Yesterday someone broke into my house and stole my iMac, some laptops, cash, an X box and a few other things.
Luke 6:29
Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.
I’m not concerned about the loss… but yeah… I’m not really feeling this scripture (Tim, please tell me this one is part of an irrelevant dispensation đ )
A christian friend said hearing about the theft made him angry – I don’t want to be angry. How should I, or any Christian, react to being robbed?
On a personal level I’m unsure of how to react but on a political level I find things much more straight forward – when a person steals another person’s property the thief should have to repay the victim the value of the stolen goods plus a penalty proportionate to the value of the stolen goods.
Proverbs 6:30-31
People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
It’s often said that criminals have a debt to society but this is incorrect – criminals have a debt to their victims and when possible penalties should be given with the aim of restoring victims. When restitution is not possible then even selling a person into slavery is justified.
Exodus 22:1-4
Whoever steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it must pay back five head of cattle for the ox and four sheep for the sheep.
If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed.
Anyone who steals must certainly make restitution, but if they have nothing, they must be sold to pay for their theft. If the stolen animal is found alive in their possessionâwhether ox or donkey or sheepâthey must pay back double.
I hope this post provokes a robust discussion. Unfortunately I may be limited to making follow up comments using my smartphone. đ
Mercy, like charity, has been socialised in the western world and is not a virtue as it is normally practiced.
When the government forcibly takes money from taxpayers and doles it out to whom it pleases the virtue of charity has been removed. Neither the true giver nor the receiver benefit. Those that support this redistribution deceive themselves thinking that they are generous.
Similarly, when the government doles out light punishments to whom it pleases the virtue of mercy has been removed. Neither the victim nor the offender benefit. Those that support light sentences deceive themselves thinking that they are merciful.
Of course, true mercy is a virtue but that comes from the victims of injustice.
Jodi Arias is guilty of murder and a jury is deciding whether she should receive the death penalty.
If the jurors decide to punish Jodi Arias for her crime of murder and implement the death penalty what should happen to the jurors?
Should the jurors receive a severe punishment, a minor punishment or should they not be punished for seeing justice done?
Hopefully, you agree with me and think the jurors shouldn’t be punished for seeing justice done.
Now imagine that the mother of the murder victim were to take it upon herself to see justice done and she killed Jodi Arias what should happen to the mother?
Should the mother receive a severe punishment, a minor punishment or should she not be punished for seeing justice done?
There would be no objective difference in the two scenarios and if this were to happen then the mother shouldn’t be punished for seeing justice done.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God. (NIV)
It would be too must to expect the Sheeple to elect such an Honest Man into power.
They want to be lied to because they despise the truth and love lies.
How absurd is the notion of the Moral majority????
“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be thereon.
Narrow is the way that leadeth to life, and few there be that find it.”
John 8:1-11
but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, âTeacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Now what do you say?â They were using this question as a trap,in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, âLet any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.â Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, âWoman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?â
âNo one, sir,â she said.
âThen neither do I condemn you,âJesus declared. âGo now and leave your life of sin.â
What if the Pharisees had instead brought someone like Jodi Arias before Jesus?
Jodi Arias killed her ex-boyfriend, she stabbed him repeatedly, shot and nearly decapitated him. She has been found guilty and may be sentenced to death. What would Jesus response have been had the pharisees said to him “in the Law Moses commanded us to kill such women. Now what do you say?”
Would Jesus have said âLet any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at herâ or would he have said, as Moses instructed, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life”?
Tool is playing right now in Auckland.
They are my Favorite Band.
Why aren’t I there rockin out????
I should be!
Yet instead of having fun, Im spending my last buck$ on a Public meeting calling for an end to Racist Law and Government in New Zealand.
I would have loved to have been @ Vector Arena!
It’s a concert I have waited years to see, yet I have been forced to choose between my own immediate pleasure, and a political Ideal I believe is essential for the betterment of New Zealand.
An Ideal I believe will help end a lot of poverty, misery and dependence… and dispel a lot of bigotry and race hatred which has been fostered by Radical separatists for Political Power and Loot.
I refer to the principle of Equality before the Law.
Abolishing the separate Maori seats in parliament, and separate Electoral rolls.
Just today, the front Page of the Waikato Times ran a story which showed statistics which proved that Violent crime in a city was proportional to the size of it’s Maori population!
That is a shocking reality which proves what 30 years of Apartheid have achieved.
Read about it here: Top Criminologist blames Maori for high rates of violent Crime
‘Maori crime ‘fact of life”
This is the reality which the radicals try and blame on ‘Pakeha oppression’, on the Government’s ‘Failure to honour the Treaty’…. I ask How long New Zealanders will tollerate this absolutely despicable lie!
The Fat cat Tribalist elites may be sitting pretty, yet it has been at the cost of fostering Hatred, dependence, a victim/ blame mentality into the ordinary Maori Individuals, many of whom are incapable of admitting that their poverty, violence and misery is of their own making… not because of any oppression by ‘Evil Pakeha’… as the shit stirring Political activist preach, or as the average socialist whacko school teacher rambles on about… instead of teaching young Maori to take responsibility for themselves and their futures as individuals… competing on a level playing field… under equality before the Law!
Young Maori are told to study stone age Maori history and culture… instead of engineering, science, etc… thus putting them at a disadvantage when they leave school… alienating them from modern society, and setting them up for failure… with the Radicals whispering in their ears that this is all the Pakeha’s fault! “If the Pakeha were not here they would own the whole country… and could get buy fishing!”
Yes These are lies and insanity which I am dedicated to ending.
Treaty separatism has resulted in nothing but Race hatred and Misery.
I love all that is good and beautiful in Maori Culture, yet I despise racism, and Political propaganda… and politically engineered Evil.
And if in the process of fighting this evil for the sake of Equality before the Law that I must miss out on seeing my favorite Band… well there is always You Tube!
Hopefully they will be back in not too many years time?
“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference!”
~ Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Q.XVIII (1782)
From one of the very best political/Christian Libertarian/ historical pages on Facebook ‘The Founders,Religion and Government’ Here:
Sir Bob Jones needs to take a good long hard look at himself, and admit that when he scoffs at Christianity, that he (and all Sowers of Atheism) work not as they claim for the betterment of society, but for the destruction of Freedom and morality… Read about that Here:
Fanatical Antichrist Ayn Rand. Megalomaniac.
This quote from Jefferson also exposes the gross delusions of Ayn Rand and her fantical worshippers… their capacity to ignore Reality…
“America was created by men who broke with all political traditions and who originated a system unprecedented in history, relying on nothing but the âunaidedâ power of their own intellect.” | Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.
^^^That is Patently false. Ayn Rand attempts to rob American Libertarianism of it’s Christian foundations, and enthrone Godless ‘Reason’.
She too is a wolf in sheepâs clothing… claiming to be a champion of liberty and rights, while attacking the very foundations of those Ideals.
In his candid biography ‘My life with Ayn Rand’, Her greatest disciple Nathaniel Branden (whom she dubbed ‘John Galt’) admitted she became completely divorced from reality. She was Tyrannical… demanding absolute submission to her dictates.
No room for freedom of thought.
You had the right to follow your own conscience…as long as it was 100% in alignment with their great leaders teachings.
And this is still be the defining trait of Objectivists today.
They have conformed themselves into little imitations… little graven images of their Atheist Deity.
Nathaniel Branden would eventually be caste out and demonized because he wanted to end his sexual/ adulterous relationship with Rand.
Incapible of tollerating such an honest evaluation of their Goddess. The most Rabid Rand worshippers have judged the Brandens as being Diablocal, and say that Ayn Rand was not an all-powerful Cult Leader, but a ‘pure of heart’ victem of the Brandens Cunning…
Intolerant Objectivism is busy strangulating Liberatrain movements around the globe…
Read about the Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism Here:
Read how classical Libertarianism used to care… Here:
I have just posted a reply to a private facebook Status, which I cannot share here.
The Status was by a Maori who had just descovered that the word ‘Maori’ was ‘invented’ by the Pakeha, and this descovery has made them want to divest themselves of that ‘fully colonised’ title and instead to redefine themselves as “TANGATA WHENUA”. (People of the Land)
It seems to have escaped them that the Pre-colonial Maori people did not call themselves “TANGATA WHENUA” either.
That term was used to describe the people who were already here when Maori arrived in their Waka. Back in the Day Maori took great pride in the fact that they were decendants of great navigators whom had migrated here, yet today that part of Maori traditional pride has been conveniently forgotten because the political scheem to claim ‘indigenous rights’.
The Status finnishes with an expression of love to Maori ‘Peeps’ and an appeal to them to ‘De-colonise yourselves’.
This Status is a sad yet powerful testimony to toxic anti-colonization indoctrination which is systematically generating an apartheid hatred and Race relations disaster in New Zealand and setting up Maori Children to perpetuate the poverty and terrible statistics which are the lot of many today.
The ‘closing the Gaps’ socialist policies, and political favoritism has not led to Maori betterment, but to entrenched dependence and a hateful racist and victim mindset ⌠not self reliant empowerment ⌠not High personal ethics.
My reply is below.
I know this a very sensitive subject.
May I say a few words from my own perspective.
It is true that Missionaries from England introduced, not only many new helpful skills , but also many new words. They ‘invented’ the written Maori language and thereby saved much Maori culture from being lost by the passage of time.
The tribes of Pre Treaty times were very keen to have a missionary living in their communities. They were quick to appreciate the great store of wisdom they brought, and to assimilate many of their ways… like wearing English clothing, Their Buildings (The design of the Meeting house we all love is a post-European design, they did not exist prior to the Missionaries).
What this proves is that our ancestors were very smart and progressive, and wisely learned and assimilated things of value from the Europeans… not just cows, apples, nails… but Ideas, values, etc…and this was good for Maori.
We must understand that a Good Culture is always progressing, not stagnating, not trapped by backward superstition, not adverse to new enlightened ideas or better ways of doing things.
Thus it is a credit to our ansestors that they were quick to abandon many of their primitive traditional ways and embrace the advantages That British civilisation offered.
It is so sad that Many Maori are being taught today to have a dreamy idea that to be a ‘real Maori today we must picture ourselves as being like our stone age ancestors, and seek to âDe-coloniseâ ourselves.
Sad because the truth is We modern Maori have gained so much from colonization, yet we are taught by the political activists to think colonization was all bad⌠all an evil plot. This is how the Maori people are being deceived into supporting the Separatist movement, and are being steered away from the most vital and important realities they need to understand to prosper via their own efforts rather than seeking Political interventions, hand outs, and favoritism.
Modern Maori Boys need to see themselves as Doctors, Engineers, scientists, Electricians⌠not warriors.
We Maori ought to first think of ourselves as Honest hard working individuals⌠not as members of a race.
That is secondary.
The first is something we have control and self responsibility for.
The second is merely a fortunate birthright.
And it is essential that we ought to treat everyone else with equal respect⌠irrespective of their race, and teach our children this respect as well because without this important humanitarian value they are in danger of becoming hateful racists.
It was belief in the Equality of all human beings which brought the Missionaries to New Zealand to share the Gospel of Christ with the Maori people whom were lost in darkness and superstition.
Thus I am saying it is a good thing to teach our children to take pride in their Maori heritage, yet not good to teach them that this is of the highest importance.
There is a whole layer of personal/ universal values which they must take even greater personal pride in because they will shape and define who they are *as individuals* and how they will treat others.
They need to learn skills like engineering, science, etc which will help them to provide for themselves and their families ⌠and take pride in being Modern independent self reliant and humanitarian Maori, whom compete and hold their own in society on equal terms with other Kiwi⌠not blaming others for their own lack of achievement⌠happy to struggle and save, and slowly become more prosperous through good values, thrift, and honest hard work⌠and always being loving towards others in our society.
This is my vision of how a want my children to grow up.
I want them to be enlightened, honest and caring⌠not racist⌠not trapped in a mythical past. I hope they take what is good from Maori tradition, yet forsake all the negative and twisted Political propaganda which attempts to say Colonization was only evil and generates serious race hatred.
In my view to be a Real Maori it does not require any special rights, or Laws.
I know what I have written here will be very difficult for some Maori to swallow.
It is so contrary to the view of history they have been taught , and to the twisted politically motivated idea that We are supposed to put our Sanitized/ idealized âprimitive Maori heritageâ first⌠to be on the Maori electoral roll⌠to support treaty separatism⌠if we want to claim to be âReal Maoriâ.
Thus I offer a complete alternative in which I dream of A New Zealand with one law for all, and that Maori can enjoy and revel in their heritage without demanding political favoritism or special rights⌠or Millions of dollars stolen from Everyone via taxation.
My vision is one of racial harmony.
I know that I am virtually alone at present in my vision.
I know some reading this will hate me for my views.
That make me very sad, because I seek to enlighten the Maori people so that they can save themselves from the political evils of racial separatism and race based laws⌠save themselves from welfare dependence, poor health, terrible crime statistics, etcâŚ. which cannot be fixed via Political interventions but must be done by Maori themselves taking personal responsibility for their own predicaments and determining to make the ethical changes, and put in the hard yards, and teach their children self reliance⌠not hatred.
This is the way ahead for Maori.
I sincerely believe this, and spend my life preaching this gospel of self responsibility, of equality before the Law, of the ethics of Humanity first.
The lies against the Jews which underpinned the fanaticism and extreme violence of The Nazis under Hitler are being replicated by the Maori separatist movement, and the endorsment of their ‘grievances’ by consecutive Labor and National led governments.
Waitangi separatism has resulted in a Race relations crisis, in Massive extortion, in the mass manufacture of corrupt law and institutions, in the enslavement of thousands of Maori in socialist dependence, and most seriously still… in the growth of fanatical race hatred and a propensity for violence.
The Maori people are being manipulated by malicious, and dangerous radicals and are being led down a very dark path.
They are being told that this is a process of ârighting the wrongs of the pastâ, when in fact it ism nothing short of a despicable demonstration of race hatred, and grab for wealth and power.
I identified this ideological cancer well over a decade ago, and have ever since dedicated myself to exposing this evil for what it is, and busied myself attempting to awaken the Maori people to the truth.
I was the Libertarianz party spokesman on Maori affairs for approximately ten years, and since my resignation have remained vocal as an Independent Libertarian and Christian.
I would like to share with you part of what has been the personal cost of my stand against the Radical separatists, and the established/ entrenched doctrines of Socialist Indigenous Rights which underpins New Zealand’s ever expanding system of Apartheid⌠under the guise of âhonoring the treatyâ.
Today I received several comments to a blog post I wrote about the Tame Iti and the âTuhoe terroristsâ, in which I was explaining exactly how dangerous are the anti-colonialist lies and the socialist doctrines of indigenous rights, âself determinationâ, etc are. I was explaining why I was not at all surprised that Tame iti and the radical Greens were involved in plotting a campaign of violence.
Today I received two âCommentsâ from a very âBraveâ person called âCollar Shirtâ.
The nature of his comments are very telling.
They show what race hatred really is.
They expose what people like myself face when we dare to criticize Maori Radicalism.
It is like a letter written by a member of the KKK against a white American whom expressed support for Martin Luther king.
It is like a letter written by a member of a fanatical Islamic sect against a liberal Muslim whom dared to suggest that Christians have a right to exist in peace.
The enlightened humanitarians among mankind who refuse to cower in silence, and instead bravely step forward and dare to challenge the haters⌠all must run the gauntlet and risk everything for the sake of truth, justice, humanity, and progress.
They are torn between a sense of selfish guilt… that perhaps their High ideals are bringing danger upon their wives and children…and that maybe they should shut up… and simply blend back into the crowd.
But then they realise that Silence only makes the Evil ones more successful in their plans, and that unless brave souls stand up and set an example… their silence condemns their loved ones, friends, and neighbors to even greater perils and injustice.
âEvil prevails when Good men do nothingâ.
What these brave people need is for their fellow countrymen, fellow brethren, to not allow these âtorch bearersâ in their midstâs to be left alone and unsupported, but ought to rally around them, and to add their voices to the cause.
Collar shirtâs 2 Comments are below, and my reply follows.
I hope readers will both appreciate my cause, and will determine to get involved and help me and other brave Kiwi, like John Ansell, defeat the lies of The Radical Maori separatist movement, and the corrupt politics of Treaty separatism which has being foisted upon us by Labour, National, Act, NZ First, The Greens, The Maori Party, Mana,etcâŚ
Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:35 AM
Tim how the f**k do you know Tame Iti was planning to kill white people you f**king point the finger judgemental pr**k â and what do you know about any violent murderer radical Separatist, if you have got any evidence to hand on to the Police â tell us what that evidence is right now â This is a RACIST & FICTIONAL story of yours. And as for pimples I would like to squeeze your head like a pimple until the white puss you call your brain squirts out you piece of hard WHITE SH*T! and you too Angry Tory! I challenge youâs to print what youâs have both written and start handing them out to the public â and see how long you can last on the street without getting your face smashed in! â Pussayâs
2. Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:53 AM
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
I would like to make a complaint about the RACIST nature of this article which is in very bad taste, lacking in facts and based on innuendo and to compare a person to a murderer is asking for trouble. â but most of all it doesnât stick to the kaupapa of the rules â this article is âunwholesomeâ and âdoes not build others upâ in fact it does the complete opposite of discriminating against a fellow human being â and has absolutely NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER to any right minded and virtual thinker.
Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian â i will hand on your message to the Iti whanau in Ruatoki and donât be surprised if they come looking for you and ask you to say what you just wrote to their face. I will make you my special project to read & check all your other articles too to make sure you are not spreading your RACIST HATRED poison around that ends up on the web â you piece of SH*T!
Tim Wikiriwhi’s Reply:
What is your real name ‘Collar shirt’?
Very brave talk coming from someone hiding behind a pseudom.
And your threats prove the validity of my statements Re: the Violent mentality of the Racist radicals.
Your threats are a testimony to the stark fact that while you want so called ‘Maori rights’ to be recognised, you donât recognise any one elseâs rights (like mine) to free speech, etc.
Thats called hypocracy.
I have been threatened many times in the past… face to face with radicals at Waitangi and other places.
I have always spoken my mind in the open… not the shadows, and will continue to do so irrespective of threats like you have delivered above.
I have spoken many times publicly, on Marae, and on TV before my peers.
See a TV one debate Here:
My reports about Iti’s intentions are based upon Media releases regarding the recordings the police got of conversations between Iti and his crew.
If it had not been for the bungling of the Legislation, and the bungling of the police Iti and crew would have faced much more severe charges… including discussion of kidnapping John Key and ‘practicing’ by killing white people.
I donât suppose you bothered to use our search engine to find out what I have written about Tame Itiâs conviction on Fire arms charges⌠HereâŚ
You would see that I actually *condemned* the basis on why he was actually sent to jail! I defended the right of peaceful people to own firearms, and even to be members of private militia. Thus I show my integrity is to justice, and though Tame Iti is a dangerous radical, yet still I have no desire for anyone to be jailed on bad laws or bad judgments.
Yet I dont expect that my integrity in this post will impress you either.
You fanatical haters only want to hear your own hate… you are not interested in tolerating dissenting views…. a lot like the Nazi’s whom hated the Jews, and who likewise could not tolerate any criticism of their mentality, or methods.
Think about that.
Think about what race hatred has done to the world?
This is the very evil I am seeking to save the Maori people from.. the manipulations and hate mongering of violent racist radicals whom blame everyone else but themselves for their own lack of achievement, violence and misery.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Read about Violent support in Waikato for Terror suspects Here:
Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:
Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealandâs Constitutional Crisis. Here:
Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Keyâs Racist Alliance here: