Category Archives: Miracles

Visitations. Fox News atheist Democrat: I met Jesus!

Kirsten Powers portraits by Len Spoden Photography

She’s the intelligent, gorgeous, Democratic commentator at Fox News who has been an atheist for much of her life until she says she had a personal encounter with Jesus.

It was in 2006 during an overseas trip that Kirsten Powers says, “I woke up in what felt like a strange cross between a dream and reality. Jesus came to me and said, ‘Here I am.’”

“It felt so real. I didn’t know what to make of it,” Powers explains in Christianity Today. “I called my boyfriend, but before I had time to tell him about it, he told me he had been praying the night before and felt we were supposed to break up. So we did. Honestly, while I was upset, I was more traumatized by Jesus visiting me.

“I tried to write off the experience as misfiring synapses, but I couldn’t shake it. When I returned to New York a few days later, I was lost. I suddenly felt God everywhere and it was terrifying. More important, it was unwelcome. It felt like an invasion. I started to fear I was going crazy.”

In a Fox News Channel interview with Howard Kurtz, Powers explained the revelation to her “wasn’t a one-moment-kind-of-thing. It was something that over a year probably of going to church and studying the Bible and a lot of different things.

“And I had this experience where I had a dream that sort of up-ended my world a little bit and that I, at first, just thought was just a dream, you know, because I didn’t really believe in things like that. And maybe it was just a dream, I don’t know, but it put me on a path of then sort of seeking out to learn more about it. I ended up in a Bible study and the rest is sort of history.”

Read more >>>Here<<< **************************************************************************************************** ^^^^ This story grabbed my attention because of it's description of a 'vision'/ visitation which challenges Materialist Naturalism, and is an example of the sorts of real life experiences which must then be 'dealt with'... in one of several ways. Many Atheists will attempt to simply write off such experiences as 'figments of their own minds', yet when they do so they are allowing their preconceptions to blind them to other explanations... ie that Jesus really did visit. Thus erroneous world views and cosmologies based upon poor reasoning and lies can literally blind a person and trap them in delusion. What_Happened_To_Your_Hand
“What happened to your hand?” by Harry Anderson.

I once was an Atheist who had a visit… and yet because of my world view…I wrote it off as a sleeping dysfunction. (Read about that >>>here<<<) Now that I have become aware of the reality of God, and the spiritual Domain I have had to re-think about that past event. I now appreciate how Atheist materialism automatically writes off any phenomena which does not fit into it's paradigm as Illusory... and then foolishly claims 'Materialism can explain everything'. Its a circular trap. St Paul talks about this blindness... "...the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Cor2vs14) Jesus talks about spiritual blindness in his story of the Beggar Lazarus and the Rich man... 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." Luke 16vs20-31 That's right! If an Atheists Dead friend returned from the grave... it is very probable that they would deny they were really their once-dead friend... or that they had not really died.... etc.... *Any Bullshit excuse* not to believe. man_with_blinders

Spiritual Blinders…. A man can only see the world via his pre-suppositions… his premises, and when they are wrong… he is wandering lost in blindness and delusion… and doesn’t even realise it.
Atheist Materialism is a severe mental handicap.
It can take a miracle to remove the scales from our minds.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on this subject of ‘visitations’, etc …

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Ke$ha’s Incubus.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.


Robo Fish Reality.

mec fish

My wife bought my son a pair of Robo-fish for the bath. They are quite incredibly fish-like… swimming about just like Goldfish…Looking at them I realised that it would be easier for nature to make those robofish than to make a single celled protozoa… and yet are our oceans filled with clock work fish???? No!
The only way a Robo fish has managed to become a reality… in this type of universe… is via Intelligent design and manipulation of Matter and physics and chemistry.
This is because the bind forces of nature cant make complex things like Robo fish… or single celled organisms!
Thus the theory of Naturalistic Abiogenesis and evolution are 100% falsified.
They cannot account for the existence of Fish … robotic or otherwise.
How the Robo-fish came into existence…by design… also clearly demonstrates the only plausible way *Real fish* and every other biological wonder came to be…

Kids love these things!

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”
St Paul Romans 1vs 20


The Fossil Record *Proves Evolution to be false* because *Fish Remain Fish*. See the Fossilized Coelacanth above (dated at 400 million years )
In the 2oth century it was argued by Evolutionists that these ancient fish were ‘primitive’ and that they had died out ‘millions of years ago’…. how embarrassing for them however that they were discovered to be alive and well… and *unchanged* despite the tens of millions of years these so-called ‘scientists’ have dated their fossils.
These Fish are part of a massive number of creatures, and plants that have been called ‘living fossils’ because they are easily identifiable as being living representatives of Fossils said to be sometimes hundreds of millions of years old.
In complete contradiction to the theory of Evolution Their genetic integrity has remained intact… despite exposure to the elements and their struggle for survival through the eons that are supposed to have elapsed.

Wikipedia says… “Coelacanths belong to the subclass Actinistia, a group of lobed-finned fish related to lungfish and certain extinct Devonian fish such as osteolepiforms, porolepiforms, rhizodonts, and Panderichthys.[5] Coelacanths were thought to have become extinct in the Late Cretaceous, around 66 million years ago, but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.[6]

The coelacanth was long considered a “living fossil” because it was believed to be the sole remaining member of a taxon otherwise known only from fossils, with no close relations alive,[5] and to have evolved into roughly its current form approximately 400 million years ago”


All this exposes the great fallacy and absurdity of the pseudo-scientific theory of Evolution, and the *Truthfulness* of the Biblical principle of *Kind after its kind* clearly enunciated in the Book of Genesis.
And it should not be any surprise to know that *Darwin was completely ignorant* of Genetics… the true science of heredity… which was discovered by one of his contemporaries….a Christian Monk named Geggor Mendel… yet because the world was too busy following Darwin… that for decades they did not grasp the Great truths that Mendel had discovered that are today known as ‘Mendel’s Law’.

This is why there is no such thing as ‘Darwins Law’… and why today… despite 160 years … Darwins ideas are still only defined as being ‘a theory’… *Not a fact*… and indeed with the advance of Science… such as the electron Microscope… Scientists have discovered just how fantastically complex living things really are… even the single celled organism is fantastically complex… and smacks of Design… Nanno- Technology!
The Myth of the spontaneous generation and evolution of ‘the simple cell’ is today *Far harder* to believe than it was for the scientists of Darwin’s day because the Facts have gotten harder to reconcile with his theory… not easier.

Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), close-up
Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), close-up

A living Coelacanth.

Why then has not the Evolution been abandoned?

Simply because of the fanatical Atheism and absolute hatred of the only rational and alternative interpretation that is in harmony with the evidence… That Living this … look designed…. because they are designed… By God Almighty… exactly as the Bible says.

It was the realisation that Evolution was a gigantic lie… and that The Bible was true… scientifically speaking… that converted me from a militant Atheist to a Bible believing Christian over 30 years ago… and in that time, I have studied all the so-called arguements that are put up to prove the Bible wrong… and they *all fail*.

The word of God remains sure… like a Rock.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read more…

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Paley’s other watch

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.



“The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that , compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”
Albert Einstein

Read more…

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Way too Starry for Atheism

Rabid Anti-Reason Atheists Priesthood Cry Blasphemy!



Creationism and intelligent design are causing quite a stir at Ball State University, a public college in Muncie, Indiana. In addition to sparking an internal investigation into Professor Eric Hedin, a Christian who is accused by the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), among others, of potentially indoctrinating students, there’s yet another new target. The FFRF is now joining evolutionary scientists in speaking out against the same university’s hire of Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, an astronomy professor who embraces intelligent design.

What’s most fascinating about the debate is that academic environments really should be the host of vibrant discussion, debate and diverse viewpoints. While most scientists do believe in evolutionary theory, the notion that people who do not should be silenced seems counter-intuitive. But that is exactly what is unfolding as the contention over Ball State’s hiring of these professors progresses.

Read more Here:

^^^ This story exposes the Bigotry which corrupts the academic world which not only stifles real science, but maintains the lies of evolution and Materialist in the position of ‘Orthodoxy’.
These Atheists are complete hypocrites because they are doing today what they accuse the Religious zealots of the past of doing!… Stifling dissenting opinion for the sake of maintaining a monopoly… not by reason… but by force!

Watch this excellent video… Expelled: No Intelligence allowed

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Jakob Antone Santos with his Pal Deven

Jakob Antone Santos at the Bedside of his Best Little Buddy Deven Leonis.

jacob with deven Leonis

Deven Leonis and Jakob Antone Santos many years ago when Dev was fighting PLE. Jake has always been there for Deven, no matter how hard it has been to see what he was going through. Even at 17 years old, Jake has been Devs best friend!

March 23 Deven’s Mom posted to facebook “At 8:36 am, my angel gained his wings…..”
He was 15.

Since that terrible day Deven’s Family and friends have been doing their best to cope.
Deven’s Mom keeps posting to face book, expressions of grief, the things which go through the mind of Moms whom loose their precious children.
She shares her pain with the world, in the hope that it will stimulate us into action… into supporting the fight against Cancer and other diseases which steel away the lives of the young and innocent.

And it is because I am a person whom cares about humanity that I join up to such Face book pages like Devens which reveal the struggles of Families facing these types of horror.

We who care join up in the belief that in some tiny way we can bring some comfort… to show that the world is not completely indifferent to their plight.
That many people do care.

It is so difficult to know how to help her (and all the other Moms, Dad’s, Brothers, Sisters, etc whom experience such loss) esp as a complete stranger, Yet I do what I can.
The one thing I have is the Gospel Hope which is in Christ.
It is so precious to me, and it is my hearts desire that other people, esp those buckling under the weight of despair, realise the hope which is in Christ is something real and important to hold on to in such dark times.

9 April Deven’s Mom writes… “I cannot forget that image. Watching him take his last breathe. Keeping my hand on his chest while his heart continued to beat for another 3 minutes!!! His hear was supposed to be his weakness, but it was so strong!!! It wanted to keep going! Seeing his Daddy carry his lifeless body to the stretcher just about killed me!! I know we shouldn’t have let him do that, but he did. It was horrible!! Watching my baby get taken away in a van. Knowing he was sitting down the street for over a week waiting for them to burn his body! Waiting to put my baby’s ashes 3 feet into the groung while his baby brother couldn’t let him go!

I am so haunted! No matter how many pictures I look at or videos I watch, all I see is that last week. Then I go back through pictures since January, and I can see that he was changing. I didn’t see it as it happened, but now I do! I wish we would have know. I wish I wasn’t in denial. I wish I would have taken more videos. I wish we would have had more time! I WISH I HAD MY BABY BACK!!!! I WISH HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN BETTER INSTEAD OF BEING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Such Anguish!

My Reply…
“You did everything you could for Him… and he knows that. You fulfilled your Duty! You Loved/Love him… and Death is more sad for those left behind, because there is a most wonderful surprise awaiting those whom pass over in faith in Christ. One day you will experience that surprise and Deven will be a part of it! Your sadness will be instantly transformed into an overwhelming Joy! That is the hope which is in Christ and the power of his Resurrection.”

I also posted Cold Play’s ‘Fix You’

Why have I written this Blog post and shared Deven’s story today?
Many Reasons!
One is as a Tribute and Memorial to Deven and his Family.
Another is to help Deven’s Mom get the message ‘out there’ to rally caring people into contributing whatever they can to finding a cure for Cancer, and other evils.
And yet another… just as important reason… to serve as an example to other Mom’s/ families whom suffer the loss of a Child, that though they grieve, that they must appreciate the fact that they did everything possible to save their children, and that they should take comfort in the fact that their Children Know this… they Know they are loved.
And finally I share this Facebook interaction in the hope that others going through such darkness can see the Light and hope which Christ offers to those whom reach out to him in Faith.

I hope it dawns on Mom’s and Dads with terminally ill Children what a wonderful story of Hope the Christian gospel is, and that if they share it with their little loved one, that it could instill a beautiful restful faith to hold onto as they approach the door.
Trusting in Christ These little children can rest assured that death is not the end, that they will be going to a wonderful place… that God loves them…and that one day soon they will be reunited with their Mommy and Daddy.

I hope it dawns on those whom have no faith, what a wonderful thing Christianity really offers and that Unbelief is absolutely dark and empty by comparison.
If Jesus really did rise from the Dead it is the greatest… most important truth…. Ever!
And that It really happened is evidenced by the conversion of St Paul and the Fact that the Resurection of Jesus Christ Changed world History.
Early editions of Pears Cyclopedia admitted that Jesus Christ is the Greatest Figure of Human History! (for some unknown reason they cut that out of latter editions… we can speculate that it was cut out because it annoyed atheists)

The Bible story is very amazing in another very special way.
It clearly teaches that God is not indifferent to the trials and tribulations of us Terrestrial beings. It teaches us that God experienced the loss of his own child… by that terrible Evil… murder… and so he is well aware of how it feels.
The super amazing thing about the story of the Son of God is that though God allowed him to be unjustly killed by evil men, he had a secret plan which would turn this apparent tragedy into the most wonderful hope for all mankind!
The testimony of the Resurrection of Christ and the declaration of God’s Love for us, and his plan of Salvation to save us not only from our sins… but from Death itself!

I don’t expect those in the immediate pangs of grief to always be in a frame of mind to consider these things, yet It is my hope to communicate these truths to them ASAP, so that they might find hope and comfort… and not be destroyed by bitterness and Hatred towards God… whom loves them and sent Christ that we might have hope.

I intend to use this Blog post as a means to communicate the gospel to those in need.
And I will update it, and add to it, as a memorial for others.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Team Deven’s facebook page Here:


little Miette
Little Miette passed over March 27 2013

From her facebook page…
“Miette survived her DIPG for 1 year, 8 months, 3 days…..

She lived for:
2715 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes and 0 seconds
7 years, 5 months, 7 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes

So on a day just as the most beautiful sunrise was happening, Miette grew her wings. She stayed with us in the house for another 3hrs. More time to lay with her and spend precious time that slipped away. Some of the girls coloured her hair the colours of a rainbow. Xander got to say his final farewell and described to me a bit later while played the wii, how the spiderman in the game was the tumou…r and he wrecked Miettes brain.(a building spiderman crashed)
Glen and Natalie are laughing one minute,and a ball of tears the next. They need us all now more than ever.
The funeral people came and Glen carried Miette down stairs. It looked like she was just being carried after falling asleep. Onto the streacher where we all kissed her goodbye & cried & cried & cried.

Then she was wheeled to the car, more goodbyes, then driven away.
Lots of hugs and more crying.
A little while later flowers started to arrive. Tara brought balloons and a poster from the school. The (eye) donor lady showed up with papers to be signed.
The ripple effect will go far and wide. My 2 younger boys(Miettes cousins) will be home from school soon. More hugs and tears. AS many other families come to grips with this as well.
It weighs heavy on Natalies’ heart that their story has made everyone so very sad. But people have been touched and chosen to follow, comment, share or like status’ about the journey they are on. If they didn’t want to, they wouldn’t be here.
Natalie needs people to talk with and will retreat when she needs too. Glen is doing okay, but locks himself away if it gets to much. Those waves of emotions are going to be so erratic. There will be lots of dumper waves coming their way but with the love of everyone they will get back up, even if it’s just to take a quick breath.
Family ♥ Friends ♥ Aquaintances ♥ Strangers ♥

Miette’s Journey… Face Book Here


“Waylin Grace was a 2 and a half year old little boy who fought Stage IV High-Risk Neuroblastoma. He fought for 6 months and gained his wing 02/01/13.”


Waylin’s Facebook page Here:



ryder 2
Ryder. Not quite Two years old Here.

Ryders kites one month on
Ryders Kites.


So I wanted to share a funny story about our little hero. For a long time m&m’s commercial featured the “I’m sexy and I know it” song. Ryder apparently thought this was his theme song for a while. Lol. It got to a point when I could just l…ook at him and smile and whisper “do it”! He would smile and shake his little booty and sing “iiiiii’mmm sexy and i know it” really fast and then return to business as usual. Made me laugh til I cried every time… 😛

RIP RYDER JACK 12/13/06-03/14/13. Fly high my little hero. Mama loves you.

So I have been fighting in my mind about weather or not to post this picture of Ryder finally at rest. As I Iay awake and face burying my beautiful baby boy in the morning I feel the need to show those who can only be here in prayer and spirit how at peace our little hero is. He is finally free. I love you Ryder Jack.— with Ryder-angelo.
Ryders facebook page here:

ryders army

‘Ryders Army Childhood Cancer Awearness’
Please like this page. This is the page in Ryders name we will use to help build awareness to childhood cancer. Support other families. Support other groups and organizations that are doing the same.

Let us all be committed to Charity, and helping those families struggling to cope.
I encourage everyone to join and share Facebook pages which are set up to tell the stories and rally support and charity for Children (and others) aflicted with serious illness.
Remember that the parable of the good Samaritan was the tale of a Stranger helping a person of a different Faith and culture… A Jew…. whom at the time Christ spoke looked down upon the Samaritans with bigotry and hate.
Yet still the Good Samaritan did not hesitate to help his fellow man in distress.
It’s called loving our Neighbor as ourselves!

We might live many thousands of miles away, yet still we can act and show our love…One of the best things we Christians can do for sick Children and grieving and struggling families is to Pray for them… and let them know we are praying for them.

I believe such prayers, Encouragement, and Charity to be one of the most valuable contributions we can make in our lives.
While so many other endeavours can seem futile(Eg like trying to establish a free society)
Charity can have real results!
We can have a real positive impact helping those whom need it most.
It is humanity at our Best.
This is especially true for Christians.
We are God’s hand’s and feet.
God’s Love of humanity ought to flow through our actions.
Tim Wikiriwhi

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Please Read This:

Lane Goodwin takes flight… Read:

‘Never Happy Again’… Read more here

Brave Boy Chace Topperwien His story here:

Car Crash! Here:

A High Calling…

Is Faith in life after death rational?
What wise philosophers say about that Here:

The Metaphysics of the Miraculous


[Article by Mark I Rasskazov, Editor in Chief of the Transegoist Daily Journal. Syndicated.]

The Metaphysics of the Miraculous

My metaphysical model is monism, which means that I believe that there is one reality, and that everything in it is subject to a single set of physical laws (the Standard Model of Physics — until something better comes along). Now, most monists do not believe in miracles. Why? Because the term “miracle” typically denotes something which is supernatural — i.e., something which defies the laws of physics; something which requires that we appeal to metaphysical dualism: the idea that there are two planes of existence; a physical one, and a separate one, a spiritual one, which can override the physical.

The majority of people who believe in the existence of a Deity (or deities) accept some dualistic metaphysical model. I believe in God, and I accept a monistic model. I also believe in miracles. Is this a contradiction? No; but I’ve had to manipulate the concept of “miracle” somewhat.

It has been said: “That which seems miraculous is actually merely the unexplained.”

I consider that statement to be accurate.

I add one twist:

That which is, admittedly, physically explicable, yet is clearly not coincidental must be considered to be miraculous.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt can be explained as a severe natural disaster. Does that mean that it is coincidence that it happened to occur just as the time was right for the Israelis to leave?

The parting of the Red Sea in the book of Exodus has been explained as being the result of comet activity. Does this mean that it is coincidental that it occurred just as it began to look like the children of Israel had their backs against the wall?

When the Israelis arrived at the Promised Land, on two separate occasions, the walls of a city they were attacking spontaneously crumbled at a strategically advantageous moment. This could have easily been the result of seismic activity. Coincidence?

I think not.

What I think is that this entire universe is a magnificent machine, which operates in a flawless, albeit brutal and bittersweet manner.

God does have love for mankind. That’s not to say that He’s very nice. He’s not.

God’s miracles are physical events that He has set into motion long beforehand.

In that sense, inasmuch as God is sovereign, every waking moment that you experience is a clear and present miracle.

Do not squander the beautiful and terrifying miracle that is your life.