Category Archives: Critters


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Come near, you nations, and listen;
    pay attention, you peoples!
Let the earth hear, and all that is in it,
    the world, and all that comes out of it!
The Lord is angry with all nations;
    his wrath is on all their armies.
He will totally destroy them,
    he will give them over to slaughter.
Their slain will be thrown out,
    their dead bodies will stink;
    the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
All the stars in the sky will be dissolved
    and the heavens rolled up like a scroll;
all the starry host will fall
    like withered leaves from the vine,
    like shriveled figs from the fig tree.

My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
    see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
    the people I have totally destroyed.
The sword of the Lord is bathed in blood,
    it is covered with fat—
the blood of lambs and goats,
    fat from the kidneys of rams.
For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah
    and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.
And the wild oxen will fall with them,
    the bull calves and the great bulls.
Their land will be drenched with blood,
    and the dust will be soaked with fat.

For the Lord has a day of vengeance,
    a year of retribution, to uphold Zion’s cause.
Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch,
    her dust into burning sulfur;
    her land will become blazing pitch!
It will not be quenched night or day;
    its smoke will rise forever.
From generation to generation it will lie desolate;
    no one will ever pass through it again.
The desert owl and screech owl will possess it;
    the great owl and the raven will nest there.
God will stretch out over Edom
    the measuring line of chaos
    and the plumb line of desolation.
Her nobles will have nothing there to be called a kingdom,
    all her princes will vanish away.
Thorns will overrun her citadels,
    nettles and brambles her strongholds.
She will become a haunt for jackals,
    a home for owls.
Desert creatures will meet with hyenas,
    and wild goats will bleat to each other;
there the night creatures will also lie down
    and find for themselves places of rest.
The owl will nest there and lay eggs,
    she will hatch them, and care for her young
    under the shadow of her wings;
there also the falcons will gather,
    each with its mate.

Look in the scroll of the Lord and read:

None of these will be missing,
    not one will lack her mate.
For it is his mouth that has given the order,
    and his Spirit will gather them together.
He allots their portions;
    his hand distributes them by measure.
They will possess it forever
    and dwell there from generation to generation. (NIV)

He that hath seen me


For an entertaining exercise, name the third person of the Unholy Trinity.

Who is it? Mini-Me? Fat Bastard? Frau Farbissina? Or … ?

Brian Leftow on “One Person Christology” is Glenn Peoples’ latest blog post.

How can a Chalcedonian Christology avoid ending up with Christ being two people? If the divine logos (the second person of the Trinity) combined with a fully functioning human body and soul (which some people take to be the ingredients of a human being), that is surely two people and not one, right?

Commenter Nathan thinks it would be an entertaining exercise “to try and define Logos and Human as classes, and then try and bring them together to get incarnate Jesus.” He adds, “but ultimately it won’t work.”

Class, superclass, subclass, interface, implementation, instantiation, inheritance—these are all concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that represents things in the real world as objects with attributes (“properties”) and abilities (“methods”). In software development, object-oriented programming is the one true way. But in theology?

The theology question of the day is not

How can God be three persons?

but the closely related

How can the Incarnate Christ be only one?

By implementing the Human interface, that’s how! Not sure if serious or trolling? I’m serious. I think everything is software.

(Incoming! Genetic fallacy! “When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” you say. “You’re a progr(h)ammer, Richard, so *of course* everything looks like software to you!” Nice try but no chocolate fish. Thales was not a tap.)

I’ll try to elaborate. But there’s a problem. Whereas the procedural paradigm is intuitive, the object-oriented paradigm is counter-intuitive. I started out in the procedural paradigm. Next stop, bitter experience. That’s when I made the paradigm shift. But it wasn’t easy explaining the object-oriented paradigm to myself then, and it won’t be easy explaining it to you now. That’s the problem. But I’ll try to elaborate.

I don’t always determine the meaning of a word by looking at its etymology, but when I do I look at the etymology of the word ‘logic’. The word ‘logic’ derives from the Greek λόγος or Logos, which has no exact translation but means, roughly, “reason, idea, word”. But Logos is the second person of the Trinity. Christ is Logos.

God is the author of the logic of the world, and his son is the expression of this logic.

So says philospher Nicholas F. Gier. Now, what is software but an expression of logic? Think about it.

In the beginning was the Code, and the Code was with God, and the Code was God.

Controversial? Heretical? Or just plain bat-shit crazy? No more so than the Logos Christology of the Gospel of John is any of those things.

A brain (and the body housing it) and a mind (the software running on it) are what constitutes a human person. Christ Incarnate was a human person. He was simultaneously the second person of the Trinity. How come he was not two persons, but just one? Simple. He was running different software. You and I instantiate the class DomesticatedPrimate. Christ Incarnate instantiated the class Logos. Christ is the class Logos. He instantiated himself.

An interface is an abstract class that defines a set of abstract methods. The Human interface is an abstract class that defines what it is to be human in terms of distinctively human attributes and distinctively human abilities. The classes DomesticatedPrimate and Logos have this in common. They both implement the Human interface.

That’s my destructive heresy for today. I’m not teaching it, mind. Just putting it out there.

OOP or Oops!? Be sure to let me know in the comments.


Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.


No doubt Dotcoms claim of $6m will cause plenty of whinging… Good!!!!
I think it’s Nobel of Dotcom to pledge any $$$ he receives to Charity (less expenses) from his Law suit against the criminal activities of the GCSB, The Police, and PM John Key… yet even if he pocketed it all…. I would still Salute him for the righteousness of his claims…even though as a taxpayer… I am footing the bill… not John Key.
I say this because We are responsible for the arseholes we elect. (When I say *We*… I mean *you* Chumps who voted National… and you chumps who did not vote National but still support the Anti-libertarian status quo!)
I say this because such gross abuses of power… against any Human being…. whether Citizen, Resident, or visitor… cannot justly be without recompense, and so by hitting JK… and his Goons… and his Tax slaves hard… Dotcom serves up a reality pill which… unless the sheep are too dopey to apprehend…. ought to send shock waves through the corridors of power!
The hurting Sheeple… The Tax slaves who must foot the bill…. ought to be pissed enough about it…. not at the victim… Dotcom…. but at the Corrupt Bastards in power who perpetrated this crime against Dotcom to square a secret deal John Key had made with Hollywood for the sake of getting the Hobbit filmed in New Zealand.
The Tax slaves ought to demand *Heads to Roll* for such an injustice and financial screw up… In the GCSB…. IN the Police…. and most importantly *in the Beehive*
John Key must be forced to resign.
It was his office which authorised this Politically motivated crime!
If New Zealanders fail to rise up …. they will feul the Arseholes into thinking they can do whatever they like…. without fear of consequences from the Sheeple.
*By Suing John Key and Co…. Dotcom is working to protect all our rights from such criminal activities in the future!*

Now I am not saying that Punishing John Key and National means voting for that other bunch of a complete Dooshbags… Labour…Greens… Maori…. etc!!!
It’s time for New Zealanders to vote for a new party of principle…. one that respects Equality, Liberty, and Justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

>>>>Dotcom set to claim $6m<<<< Read more... >>>>The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

>>>> Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid. <<<<

A star you can trust

Big props to Grant Hall of the Star Trust. A formal statement will be made by the Star Trust on this issue by the end of the week.

I think what Grant says, on behalf of the industry, is good enough. It’s honest. And it’s better than we had any right to expect. Not good enough? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

But problems remain.

The Star Trust should never have been put in a position where its spokesman had to make such a statement. That no animal testing shall be required should have been written explicitly into the Psychoactive Substances Act. It’s not too late to leave animals out altogether. Be on the march next Tuesday 30 July.

The Star Trust is funded by private contributions from individuals and industry members who support drug policy reform, but operates as an independent entity being audited and overseen by a Board of Trustees. This allows us to represent the industry and to monitor a voluntary code of conduct for responsible operators.

A voluntary code of conduct for responsible operators? I’m all in favour of industry self-regulation and the good work of the Star Trust. But what about the irresponsible operators? The people who not so long ago were happy selling K2 to children via local dairies? They didn’t follow a voluntary code of conduct then. They won’t follow one now.

Die Like a Beagle


Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is:
“Because the animals are like us.”

Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is:
“Because the animals are not like us.”

Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction.

— Charles R. Magel

Party pills testing will mean dogs have to die. That was the headline when what is now the Psychoactive Substances Act made its first splash in the Parliamentary pan. Thanks to public protest and some hard work by the Greens and a few like-minded Labour MPs there are now tight restrictions on the use of animal testing in the legislation. I think the Act now states that where there are alternatives to animal tests, those alternatives must be used. But what if there are no alternatives?

The Act establishes a Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority within the Ministry of Health. But the Psychoactive Substances Regulations aren’t in place yet. We know that manufacturers will be required to provide “sufficient pre-clinical and clinical information to satisfy an independent expert advisory committee that the product poses no more than a low risk of harm.” But we don’t know what that information is yet. And the devil is in the details.

The bottom line is that there is still no clause in the Act that guarantees that suppliers of psychoactive substances will NOT be required to test those substances on animals. There’s been a lot of sound and fury in Parliament, signifying nothing. The Psychoactive Substances Act is still a turd. Let’s flush it.

Please join me in protest on Tuesday 30 July. That’s when Parliament’s back. In Wellington there is a march organised by HUHA. The strategy is to come out strong and show our Parliamentarians that we’re not happy the moment they return.



Vote AGAINST the Psychoactive Substances Bill

Dear MP,

Please vote AGAINST the Psychoactive Substances Bill.

Animals must not experience suffering for economic or entertainment reasons.

It is morally abhorrent to me, as it is to John Banks and all right-thinking people, “that animals will be in pain and will die all in the name of people wanting to take drugs on the weekend.”

Not in my name.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Goode
Christian libertarian (who wants to take drugs on the weekend)


“Stoner Dog” is just an Internet meme. Let’s keep him that way!

Please email your MPs today with your message, here is a list of names and email addresses.


John Banks <>

(OK, so John Banks doesn’t need any convincing, but you could try to convince him it would be a good idea to legalise cannabis. He’s been known to change his mind on human rights issues before.)


Russel Norman <>
Metiria Turei <>
Steffan Browning <>
David Clendon <>
Catherine Delahunty <>
Julie Genter <>
Kennedy Graham <>
Kevin Hague <>
Gareth Hughes <>
Jan Logie <>
Mojo Mathers <>
Denise Roche <>
Eugenie Sage <>
Holly Walker <>


Peter Dunne <>
Brendan Horan <>


Jacinda Ardern <>
Carol Beaumont <>
David Clark <>
Clayton Cosgrove <>
David Cunliffe <>
Clare Curran <>
Lianne Dalziel <>
Ruth Dyson <>
Kris Faafoi <>
Darien Fenton <>
Phil Goff <>
Chris Hipkins <>
Raymond Huo <>
Shane Jones <>
Annette King <>
Iain Lees-Galloway <>
Andrew Little <>
Moana Mackey <>
Nanaia Mahuta <>
Trevor Mallard <>
Sue Moroney <>
Damien Oconnor <>
David Parker <>
Rajen Prasad <>
Grant Robertson <>
Ross Robertson <>
David Shearer <>
Su’a William Sio <>
Maryan Street <>
Rino Tirikatene <>
Phil Twyford <>
Louisa Wall <>
Meka Whaitiri <>
Megan Woods <>


Hone Harawira <>


Pita Sharples <>
Tariana Turia <>
Te Ururoa Flavell <>


Amy Adams <>
Shane Ardern <>
Chris Auchinvole <>
Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi <>
Maggie Barry <>
David Bennett <>
Paula Bennett <>
Chester Borrows <>
Simon Bridges <>
Gerry Brownlee <>
Cam Calder <>
David Carter <>
Jonathan Coleman <>
Judith Collins <>
Jacqui Dean <>
Bill English <>
Chris Finlayson <>
Craig Foss <>
Paul Foster-Bell <>
Paul Goldsmith <>
Jo Goodhew <>
Tim Groser <>
Nathan Guy <>
Claudette Hauiti <>
John Hayes <>
Phil Heatley <>
Tau Henare <>
Paul Hutchison <>
Steven Joyce <>
Nikki Kaye <>
John Key <>
Colin King <>
Melissa Lee <>
Sam Lotu-Iiga <>
Tim Macindoe <>
Todd McClay <>
Murray McCully <>
Ian McKelvie <>
Mark Mitchell <>
Alfred Ngaro <>
Simon Oconnor <>
Hekia Parata <>
Jami-Lee Ross <>
Eric Roy <>
Tony Ryall <>
Mike Sabin <>
Katrina Shanks <>
Scott Simpson <>
Nick Smith <>
Lindsay Tisch <>
Anne Tolley <>
Chris Tremain <>
Louise Upston <>
Nicky Wagner <>
Kate Wilkinson <>
Maurice Williamson <>
Michael Woodhouse <>
Jian Yang <>
Jonathan Young <>


Asenati Lole-Taylor <>
Tracey Martin <>
Denis O’Rourke <>
Winston Peters <>
Richard Prosser <>
Barbara Stewart <>
Andrew Williams <>
