Maggots: The Record is the fourth and final studio album released by punk / metal band The Plasmatics in 1987. The album was released as a special “9th Anniversary Album”. Despite being called a “Plasmatics” album, it is often regarded as another Wendy O. Williams solo album, largely in part because her name is over that of the band, the merchandise for the tour has the WOW logo from her solo career, and the only other original member is Wes Beech on rhythm guitar.
Maggots: The Record was recorded in 1987 and is a concept album set 25 years in the future, where environmental abuse and the burning of fossil fuels have created a greenhouse effect, leading to an end of the world scenario. Read more…
To really appreciate this Album you need to get a glow on…:-)
Pay no mind what other voices say
They don’t care about you
Like I do
Like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See they don’t give a **** about you
Like I do
Just stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
‘ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I’ll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I’ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
One and the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself
Swaying to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drum ….
Lyrics from Perfect Circles ‘Pet’.
I am *Very Sorry* to hear that after 125 years the Truth is going out of Biz… It was one of the few truly Independent Media voices in New Zealand.
It was Tits out!…. It covered ‘Nude’ stories the mainstream Media intentionally ignores for the sake of maintaining and pandering to the delusions of the ‘Populus’… the Mob.
It was Raw… seedy…. Real!
With the Truth gone there will be no *Real Free Press* left in NZ. Only Retarded State arse kissing PC wowzer Status quo Nannyist socialist Rubbish which functions like it’s a branch of government.
We will be reduced to Freedom blogs, and ‘Scoop NZ’ … and yet these rely heavily on Non professional Independent activists to supply their take on things.
Stuff article>>>> The Truth newspaper to stop publishing
The Death of the Truth Really is an indictment on just how mediocre minded and sheepish New Zealanders really are.
They are not interested in Independent thinking.
They lap up Reality TV… the kardashians… the Breakfast shows… and they Religiously worship Nanny State.
They believe all lifes problems have political solutions.
They believe in Totalitarian regulation of everything.
They absolutely deny an individual has inalienable rights which ought to be protected from Mobocratic power…. etc etc…
This is a society which tollerates Racist Law and Government.
This is a society of slaves which allows Rapacious Government to fleese them of 80% of their earnings and to give it to lazy bums who cant be bothered getting out of bed in the morning.
This is a society which allows the government to treat us all like children… banning our toys… etc etc…
In a society of sheep… an Independent Paper cant make enough to dosh to pay the lease.
And it’s not just NZ but the whole of wester Civilisation!
They have allowed their Governments to become their OverLords… To spy on them… to probe them… to disarm them…
“Goodbye Truth! We have no need of thee BAAAAA BAAAAA”
^^^^This is quite funny, yet still the subject matter is mind blowing!
Many people probably mistake all this talk of Neurons, etc as evidence of real understanding.
It’s supposed to make Science ‘Poetic’ and profound yet is really a song of ignorance, myth and superstition.
“Our Reptile Brain”.
“It evolved from the inside out”
Quite pathetic.
This is a Materialist Hymn.
Why would anyone believe this nonsense?
The reality is Science cannot fathom how our Conscious Minds, our Self awareness, and freewill are related to our Grey matter.
They must wax lyrical about ‘Collage explosions’… I assume on the ‘Entertainment systems’ in our heads!
The closest these guys get to the Truth is when they call our Brains.. ‘an enchanted room’.
’20 million volumes of information… A very Big place in a very small space’
The confession… “It is the most mysterious part of our Body”.
The biggest questions of Consciousness are well beyond reach, and as long as modern science remains dominated by Monist Materialism they will never be able to understand the Mind/ Brain paradox because they have willfully shut their minds to non-physical spiritual realities.
I laugh at the ‘all to common’ claims these days that mankind has mastered how the brain works, and Technology … that scientists will within the next 20 years have invented ‘Conscious computers’ which will be capable of thinking ‘human’ thoughts, and ‘feeling’ human emotions.
It is mind boggling that materialists can be so Absurd as to be contemplating ‘ethical issues’ of granting Robots ‘rights’!!!
They have traveled so far into materialist fantasy that they have forgotten the reality that *’Robot’ and ‘Morality’* are Oxymorons!
Morality only being possible for Free willed beings which have a choice, and whom exist in a universe governed by Objective Moral laws.
All these necessities are absolutely alien to Materialist cosmology.
I have said many times before that mankind may one day make an imitation mechanical bird which may be able to fly and sing, and that a person may have trouble identifying it as being a fake… none the less that Machine will never be a real bird.
Likewise with a Humanoid Robot.
They may be clever enough to program a machine with human mannerisms, so that when we interact with it we can believe we are dealing with a living, thinking…even emotional and caring *Person*, but in reality that is all just a gigantic Deception… The Robot will not be alive… will not be conscious, will not be moral, will not care… etc etc…
It is staggering to know that these fundamental truths are completely ignored by materialist thinkers.
What is worse to contemplate is just what materialists believe our life and human consciousness is!
Death, the Materialist must believe is nothing more that ‘pulling the plug on your computer’!
And *you* literally ‘vanish’.
Materialism is one of the most powerful Opiates of them all!
It’s stupefying!
Why do they choose to think this way?
Simply because they desire to subject the whole universe …neatly into their own puny… small minded Naturalistic Rationale.
They allow themselves to be dominated by their own primitive theories.
It makes them feel good.
They refuse to be Objective and admit that there are plenty of things in reality which don’t fit at all well with their materialism.
The moment they admit this to themselves, their entire ‘religion’ falls apart… and that is what materialism is… a falce religion.
The moment a person awakens to the idea that there are greater realities than mere Matter and energy is the day that their subjective scales fall from their eyes and they appreciate spiritual truths, Free will, Consciousness, Love, …Good and evil, etc are not properties of matter… nor ever could be… and they are then in a much better position to appreciate the Amazing truth of the Bible.
K2. (I assume that is short for Kronic 2… the synthetic variant of THC in ‘kronic one’ having been banned.) Is this the packaging of this stuff available in New Zealand?
I don’t know! I have never actually seen a packet myself.
What is interesting about this photo is the clear R18 age restriction voluntarily printed on the packs by the distributors, which is a prudent and socially conscientious thing to do, showing that contrary to all the hypocritical claims of ‘drug panic’ merchants who are busy ripping their shirts over the availability of legal highs… the fact is that the distributors have no desire to peddle their wares to children, and that any shop keepers doing so are violating the express conditions of being vendors of this product, and could be/ should be sued by the K2 distributors.
All Legal highs should have such R18 age restrictions on sale and purchase… just like Alcohol.
I have just recently been accepted into a face book group called ‘K2 and other ‘Legal Highs’ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangers’ (thank’s to my invitation by Richard)
And as recreational drug use and prohibition is an important subject to Libertarian minded people like myself, I hope to present the group with alternative arguments to prohibition… in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It will be interesting to see if my input will be recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, or if I… because I am Anti-prohibition… anti- drug phobia… will be labeled ‘a Troll’
And banned.
I certainly hope not!
It is not my intension (today…in this group) to cause trouble, or to be a Gadfly. I enter this group in sincerity believing I have a valid position to put forward and can contribute value to this discussion.
I have blogged about Internet trolling before Here:, , and though I now need to do a follow up blog post confessing my realization of the reality of malicious predators whom do indeed stalk the Net seeking to cause Chaos and disorder, that in no way is this my intension in joining this group.
My intensions are honourable.
Below is my introduction to my Libertarian argument against Prohibition, in favour of an age restricted legal market. (I have embellished it slightly with photos and captions for the sake of this Blogpost)
This is a very ‘polarizing’ topic… a matter of great paranoia to many….to the extent that they shut their minds to hearing all sides of the debate and demand heavy
handed laws and prohibitions, refusing to appreciate that such an approach has proven to be an absolute failure time and time again, and that the draconian nature of Prohibition is actually far more harmful to our society… esp to the youth who become criminalized and thereby alienated from our society… not for any acts of dishonesty, or violence, but because they have been caught with a small bag of ‘happiness’ in their pocket.
These young people know that they have been unjustly treated, because they know that many of those whom have brought the Law down upon their heads, including the majority of the Police who break down their doors, and ransack their homes, and drag them off to the cells… all drink Booze… beer, wine, and spirits, until they cant even walk!
I would like to present a counter-argument to prohibition as a means of minimizing the harm of drugs upon our society, and discuss why I believe having a legal yet age restricted market for recreational drugs is a far better means of controlling drugs… just as we have with alcohol… and for the very same reasons.
Alcohol prohibition was tried,…and was dismal failure!
Drug raid.
Though we still have big social problems with Alcohol, people still need to appreciate that having legal supply of alcohol is still much better than the evils of Prohibition.
For starters it is much easier under a legalized system for people with problems to go and get help, from places like AA, without fear of being prosecuted, or losing their jobs, etc.
This topic is also a lot like xenophobia and the witch craze, in that wild stories grow up all out of proportion to reality, fueling a lynch mob type hysteria.
Anyone familiar with the history of prohibition knows this classic phenomena.
It is a manufactured frenzy, purposely propagated by the prohibitionist lobby and their Populist politicians who think nothing of feigning Piety and social concern, by promising to crush an unpopular minority for the sake of getting elected.
Corby Schapelle. Imagine for a moment this is your adult child behind bars… not for robbing or harming anyone, but simply because they were found with a drug which was not alcohol.
This is the real ugly face of the injustice of Prohibition… which utterly fails to stop recreational drug use. It merely serves as a disgusting means of inflicting a Nazi-like bigoted hatred upon an unpopular and demonised minority. The Nazis swore their persecution of the ‘Socially deviant Jews’ was completely justified. Vicious bigotry always hides beneath a Cloack of ‘Righteous indignation’.
Though I don’t dispute that drugs (like alcohol and cannabis) ought to be kept away from children, and that adults too need to take care how and when they use such substances, I have little doubt that the fears about the harmful effects synthetic cannabis will prove as groundless as the Nonsense which fueled and maintained Cannabis prohibition.
Cannabis is now being legalized across the globe because of it’s ‘Health benefits’ and medicinal qualities!
It is ironic to understand that for thousand’s of years Cannabis was known and appreciated for it’s manifold beneficial qualities, and that the folly of prohibition of cannabis is itself a *modern phobia*… thankfully this terrible era of prohibition is coming to a close.
It is interesting to consider the fact that if we had already decriminalized Cannabis that we would not be facing the wave of new synthetic substances like K2!
And this fact in itself also reveals why Prohibitions are absurd. Ie because there is a demand for recreational drugs… some innovative people will always figure out an new way to get high, and undoubtedly some these ways will be far more dangerous than cannabis!
Thus Prohibition tends to endanger our youth because it has outlawed safer alternatives.
Below is a blog post I wrote the other day on this subject and I will produce more as this debate unfolds.
I ask members to seriously consider the counter arguments to prohibition if you claim to really have the interests of society at heart, and not be simply driven by a personal bigotry against drug users.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Hamilton West.
Update: 29-5-13
It appears that after One day, One post, and one reply (in support of Mr G) I have been ‘Fed to the sharks’ by the SOCIALISTS running the facebook page ‘K2 and other ‘Legal Highs’ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangers’…. which completely vindicates my acustaions that the ‘Anti-everything lobby’ are so fanatically in favour of tyranny, that they will not even consider any alternative arguments to prohibition… in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It was interesting to see that indeed my input was not recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, but instead….because I am Anti-prohibition… anti- drug phobia… they chose the low road… the easier path which was to deem me to be ‘a Troll’… and thus….rather than openly debate me….. to simply ban me instead!, and forbid Group members from being able to message me!
*I told ya so!*
Just a few of the vested interests in mantaining Hysteria and the Drug war.
What is the definition of Stupidity?
It’s when someone keeps doing the exactly the Same thing over and over and yet expecting different results!
Question: Has Cannabis prohibition succeeded in keeping Pot off the Streets?
Think hard about this….
The Stats actually prove that Prohibition doe’s absolutely *Nothing* to prevent Cannabis use!
The reality is over 50% of Kiwi’s have ignored the prohibitions and smoked Pot, and the rest simply don’t want to!
Thus the Law does *Zero* to halt drug use, and in fact the stats show that prohibition actually makes our schools etc less safe because of the Criminal monopoly… and vendors who have less scruples about who they sell their drugs to than Legitimate regulated traders.
This is simply a repeat of the failed BZP Prohibition which was only a success… for the Gangs and P dealers!
The truth is the BZP Ban removed a cheaper, and safer alternative to P (Meth amphetamine) …an alternative which many hundreds of Drug users were taking advantage of and thus depriving Criminal organisations of millions of Dollars, and helping the recreational drug user to stay out of trouble with the Law and reducing the negative impact of their drug habits upon their Families… esp in relation to Paying the rent, Putting food on the table, and warm clothing in winter… the Illegal market cost of drugs being astronomical… *while demand remains unchanged.*
People Love to do Drugs!
Alcohol is a Drug!… Of Course the A-Dealers (Alcohol) love these prohibitions too… and you wonder why NZ has a Culture of excessive Drinking and drink related violence and crime!
Yet the Populist politicians and Media never mention these sorts of factors… they pretend they don’t exist.
They continue to maintain the lie that such Nanny State Prohibitions ‘make our communities safer’, and yet no one considers the reality that having Legal sales of drugs actually ‘makes our communities safer!’ and that Prohibition not only works to finance criminal Gangs and results in Underworld crimes between rival gangs, Home invasions trying to steel drugs, Murder and violence when deals go bad, etc etc… it also means more young people end up ‘associating’ with criminal Gangs from whom they buy their drugs.
And this refusal to think through all these negative consequences of ‘the war on drugs’ also panders to the willful bigotry and fear of the Sheeple… whom love tyranny… in the name of oppressing their ‘Jews’… ie the unpopular minorities they have demonized.
Then they wonder why their Teenage sons and daughters don’t want anything to do with them!
Then they blame ‘the drugs’ when their adult Children end up in court and jail on Drug offences!
They never consciously admit to themselves that it is their own bigotry which has now alienated them from their Adult Teenage Kids and has destroyed their lives by allowing the state to take away their rights and liberties, to criminalize them and oppress them!
This is how the Stupidity is perpetuated…
Tyranny is far more harmful to our society than the recreational drugs they fail to control.
What the Government ought to do is simply put an R18 restriction on sales of Party pills and synthetic Cannabis, giving the Dairy owners an incentive to only sell such products to adults.
The also should Legalise Cannabis, and BZP, and Nos!
Before I became a Christian… in the late 80’s I believed in the Doors!
I used to roll… 100mph… in my Doorsmobile…a white Valiant Ranger 245 Hemi… with a Doors Badge in the Grill which had I cut out of 16mm thick Aluminum plate and painted Red.
I never Got tired of getting high and listening to the Doors, or Pink Floyd!
Ray Manzarek’s Keyboard put the ‘trippy-ness’ into the Doors sound.
He was one of the very best…ever!
The Door’s (of Perception) music is a Religion… Hedonistic, Mystical, Nihilism,… all mixed together… ‘Break on through to the other side!, ‘The Crystal ship’…
A word of warning to you young-uns….
You gotta be real careful who you Idolise!
Worshipping people like Jim Morison can put you in an Early Grave!
Dead is a Bath by 28.
I guess we young guys easily fall for that sort of thing to fill the black void… that mystery and enptiness which consumes the lost soul… wandering wandering in hopeless Night.
Out here on the perimeter there are no Stars.
Out here We is Stoned Immaculate.
I really hope Ray found out Life and reality are so much more that that…
It’s quite staggering to realise that millions of souls dont find any deeper meaning or value…
Yet again I question thus… Were the Drugs and Doors music really that bad for me… as all the Condescending wonkers like to assume?
I sometimes think that these things actually helped me in my quest for truth and that they were an essential part of my ‘mind expanding enlightenment’ which eventually led me out of atheism and into Faith in Christ.
Smoking a lot of Pot and listening to music like the Doors also meant I spent a lot of time meditating on the meaning of Life… They made me wonder if there was something more to life than mere materialism?
And Drugs and the Doors also (ironically) kept depression and suicidal thoughts to a minimum as being a lost soul is truly a frightening thing… and so the fact that the Drugs and the Doors gave me relief and stimulated Contemplation about reality makes me think they actually played a roll in saving my life and helped steer me towards belief in the Spirituality of existence… they got me started on my pilgrimage. 🙂
I Owe a debt of gratitude to Ray, Jimmy, John, and Robbie for that.
Along with other Great Muso’s, Their Art enriched my life.
I think this ‘apparant contradiction’ is very valid… It all depend’s on the Individual’s desire to know the truth rather than hide from it.
‘The End’
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes…again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need…of some…stranger’s hand
In a…desperate land
Lost in a Roman…wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There’s danger on the edge of town
Ride the King’s highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake…he’s old, and his skin is cold…
What a fine drop this is!!!!
6% too! 😀
Take note Richard G of the statement below!
esp… “Beer of Choice”…. “a supprising effective accompaniment for Dark chocolate, coffee,…”
Elemental is our most awarded beer, it has won gold medals in Australia and New Zealand and for a time it was rated New Zealand’s top beer, no mean feat for a porter of moderate alcohol and a balanced finish.
Originally the beer of choice for workers in London’s produce markets, the beer was a mixture of the previous nights slops that the “porters” would drink when they clocked off at dawn. Porter is also Andy’s all time favourite beer style. Brewed in the modern ‘robust’ style, Elemental Porter is a rich, full bodied brew with plenty of dry, dark chocolate and roasty malt flavours which gradually give way to a cleansing hop-driven finish.
Not intuitively thought of as as a food beer it is a surprisingly effective accompaniment for:
•Dark chocolate
•Coffee or berry-based desserts
•Blue cheese
•Barbecued meats
And although historically it was a sunrise beer, we think nowadays it is probably more suited to an be served after dinner with desserts and cheese, although if you want to drink it at day break, we’re not going to stop you.
Andy and Brian
^^^^quote is from here:
Grunge Miester Tim Wikiriwhi Queenstown Motorcamp. New Years Day 1999.
That’s a Montieths Black… Porter Ale! …. actually may be a Black Mac. 🙂
My Fav beer for 20 odd years has been Waikato Draught, yet that was notoriously hard to get on the Mainland, and so on that ‘mission’ I was buyin up Montieths Black (you can get it by the Jug down there!) and also swillin Black Macs.
That bottle looks more like a Mac one than a Montieths.
And for the record both Black Montieths and Black Macs are bloody good ales!
Despite being bought out by Big Brewers…
I present that quote from Renaissance Brewing as evidence against previous remarks by my fellow blogger… re My endorsement of both Porter Ale and in particular Boundary Road Chocolate Porter Ale.
Tim Wikiriwhi introducing John Ansell at the Waikato TREATYGATE Presentation, Thursday 16 May, at the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton.
Though I had planned this meeting for over two months, it was typical for me to be still hurriedly typing out script mere minutes before I was to deliver them.
Libertarians Peter Creswell and Robert Palmer traveled down from Auckland to give John and myself some moral support, and they listened to my only practice delivery from a ruff draft… as they enjoyed an Epic Stout.
They offered me several good improvements, before heading downtown.
I had written much more than what I delivered.
This is a subject I am passionate about yet my speech was only an introduction and personal endorsement of John Ansell’s TREATYGATE presentation which he is busy delivering about the country…. So unfortunately though there was much which I would have liked to have said… many things which may have helped Maori People to better appreciate why I support John, there was no time for me to do so.
I would like to thank everyone who helped John and myself make this event happen… those who contributed donations, those who came to the meeting in support (I got to meet some of my face book friends!), those who helped set up the hall, the Waikato Times, and Hamilton News staff, and others who helped me with advertising, sound systems, etc.
It was great to see Allan Titford, his new partner and child who traveled quite a distance to support us.
I estimate there were 60 people in attendance which is not bad for a political meeting.
The Waikato Times had a reporter there.
And our ads reached many thousands of People who, though they never attended the presentation, will know that there are Activists afoot, working to end Waitangi Separatism and establish racial equality before the law.
This is a mammoth task and every event like this held in the name of ending the shameful travesty of Watangi apartheid and the grievance industry… all helps.
The evening ended at the House Bar, yarning, joking, and drinking Pitch Black Stout from the Tap. One of the manifold blessings of British Colonisation!
Very nice!
My speech follows…
…And below that… is a link to a Waikato Times/ Stuff article on our Hamilton Treatygate meeting, and subject matter, and I make a few observations about comments it contains from a Waikato University ‘Treaty expert’ the Times also interviewed for the article.
My Speech…
“Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.
It is great to see you.
Thank you for coming.
I know many of you have traveled some distance to be here.
Your support is very much appreciated.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi,
I live here in Hamilton, and work as a self employed contract engineer,
and it has been my pleasure to organize tonight’s meeting, for John Ansell to deliver his Treatygate message to you.
John is a very brave Pakeha, that is to say he is a brave New Zealander.
He will be speaking tonight for about an hour on one of the most important issues facing our Nation at present.
I myself have been involved in politics for well over a decade, and spoken many times around the North island on the ever worsening evils of Treaty separatism, Maori Radicalism, and our shameful Apartheid laws and government.
I hope that while you are here tonight John and I are able to communicate the gravity of our current political situation, and the race relations crisis which has been systematically manufactured because of an Evil ideology, which has taken full advantage of some serious faults in our democratic system.
I hope we impress on you the urgency and dire need for the people of New Zealand to Rally, and to organize ourselves into an Irate lobby determined to rid ourselves of these cancerous growths… and establish racial equality before the Law.
The shear scale of the Political extortion…Hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars! The utter Fabrications and falsifications of our colonial history by which a collective guilt trip has been heaved upon the backs of Non-Moari New Zealanders …so successfully, that they quietly submit to this Extortion, and tolerate being rendered second class subjects in their own country.
I say We must smash the Anti-colonialist lie that stupefies so many New Zealanders into believing they have less right to Fully enjoy this country, than their neighbor who has a fraction of Maori DNA.
Now the fact that Race based Law is a travesty of justice should not really be News to anyone.
Who does not know about the times of Slavery and Segregation in America?
Who has not herd about Apartheid in South Africa’s recent past?
Many Kiwi already know that the Law should not discriminate because of race.
The trouble is that so few of us actually have the courage to stand up in public say it!
New Zealanders actually allow their government to mass produce Racist law and give away millions of Tax dollars all because they have been deceived by a massive political propaganda campaign!
The Lying racist Radicals use intimidation and the Anti colonial guilt trip to dominate and steer our country towards every deeper Racial separatism, and Rapine…. And the power-hungry socialists of both the Labour and National parties have made bargains with these racist radicals for the sake of securing Election victory…time and time again.
Thus our Government has been utterly corrupted and used to indoctrinate New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori into thinking that it is the fault of others that the so many Maori are violent criminals.
The Radicals want you Pakeha to continue to believe it is actually your fault that so many Maori suffer Ill health… live in poverty…. are in low paid jobs, or wallow in welfare dependence.
Well John Ansell has figured out what a crock that all is and he has the Balls to stand up and say … “Get Real!”
John forthrightly declares “Im A Pakeha and I refuse to accept any such guilt!”
“I demand My equal Rights!”
I demand an end to the extortion, an end to the State Racism.
I want to live in a country of Racial equality before the Law!”
You see John has figured out that He’s not to blame for any of that Maori misery…and that he’s got nothing to be ashamed of…being a Pakeha…. And that if anyone is to blame for the misery of Maori today it surely must be the individuals themselves, who have allowed themselves to become depended upon welfare, not bothered to gain the necessary skills to compete with Non-Maori in the Job market… Skills which are essential to provide them with a decent income in a modern free society… and Blame also may be squarely laid at the feet of the racist radicals whose Toxic and hateful lies have fill so many Maori heads with a Victim mentality and vile racism… preventing them from taking ownership of their own problems, and appreciating their own self responsibility for climbing out of this misery they have created for themselves.
Until they do, no amount of special rights, no amount of Welfare will save them.
It’s time for me to hand over the mic To John.
I want to finish by saying… Lets rally together and get rid of the Racist electoral rolls and race based seats in parliament which are a pox and a shame upon our democracy, and PLEASE do not allow the separatists to establish a new racist constitution.
They must be stopped at all costs.
.I now give the floor to John.
Thank you for listening.”
Tim Wikiriwhi.
‘Maori Libertarian’
John Ansell and Tim Wikiriwhi in Tim’s Man Cave/ Library. Hamilton 15-5-13
I would like to make a few comments on this article…
‘Angeline Greensill teaches Treaty issues at Waikato University and she would be interested in who would attend the meeting.
”It’s the sort of thing I would normally ignore but it’ll be interesting to see who does turn up and who is taken in by this type of stuff. I ned to be aware of that.”
She said Mr Wikiriwhi has a history of throwing his beliefs out to ”a misinformed public. She said people should learn the difference between rights and privileges and rights and obligations.
”It is not a privilege. Maori are tangata whenua of this country and there was an agreement signed that was never kept and it was an agreement about rights.
”They are getting things because they have a right to them. They have a property right like anyone else except they have to fight for them.”
End quote:
^^^ I say Angeline has provided us (above) with a perfect example of the sort of Socialist Academics our Government hires to indoctrinate our young people!
Note how she calls into question the mentality and character of those whom thought John and My own message against her Political indoctrinations of Treaty separatism was worth hearing!
Note how she blatantly suggests that the treaty enslaves Non-Maori to certain ‘moral obligations’ (Read Money, Power, Political favouritism, etc)… simply because the Modern Radical separatists claim Maori to be ‘Tangata Whenua’…which is of course an absolute lie, and part of the Modern Re-fabrication of New Zealand history and perversion of The Treaty!
Maori of old were proud to say they were Migrant Colonists too!
The ‘Tangata Whenua’ were the People living here already when Maori arrived!
Yet why let the truth get in the way of your Political vested interests… when a lie suits so much better… Aye?
Lets label those who dare speak the truth troublemakers, and Racists, and Mad men!
Thank you Angeline Greensill for clearly exposing your agenda for all to see.
Thank you for demonstrating just how evil it is to allow the Government to control the Education of our nation!
I only wish that New Zealanders would wake up to why the Government ought never be allowed to control such a vast engine of indoctrination, propaganda, and mass manipulation.
Too many people who understand that Government ought to be banned from producing racist laws, fail to understand Treaty separatism clearly demonstrates the Libertarian principle that the State must also be separated from Education, because it has been via state control of the education system, which has given the Socialist Political parties the ablity to use the education system to imprint their political agenda directly into the public mind, by hiring such socialist racist academics as Angeline Greesill and deploys them into our schools and universities to directly brainwash our people into accepting the vile rehash of our Pioneering colonial history and the separatist ideology behind our Apartheid system.
They also do this with their Green Agenda, Re Man Made Climate change, the Theory of Evolution, Socialist ecomonic theory, etc etc… all designed to delude the sheeple into supporting their Heavy Taxation, their Nannyism, their Totalitarianism… and to fear/ hate Freedom.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Tool is playing right now in Auckland.
They are my Favorite Band.
Why aren’t I there rockin out????
I should be!
Yet instead of having fun, Im spending my last buck$ on a Public meeting calling for an end to Racist Law and Government in New Zealand.
I would have loved to have been @ Vector Arena!
It’s a concert I have waited years to see, yet I have been forced to choose between my own immediate pleasure, and a political Ideal I believe is essential for the betterment of New Zealand.
An Ideal I believe will help end a lot of poverty, misery and dependence… and dispel a lot of bigotry and race hatred which has been fostered by Radical separatists for Political Power and Loot.
I refer to the principle of Equality before the Law.
Abolishing the separate Maori seats in parliament, and separate Electoral rolls.
Just today, the front Page of the Waikato Times ran a story which showed statistics which proved that Violent crime in a city was proportional to the size of it’s Maori population!
That is a shocking reality which proves what 30 years of Apartheid have achieved.
Read about it here: Top Criminologist blames Maori for high rates of violent Crime
‘Maori crime ‘fact of life”
This is the reality which the radicals try and blame on ‘Pakeha oppression’, on the Government’s ‘Failure to honour the Treaty’…. I ask How long New Zealanders will tollerate this absolutely despicable lie!
The Fat cat Tribalist elites may be sitting pretty, yet it has been at the cost of fostering Hatred, dependence, a victim/ blame mentality into the ordinary Maori Individuals, many of whom are incapable of admitting that their poverty, violence and misery is of their own making… not because of any oppression by ‘Evil Pakeha’… as the shit stirring Political activist preach, or as the average socialist whacko school teacher rambles on about… instead of teaching young Maori to take responsibility for themselves and their futures as individuals… competing on a level playing field… under equality before the Law!
Young Maori are told to study stone age Maori history and culture… instead of engineering, science, etc… thus putting them at a disadvantage when they leave school… alienating them from modern society, and setting them up for failure… with the Radicals whispering in their ears that this is all the Pakeha’s fault! “If the Pakeha were not here they would own the whole country… and could get buy fishing!”
Yes These are lies and insanity which I am dedicated to ending.
Treaty separatism has resulted in nothing but Race hatred and Misery.
I love all that is good and beautiful in Maori Culture, yet I despise racism, and Political propaganda… and politically engineered Evil.
And if in the process of fighting this evil for the sake of Equality before the Law that I must miss out on seeing my favorite Band… well there is always You Tube!
Hopefully they will be back in not too many years time?