
Colorado, Washington … the world.

A “baggy half empty” blogger says

I don’t think there has been a large enough cultural shift yet when even California couldn’t bring itself to decriminalise the drug.

… in our lifetimes we’ve seen them come & go.

For example Holland has starting tightening up cannabis liberalisation to be less tolerant.

Also the UK decriminalised cannabis for a few years under new Labour only to reverse it again.

Not even the so-called “cool” liberals like Obama are supporting it.

This “baggy half full” blogger has a different take on Tuesday’s vote to legalise cannabis in Colorado and Washington. I think Tuesday’s vote was the tipping point in the War on Drugs™. The tide has finally turned. In the next few election cycles, many more states of the U.S., and many countries around the world, will fall like dominoes to common sense and justice. Victory will be ours, and it will be swift.

There will be setbacks, but we’re better than the crybaby routine.

On April 2nd 1780, British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton led an overwhelming force as it lay siege to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. The ensuing violence lasted 40 days. When it was over, 5,200 Continental troops had been captured, 92 were killed, and 148 were wounded. The city was lost. It would go down in history as the worst U.S. defeat of the Revolutionary War.

As news of the loss spread, Americans complained that war was hard, there was no way to win, and that Liberty just wasn’t worth the hassle. So, they surrendered and we remain English to this day.

Oh wait … that’s not what happened, is it.

No. They licked their wounds, put on their big boy pants, and took it to the Brits with such fury that, a couple of years later, the enemy signed the Treaty of Paris.

There will be setbacks … only this afternoon, Dakta Green (New Zealand’s answer to Marc Emery) was searched (yet again) by the Prohibition Implementing Goons. (“I write this as a Police officer searches my desk around me. WTF … nothing found…Police leave…”)

There will be setbacks … but legal cannabis as the norm across the globe has always been a matter of when, not if. Now it’s a matter of soon.

There will be setbacks …

You want to give up? Fine. The rest of us will carry on without you.

If you’re tough enough to keep going, cut the crybaby act and saddle up.  We have work to do.

A Message from Jodie Emery…

From her facebook feed…
“Congratulations to *everyone* who worked on all of the marijuana campaigns in the United States! Enormous thanks to, and praise for, YES on WA’s Marijuana Initiative 502 and Vote “Yes” on Amendment 64, Legalize Marijuana – YOU DID IT! The whole world is watching, it’s big, big news! Much more hard work and perseverance is needed in the USA, Canada, and internationally to keep the momentum going!”

For those of you who dont yet know it, the US States of Colorado and Washington have just legalised Recreational use of Cannabis!

For those of you who dont know who Jodie is… Shes the Legendary Flipside of the Legendary Cannabis Reform activist and Political Prisoner… Canadian Marc Emery, who is currently serving time in the US for his activism to legalise Cannabis.
Marc had a Postal seed business which he used to generate millions of dollars which he poured into the struggle to legalise Pot.
This made him Emery Number 1 with the American drug enforcement agencies.. you see few people whom capitalise from cannabis actaully want to decriminalise it and even fewer use their revenue for the cause!

What a Woman!
Not only has she’s stood by her husband through His ordeal, she has taken on his Mantle and is a Mighty Warrior… an Amazon for the cause!

Man that’s some good shit!:-)

That Marc has been separated from his Hot Babe is an Injustice upon Injustice!

Why do so many of you people out there whom enjoy Cannabis, and are persecuted for it… do nothing to in your own defence?
That’s Lame!
It is time to stand up Bitches!
Join Jodie on Facebook Here:
And help them with the continuing struggle for justice… Ending the War on drugs.

Read more about Marc here:

New Zealand has our own Marc Emery… Dakta Green.
Contact him Here and find out what you can do for the Cause here in NZ.

Liberty Conference. Auckland 2012.

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

@#$% you I wont do what you told me!

Sentenced to Burn One

See also Sentenced to Burn.

If all stoners go straight to hell, then I guess I’ll get to smoke with Satan, himself
Bored with the bullshit of a get-a-head world
Kept to himself a habit that his country can’t afford, criminalization
Smokes on the weekends and at parties or with babes
Eventually he gets ratted, is arrested but gives no names

Beat to shit by the cops, a monster for his love of good pot
Dragged into the court of law, soon he’ll be sentenced and probably left to rot
Whatever punishment the judge decides
There will be no laughing, no stoned high-fives
His life will be ruined, his spirits run weak
A thoughtless verdict, the judge begins to speak

I’d say you’ve earned one, sentenced to burn one
Now it’s high-time you’ve learned, son

You’re choking, catch that feeling, for a minute, of toking
Poisonous strain provoking
Circulatory system is seething
And now you are slowly ceasing to keep control of your breathing
This sentence takes on new meaning
Execution witnessed, family’s grieving
Judiciary system’s deceiving, disgusted jury, head attorney’s heaving

Bored with the bullshit of a get-a-head world
Now you have been targeted by policies absurd
Stop, you cannot, for the right and wrong they must discern
They’re sending you to gas chambers, it’s just as you deserve

Fooled to the end, no one knows once again
To your death you are sent, terror is what is meant
Government conspiracy, lethal dose of THC
Revolting, head explodes yet the body’s still convulsing
Like the roach that he is by merely dying drug-free world indemnifying
Because they can, there’s no way to fight the man
New world order type of plan
Results are achieved through their lying, police spying, genocide they are implying

Colorado and Washington Legalise Recreational Use of Cannabis!

Read about it Here: Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Industrial Hemp

And here:

More Freedom, More Justice, Less Tyranny, Less Oppression ought to make everybody happy even those of you whom dont enjoy Cannabis!
Of course we must wait and see how Obama’s Federal tyranny will react to this State Rebellion.
Recently Libertarian party Presidental Candidate Gary Johnson correctly identified the pretexts which underpin the War on drugs as an important part of the Tyranical power structure of Big Brother, The Government uses it as a ruse to build up a Billion dollar Serveillence Network… and heavily armed enforcement troops… and building prisons.
They tell the sheeple its to keep them safe… from the Baddies…
They dont wat the War to end… that’s for sure.

The battle for justice goes on, yet Today’s News is something great We Libertarians can celebrate.

Fizzer. American Demo-crazy.

Oh Yay… not!

When your Double Happy does not Bang… that’s a Fizzer.
Talk about an absolutely suspect voting system (USA). Who trusts electronic voting? Not I!
It was easy for the Republicans to Rob Ron Paul using that system and now who can have any confidence in this Obama result?
Yet still Romney is in no position to complain as this would raise the issue of his own rigging to become the Republican candidate!

Today One Shyster has defeated Another.

Though The American Presidency it touted as ‘the most important Job in the world’
Ironically it matters little if this Presedntal elections were rigged as many of us Libertraians dont believe it would have made much difference who won… there being so little to differentiate the candidates… The Powers that be had hedged their bets.

Thus Rigged or not… “The government you elect is government you deserve.” Thomas Jefferson.

It was the shafting of Ron Paul by his own party which was a blow against real change… and a real chioce.
After Ron Paul was removed… the retention of the status quo was assured.
Read more on the Rape of American Democracy Here:

And The Dirty tactics and Delusional Facade of a real choice is today the norm for democracies around the Globe.
Here In New Zealand the Two Party political Duopoly of National and Labour likewise renders voting vurtually moot.

It is scary to realise that because Obama will not be standing for a third term he can do whatever he purposes with less regard of how Americans feel about it….making him more dangerous… more heavy handed.

I fear the Global crisis will smite Western civilisation.
This Socialist charade cannot go on indefinitely
There will be great civil unrest in America and around the globe… and Tyranny will rise and Civil liberties will be crushed… this seems hard to believe yet all the auguries forbode this evil is nigh. Massive unemployment and economic shrinkage… collapsing governments…. Ill conceived leftist uprisings decrying austerity…demanding handouts…. protectionism… And yet the Dumbfounded Dipshits … the sheepish herds… will have forgotten they voted for the Despots.

Ultimately it is still the Gullible masses whom are the most culpable for their own misery because they love to follow the melody of the Piper… they tollerate the dirty tactics employed by the Demagogues.
They want Tyranny… the Sheeple keep begging for more.

I realise Prophesies of Doom are a mocking.
Making such Cynical and Fringe, blog posts as this will not tend to increase the Credibility of ‘Eternal Vigilance’, yet let those whom have not hardened their hearts, seared their consciences, or shut their minds consider this…

Remember what Lord Action said!
When you consider the vested interests involved, and the Power of the Whitehouse it really would be far more extreme to expect the democratic process to be corruption free… Yes?
The gospel of democracy is false… It cannot Redeem Fallen humanity nor substitute his loss of God.
Return Lord Jesus!

And futhermore…

The only people whom will be least effected by a Global Economic collapse will be the Third world Subsistence peoples and Amish types, and Preppers… ie the Self reliant peoples whom are not dependent upon the system of Mammon.

Prepare yourselves folks… Better to build an Ark yet the flood never come, than to mock and carry on ‘Marrying and giving in Marriage’… Nek Minit…being swept away…

The Moral victory goes to Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and those Americans whom voted for Libertarian reforms.
it is sad to see that the struggle for freedom is in as dire straights in America as is is here in New`Zealand.
None the less… “With 97% of precincts reporting, Gov. Gary Johnson for President won 1,140,804 votes for the Libertarian ticket, breaking the 32-year record held by Ed Clark, who won 921,128 votes (1.06%) in 1980.”
it just goes to show that those foolish Libertarian voters whom voted ‘strategically’ for Romney… whom they considered ‘the lesser evil’… really did waste their votes! They could have helped Johnson reach the 5% mark he was hoping for.

Who were the Blues and the Greens?

Who were the Blues and the Greens?

Who are the Democrats and the Republicans?

Imagine a future society that flees into a vast underground network of caverns and seals the entrances. We shall not specify whether they flee disease, war, or radiation; we shall suppose the first Undergrounders manage to grow food, find water, recycle air, make light, and survive, and that their descendants thrive and eventually form cities. Of the world above, there are only legends written on scraps of paper; and one of these scraps of paper describes the sky, a vast open space of air above a great unbounded floor. The sky is cerulean in color, and contains strange floating objects like enormous tufts of white cotton. But the meaning of the word “cerulean” is controversial; some say that it refers to the color known as “blue”, and others that it refers to the color known as “green”.

In the early days of the underground society, the Blues and Greens contested with open violence; but today, truce prevails—a peace born of a growing sense of pointlessness. Cultural mores have changed; there is a large and prosperous middle class that has grown up with effective law enforcement and become unaccustomed to violence. The schools provide some sense of historical perspective; how long the battle between Blues and Greens continued, how many died, how little changed as a result. Minds have been laid open to the strange new philosophy that people are people, whether they be Blue or Green.

The conflict has not vanished. Society is still divided along Blue and Green lines, and there is a “Blue” and a “Green” position on almost every contemporary issue of political or cultural importance. The Blues advocate taxes on individual incomes, the Greens advocate taxes on merchant sales; the Blues advocate stricter marriage laws, while the Greens wish to make it easier to obtain divorces; the Blues take their support from the heart of city areas, while the more distant farmers and watersellers tend to be Green; the Blues believe that the Earth is a huge spherical rock at the center of the universe, the Greens that it is a huge flat rock circling some other object called a Sun. Not every Blue or every Green citizen takes the “Blue” or “Green” position on every issue, but it would be rare to find a city merchant who believed the sky was blue, and yet advocated an individual tax and freer marriage laws.

The Underground is still polarized; an uneasy peace. A few folk genuinely think that Blues and Greens should be friends, and it is now common for a Green to patronize a Blue shop, or for a Blue to visit a Green tavern. Yet from a truce originally born of exhaustion, there is a quietly growing spirit of tolerance, even friendship.

One day, the Underground is shaken by a minor earthquake. A sightseeing party of six is caught in the tremblor while looking at the ruins of ancient dwellings in the upper caverns. They feel the brief movement of the rock under their feet, and one of the tourists trips and scrapes her knee. The party decides to turn back, fearing further earthquakes. On their way back, one person catches a whiff of something strange in the air, a scent coming from a long-unused passageway. Ignoring the well-meant cautions of fellow travellers, the person borrows a powered lantern and walks into the passageway. The stone corridor wends upward… and upward… and finally terminates in a hole carved out of the world, a place where all stone ends. Distance, endless distance, stretches away into forever; a gathering space to hold a thousand cities. Unimaginably far above, too bright to look at directly, a searing spark casts light over all visible space, the naked filament of some huge light bulb. In the air, hanging unsupported, are great incomprehensible tufts of white cotton. And the vast glowing ceiling above… the color… is…

Now history branches, depending on which member of the sightseeing party decided to follow the corridor to the surface.

Aditya the Blue stood under the blue forever, and slowly smiled. …

Barron the Green stared incomprehendingly at the chaos of colors for long seconds. …

Charles the Blue considered the blue ceiling, taken aback. …

Daria, once Green, tried to breathe amid the ashes of her world. …

Eddin, a Green, looked up at the blue sky and began to laugh cynically. …

Ferris gasped involuntarily, frozen by sheer wonder and delight. …

I hope you click through to read the six alternative endings to the story …

… if only to find out who were the Blues and the Greens. 🙂

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!