Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

From X here.

Scott Stapp lead singer of the band Creed performing at the Cruzan Amphitheater
West Palm Beach, Florida – 16.09.09.
Where: United States
When: 16 Sep 2009
Credit: WENN

Scott Stapp from Creed goes off on epic screed explaining the need for Rs & Ds to unite against Soros and the WEF.

“That’s exactly what they want. The powers that be want us divided. They want us separated. They want us compartmentalized in our own little niches, in our own little groups. Thinking we’re right, they’re wrong, and bickering. You know why? To keep us distracted from holding them accountable.”

“They start dividing us and programming us in kindergarten. They teach us about how to be slaves to authority, about how to think this way, and think that way; All conforming us into this divided group of assets and pawns.”


“It’s divide & conquer. We say they’re doing it everywhere else, but it’s happening right here at home. Everything we accuse every other country of doing, we’re doing right here.”

“Your civil rights are being violated every single minute of every single day. And what do we do about it? We focus on what divides us. We argue like keyboard warriors. The only way to make change is to come together as one to focus on what we have in common. Life. Freedom. Love.”

“We start reminding them of what our Constitution says. We start reminding them what our Bill Of Rights says. We remind them that we are a Constitutional Republic built upon the Bible and the word of God and NOT a democracy.”

“Take back the power that was rightfully given to us. It’s our birthright. We can’t do it alone, the only way is Unity. We’re One but we’re not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One.”

Amen! I couldn’t have said it better.

As soon as you want to hold the elite accountable more than you want to attack your fellow Americans, we will have the change we all want.

The Great Awakening is HERE…”

Western Nations are sick. Sen Johnson RoundTable REPLAY: American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion… From X.

My commentary…

While I don’t believe there is any Utopian solution to many of these issues… The biggest take away I get is that we the people should be far more aware about Natural/ organic foods and be far more wary about Big Pharma and Big Food. If there is a disconnect between Toxins in Food products… and paying the costs of Health crisis… then there is no reason to make food products safe… this to me is a legislative matter…
The Micro-plastics problem is frightening given they are already ever-present in our environment…and I don’t see how that could be fixed… at all.
That is a completely different type of problem… Plastics serve a heck of a lot of *good* in our societies to the degree that ‘Banning Plastic’ might be more detrimental to our collective health and well being… etc.
That one will probably only be solved by the development of new materials… yet they in turn might be discovered to have their own issues.
It is all part of the Human condition.
The more Informed we are as individuals and the more self responsibility we take on… and the more freedom we have to apply our own choices… these factors at least place the greater responsibility for our health *on ourselves* rather than dependence upon Government and being stuck with Big Pharma Big Food virtual Monopolies. So politicians who pass laws against people growing their own foods… Farm gate sales… Restrict Natural health products etc these politicians are destroying our freedom to take care of our own heath and assisting the Big corporations to capture the markets. In the end Obese people must take responsibility for their own eating habits and health conditions.

When Heath and medicine moved away from being *a Vocation*… That was when it began to lose it’s heart and soul, yet lets be real here… while we find it distasteful that profiteering is going on with regards to healthcare we certainly don’t want Soviet style State Health systems,
nor do we want Stalinist Control of Food.
Remember what Adam Smith said about the bakers baking good bread…

A Free society is not *Utopian*… it’s free… and that means many Human beings will choose to over eat… will choose to smoke… etc etc so we must take care not to mistake much of these bad statistics as ‘evidence’ that the government needs to pass regulations and prohibitions that impinge upon personal liberty. If We the people wise up and start demanding healthier foods, etc… demand that Governments remove regulations that protect Big Food from small time competitors who want to supply more natural products… It would be a natural consumer choice that might force Big Food to adjust their practices…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Full 4 hours

More from Tim…

My Submission to The Therapeutic Products Bill. Tim Wikiriwhi.

So… Facebook/ Meta’s Mark Zuckerburg Now claims to be a Libertarian… This prick helped rig the US 2020 election against Trump!

The proof will be in the pudding….
So The Zucburger now claims to be ‘A Libertarian’????
Some might say that’s a victory for Liberty!… yet forgive me for thinking Mark’s conversion may me be more of a pragmatic Risk management strategy rather than a genuine conversion.
After all this prick worked for the Evil Globalists.”’ spending millions sloping the uS Election in favour of Biden against Trump.
He used facebook as a propaganda engine to spread work radicalism and forward the WEF agenda… including the Covid 19 Tyranny… lest we forget!
I left Facebook because of his corruption and attacks on free speech!
At the time I remember thinking not only was it morally corrupt but also what a stupid business decision that was to politically skew Facebook rather than keeping it open to all.
Funny how Reality has a way of exposing bad decisions!


Bye bye my Facebook people. It’s time to go.

Gab, Mewe. Life on the Frontier. My Post-Facebook experience in Alternative Social Media sites.

Plan B: Preparing to Abandon Facebook, Google, and Youtube. Propaganda machines for Communist New World Order and the Great Reset.

Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

Putin’s Sovereign Russia is one of the fundamental roadblocks to Schwab’s/ Soros aims for a Globalist New World Order (Satan 666).
This is the key to understanding the Ukrainian War.
The WEF Puppet Masters manipulated Nato into provocation of Putin in Ukraine in the hope of breaking Putin’s grip on Russia… ie on *Putin’s demise*.
They want a Russian leader who will sell out Russia to the Globalist agenda.
One of the things that makes me laugh is that *Putin himself* early on pretended to go along with the WEF… he infiltrated *their cabinet* was told their secrets… and then said.. *No!* Russian sovereignty will not be surrendered to your Satanic NWO!
That is why they hate Putin with a vengeance!
They want to topple *Putin* and install a Puppet in Russia.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Political destruction of Alex Jones… On X.

“I’ve always liked Alex Jones.

The judge ordering Alex Jones’ Infowars to be auctioned off, to pay $1.5 billion defamation damages (a sum he could never pay), proves it was always really about destroying Alex Jones.

The shooter was the one who horrifically murdered those innocent children, not Alex Jones.

He might have said things that were wrong and then he repeatedly apologized.

How many times have you ever heard the mainstream media ever apologize about all the horrible things they have said? And lies they have told? And character assassinations they have made on people?


And are they being ordered to pay their victims billions or their media companies being auctioned off?


This is wrong.”

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on X

Was Gavin Newsom right to ban Fake Election videos generated by AI?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three bills Tuesday to crack down on the use of artificial intelligence to create false images or videos in political ads ahead of the 2024 election.

A new law, set to take effect immediately, makes it illegal to create and publish deepfakes related to elections 120 days before Election Day and 60 days thereafter. It also allows courts to stop distribution of the materials and impose civil penalties.

“Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation -– especially in today’s fraught political climate,” Newsom said in a statement. “These measures will help to combat the harmful use of deepfakes in political ads and other content, one of several areas in which the state is being proactive to foster transparent and trustworthy AI.”

Read more here California governor signs laws to crack down on election deepfakes created by AI


Hello my people.

First let me say… I’m a Libertarian… and that is why I worry about AI and where it is taking us.

I’m going to say something that might upset some people… yet I’m going to say it anyway… it’s not something written in stone… more a work in progress… Thinking… pondering out loud and I will be happy to hear other people’s thoughts about it as in my opinion it is one of the Biggest questions of our times… it has to do with AI and protecting Individual rights… and democracy… and defending Truth. It has to do with how fast technology is being developed… and deployed… with almost no public discussion… little debate… and virtually no legal protections of rights.
Companies and governments are taking full advantage of *the vacuum* of Public discourse that might lead to the formulation *of Rules*… *of Laws* that might prevent Governments and businesses utilizing Technology as they currently are using it and or plan to use it… eg a cashless society, digital currency based upon Digital Identification using such things as retina scans… and now I’m getting to the thorny part… AI generated ‘videos’ that Take a persons *image* … indistinguishable from them… add their voice in their exact tones… and proceed to produce a fraudulent video (maybe having sex) or whatever.
Most people here on X will have already linked what I’m saying to the New Law made by California Governor Newsom which makes it illegal to make what he calls ‘Fake AI Election videos’.
All the way from the top (Elon Musk) people have mocked him for this saying he’s ‘violating free speech’… ‘making humour illegal’ etc… the idea being that the use of AI in this way is no different that someone drawing a cartoon or acting in a satirical spoof… yet I’m not so sure.
I worry this attitude fails to grasp just how dangerous AI is in this type of domain… how it might *really be used for serious Frauds… frame ups… and yes… to pervert democracy.
I wonder if lets say there had been time for a thorough public discourse that what AI really represents might be better understood… and rules put in place to protect freedom… protect truth… and curtain frightening powers from being deployed against the citizenry?
I’m wondering if there is a fundamental difference between Cartoons/ traditional satire etc… and the Use of AI which can be indistinguishable from real life?
Has a line been crossed?

Image from here

Do we fundamentally have a right to… own our own image/name? (as distinguishable from a drawing or a lookalike?)
Ie is it false to say banning election AI videos is a violation of freedom? Could it not instead be a very essential protection of individual rights necessary to enact in law now that Pandora’s box has been opened?
Could it be that all AI videos should lawfully carry an AI icon in the corner to make it clear these videos are computer generated and not real recordings?
Maybe that is what is needed to cage this beast that is about to run amok and be used and abused by the powerful and unscrupulous alike?
Come on people… surely I can’t be the only one who can see that anarchy is prevailing at present… and that that is what people like the WEF are happy about because it means they can set up their tyrannical systems free from any bothersome legal restrictions founded upon individual rights!

I am certainly no Newsom fan… yet I dare to ask the question whether he was actually right about this one.

I open the floor to comments…

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 3-10-24

Interesting judgement. Re: the question whether AI needs stronger Legal framework to prevent rights violations…
Perhaps Newsom’s law was too broad… yet should it be more refined… or thrown out completely?
Tim W

Miss America VIII .1929

From a comment….
“This boat is called the Miss America VIII and was build in 1929 to be the fastest boat on planet earth. It is fitted with twin V16 Miller engines that combined deliver approx. 3.600 horsepower. In 1931 it topped out at 104mph on the Harlem river. Even though that is eye watering fast – especially for its time – the boat never obtained any actual world speed record. It did however win the Harmsworth trophy twice. It was designed and build by Gar Wood and Napoleon Lisee. Lastly, the current world speed record on water is 317.6mph. Achieved by Ken Warby in his Spirit of Australia in 1978.”

New Zealand Gov Bans Gang Insignia In Public Places. Is That Really Being ‘Tuff On Crime’?

Watch National party spokesman lay out the New Coalition Gov legislation that is said to be getting ‘Tuff on violent Crimes’… Tuff on Gang Criminals activity.

Here on X

From Nov this year all gang insignia will be banned in public.
Courts will be able to issue Non-Consorting orders.
Police will be able to stop Criminal gangs from associating and communication.

Over the past 5 years gangs have surged 51%
Violent crime has spiked by 33%

National wants to stop this.

Changing sentencing laws to make criminals “face real tough consequences”.
Capping ‘discounts’ Judges can apply.
Making being a Gang member an aggravating factor.
Addressing serious retail crime.
Prioritising victims in our legal system.

They have set targets…. 20 000 fewer victims of violent crime and a 15% drop in serious youth offending by 2029.

National says this is about taking back control from Jacinda Ardern’s failed weak on crime approach.


Most of this sounds very good, yet not a fan of governments telling people what they can/cant wear… I mean who will the ‘insignia’ ban affect?
Ulysses motorcycle club?
Will it be illegal for people to wear Red shirts, Red caps, Red Sneakers, and drive red cars?
What about Tattoos?

It may find popular support among the sheeple yet IMO it is not well conceived, and will result in Bad policing.
We don’t want to end up like Jack booted Australia… yet that’s where this is heading.
We all know who the real criminal gangs are… what protections will there be for the rest of us citizens from police harassment?

Read about New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

At a minimum I think that there ought to be some sort of legal due process whereby Organisations are given a day in court to argue their case *before they are deemed to be a criminal gang*… that way Non-criminal associations won’t be wrongfully prohibited from wearing their organisational attire.

We will see If National has the resolve to enforce this policy as I can easily imagine huge groups of Gang members flouting this law… what are you going to do about that???

The other thing is you may have just made it harder to prove crimes were ‘gang related’ because they will no longer be wearing their insignia.

And so now the Police will harrass Gang members and others who are causing no real trouble… just walking/riding down the street… simply because of their clothing. That’s not being ‘hard on crime’… is it?
It’s just a gimmick really… a publicity stunt.
Even without their patches the gangsters will still be out there yet harder to identify.

No… all the other initiatives are Good… Enforce Good Laws… crack down on real crime 100%, yet the banning of clothing…esp without a due process is not good… probably counter productive..

How will ‘Police be able to stop people ‘associating and communicating’? Does this legislation give Police Powers to spy on all citizens?
What exactly are these Powers and how might they be abused?

Labour was super-soft on crime… they blamed Pakeha for Maori Crime!
Remember when the Mob took over Opotiki?
Blogged about it…

Murder and Mayhem in Opotiki. Part 1. Weakness enforcing the Law increases Lawlessness and Chaos.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read More Biker Culture posts by Tim…


Love Liberty…. Ride Easy… Live Heroically… Squeeze the juice out of life and to hell with Death and Taxes!

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.


Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.” Dr. Martin Makary (Johns Hopkins Surgeon)

One of the most concise and absolutely damning reports on the Covid 19 SCAMDEMIC.
*First Class Authoritative evidence and verdict*

Watch Video
From here on X


“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”
Dr. Martin Makary
(Johns Hopkins Surgeon

Misinformation that Covid was spread from surface transmission. That Vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity. That masks were effective.
Now we have the definitive Cochrane Review.
What do you do with that review?
Cochrane is the most Authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades, do you just ignore it, not talk about it.
Misinformation that Myocarditis was more common after infection than the vaccine *Not True* its 4 to 28 times more common after the Vaccine.
That young people benefit from a Booster. Misinformation.
Our two top experts on vaccines quit the FDA in Protest over this particular Issue. Pushing Booster in young healthy people. The data was never there. That’s why the CDC never disclosed the hospitalisation rate among booster Americans under Age 50.
The Vaccine mandates would increase Vaccination rates. George Mason University studies shows it didn’t.
It did one thing. It created ‘Never Vaxers’… who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get.
Over and over we’ve seen something that goes far beyond using judgement with the information at hand. We’ve seen something which is Unforgivable and that is the weaponisation of medical research itself.
The CDC putting out their own shoddy studies like their own study on natural immunity looking at one State for two months when they had data for years and years on all 50 States… why did they only report that one sliver of data? Why did they Salami slice the giant data base? because it gave them the result they wanted. Same with masking studies… well the data has now caught up in giant systematic reviews and public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people. Thank you.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!