All posts by reed

Which direction is heaven?


Acts 1:9-12 Jesus Ascends to Heaven
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

What precisely happened when Jesus ascended?

Why did Jesus go up to get to heaven?

Is heaven closer or further than Kolob?

Are you cultured enough to stop violence towards white people?

Are you cultured enough to stop violence towards white people?

Should you take the pledge?

I PROMISE never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence towards white people.

If you find that too offensive try this one…
Are you man enough to stop violence towards women?

Should you take the pledge?
FMC601 Poster 2013 A3 A.indd

I PROMISE never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence towards women.

If I were king (the role of government)

burgerkingA mental exercise that helps me figure out which acts of government are right and which are wrong is to imagine if I were king.

If I were king would it be right for me to do X or would I lack the authority?

If I were king my authority would change but only due to what property I would be responsible for and I’d also increase in might due to the people willing to do my will.

Being king however wouldn’t in principle change my authority over my neighbours.

Rape Culture? Part 2

The Rape Culture protesters I mentioned here have said what they are after…

The protesters are campaigning for:
• Rape crisis centres to be adequately and sustainably funded
• Educational programmes set up focussing on rape prevention and awareness
• Police to put measures in place to allow for better support of survivors
• The Law Commission report into pre-trial and trial processes for sexual assault victims to be reinstated immediately.

Rape crisis centres can (and should) be privately run – judging by the reaction and protests there shouldn’t be a problem getting volunteers and voluntary funding.
Rape prevention education? I don’t want these people or their ideas near my children (too late).
AFAIK the state sex “education” already tells kids about consent and surely if they try to educate potential victims about rape prevention that will be “victim blaming” and reinforce the “rape culture” that they hate.

I’m not sure what their other points mean – anyone?

Rape Culture?

An anti-rape protest has been organised in Palmerston North to put a spotlight on rape culture, following the Roast Busters scandal.

The Roast Busters is a group of Auckland youths, understood to be aged 17 and 18, who allegedly had group sex with drunk, underage teenage girls and bragged about it online.

The case was yesterday referred to the Independent Police Conduct Authority after it was brought to light that four girls complained to police, but prosecutions were not made.

I don’t understand why these people are marching. It seems the Police have acted badly but the protest is not specifically targeting the Police.

… Palmerston North event co-ordinator Mark Byford said: “Hopefully it sends a message to young people, especially in Palmerston North and the wider area, that rape isn’t OK, it isn’t acceptable in society,” he said. “It’s getting our voices out there and showing to the wider public that it’s wrong and we’re taking a stand against it.”

Young people think rape is acceptable? I don’t believe that.

Rape is illegal and probably the most hated crime in our culture – especially when the victim is a young girl.

I see that “Rape Culture” is a feminist concept but I don’t get what’s going on or what they are trying to achieve. Can someone put a spotlight on rape culture protests for me please.