Category Archives: Slavery

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Just a few of the vested interests in mantaining Hysteria and the Drug war.

What is the definition of Stupidity?
It’s when someone keeps doing the exactly the Same thing over and over and yet expecting different results!

Question: Has Cannabis prohibition succeeded in keeping Pot off the Streets?
Think hard about this….

The Stats actually prove that Prohibition doe’s absolutely *Nothing* to prevent Cannabis use!
The reality is over 50% of Kiwi’s have ignored the prohibitions and smoked Pot, and the rest simply don’t want to!
Thus the Law does *Zero* to halt drug use, and in fact the stats show that prohibition actually makes our schools etc less safe because of the Criminal monopoly… and vendors who have less scruples about who they sell their drugs to than Legitimate regulated traders.

The NZ Herald reports…‘Dairy drug sales to be banned within weeks’

This is simply a repeat of the failed BZP Prohibition which was only a success… for the Gangs and P dealers!
The truth is the BZP Ban removed a cheaper, and safer alternative to P (Meth amphetamine) …an alternative which many hundreds of Drug users were taking advantage of and thus depriving Criminal organisations of millions of Dollars, and helping the recreational drug user to stay out of trouble with the Law and reducing the negative impact of their drug habits upon their Families… esp in relation to Paying the rent, Putting food on the table, and warm clothing in winter… the Illegal market cost of drugs being astronomical… *while demand remains unchanged.*

People Love to do Drugs!

Alcohol is a Drug!… Of Course the A-Dealers (Alcohol) love these prohibitions too… and you wonder why NZ has a Culture of excessive Drinking and drink related violence and crime!

Yet the Populist politicians and Media never mention these sorts of factors… they pretend they don’t exist.
They continue to maintain the lie that such Nanny State Prohibitions ‘make our communities safer’, and yet no one considers the reality that having Legal sales of drugs actually ‘makes our communities safer!’ and that Prohibition not only works to finance criminal Gangs and results in Underworld crimes between rival gangs, Home invasions trying to steel drugs, Murder and violence when deals go bad, etc etc… it also means more young people end up ‘associating’ with criminal Gangs from whom they buy their drugs.

And this refusal to think through all these negative consequences of ‘the war on drugs’ also panders to the willful bigotry and fear of the Sheeple… whom love tyranny… in the name of oppressing their ‘Jews’… ie the unpopular minorities they have demonized.

Then they wonder why their Teenage sons and daughters don’t want anything to do with them!
Then they blame ‘the drugs’ when their adult Children end up in court and jail on Drug offences!
They never consciously admit to themselves that it is their own bigotry which has now alienated them from their Adult Teenage Kids and has destroyed their lives by allowing the state to take away their rights and liberties, to criminalize them and oppress them!
This is how the Stupidity is perpetuated…
Tyranny is far more harmful to our society than the recreational drugs they fail to control.

What the Government ought to do is simply put an R18 restriction on sales of Party pills and synthetic Cannabis, giving the Dairy owners an incentive to only sell such products to adults.
The also should Legalise Cannabis, and BZP, and Nos!

Morbidly Obese Environmetalist Orgy in Climate ‘Blood Diamonds.’


Check out this Blog post (Below) about the Commy Green Mega scam of ‘Climate change’… all the filthy lucre which funds the Environmental Religion… pretending to be selfless idealists, when in reality they engorge themselves in money stolen via lies and taxation… all the while attacking Freedom and generating propaganda as pseudo-justification of absolute Global Totalitarianism…


“The peculiarity of the global warming lobby is that it is partly funded by governments to lobby governments.

Friends of the Earth received €3,101,245 from the European Union between 2007 and 2009. WWF did better, with €8,794,595.

Between 1998 and 2009, the EU disbursed €66 million to the green lobby. It’s a kind of “you fund us and we’ll keep forecasting climate catastrophe and you can produce green taxes on the basis of our forecasts that scare your citizens”. Some might call this a corrupt relationship. It’s certainly not a healthy one.

Organisations, scientists and governments have so committed themselves to global warming that they need us to keep believing it. Those lucrative funding projects for scientists, those jollies to conferences in five-star hotels to “save the world”, the wind turbines making cash for everyone except us paying energy bills – will all come to an end once the people rumble the climate con.”
Read on…
Friends Of The Earth & WWF Recieved Billions From EU To Promote AGW Scam


Chavez Socialist peasants left wallowing in a puddles of their own filth.


This is Great Legacy of Hugo Chavez … Socialism Sux Arse!
Same shit, Different town.
Socialism always leads to this!
According to some Migrant friends of mine, In Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, with hyperinflation it was/is cheaper to wipe your arse on their ‘ten dollar bills’ than on a square of dunny roll!
That anyone can still believe in Socialism defies rationality!
It’s Bat shit crazy!
Absolutely Disastrous!
Only Vain Powertrippers and Morons support Socialism!
Read this article…

A man carries toilet paper at a supermarket in Caracas

Bathroom Blues: Venezuela’s Toilet Paper Crisis

“Venezuelans are used to going without staples like milk, coffee and butter, thanks to the country’s frequent food shortages. But now they’re dealing with a much more urgent crisis: a lack of toilet paper.

Stores have run out, and each new delivery sees a rush on supermarkets. The demand is so great the government has now been forced to order 50 million rolls to appease desperate shoppers. One woman standing in line at a Caracas supermarket that received a fresh delivery told the Associated Press that she had been scouring the capital city’s shops for two weeks. “Even at my age, I’ve never seen this,” another, 70-year-old shopper told Sky News.”

Read more:

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.


I have been asked what my opinion is on how we should endeavour to End Treaty separatism, and racist law and government.
What follows are my first thoughts on this matter.
I present them for discussion.
With the Separatists working to expand the separatist electoral system and Seats, and the National and Maori Party working to establish a Racist constitution this issue is reaching Diabolical heights!
This single issue is perhaps the most virulent political evil undermining justice and order in our nation today.
It is serious enough to focus all energy into fighting this single issue.

It will take the greatest Statesmanship to win the battle against this racist tyranny.
Do we possess enough Enlightened and skilled Individuals to lead the way?

One of the biggest problems which must be overcome if we are to end Treaty Separatism and establish Racial equality in Law and Government, is finding means to unify all the disparate ‘types’ of New Zealanders who hold many various and confliction political Ideals, yet share the singular common desire to establish racial equality before the Law.
This problem is in my view the greatest hurdle we face.
It is greater than the resistance of the Separatists themselves, because unless we come up with a formula for unity we wont even get a movement off the ground.
Unity is essential!
I can think of nothing worse than a splintered Factional resistance to treaty separatism in which energy is wasted attacking each other, and destroying each others efforts out of a desire to monopolize and dominate rather than doing the more wise thing of subordinating our differences for the sake of the Higher Cause and taking the fight to the real enemy… who by the way are not *All Maori* but that minority of vested interests whom seek to maintain the political advantages they enjoy from Apartheid government.
This problem of Disunity is very acute.
It has already destroyed Identical movements in the not too distant past.
And it is rearing it’s ugly head yet again.

To End Treaty Separatism, it is essential we work to win over the hearts and minds of the average Maori as well as the average non-Maori , and this will take great diplomacy and skill. Great honesty, and a clear demonstration that we really care about their well being, and that we speak with sincerity when we say that Maori have nothing to fear… in the sense of real justice… form the establishment of a system of racial equality, and the surrender of the apartheid electoral system.
We need to show them how this apartheid system has indeed worked against them as much as everyone else.
We need to get them to appreciate that the separatists… though they pretend to have the average Maori’s interest at heart, that in reality their politics has negative consequences for the Maori people, and is a blight upon their Mana.


Furthermore though we must be forthright about how this situation arose, and how the Labour and National parties have bent over backwards to appease the separatists holding the Maori seats… none the less we need to take care not to absolutely alienate Labour or National voters from our cause.
We need to do the opposite!
We need to orchestrate things so that Labour and National actually start bending over backwards …attempting to out do each other in *refusing to pander to the separatists…* and attempt to outdo each other in forming strategies and policies to get rid of treaty separatism, get rid of the race based electoral system, and establish Equality before the Law.
This reversal can be achieved via wise activism.
Those of us ‘in the know’ must be prepared to go and speak at Labour and National party meetings, and publish articles etc which encourage these parties to make clear non-negotiable policy statements before elections that they will no longer form coalitions with Racist parties.
They will do this like clockwork…when they tally the numbers and appreciate their election chances are better from make such pre-election statements than from hedging their bets… and keeping the door open to further sell our country to the separatists.
We can rely on this because this is their primary modus opperandi!

tame john

And history vindicates my assertion as this situation actually happened when Don Brash challenged Helen Clark after his Orewa 1 speech, Helen Clark only winning by election fraud Re: The Pledgecard, and by the injured vanity and pride of Winston Peters at having been ousted from his Tauranga seat by National… and him choosing to accept the Baubles of Power… from Helen Clark… despite having stood himself on and anti separatism ticket!


These factors robbed Don Brash of his shot at being PM and took away his opportunity to make good on his promises to shut the door on the bogus Treaty reparations…get rid of the Separate Electoral roll and seats in parliament, and establish One Law for all.
2005 was one of the Blackest elections in the History of our Nation!
We came so close to having the opportunity to begin undoing The Grievance industry, and End Treaty separatism, and Racist Law and government.

I have much more to say on what happened at this time.
Why Don Brash decided it was a good time for National to make such a policy.
What effect that had on Hellen Clark and her scramble to recover from being left exposed as the Party of separatist appeasement… why she abandoned her ‘Closing the gaps’ Flagship, why she angered the separatists in her midst, Tariana Turia and co over the seabed and foreshore bill enough to jettison them from Labour… etc.

The dynamics of this period are rich with gems as to how our corrupt race based democracy functions, and what we must do to make the pragmatists of National and Labour again struggle to out do each other … for the sake of winning a majority in the elections…and again synthesize speeches like Orewa 1.


One of the Biggest problems for the Cause of Equality, is that we who seek to End Waitangi apartheid are divided upon what is the actual solution!
Many are adverse to the institution of a constitution which out laws Parliament from making race based laws.
I think that is a grave error…. one which exposes fundamental flaws in their Political outlook… none the less to keep the peace with such ‘Anti-constitutionalist’ democrats, I have come up with an idea which may work.

It is the promotion of the Independent Constitutional review panel’s
‘Declaration of Racial Equality’, coupled to a demand to abolish the race based electoral system.
These two propositions can be the points of unification.
They can be promoted independently, and via the creation of a united lobby group, which can try and sell the idea to all parties including Labour and National voters, and the cause could also be helped via the creation of a single issue party whose single policy is to win seats in parliament and gain the balance of power, and to give agreement to confidence and supply upon either National or Labour… depending upon which one better resolves to get rid of the separatist seats and electoral rolls and enshrine the Declaration of Racial equality as Law, nullifying all race based laws and government institutions, and forbidding any new race based government innovations.
All other issues either being matters of conscience for the Party Mps in the house, or completely abstained from.
This being essential to maintain the unity of the party and avoid the divisions which such issues of a written constitution, or binding referendums cause.

And this approach would also need to be the general position of the Lobby group too.
It ought not to singularly endorse any party, but all Parties and individuals standing for election whom express their stand on ending State racism.
The Lobby ought to analyze every candidate, and quiz them on their position, and inform the electorates of whom stands for what…. which candidate the voters who want equality ought to support, and who they ought to vocally condemn.

The Lobby group would need to make this point clear to all members… that it is not a party political vehicle, and that any endorsements for any party or individual is strictly based upon that party’s determination to enact the Lobby groups objectives.
It ought to allow any Party materials to be displayed which promote Racial equality before the law. The primary purposes of the Lobby being to unite New Zealanders and inform them of who represents Racial equality, and who does not.
This actually means that even if that shyster Winston Peters actually stands of election on the ticket of ending Waitangi apartheid the lobby group ought to recognise the fact… and tell his supporters to make sure he doe’s not reneg on that policy… and insist that he makes it a not negotiable condition of any NZ First coalition.
It is that sort of Pre- election policy statement that the Lobby group ought to be trying to solicit from every party.
Should they not be prepared to make such clear statements, the Lobby group should encourage their members to forsake these parties and join one which has more Backbone.
The Lobby could Rank parties by both their policy, and the commitment they display before the election to ending Racist government… what priority they themselves place upon this issue.
This ranking should be in a prominent place on any website or printed materials.

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Tim Wikiriwhi

From my perspective, I think these things are essential.
Anything less will result in infighting and fragmentation.
From personal observation I have seen how deeply divided the activists for Racial equality are on other issues…the depth of acrimony is acute in the extreme… and unless we separate these differences and focus on our few unifying ideas, the Separatists have little to fear from us who seek to end their Political advantage.
We will be too busy fighting ourselves and destroying ourselves… and the people of New Zealand will see this and never support any of us!
We must take extreme care to ‘Endeavour to maintain the unity of the spirit’…and guard against the petty minded whom will insist upon creating unnecessary divisions because of their pig headed demand to have everything their own way.

The above recipe is far from being a full exposition of what I would personally like to see achieved (which includes the institution of a proper constitution), thus this strategy demonstrates the reality that I am ‘practicing what I preach,’ in submitting to the notion of the Declaration and abolishment of the Racist electoral system as being two giant steps in the right direction, and putting my constitutional desires on the back burner… at least while I am wearing my ‘Lobby group hat’.
In private I understand we are all free to speak our minds and to support whatever political party we desire!

Right now, I could walk about with my undies all bunched up… cursing all those whom now say they want equality that they did not support the Libertarianz Party ten years ago!
I could react to their derogatory remarks I hear against the Libertarianz party… from people whom bleat about taxes, and about Treaty separatism, yet in the past have supported the Parties responsible for these very evils!
Yet I am determined to resist such urges for the sake of this essential cause and to conduct myself by example…
While it is true to say that the Libertarianz Party is blameless in respect to treaty separatism and socialism in general… none the less when any such designs to steer the lobby group away from supporting any particular party which has a policy of ending separatism… cannot be tolerated… from representatives of the Lobby when they are wearing their Lobby Hats.
That must be reserved for either their private communications or their personal party activism.

I despair at the thought of how few people will be capable of maintaining such a high Ideal… of subordinating their personal prejudices for the sake of this most important of values and essential principles of Justice!
Will we be able to create these vehicles which can become the locus for change, and win over the hearts and minds of our country?
Pipe dreams?
A running joke amongst the separatists?

When enacted the Declaration of Racial Equality will become ‘a mini-constitution’ which will in fact restore the true principle of the treaty of Waitangi! *Equality… and oneness!*

We will need Big money to fund events and buy regular spots in the Papers for our articles.
This will mean soliciting regular donations from members of the Lobby… $10, $20,… per week per person.

These are my thoughts on how we ought to approach the task of Ending Waitangi apartheid.
The only question is do we have Individuals of the requisite caliber, and a team work ethic… a spirit of fraternity strong enough to summit this peak?

I myself am awaiting what develops before I commit to any particular aspect of this movement, and thus will continue to function as an Independent Libertarian until such time that for the sake of the cause I dedicate myself to some other roll.

And like many of my Libertarian comrades whom have so bravely stood against Waitangi separatism for years, I am more concerned about my Political principles making it into Parliament than phyisically getting a seat there myself.
If I need to carry the flag all the way… I will endeavor to do so.
I will be most happy indeed if Ending treaty separatism again becomes the ‘Flagship’ of the National
Party… or even of the Labour party… and even of such contemptible Oligochaeta as Winston First!

^^^Important Caveat:
Hey dont get confused!
This is my personal blogpost and I am speaking as a Private citizen… not as a spokesperson for this theoretical Lobby group I have proposed above, and Winston has never apologised for his despicable sell out… which kept us enslaved under apartheid!
He deserves to be called out on this and held accountable!
This is still a Radical Christian Libertarian Blog… not a impartial ‘single issue’ lobby group webpage.
Such a website…such a Lobby are only hypothetical at present.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Here is another blogpost I have done on this subject… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Independent Constitutional review’s Declaration of Equality can be found here:

Their Facebook page is Here:

Update: 19-5-13
It really is a Gigantic task which sends trembles down the spine.
I am thinking we need to start at the start… and that may be quite different to how we end up operating once we gain our stride, for example I think we would at first need to attract a hardcore group of desperados and first go on the offensive against Labour…against the Nats, Greens, etc,… to get that base of resolute Stalwarts, but then be wise enough to hold out the olive branch to these big parties and attempt to win them over to our way of thinking, and to the degree that they move in the right direction is the degree by which we ought to become more conciliatory to them… I cannot help but think that the only way we will succeed is if we win over at least one of the Big parties to our cause… and they could be aided by the coalition of a minor single issue Racial equality party.
This ‘juggling act’ will take extreme skill in leadership to pull off as some of the supporters of One Law for all will not want to deal with National… others will not wish to deal with Labour, and others will not wish to deal with either.

TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

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Tim Wikiriwhi introducing John Ansell at the Waikato TREATYGATE Presentation, Thursday 16 May, at the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton.


Though I had planned this meeting for over two months, it was typical for me to be still hurriedly typing out script mere minutes before I was to deliver them.
Libertarians Peter Creswell and Robert Palmer traveled down from Auckland to give John and myself some moral support, and they listened to my only practice delivery from a ruff draft… as they enjoyed an Epic Stout.
They offered me several good improvements, before heading downtown.

I had written much more than what I delivered.
This is a subject I am passionate about yet my speech was only an introduction and personal endorsement of John Ansell’s TREATYGATE presentation which he is busy delivering about the country…. So unfortunately though there was much which I would have liked to have said… many things which may have helped Maori People to better appreciate why I support John, there was no time for me to do so.

I would like to thank everyone who helped John and myself make this event happen… those who contributed donations, those who came to the meeting in support (I got to meet some of my face book friends!), those who helped set up the hall, the Waikato Times, and Hamilton News staff, and others who helped me with advertising, sound systems, etc.
It was great to see Allan Titford, his new partner and child who traveled quite a distance to support us.

I estimate there were 60 people in attendance which is not bad for a political meeting.
The Waikato Times had a reporter there.
And our ads reached many thousands of People who, though they never attended the presentation, will know that there are Activists afoot, working to end Waitangi Separatism and establish racial equality before the law.
This is a mammoth task and every event like this held in the name of ending the shameful travesty of Watangi apartheid and the grievance industry… all helps.

The evening ended at the House Bar, yarning, joking, and drinking Pitch Black Stout from the Tap. One of the manifold blessings of British Colonisation!
Very nice!

My speech follows…
…And below that… is a link to a Waikato Times/ Stuff article on our Hamilton Treatygate meeting, and subject matter, and I make a few observations about comments it contains from a Waikato University ‘Treaty expert’ the Times also interviewed for the article.

My Speech…

“Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.
It is great to see you.
Thank you for coming.
I know many of you have traveled some distance to be here.
Your support is very much appreciated.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi,
I live here in Hamilton, and work as a self employed contract engineer,
and it has been my pleasure to organize tonight’s meeting, for John Ansell to deliver his Treatygate message to you.

John is a very brave Pakeha, that is to say he is a brave New Zealander.
He will be speaking tonight for about an hour on one of the most important issues facing our Nation at present.

I myself have been involved in politics for well over a decade, and spoken many times around the North island on the ever worsening evils of Treaty separatism, Maori Radicalism, and our shameful Apartheid laws and government.

I hope that while you are here tonight John and I are able to communicate the gravity of our current political situation, and the race relations crisis which has been systematically manufactured because of an Evil ideology, which has taken full advantage of some serious faults in our democratic system.
I hope we impress on you the urgency and dire need for the people of New Zealand to Rally, and to organize ourselves into an Irate lobby determined to rid ourselves of these cancerous growths… and establish racial equality before the Law.

The shear scale of the Political extortion…Hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars! The utter Fabrications and falsifications of our colonial history by which a collective guilt trip has been heaved upon the backs of Non-Moari New Zealanders …so successfully, that they quietly submit to this Extortion, and tolerate being rendered second class subjects in their own country.
I say We must smash the Anti-colonialist lie that stupefies so many New Zealanders into believing they have less right to Fully enjoy this country, than their neighbor who has a fraction of Maori DNA.

Now the fact that Race based Law is a travesty of justice should not really be News to anyone.
Who does not know about the times of Slavery and Segregation in America?
Who has not herd about Apartheid in South Africa’s recent past?
Many Kiwi already know that the Law should not discriminate because of race.
The trouble is that so few of us actually have the courage to stand up in public say it!
New Zealanders actually allow their government to mass produce Racist law and give away millions of Tax dollars all because they have been deceived by a massive political propaganda campaign!
The Lying racist Radicals use intimidation and the Anti colonial guilt trip to dominate and steer our country towards every deeper Racial separatism, and Rapine…. And the power-hungry socialists of both the Labour and National parties have made bargains with these racist radicals for the sake of securing Election victory…time and time again.
Thus our Government has been utterly corrupted and used to indoctrinate New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori into thinking that it is the fault of others that the so many Maori are violent criminals.
The Radicals want you Pakeha to continue to believe it is actually your fault that so many Maori suffer Ill health… live in poverty…. are in low paid jobs, or wallow in welfare dependence.
Well John Ansell has figured out what a crock that all is and he has the Balls to stand up and say … “Get Real!”
John forthrightly declares “Im A Pakeha and I refuse to accept any such guilt!”
“I demand My equal Rights!”
I demand an end to the extortion, an end to the State Racism.
I want to live in a country of Racial equality before the Law!”

You see John has figured out that He’s not to blame for any of that Maori misery…and that he’s got nothing to be ashamed of…being a Pakeha…. And that if anyone is to blame for the misery of Maori today it surely must be the individuals themselves, who have allowed themselves to become depended upon welfare, not bothered to gain the necessary skills to compete with Non-Maori in the Job market… Skills which are essential to provide them with a decent income in a modern free society… and Blame also may be squarely laid at the feet of the racist radicals whose Toxic and hateful lies have fill so many Maori heads with a Victim mentality and vile racism… preventing them from taking ownership of their own problems, and appreciating their own self responsibility for climbing out of this misery they have created for themselves.
Until they do, no amount of special rights, no amount of Welfare will save them.

It’s time for me to hand over the mic To John.
I want to finish by saying… Lets rally together and get rid of the Racist electoral rolls and race based seats in parliament which are a pox and a shame upon our democracy, and PLEASE do not allow the separatists to establish a new racist constitution.
They must be stopped at all costs.
.I now give the floor to John.
Thank you for listening.”


Tim Wikiriwhi.
‘Maori Libertarian’

john ansell and I 003
John Ansell and Tim Wikiriwhi in Tim’s Man Cave/ Library. Hamilton 15-5-13

Here is an article which appeared on ‘Stuff’ via the Waikato Times …Hamilton meeting to ‘stop the surrender of NZ to tribal tricksters’

I would like to make a few comments on this article…
‘Angeline Greensill teaches Treaty issues at Waikato University and she would be interested in who would attend the meeting.

”It’s the sort of thing I would normally ignore but it’ll be interesting to see who does turn up and who is taken in by this type of stuff. I ned to be aware of that.”

She said Mr Wikiriwhi has a history of throwing his beliefs out to ”a misinformed public. She said people should learn the difference between rights and privileges and rights and obligations.
”It is not a privilege. Maori are tangata whenua of this country and there was an agreement signed that was never kept and it was an agreement about rights.

”They are getting things because they have a right to them. They have a property right like anyone else except they have to fight for them.”
End quote:

^^^ I say Angeline has provided us (above) with a perfect example of the sort of Socialist Academics our Government hires to indoctrinate our young people!
Note how she calls into question the mentality and character of those whom thought John and My own message against her Political indoctrinations of Treaty separatism was worth hearing!

Note how she blatantly suggests that the treaty enslaves Non-Maori to certain ‘moral obligations’ (Read Money, Power, Political favouritism, etc)… simply because the Modern Radical separatists claim Maori to be ‘Tangata Whenua’…which is of course an absolute lie, and part of the Modern Re-fabrication of New Zealand history and perversion of The Treaty!
Maori of old were proud to say they were Migrant Colonists too!
The ‘Tangata Whenua’ were the People living here already when Maori arrived!
Yet why let the truth get in the way of your Political vested interests… when a lie suits so much better… Aye?
Lets label those who dare speak the truth troublemakers, and Racists, and Mad men!

Thank you Angeline Greensill for clearly exposing your agenda for all to see.
Thank you for demonstrating just how evil it is to allow the Government to control the Education of our nation!
I only wish that New Zealanders would wake up to why the Government ought never be allowed to control such a vast engine of indoctrination, propaganda, and mass manipulation.
Too many people who understand that Government ought to be banned from producing racist laws, fail to understand Treaty separatism clearly demonstrates the Libertarian principle that the State must also be separated from Education, because it has been via state control of the education system, which has given the Socialist Political parties the ablity to use the education system to imprint their political agenda directly into the public mind, by hiring such socialist racist academics as Angeline Greesill and deploys them into our schools and universities to directly brainwash our people into accepting the vile rehash of our Pioneering colonial history and the separatist ideology behind our Apartheid system.
They also do this with their Green Agenda, Re Man Made Climate change, the Theory of Evolution, Socialist ecomonic theory, etc etc… all designed to delude the sheeple into supporting their Heavy Taxation, their Nannyism, their Totalitarianism… and to fear/ hate Freedom.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Money Week: The Great Socialist Catastrophe. You will not see a penny of your pensions.


Get Prepping for the Mega Collapse Peeps!

Update: 18-5-13.
Here: is a link to a short ‘The NZ Initiative’ article on the Bill English’s 2013 Budget which mentions New Zealand’s own ‘Fiscal Timebomb’ which brings home the realities of what NewsWeek is saying about the British Socialist Collapse.

Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for! Read about that Here:

Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for!

The Economies of the West were bankrupted by Nanny State Social Democracy… You Sheeple are to blame! Because you voted for Labour/ National… Reps/ Dems… and their equivalent shyster parties in every Western Social Democratic Nation whom promised to mother you and keep ‘Evil free enterprise’ in check.
You yourselves voted for the Bankruptcy!
You wanted all their promises.
You wanted all their taxes.
You wanted them to keep spending and keep borrowing.
Don’t cry about them bailing out the Mega Rich!
That too was all part of the socialist package you voted for… the idea that the government is responsible for the economy and can manipulate the players as it sees fit.
Don’t now pretend it is all the wealthy fascists fault!
Your continued self denial of your own guilt makes me sick!


We Libertarians knew your socialist scam would end in ruin!
We warned you for years this Zombie Apocalypse was approaching!.
We stood for parliament preaching an end to spending, an end to big government…yet you chose instead to burry your heads in the sand and kid yourselves that the socialist madness could go on and on…at least until *You* were gone… and then the problem would be someone else’s problem to fix!
Well your chickens have come home to roost!
When you see growing poverty, and children in rags…blame your selves!
Take ownership of what *You voted for!*
Know that it was your own selfish lusts for Nanny State socialism which has brought Great nations to ruin!


The day of Reckoning is here!
Will you humble yourselves and admit your errors?
No. Like most criminals you will never admit the truth…You will go the Hell screaming you are innocent.

Your politics created the Filthy Rich and the super powerful, and having learned nothing… having feed your growing Envy and Malice with even greater lies… you will soon elect an even more terrible Beast!
It is *you sheeple* whom will allow a new Totalitarian system to be installed!
You will vote for Full control of the worlds resources via a political elite… in the name of saving the world from ‘Capitalist exploitation’.
You will vote for a global Dictator under the delusion that this will end war.
And you will all receive the Mark of the Beast, and cry out against those arrogant ‘Libertarians’…who refuse to bow down… calling them ‘Enemies of the State.’
Yes you will have your Socialist ‘Utopia’!
My heart breaks for the Death of Liberty and prosperity…. And for your Slave Children.


Virtual President for President! The Ugly Truth about Gun Control.


(Hat tip: Frosty!)

It would be too must to expect the Sheeple to elect such an Honest Man into power.
They want to be lied to because they despise the truth and love lies.
How absurd is the notion of the Moral majority????
“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be thereon.
Narrow is the way that leadeth to life, and few there be that find it.”


“Why I am Not a Communist” by Bertrand Russell

“Why I am Not a Communist”
by Bertrand Russell


“I am completely at a loss to understand how it came about that some people who are both humane and intelligent could find something to admire in the vast slave camp produced by Stalin.”

In relation to any political doctrine there are two questions to be asked: (1) Are its theoretical tenets true? (2) Is its practical policy likely to increase human happiness? For my part, I think the theoretical tenets of Communism are false, and I think its practical maxims are such as to produce an immeasurable increase of human misery.

The theoretical doctrines of Communism are for the most part derived from Marx. My objections to Marx are of two sorts: one, that he was muddle-headed; and the other, that his thinking was almost entirely inspired by hatred. The doctrine of surplus value, which is supposed to demonstrate the exploitation of wage-earners under capitalism, is arrived at: (a) by surreptitiously accepting Malthus’s doctrine of population, which Marx and all his disciples explicitly repudiate; (b) by applying Ricardo’s theory of value to wages, but not to the prices of manufactured articles. He is entirely satisfied with the result, not because it is in accordance with the facts or because it is logically coherent, but because it is calculated to rouse fury in wage-earners. Marx’s doctrine that all historical events have been motivated by class conflicts is a rash and untrue extension to world history of certain features prominent in England and France a hundred years ago. His belief that there is a cosmic force called Dialectical Materialism which governs human history independently of human volitions, is mere mythology. His theoretical errors, however, would not have mattered so much but for the fact that, like Tertullian and Carlyle, his chief desire was to see his enemies punished, and he cared little what happened to his friends in the process.

Marx’s doctrine was bad enough, but the developments which it underwent under Lenin and Stalin made it much worse. Marx had taught that there would be a revolutionary transitional period following the victory of the proletariat in a civil war and that during this period the proletariat, in accordance with the usual practice after a civil war, would deprive its vanquished enemies of political power. This period was to be that of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It should not be forgotten that in Marx’s prophetic vision the victory of the proletariat was to come after it had grown to be the vast majority of the population. The dictatorship of the proletariat therefore as conceived by Marx was not essentially anti-democratic. In the Russia of 1917, however, the proletariat was a small percentage of the population, the great majority being peasants. it was decreed that the Bolshevik party was the class-conscious part of the proletariat, and that a small committee of its leaders was the class-conscious part of the Bolshevik party. The dictatorship of the proletariat thus came to be the dictatorship of a small committee, and ultimately of one man – Stalin. As the sole class-conscious proletarian, Stalin condemned millions of peasants to death by starvation and millions of others to forced labour in concentration camps. He even went so far as to decree that the laws of heredity are henceforth to be different from what they used to be, and that the germ-plasm is to obey Soviet decrees but that that reactionary priest Mendel. I am completely at a loss to understand how it came about that some people who are both humane and intelligent could find something to admire in the vast slave camp produced by Stalin.

I have always disagreed with Marx. My first hostile criticism of him was published in 1896. But my objections to modern Communism go deeper than my objections to Marx. It is the abandonment of democracy that I find particularly disastrous. A minority resting its powers upon the activities of secret police is bound to be cruel, oppressive and obscuarantist. The dangers of the irresponsible power cane to be generally recognized during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but those who have forgotten all that was painfully learnt during the days of absolute monarchy, and have gone back to what was worst in the middle ages under the curious delusion that they were in the vanguard of progress.

There are signs that in course of time the Russian régime will become more liberal. But, although this is possible, it is very far from certain. In the meantime, all those who value not only art and science but a sufficiency of bread and freedom from the fear that a careless word by their children to a schoolteacher may condemn them to forced labour in a Siberian wilderness, must do what lies in their power to preserve in their own countries a less servile and more prosperous manner of life.

There are those who, oppressed by the evils of Communism, are led to the conclusion that the only effective way to combat these evils is by means of a world war. I think this a mistake. At one time such a policy might have been possible, but now war has become so terrible and Communism has become so powerful that no one can tell what would be left after a world war, and whatever might be left would probably be at least as bad as present -day Communism. This forecast does not depend upon the inevitable effects of mass destruction by means of hydrogen and cobalt bombs and perhaps of ingeniously propagated plagues. The way to combat Communism is not war. What is needed in addition to such armaments as will deter Communists from attacking the West, is a diminution of the grounds for discontent in the less prosperous parts of the non-communist world. In most of the countries of Asia, there is abject poverty which the West ought to alleviate as far as it lies in its power to do so. There is also a great bitterness which was caused by the centuries of European insolent domination in Asia. This ought to be dealt with by a combination of patient tact with dramatic announcements renouncing such relics of white domination as survive in Asia. Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of poverty and hatred.

from Portraits from Memory published in 1956

Copied from this spot here….

Lord Christopher Monckton- ‘CLIMATE OF FREEDOM’ TOUR of NEW ZEALAND -APRIL 2013-Itinerary

lord m
Lord Christopher Monckton

An Old Libertarian Comrade Robin Thomsen invited me go with him next week to hear Lord Christopher Monckton Debunking Global warming/ man made climate change.
I will be there with bells on! (very cool manly bells that is!)
Monday @ Waikato Uni
It would be great to see other Libertarians there too.

warmist scientists
Muppet science… seems legit.

While I am pondering this subject I remembered reading a while ago that The Warmists had figured out that… Quote:
“People with very strong free-market support had very high skepticism of climate change,” said John Cook, a cognitive psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Queensland.”
He goes on…
“Such individuals also tend to distrust scientists and scientific processes such as peer review…”

Now what is telling about this is that if this is true (and I believe the first part is), then obviously the reverse is also obviously true… ie that Climate change is supported predominately by Quote: ” Retarded Anti-Capitalist Socialists whom hate the free market and believe the State should regulate all trade and Reasources”… said Libertarian Hunk, Tim Wikiriwhi in the greatest blog Ever… Eternal vigilance.
He goes on…
” John Cook is simply another State paid flunkey! The truth is Free thinkers do not have any faith in the heavily Politicized scientific community whose pay checks are dependant upon their manufacture of Pseudo-scientific hysteria mongering which generates mass phobia of free enterprise and conveniently recommends heavy handed government regulation of trade, virtually an end to private property, and absolute control of the earths natural resources, whereas the Earth worshipping Luddite Retards snort it like Cocaine! ”


^^^Criptic message from Roger Waters.


Climate Realists’ Network
was formed in July 2009.

We link to many other like-minded groups throughout New Zealand.

Our main form of communication is by way of fortnightly newsletters to our members. (Contact details below)

Our website contains a number of relevant articles of interest; however anyone wanting to explore the issue of climate on a much deeper level is encouraged to check out our LINKS page which provides a broad range of websites with endless hours of reading to suit any taste.

Lord Christopher Monckton

During April 2013 Lord Christopher Monckton will be in New Zealand to speak on Climate Change and its underlying idealogical framework, the United Nations Agenda 21 and the threat this is to freedom. The tour is entitled Climate of Freedom.

While few of us are familiar with Agenda 21 we are likely to have heard the term “Sustainable Development”, “Smart Growth”, or “Renewable Energy”. We may think that this is a “not in my backyard” issue that we can take or leave as we wish. But if you conduct even a cursory Google search for some of the key concepts of Agenda 21 you will find that most New Zealand local government long term policy has been explicitly implementing Agenda 21 for nearly 20 years, and that this dictates many aspects of YOUR life.

Understanding the underlying goals and intentions of Agenda 21 makes the Global warming, and Climate Change debate infinitely clearer. The motivations, purposes and methodology of those who persist in alarmism on this topic, despite the mounting scientific evidence to the contrary and the 16 year ‘pause’ in rising global average surface temperatures is more transparent. As the evidence increasingly contradicts the theory of greenhouse gas impacts on global temperatures the alarm is morphing to climate disruption, climate chaos, extreme weather and other scary stuff, since the temperatures are not keeping in step with rising CO2.

Don’t you want to know what is going on here?

Contact us for further information or media enquiries.

al g


Monday 1st April
Northland: ( Please note minor changes)
6pm Ascension Wine Estate, 480 Matakana Road, Matakana.
30 min introductory presentation followed by a brief opportunity for questions from the audience.
Light refreshments may be purchased from Ascension, but no dinner will be available.
Entry by donation.

Tuesday 2nd April
6pm The Kumara Box, 503 Poutu Road, Dargaville
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

Wednesday 3rd April
3pm May Bain Conference Room, New Whangarei Library building, Rust Ave
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

6pm, Conference Room, first floor of the Dickens Inn, Cameron St Mall
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

Thursday 4th April
10am-11am Lord Monckton will be a guest on the Leighton Smith Show (Newstalk ZB)

7.30pm, Netball North Harbour Function Room, 44 Northcote Rd, Takapuna
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 5th April
7-9pm Fisher and Paykel Lecture Theatre, (Room F&PAA/260-115)
Located at the Auckland University Business School, Grafton Road
No admission charge, but donations welcome.

Saturday 6th April
2pm, St Columba at Botany, 480 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Monday 8th April
7am Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting, Events Room 1, Gallagher Hub building, Hamilton Wintec campus.
Price $45
Tickets available at or by going to

12 noon Student Union Forum-Village Green outside the shops, Waikato University
Public welcome, no admission charge

7pm Price Waterhouse Cooper Lecture Theatre, Waikato University, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton (opposite the Admin building)
Gold coin donation.

Sponsored by the NZ Institute of International Affairs (Waikato Branch)

Tuesday 9th April
7.30pm, Bureta Park Motor Inn, Vale St Otumoetai.
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Thursday 11th April
7.30pm, Cosmopolitan Club, Grey and Derby Street
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 12th April
7.30pm, Ellwood Function Centre, 12 Otene Road, Waipatu, Hastings
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Saturday 13th April
Palmerston North:
2.00pm, Masonic Centre, 168 Fitzherbert Ave, Palmerston North
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

7.30pm, Anglican Church Hall, 67 Cambridge Road, Ashhurst
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Monday 15th April
New Plymouth:
7.30pm, Devon Hotel and Conference Centre, 390 Devon St East
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Tuesday 16th April
7.00pm, Southwards Car Museum, Otaihanga Rd, Paraparaumu
Tickets: $20 adult, $5 15yrs and under

Tickets to this presentation available online from
or at the Customer Service desk,
Coastlands Shoppingtown,
Contact for this event: Peter Jones (04) 2938966 Mob: 0272266657
Sponsored by the Kapakapanui Lions Club


Wednesday 17th April
Lower Hutt:
7.00am – 9.00am Chamber of Commerce breakfast
Silverstream Retreat, 3 Reynolds Bach Drive, Silverstream, Lower Hutt
7am- 7.30 breakfast, 7.30-8.30 Lord Monckton to speak, 8.30-9am Q & A
Members $45 +gst, non-members $65 +gst
Bookings and cancellations by Monday 15 April
contact: Donna 09399821 or

Press Club meeting
Associated Audio ‘The Bose’ Experts
5.30pm, 95 Customhouse Quay Wellington
Free entry to Press Club members, $10 non-members
RSVP compulsory as numbers very limited.
Contact: .
Light refreshments provided.

Thursday 18th April
7.30pm Nelson Suburban Club, 168 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 19th April
7.30pm Marlborough Convention Centre, 42A Alfred St
Admission by donation to cover expenses, surplus to go to hospice.

Sponsored by Federated Farmers (Marlborough)

Saturday 20th April
Christchurch: ( Please note minor changes)
2.30pm Forum, moderated by Rodney Hide
Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$25 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Door sales may be limited, book early to avoid disappointment.

Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$25 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Door sales may be limited, book early to avoid disappointment.

Monday 22nd April
8am -9.30am Business Breakfast
Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$45 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Bookings essential for catering purposes- no door sales.

7.30pm Sopheze on the Bay, Caroline Bay, Timaru
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Tuesday 23rd April
12pm arrival for 12.30 lunch
1pm Lord Monckton’s presentation
The Savoy Reception and Conference Centre
50 Princes St, CBD, Dunedin
$40 entry, tickets available from Jock Allison
ph 03 4772903, mob 021 363337
Numbers limited- book early to avoid disappointment.

7.30pm, Burns Theatre A
entrance opposite 84 Albany St
(Otago University Clubs & Socs Building)
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Wednesday 24th April
7.30pm, Gore Town and Country Club, Bury St, Gore
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 26th April
7.30pm, Ascot Park Hotel, 2 East Rd, Invercargill
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Contact us for further information or media enquiries.

Climate Realists (NZ) would like to acknowledge and thank the following supporters and sponsors:

Ian and Heidi Wishart
Uncensored Magazine
Kapakapanui Lions Club

Marlborough Federated Farmers

NZ Institute of International Affairs (Waikato Branch)

Our wonderful design and printing team: Alan, Sarah and Simon!

Our local organisers and network members- this tour wouldn’t be happening without you- thank you all very much.