Category Archives: Christian Libertarianism

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.


The lies against the Jews which underpinned the fanaticism and extreme violence of The Nazis under Hitler are being replicated by the Maori separatist movement, and the endorsment of their ‘grievances’ by consecutive Labor and National led governments.
Waitangi separatism has resulted in a Race relations crisis, in Massive extortion, in the mass manufacture of corrupt law and institutions, in the enslavement of thousands of Maori in socialist dependence, and most seriously still… in the growth of fanatical race hatred and a propensity for violence.
The Maori people are being manipulated by malicious, and dangerous radicals and are being led down a very dark path.
They are being told that this is a process of ‘righting the wrongs of the past’, when in fact it ism nothing short of a despicable demonstration of race hatred, and grab for wealth and power.

I identified this ideological cancer well over a decade ago, and have ever since dedicated myself to exposing this evil for what it is, and busied myself attempting to awaken the Maori people to the truth.
I was the Libertarianz party spokesman on Maori affairs for approximately ten years, and since my resignation have remained vocal as an Independent Libertarian and Christian.

I would like to share with you part of what has been the personal cost of my stand against the Radical separatists, and the established/ entrenched doctrines of Socialist Indigenous Rights which underpins New Zealand’s ever expanding system of Apartheid… under the guise of ‘honoring the treaty’.

Today I received several comments to a blog post I wrote about the Tame Iti and the ‘Tuhoe terrorists’, in which I was explaining exactly how dangerous are the anti-colonialist lies and the socialist doctrines of indigenous rights, ‘self determination’, etc are. I was explaining why I was not at all surprised that Tame iti and the radical Greens were involved in plotting a campaign of violence.

The Blog post is here:

‘Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti’


Today I received two ‘Comments’ from a very ‘Brave’ person called ‘Collar Shirt’.
The nature of his comments are very telling.
They show what race hatred really is.
They expose what people like myself face when we dare to criticize Maori Radicalism.
It is like a letter written by a member of the KKK against a white American whom expressed support for Martin Luther king.
It is like a letter written by a member of a fanatical Islamic sect against a liberal Muslim whom dared to suggest that Christians have a right to exist in peace.

The enlightened humanitarians among mankind who refuse to cower in silence, and instead bravely step forward and dare to challenge the haters… all must run the gauntlet and risk everything for the sake of truth, justice, humanity, and progress.
They are torn between a sense of selfish guilt… that perhaps their High ideals are bringing danger upon their wives and children…and that maybe they should shut up… and simply blend back into the crowd.
But then they realise that Silence only makes the Evil ones more successful in their plans, and that unless brave souls stand up and set an example… their silence condemns their loved ones, friends, and neighbors to even greater perils and injustice.

“Evil prevails when Good men do nothing”.

What these brave people need is for their fellow countrymen, fellow brethren, to not allow these ‘torch bearers’ in their midst’s to be left alone and unsupported, but ought to rally around them, and to add their voices to the cause.

> on August 22, 2011 in Washington, DC.

Collar shirt’s 2 Comments are below, and my reply follows.
I hope readers will both appreciate my cause, and will determine to get involved and help me and other brave Kiwi, like John Ansell, defeat the lies of The Radical Maori separatist movement, and the corrupt politics of Treaty separatism which has being foisted upon us by Labour, National, Act, NZ First, The Greens, The Maori Party, Mana,etc…

Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:35 AM
Tim how the f**k do you know Tame Iti was planning to kill white people you f**king point the finger judgemental pr**k – and what do you know about any violent murderer radical Separatist, if you have got any evidence to hand on to the Police – tell us what that evidence is right now – This is a RACIST & FICTIONAL story of yours. And as for pimples I would like to squeeze your head like a pimple until the white puss you call your brain squirts out you piece of hard WHITE SH*T! and you too Angry Tory! I challenge you’s to print what you’s have both written and start handing them out to the public – and see how long you can last on the street without getting your face smashed in! – Pussay’s

2. Collar Shirt says:
Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 11:53 AM
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
I would like to make a complaint about the RACIST nature of this article which is in very bad taste, lacking in facts and based on innuendo and to compare a person to a murderer is asking for trouble. – but most of all it doesn’t stick to the kaupapa of the rules – this article is “unwholesome” and “does not build others up” in fact it does the complete opposite of discriminating against a fellow human being – and has absolutely NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER to any right minded and virtual thinker.
Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian – i will hand on your message to the Iti whanau in Ruatoki and don’t be surprised if they come looking for you and ask you to say what you just wrote to their face. I will make you my special project to read & check all your other articles too to make sure you are not spreading your RACIST HATRED poison around that ends up on the web – you piece of SH*T!

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Reply:

What is your real name ‘Collar shirt’?
Very brave talk coming from someone hiding behind a pseudom.
And your threats prove the validity of my statements Re: the Violent mentality of the Racist radicals.
Your threats are a testimony to the stark fact that while you want so called ‘Maori rights’ to be recognised, you don’t recognise any one else’s rights (like mine) to free speech, etc.
Thats called hypocracy.

I have been threatened many times in the past… face to face with radicals at Waitangi and other places.
I have always spoken my mind in the open… not the shadows, and will continue to do so irrespective of threats like you have delivered above.

I have spoken many times publicly, on Marae, and on TV before my peers.
See a TV one debate Here:

My reports about Iti’s intentions are based upon Media releases regarding the recordings the police got of conversations between Iti and his crew.
If it had not been for the bungling of the Legislation, and the bungling of the police Iti and crew would have faced much more severe charges… including discussion of kidnapping John Key and ‘practicing’ by killing white people.
I don’t suppose you bothered to use our search engine to find out what I have written about Tame Iti’s conviction on Fire arms charges… Here…

You would see that I actually *condemned* the basis on why he was actually sent to jail! I defended the right of peaceful people to own firearms, and even to be members of private militia. Thus I show my integrity is to justice, and though Tame Iti is a dangerous radical, yet still I have no desire for anyone to be jailed on bad laws or bad judgments.

Yet I dont expect that my integrity in this post will impress you either.
You fanatical haters only want to hear your own hate… you are not interested in tolerating dissenting views…. a lot like the Nazi’s whom hated the Jews, and who likewise could not tolerate any criticism of their mentality, or methods.
Think about that.
Think about what race hatred has done to the world?
This is the very evil I am seeking to save the Maori people from.. the manipulations and hate mongering of violent racist radicals whom blame everyone else but themselves for their own lack of achievement, violence and misery.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read about Violent support in Waikato for Terror suspects Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:
Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

Classic Libertarian Idealism Cares (Objectivism is as silly as Socialism)


Objectivist Libertarianism is a cold, childish, irrational reflex to Socialism, rather than a Humanitarian Ideology.
It really should be called Objectivist ‘Libertine-ism’.
Ayn Rand was a Sophist in every horrible and deluded way.
She would redefine Good words and then pretend her new definition proved these things were Bad! She also re-defined Bad words so that they then became ‘Good’
Eg Faith, Altruism, and selfishness.

It takes a while for some people to realise what she is up to.
Many Happily go along with her charade because they are so enthralled with her fantastic claims of being able to discover an atheistic basis for Objective morality…which also creates a sophisticated argument that Bible based ethics… and belief in God are Evil!
It’s like an Opiate to them.

How it is that a philosophy which condemns the parable of the Good Samaritan as being evil, and be believed as being the work of Genius defies Credulity!
The Bible has the Explanation.

“And this is the Condemnation: that light is come into the world yet men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are Evil”
“Professing themselves to be wise, there became fools”

True Libertarianism… the Spirit which motivated the Abolitionists was a caring/ loving spirit which worked to alleviate the suffering and injustice of humanity, not a philosophy of selfishness and Egoism!

How absurd Ayn Rand is!
How sheepish and superstitious are her adherents!
They must Bastardise History.

Rand did not discover an atheistic foundation for Objective morality.
Objectivists are not even Idealists. They are pragmatists.
She is a blind leader of the blind and both shall fall into the ditch.

Read more about The Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism Here:

Read Why Objectivists Hated Ron Paul and undermined his Libertarian Campaign for President.
Grasp why they allowed their AntiChrist hatred to overide their love of liberty and juscice Here:

Monumental Stoners: Thank Reefer and The KJV for the Enlightenment and Liberty.


Monumental Stoners.


“We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth & reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart. In this enlightened age & in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining & holding the highest offices that are known in the United States.”

~ George Washington, Letter To the members of the New Church of Baltimore (January 22, 1793)

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Jakob Antone Santos with his Pal Deven

Jakob Antone Santos at the Bedside of his Best Little Buddy Deven Leonis.

jacob with deven Leonis

Deven Leonis and Jakob Antone Santos many years ago when Dev was fighting PLE. Jake has always been there for Deven, no matter how hard it has been to see what he was going through. Even at 17 years old, Jake has been Devs best friend!

March 23 Deven’s Mom posted to facebook “At 8:36 am, my angel gained his wings…..”
He was 15.

Since that terrible day Deven’s Family and friends have been doing their best to cope.
Deven’s Mom keeps posting to face book, expressions of grief, the things which go through the mind of Moms whom loose their precious children.
She shares her pain with the world, in the hope that it will stimulate us into action… into supporting the fight against Cancer and other diseases which steel away the lives of the young and innocent.

And it is because I am a person whom cares about humanity that I join up to such Face book pages like Devens which reveal the struggles of Families facing these types of horror.

We who care join up in the belief that in some tiny way we can bring some comfort… to show that the world is not completely indifferent to their plight.
That many people do care.

It is so difficult to know how to help her (and all the other Moms, Dad’s, Brothers, Sisters, etc whom experience such loss) esp as a complete stranger, Yet I do what I can.
The one thing I have is the Gospel Hope which is in Christ.
It is so precious to me, and it is my hearts desire that other people, esp those buckling under the weight of despair, realise the hope which is in Christ is something real and important to hold on to in such dark times.

9 April Deven’s Mom writes… “I cannot forget that image. Watching him take his last breathe. Keeping my hand on his chest while his heart continued to beat for another 3 minutes!!! His hear was supposed to be his weakness, but it was so strong!!! It wanted to keep going! Seeing his Daddy carry his lifeless body to the stretcher just about killed me!! I know we shouldn’t have let him do that, but he did. It was horrible!! Watching my baby get taken away in a van. Knowing he was sitting down the street for over a week waiting for them to burn his body! Waiting to put my baby’s ashes 3 feet into the groung while his baby brother couldn’t let him go!

I am so haunted! No matter how many pictures I look at or videos I watch, all I see is that last week. Then I go back through pictures since January, and I can see that he was changing. I didn’t see it as it happened, but now I do! I wish we would have know. I wish I wasn’t in denial. I wish I would have taken more videos. I wish we would have had more time! I WISH I HAD MY BABY BACK!!!! I WISH HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN BETTER INSTEAD OF BEING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Such Anguish!

My Reply…
“You did everything you could for Him… and he knows that. You fulfilled your Duty! You Loved/Love him… and Death is more sad for those left behind, because there is a most wonderful surprise awaiting those whom pass over in faith in Christ. One day you will experience that surprise and Deven will be a part of it! Your sadness will be instantly transformed into an overwhelming Joy! That is the hope which is in Christ and the power of his Resurrection.”

I also posted Cold Play’s ‘Fix You’

Why have I written this Blog post and shared Deven’s story today?
Many Reasons!
One is as a Tribute and Memorial to Deven and his Family.
Another is to help Deven’s Mom get the message ‘out there’ to rally caring people into contributing whatever they can to finding a cure for Cancer, and other evils.
And yet another… just as important reason… to serve as an example to other Mom’s/ families whom suffer the loss of a Child, that though they grieve, that they must appreciate the fact that they did everything possible to save their children, and that they should take comfort in the fact that their Children Know this… they Know they are loved.
And finally I share this Facebook interaction in the hope that others going through such darkness can see the Light and hope which Christ offers to those whom reach out to him in Faith.

I hope it dawns on Mom’s and Dads with terminally ill Children what a wonderful story of Hope the Christian gospel is, and that if they share it with their little loved one, that it could instill a beautiful restful faith to hold onto as they approach the door.
Trusting in Christ These little children can rest assured that death is not the end, that they will be going to a wonderful place… that God loves them…and that one day soon they will be reunited with their Mommy and Daddy.

I hope it dawns on those whom have no faith, what a wonderful thing Christianity really offers and that Unbelief is absolutely dark and empty by comparison.
If Jesus really did rise from the Dead it is the greatest… most important truth…. Ever!
And that It really happened is evidenced by the conversion of St Paul and the Fact that the Resurection of Jesus Christ Changed world History.
Early editions of Pears Cyclopedia admitted that Jesus Christ is the Greatest Figure of Human History! (for some unknown reason they cut that out of latter editions… we can speculate that it was cut out because it annoyed atheists)

The Bible story is very amazing in another very special way.
It clearly teaches that God is not indifferent to the trials and tribulations of us Terrestrial beings. It teaches us that God experienced the loss of his own child… by that terrible Evil… murder… and so he is well aware of how it feels.
The super amazing thing about the story of the Son of God is that though God allowed him to be unjustly killed by evil men, he had a secret plan which would turn this apparent tragedy into the most wonderful hope for all mankind!
The testimony of the Resurrection of Christ and the declaration of God’s Love for us, and his plan of Salvation to save us not only from our sins… but from Death itself!

I don’t expect those in the immediate pangs of grief to always be in a frame of mind to consider these things, yet It is my hope to communicate these truths to them ASAP, so that they might find hope and comfort… and not be destroyed by bitterness and Hatred towards God… whom loves them and sent Christ that we might have hope.

I intend to use this Blog post as a means to communicate the gospel to those in need.
And I will update it, and add to it, as a memorial for others.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Team Deven’s facebook page Here:


little Miette
Little Miette passed over March 27 2013

From her facebook page…
“Miette survived her DIPG for 1 year, 8 months, 3 days…..

She lived for:
2715 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes and 0 seconds
7 years, 5 months, 7 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes

So on a day just as the most beautiful sunrise was happening, Miette grew her wings. She stayed with us in the house for another 3hrs. More time to lay with her and spend precious time that slipped away. Some of the girls coloured her hair the colours of a rainbow. Xander got to say his final farewell and described to me a bit later while played the wii, how the spiderman in the game was the tumou…r and he wrecked Miettes brain.(a building spiderman crashed)
Glen and Natalie are laughing one minute,and a ball of tears the next. They need us all now more than ever.
The funeral people came and Glen carried Miette down stairs. It looked like she was just being carried after falling asleep. Onto the streacher where we all kissed her goodbye & cried & cried & cried.

Then she was wheeled to the car, more goodbyes, then driven away.
Lots of hugs and more crying.
A little while later flowers started to arrive. Tara brought balloons and a poster from the school. The (eye) donor lady showed up with papers to be signed.
The ripple effect will go far and wide. My 2 younger boys(Miettes cousins) will be home from school soon. More hugs and tears. AS many other families come to grips with this as well.
It weighs heavy on Natalies’ heart that their story has made everyone so very sad. But people have been touched and chosen to follow, comment, share or like status’ about the journey they are on. If they didn’t want to, they wouldn’t be here.
Natalie needs people to talk with and will retreat when she needs too. Glen is doing okay, but locks himself away if it gets to much. Those waves of emotions are going to be so erratic. There will be lots of dumper waves coming their way but with the love of everyone they will get back up, even if it’s just to take a quick breath.
Family ♥ Friends ♥ Aquaintances ♥ Strangers ♥

Miette’s Journey… Face Book Here


“Waylin Grace was a 2 and a half year old little boy who fought Stage IV High-Risk Neuroblastoma. He fought for 6 months and gained his wing 02/01/13.”


Waylin’s Facebook page Here:



ryder 2
Ryder. Not quite Two years old Here.

Ryders kites one month on
Ryders Kites.


So I wanted to share a funny story about our little hero. For a long time m&m’s commercial featured the “I’m sexy and I know it” song. Ryder apparently thought this was his theme song for a while. Lol. It got to a point when I could just l…ook at him and smile and whisper “do it”! He would smile and shake his little booty and sing “iiiiii’mmm sexy and i know it” really fast and then return to business as usual. Made me laugh til I cried every time… 😛

RIP RYDER JACK 12/13/06-03/14/13. Fly high my little hero. Mama loves you.

So I have been fighting in my mind about weather or not to post this picture of Ryder finally at rest. As I Iay awake and face burying my beautiful baby boy in the morning I feel the need to show those who can only be here in prayer and spirit how at peace our little hero is. He is finally free. I love you Ryder Jack.— with Ryder-angelo.
Ryders facebook page here:

ryders army

‘Ryders Army Childhood Cancer Awearness’
Please like this page. This is the page in Ryders name we will use to help build awareness to childhood cancer. Support other families. Support other groups and organizations that are doing the same.

Let us all be committed to Charity, and helping those families struggling to cope.
I encourage everyone to join and share Facebook pages which are set up to tell the stories and rally support and charity for Children (and others) aflicted with serious illness.
Remember that the parable of the good Samaritan was the tale of a Stranger helping a person of a different Faith and culture… A Jew…. whom at the time Christ spoke looked down upon the Samaritans with bigotry and hate.
Yet still the Good Samaritan did not hesitate to help his fellow man in distress.
It’s called loving our Neighbor as ourselves!

We might live many thousands of miles away, yet still we can act and show our love…One of the best things we Christians can do for sick Children and grieving and struggling families is to Pray for them… and let them know we are praying for them.

I believe such prayers, Encouragement, and Charity to be one of the most valuable contributions we can make in our lives.
While so many other endeavours can seem futile(Eg like trying to establish a free society)
Charity can have real results!
We can have a real positive impact helping those whom need it most.
It is humanity at our Best.
This is especially true for Christians.
We are God’s hand’s and feet.
God’s Love of humanity ought to flow through our actions.
Tim Wikiriwhi

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Please Read This:

Lane Goodwin takes flight… Read:

‘Never Happy Again’… Read more here

Brave Boy Chace Topperwien His story here:

Car Crash! Here:

A High Calling…

Is Faith in life after death rational?
What wise philosophers say about that Here:

Vulgar Display Of Power! Night of the Dairy Kings.

A3-Posters_ 2 boxing event april 13

I have never been into watching Rugby, or Cricket, yet have always enjoyed watching Boxing, esp Heavy weight title fights.
Loved watching Holyfield vs Tyson, Lewis vs Tua, etc.
It was a pleasure to witness The Tuaminator Dispatch the Mountain Warrior @ Mystery Creek Waikato.
While it does not bear comparison, it’s now my turn to step away from the Sofa…put on the gloves, and Mouth guard, and hopefully entertain Boxing fans like me.

Anyone interested, may come along and enjoy an evening of Boxing.

I dedicate this fight to my Children (and their partners), and to my grand children.
Also to the staff at Fonterra TeRapa Site.

I abhor violence against the innocent and defenceless, yet sadly we live in a world where it is a fact of reality.
It behooves the Good to Master Martial Arts so that they are able to defend themselves, their Family, friends, and neighbors when threatened with violence by Evil men.
We have the right to act in our own defense, and to aid others.
Thus there are such things as ‘fighting ethics’ and Fighting virtues.

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”
St Paul Romans 12:18.

It is impossible to live peacfully with the Lawless or the Savage.

Martial Arts are not about mindless violence, but Fitness and skill and function strictly within rules.
True Martial arts as sport are founded upon ethics and teach etiquette thus enhancing civilization.
It was only a couple of generations ago when it was normal for most Boys to learn how to box.
Society was much less violent than it is today in our Emasculating Politically correct world because of the etiquette which accompanied this training.

I am stepping into the ring to lead my Family by example.
It is good for Men to be Manly.
To be brave enough to Stoically face difficult challenges.
They ought to be prepared for the worst.
Mothers must allow their Children to learn skills via the school of Hard knocks so that they will be safer and more confident in their daily lives.
I respect my opponent because He is doing the same thing.
This is not about hate.
It’s about Martial art and pushing yourself to the Max.
May God be with us both, and let the most skilled and determined fighter Win!

Tim ‘The Atomiser’ Wikiriwhi.

Read more about Martial ethics/ and other things Here: Pugilist Sage

Woman mauled to death by dogs. A victim of Nanny state and Ovine culture

victim of dogs

Thirty-one year-old Chloe Mathewson died after being attacked by two dogs at Redvale in the early hours of Friday morning.
Read more about it here:

My thoughts.
This is a horrific tragedy.
So very sad.

Yet Just imagine if it was both legal and routine in our country for woman to carry a small pistol?
She would probably still be alive.
Some may argue she is a victim of too much liberty (in respect to Dog ownership)
Others (like myself) can apprehend she is in fact a victim of Nanny state legalism which not only has disarmed us all and left us defenceless against criminals and wild animals, but also has generated such a sheepish culture where the very idea of carrying a weapon for personal defence is considered to be virtually a deviant mentality.

Thus it is also a great tragedy to grasp just how far Socialism has institutionalised our population.
The very idea of being Self reliant and bearing the means of self defense are completely alien concepts.
(I’ll probably recieve hate mail for making ‘political capital’ out of this tragedy.)


Oh Really Albert? Beware vain philosophy my children, and Science falcely so-called!


“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
St Paul Colossians 2vs8.

*Everything* is energy you say Albert? Why should I believe that *I* am merely energy?
This is an unproven materialistic assumption… not a scientific fact.
Does anyone appreciate the truth of what I am saying?
Albert himself said something to the effect that “Blind submission to Authority is the enemy of truth”.
Does anyone here have the courage to challange the authority of The great Albert Einstein?

It is because of the Prevalent acceptance of this sort of unscientific atheist fundamentalism in the Academic communities of the world that brings into question the existance of Free will and the human soul.
Because Modern infidelity and Rationalism has succeeded in portraying belief in supernaturalism/ spiritual reality as being a hallmark of scientific ignorance, many Christians have been duped into thinking this Materialistic world veiw is a scientific fact rather than an unproven atheist assumption.
These rationalist Christians also tend to follow their atheist brethern and also abandon the Classic Judeo-Christian Morality as being valid… and faith in the reliablity of the scriptures.
They have stepped away from being true theists and have become Deists.

Those Christians whom pride themselves as being the most ‘Educated’ and Ruggedly consistent rationalists will then go further…as a matter of course… and deny the existance of Eternal Damnation, because to their rationale, it would be grossly unfair to Damn someone to eternal torment if they had no freewill choice in the evils they committed or had no freewill in their decision to reject Christ.
I wonder how they can reconcile all this with their voluntarily accepted moral obligation to preach the gospel of God’s grace in Christ to the lost?
Do they believe they have the freewill to actually bother?
Can they justify their own inaction as being materialistically determined and that therefore they are not morally responcible for not bothering to preach?

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”
St Paul 1 Tim 6:20

Thus a little leven leveneth the whole lump.
The mind boggles at just how utterly corrosive the Materialist world veiw is.
How effective it is in absolutely destroying faith in the Bible, in particular the classic moraity of a Holy and judging God and Mankind as a fallen yet Free willed and morraly culpible beings.


It is Sad yet interesting to witness the responce of Humanity to testimonies which dare to suggest that the Bible is the preserved word of God!
Such calls to true theistic faith are met with venimous cursings and accusations of maddness and folly… from all quarters!

The unadulterated arrogance of the skeptics!
They speak with the highest authority!
Human Rationalism!
Kneel Petty theist they command!
How dare you challenge the consensus of High academia?!
Humble thyself before the edifice of Modern scholarship ye unlearned fellow!
We will not yield to that ghastly Bible!

A harmony of outrage, and a choris of ‘rational proofs’ batter the Bible believer From both Atheists and so-called Christians alike.
The Bible believer finds himself alone.
The Rationalist Christians assure the atheists that these Bible believers are deluded fools… Throwbacks from a bygone age….not at all representative of the modern Christian position.

Mankind simply cannot bear the Idea that God’s Pure revelation Exists.
They know that to admit such a thing places them and all their Rationalisms under condemnation… under Judgment.
They don’t want to admit there is a light shining a path in the darkness!
They want to carry on the delusion that ‘nobody knows’…nobody can tell me what I should do, what I should believe, how I should live, why I should change…etc.
And they certainly don’t want to admit that the Great Moral light is that accursed and judgmental Bible!
To the Proud Sinner that is the most unacceptable proposition of all!
The Rationalist Christian doe’s not even want to believe that!
It’s too filled with things which they find repugnant… like Hell!

It is relatively easy to understand why the average sinner does not want to believe in moral culpability and a judgment day.
There is pleasure in sin.
The low road is an easier path to travel than the high steep path, and many Christians prefer to deny the reliability of the scriptures than having the burden of preaching an unpopular message to the lost.
What is truly sad to grasp is that these rationalists Christians have completely smoked themselves!
They have chosen to follow the delusions of the children of Darkness rather than the Light of the word of God.
Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.

I would like to point out that though there may be a cozy bit of kinship between atheists and Modern Rationalist ‘educated’ ‘Christians’ in their mutual hatred of ‘Fanatical Bible believers’, that in reality the Atheists are laughing at the so-called Rationalist Christians whom have abandoned faith in the scriptures, and share the atheist views that the Bible is unreliable.
Atheist laugh when Christians claim to also accept the theory of evolution instead of believing the book of Genesis.
They Laugh because they know they have won!
They have managed to get the Christians to abandon the Bible and instead accept atheist Materialism as the truth!


It is my solemn belief that is is impossible to convert the lost to faith in the truth of the gospel of Christ without preaching and teaching faith in the trustworthiness of the scriptures themselves in which the gospel is found.

News Flash Ye Christians!
Materialism is not a scientific fact!
Belief in the supernatural is not definitive of Ignorance!
Ye of Little Faith!
“ O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”
Jesus Christ. Luke 24:25

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
King James Bible believer.

“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
St Paul 1 Thes2:13

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
St Paul 2 Tim 2vs 15

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
St Paul 2 Tim 3:15

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
Jesus Christ John17:17

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Jesus Christ Matt 24:35

“…So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
St Paul Rom 10:17

UPDATE: Did Albert Really say that?
Thanks to Eternal Vigilance commenter and Libertarian ‘Terry’ I have been made aware that there is a dispute as to whether this Meme has a genuine Einsten quote or whether it is an evil deception. It is a testament to the sickness of Humanity that unfortunately there are millions of unscrupulous liars out there whom manufacture Frauds either to push their own agendas or simply to cause chaos and destruction. I must Therefore warn readers that there is doubt as to this quotes reliability. I will leave the blogpost up because even if the quote is a fraud, my argument against Materialism still holds good, and it may be discovered that Albert did in fact say this. Thus the controversy! Check out this discussion here…
Keep Vigilant!

Update 2: Pondering further upon the problem about the verasity of this Meme raises a very interesting dilemma, very similar to the basic premise behind the Face book page ‘Did Abraham Lincoln really exist?’
Ie that is is impossible to say with certainty that Einstein did not say this quotation…even if no reference to it can be found in the common places one looks (eg Google)
All that skeptics can claim is that *they cannot find sufficient evidence to convince them in their own minds that Einstein did say this.

The reality is that this could very well be a genuine quote from an obscure source… ie It may be a record of a conversation, or a lecture he gave which does not enjoy fame.
And this is a very common reality!
Not everything famous people say becomes common knowledge.
The majority of their sayings actually get quicky forgotten.

I find this dilemma very interesting because it also relates to arguments used by textual critics in their attacks against the trustworthyness of the King James bible because according to them it includes portions of scripture the authenticity of which they dispute.
What is of grave concern is that all valid and truthful historic records can be undermined via such devious rationalisms which only need to caste doubt to destroy faith… and what sort of Malevolent spirit loves to caste doubt against the truth?
The Thinking person must navigate this Dominion of Devils filled with snares and stumbling blocks deliberately engineered to keep people in the dark.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

“Oh Fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”

As a King James AV believer it amazes me how many Christians don’t believe we have the perfect preserved and inspired word of God today.
The vast majority of ‘educated’ Christians have bought into all the rationalism and textual criticism of Infidels whom teach that the Bible is not a supernatural book, and that it suffers from the same human failings as every other ancient text and ought to be treated the same way.
My Theistic belief is looked upon as Batshit crazy.
Yet these Christians whom have abandoned faith in the inerrancy of the word of God turn instead to modern scholarship for their final authority… which is a patently unchristian/ non-theistic basis of faith. They are Deists.

This is a reversal of the Biblical doctrine of ‘Let God be true but every man a liar’.
‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy Paths”.
“The words of the Lord are pure words. As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Thou shalt keep them O Lord. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.”

We now have the situation where the veracity of verses like when Christ said “Let he who is without sin caste the first stone” are disputed upon the most flimsy of grounds and the most poor evaluation of the so-called evidence.
All it takes is for a single piece of evidence to be dated by some ‘expert’ as ‘the earliest’ and for it to not contain the said verse, and that is enough to undermine the faith of millions as to its integrity!

The foolish man builds his house upon the vain sands of Human rationalism and ‘schollarship’.

These Christians whom have abandoned the faith in God’s supernatural preservation of the scriptures are actually endorsing the Atheist evaluation of the bible, ie that it cant be trusted!
They also tend to be Anti-super naturalism/ pro naturalism types whom also embrace things like the theory of evolution, and say stories like Noah’s flood and Balaam’s talking ass are merely fables.
Again they side with atheistic Rationalism against faith in the scriptures.
This Naturalism insulates them from the derision of their School peers which is the burden of those of us whom maintain faith in the supernatural.
This infidelity is what passes as a ‘Bold stand for Christ’
“Thy word is Truth… It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my Path… I will fear no Evil”

I ask how they can have boldness in preaching the Gospel when they themselves do not have faith in the reliability of the Bible in which their gospel is found?
For me faith in the Revelation of God as the Rock on which my faith is built and is absolutely not negotiable.
It was the realization that the Bible was true which converted me to Christianity in the first place 25 years ago, and I have walked with Christ ever since with my eyes open… ie facing every challenge which claimed to be able to prove my bible was full of errors, yet Gods word has weathered that storm and every time an infidels argument has been defeated, my faith has grown stronger.
The King James Bible is my Rock.
I preach with full assurance from a conviction of it’s absolute trustworthyness.
I will go to my grave believing Jesus has saved me from my sins because it is written in those blessed pages… not because of the wisdom of men.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
1611 King James Bible believer.
Sinner saved by St Pauls preaching of Christ according to the gospel of grace.

Portions of 1Corinthians1+2

1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,
2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
3 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;
5 That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;….
10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;
15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.
16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.
17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

Chapter 2
1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Christ Our Pilot. Warner Sallman.


A picture speaks a 1000 words.

One of the Greatest motivations for me to be a vocal Christian is to share the awesomeness of having Christ as a friend and guide in your life.
Not to know Christ is to be absolutely lost in the Cold Dark void of space and time.
Christ makes the Love and compassion of God Real in a world of chaos, death and misery.
When Evil attack’s I have refuge in Christ my savior!
When Death draws near, though I am a sinner….my heart need not fear. I have faith, and assurance.
When the hour comes to stand for truth and justice… I know it will not be in vain.

Faith in Christ is life infusing and empowerment to live victoriously in the world.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
St Paul (Romans 8vs38,39)

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.


Because I have failed in the attempt to organise an association of ‘Heavy hitting’ Libertarian minds to directly challenge the governments appointed Committee which is currently running a Mickey Mouse commission looking to entrench Waitangi Racism and Socialist Democratic tyranny, I am attempting to put together a ‘condensed’ submission advocating the institution of a New constitution embodying Libertarian principles for New Zealand to be submitted to Muriel Newman’s the independent Constitutional review panel.
Go Here:

This panel is primarily concerned with insuring any new Constitution guarantees Racial equality before the Law, and does not entrench the current Apartheid doctrines and institutions of Radical Indigenous racism and treaty separatism.
This independent Panel is to be highly praised for this work.
It is absolutely essential that the Government be prevented from establishing an Apartheid constitution, yet I fear the scope of this Independent lobby is not broad enough to challenge the many other injustices and usurpations perpetrated against the people of New Zealand in the name of ‘Social Democracy’ which is the prevailing ideology of 99% of MPs and their parties whom populate our parliament.

The difficulty for me is not only that I despair having to sit out and watch everything unfold from the sideline as a spectator rather than a participant in this process.
I despair of being able to do justice to this ‘Mother of all Political Institutions’ in a brief submission.


One of the most important jobs of a Constitution is to protect the Rights and liberties of Minorities and individuals from Mob Rule.
Living in an age in which Atheist Materialism and Moral relativism dominate the thinking in academic circles it is difficult to speak of ‘Higher Law’… Moral absolutes which trump the mere whims or Legislators in large numbers.
It is difficult to get support for Ideals which set limits to the pseudo-moral justification of Legislation founded upon the mandate of the majority.
In Today’s world I cannot make appeals to Individual rights as being inalienable because they are ‘God given’… which was in times past a perfectly acceptable and rational position to take for the simple reason that so many intellectuals have tragically abandoned belief in God.
Thus I must make appeals to other arguments, in secular terms which embody arguments which such mentalities will not dismiss because of personal bias against theistic Ideas.
And most essentially these arguments must be powerful enough to expose the evil delusion that Humanitarian sentiments can justify tyrannical and oppressive political means.

The Little video below was posted on Face book by a friend (Hat tip Mark Casey) and I share it with you here because it does a very good Job or presenting the distinction between real charity and Socialism/ forced welfare…. and the travesty of that pseudo-moral justification… ‘the democratic mandate of the Majority’…
In so doing this video embodies one of the important attributes my submission to the Independent Panel must encompass.

Watch and enjoy.

This video also makes me wonder if my submission could somehow included such streaming Media?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.