Category Archives: Socialism

Am I my half-brother’s keeper?

On the campaign trail earlier this year, U.S. President Barack Obama said

I hear politicians talking about values in an election year. I hear a lot about that. Let me tell you about values. Hard work, personal responsibility–those are values. But looking out for one another. That’s a value. The idea that we’re all in this together. I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper. That’s a value.

In a Fox News editorial last month, Christian author and political commentator Dinesh D’Souza wrote

A few days ago I received a call from a man I recently met named George. He was a bit flustered, and soon informed me that his young son was sick with a chest condition. He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills. Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”

Who is George? In his own words

I … live in one of Africa’s biggest slums, along with some 4.5 million others. We have little or no access to health care, no welfare, and no free schooling. The average income is less than $5 a day—and that’s for those who find work as servants, taxi drivers, or garbage collectors. For the rest, there is nothing.

Along with some fellow slum dwellers, I set up a youth group for ghetto kids. My passion was football (soccer), which is followed religiously throughout Africa. When we first established the Huruma Centre Football Club, none of our kids had so much as a pair of football boots, let alone any uniform. Some were so hungry when they turned up that they had no energy to play. At other times, the team had to trek for miles to matches because we couldn’t afford any transportation. In spite of all that, our players were passionate, and we started winning. …

George Obama is Barack Obama’s half-brother.

John Ansell’s Challange To End Racist Government In New Zealand.

John Ansell has laid down a Challenge to Achiever Maori… Here. … and includes All New Zealanders ‘with a Spine’.

I endorse this challenge.

To My Maori Family and Friends. Understand that Political equality takes nothing away from Maori except Racism and Hatred. Under Liberty and equality you can still embrace who you are to the fullest extent. Stop allowing the deluded and hypocritical Racist Radicals to poison your souls with hate mongering lies. Liberate Yourselves from being used as pawns by those Political Fat cat Maori Racists whom have Got money and Power by turning you, your families, and your friends into The brown equivalents of White supremacists… heads filled with the same kinds of distorted history and Racist delusions.
And to my Pakeha Family, and friends I ask you to snap out of your wooly headed acceptance of Waitangi Racism, and the separatist system of Government.
You are just as Bad as the Racist Maori radicals because you sanction their lies and embrace their corruption. I call upon you to stop voting for politicians and political parties which support Racist Laws and Government. Liberate yourselves and your children from being treated as second class Subjects in your own country!
Please everyone support John Ansell’s movement to End Waitangi Apartheid!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

What a joke The ‘Renaissance in Maori culture and treaty settlement process is! All the Billions of dollars and assets of the so-called ‘Maori economy’ are enjoyed by the Aristocracy while the average Maori tribesman are just the miserable chumps wallowing in racism , dependence, and poverty!

According to the NZ Herald despite all the Political favoritism and Nannyism, The Income Gap between Maori and Pakeha continues to widen.
Yet what would you expect?
Learning TeReo Maori, and doing The Haka don’t have any economic value Homie!

The whole ‘Treaty partnership’ is a massive joke at the expense of all New Zealanders esp the foolish Maori whom are being deceived by the Political Class shyster Maori Lawyers and Elite into supporting the Separatist movement.

When will you understand that the only people oppressing you are your own leaders who fill your heads with race hatred and ensnare you in a victim mentality?

The average Maori would be much better off keeping their cultural interests as private pleasure, forsaking all the Race hatred and ‘blame’ that the separatists cultivate, and instead encourage their children to stand on their own two feet as individuals and take responciblity for their own well being… stressing the importance of the study English, Math, Engineering, etc.
Then watch a liberated Modern Maori make their escape from the Racist lies and delusions and compete as equals in the world.
This is how Moari must seek to improve their Economic lot (and escape the ethical poverty which sees them filling Jails, hospitals, and morgues).
By Hard work and self reliance. Socialism is a scam! A Trap. A complete failure!

Important note: I am not saying Maori people ought to completely forsake their culture. I am saying the Bogus Political Agenda, racial separatism, and its fabrication of a false Renaissance has led Maori down a very dark and deluded path.
And that they must stop following their Evil racist leaders who pretend to have the ordinary Maori’s best interests at heart when in reality they only give a damn about themselves.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

Re: Maori Grab for ownership of Water.
The latest saga in the perverse politics of Waitangi apartheid are very telling of how our shameful separatist system functions.
It is a testament to the Machiavellianism of the Maori Radicals of this country watching how they use the opportunity presented By John Keys plan to sell off assets like hydropower, to make a bid for ownership of the Water.
“>By admitting the recommendations of the Waitangi tribunal may be ignored by parliament in respect to Maori claims to ownership of the water, John Key exposes the travesty of the whole Treaty Grievance industry!
It is an admission that the tribunal is not as we have been told… a legitimate tribunal which functions to right supposed injustices of the Past, but a militantly racist body with an biased and extortionate agenda… and whose findings and ‘recommendations’ ought never tobe believed to be just.
Key has been caught in a web of his own construction.
This confrontation with the Maori Party exposes John Key himself as a Political shyster who was prepared to sell New Zealanders out to the racists… simply to acquire and maintain Political power for himself!
This is patently obvious because he has measured just how much political capital he can afford to surrender to the Racist Maori Party whom he relies on for support, without ‘spooking the sheeple’ in the larger General electorate.
It ought to be obvious why Key has assumed this new position in regard to The Waitangi tribunal.
It is not because of any freah realisation that the tribunal is corrupt , or any principle other than the political expedience of self preservation… ie It simply because he understands that cannot afford to surrender as mush political capital as they demand… without risking his own political power base.

This history is repeating itself.
The Key-Turia relationship hangs in the balances just as not long ago the Clark-Turia relationship hung in the ballance… in the days of the Foreshore and seabed debate .
Like John Key, Helen Clark was a cold calculator of her own political self-interest., and figured out that it was cheaper to alienate the racist radicals in her midst, rather than loose massive proportions in the general electorates to Don Brash, whom was championing the abolishment of the Racist electoral system, winding up the Grievance industry, and establishing ‘One Law for all New Zealanders’.
This is how the Maori Party was formed… out of Radical racist jettersoned from the Labour Party.
And not being as principled as Don Brash, it is these radicals whom John Key decided he needed on his team.
Right now Key is not concerning himself with Justice for New Zealanders. He is not even concerned about Justice for Maori. He is busy scheming how he can maintain his own grip on power …just as Helen Clark once did.
I have no doubt that he will be negotiating with the Maori party for a huge share of the state assets which are to be sold to be given to their separatist support base, in exchange for a temporary reprieve regarding the ownership of the water itself.
This is an old trick the Racists have used to gain ‘custodianship’ of things like the Waikato river.
They will agree to this deal knowing they can come for the water again at a latter date.
That we find ourselves in the very same situation…being held to ransom by the very *same racists*… just goes to show that Don Brash was right… there will be no end to this Racist Political charade until we end Waitangi apartheid and the grievance industry…and the lies they are founded upon.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Hamilton West.

Narcissistic Nanny

What’s Up? 4 Non Blondes.
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
ooh, ooh ooh
and I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

Martin Luther King was one of many Civil disobedient Activists who found himself in jail for resisting Racial segregation. Ultimately He gave his life for the righteous cause of racial equality before the Law.

Salmaan Taseer. was martyred for advocating religious tolleration in Pakastan

Dakta Green is behind Bars tonight because of his stand for the rights and liberties of Cannabis users.

If it were not for the High morals and defiant yet Peaceful Civil disobedience of brave and enlightened People like Dakta Green, Western civilization would never have risen out of Barbarism.
Yet the quest for Freedom and justice is not yet won.
We may have to a large degree escaped many of the Classic evils of Bygone days yet only naive and foolish sheeple do not appreciate the fact that corrupt political powers and Subjection to tyranny still abounds.
There are plenty of Righteous causes and oppressed minorities in dire need of champions.
And when such champions arise, they face a vicious multi headed beast!
Bigorty and Tyranny.
Though they know they will be mauled, yet still their Conscience and love of humanity moves them to put themselves in jeopardy for the sake of Liberty and Justice.
One thing Political Evil cannot tolerate is defiance!
In Cold resolve of self preservation the tyrants move to crush the righteous, to break their spirits, and trod them under… as an example to the rest of the sheeple to stay in line…or else!
And when this happens… and the champions of Liberty and justice are in chains… who will rise up for their sakes?

I am not Surprised….yet still it was with shock, Depression, and Indignation that I received the news tonight that Cannabis Law Reformer Dakta Green is back behind bars.
It was to be expected given the fact that though Dak had only just been release from Prison for his Activism to end Cannabis prohibition, and ‘Living like it’s legal’… had declared that though he did not wish to go back to jail… he was resolved to continue his civil disobedience and crusade to end the oppression of Cannabis users.
This could only result in one thing.
The Machine is determined to break Him… and so acting under pressure from the Polit bureau the ‘Bastards in Blue’ paid him another visit. He was arrested for ‘breach of bail conditions’… I am not sure if this means he is facing new charges in relation to cannabis use. I do know

Dakta Green has only been released from jail for less than two weeks and already the Daktory has been raided 3 days in a row.”
If indeed he faces fresh charges, he will be dragged before a Stern court under instructions from a political commissar to deliver even harsher sentence than the one he has already endured.

I am not writing this blog merely to report it travesty.
I am writing it to ask all decent and liberal minded people what they intend to do about this?
We must Rally!
Our Man needs Backup!
Will you sit back in front of the telly and do naught?

I am sitting here wondering what I am going to do about this…and I will be doing something more that typing about it!
Duty calls.
Activists must Act! (peacefully and with all respect for good law)
I will report back when I have decided what I can do.
I suggest those of you who care… those of you with a spine… that you contact talk to your friends and families about this, and rally them to the cause!
Contact Norml.
Contact Me.

Oh it’s not convenient right now for you to do anything?
*Slap yourself for me!*
When is it ever convenient to stand against Evil powers?
Dak needs us *NOW!*
I implore you to rise up!
I will see you at the front of the picket line!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Comparing Hamilton City’s Dire straits to Bankrupt City of Stockton.

The Californian city of Stockton is set to become the largest US city in decades to go bust.

Mayor Ann Johnston told the city council which endorsed the move it was “the most difficult and heart-wrenching decision” they had ever faced.

As has become the Norm these days Stockton Officals attempt to pass the blame upon the ‘Global market collapse’ rather than their own gross overspending, Yet a quick search of the Net reveals the same old story of Grand scheming…Heavy handed Government.
They got into debt building and running Parking buildings… which as usual was *a fail*… just like it was for the Hamilton City Council.
The City of 300 000 carries a debt of $700 Million.
Which, by comparison ought to show Hamiltonians just how grievious is their own situation being a Population of 152641 and city debts of $400 million
When the population of Stockton and US exchange rate is factored, This ruffly equates to an equivelent debt of $450 million to Hamiltons $400 Million.
We will be there by the next Local Body elections!
Thus We can safely say Stockton was brought to it’s knees by the same Pig headed Political Folly as has plagued Western democracy in General… including Hamilton New Zealand.
If only Hamiltonians had listened to me!If only The Waikato Times had been able to grasp the reality of what I was saying, and given me equal time with the other candidates in their paper to present my arguements to the Ratepayers of Hamilton!
We would not be facing such a finacial catastrophy as we do now!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.
Hamilton West.