Category Archives: Compulsion

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013


Tim Wikiriwhi


Dear Census Collector,
Because of my Christian Libertarian principles I refuse to fill out the Census Papers.
Because they are compulsory, I know they are a violation of my right to privacy and a demonstration of the fact that our government seeks to operate via a Master- Slave relationship.
I reject this conception of government.
The Government works for me.
I am not their servant.

Nor do I accept the utilitarian argument that the Census is ‘helpful’ for the Government in respect to Social planning and policy.
I utterly condemn their totalitarian manipulation as if we, the citizens of New Zealand, are merely a pawns in their game… to be used and controlled as they please.
I reject their Social engineering for the failure and tyranny that it is!
Thus I want my Taxes and my liberty back!
I have no intension of mandating their power tripping madness!

And I know that the government already has all the information regarding how many people live at this address, and how much each individual earns etc, so this fact also makes a double travesty and lie about the so-called necessity to have a compulsory Census.

Furthermore this compulsory Census is estimated to cost me, my family, friends, and neighbors 70-90 million dollars!
It is a gross misappropriation and waste of our hard earned money which was rapaciously extorted from us via other unjust and tyrannical laws and powers!(Re the IRD)

I personally have stood for Parliament many times in the Hamilton West electorate, both as a member of the Libertarianz party, and as an Independent Libertarian with the intension of getting into parliament to bring such socialist despotisms to a end.
Thus I cannot in good conscience fill out the census as it represents everything repugnant about oppressive Government power for which I have dedicated myself to overthrow.

Some people have suggested I fill it out with bogus answers like ‘Jedi’ as my religion… as 56000 people did in 2001, yet I can not do that in good conscience either!
It is no secret that am a Christian, yet I reject the State rights to demand I disclose such information to them.
History has proven what evils such information can bring at the hands of Diabolical Governments.
Thus my refusal to fill out the Census is a far more righteous protest to this intrusion than the thousands of people whom write in lies…. Yet never are they brought before the courts!
This fact proves the State chooses to persecute a tiny minority of principled contentious objectors like myself whose non-compliance has such a minuscule effect to the accuracy of the data collected in comparison to all the misinformation gathered from the thousands of kiwi whom also hate the violation of their privacy yet prefer to submit fraudulent papers rather than risk prosecution for absolute refusal.

That so many people fill out the census with lies just goes to prove what a farce the whole thing is! Compulsion does not increase the accuracy of collected Data!
The Compulsion touters are simply fanatical Statistians who want as large a data set as they can get their greedy hands upon.

I have no beef with the Census personnel.
They don’t write the rules, and most of them are simply trying to earn an honest dollar.
Yet I would ask them how it is that they in good conscience participate in such a nasty and intrusive Government program?
I ask how in good conscience they can parrot the threats of Court action and fines against contentious objectors like myself?
I can only assume they have not thought through the true oppressive nature of the job they are doing, or that some how they are of the belief that this intrusion can be justified… because of the imaginary ‘benefits’ this compulsion is supposed to deliver.

I have no desire to appear before court, or to be convicted, or fined.
I have a Job to maintain and a Family to provide for and the very last thing I need is to hand over more of my money to a State system which is already robbing me blind!
That this is the truth about the census… that it threatens my livelihood and well being of my family is despicable!

With this in mind I am prepared to make the following compromise.
I will fill out my name and address and sign it. That is all.
This was acceptable for the Census people in 2001, and in 2006, and I hope this will be acceptable again in 2013.
That is my final offer.

I have not hassled my wife into refusing to fill out her forms.
She is free to follow her own conscience, and has filled them out as she saw fit.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.


Christian Libertarian Tim Wikiriwhi torches his New Zealand Compusory Census Papers 5-3-13.


I am Not a Number!
I am not a Statistic!
I am not a slave of Nanny State!
I know my rights, and the Census is a typical example of Government abuse of Power!
They have no right to demand I fill out any form!
Their threats of fines and convictions are a testimony to the Wickedness and disrespect for Individual liberty and privacy by our Nanny State Socialist democracy!
To all you Social engineers and Bureaucrats….Get Stuffed you little Nazi Scum!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Oh, you have come to pick up my Census?…. Here you go!” 😀
weapon of choice 001

The Census. Are you really Free?

Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes burning her census 2001.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes. Photo / John Stone A political party is urging people opposed to the “coercive nature” of the Census to take part in mass civil disobedience and destroy their Census forms in protest.

But anybody who takes the advice of the Libertarianz Party to indulge in “burning, shredding, defacing or ignoring” the Census form sent out by Statistics NZ could find themselves facing a $500 fine, with another $20 for each day they fail to comply.

Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes will be holding a party on Census day – March 5 – to “responsibly” destroy her form with others opposed to the information gathering exercise.

Ms Hughes admits it’s exhorting people to take part in a mass form of civil disobedience, but said many didn’t like the intrusive nature of the Census and don’t trust the Government.

“Nobody should destroy their [Census] forms unless they know what they are protesting against. Yes, it’s urging people to break the law, but when the law is wrong then protest is absolutely necessary.”

She said she and the party were opposed to more government intervention and saw the Census as a benign way of brainwashing people into giving up private information.

Read more here: NZ Herald

Related Blogpost…. The Census. Are you really free?

The census is a rediculously expensive waste of Taxpayer money!
Read about it here:

Join the Facebook ‘Event’ ‘Avoiding the Census’ Here:

The Census. Are you really free?

Copy of Copy of census 004
A friend Andrew, My Wife Joy and I burning our Census forms 2001.

My Wife has told me the Census Nazis have dropped off our papers for 2013.
They demand that we fill them out.
It’s compulsory.
Yet don’t I have the right to privacy?
What business is it of theirs what religion I am?
What ethnicities are in my family tree?, or where I happen to be on census night?

Now my life is an open book.
You can find out all these things simply by looking at my face book page.
Yet I intend to refuse to fill this form out…. For the sake of the principles that I have the right to privacy and the State has no legitimate rights to demand such information from me!
They work for Me!
I am not their subject!
The census is a violation of my rights.
After I have made a point for resisting their tyranny…for several visits, I will probably simply sign my name and address and they will go away.
I have done this for the past two census.
I burned my papers once!
The look on the Little Nazi’s face when I handed her a bag of ashes was priceless!
She went away and called in her more threatening Superior.
Blar! blar! Unless you fill out this form you will be summoned to appear in court, and will be fined.
And should you still refuse you will appear again, and fined… until you comply!
Most people submit to this tyranny without so much as a peep!

Yet the reality is folks that the only information you must give is your Name and address.
That’s all they will ever get from me… after I have exposed them as the nasty little Nazi’s that they are!
So I hope some of you appreciate the gravity of this situation and join me in my resistance to Bully Government powers.

Some of you may be thinking that the Government uses this information for their Social Planning.
That’s Good enough reason for me Not to fill them out!
You see I totally despise their ‘Social planning!’
Ie they intend to use this information to assist their Political machinations!
Give me Liberty, or give me Death!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census” Story Here:
Objectivist Strong Man, Libertarian Mentor of Tim Wikiriwhi, Co-founder of the Libertarianz Party of New Zealand, Broadcaster Lindsay Perigo.

Tim Wikiriwhi wins The Free Radical Award Monday March 12 2001
Lindsay Perigo’s Politically Incorrect Show.
Radio Pacific.

“Good afternoon, Kaya Oraaa & welcome to the Politically Incorrect Show on the free speech network, Radio Pacific, for Monday March 12, proudly sponsored by Neanderton Nicotine Ltd., the show that says bugger the politicians & bureaucrats & all the other bossyboot busybodies who try to run our lives with our money; that stands tall for free enterprise, achievement, profit, & excellence, against the state-worshippers in our midst; that stands above all for the most sacred thing in the universe, the liberty of the human individual.

[Music up, music down!]

A couple of Libertyloopers have reported taking great delight in handing census-collectors the charred remains of their census forms. One of them, Tim Wikiriwhi, organised a ceremonial burning in the Waikato region on census night. Here’s part of the speech he gave consigning the form to the flames:

“Why are we doing this? Is this a childish act of rebellion? An act of lawlessness? Many New Zealanders honestly believe that we are fools and even criminals for doing this, Are they right? No! …

“Two very important truths are in question here. First, what is the legitimate role of government, and where do the liberties of the individual rightly begin and end, defining what is truly legitimate
and what is truly a crime?

“To quote Thomas Jefferson and the American Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self evident – that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights: that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government …

“Thus there exists a limit to government. A government that keeps within its boundaries is just. But a government that does not recognise its legitimate function and crosses into domains in which it has no business immediately becomes the violator of the rights it was instituted to protect.

“The government is not a law unto itself and has no right to violate you any more than a thief, rapist or murderer… Demanding that you fill out this form under threat, the state is committing a crime against you.

“Burning this document can never be constituted to be a crime because you are perpetrating no injustice upon anyone! And so your actions fall completely within the boundaries of legitimate liberties.

“Burning this document is the act of free men standing up and saying I’m not your property! My life is my own. So let us light us a fire tonight and raise our glasses for freedom!”

These portions of Tim’s speech will be posted on my web site later today, under Latest PI Show editorial:

And right now I’d like to bestow upon him the Free Radical Award, for his guts & spirit. To Tim Wikiriwhi:

[FreeRad Award]

From The Free Rad website…

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.


A Socially conscientious face book friend asked me …. “just curious, what is your view on schooling? do you think it is something that should be the states responsibility to provide or the parents responsibility to provide/find an appropriate organization to provide it for them? just curious as to what you thought :)”

As this is a very important topic, I think it is appropriate to post my response here for discussion.
It is a brief overview of my position as a Kiwi Libertarian who has had a guts full of the absolute BS that goes for education in this country…

My reply…
This is a subject of the highest importance.

The reality is that when you clearly define what are the proper duties of Government, things like Education and Health fall outside the proper domain of political coercion and governmental responsibility.

In fact it is very dangerous to grant politicians power and control over such things.
Before the advent of ‘State education’ schooling was fast growing as a successful private institution, and when the Socialists wanted to nationalize schooling, enlightened minds rightly recoiled at this knowing the State would inevitably use the education system to indoctrinate the population with it’s own political agenda… and this is exactly what has happened. eg All the false propaganda about European colonization of New Zealand, and the treaty as being a partnership etc.
Another example is all the ‘Green / climate change propaganda’ creating a generation of sheeple whom will allow the government to tyrannize over their lives and the economy under the guise of ‘Caring for dolphins, etc’.

spencer H

Intellectual Giant. The Self-educated Individualist/ Libertarian Herbert Spencer.
He warned of the inevitable evils which would follow in the wake of the State Nationalisation of education… and time has absolutely vindicated his prophesies!
His ‘The Man vs the State’ is a must read.

The ‘Indoctrination system’ has created generations of Sheeple who today think it’s the states job to ‘mother’/ nanny everyone and that all life’s problems have political solutions… and thus ought to be regulated.
There is a constant bleating about ‘too much liberty… not enough State control’.

Plus because the state monopoly virtually eliminates the virtues of ‘Free-market’ forces/ competition the system tends to stagnate, whereas the dymanics of free-market competition always seeks to improve the value it supplies to its consumers so as to increase its market share.
Thus the free-market in Education would produce the highest value for the lowest cost.
Conversely it was recently calculated that our State system sucks $9 out of every $10 into it’s bureaucracy with only $1 going on to actually educating our kids.
Thus there is potential for huge cost savings to the NZ public whom are still under the delusion that education is ‘free’ in this country when in fact they pay exorbitant amounts via taxation.

Furthermore there is an entrenched ‘Soviet’ unionized mentality within the Collectivized Teaching fraternity who seek to aviod the ‘horrors’ of Free market quality controls, and instead maintain themselves as a state bureaucracy…. resisting reform.
The prevailing political ideology of teachers in this country are die hard advocates of totalitarian control of everything.
Then you have the Ministry of Education playing God, deciding what will be taught to you kids,… what values are taught robbing parents to their rights to choose what they believe is in the best interest of the children.


The whole business stinks to high heaven, yet the sheeple have been so successfully indoctrinated to believe that ‘our system is wonderful, and that privatization will mean poor kids will miss out’ that the very notion of removing the state from education is absolutely unconscionable.

The Proper duty of government is strictly limited to upholding the Natural rights and liberties of the individual, not implementing socialist agendas… not social engineering.
Yet because this limited sphere of operation severely restricts political power, and maximizes self responsibility, the power tripping politicians will always attempt to overstep the bounds of legitimate political intervention, using emotive excuses to justify their usurpations, and the sheeple who don’t like self responsibility will vote for politicians who offer to ‘mummy’ them… and tax others to pay for things which they themselves ought to pay.
Socialism is one great big tit sucking scam where people are under the delusion that they are getting something for nothing.

The reality is Socialism is chronically ‘top heavy’, shuns progressive innovation and is bankrupt!
Yet how are enlightened self educated folk like myself supposed to get the truth across to the masses in the face of the multi Billion dollar multi headed hydra of State Indoctrination and media… whom constantly preach that freedom is bad and state power is good?
We are said to be radicals whom ought to be simply ignored.
The Beast reigns!
Tim Wikiriwhi

More Contemplations here: Why Mandatory State Education?

public education

Read how State Education has ‘Lobotomised’ the so-called Free Press Here:

Read how State indoctrination has bred a lust for Socialist Nannism and disregard for personal liberty and self responciblity Here:

Ship of Union Fools. The Living wage.

Never underestimate the power of Idiots in large numbers!

The NZ Herald ran a story today about Union activism, lobbying for the raising of the minimum wage… under the emotive term ‘Living Wage’.
It was with great relief that I read further that John Key rejected the notion.
It currently sits at $13.50.
Read about it here:

Unions seek to compel employers to raise their minimum wage to between $18.00 to $20.00 an hour, under the pretext that this rate will mean “families can realistically live”.

As I was reading about this in the Smoko room at work, I could not help but mutter how insane I thought this Idea is and that it would only serve to hurt New Zealand, esp those this wage was supposed to help.

I was promptly challenged, and so I began to explain why this was both a stupid Idea and why it would make things worse for everyone.

I explained that $18.00 dollars an hour may indeed be enough to get by on…today… under the present cost of living, yet the very introduction of this ‘artificial’ wage increase would immediately cause a jump in living expenses… and thus the raise would only serve to inflate costs, and $18.00 would then not buy the same amount of goods and services as it does today… before the compulsory rise.
Ie it is a self defeating gesture.

It would cause the cost of living to rise for everyone, esp in regards to things like Bread, Bakery food, Petrol, etc… things which Kiwis buy from other Kiwis, rather than from overseas. Conversely it will hand a greater competitive advantage to imported Goods comparative to New Zealand produce. Imports will still be effected, yet not to the same degree as Kiwi made… and this disadvantage puts New Zealand business under greater strain.
Some businesses simply will not remain viable because the wage rise makes their products too expensive, and some will simply shut down their operations, others will move offshore to countries where they can get less expensive labour, and others will bring in Automation, because they can justify the expense in light of the New Wage laws.
In all these scenarios It will be bad news for the lower wage earners.
All these Evils will have resulted because of ridiculous Social engineering
The Unions and complicit Social democrats will have successfully cost workers their jobs proving that this type of Economic stupidity will surely hurt the very people this socialist compulsion was supposed to help!

It keeps getting worse because Unemployment will jump and so will numbers on the unemployment benefit (ramping up the costs to taxpayers)… and what is even worse is that because the costs of living have been artificially forced upwards… the buying power of welfare benefits will have shrunk too!

Then we will nodoubt hear Union cries to raise welfare benefits to ‘living proportions’, throwing even greater burdens on the workers… ie the taxpayers!

Some may say that $18-20/hour might encourage some people off welfare, yet where would these jobs come from?
You have in reality made it much harder to employ them!

And all this misery is a typical result of Government Regulation and interference in the market place and economy of the country!
The Socialist Unionists will not blink from blaming all this extra pain and chaos upon the greed of the capitalists!
That’s how this Malevolent virus of the mind maintains itself in it’s hosts.
Socialism maintains a Class warfare, always blaming the greed of the other side.
The truth is we don’t have a capitalist system, which is ‘Laissez Faire’… ‘Hands off’ Free market economics.
We have a Socialist regulated/ hands on economy!
So quit with the Rubbish that ‘Capitalism doesn’t work’.
It’s Socialism which is failing, and driving our country into debt and destitution!

I have much better solution than compulsory wage rises.
It would indeed help the lower wage earners.
I suggest we get rid of income Tax upon the first $10- 15 000 dollars (per annum) earned by everyone!
This would give the poor a real increase in wages without adding costs to employers!
This would mean the costs of production would not increase, and the cost of living would not be artificially increased, nor would thousands be forced onto the Dole!

We don’t have to imagine why the socialist Unionists and Politicians have not put this suggestion on the table!
They want more taxes, not less! ( Think about how heavily unionized all the State employees are in Health , education, etc, etc)

I don’t have space here to talk about the fact that in reality reducing Tax rates can result in greater tax revenues for the government due to growth in the economy.
Nor will I go into the fact that if politicians agreed to lower taxes to win votes, they would probably borrow money at a faster rate rather than cut government spending. which is another shyster evil which ought to be illegal.
Nor will I go into the explanation that in the real world it is the Law of supply and demand which sets wage rates, not Dictators.
(I have written about this Here:)Nor will I present arguments for abolishing minimum wage laws altogether… though there is a very strong case for doing just that.
I must leave these subjects for a later date.
I t is enough for me to say that only the most ridiculously naive morons think economics can be ‘doctored’ so as to improve living standards by passing such farcical laws.
Tim Wikiriwhi

For Some time I have also been meaning to write a blog post upon what is going on in respect to the Highest wage/ salary earners… the CEOs etc… the Largess, and how this too is an aberration…an evil which is having very serious detrimental effects upon our society, yet it will have to wait.
It is enough to say that this largess actually encourages socialists to pass absurd yet draconian laws… just like this one…the living wage… believing they can wrestle money away from the Top wage earners and hand it to the lowest ones… and that no ill effects will result.
They are complete Morons.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 7-10-13
Another delusion is the calculated cost of implementing this ‘Living wage policy’ as it fails to take into account the disgruntled workers who have taken the trouble to up-skill themselves yet find themselves earning little more than the those people with virtually no skills at all!
Human nature dictates that these workers will strike and demand higher wages too.
and thus there will be multiple unforeseen and un-calculated costs which will have ruinous consequences…. esp for taxpayers, rents,and ratepayers… and the Costs of essentials

Riders on the Storm! Homeland Security already confiscating guns .


It has been reported that … “On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security, along with a SWAT team and Bernalillo County sheriff’s deputies raided the home of Robert Adams in Albuquerque, New Mexico and, according to a federal search warrant affidavit the raid seized nearly 1,500 firearms from the man’s home and business. However, no charges have been filed against him, despite the fact that court documents reveal that agents had been watching Adams for years.”

Read more:

What is important to note is that this raid involved The Department of Homeland security. Ie it was not an ordinary Police raid because of established criminal activity.
*No charges* were filed.
Thus they have taken these weapons without any justification!
That Homeland security have been watching this guy for years proves they have been spying upon Law abiding citizens whom collect guns, and we can be sure that more collectors will be targeted… without any just cause.

This is exactly what we would expect from a tyrannical government which knows a popular uprising is in full swing.
The conviscations have nothing to do with ending school yard massacres!
That is just a Ruse.
There is no way Obarma would start a civil war over that.
The trouble is far deeper, and the end game far more sinister!
They know that when America sails over the fiscal cliff that Tens Millions of Americans will be baying for ‘Regime Change’.
There will be Riots and massive civil unrest… the seeds of full scale civil war.
Thus the Powers that be are already perpetrating crimes against the American People.
A Covert ‘Cold’ Civil War has already begun.
The final goal of the Powers that be is a One world Totalitarian Government.

Another reported case of Arms confiscations reinforces the Idea that The Federal Government has given the order to cease weapons.
A shipment of ‘Imitation’ assault rifles from Taiwan was also confiscated recently by the ATF (Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms … under the absurd pretence that they might be able to be converted into real weapons.

Now this appears to be an example of overzealously leading to Rank stupidity on the part of the powertripping Filth. This shipment of Toys was missing the required ‘Orange thingy’ which legislators insist must be attached to the barrels of all Toy guns, and having seized this ‘arsenal’ , and realizing their Error, instead of admitting their mistake, they chose to concoct a bogus story about ‘conversion’. What is rubbish about this is that almost anything can be ‘converted’ into a fire are… staplers, nail guns, etc etc.

All this aside, It shows that Homeland security is in ‘Confiscation mode’, and must have received orders from above to implement a program targeting Law abiding citizens.
The Unthinkable is upon us.
The Horrors of Civil War, the destruction of Western civilisation, and the rise of Global Tyranny.

You didn’t expect Democracy to save mankind did you?
Neither can we expect a revolution against the government to succeed.
The Righteous must never bow down to Mammon, yet ultimately Salvation will only come from above… after much Blood.
Choose this day whom you will serve!

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15


Is the Great Tribulation upon us?
Are we witnessing the rise of the Antichrist?
Get preaching the Gospel Brothers and Sisters! If you want your familiy, friends and neighbors to escape this Satanic Terror, and the Judgement of the Almighty!

“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
St Paul 2 Thessalonians 2vs7-12


This is such a terrible time that it is compared to Noah’s flood.
All the arguments by ‘Liberal’ Bible doubting Christians which insist such things as the reality of Hell, God’s Judgment of Noah’s Flood are mere allegory, or the command to destroy the Canaanites as being mere hyperbole fall flat in the face of such prophecies as above, and recent history.
They preach a false God, and a false gospel.
The full horror of Man’s rebellion against God is upon us…culminating in the ultimate tyranny and Devil worship, and the hour of God’s terrible and righteous Judgment is nigh.

Who dares say such horrors are impossible?
Our generation has forgotten the Lessons of World war two and the Rise of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.
God allows the wickedness of mankind to take it’s course, and his Judgments follow.
Yet This Time Christ will be Revealed as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Dont be decieved by the white horse Obama rides!

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
“…God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Slimy vested interests monger fears against reform.

hot rod

For at least Six Months New Zealanders have been subjected to a Propaganda campaign designed to turn them against a reform which will save them Time, and Money, and will reduce their exposure to Petty tyrants.
I am referring to the Ad campaign by the MTA fronted by Popular Driving Champion Greg Murphy designed to make the government maintain the Status quo in Warrant of Fitness legislation, which is comming up for reveiw.

This Campaign is an excellent/ Blatant example of how vested interests whom profit from heavy handed regulations and Legislations work within a democracy to prevent Reforms.
Having a Popular Celebrity in your top pocket helps immensely, and is very typical of this sort of Terrorism.

Just what are these reforms and how much money are we talking about being save by New Zealanders?
Associate Transport Minister Simon Bridges yesterday announced that cars registered after January 1 that year will need just annual checks, and new cars – after undergoing initial inspections – will not require checks for three years.
He said the changes would benefit motorists by $159 million a year. At least $1.8 billion over 30 years would be saved in inspection, compliance, justice and enforcement costs.”

And the Lions share of those millions go straight into the pockets of members of the MTA Lobby!
As a fan of Greg Murphy, his support for this Cronyism is very disappointing.

The MTA could not deny this When confronted…

MTA spokesman Ian Stronach said it was undeniable that the government’s proposals would impact its revenue, but insisted its interest was safety.

BULLSHIT with bells on!!!!!!!!!!

Oh how terrible Greg! Kiwi’s are slow to get their Registration/tax stickers!”
And all this talk about the old age of our fleet is bullshit because the reforms dont effect the older vehicles!
His denial that he is not motivated by self interest is complete lies.
Murphy has a vested interest to front the MTA campaign to insure their continued financial support of his Career.
When you listen to the Bull shit he employs, it all about spooking the sheeple… with Emotive lies, and ridiculous assumptions. Not a scrap of evidence saying 7 more lives per year will be lost, the government has estimated 1.4 .


I believe contrary to these pessimistic guesses that there is every chance that the death toll will decrease because of greater impetus on self reliance and less dependence upon ‘the system’.
The dynamics of Liberty are so misunderstood.
Freedom ought not to be feared.

And there is plenty of evidence to support the proposition that reform will not be at the expense of lives!
A spokesman from the AA Mark Stockdale was reported in the NZ Herald Here saying…
“… government estimates that an annual WoF for all vehicles made after January 1, 2000, could boost deaths by 1.4 a year would be offset by a rise in police enforcement of unsafe and unwarranted vehicles, and increased education to help motorists keep their vehicles safe.
Most cars in New Zealand were tested every 6000km compared with every 19,000km in Britain or 30,000km in Germany.
“Yet when it comes to crash causation, only 2.5 per cent of crashes involved mechanical defects [and 0.4 per cent where it is the sole cause]. That’s the same as those countries with lesser frequencies.
“This suggests that not only is there no correlation between test frequency and mechanical safety, but that New Zealand’s higher road death rate is attributable to other factors.”
Yet The MTA is not the only vested interest keen to thwart Legislative reforms.

In another place he says of the MTA Lobby…
“could be seen as ”scare mongering” and was influenced by the MTA’s commercial interests.
MTA’s members include hundreds of garages which offer WOF checks, while the organization also owns Vehicle Testing New Zealand, the country’s largest WOF provider.

”Clearly they have a vested interest in the status quo, so they’re more concerned about their bottom line than they are about road safety,” Stockdale said.
…The AA is ”likely” to support the government’s plans, Stockdale said, however it would lobby for education of motorists to take more responsibility for car safety.

”There’s no evidence whatsoever from the [government’s proposals] that frequency of inspection has any bearing on vehicle safety.”


And The MTA is not the only Vested interest fighting reform.
The Revenue gathering, Power tripping Police always always bawk against any reforms and are being true to form when we read them using the exact same fear mongering tactics as the MTA to maintain the status quo.
The reforms will mean a reduction in their capacity to fine New Zealanders simply because of the date on the sticker on your windshield.

And they do the same thing when it comes to Law reform which increase liberty and reduce their powers to interfere with our lives. They are also very quick to leap at opportunities to reduce liberty and increase their powers. Eg which Drugs.
The Police revert to fear mongering every time discussion is raised about Cannabis decriminalization, and always support the introduction of New prohibitions such as have occurred against NOS, BZP and synthetic Cannabinoids.

The exceptions to this rule are so rare as to be extraordinary.

Yet to anyone with a modicum of political wisdom knows that this is to be expected from vested interests and political powers.
It’s the nature of the beast.
Though this sort of self interested activism has become the norm for the Police, it is in fact a very serious breach of the principle of the separation of powers!
The Police ought to have nothing to do with the writing or reform of any legislation as they are not impartial… they are vested interest, whom consistently lobby for their own profit and power!
This is a most vile impingement on justice!
It is crippling to the Rights and liberties of the people, and halts enlightened social progress!

Greg Murphy… “Trust Me”… Yeah Right!

It is sad to know that such patently subversive campaigns are usually successful in duping the multitudes into wanting to maintain extortion rackets, and oppression… even though the people spinning the yarns literally wear badges of Collaboration upon their chests!

I congratulate the AA for speaking out in the best interests of their members… the motoring public.
It makes I nice change from the many instances of their own complicity with tyranny when it was in their vested interest to do so… eg when they supported the government robbing drivers of their lifetime licenses… and got into the Licensing of drivers business, and when they Backed up the Auckland city council’s draconian buss lane Mega tyranny… and got into the enforcement and fines business.

Filthy Lucre!
“ The love of money is indeed the root of all evil”

“Power tends to corrupt. and absolute power corrupts absolutely!”

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

liberty girl


Judge Napolitano: The Right to shoot Tyrants, not Deer.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny. Yet the progressives in both political parties stand ready to use the coercive power of the government to interfere with the exercise of that right by law-abiding persons because of the gross abuse of that right by some crazies in our midst.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, he was marrying the nation at its birth to the ancient principles of the natural law that have animated the Judeo-Christian tradition in the West. Those principles have operated as a brake on all governments that recognize them by enunciating the concept of natural rights.

As we have been created in the image and likeness of God the Father, we are perfectly free just as He is. Thus, the natural law teaches that our freedoms are pre-political and come from our humanity and not from the government. As our humanity is ultimately divine in origin, the government, even by majority vote, cannot morally take natural rights away from us. A natural right is an area of individual human behavior — like thought, speech, worship, travel, self-defense, privacy, ownership and use of property, consensual personal intimacy — immune from government interference and for the exercise of which we don’t need the government’s permission.

The essence of humanity is freedom. Government — whether voted in peacefully or thrust upon us by force — is essentially the negation of freedom. Throughout the history of the world, people have achieved freedom when those in power have begrudgingly given it up. From the assassination of Julius Caesar to King John’s forced signing of the Magna Carta, from the English Civil War to the triumph of the allies at the end of World War II, from the fall of communism to the Arab Spring, governments have permitted so-called nobles and everyday folk to exercise more personal freedom as a result of their demands for it and their fighting for it. This constitutes power permitting liberty.

The American experience was the opposite. Here, each human being is sovereign, as the colonists were after the Revolution. Here, the delegation to the government of some sovereignty — the personal dominion over self — by each American permitted the government to have limited power in order to safeguard the liberties we retained. Stated differently, Americans gave up some limited personal freedom to the new government so it could have the authority and resources to protect the freedoms we retained. Individuals are sovereign in America, not the government. This constitutes liberty permitting power.

Yet we did not give up any natural rights; rather, we retained them. It is the choice of every individual whether to give them up. Neither our neighbors nor the government can make those choices for us, because we are all without the moral or legal authority to interfere with anyone else’s natural rights. Since the government derives all of its powers from the consent of the governed, and since we each lack the power to interfere with the natural rights of another, how could the government lawfully have that power? It doesn’t. Were this not so, our rights would not be natural; they would be subject to the government’s whims.

To assure that no government would infringe the natural rights of anyone here, the Founders incorporated Jefferson’s thesis underlying the Declaration into the Constitution and, with respect to self-defense, into the Second Amendment. As recently as two years ago, the Supreme Court recognized this when it held that the right to keep and bear arms in one’s home is a pre-political individual right that only sovereign Americans can surrender and that the government cannot take from us, absent our individual waiver.

There have been practical historical reasons for the near universal historical acceptance of the individual possession of this right. The dictators and monsters of the 20th century — from Stalin to Hitler, from Castro to Pol Pot, from Mao to Assad — have disarmed their people. Only because some of those people resisted the disarming were all eventually enabled to fight the dictators for freedom. Sometimes they lost. Sometimes they won.

The principal reason the colonists won the American Revolution is that they possessed weapons equivalent in power and precision to those of the British government. If the colonists had been limited to crossbows that they had registered with the king’s government in London, while the British troops used gunpowder when they fought us here, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have been captured and hanged.

We also defeated the king’s soldiers because they didn’t know who among us was armed, because there was no requirement of a permission slip from the government in order to exercise the right to self-defense. (Imagine the howls of protest if permission were required as a precondition to exercising the freedom of speech.) Today, the limitations on the power and precision of the guns we can lawfully own not only violate our natural right to self-defense and our personal sovereignties, they assure that a tyrant can more easily disarm and overcome us.

The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis had, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust.

Most people in government reject natural rights and personal sovereignty. Most people in government believe that the exercise of everyone’s rights is subject to the will of those in the government. Most people in government believe that they can write any law and regulate any behavior, not subject to the natural law, not subject to the sovereignty of individuals, not cognizant of history’s tyrants, but subject only to what they can get away with.

Did you empower the government to impair the freedom of us all because of the mania and terror of a few?

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. He is author of “It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom” (Thomas Nelson, 2011).

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