This ‘Spooky Tooth’ record cover displays an atheist visualisation of Christ… as Cosmic Buffoon.
With such preconceptions about religion and Christ…why waste any time reading about such drivel?
Why waste any brain power with absurdities?
Richard Dawkins is a poster child of this type of tunnel vision… all his works reek of his incapacity to be objective on the question of God’s existence and his ignorance of Christianity is a direct consequence of his mental incapacity to take the subject seriously.
I implore any atheist reading this to take the time to watch the Video below.
An intelligent woman explains her journey from incredulity to faith in Christ.
She explains that even Richard Dawkins is not beyond reach if he would only dare to challenge himself.
She gives an awesome testimony from an ‘orthodox’ modern academic perspective explaining why as an atheist she could not bear to honestly investigate the claims of Christianity.
she accurately reflects my personal attitude towards religion before the miracle of my own conversion from militant atheism and so not only do I relate to her experience, I also hope she can help others ‘break free’.
The video does not ‘Attack’ Atheists as ‘stupid’, nor call Atheist to throw their brains away.
I implore you…. My Family and friends to watch it….. It’s not about ‘facts’ and ‘figures’… but about *thinking*.
It’s a lesson in intellectual honesty and objectivity… about free thinking and escaping the Tiger cage of your own preconceptions… removing blinders to see reality.
And Christians…. I implore you to watch it too!
This woman has a degree in apologetics and makes some essential points about how to share our faith and win people to Christ rather than drive them away.
I confess to my own need to improve how I sow the word…. š
Tim Wikiriwhi
“Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, He had conferred on my beloved country in her emancipation and on myself in permitting me, under circumstances of mercy, to live to the age of 89 years, and to survive the fiftieth year of independence, adopted by Congress on the 4th of July 1776, which I originally subscribed on the 2d day of August of the same year and of which I am now the last surviving signer.
“I do hereby recommend, to the present and future generations, the principles of that important document, as the best earthly inheritance their ancestors could bequeath to them, and pray that the civil and religious liberties they have secured to my country, may be perpetuated to remotest posterity and extended to the whole family of man.”
~ Charles Carroll, On the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence (August 2, 1826)
The Founders, Religion and Government
This is an update on an image we have shared before. A reader over at the The Federalist Papers colorized an image made in the 1800s of the motto Benjamin Franklin proposed for the Great Seal of the United States.
This is how I see the sexual culture that surrounds me…
I can hardly watch TV with my kids anymore (TV hasn’t changed, they’re just older and have older tastes). They think all this shit is normal. I hate it.
It’s not just the sexual images that I object to – it’s the messages. Sex and marriage are constantly Ā cheapened – sex outside marriage is constantly promoted – everything is deliberately sexualised in an effort to influence us. What chance do my kids have of having unpolluted fulfilling marriages?
And it’s not just TV (and the internet and books and billboards) it’s the people – friends, family, my kids’ fellow students, teachers, etc.
This is the culture that I live in and I have no choice but to consume at least some pollution.
What a fine drop this is!!!!
6% too! š
Take note Richard G of the statement below!
esp… “Beer of Choice”…. “a supprising effective accompaniment for Dark chocolate, coffee,…”
Elemental is our most awarded beer, it has won gold medals in Australia and New Zealand and for a time it was rated New Zealand’s top beer, no mean feat for a porter of moderate alcohol and a balanced finish.
Originally the beer of choice for workers in Londonās produce markets, the beer was a mixture of the previous nights slops that the “porters” would drink when they clocked off at dawn. Porter is also Andy’s all time favourite beer style. Brewed in the modern ārobustā style, Elemental Porter is a rich, full bodied brew with plenty of dry, dark chocolate and roasty malt flavours which gradually give way to a cleansing hop-driven finish.
Not intuitively thought of as as a food beer it is a surprisingly effective accompaniment for:
ā¢Dark chocolate
ā¢Coffee or berry-based desserts
ā¢Blue cheese
ā¢Barbecued meats
And although historically it was a sunrise beer, we think nowadays it is probably more suited to an be served after dinner with desserts and cheese, although if you want to drink it at day break, we’re not going to stop you.
Andy and Brian
^^^^quote is from here:
Grunge Miester Tim Wikiriwhi Queenstown Motorcamp. New Years Day 1999.
That’s a Montieths Black… Porter Ale! …. actually may be a Black Mac. š
My Fav beer for 20 odd years has been Waikato Draught, yet that was notoriously hard to get on the Mainland, and so on that ‘mission’ I was buyin up Montieths Black (you can get it by the Jug down there!) and also swillin Black Macs.
That bottle looks more like a Mac one than a Montieths.
And for the record both Black Montieths and Black Macs are bloody good ales!
Despite being bought out by Big Brewers…
I present that quote from Renaissance Brewing as evidence against previous remarks by my fellow blogger… re My endorsement of both Porter Ale and in particular Boundary Road Chocolate Porter Ale.
It has always been the fate of minority faiths to defend their right to religious liberty from oppresion from Popular Orthodoxy and encroaching Legalistic mobocracy.
American Seventh Day adventist Alonzo T Jones delivered a classic defence of religious liberty in opposition to the establishment of a National Sunday Law in 1889.
“In 1889, A.T. Jones spoke before a United States Congressional subcommittee; the topic of discussion was the āBreckinridge Billā which proposed the compulsion of Sunday observance in the Washington, D.C. environs. Jonesās testimony helped to defeat this bill, and Jones became known for his abilities in defense of and knowledge regarding freedom of religion. In 1892, he was again called to speak before the U.S. Congress regarding the Sunday closure of the Chicago Worldās Fair, known as āThe Columbia Expositionā.
Read about him Here:
“We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth & reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart. In this enlightened age & in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining & holding the highest offices that are known in the United States.”
~ George Washington, Letter To the members of the New Church of Baltimore (January 22, 1793)
Copying a tune to your medium of choice is like catching the flu on public transport.
Once an artist releases a song, the song is out there, like a virus.
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
St Paul Colossians 2vs8.
*Everything* is energy you say Albert? Why should I believe that *I* am merely energy?
This is an unproven materialistic assumption… not a scientific fact.
Does anyone appreciate the truth of what I am saying?
Albert himself said something to the effect that “Blind submission to Authority is the enemy of truth”.
Does anyone here have the courage to challange the authority of The great Albert Einstein?
It is because of the Prevalent acceptance of this sort of unscientific atheist fundamentalism in the Academic communities of the world that brings into question the existance of Free will and the human soul.
Because Modern infidelity and Rationalism has succeeded in portraying belief in supernaturalism/ spiritual reality as being a hallmark of scientific ignorance, many Christians have been duped into thinking this Materialistic world veiw is a scientific fact rather than an unproven atheist assumption.
These rationalist Christians also tend to follow their atheist brethern and also abandon the Classic Judeo-Christian Morality as being valid… and faith in the reliablity of the scriptures.
They have stepped away from being true theists and have become Deists.
Those Christians whom pride themselves as being the most ‘Educated’ and Ruggedly consistent rationalists will then go further…as a matter of course… and deny the existance of Eternal Damnation, because to their rationale, it would be grossly unfair to Damn someone to eternal torment if they had no freewill choice in the evils they committed or had no freewill in their decision to reject Christ.
I wonder how they can reconcile all this with their voluntarily accepted moral obligation to preach the gospel of God’s grace in Christ to the lost?
Do they believe they have the freewill to actually bother?
Can they justify their own inaction as being materialistically determined and that therefore they are not morally responcible for not bothering to preach?
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”
St Paul 1 Tim 6:20
Thus a little leven leveneth the whole lump.
The mind boggles at just how utterly corrosive the Materialist world veiw is.
How effective it is in absolutely destroying faith in the Bible, in particular the classic moraity of a Holy and judging God and Mankind as a fallen yet Free willed and morraly culpible beings.
It is Sad yet interesting to witness the responce of Humanity to testimonies which dare to suggest that the Bible is the preserved word of God!
Such calls to true theistic faith are met with venimous cursings and accusations of maddness and folly… from all quarters!
The unadulterated arrogance of the skeptics!
They speak with the highest authority!
Human Rationalism!
Kneel Petty theist they command!
How dare you challenge the consensus of High academia?!
Humble thyself before the edifice of Modern scholarship ye unlearned fellow!
We will not yield to that ghastly Bible!
A harmony of outrage, and a choris of ‘rational proofs’ batter the Bible believer From both Atheists and so-called Christians alike.
The Bible believer finds himself alone.
The Rationalist Christians assure the atheists that these Bible believers are deluded fools… Throwbacks from a bygone age….not at all representative of the modern Christian position.
Mankind simply cannot bear the Idea that God’s Pure revelation Exists.
They know that to admit such a thing places them and all their Rationalisms under condemnation… under Judgment.
They donāt want to admit there is a light shining a path in the darkness!
They want to carry on the delusion that ‘nobody knows’…nobody can tell me what I should do, what I should believe, how I should live, why I should change…etc.
And they certainly donāt want to admit that the Great Moral light is that accursed and judgmental Bible!
To the Proud Sinner that is the most unacceptable proposition of all!
The Rationalist Christian doeās not even want to believe that!
Itās too filled with things which they find repugnantā¦ like Hell!
It is relatively easy to understand why the average sinner does not want to believe in moral culpability and a judgment day.
There is pleasure in sin.
The low road is an easier path to travel than the high steep path, and many Christians prefer to deny the reliability of the scriptures than having the burden of preaching an unpopular message to the lost.
What is truly sad to grasp is that these rationalists Christians have completely smoked themselves!
They have chosen to follow the delusions of the children of Darkness rather than the Light of the word of God.
Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.
I would like to point out that though there may be a cozy bit of kinship between atheists and Modern Rationalist āeducatedā āChristiansā in their mutual hatred of āFanatical Bible believersā, that in reality the Atheists are laughing at the so-called Rationalist Christians whom have abandoned faith in the scriptures, and share the atheist views that the Bible is unreliable.
Atheist laugh when Christians claim to also accept the theory of evolution instead of believing the book of Genesis.
They Laugh because they know they have won!
They have managed to get the Christians to abandon the Bible and instead accept atheist Materialism as the truth!
It is my solemn belief that is is impossible to convert the lost to faith in the truth of the gospel of Christ without preaching and teaching faith in the trustworthiness of the scriptures themselves in which the gospel is found.
News Flash Ye Christians!
Materialism is not a scientific fact!
Belief in the supernatural is not definitive of Ignorance!
Ye of Little Faith!
ā O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!ā
Jesus Christ. Luke 24:25
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
King James Bible believer.
āFor this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.ā
St Paul 1 Thes2:13
āStudy to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.ā
St Paul 2 Tim 2vs 15
āAnd that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.ā
St Paul 2 Tim 3:15
āSanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.ā
Jesus Christ John17:17
āHeaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.ā
Jesus Christ Matt 24:35
āā¦So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.ā
St Paul Rom 10:17
UPDATE: Did Albert Really say that?
Thanks to Eternal Vigilance commenter and Libertarian ‘Terry’ I have been made aware that there is a dispute as to whether this Meme has a genuine Einsten quote or whether it is an evil deception. It is a testament to the sickness of Humanity that unfortunately there are millions of unscrupulous liars out there whom manufacture Frauds either to push their own agendas or simply to cause chaos and destruction. I must Therefore warn readers that there is doubt as to this quotes reliability. I will leave the blogpost up because even if the quote is a fraud, my argument against Materialism still holds good, and it may be discovered that Albert did in fact say this. Thus the controversy! Check out this discussion here…
Keep Vigilant!
Update 2: Pondering further upon the problem about the verasity of this Meme raises a very interesting dilemma, very similar to the basic premise behind the Face book page āDid Abraham Lincoln really exist?ā
Ie that is is impossible to say with certainty that Einstein did not say this quotation…even if no reference to it can be found in the common places one looks (eg Google)
All that skeptics can claim is that *they cannot find sufficient evidence to convince them in their own minds that Einstein did say this.
The reality is that this could very well be a genuine quote from an obscure sourceā¦ ie It may be a record of a conversation, or a lecture he gave which does not enjoy fame.
And this is a very common reality!
Not everything famous people say becomes common knowledge.
The majority of their sayings actually get quicky forgotten.
I find this dilemma very interesting because it also relates to arguments used by textual critics in their attacks against the trustworthyness of the King James bible because according to them it includes portions of scripture the authenticity of which they dispute.
What is of grave concern is that all valid and truthful historic records can be undermined via such devious rationalisms which only need to caste doubt to destroy faith… and what sort of Malevolent spirit loves to caste doubt against the truth?
The Thinking person must navigate this Dominion of Devils filled with snares and stumbling blocks deliberately engineered to keep people in the dark.
Proverbs 3:30-32
Do not contend with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.
Do not envy a man of violenceāØ
And do not choose any of his ways.
For the devious are an abomination to the LORD;āØ
But He is intimate with the upright.
I took a dispute to the Disputes Tribunal which was heard yesterday. I found the experience extremely disappointing.
The Tribunal has a policy of encouraging people to settle their disputes by negotiation rather than making rulings – this policy favours men of violence, bullies and disadvantages the weak and vulnerable. This policy also says to me that the Tribunal is not confident in its own ability to make just rulings.
My opponent was articulate and he did not share my impediment of having to tell the truth (note to self: don’t envy the man of violence). At my hearing the Judge made it obvious that he was favouring my opponent and he encouraged me to settle by crushing any hope I had that the evidence (not that my opponent presented any evidence other than his “professional” opinion which the Judge seemed to be lapping up) and arguments would be examined methodically and carefully enough to expose the truth and the Judge also crushed any faith I had in the Tribunal system.
My opponent caused me to lose a few thousand dollars but the loss I suffered from the Tribunal was greater. I lost confidence that the Court will be there to reliably enforce any contract that I make.