Category Archives: Indoctrination

The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)


^^^^This Video is very interesting as it gives us an insight into how The pseudo scientific theory of Abiogenesis has been constructed so as to appear ‘Believable’…. It even has a Power point display featuring the timeline when Dr Szostak authoritatively asserts that a certain experiment made faith in the Fabled Primitive ‘RNA Cell’ ‘believable! …The RNA World hypothesis…. Gilbert 1986.
It must be remembered that this so-called primitive RNA cell is a complete fabrication of their imagination and that no such cells exist. It’s a lot like the tooth fairy. 😀

It is also worth noting that looking at cells as the really are…ie DNA Cells… Dr Szotak admits that they are staggering complex…. rendering absurd faith in the plausibility of Abiogenesis.
To avoid this scientific fact… they have invented a fictitious entity and deemed it to be the primitive ‘simple cell’.

simple cell

What is valuable to witness in that video is the *Rationalizations at work*…. The way reality is avoided, and a fake reality conjured up…. Its like a Magic show.
And those who have been Steeped in Naturalism their whole lives don’t even notice they are being led down the garden path because of the method employed to propagate the faith.
Simply by attaching the word ‘Modern’ to cells as they are found to be in reality… they sucker the gullible Devotees into fantasizing about a time billions of years ago when cells were ‘primitive’…. and ‘simple’.
These types of arbitrarily imposed declarations go on all day every day in Evolutionary theory …. eg like we are taught to think of Reptiles as having not merely different brains to us… but ‘Primitive brains’… are Pre-loaded with evolutionary Bents which are completely unfounded… complete fabrications… complete conjecture…. completely subjectively determined by the Darwinian predisposition of the scientists, and are not objectively valid as scientific fact.

We see The Evolutionists arguing from ignorance and Parading in the Gaps. eg when Dr Szostak presents what he calls circumstantial evidence for belief in ‘Primitive RNAA Cells’ he first points to what he calls ‘the working part of the Molecule’ and then next points a connected ‘Nucleotide’… which he says is there ‘for no apparent reason’ and asks ‘What’s it doing there?’… and then proceeds from ignorance to say ‘the best’ way to make sense of that is that it is ‘a handle’… what he now deems it to be a Relic from its primitive past…
Why does he say this Conjecture ‘the best explanation’???
Simply because it an opportunity for him to impose his pre-disposition into this gap… this ignorance of what purpose/ reason why that Nucleotide is there.

This is how Pseudo-scientific Superstitions are germinated, tended, and Believed.

My Remarks above only cover the first quarter of this video.
I will make more tomorrow.
It’s bed time.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Read More….

That moment when they begin to explain that Abiogenesis is not Spontaneous Generation.

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!


The main topic of this post is the use and abuse of mathematics.
By ‘abuse’ I mean using math in such a way as to deceive people into believing falsehoods.

Though I am not by any stretch of the imagination a skilled Mathematician, I am an Engineer, and so I appreciate Math.
Engineering is applied Math and Science.
Engineering is ‘generally speaking’ a very ‘Grounded’ discipline… while there is at times the need for innovation and experiment, It is more often Methodical.
There is little room for wild speculation, with expensive equipment and material, and so it’s use of Math is very ‘pure’… righteous … and exact.

Engineer at work on a Lathe… Applied Science and Maths… without wild conjecture or speculation.

When making components I often rely on gauges and dials on my machines, calculating precisely what I want the machine tool to do so as to end up with a work piece which will do the job it is supposed to.
Many jobs are done to very fine tolerances so as to achieve the necessary ‘fit’.
Using high tolerance measuring gear the engineer must decide what degree of rotation on a hand wheel will result in infinitesimal perfection.
Like a captain navigating a ship in the Dark, or a Pilot flying through a storm,
Math becomes essential in Engineering situations where you must ‘fly blind’…for eg when a cutting tool is turning out internal details deep within a work piece.
Like a pilot flying in a storm… Often the Machinist cant see much at all, and must rely on his dials and hand wheels to make very precise and calculated sets of moves.
The smallest errors can result in catastrophe, either in the form of an industrial accident during production of the component, or a failure for it to fit, function or perform when the time comes for it to serve the purpose for which it was designed.

Thus I appreciate just how wonderful Math is as a tool for man in applied science… esp for high accuracy and for working in situations beyond sight verification.
It gets results!
This is applied math at it’s purest and best… firstly because in these applications theory is practically proven beyond any doubt, ….Being well understood and fundamentally ‘Secular’ …as the term is properly understood ….there is no need for wild conjecture or speculations….in this sense it is very mundane, and secondly because of the advances made in this type of applied science and math, which has resulted in the greatest benefits to mankind… and advances in almost every other field of Human Endeavour… for example in astronomy.
Yet alas technical advances are impotent to improve the spiritual condition of Humanity, and instead Mankind’s corrupt nature consistently employs even the greatest of Arts into the most terrible evils and infernal purposes.

The Engineering advances in the development of the telescope serves as an excellent example of how ‘basic’ technical advances led to the expansion of human knowledge of our Universe…. The higher degree of accuracy to which a telescope is made, (and calibrated), the better observations the astronomer can make.
Yet man being man new technical advances not only brought greater knowledge and apprehension, but also brought new opportunities for Man to exercise his vanity and capacity for delusion!


What I am about to talk about now is a very different way in which math is often used … In domains where wild Political and mythical speculations are countenanced, being tailored to accommodate the most Rabid and biased agendas …and even revered as the work of genius…. Under the guise of ‘scientific hypotheses’.
I would like the reader to consider just how ridiculous is the commonly touted atheist ‘Myth’, that Science has always been the tool of Rationalism against religion, primitive ignorance, and superstition!
An Objective survey of the march of Materialist Naturalism testifies to the fact that any pretence that Science may be understood to be the advance of truth against religious superstition is a very naive proposition indeed!

The truth is that on one hand no purely technical scientific advance has ever been in conflict with Religious belief… or placed true religion/ biblical Christianity in any retreat whatsoever!
This Atheist contention that the advance of Science has been squeezing God and Supernaturalism out of existence is patently false.
I will have to leave my explanations for this to another Blog post, It will have to suffice for now to say that this belief stems from a misguided yet historic trend which followed the Enlightenment, and also that this atheist assertion as it stands today is not founded upon the solid rock of science proper…like engineering is, but relies totally upon wild conjecture… upon ‘impure usage of mathematics… and ‘Pseudo-scientific theory’….all of which are expressly designed to prop up and legitimize an absolutely unscientific ideological bent..
And this type of agenda driven pseudo scientific theory is also visibly operational in political arena as well… eg Climate change.
On this subject, I suggest readers go and listen to the arguments of Climate change skeptic Lord Monkton… He is very critical about the Warmist’s Math!

There are many things which can and do corrupt real and genuine scientific objectivity, and ideology, and vested interests… Bigotry, Profit, and power over the minds… and lives of humanity… are all at work today, and have utterly corrupted science so as to render the world to be filled not with light… but with utter confusion… and darkness.

All too often the most wild of hypotheses are quickly christened ‘facts’… and are then wielded as clubs to bludgeon and crush dissenting opinion and scepticism of the powers that be.
And In academic circles today it is the Socialists and the Materialist Atheists whom occupy the Seats of Power … and who maintain their position via this corrupt means of employing Mass Pseudo scientific Propaganda… and by every means at their disposal …they actively protest and prohibit any opposition to their Naturalistic Cosmology, to their ‘orthodox medicines, to their environmentalism, etc etc.
Anyone questioning the Priests of Naturalism and Socialism receive similar treatment to Galileo when he argued for a Heliocentric model of the solar system !
How Ironic! 

Now it’s time for me to vindicate myself, yet let me confess to being not only ‘an amateur’ in the subject of Math, but also of having but a rudimentary apprehension of the modern methods, claims, and discoveries in field of Astronomy.
Just as I have done with Politics, Philosophy, and History, I have had to content my interest in Astronomy by reading the odd book, by watching The News, and Discovery channel, by chatting with friends in the smoko table or on line… and by Reading articles in Papers and magazines. And though I have been actively doing so for most of my 46 years, I must say that I do not pretend to be an expert, and what follows is purely based upon the limits of such an eclectic and non-professional assimilation of Data.
And these are my current thoughts on these matters, and I will be more than happy to modify my position should Good reason be provided by some critique.

Modern Astronomy = Modern Astrology!

Mankind had advanced virtually as far as possible in Earthbound Astronomy using ordinary optics, and the micrometer, when advances in Electronics, rocketry and the advent of Computers literally opened up New Horizons.

Mankind’s powers have been greatly magnified, yet still we remain trapped in our own self-destructive nature.
War has become so much more terrible, Thefts have become more massive, Tyranny has become more pervasive, and Mythology has become cloaked in White overcoats, and statistics.
We live in the Era of ‘Computer Modeling’ which can be a fantastic tool for running massive math calculations and other chores… yet like everything of Human construction it is not Free of the Human Factor… and so these things… including Mathematics (which play a major part in Computer modelling) can become a powerful tool of Propaganda… for selling Ideology to the Masses, and also can be a form of self delusion… by those who honestly believe their own fancy footwork is something more than mere conjecture and thereby unjustly elevate their hypotheses in the domain of proven *scientific fact*… of unquestionable truth which is supposed to discredit alternative theories and propositions.
We live in times when it is a form of blasphemy to question anything deemed to be a *scientific fact*

One Book… the title of which is ‘How to lie using statistics’ is ‘recommended reading’ in Libertarian circles, and I even own a copy, yet I have not actually read it.
Still it’s Title incorporates a truth that has relevance to a debate I am having regarding the naturalistic theory of the Big bang and evolution of the cosmos which tries to explain the formation of our Home planet the Earth , the solar system, the Moon, etc via the forces of nature, eliminating any need for belief in, or the interventions of a Creator God.

In a recent face book debate, I have been asked to explain the scepticism I expressed about this Naturalistic explanation, and the latest claims by astronomers using the latest techniques to discover new worlds.
I am particularly critical of the latest claims that there are probably billions of ‘Earths’ in the universe… ie the speculation that our planet is in no way special, and that belief in extra terrestrial life is somehow supported by mathematical probability… via the same process of naturalistic Evolution which are supposed by Atheists and materialists to have given genesis to life here on Earth.

One of the latest developments in astronomy which has become possible via the powers of exactitude, and Mass calculations afforded by the Technological revolution is the claims that tiny ‘observed’ patterns of orbital perturbations and oscillations in the positions and motions of stars are best explained by the postulation of the gravitational effects of unseen orbiting Planets… solar systems… similar to our own, and without spending my life checking that their methodology is not flawed, and that their equipment is actually capable of such feats… on face value… I have no problem with this basic rationale. I am impressed with the ingenious ways these technologies are being exploited.


If this basic rationale was maintained I would not be writing this blog post, The problem as I see it comes when Astronomers expose their religious Materialistic zeal… and attempt to conflate these discoveries of solar systems with evolutionary theory… esp the Abiogenesis of Life.

See here>>>> 4.5 Billion ‘Alien Earths’ May Populate Milky Way

This corruption is so commonplace that almost every article about Astronomy mentions something about it… eg almost every report from a Mars rover makes some claim that these rovers are vindicating belief that ‘Martians’ probably existed …’Millions of years ago’. ”Mars once had Oceans” “Mars once had potable water”…etc.
From this speculation you are supposed to leap to the conclusion that there were once also Martian ‘fish’.

mars fish

Just as Engineers have ‘fits and limits’… Tolerances within which they can operate successfully … the breadth of which being dependent upon the task at hand… so too do the scientists of Astronomy, yet it is much easier for Astronomers to ‘play loose’, than it is for Engineers…and their maniacal bents mean they are in a habit of so choosing to interpret the data as supporting the notion that a certain observable perturbation in a stars motion indicates the presence of a particular sized planet… which just so happens to be within the so-called “Goldilocks zone” for that Star… *even if the perturbation can also be just as accurately explain in mathematical terms via a ‘less favourable’ set of variables which are just ad valid mathematically yet they would put a different massed planet either Too close or too far away to claim they have discovered a ‘Goldilocks planet.’
I proffer this argument both from experience of knowing just how often scientists meddle with data until they ‘prove’ their own theories… and because I know a larger planet at a greater distance will generate the same perturbation as a smaller planet at a closer distance… with the same orbital duration.

(Note: Orbits can be very complex… extreme… pendulum-like yet for near circular orbits Mass x speed determines orbital distance… too slow the orbit will decay/fall…. too fast the object will escape/move further out)

Me thinks that ‘Materialist Astronomers will tend to play with this extremely broad parameter… and suggest that a said perturbation indicates the existence of an ‘Earth like’ planet orbiting a said star… simply by arbitrarily choosing ‘convenient dimensions’ and by going to ether the inner or outer extremes of tolerance the received Data will allow so as to put the planet conveniently within what they consider to be the ‘goldilocks zone’ for that star.
It is most telling that these Astronomers are without doubt engaging in ideological propaganda because they just as easily say the perturbations are being caused by Mars-like planets!… yet that does not have the same Evolutionary wet dream ….Sex appeal!
I can make this assertion because Mars is said to be within the tolerances of the goldilocks zone for our Sun too …that’s how broad a tolerance the astronomers set for this ‘idea’… and We are bombarded with propaganda from NASSA that they consider Mars to be ‘a goldilocks planet.
They justify the spending of Billions of extorted Tax dollars upon the grand delusion that Space exportation is a noble Endeavour in the quest for the discovery of the origin of Life. And The Billions of Dumbfounded dipshits… swallow this line and submit to their slavery!

The fact remains that it’s not so mystical to make the claim that the latest discoveries of Planets prove the existence of Billions of ‘Mar’s like’ planets… that is not sensational at all!
It is however extremely sensational to say the data supports the idea of ‘Billions of Earths’!… and yet this is a purely arbitrary statement!
Via this rationale Mars must be deemed to be ‘Earth-like’… and yet from this we can apprehend just how bogus such a claim really is!


The original Idea of the planetary goldilocks zone is actually *a theistic ID idea*.
The premise being that God placed the Earth in the Ideal orbit to sustain life.
This is a very devastating idea to Naturalistic atheism as it is one of many amazing factors about the Earth which the atheists must assume is not a matter of intelligent design but another ‘fortunate accident’…

Now lets look at what these sorts of Mathematical shinnaganism really means.
Is this a valid scientific modus opperandi or theory?
Not at all! Their theories are non-falsifiable because when they can jiggy the numbers to almost any Astronomical extreme… until they arrive at something pleasing to their preconceptions… and then declare the numbers add up… that’s not science!

And astronomy is filled to the brim with such conjectures… which are deemed to be established facts… simply because they ‘add up’.

Another example to further substantiate my point that Astronomers (and others) ‘play games with numbers and then pretend this is science , lets look at a current theory in respect to the formation of the Moon via a collision of another planet with Earth.

moon formation

Scientists set up a computer model and run through a whole series of variables/ scenarios… different size ‘Planet X’ traveling at various velocities …until they narrowed down the variables to a set which when run through the computer appears to give them a pattern which somewhat resembles the Earth and the moon ‘as they assume these bodies would have been like… and then they call a press conference… or write an article for ‘Nature’ declaring they have ‘evidence’ which supports their hypothesis that the Moon was created via a collision with imaginary ‘Planet X’ and the Earth… xxx years ago!
Now many reading this will say “what’s wrong with that?”
“It applies the laws of physics and mathematics and comes up with a working explanation!???”

The problem with this type of ‘science’ is that it was *a foregone conclusion*….even before they began to run the program, that they would eventually get a favourable scenario because when you are at liberty to feed into such programs whatever variables you like that one of these sets will inevitably produce the required Masses and forces to ‘prove’ their hypothesis! Ie this virtual experiment is *Non-falsifiable* … you simply ‘boogie the Masses and velocities until you get ‘a brew’ which satisfies your demands… and then argue that Planet x was such and such a size and it was travelling at such and such a speed…. And yet this whole exercise was nothing more than mathematical gymnastics!

Now that you apprehend the dubious nature of such methodology let me apply this insight to explain just one of the reasons why I am very sceptical about the latest claims of Materialist astronomers using computer modelling etc to make such claims as to have already found ‘Earth-like’ planets orbiting other stars… and further inferring that the earth is not amazingly Unique… but merely one of Billions.

Let me now explain the motive behind why Astronomers are determined to make people believe the universe is filled ‘Earths’ rather than ‘Mars’s’ .
They are playing the ultimate statistical numbers scam of them all!

One of the largest problems Materialist/ Naturalist/ Evolutionist/ atheist have is that advances in technology have not only greatly increase our powers to investigate the vastness of the Universe, but has also greatly increase our ability to investigate the Microscopic… the infinitesimal… and to the horror of the Atheist what has been revealed is not the simplicity they had postulated… and require for their Naturalistic theories of the spontaneous generation of life!

The cell compared to a Factory.

Indeed the advances in real science have done the very opposite…Looking at the Cell, they have reveled a mind blowing complexity! Thus with the advance of science the hopes and dreams of atheists ought to have faded… as the magnitude of improbability of the spontaneous generation of life is today beyond rational belief, yet instead of abandoning their unscientific superstition… they are hell bent on fixing the numbers… so that their wild and irrational belief in Atheism …appears more rational than it really is.
And to do this they Need either Billions of Earths… Or Billions of ‘Universes’.
Without writing another 3000 words to explain this I point out that the odds of life spontaneously generating on Earth have been described as *Infinitely improbable!*

Read about this improbability on my blog post here …

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Yet rather than be despondent about any of this, the Hard as nails fanatical atheist instead have postulated myriads of mythical Earth-like planets… and or infinite numbers of Universe occupying ‘other dimensions’! (and yet they have the cheek to deride theists for belief in Heaven!)


Modern Technology and the growing *real scientific knowledge* about Reality has forced Atheist Naturalists into the most extreme absurdities and Math shenanigans… to maintain their atheism… and they know it!
What this gimmick does is not make the spontaneous generation of life any less fantastic… but dupes the fanatical Materialist into a false sense of certainty…reasoning that if a truckload of 1 000 000 dice get tossed 1 000 000 000 000 times or more that simply by chance every now and then on particular throws… all the dices will fall six face up!… by pure chance!
They are so enthralled by this hope… their entire atheist faith has come to depends upon it being true… and as they have no hope of finding other universes …they today scan the heavens with the express determination of discovering billions of Earth-like planets … because to their way of thinking just finding one other earth-like planet improves the odds for their deranged faith by 50%!
It does not make the appearance of life by natural means any easier… but by a quirk of mathematics it doubles the opportunity for fate to smile!… and the atheist are betting the farm on this! They are so insane as to believe that if they can prove that billions of ‘Earths’ exist that this would somehow move the belief in The spontaneous generation of life from an absolute absurdity into an absolute certainty!
This surely must rank as the greatest majic trick of all time!
If ever there was a pseudo science… this must be the king of them all!
And knowing this powerful ulterior motive is a driving force in astronomy, is why we should be very wary of these latest claims that astronomers have already ‘discovered’ Earth-like planets. They have serious vested interests to make such wild claims…in the vain attempt to add credibility to their absurd Atheism and to rescue Naturalistic Evolution and Materialism from the dustbin where the latest discoveries of Biology indicate such superstitions belong.
The Idea that science has liberated Mankind from superstition via Naturalism and Materialism is a ridiculous joke!
Modern Astronomy differs little from the astrologers of old… in its superstitious notions.
Modern atheists academics are absolute hypocrites! They are barely distinguishable from the Superstitious Luddites of old whom they say resisted every scientific advance. Today it is the priests of Atheism whom rail against the appointment of any Free-thinkers as teacher… whom reject the absolute Religious Naturalistic orthodoxy of our day!
Just look at the extremes to which the will go to combat investigation of the alternative explanations… that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
King James Bible believer. Dispensationalist. Libertarian.

god created

One of the aspects of the Atheist quest to find life in outer space which I left out of this post is the fact that they stretch the so-called Goldilocks zone to the greatest extremes, and even justify the wildest speculation about life spontaneously Abiogenesising in the most Bizarre and harsh environments such as on Saturn’s Moon Titan, and Jupiter’s Europa… both of which do not fall into what is deemed to be the Goldilocks Zone for our Star by presenting examples of Life living under extreme conditions here on Earth… such as in the Darkest depths of the ocean by volcanic vents, or in Acid, or near boiling pools.

What this proves is that there is virtually no limit to the extremes these atheists will go to convince the world of the Atheistic theory for the Origin of life. All talk of the Goldilocks zone is in fact rendered meaningless. They prove this by making claims about abiogenesis on planets and moons which are’n even in the zone.
NASA Team Investigates Complex Chemistry at Titan

NASA experiment indicates possibility of life on Saturn’s moon Titan

The possibility of life on Europa

Update 2

Update:3 This just in…. so here we have the same game being exposed in yet another field… not only are astronomers, Evolutionists, and climatologists playing funky with Maths…. so are Economists….


Read more here:

Thrash Punks invented Global Warming Doomsday… in 1987.

The Plasmatics.

Maggots: The Record is the fourth and final studio album released by punk / metal band The Plasmatics in 1987. The album was released as a special “9th Anniversary Album”. Despite being called a “Plasmatics” album, it is often regarded as another Wendy O. Williams solo album, largely in part because her name is over that of the band, the merchandise for the tour has the WOW logo from her solo career, and the only other original member is Wes Beech on rhythm guitar.
Maggots: The Record was recorded in 1987 and is a concept album set 25 years in the future, where environmental abuse and the burning of fossil fuels have created a greenhouse effect, leading to an end of the world scenario.
Read more…

To really appreciate this Album you need to get a glow on…:-)

The Death of TRUTH (nz). Step away from the window. Go Back to sleep.


Pay no mind what other voices say
They don’t care about you
Like I do
Like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See they don’t give a **** about you
Like I do

Just stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

‘ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I’ll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I’ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
One and the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself

Swaying to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drum ….

Lyrics from Perfect Circles ‘Pet’.

I am *Very Sorry* to hear that after 125 years the Truth is going out of Biz… It was one of the few truly Independent Media voices in New Zealand.
It was Tits out!…. It covered ‘Nude’ stories the mainstream Media intentionally ignores for the sake of maintaining and pandering to the delusions of the ‘Populus’… the Mob.
It was Raw… seedy…. Real!
With the Truth gone there will be no *Real Free Press* left in NZ. Only Retarded State arse kissing PC wowzer Status quo Nannyist socialist Rubbish which functions like it’s a branch of government.


We will be reduced to Freedom blogs, and ‘Scoop NZ’ … and yet these rely heavily on Non professional Independent activists to supply their take on things.

Stuff article>>>> The Truth newspaper to stop publishing
The Death of the Truth Really is an indictment on just how mediocre minded and sheepish New Zealanders really are.
They are not interested in Independent thinking.
They lap up Reality TV… the kardashians… the Breakfast shows… and they Religiously worship Nanny State.
They believe all lifes problems have political solutions.
They believe in Totalitarian regulation of everything.
They absolutely deny an individual has inalienable rights which ought to be protected from Mobocratic power…. etc etc…

This is a society which tollerates Racist Law and Government.
This is a society of slaves which allows Rapacious Government to fleese them of 80% of their earnings and to give it to lazy bums who cant be bothered getting out of bed in the morning.
This is a society which allows the government to treat us all like children… banning our toys… etc etc…

In a society of sheep… an Independent Paper cant make enough to dosh to pay the lease.

How did New Zealand become so ‘Institutionalised’????
Read more… Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

And it’s not just NZ but the whole of wester Civilisation!
They have allowed their Governments to become their OverLords… To spy on them… to probe them… to disarm them…

“Goodbye Truth! We have no need of thee BAAAAA BAAAAA”

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

^^^^This is quite funny, yet still the subject matter is mind blowing!

Many people probably mistake all this talk of Neurons, etc as evidence of real understanding.
It’s supposed to make Science ‘Poetic’ and profound yet is really a song of ignorance, myth and superstition.
“Our Reptile Brain”.
“It evolved from the inside out”
Quite pathetic.
This is a Materialist Hymn.
Why would anyone believe this nonsense?

The reality is Science cannot fathom how our Conscious Minds, our Self awareness, and freewill are related to our Grey matter.
They must wax lyrical about ‘Collage explosions’… I assume on the ‘Entertainment systems’ in our heads!

The closest these guys get to the Truth is when they call our Brains.. ‘an enchanted room’.
’20 million volumes of information… A very Big place in a very small space’

The confession… “It is the most mysterious part of our Body”.


The biggest questions of Consciousness are well beyond reach, and as long as modern science remains dominated by Monist Materialism they will never be able to understand the Mind/ Brain paradox because they have willfully shut their minds to non-physical spiritual realities.
I laugh at the ‘all to common’ claims these days that mankind has mastered how the brain works, and Technology … that scientists will within the next 20 years have invented ‘Conscious computers’ which will be capable of thinking ‘human’ thoughts, and ‘feeling’ human emotions.
It is mind boggling that materialists can be so Absurd as to be contemplating ‘ethical issues’ of granting Robots ‘rights’!!!
They have traveled so far into materialist fantasy that they have forgotten the reality that *’Robot’ and ‘Morality’* are Oxymorons!
Morality only being possible for Free willed beings which have a choice, and whom exist in a universe governed by Objective Moral laws.
All these necessities are absolutely alien to Materialist cosmology.


I have said many times before that mankind may one day make an imitation mechanical bird which may be able to fly and sing, and that a person may have trouble identifying it as being a fake… none the less that Machine will never be a real bird.
Likewise with a Humanoid Robot.
They may be clever enough to program a machine with human mannerisms, so that when we interact with it we can believe we are dealing with a living, thinking…even emotional and caring *Person*, but in reality that is all just a gigantic Deception… The Robot will not be alive… will not be conscious, will not be moral, will not care… etc etc…

It is staggering to know that these fundamental truths are completely ignored by materialist thinkers.
What is worse to contemplate is just what materialists believe our life and human consciousness is!
Death, the Materialist must believe is nothing more that ‘pulling the plug on your computer’!
And *you* literally ‘vanish’.
Materialism is one of the most powerful Opiates of them all!
It’s stupefying!
Why do they choose to think this way?
Simply because they desire to subject the whole universe …neatly into their own puny… small minded Naturalistic Rationale.
They allow themselves to be dominated by their own primitive theories.
It makes them feel good.
They refuse to be Objective and admit that there are plenty of things in reality which don’t fit at all well with their materialism.
The moment they admit this to themselves, their entire ‘religion’ falls apart… and that is what materialism is… a falce religion.
The moment a person awakens to the idea that there are greater realities than mere Matter and energy is the day that their subjective scales fall from their eyes and they appreciate spiritual truths, Free will, Consciousness, Love, …Good and evil, etc are not properties of matter… nor ever could be… and they are then in a much better position to appreciate the Amazing truth of the Bible.

Read more…

The Rusty Cage: Scientism


Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand…

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

The False Deity Called Evolution.

Planet of the Apes…whateva. 1Tim6vs20

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Just a few of the vested interests in mantaining Hysteria and the Drug war.

What is the definition of Stupidity?
It’s when someone keeps doing the exactly the Same thing over and over and yet expecting different results!

Question: Has Cannabis prohibition succeeded in keeping Pot off the Streets?
Think hard about this….

The Stats actually prove that Prohibition doe’s absolutely *Nothing* to prevent Cannabis use!
The reality is over 50% of Kiwi’s have ignored the prohibitions and smoked Pot, and the rest simply don’t want to!
Thus the Law does *Zero* to halt drug use, and in fact the stats show that prohibition actually makes our schools etc less safe because of the Criminal monopoly… and vendors who have less scruples about who they sell their drugs to than Legitimate regulated traders.

The NZ Herald reports…‘Dairy drug sales to be banned within weeks’

This is simply a repeat of the failed BZP Prohibition which was only a success… for the Gangs and P dealers!
The truth is the BZP Ban removed a cheaper, and safer alternative to P (Meth amphetamine) …an alternative which many hundreds of Drug users were taking advantage of and thus depriving Criminal organisations of millions of Dollars, and helping the recreational drug user to stay out of trouble with the Law and reducing the negative impact of their drug habits upon their Families… esp in relation to Paying the rent, Putting food on the table, and warm clothing in winter… the Illegal market cost of drugs being astronomical… *while demand remains unchanged.*

People Love to do Drugs!

Alcohol is a Drug!… Of Course the A-Dealers (Alcohol) love these prohibitions too… and you wonder why NZ has a Culture of excessive Drinking and drink related violence and crime!

Yet the Populist politicians and Media never mention these sorts of factors… they pretend they don’t exist.
They continue to maintain the lie that such Nanny State Prohibitions ‘make our communities safer’, and yet no one considers the reality that having Legal sales of drugs actually ‘makes our communities safer!’ and that Prohibition not only works to finance criminal Gangs and results in Underworld crimes between rival gangs, Home invasions trying to steel drugs, Murder and violence when deals go bad, etc etc… it also means more young people end up ‘associating’ with criminal Gangs from whom they buy their drugs.

And this refusal to think through all these negative consequences of ‘the war on drugs’ also panders to the willful bigotry and fear of the Sheeple… whom love tyranny… in the name of oppressing their ‘Jews’… ie the unpopular minorities they have demonized.

Then they wonder why their Teenage sons and daughters don’t want anything to do with them!
Then they blame ‘the drugs’ when their adult Children end up in court and jail on Drug offences!
They never consciously admit to themselves that it is their own bigotry which has now alienated them from their Adult Teenage Kids and has destroyed their lives by allowing the state to take away their rights and liberties, to criminalize them and oppress them!
This is how the Stupidity is perpetuated…
Tyranny is far more harmful to our society than the recreational drugs they fail to control.

What the Government ought to do is simply put an R18 restriction on sales of Party pills and synthetic Cannabis, giving the Dairy owners an incentive to only sell such products to adults.
The also should Legalise Cannabis, and BZP, and Nos!

TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

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Tim Wikiriwhi introducing John Ansell at the Waikato TREATYGATE Presentation, Thursday 16 May, at the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton.


Though I had planned this meeting for over two months, it was typical for me to be still hurriedly typing out script mere minutes before I was to deliver them.
Libertarians Peter Creswell and Robert Palmer traveled down from Auckland to give John and myself some moral support, and they listened to my only practice delivery from a ruff draft… as they enjoyed an Epic Stout.
They offered me several good improvements, before heading downtown.

I had written much more than what I delivered.
This is a subject I am passionate about yet my speech was only an introduction and personal endorsement of John Ansell’s TREATYGATE presentation which he is busy delivering about the country…. So unfortunately though there was much which I would have liked to have said… many things which may have helped Maori People to better appreciate why I support John, there was no time for me to do so.

I would like to thank everyone who helped John and myself make this event happen… those who contributed donations, those who came to the meeting in support (I got to meet some of my face book friends!), those who helped set up the hall, the Waikato Times, and Hamilton News staff, and others who helped me with advertising, sound systems, etc.
It was great to see Allan Titford, his new partner and child who traveled quite a distance to support us.

I estimate there were 60 people in attendance which is not bad for a political meeting.
The Waikato Times had a reporter there.
And our ads reached many thousands of People who, though they never attended the presentation, will know that there are Activists afoot, working to end Waitangi Separatism and establish racial equality before the law.
This is a mammoth task and every event like this held in the name of ending the shameful travesty of Watangi apartheid and the grievance industry… all helps.

The evening ended at the House Bar, yarning, joking, and drinking Pitch Black Stout from the Tap. One of the manifold blessings of British Colonisation!
Very nice!

My speech follows…
…And below that… is a link to a Waikato Times/ Stuff article on our Hamilton Treatygate meeting, and subject matter, and I make a few observations about comments it contains from a Waikato University ‘Treaty expert’ the Times also interviewed for the article.

My Speech…

“Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.
It is great to see you.
Thank you for coming.
I know many of you have traveled some distance to be here.
Your support is very much appreciated.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi,
I live here in Hamilton, and work as a self employed contract engineer,
and it has been my pleasure to organize tonight’s meeting, for John Ansell to deliver his Treatygate message to you.

John is a very brave Pakeha, that is to say he is a brave New Zealander.
He will be speaking tonight for about an hour on one of the most important issues facing our Nation at present.

I myself have been involved in politics for well over a decade, and spoken many times around the North island on the ever worsening evils of Treaty separatism, Maori Radicalism, and our shameful Apartheid laws and government.

I hope that while you are here tonight John and I are able to communicate the gravity of our current political situation, and the race relations crisis which has been systematically manufactured because of an Evil ideology, which has taken full advantage of some serious faults in our democratic system.
I hope we impress on you the urgency and dire need for the people of New Zealand to Rally, and to organize ourselves into an Irate lobby determined to rid ourselves of these cancerous growths… and establish racial equality before the Law.

The shear scale of the Political extortion…Hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars! The utter Fabrications and falsifications of our colonial history by which a collective guilt trip has been heaved upon the backs of Non-Moari New Zealanders …so successfully, that they quietly submit to this Extortion, and tolerate being rendered second class subjects in their own country.
I say We must smash the Anti-colonialist lie that stupefies so many New Zealanders into believing they have less right to Fully enjoy this country, than their neighbor who has a fraction of Maori DNA.

Now the fact that Race based Law is a travesty of justice should not really be News to anyone.
Who does not know about the times of Slavery and Segregation in America?
Who has not herd about Apartheid in South Africa’s recent past?
Many Kiwi already know that the Law should not discriminate because of race.
The trouble is that so few of us actually have the courage to stand up in public say it!
New Zealanders actually allow their government to mass produce Racist law and give away millions of Tax dollars all because they have been deceived by a massive political propaganda campaign!
The Lying racist Radicals use intimidation and the Anti colonial guilt trip to dominate and steer our country towards every deeper Racial separatism, and Rapine…. And the power-hungry socialists of both the Labour and National parties have made bargains with these racist radicals for the sake of securing Election victory…time and time again.
Thus our Government has been utterly corrupted and used to indoctrinate New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori into thinking that it is the fault of others that the so many Maori are violent criminals.
The Radicals want you Pakeha to continue to believe it is actually your fault that so many Maori suffer Ill health… live in poverty…. are in low paid jobs, or wallow in welfare dependence.
Well John Ansell has figured out what a crock that all is and he has the Balls to stand up and say … “Get Real!”
John forthrightly declares “Im A Pakeha and I refuse to accept any such guilt!”
“I demand My equal Rights!”
I demand an end to the extortion, an end to the State Racism.
I want to live in a country of Racial equality before the Law!”

You see John has figured out that He’s not to blame for any of that Maori misery…and that he’s got nothing to be ashamed of…being a Pakeha…. And that if anyone is to blame for the misery of Maori today it surely must be the individuals themselves, who have allowed themselves to become depended upon welfare, not bothered to gain the necessary skills to compete with Non-Maori in the Job market… Skills which are essential to provide them with a decent income in a modern free society… and Blame also may be squarely laid at the feet of the racist radicals whose Toxic and hateful lies have fill so many Maori heads with a Victim mentality and vile racism… preventing them from taking ownership of their own problems, and appreciating their own self responsibility for climbing out of this misery they have created for themselves.
Until they do, no amount of special rights, no amount of Welfare will save them.

It’s time for me to hand over the mic To John.
I want to finish by saying… Lets rally together and get rid of the Racist electoral rolls and race based seats in parliament which are a pox and a shame upon our democracy, and PLEASE do not allow the separatists to establish a new racist constitution.
They must be stopped at all costs.
.I now give the floor to John.
Thank you for listening.”


Tim Wikiriwhi.
‘Maori Libertarian’

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John Ansell and Tim Wikiriwhi in Tim’s Man Cave/ Library. Hamilton 15-5-13

Here is an article which appeared on ‘Stuff’ via the Waikato Times …Hamilton meeting to ‘stop the surrender of NZ to tribal tricksters’

I would like to make a few comments on this article…
‘Angeline Greensill teaches Treaty issues at Waikato University and she would be interested in who would attend the meeting.

”It’s the sort of thing I would normally ignore but it’ll be interesting to see who does turn up and who is taken in by this type of stuff. I ned to be aware of that.”

She said Mr Wikiriwhi has a history of throwing his beliefs out to ”a misinformed public. She said people should learn the difference between rights and privileges and rights and obligations.
”It is not a privilege. Maori are tangata whenua of this country and there was an agreement signed that was never kept and it was an agreement about rights.

”They are getting things because they have a right to them. They have a property right like anyone else except they have to fight for them.”
End quote:

^^^ I say Angeline has provided us (above) with a perfect example of the sort of Socialist Academics our Government hires to indoctrinate our young people!
Note how she calls into question the mentality and character of those whom thought John and My own message against her Political indoctrinations of Treaty separatism was worth hearing!

Note how she blatantly suggests that the treaty enslaves Non-Maori to certain ‘moral obligations’ (Read Money, Power, Political favouritism, etc)… simply because the Modern Radical separatists claim Maori to be ‘Tangata Whenua’…which is of course an absolute lie, and part of the Modern Re-fabrication of New Zealand history and perversion of The Treaty!
Maori of old were proud to say they were Migrant Colonists too!
The ‘Tangata Whenua’ were the People living here already when Maori arrived!
Yet why let the truth get in the way of your Political vested interests… when a lie suits so much better… Aye?
Lets label those who dare speak the truth troublemakers, and Racists, and Mad men!

Thank you Angeline Greensill for clearly exposing your agenda for all to see.
Thank you for demonstrating just how evil it is to allow the Government to control the Education of our nation!
I only wish that New Zealanders would wake up to why the Government ought never be allowed to control such a vast engine of indoctrination, propaganda, and mass manipulation.
Too many people who understand that Government ought to be banned from producing racist laws, fail to understand Treaty separatism clearly demonstrates the Libertarian principle that the State must also be separated from Education, because it has been via state control of the education system, which has given the Socialist Political parties the ablity to use the education system to imprint their political agenda directly into the public mind, by hiring such socialist racist academics as Angeline Greesill and deploys them into our schools and universities to directly brainwash our people into accepting the vile rehash of our Pioneering colonial history and the separatist ideology behind our Apartheid system.
They also do this with their Green Agenda, Re Man Made Climate change, the Theory of Evolution, Socialist ecomonic theory, etc etc… all designed to delude the sheeple into supporting their Heavy Taxation, their Nannyism, their Totalitarianism… and to fear/ hate Freedom.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for!

The Economies of the West were bankrupted by Nanny State Social Democracy… You Sheeple are to blame! Because you voted for Labour/ National… Reps/ Dems… and their equivalent shyster parties in every Western Social Democratic Nation whom promised to mother you and keep ‘Evil free enterprise’ in check.
You yourselves voted for the Bankruptcy!
You wanted all their promises.
You wanted all their taxes.
You wanted them to keep spending and keep borrowing.
Don’t cry about them bailing out the Mega Rich!
That too was all part of the socialist package you voted for… the idea that the government is responsible for the economy and can manipulate the players as it sees fit.
Don’t now pretend it is all the wealthy fascists fault!
Your continued self denial of your own guilt makes me sick!


We Libertarians knew your socialist scam would end in ruin!
We warned you for years this Zombie Apocalypse was approaching!.
We stood for parliament preaching an end to spending, an end to big government…yet you chose instead to burry your heads in the sand and kid yourselves that the socialist madness could go on and on…at least until *You* were gone… and then the problem would be someone else’s problem to fix!
Well your chickens have come home to roost!
When you see growing poverty, and children in rags…blame your selves!
Take ownership of what *You voted for!*
Know that it was your own selfish lusts for Nanny State socialism which has brought Great nations to ruin!


The day of Reckoning is here!
Will you humble yourselves and admit your errors?
No. Like most criminals you will never admit the truth…You will go the Hell screaming you are innocent.

Your politics created the Filthy Rich and the super powerful, and having learned nothing… having feed your growing Envy and Malice with even greater lies… you will soon elect an even more terrible Beast!
It is *you sheeple* whom will allow a new Totalitarian system to be installed!
You will vote for Full control of the worlds resources via a political elite… in the name of saving the world from ‘Capitalist exploitation’.
You will vote for a global Dictator under the delusion that this will end war.
And you will all receive the Mark of the Beast, and cry out against those arrogant ‘Libertarians’…who refuse to bow down… calling them ‘Enemies of the State.’
Yes you will have your Socialist ‘Utopia’!
My heart breaks for the Death of Liberty and prosperity…. And for your Slave Children.


Evolutionary Stimulus… The struggle for survival…


Evolutionary Stimulus… The struggle for survival…
How many times have you read that it was the struggle for survival which stimulated leaps in the ‘evolution’ of new Creatures?
‘Change or Die’ is a Mantra of the Evolutionist priesthood.

Thus if we are to believe this Mantra…. the belief that Polar Bears are facing extinction due to Human action, we had better be ready! (See pic below)


Do you think my Polar bear comments are Ridiculous?
Why not apply that critical thinking to your whole Ridiculous theory!
You may realise that my comment above is silly only because the theory of Evolution is silly.

What is an even bigger travesty, is that many Highly educated ‘Christian philosophers’ that I know can find no contradiction between the Chaos and Cold brutality of theory of Evolution which renders man simply an Ape … and Christian morality and the Value of Human life.
They don’t hesitate to say the Bible is full of ignorant myths and fraudulent additions.
“Professing themselves to be wise the became fools”
They would Rob us Christians of our faith in the scriptures!
They tells us bible believers that we are ignorant fools because we have not been ‘educated’ in textual criticism, or in Rationalist philosophy, or in the verdict of modern Evolutionary science!
I say “let God be true but every man a Liar!”


The Evolutionists hope you never figure out that Species either Survive, or they Die.
*They never evolve*… even when facing extinction.
When you figure that out you will aprehend just how Stupid the theory of Evolution really is!

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The coming of the Maori to Aotearoa.

I have just posted a reply to a private facebook Status, which I cannot share here.
The Status was by a Maori who had just descovered that the word ‘Maori’ was ‘invented’ by the Pakeha, and this descovery has made them want to divest themselves of that ‘fully colonised’ title and instead to redefine themselves as “TANGATA WHENUA”. (People of the Land)

It seems to have escaped them that the Pre-colonial Maori people did not call themselves “TANGATA WHENUA” either.
That term was used to describe the people who were already here when Maori arrived in their Waka. Back in the Day Maori took great pride in the fact that they were decendants of great navigators whom had migrated here, yet today that part of Maori traditional pride has been conveniently forgotten because the political scheem to claim ‘indigenous rights’.

The Status finnishes with an expression of love to Maori ‘Peeps’ and an appeal to them to ‘De-colonise yourselves’.

This Status is a sad yet powerful testimony to toxic anti-colonization indoctrination which is systematically generating an apartheid hatred and Race relations disaster in New Zealand and setting up Maori Children to perpetuate the poverty and terrible statistics which are the lot of many today.
The ‘closing the Gaps’ socialist policies, and political favoritism has not led to Maori betterment, but to entrenched dependence and a hateful racist and victim mindset … not self reliant empowerment … not High personal ethics.

My reply is below.

I know this a very sensitive subject.
May I say a few words from my own perspective.
It is true that Missionaries from England introduced, not only many new helpful skills , but also many new words. They ‘invented’ the written Maori language and thereby saved much Maori culture from being lost by the passage of time.
The tribes of Pre Treaty times were very keen to have a missionary living in their communities. They were quick to appreciate the great store of wisdom they brought, and to assimilate many of their ways… like wearing English clothing, Their Buildings (The design of the Meeting house we all love is a post-European design, they did not exist prior to the Missionaries).
What this proves is that our ancestors were very smart and progressive, and wisely learned and assimilated things of value from the Europeans… not just cows, apples, nails… but Ideas, values, etc…and this was good for Maori.
We must understand that a Good Culture is always progressing, not stagnating, not trapped by backward superstition, not adverse to new enlightened ideas or better ways of doing things.
Thus it is a credit to our ansestors that they were quick to abandon many of their primitive traditional ways and embrace the advantages That British civilisation offered.
It is so sad that Many Maori are being taught today to have a dreamy idea that to be a ‘real Maori today we must picture ourselves as being like our stone age ancestors, and seek to ‘De-colonise’ ourselves.


Sad because the truth is We modern Maori have gained so much from colonization, yet we are taught by the political activists to think colonization was all bad… all an evil plot. This is how the Maori people are being deceived into supporting the Separatist movement, and are being steered away from the most vital and important realities they need to understand to prosper via their own efforts rather than seeking Political interventions, hand outs, and favoritism.
Modern Maori Boys need to see themselves as Doctors, Engineers, scientists, Electricians… not warriors.
We Maori ought to first think of ourselves as Honest hard working individuals… not as members of a race.
That is secondary.
The first is something we have control and self responsibility for.
The second is merely a fortunate birthright.
And it is essential that we ought to treat everyone else with equal respect… irrespective of their race, and teach our children this respect as well because without this important humanitarian value they are in danger of becoming hateful racists.
It was belief in the Equality of all human beings which brought the Missionaries to New Zealand to share the Gospel of Christ with the Maori people whom were lost in darkness and superstition.
Thus I am saying it is a good thing to teach our children to take pride in their Maori heritage, yet not good to teach them that this is of the highest importance.
There is a whole layer of personal/ universal values which they must take even greater personal pride in because they will shape and define who they are *as individuals* and how they will treat others.


They need to learn skills like engineering, science, etc which will help them to provide for themselves and their families … and take pride in being Modern independent self reliant and humanitarian Maori, whom compete and hold their own in society on equal terms with other Kiwi… not blaming others for their own lack of achievement… happy to struggle and save, and slowly become more prosperous through good values, thrift, and honest hard work… and always being loving towards others in our society.
This is my vision of how a want my children to grow up.
I want them to be enlightened, honest and caring… not racist… not trapped in a mythical past. I hope they take what is good from Maori tradition, yet forsake all the negative and twisted Political propaganda which attempts to say Colonization was only evil and generates serious race hatred.
In my view to be a Real Maori it does not require any special rights, or Laws.


I know what I have written here will be very difficult for some Maori to swallow.
It is so contrary to the view of history they have been taught , and to the twisted politically motivated idea that We are supposed to put our Sanitized/ idealized ‘primitive Maori heritage’ first… to be on the Maori electoral roll… to support treaty separatism… if we want to claim to be ‘Real Maori’.

Thus I offer a complete alternative in which I dream of A New Zealand with one law for all, and that Maori can enjoy and revel in their heritage without demanding political favoritism or special rights… or Millions of dollars stolen from Everyone via taxation.
My vision is one of racial harmony.

I know that I am virtually alone at present in my vision.
I know some reading this will hate me for my views.
That make me very sad, because I seek to enlighten the Maori people so that they can save themselves from the political evils of racial separatism and race based laws… save themselves from welfare dependence, poor health, terrible crime statistics, etc…. which cannot be fixed via Political interventions but must be done by Maori themselves taking personal responsibility for their own predicaments and determining to make the ethical changes, and put in the hard yards, and teach their children self reliance… not hatred.
This is the way ahead for Maori.
I sincerely believe this, and spend my life preaching this gospel of self responsibility, of equality before the Law, of the ethics of Humanity first.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.