Category Archives: Compulsion

Martin Luther Kings Heroic Last Speech. The Right… the Christian Duty… to Protest for Justice…even in the face of danger.

MLK I might not get there with you


Martin Luther King Jr.’s Last Speech

"I may not get there with you. But we, as a people, will get to the promised land!" He was shot the next day.Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more.

Posted by Occupy Democrats on Monday, January 18, 2016



Read some from Tim….

A High Calling.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Watering the Tree of Liberty. Lavoy Finicum.

Can God Bless America? Gavin Seim for liberty

Hurling stones…Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love.

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.


The following is an absolutely Damning testimony about what transpired in relation to the Murder of Lavoy Finicum by Agents of the American Government.
The whole thing was a planned murder.
They ensured it took place somewhere cell phone coverage was poor, and away from witnesses.
At no point were Lavoy and company given opportunity to peacefully comply.
They were fired upon without provocation… driven to enter the kill zone that had been set up ahead of them.
They were prevented from reaching the safe haven of the Sheriff in the next settlement to whom they made a last ditch effort to reach.
Lavoy was gunned down in Cold Blood by Agents wearing no Identification, and had a 9mm pistol planted on him.
Video that was shot during the chaos by the victims was confiscated and remains hidden from the public.
Other footage taken by the Agents has not been relaesed.
Footage that has been released has had all identifications removed…. audio removed… and had it’s quality degraded to cover up the extreme and unprovoked volleys of gunfire that the authorities poured out… and the sequence of the 9 shots they fired…killing Lavoy.

This was an Execution and incarceration of dissidents… as sure as happens In Zimbabwe… Russia… and other tyrannies.

Listen to the link/ video below…


WITNESS TO THE LAVOY FINICUM SHOOTING SPEAKS W/ DMLLast night, due to time constraints, UNFILTERED played a portion of the interview with Shawna Cox. The attached video is the entire interview. You will find it very interesting. Worth a watch and share. DML and team will continue to put together the pieces of what took place in Oregon, plus, DML and team will be launching a full investigation into the BLM and how they go about their business.

Posted by Dennis Michael Lynch on Friday, February 12, 2016

Read> Obama Government Calls in the Black Opps to Burns to maintain his grip on Power.

Furthermore… as part of a Obama’s well planed Party political strategy to outlaw and arrest ‘Enemies of the state’… they have arrested Cliven Bundy and indited him trumped up charges even though all his actions were within the rights of citizens under the constitution which is the highest Law of the Land.
Obama’s ambitions to overthrow the second amendment are at the very forefont of American politics and has huge support amongst Democrat voters… and it is among this sheepish sector of the population that you find vile racist hatred for Cliven Bundy and the Cowboys whom are being trampled under foot…. *Because of their forthright stand on the second amendment*

Read> Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

The Motive behind all these Covert and criminal activities of the Obama administration is that with The ‘Fiscal cliff’ Debt crisis that threatens to shut down the US government, Obama is desperate to find pretext to nullify the Second amendment and to be allowed to use the police and military personnel to forcibly remove the arms of the american people and to arrest…. even kill anyone who resists…suppressing any hope of the American people fulfilling the founding principles of their nation …. and their constitutional rights to overthrow the government by force of Arms when it has become contrary to it’s proscribed legitimate function… the defense of the rights and Liberties of the American people.
Obama has it in his head that the maintenance of the Status quo is of far greater importance than operating lawfully, and is no doubt prepared to use the full force of the Machine against the American people.

His propaganda engines are in full swing to fool the sheeple to thinking the Law is on his side, and that any dissenters… like the Bundy Ranchers are racist religious extremists.
We also have situations elsewhere in which the true ‘Free press’… vigilant independent Journalists and bloggers critical of the government and Police disregard for the Law are being jailed for filming the police.

Read this : Greater Cleveland CopBlock Founder Sentenced to 240 DAYS in Jail For Filming the Police

Quote: ‘Deo Odolecki, founder of Greater Cleveland CopBlock, host of CopBlock Radio and CounterCurrent News editor, was on trial the last two days at the Parma (OH) Justice Center regarding two cases where he was arrested while CopBlocking (also known as filming the police). Both cases involved First Amendment rights (like protesting unconstitutional government actions and filming the police) but instead of upholding those rights, Judge Deanna O’Donnell denied them when she sentenced him to 240 days in jail’

Society's Changing View of Police.

The Simple "WHY" of Society's Changing View of Police.

Posted by Dave Champion's Liberty on Sunday, January 10, 2016

Though his grip on power is virtually secure due to a divided nation, Obama is fully aware that in this age of the Internet, it might only take a small number of Vigilant and vocal patriots to expose his tyrannical ambitions and potentially rally the American People against him… and so he is hellbent on silencing such voices.


fbi buggg

We also have the FBI routinely Bugging and tracking whosoever they like… refusing to give any valid reason for their activities… and then threatening law abiding citizens when they get exposed!
Just business as usual?… maybe… yet it is part of an emergent systemic pattern that shows us the growing tyrannical attitudes of the system… and disregard for the rights and liberties of the people.

See Here > Man Finds FBI Tracking Device on Car, Posts Photos Online, Gets Visit From FBI
“Days later he was able to learn the direct source of the tracking device, when he was visited by a large group of FBI agents who had seen his posts online, and wanted their device back.+

When he was visited by the agents, Yasir had obvious questions about the situation. Who had planted the device on his car, and why? Was he suspected in some sort of investigation?
The agents refused to answer any of his questions and told him that if he refused to cooperate with them that they were going to make this situation as difficult as possible for him”

And worse still All the way from Front line Police to Supreme court… the System is being filled up with Corrupt officers and Judges who show complete disregard for the constitution.
This from Dave Champion….

Deputy Threatens Man

Deputy Threatens Man – But Doesn't Know To Whom He's Speaking!

Posted by Dave Champion's Liberty on Saturday, February 13, 2016

And even more distressing situation… because of how high up the ladder it has occurred…. one of the Few remaining Supreme court Judges whom was most faithful to the Constitution and has thwarted attempts in the past to circumvent the 2nd amendment has died ‘of natural causes’ and it is feared that he will be replaced with yet another Party political Stooge, allowing the Anti-constitutional agenda of the Democrat party steam on ahead less impeded.
This type of Political appointment has been going on for years by both parties and is the chief reason the constitution lies in shreds.
Yet with the Obama Administration the debt crisis, the accrual of power, the manufacture of Corrupt legislation, and undermining of the Rights of the people has reached crisis point.

This from Dennis Michael Lynch’s Facebook page

Today, Supreme Court Justice Scalia, a hard-nose conservative died. This means Obama will appoint a liberal judge and his pending amnesty will go through, and that’s just the start.

Read> Editorial: Scalia stood for the Constitution


At 79 years of age, it is easy for most to accept media reports that The Judge succumbed to ‘natural causes’… before any medical examination or Coroners report has been completed, yet more suspicious minds…. some with a ‘more than generous’ helping of distrust of government wonder if the Conservative Judge was bumped off.
Conspiracy theory at it’s finest?…. maybe…. yet with all that has been going on with regards to the high stakes game The US Government has been playing… ruthlessly and methodically implementing it’s strategies to maintain power and control at all cost and by any means necessary… to prevent an uprising of the People in the face of eminent financial collapse… speculation about such a political assassination is not at all as far fetched proposition as would be the case under less dire circumstances.
A Government that is busy murdering and imprisoning Defenders of the Second amendment, would have little reason to hesitate given the ease of convincing the people that the death of an old man as being nothing more than nature taking it’s course…
An even more insidious possibility is for the powers that be to actually participate in the mass production of ridiculous conspiracy theories themselves… burying the truth under a mountain of insanity… and by provoking a backlash of shear incredulity render the truth unbelievable.

Having in the wake of Post 911 Panic poured in billions of dollars into ‘anti-terrorism’ equipment, strategies, and training of secret corps of anti-terrorist squads, CIA hitmen, etc who will obey any order given under the guise of ‘National security.
We are talking about large numbers of Police and military personnel who are trained to take out Fellow Americans deemed to be ‘Domestic terrorists’, etc. We are talking about Fema Camps set up to ‘deal with large numbers of Americans the State considers ‘a problem’.
Just looking at the sort of tactical response the handful of protesters in the Oregon wildlife center summoned from the establishment evidences the huge apparatus that covertly exists and is ready to be deployed.

Now such speculations about the assassination of Antonin Scalia may be nothing but paranoia, nonetheless even if his death truly is merely a ‘fortuitous happenstance’ for the Regime, still the opportunity will not be missed for Obama to attempt to install another political puppet into the Supreme court … one with the same disdain for the constitution as Obama has.

“With a half-dozen or more major cases and the ideological tilt of the court in the balance, Obama said he planned “to fulfill my constitutional responsibility to nominate a successor in due time.”
from here

what makes the death of Justice Antonin Scailia so monumental is that by far the majority of Supreme Court judges are traitors to the constitution and absolutely fail in their duty to be the vanguard of Justice against abuses of power.
They have by majority decision already deemed it not to be the duty of the Police to protect and serve… but to enforce party political dictates and agendas…. this virtually overthrows the just foundations of the constitution in which the government is the servant of the people… not their masters.
Now The State is master… and the Police are there to force the people to Obey.

The Supreme court just decided that the police can invent the law as they go along, and that when they make false arrests that the people have no defense.

The Corruption and draconian powers of the Police are beyond belief!
They literally get away with murders every day.
So-called independent bodies created to keep an eye on the police suffer political pressure from the highest sources to absolve the Police of wrongdoing…. almost no disciplinary actions reach the courts.
Prosecutors fail to prosecute criminal Police activities, and when they do… Judges rarely convict.
Now the New York Police seek powers to prosecute Innocent people who are guilty of no crime other than resisting falce arrest!

Quote: ‘Cops using resistance as an excuse for their own abuse isn’t some wild conspiracy theory. Sam Walker, a law-enforcement expert and retired University of Nebraska-Omaha criminal justice professor, told WNYC in December:

“There’s a widespread pattern in American policing where resisting arrest charges are used to sort of cover – and that phrase is used – the officer’s use of force,” said Walker, the accountability expert from the University of Nebraska. “Why did the officer use force? Well, the person was resisting arrest.”

Read more here> NYPD Has a Plan to Magically Turn Anyone It Wants Into a Felon

Read this : Leaked Documents Show Exactly How Cops Get Away With Brutalizing the Public

Quote: ‘Documents and contracts leaked when hackers recently breached the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police have revealed “guarantees that disciplinary records and complaints made against officers are kept secret or even destroyed,”according to a new analysis by the Guardian.

Questions have surrounded how police officers simply move on to the same job with another department after facing disciplinary action or complaints — and these leaked documents appear to offer at least a partial explanation:

“A Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts obtained from the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) found that more than a third featured clauses allowing — and often mandating — the destruction of records of civilian complaints, departmental investigations, or disciplinary actions after a negotiated period of time.

“The review also found 30% of the 67 leaked police contracts, which were struck between cities and police unions, included provisions barring public access to records of past civilian complaints, departmental investigations, and disciplinary actions.”

Anyone attempting to hold police accountable for inordinate use of force and other offenses are often stymied by the so-called Blue Wall of Silence — the invisible, and seemingly impenetrable, tendency for police to close ranks to protect their own when an officer is accused of misconduct in some form. But as the Guardian’s report shows, that mythical Blue Wall has very concrete manifestations.

In fact, as University of Nebraska professor of criminology Samuel Walker explained, there could be “no justification” for such purges of officers’ records, particularly since they would evidence use of force against civilians.”

cop cancer

Read> Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

Supreme Court Rules Police DO NOT Need A Warrant To Search Your Home
against the 4th amendment of the constitution

In isolation each of the things I have mention in this post ought to be of grave concern…. yet when looked at in totality… it is absolutely frightening!
And I have only touched upon the tip of the iceberg!
All these Events and trends spell the end of American Liberty and the prosperity and justice that comes from it.
What stands ahead is tyranny, and poverty.
The Cosmos is falling into Evil Conjunctions and the Rise of The Man of Sin is Eminent.
His way has been prepared.
The Sheeple are ready to embrace him.
The powers of Darkness are moving against Christians and anyone else who will not bow the knee to the Leviathan State.

Yet the *REAL PROBLEM* Ultimately in all of this is *helplessly* *hopelessly* witnessing the acceleration of the America towards 666… because the powers that be have all but extinguished belief in the enlightened Ideals upon which the Greatness of America was founded.
The hope that a few bloggers and patriots will be able to rekindle the brush fires in the collective mind of such politically Zombified masses is virtually nil… and without that… all is lost.
The last Libertarians holding up the torch will be crushed into silence.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
I will leave you with one last David Champion video… it virtually signals the End…. unless by some miracle and New Enlightenment based upon the love of Liberty and the Inalienable rights of individuals causes the people of America to forget their partisan delusions of the Left and Right… and unite for the same cause that gave birth to their once great nation.
And this will only happen if everyone who sees The Riders of the Apocalypse on the horizon… calls their family, friends and neighbors to forget their Partisan squabbling… and Rise as a United people for the sake of Liberty against the Tyranny that is not at the gates…. but barging through the front door!

Preppers Keep Peppin!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Time Fighting the Federal Govt?

Is it Time to Fight the Federal Govt?

Posted by Dave Champion's Liberty on Friday, January 29, 2016

No matter where you are in the world… please sign this petition (below).
Not only do we all need to put pressure on the US government to look into this henious crime… but also to let them know… we … out here in the world beyond US Boarders are watching and are aware of the despicable deed being done.

Petition for Congressional Investigation of LaVoy Finicum’s Assassination

ant scailia

Update: Justice Antonin Scailia…. *No Autopsy!*
‘KOOK’ Alex Jones has the jam….

Police Call For Investigation Of Scalia's Death

Posted by Alex Jones on Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Donald Trump …

Trump Asks, Was Scalia Murdered?

Posted by Alex Jones on Tuesday, February 16, 2016

More from Tim….

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

The Hydra.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Listen to this podcast…


Rancher faces 42 years in prison and up to $1.5 million in fines

The complaint claims the rancher spearheaded a conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, in addition to five other charges: Assault on a Federal Law Enforcement Officer; Use and Carry of a Firearm In Relation to a Crime of Violence; Obstruction of the Administration of Justice; Interference with Commerce by Extortion; and, Aiding and Abetting.
From the indictment, discussing the 2014 “Bundy standoff” in Bunkerville:

“The 200 Followers in the wash included a significant number brandishing or raising their assault rifles in front of the officers. Some of these gunmen took tactically superior positions on high ground, while others moved in and out of the crowd, masking their movements behind other unarmed Followers. The most immediate threat to the officers came from the bridges where gunmen took sniper positions behind concrete barriers, their assault rifles aimed directly at the officers below.”
“To achieve his objectives,” the complaint reads, “BUNDY and his co-conspirators recruited, organized and led a force of hundreds of people to threaten and use force and violence to prevent the law enforcement officers from discharging their duties and to coerce their consent to abandon the cattle that were, pursuant to court order, lawfully in their care and custody and which they were duty bound to protect.”
The indictment goes on to say officers “believed they were going to be shot and killed,” suggesting some of the people who stood by Bundy during the epic standoff could be charged as well.”

Read more here


In response I repost below my blog …. Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Yet before leaving you to that, I must raise my grievous concern about the absolutely *Zombie like* ignorance…. the absolute Racist bigotry against these Patriots simply because they are White… the absolute slavish disdain that is heaped upon them for daring to challenge the tyranny that the American government has become in direct violation of the Constitution and founding principles of the nation!
And most of these vile and slavish support that Begs the government to murder and imprison these Dissidents actually comes from the ‘Occupy’ and ‘Black lives matter’ groups!!!!
This Rank hypocrisy bodes ill for America as it appears that Obama has plenty of support for his tyrannical ambitions for a population that Laps up the official line…esp the Agenda to label defenders of the Second amendment as ‘Hateful Extremists’…. Religious fanatics…. Domestic terrorists.

This is a repeat of the Waco massacre type Government Crushing dissent.
It is Tienanmen square.

America ought to be rising up against the crushing of these Righteous and Patriotic standing on the Constitution… yet instead… like the mob that chose Barabbas over Christ… they cry ‘Crucify them’.

And Obama will wash his hands… and Satan laughing…. spreads his wings.
America… which has become Sickly and Pox ridden… will finally be dead.
The principles of Liberty which stand between Mankind and the Antichrist will be extinguished… and the rounding up of outspoken critics and Libertarian minded dissenters will become routine.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.


Last week’s standoff between Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management “is not over,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told a gathering of students, professors and political candidates Monday at the University of Nevada, Reno.>>>Here<<< “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it,” he said, reiterating the fact that “it’s not over.” Read more Here

Yet is The Law really on Reid’s side …. or the Bundy’s?
If what has been said about Reids vested interest in pushing the Ranchers out of Nevada is true, then it may surprise many sheeple to hear that the Armed Ranchers and Militia *acted Lawfully* in taking up arms and resisting the unjust and tyrannical demands of the Bureau of Land Management, and getting the illegally confiscated Bundy cattle back.
They were claiming their Second amendment Rights… which trumps any and all legislations and dictates which would have the Bundy’s submit to the will of the BLM.

bundy 2nd Ammendment

This sort of situation is exactly why the Founding Fathers enshrined the second amendment.
It is the Lawful right to Bear arms in self defence against corrupt and tyrannical government.

Follow the link below…
NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer
The Second Amendment is the guarantee of freedom

bundy millita
Milita sniper covers the Bundy cowboys as they confront the BLM and demand they Stand down and release the cattle.

Of course this sort of armed resistance is going to piss off the Bastards in Power Big time, and there is a very real threat that everyone involved in the resistance could be murdered by the state or imprisoned… unless the People of America Rally and stand behind these Brave freedom fighters…
Their Fate will be determined by whether or not the Tyrannical powers *Fear the wrath of the People*… or instead convince themselves that they can crush this ‘rebellion’ with little fear of an escalation into full blown Revolution.

Reid’s comments clearly indicate this crisis is not over by a long shot and there is every reason to Fear ‘Waco type’ repercussions.

It is therefore imperative that Patriots and militia about the US step up now and voice their solidarity and fraternity with the Bundy resistance…. and that Bloggers/ Social network Fans around the Globe make it clear that we are all watching… and in the know…. so that the Power mongers in Washington appreciate they cant hide the truth.

May The Good Lord Be with the Righteous Defenders of Liberty and Justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
New Zealand.

Update: 22-4-14.
As predicted the Bundy’s, and all their supporters, Vets, and Patriots have been labelled “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” By Senator Reed!

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Update: 12/14 FBI Investigating Bundy Ranch Standoff Video.

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Obama Government Calls in the Black Opps to Burns to maintain his grip on Power.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!


Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)


Update: 6/1/16…. Obama is now moving to impose his agenda against the 2nd amendment via ‘executive order’ bi-passing the safeguards of Congressional mandate while admitting the absolute impotence of these measures to achieve the supposed objectives he pretenses to underpin his actions!

“These are not only recommendations that are well within my legal authority and the executive branch, but they are also ones that the overwhelming majority of the American people – including gun owners – support and believe in.” Moments ago, President Barack Obama addressed his meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding new executive actions aimed at tightening gun control.

Posted by Fox News on Monday, January 4, 2016

Judge Napolitano says Obama has no such powers…. Presidents dont write the Laws of the land, and because congress has already declined these measures Obama wants pushed through, that any ‘directives’ he issues to the Police, etc will be deemed illegal by the courts of the land…. See >here<. On this note I would like to add another comment regarding the devious means the evil party political powers like Obama employ to corrode the constitution and enact their intrusive policies... that is in the appointment of Federal and Supreme court judges... who are supposed to be the ulitmate vanguard for the constitution *against* Corruptions of Law and political power. By means of appointing Political sycophants/ subversive activist judges, Power trippers like Obama hope to defeat resistance to their unconstitutional Dictates.... so that when they have been petitioned due to Corrupt decisions in the lower courts...The Supreme Court will not veto his encroachments as illegal... but actually endorse them by allowing them to stand. It has been via such failures of the Supreme court that the monumental evil violations of personal liberty have been incrementally eroding the the constitution... such as the War on Drugs.... such as the today the Supreme court now says it is no longer the duty of the police to ‘Protect and serve’ the people... but to enforce the Laws/ dictates of the political powers.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Wikipedia…. Barack Obama Supreme Court candidates

List of federal judges appointed by Barack Obama

More from Tim…

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens .

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

The Coming American Civil War.

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.


Armed Takeover in Oregon

A group of armed men have taken over a federal building in a wildlife refuge in Oregon. They are calling on “patriots” to join them.

Posted by AJ+ on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Princeton, OR — On Saturday, multiple armed ‘militiamen’ took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge HQ to protest the sentence handed down to two Oregon ranchers accused of arson.

The ranchers accused of arson are Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46, both residents of Diamond, Oregon. They were each sentenced to five years in prison by Chief U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken for alleged arsons they committed on federal lands.

According to the Washington Standard, the problem is multifaceted.

First, both men were sentenced in 2012 by now-retired U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan, following the trial. Steven received one year and a day in prison for setting fires in 2001 and 2006. Dwight got 3 months for his 2001 involvement. Hogan did not believe the men had malicious intent to be labeled as terrorists under theAntiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, even though he sentenced them to jail for the time he did.
The men agreed to a plea deal that they would not appeal the 2012 sentence in order to bring the case to a close.
Both men served their sentences and were released. Now, the feds have appealed those sentences and want the mandatory minimum five-year sentence imposed on the men, and so they appealed to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, who agreed with the feds that the judge ruled illegally. However, now they are wanting to label the Hammonds as terrorists under the 1996 law in order to put them back in jail.
Aside from being thrown in jail for a second time, the Hammonds are upset because they allege no crime was ever committed.

“They called and got permission to light the fire… We usually called the interagency fire outfit – a main dispatch – to be sure someone wasn’t in the way or that weather wouldn’t be a problem,” said Dwight’s wife Susan.

In a post to their blog, the Bundy family explained that the Hammonds were merely engaging in prescribed burns to keep the land healthy and productive. And, they assert that the Bureau of Land Management also conducts these burns.

The Hammonds lit a fire on their own property that spread to public land. No one was injured, no property was destroyed and the Hammond extinguished the fire themselves, according to the Bundys. The court even ruled that the fires actually had a positive impact on the land.

“With no authority or justification to prosecute, eleven years after the fire, federal attorneys have obtained judgment that the Hammonds are terrorists and must be punished severely for their actions,” explains the Bundy Family.

On November 3rd, the Bundys issued a warning, which stated,



I am watching these events with interest.
The only comment I have to add now is with regards to the very Subtil way the powers of darkness work to destroy those brave souls who would dare to resist their diabolical plans… a perfect example being Obama’s recent attempt to get the Senate to remove the second amendment rights of Americans on ‘the terrorist watch list/ no fly list’…. saying such a move was simple ‘common sense’.
Watch his speech >here< Now on face value this may seem like a prudent measure to keep the population safe from domestic terrorism... you get the idea.... take the guns off 'Radical Islamics who vocalise support for Isis', etc before they start shooting.... who would deny the sagacity... the humanity of such 'forward thinking' in light of all the terrorism of our day? well Amazingly enough... Congress was not fooled this time... in fact it is *not common sense at all* but a sneaky ruse to remove 2nd amendment rights from anyone *the government* deems to be a threat *to the government*... which goes to show that this ruse was nothing short of a Constitutional removal of the second amendment itself! A Machiavellian power grab! You see *anyone* can be put on 'the terrorist watch list'.... esp if they are vocal about resisting government tyranny. These are people who by and large have not been convicted of any crimes. They may belong to groups or have associations with people the government dont like.... like the Bundy's. They may simply be vocal bloggers against Police brutality, against the war on drugs,... like me. the-seventh-seal-photo-3

The Darkest period in human history lies before us…. saith the scriptures.
It is going to be a period of Absolute Tyranny…. of absolute State worship.
The powers of darkness will surely strangulate all outspoken dissenters, and will crush all resistance.
The will dis-arm their captive populations, and label anyone who stands against their Leviathan system as ‘domestic terrorists’… and use any Nut bar crimes as excuses to push through their agenda…. all to the applause of the Billions of dumbfounded dipshits who themselves *hate* independent libertarian minded individuals who refuse to swim with the flow.

This is a powder keg waiting to blow…. yet the Powers of Evil are playing their game…
The Stakes are as high as they can get!

Obama would love these guys to kill a few cops so that he can paint this whole Libertarian movement as Domestic terrorists and Crush this Patriotic movement, and remove the 2nd amendment.
It is the only thing which prevents an absolute police State in America.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian, Libertarian Independent.

Update: 6/1/16…. Obama is now moving to impose his agenda against the 2nd amendment via ‘executive order’ bi-passing the safeguards of Congressional mandate while admitting the absolute impotence of these measures to achieve the supposed objectives he pretenses to underpin his actions!

“These are not only recommendations that are well within my legal authority and the executive branch, but they are also ones that the overwhelming majority of the American people – including gun owners – support and believe in.” Moments ago, President Barack Obama addressed his meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding new executive actions aimed at tightening gun control.

Posted by Fox News on Monday, January 4, 2016

For my brief commentary…. go here >>> Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

More on this from Tim….

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy: New York Times slander.

The Coming American Civil War.


Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

The Government wants to kill you. They know the end is nigh.

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

The Lust for Power.

No Right to Self-Defence.

Electing Dictators…

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

Putin stashes tonnes of gold, while America burries itself in play money.

Bankrupt Socialist State means urgent need to take care of your own safety and defence.

Riders on the Storm! Homeland Security already confiscating guns .

Christian Father defends 2nd Amendment and Liberty from Oppotunist Tyranny and Reactionary Socialism. Columbine Tragedy

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Doomed! Prison of our own device…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Total Control over You. ‘Good Citizen Sesame Credits.’

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.

The Crisis.

The Battlefield of the Mind. Eternal Vigilance!

Is your mind so small that you have to fall in with the pack wherever they run?

“I will give Thee Power and Glory”… saith Lucifer.


The World is a Vampire.

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.


To The ACC Levy Review Board.

I would like to speak against the currently extortionate ACC levies being born by Kiwi bikers via Motorcycle Registration, and make 3 points aimed to make the system fairer.

Though I personally would rather abolish ACC all together in favor of a Free-market in accident insurance, and that this would make for the best deal for ‘consumers’, I know this is not ‘on the table’ at present…. I make this small disclaimer for the record.

Clearly current Draconian method’s of ‘Zero tolerance’, lower drinking limits, etc have failed.
It’s time New directions are considered, which promote self-responsibility rather than mindless compulsions, and so I submit that ACC needs a new Game plan…


How Ironic…. This officially titled ‘ Safence’ is known as ‘Cheese cutters’ in Biker circles.

Like so many Safety issues…. eg in Industry… The Main hazards are generated on the drawing board… and could have been solved/ greatly reduced from the get go.
From a Bikers perspective it’s clear from the sections of Expressways in the Waikato, and BOP, and in general, that road design in New Zealand takes virtually no consideration for Motorcycles.
They are forever putting up Obstacles.

Dangerous Cable barriers are proliferating… not only on the median, but also often dangerously close on the outside as well… leaving no lane in which a motorcyclist can distance themselves from these vicious hazards.

They leave no room for bikers to take evasive action, and even at slow speeds any otherwise minor error can and does result in a catastrophic accident…
No doubt these cables work well for cars.
No doubt they are cheap to construct, yet as part of my submission, I would like to suggest that such poor designs, and short sighted cost savings on construction are born by bikers…barriers which may protect occupants of cars, are lethal to bikers.
These barriers serve as but one example that to improve statistics on Motorcycle accidents… Road design ought to be a priority.

Thus ACC and the Government who sign off on road designs need to take responsibility for the increased risk we Road users (motorcyclists) unfairly carry, and reduce our Levy’s… and instead spreading the cost across all road users (I also own 2 cars).

Though I personally think ACC should be shut down, while it behooves me to pay ACC I believe that it would be a farer system for ACC to spread all Road user accident expenses collectively… because of factors in my argument above about road design.

My second submission is that on State Highways that are of the best standards that The speed limit for motorcycles be raised to 120 kph.

I believe this would help lower Motorcycle accidents, by encouraging Bikers to enjoy using these ‘Better roads’, rather than thinking they are smart avoiding Mr Cop.… doing 140kph out on country lanes… where the roads are not well designed, and there are more ’Agricultural obstacles ‘ about…. From Cows to Milk Tankers.
I submit that if the Main Highways had a 120kph speed limit that this would result is safer riding… less accidents.

My Final submission is I that ACC itself implement a Bureaucratic cost cutting exercise, and significantly reduce the costs of running ACC.
Reduce the size of the Corporation, and abolish as much Red tape as possible…

This would obviously be expected to result in significantly lower Levies.
Thank you for taking the time to read my submission,and I am available to front up to make a verbal submission.
Tim Wikiriwhi


Read more from Tim….

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

It’s time to pay the Piper Penny Bright! The Hypocrisy of a Lefty Nut Bar.


Auckland Council v Penny Bright: $104,000 legal bill in rates debt battle… NZ Herald.

Auckland Council has racked up more than $100,000 on lawyers in an ongoing battle with activist Penny Bright over $33,372 in unpaid rates and penalties.

The council has hired Simpson Grierson senior litigation partner William Akel to fight a defamation claim by Ms Bright against council chief executive Stephen Town.

Ms Bright has filed a claim for damages of $350,000 against Mr Town for comments he made in a media release last year about taking court action to recover unpaid rates on her house in School Rd, Kingsland.

The release said Ms Bright had made “wild and inaccurate accusations” about the council and its probity as the basis for not paying her fair share for the running of the city.

Figures released to the Herald under the Official Information Act show the council has incurred legal costs of $6416 and “significant” in-house costs to ratepayers for trying to recover Ms Bright’s unpaid rates, which are now owing since 2007.

Read more >>>here<<<.

Anyone who knows my work knows I am passionate about trying to reduce Council Meddling, and spending, and have stood for council many times on these very issues.

If the above story was happening to anyone else *But Penny*, I would support them in their stand.

Rates rapistry is evil, and Resistance is Heroic *UNLESS* you are a Socialist like Penny who thinks Governments and councils should do everything, and give away ‘free stuff’ all the time!

Well Socialism Costs Bigggggggg Buck$! and where does that Loot come from to pay for all these Big ideas?

So Penny is one of these HYPOCRITES who want the government to do everything… yet does not want to *PAY* for her Ideas…
She is suffering at the hands of *A BEAST OF HER OWN POLITICAL CONSTRUCTION*….. Ironic…. and typical that she is oblivious that it is her own nutbar politics that are now chomping down on her on the Butt.
…And costing/raising her neighbors rates in the process to pay for her hypocrisy.

Read moreabout her Grand delusions here Super City: Mayoral candidate Penny Bright

Penny Bright is standing for Auckland mayor in the 2010 local body elections. She provided this statement:

“Thank God when the Nazis invaded France – the French Resistance didn’t just wring their hands and say “Oh well – it’s too late – we can’t do anything.”

Thoughout New Zealand towns and cities, are historically significant marble monuments dedicated to those who left in their khakhi uniforms and never came home.

Is that why 12,500 ANZACs died in Northern France and Belgium?

So the income stream from operating and managing OUR key public infrastructural water services, transport and rubbish collection could be taken over by French multinational company Veolia – without OUR consent?

Without a shot being fired – this Auckland ‘$UPERCITY is a blatant corporate raid, aimed at seizing control and privatising over $28 billion worth of Auckland regional public assets.

This has been another Rogernomic$ blitzkreig, pushed by big business, in order to run the Auckland region, ‘like a business, by business, for business’.

How business will take over is through the corporate ‘Council Controlled Organisation’ (CCO) model, into which 75% of Auckland regional rates will be paid, run by boards of unelected business appointees, over which the public have no direct control.
The other Mayoral candidates who support – or are not opposed to the CCO model – therefore support this corporate takeover.

The corporate agenda is to ‘commercialise, corporatise – then PRIVATISE these public assets through long-term leases via Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Although the infrastructure may remain in public ownership – the income stream from operating and managing the asset will flow (usually overseas) into the banks of private shareholders.
The aim of the $upercity is to replace thousands of private ‘piggy in the middle’ snouts with fewer but bigger multinational snouts – into a bigger public trough.

This political battle isn’t between ‘left’ and ‘right’.
It’s between the corporates and the public, and those who serve their interests. ”

Sorry Penny…. It is about ‘Left and Right’ and you are a communist who does not want to pay her share…. its as simple as that.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.


Update 5-10-18.
It is with some sadness that I read of her passing.
In such times Politics should be set aside… She sure was a Battler!

Ex Mayor of Auckland John Banks visits Penny in Hospital.

Read: John Banks takes the hand of Penny Bright and says there is no bigger fighter

More from Tim…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Hamilton City Rates System Review 2011. Where I Stand.

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

Wikiriwhi for Hamilton Mayor.

If only Hamiltonians had listened to me. Your 38 million dollar mistake!

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Epiphany. The penny drops for Don Brash…. Welfare is evil, and is destroying lives….and society.


Welfarism is Evil!
Don Brash has been reading….

I congratulate Don for these realizations (see his facebook post Below) …it’s just a pity he’s no longer leader of the National party. (Did I really say that?… hmmm…. no that cant be right!)
My point is that Oh so many leaders seem to ‘conveniently’ have such Epiphanies after they leave office/ positions of influence… where they may have been able to do some good.
No longer pandering to the powers that be, Police chiefs declare the war on drugs to be a failure…. after they leave office, etc.
Politicians get all principled…. after they are no longer soliciting votes.

They come out all Libertarian…. in their farewell address.
Yet still better late than never!

To be fair to Don…. He stood up for many Libertarian truths *while in office*, such as opposition to Waitangi Apartheid while leader of the National party.
He bravely spoke against Cannabis prohibition as Leader of Act.
And of course as a money man… hes always condemned the ‘borrow borrow, spend spend, mentality of the left.
All bold stands in today’s PC Brain dead Socialist lunatic asylum…all these make him a Stand out personality in the history of New Zealand politics.

My question is…. what will Don do with this latest realization?
It really is massive.
Lets hope this is stimulus for New and Greater activism!

Go Hard Don!

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Don Brash
3 hrs •
I have just finished reading a profoundly disturbing book. I bought it 10 years ago, but have only just read it. It’s called “The Welfare State we’re in”, and was written by James Bartholomew. It is about the effect of the welfare state on the UK. Mr Bartholomew concludes that “the welfare state has been a disaster for Britain… [It] has ruined lives and left people morally and culturally impoverished. It has left many depressed and alienated, too. It has caused some to become criminals – a waste of a life – and others to be the victims of criminals. It has spoiled trust between people and caused millions of patients to suffer and to worry. Tens of thousands have died prematurely. It has reduced the decency and happiness of the British people”.
And perhaps most worrying of all, he concludes that the people most adversely affected by the welfare state are the very people it was designed to help – the poor and those on low incomes.
I’m not going to try to summarise a 360 page book in a Facebook post but to me the book is utterly persuasive. He looks at the way in which healthcare, education, provision for support in old age, benefits to the unemployed, provision of “council housing”, together with the high taxation and slow economic growth which have inevitably accompanied the vast expansion of the welfare state, have made the intended beneficiaries of those policies worse off than had the welfare state never existed.
I have no doubt that this post will attract a number of people keen to denounce the book as written by some hard-right guy who just doesn’t understand how awful society would be without the welfare state. And no doubt there will be those who denounce me for praising the book, assuming I like it only because, in their view, I am a “hard-right” former politician. To those people I say: have the guts, and the integrity, to read the book before denouncing it. It is extremely compelling.
Mr Bartholomew has just written another book, this time called “The Welfare of Nations”, which apparently attempts to answer the question “If the welfare state is so bad, what should we do about it?” That is next on my reading list.

From >>>Here<<<.... Please take the time to encourage him to again Step up and *Do something* He's a mover and a shaker.... New Zealand desperately needs Guys like him to act. ************************************ Read more.... A Salute to a Kiwi Hero. Don Brash.

Don, you da man!

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Imbecile Nations watch Greece crumbling… yet fail to grasp the lesson, and modify their own institutions.


Take a good look at what has happened in Greece.
It is happening all about western Socialist democracies, and the same fate will happen here too… eventually because New Zealand is governed by the same Economic and social lunacy.

The Ever expanding State, along with it’s ever expanding debts, and ever expanding injustices, is a consequence of not setting strict limits to Government spheres of action.

The world economy is in a very precarious state which could collapse at any moment, yet even if it takes 20 more years of Nutty Labour/ National Socialism to bankrupt the nation, do you really want your children, and their children to inherit an economy like the one right now in Greece?


That will be the inevitable legacy our foolish generation will bequeath to posterity.
Worse we will have brain washed them into living in matchboxes, and traveling on Public conveyor belts….

The Economic books of the future putting this Mess of Socialist interventionism and Fiat currencies down to a failure of the free markets….

greek mythology

New Zealand needs a New political party which forthrightly argues for great reductions in Government power, spending, etc.

If we *act now*…. so much less will be the Austerity/ misery involved in making the necessary reforms.
The longer things go on… the more severe
the pain and effort required to climb out of the Abyss.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

More from Tim…. Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

No Utopia.

The Coming American Civil War.