The truth is stranger than fiction. It may surprise you to learn that only sinners like Alice Cooper go to Heaven. It was for guys like him that Jesus died. Its ironic that though Salvation is an open invitation to all it seems to be that only rebellious souls whom realize their moral condition want the grace of God which is in Christ Jesus. Self-righteousness appears to be a terrible affliction which blinds the proud. The Self righteous theist seems to believe they don’t need Christ. Many go to church yet think the story of Redemption via the Cross to be vulgar. They think they are holy enough to walk straight in Heavens front door! “Im not a whoremonger, or winebibber” they convince themselves and peer downward at everyone else . Yet the scripture says otherwise “ There is none righteous no not one for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3vs10+23).
Then you get the Self Righteous Atheist Materialist who hates God and professes “Morality is bunk”. He’s not a sinner! Typically/ Ironically these birds maintain delusions of being Good people. They condemn the God of the Bible outright reasoning that if there really was a God, He would have no right to throw such a nice person as they in Hell!
Whatever the logic Self-righteous people of all shades have no need of a Savior and this is why Hell will be filled with them. They have made a fantastic error! The sin nature of Mankind is the most self-evident of truths! Furthermore they assume reality must conform to their whims…to *their Judgment*… so that if there is a God he could not possibly set a higher standard of morality than their own, or demand they accept such humiliating terms as to think It was for their sins that Christ willingly suffered the cross.
They surmise they have no need of Christ. They reject the Gospel.
Wrong Bet! “…as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment.’ (Hebrews 9vs27)
Yes Hell will be filled with the Self-righteous and Heaven will be filled with Sinners like me and my brother Alice Cooper… whom realized we need Christ. Not governed by vain delusions, we’re not too proud to humble ourselves before God, Confess our Sinfulness, and thank him for his mercy and grace in sending Christ to redeem us. Its that simple! “For The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom6vs23)
Gods chosen vessel to reveal and preach the Gospel of Grace to us sinful gentiles,St Paul says “This is faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that *in me first God might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting”* (1Tim !vs15,16). “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us…” (Tit3vs5)
The truth is stranger than fiction My friends. Alice Cooper is saved! He’s a Brother in Christ! Will you remain Devils Food?
*The Gospel functions best under Political freedom*
Receiving the gospel is a matter of personal choice and conviction. Faith cannot be imposed via coercion. The only way faith can be propagated is via evangelism (Free Speech/ Free press) ie reasoning from and appealing to the scriptures hoping to convince the lost of the validity of the Christian Faith. Coercion being contrary to the modus opperandi of evangelism means Religious liberty is the ideal political environment for the dissemination of the gospel, not Legalistic moral tyranny which persecutes infidelity, and obviously it is obviously much harder to preach the gospel and function as a Christian under tyrannical systems like Communism or ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ which oppress and suppress beliefs which are not sanctioned by the State. Alice Cooper would have been burned at the stake had he lived 500 years ago. Indeed he would have been sent to a Gulag had he been born in the USSR. Thankfully he lived in a more enlightened era and had time to come to his senses and trust Christ. Salvation is by Grace, and may be freely accepted or rejected. Liberty to follow ones personal convictions is the vital component.