenty of Hi IQ folk believe the theory of Evolution!
So that proves IQ is no Guarantee of intelligence/ wisdom!
Yet I do Believe Socialists are stupid!
That is an empirical Fact!
(I guess I stand convicted of Lack of Tact! Yet I dont believe Being PC shows empathy either… really it’s cloaked Malice)

Haile Selassie I

The preservation of peace and the guaranteeing of humanity’s basic freedoms and rights requires courage and eternal vigilance: courage to speak and act ā€“ and if necessary, to suffer and die ā€“ for truth and justice; eternal vigilance, that the least transgression of international morality shall not go undetected and unremedied. These lessons must be learned anew by each succeeding generation, and that generation is fortunate indeed which learns from other than its own bitter experience.

– Haile Selassie I, address to the United Nations, 1963

Today is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Haile Selassie I (23 July 1892 ā€“ 27 August 1975), whom Wikipedia tells us “is revered as the returned messiah of the Bible, God incarnate, among the Rastafari movement.”

I don’t know much about the Rastafari movement. Rastafarians are sort-of Christian, in the same way that Mormons are sort-of Christian. Unlike Mormons, however, Rastafarians smoke lots of marijuana. In fact, many Rastafarians are too stoned to comb their hair. Bob Marley was a Rastafarian most of his life. One of the best MPs New Zealand ever had was openly Rastafarian. Also, the Rastafari movement is not an organised religion as such. The movement tolerates a diversity of theological views within it. So I figure that Rastafarianism can’t be all that bad!

[Hat-tip: Nandor Tanczos]

Killing Whales To Save Them (Part 1)

I got this in my email today.


Killing Whales To Save Them
Press Release by ACT Leader John Banks
Thursday, July 5 2012

The proposition that South Korea could begin so called ‘scientific’ whaling is an international outrage, ACT Leader John Banks said today.

“Like Japan, it remains ludicrous that they believe you need to kill whales to save them,” Mr Banks said.

“This thinking is as lamentable as it is obscene.

“It should be condemned and stopped before it even begins,” Mr Banks said.


Media Contact: Shelley Mackey, Press Secretary, 04 817 6634/ 021 242 8785
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Animals have rights. Yes, even feral conservatives like John Banks.

This PR may seem like one out of left field to some, but John Banks has a long history of campaigning for animal rights and supporting animal welfare legislation. It may seem that he and (former) Green MP Sue Kedgley make strange bedfellows, but a SAFE media release in (pre-election) October last year had this to say.

Greens Lead the Way against Colony Cages

If the nation’s three million caged hens could vote, the Greens and Act’s John Banks would be ruling the roost come this year’s election, says leading animal advocacy organisation SAFE.

Outgoing animal welfare spokesperson and Green MP Sue Kedgley, announced yesterday that her party will pledge against cruel colony cage systems and Act Party candidate, John Banks, also says he will pledge his personal support to help caged hens.

I say (and I am afraid this is going to be very unpopĀ­uĀ­lar), good on them both. Many libertarians are conflicted about animal welfare legislation. They think such legislation is unprincipled, while at the same time they abhor animal cruelty. I find their arguments, that the way to prevent animal cruelty is through social rather than legal sanctions, feeble at best and unconscionable at worst.

My defence of my seemingly unlibertarian views on the matter of animal welfare legislation is this. Animal welfare legislation is not a moral issue. It is a metaphysical issue.

(Almost) all libertarians I know subscribe to the view(s) that

human beings are individually possessed of certain inalienable rights, which are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of … happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just powers – and only such powers – from the consent of the governed; that all laws legislated by governments must be for the purpose of securing these rights; that no laws legislated by government may violate these rights …

If you believe, as I do, that non-human animals also possess some (limited) rights, then it is within the proper scope of government to secure those rights. Animal welfare legislation is not necessarily unlibertarian. Whether it is or not depends on whether or not non-human animals possess rights. And that is a metaphysical question, not a moral one.

Pugilist Sage.

NZ Fighters puts up some very interesting posts on their facebook feed.
Today they posted this picture and Quote:

“When man learns to respect even the smallest being of creation, whether animal or vegetable, nobody has to teach him to love his fellow man. Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. “Albert Schweitzer”
This is undeniably True.
Even when we must eat Animals ā€¦Even when we must exterminate them (destructive and dangerous Pests) we must never be cruel, but seek to dispatch them in as ‘humane’ a fashion as possible.

That these Pugilists put up such a post on their page is an excellent example of True Martial character.
It demonstrates the truth that Martial arts, and even Military Professionalism is not of necessity accompanied by a Brutish or Sadistic personality, but can and ought to be regulated by high moralsā€¦as opposed to the Love of violence for violence sake. The strong and powerful man ought also to be Meek, and a friend of the Lowly.
This is what distinguishes the likes of David Tua from thugs like Mike Tyson.
In war it distinguishes the honorable and truly heroic soldiers like Rommel, from the depraved and barbaric monsters like Chemical Ali. (Hey; I hope Tyson figures this out…maybe he has? The great truth is People can change for the better if they so wish!)

Getting back to the subject of having compassion for the lower creaturesā€¦
As a Christian I believe the value system of the Bible, whereby God gives Man Dominion over the Earth, and all the things therein. Ie They exist for our use, sustenance and enjoyment.
Thus the Bible places Mankind above the animals…but below the Almighty.
This being so does not mean we can abuse these blessings or make use of them to satisfy perverse lusts… like sadism.
The Bible teaches us to be dillegent gardners and to practice righteous Husbandry… these being examples of good character… Christ even being described as ‘The Good sheppard whom giveth his life for his sheep’.


This is the Christian ethic and heirachy of values.
It is important to understand that while we must never be cruel to animals, or reckless with the environment, we must take care never fall into the snare of de-valuing Humanity by valuing other creatures above Mankind.
Eg we ought to be prepared to sacrifice our most treasured animal companion should that be necessary to save a human life.

I post that warning because there is a very real Danger today due to the prevalence of ‘Earth worshipping’ ‘Anti-humanity’ philosophies… propagated by Atheists whom despise the ethics of Christianity and work like Transylvanian Gypsies for Dracula lobbying Governments around the globe to pass laws and prohibitions which sacrifice the wellbeing of Mankind to ‘the Goddess Earth Mother’… and this involves a perverse hierarchy of values the exact opposite to Christianity.

Radical Environmentalists consider Mankind a disease.

I have witnessed this hatred for mankind from Environmentalists whom think it is a virtue to go to war against humanity for the sake of some ‘endangered species’.

Take care never to be sucked into supporting such wicked Anti-freedom anti-humanity politics.
You donā€™t have to be a member of the Green party to care about the environment or to work for the preservation of species.

As a Libertarian I care a great deal about these things, yet I promote the pursuit of these noble goals via non-coercive means which do not involve oppressive Laws which violate the rights and liberties of Humanity.
Libertarianism is about instilling High values and personal ethics in the hope of raising the level of civilization via voluntarily action.

The Christian ought to realise this Libertarian modus opperandi is the perfect fit for the dissemination and practice of our faith which functions via voluntarily embraced and self-imposed duties and moral obligations.

The Christians whom support the Left/Right Green lobbyist organizations whom function via Political force are supporting an antichrist/ definitively Unchristian ideology… a ‘pseudo morality’ that is in direct competition with Christianity… A Cult Of Wolves in sheepā€™s clothing.
They are the Chumps of Christ hating atheists.
They walk in Darkness with the Lost.
They need to experience a Libertarian ‘intervention.’
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Would be Terrorists Escape Justice. Far Leftist Racist Radicals and Environmental Extremists.

I see that would-be Terrorist Tame Iti and his Merry Band of Racist Thugs and Green Psychopaths have got away with conspiracy to commit murder!
They are not going to face Re-trial on the Hung jury verdict.
We are told that it is not because the prosecution does not have a sound case, but because they donā€™t think the cost is ā€˜value for moneyā€™!
They say a Retrial also could have ended in another hung juryā€¦ to that I say So what!
These Dangerous Arsesholes have got away with planning to kill White people, and training to Kidnap MPs, and other acts of terrorism!
Seeing violent criminals face Justice is one of the few legitimate duties of government.
They have failed us!
I have no doubt had their Neo Nazism been for White Supremacy (rather than Brown) and targeted Maori New Zealanders and Maori MPs that they would have been convicted of more serious charges and face heavy sentences.
(Apparanty the maximum sentence for the charges that have been dropped was 5 years. I ask why these scum were not facing more serious charges than ‘Belonging to a criminal organisation?)
If the State let go White neo-Nazis the public outcry of corruption would be deafening!
So why no outcry when the shoe is on the other foot?

New Zealanders have been robbed of Justice!
A Conviction would have identified the Perverse Nature of Indigenous Rights, The viciousness of The Maori separatists, and the Warped mentality of the Radical Socialist Greens.
With no conviction these dangerous scum can continue to play their favorite partsā€¦ as victims of Greedy Whites.
This case was one of the most important trials in Decades yet has ended as a Fiasco!
Its a Flock up of Monumental proportions!
Parliament Flocked up the legislation.
The Police Flocked up their collection of evidence, and failed to charge these criminals with conspiracy to commit murder, and Kidnapping, etc.
The Jury Flocked up their verdict.
And Now the Prosecution has Flocked up by quitting!
Its Travesty upon Travesty!
They couldnā€™t even get a conviction on a bunch of bumbling deranged Communist Morons they caught Red handed planning terrorism.
They cannot be re-tried on this charge, yet I ask this question… Do the Police have evidence enough to lay different charges against them?
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Note: It is more accurate to classify the Radical Separatists and Green Extremists as Far right Fascists, though they like to consider themselves to be Far Left Communists.

Dont you know this is the Land of Confusion?!!!

‘Urewera Four’ will not be re-tried

No retrial of Urewera Four