Category Archives: State Rape

Bank robbery?


Bank robbery? Actually, no. A friend on Facebook (Terry, who is also a regular commenter here) explains.

The Cypriot banks are bankrupt and should be permitted to fail as they deserve. The depositors made a poor investment holding their wealth in fiat currency and giving that fiat currency to a poorly managed bank. By bailing out the Cypriot banks the EU is *giving* those banks’ depositors 90% of their lost money back, not taking 10% of their savings from them. That is not a bank robbery. The gun is pointed at taxpayers in Germany and other productive EU nations, not bank depositors in Cyprus. Bank depositors are receiving the benefit of the illicit money being extorted from taxpayers in other countries.


The Broad way. Morality by vote. Social Arbitrary Law.

mob rule

“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be thereon.
Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it”
Jesus Christ.

The idea of the ‘Mandate of the majority’ in determining what ought to be Law, or how a country ought to be governed is a Pagan/ Greek idea.
It is a pseudo-morality which opposes itself to Christian Ideals of Justice.
Why then do so many Christians clamor for more democracy…less principle/ rule of Law?
Why is it that the socialists have been able to substitute the Idea of Majority Rule as being ‘the rule of law’ when it is no such thing?
Democratic whim is no more a protection of the rights of individuals than the whim of a dictator.
The Laws generated thereby are absolutely Arbitrary!
Why is this truth not taught in ours schools?

They dont teach this because the state does not want the people to slap Constitutional restraints on their power or limit their spheres of operation/ intervention.
Labour party Hench woman and Waikato University Propaganda Chief Margaret Wilson opposed the institution of a Constitution which restrained the powers of parliament. Ie she opposed the rule of Law, and desired the continuation of Totalitarian socialism.

She praised Social arbitrary law and mob rule… calling the Status quo… “Our wonderfully Fluid system…” !!!!

Remember that she was part of the Labour government who abolished Kiwi’s rights to appeal to Privy Council in England, and established the New Zealand Supreme Court.
This was a socialist Coup!


As one of New Zealand’s highest Lawyers/Legislators (Attorney General), it was in her parties vested interest to Bamboozle the people of New Zealand to keep her Party free to implement their Nanny state Agenda upon us.

These were dark days for unpopular minorities… Party pill/ NOS bans, Anti-smoking legislations etc. Massive handouts to Racist radicals, Anti smack legislation, etc.
By comparison John Keys inept governance looks enlightened!
We don’t see anywhere near as much Nanny state legislation being generated.
He still suxs badly, yet I will give him Credit for that…


That many people will look at the list of oppressive socialist laws and think they were all good ideas …. That Nanny State is great just goes to show that had they lived in Germany in the 1930’s, they would have been raising the One armed salute to the Democratically elected Socialist Tyrant Adolf Hitler.
He was all about ‘State Health’, ‘State Education’, ‘Nationalism’, etc.
This is why is is all too common to hear sheeple exclaim… “Hitler was a genius and had a lot of great Ideas…”.


be this guy

That Unchecked Social Democracy has bankrupted every Nation in Western Civilisation makes little difference to the Vested interests, dependent State Tit suckers whom now realise they have sucked the life blood out of their neighbors! They Clamour against state cost cutting… as if you can get more labour out of Dead slaves!
The Socialist politicians themselves refuse to admit they have ruined their Nations.
They make ridiculous statements “Austerity will cause a depression” when the truth is their largess has already Bankrupted us and that every year they continued their charade simply made things much worse!
We stagger beneath Massive Debts and Taxes!
Look at Cyprus today!
Frozen banks, and the prospect of looting the peoples savings!
It is difficult for me to feel sorry for them as the one thing that may be said about Democracy is that the Majority of people get the Government they deserve.
Ie In every Western Nation the resident sheeple have ignored the ‘Doom saying Libertarians preaching “The End is Nigh!” from their Soapboxes.
The greedy Sheeple have allowed their governments to lead them to destruction.

See Richard’s Post on Cyprus Here:

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.


Because I have failed in the attempt to organise an association of ‘Heavy hitting’ Libertarian minds to directly challenge the governments appointed Committee which is currently running a Mickey Mouse commission looking to entrench Waitangi Racism and Socialist Democratic tyranny, I am attempting to put together a ‘condensed’ submission advocating the institution of a New constitution embodying Libertarian principles for New Zealand to be submitted to Muriel Newman’s the independent Constitutional review panel.
Go Here:

This panel is primarily concerned with insuring any new Constitution guarantees Racial equality before the Law, and does not entrench the current Apartheid doctrines and institutions of Radical Indigenous racism and treaty separatism.
This independent Panel is to be highly praised for this work.
It is absolutely essential that the Government be prevented from establishing an Apartheid constitution, yet I fear the scope of this Independent lobby is not broad enough to challenge the many other injustices and usurpations perpetrated against the people of New Zealand in the name of ‘Social Democracy’ which is the prevailing ideology of 99% of MPs and their parties whom populate our parliament.

The difficulty for me is not only that I despair having to sit out and watch everything unfold from the sideline as a spectator rather than a participant in this process.
I despair of being able to do justice to this ‘Mother of all Political Institutions’ in a brief submission.


One of the most important jobs of a Constitution is to protect the Rights and liberties of Minorities and individuals from Mob Rule.
Living in an age in which Atheist Materialism and Moral relativism dominate the thinking in academic circles it is difficult to speak of ‘Higher Law’… Moral absolutes which trump the mere whims or Legislators in large numbers.
It is difficult to get support for Ideals which set limits to the pseudo-moral justification of Legislation founded upon the mandate of the majority.
In Today’s world I cannot make appeals to Individual rights as being inalienable because they are ‘God given’… which was in times past a perfectly acceptable and rational position to take for the simple reason that so many intellectuals have tragically abandoned belief in God.
Thus I must make appeals to other arguments, in secular terms which embody arguments which such mentalities will not dismiss because of personal bias against theistic Ideas.
And most essentially these arguments must be powerful enough to expose the evil delusion that Humanitarian sentiments can justify tyrannical and oppressive political means.

The Little video below was posted on Face book by a friend (Hat tip Mark Casey) and I share it with you here because it does a very good Job or presenting the distinction between real charity and Socialism/ forced welfare…. and the travesty of that pseudo-moral justification… ‘the democratic mandate of the Majority’…
In so doing this video embodies one of the important attributes my submission to the Independent Panel must encompass.

Watch and enjoy.

This video also makes me wonder if my submission could somehow included such streaming Media?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

How fair is that?

Yesterday I opened a letter from my bank informing me that they had recommenced raping my bank account—at the behest of the IRD. “Fair” enough, I suppose. It’s the IRD’s job to be fair. Why me? I guess I must “owe” them money because I don’t “PAYE” them anything.

Then I watched BBC World News. I was flabbergasted to learn that the Cypriot government is proposing to rape the bank accounts of literally everyone with an onshore bank account. Luckily, it’s a one-time tax, in which Cypriots stand to lose 7%-10% of their life savings in one hit, rather than the easy weekly payments I have to contend with. How fair is that?

Robert Tracinski says

The news broke over the weekend that in exchange for a bailout—or “bail-in,” whatever that means—of banks in Cyprus, bank deposits would be hit with a one-time “wealth tax” of 7% to 10%, depending on the size of the account. One expert sums up the reaction in the markets: “traders and investors are aghast.” So are depositors, who quickly emptied the island’s cash machines.

This is one of the biggest bank heists in history, and it is being carried out, not by the crew of charming rogues in your favorite caper flick, but by finance ministers. So it’s an inside job.

For an informed analysis of this latest episode in the Eurozone crisis, read Liberty Scott’s latest post. Scott notes that

The Cypriot Parliament, which must vote on this law, wont do so until Friday. Cypriot banks will remain closed until then. Will this trigger panic more widely? What would you do?

WWJD? (Trick question, Jesus never had a bank account.) To my mind, the proposal is so unthinkable that it’s unthinkable even to propose it. It’s goddamn communism! Let’s hope this proposal isn’t adopted but, even if it’s not, as Scott notes, “the damage is done to Cypriot banking.” Deposit funds into account with Bank of Cyprus? Yeah right.

Lindsay Mitchell has just the right quote

Any government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.

and Queens of the Stone Age have just the right song.

First it giveth
Then it taketh away

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

On the reoccurring theme of ‘what is the proper roll of Government?’ I submit to you another post about the census yet with an extra punch.
Thomas Jefferson wrote “He who governs best Governs least”. He penned the American Declaration of Independence which actually defined what the proper duties of Government are… to defend the God given rights of the individual, which is a very limited sphere of operation which does not include the supply or control of such services as Education, hospitals, arts and sports, etc… all of which are the proper sphere of Free enterprise and private voluntary associations.

It is because western society has forgotten such enlightened principles as motivated Jefferson and the founding Fathers of America and instead have adopted a totalitarian socialist conception of government where the prevailing belief is that all of life’s problems have political solutions that western civilization teeters on the brink of Absolute economic collapse and chaos!
Keep this in mind when you read my following blog post.
Understand the gravity of the situation… the rationale that underpins the so-called justification for having the compulsory census…

^^^^ That is the Cover pic from the Government Facebook page Census NZ. Here:

It clearly demonstrates why the enlightened Kiwi is outraged by the underpinning arguments which Census NZ, and the Government use to vindicate this compulsory violation of our privacy… ie that the information gathered will be used to for their Social planning.

Bread and Circus.
Notice how this picture appeals to the unthinking… ‘the government as the font of all culture….get someone else to pay for it ‘ mentality…
‘More Drag strips, more skate parks, More Gigs and festivals, more sports…etc etc’.

Notice it completely forgets to add “More Taxes, more rates…. More Debt, more compulsions and property violations!, More Government poking it’s nose into things which are not it’s business to be involved in!

Now I like Drag strips, Concerts, etc yet I am not so stupid as to believe these things are only possible via political interventions!
I also know that every time the Government or city council builds a stadium or sports facility and events that they always run massively over budget and put us into massive debts…. And end up costing Rate payers and Tax slaves Tens of millions of dollars…. Every time!
Three examples from my home town of Hamilton will suffice as examples.

The Rugby stadium.

The V8 Supercars.

The Claudlands event center.

Each of these cost Hamilton Ratepayers many 10’s of Millions of dollars… over the price the Hamilton city council told ratepayers they would cost!
Via consecutive socialist medaling the HCC has racked up $500 million in debts!

And what needs to be appreciated is that this bankrupt situation is the norm across the globe in western socialist democracies… ie Socialist politicians are systematically bankrupting their captive populations! Debts are skyrocketing and Rates are going through the Roof!
Yet nobody seems to be waking up to the fact That City councils ought not to be involved in such ventures!
They are best left to Free enterprise, and voluntary associations, whom are much more realistic about how such things get build and on what scale.
Most importantly they don’t demand money via compulsory taxations upon the community!
Ie Little old ladies living on pensions don’t face rent increases or rates hikes to pay for the white elephants and delusions of grandeur which Big mouth big promising politicians spout at election time to get elected!
If the figures don’t add up… they don’t get built its as simple as that…. Ie economic reality prevails…. Not ridiculous socialist whim.
The sort of people whom support the Council/ government involvement in such things are either Ignorant, evil, or both!
The ignorant have not figured out that such things will turn around an bite them on the arse via higher rates, rents, and costs for necessities in goods and services, and the evil don’t give a damn if people whom don’t like Rugby, etc are forced to pay for New stadiums etc . All they care about is having a flash new place to worship their sporting Gods! They are too stupid to realize that Better stadiums and facilities could be established via legitimate means without the use of Draconian powers of compusion.

Here are just a couple of articles I have plucked off the net…

And below are some links to some blog posts I have done on thes subjects covering some of my own Libertarian Election campaigns standing for Hamilton city council in direct opposition to this Bankrupt big spending socialism….

How to solve Hamilton’s rates crisis

wikiriwhi for HCC 001

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.


Christian Libertarian Tim Wikiriwhi torches his New Zealand Compusory Census Papers 5-3-13.


I am Not a Number!
I am not a Statistic!
I am not a slave of Nanny State!
I know my rights, and the Census is a typical example of Government abuse of Power!
They have no right to demand I fill out any form!
Their threats of fines and convictions are a testimony to the Wickedness and disrespect for Individual liberty and privacy by our Nanny State Socialist democracy!
To all you Social engineers and Bureaucrats….Get Stuffed you little Nazi Scum!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Oh, you have come to pick up my Census?…. Here you go!” 😀
weapon of choice 001

The Census. Are you really Free?

A call for civil (servant) obedience

People from the Crown Law Office have been reading this blog. Specifically they have been reading State rapes former Barnardos counsellor.

It’s not clear whether the Crown Law Office want the blog post taken down or whether they just intend to use its existence to try and deprive Johan (the former Barnardos’ counsellor) of his relentless advocate. I won’t explain more because an explanation might breach a suppression order (I think sometimes suppression orders are deliberately vague and not made in good faith).

You can read more about this on Chris Wingate’s blog.

I think it’s fitting to pay tribute to Johan’s relentless advocate Robert Lee who has spent thousands of hours at his own expense fighting for justice for Johan…

A message to those at the Crown Law Office –
You serve the Crown (the Queen) and she took an oath to cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all her judgements

Presumably you all took an oath similar to the following…

“I, [name], swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors, according to law, in the office of []; and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of New Zealand without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God.”

To truly serve the Crown and do your duty you need to betray your colleagues that defy the Law and cause injustice.

Ship of Union Fools. The Living wage.

Never underestimate the power of Idiots in large numbers!

The NZ Herald ran a story today about Union activism, lobbying for the raising of the minimum wage… under the emotive term ‘Living Wage’.
It was with great relief that I read further that John Key rejected the notion.
It currently sits at $13.50.
Read about it here:

Unions seek to compel employers to raise their minimum wage to between $18.00 to $20.00 an hour, under the pretext that this rate will mean “families can realistically live”.

As I was reading about this in the Smoko room at work, I could not help but mutter how insane I thought this Idea is and that it would only serve to hurt New Zealand, esp those this wage was supposed to help.

I was promptly challenged, and so I began to explain why this was both a stupid Idea and why it would make things worse for everyone.

I explained that $18.00 dollars an hour may indeed be enough to get by on…today… under the present cost of living, yet the very introduction of this ‘artificial’ wage increase would immediately cause a jump in living expenses… and thus the raise would only serve to inflate costs, and $18.00 would then not buy the same amount of goods and services as it does today… before the compulsory rise.
Ie it is a self defeating gesture.

It would cause the cost of living to rise for everyone, esp in regards to things like Bread, Bakery food, Petrol, etc… things which Kiwis buy from other Kiwis, rather than from overseas. Conversely it will hand a greater competitive advantage to imported Goods comparative to New Zealand produce. Imports will still be effected, yet not to the same degree as Kiwi made… and this disadvantage puts New Zealand business under greater strain.
Some businesses simply will not remain viable because the wage rise makes their products too expensive, and some will simply shut down their operations, others will move offshore to countries where they can get less expensive labour, and others will bring in Automation, because they can justify the expense in light of the New Wage laws.
In all these scenarios It will be bad news for the lower wage earners.
All these Evils will have resulted because of ridiculous Social engineering
The Unions and complicit Social democrats will have successfully cost workers their jobs proving that this type of Economic stupidity will surely hurt the very people this socialist compulsion was supposed to help!

It keeps getting worse because Unemployment will jump and so will numbers on the unemployment benefit (ramping up the costs to taxpayers)… and what is even worse is that because the costs of living have been artificially forced upwards… the buying power of welfare benefits will have shrunk too!

Then we will nodoubt hear Union cries to raise welfare benefits to ‘living proportions’, throwing even greater burdens on the workers… ie the taxpayers!

Some may say that $18-20/hour might encourage some people off welfare, yet where would these jobs come from?
You have in reality made it much harder to employ them!

And all this misery is a typical result of Government Regulation and interference in the market place and economy of the country!
The Socialist Unionists will not blink from blaming all this extra pain and chaos upon the greed of the capitalists!
That’s how this Malevolent virus of the mind maintains itself in it’s hosts.
Socialism maintains a Class warfare, always blaming the greed of the other side.
The truth is we don’t have a capitalist system, which is ‘Laissez Faire’… ‘Hands off’ Free market economics.
We have a Socialist regulated/ hands on economy!
So quit with the Rubbish that ‘Capitalism doesn’t work’.
It’s Socialism which is failing, and driving our country into debt and destitution!

I have much better solution than compulsory wage rises.
It would indeed help the lower wage earners.
I suggest we get rid of income Tax upon the first $10- 15 000 dollars (per annum) earned by everyone!
This would give the poor a real increase in wages without adding costs to employers!
This would mean the costs of production would not increase, and the cost of living would not be artificially increased, nor would thousands be forced onto the Dole!

We don’t have to imagine why the socialist Unionists and Politicians have not put this suggestion on the table!
They want more taxes, not less! ( Think about how heavily unionized all the State employees are in Health , education, etc, etc)

I don’t have space here to talk about the fact that in reality reducing Tax rates can result in greater tax revenues for the government due to growth in the economy.
Nor will I go into the fact that if politicians agreed to lower taxes to win votes, they would probably borrow money at a faster rate rather than cut government spending. which is another shyster evil which ought to be illegal.
Nor will I go into the explanation that in the real world it is the Law of supply and demand which sets wage rates, not Dictators.
(I have written about this Here:)Nor will I present arguments for abolishing minimum wage laws altogether… though there is a very strong case for doing just that.
I must leave these subjects for a later date.
I t is enough for me to say that only the most ridiculously naive morons think economics can be ‘doctored’ so as to improve living standards by passing such farcical laws.
Tim Wikiriwhi

For Some time I have also been meaning to write a blog post upon what is going on in respect to the Highest wage/ salary earners… the CEOs etc… the Largess, and how this too is an aberration…an evil which is having very serious detrimental effects upon our society, yet it will have to wait.
It is enough to say that this largess actually encourages socialists to pass absurd yet draconian laws… just like this one…the living wage… believing they can wrestle money away from the Top wage earners and hand it to the lowest ones… and that no ill effects will result.
They are complete Morons.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 7-10-13
Another delusion is the calculated cost of implementing this ‘Living wage policy’ as it fails to take into account the disgruntled workers who have taken the trouble to up-skill themselves yet find themselves earning little more than the those people with virtually no skills at all!
Human nature dictates that these workers will strike and demand higher wages too.
and thus there will be multiple unforeseen and un-calculated costs which will have ruinous consequences…. esp for taxpayers, rents,and ratepayers… and the Costs of essentials

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

liberty girl


Judge Napolitano: The Right to shoot Tyrants, not Deer.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny. Yet the progressives in both political parties stand ready to use the coercive power of the government to interfere with the exercise of that right by law-abiding persons because of the gross abuse of that right by some crazies in our midst.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, he was marrying the nation at its birth to the ancient principles of the natural law that have animated the Judeo-Christian tradition in the West. Those principles have operated as a brake on all governments that recognize them by enunciating the concept of natural rights.

As we have been created in the image and likeness of God the Father, we are perfectly free just as He is. Thus, the natural law teaches that our freedoms are pre-political and come from our humanity and not from the government. As our humanity is ultimately divine in origin, the government, even by majority vote, cannot morally take natural rights away from us. A natural right is an area of individual human behavior — like thought, speech, worship, travel, self-defense, privacy, ownership and use of property, consensual personal intimacy — immune from government interference and for the exercise of which we don’t need the government’s permission.

The essence of humanity is freedom. Government — whether voted in peacefully or thrust upon us by force — is essentially the negation of freedom. Throughout the history of the world, people have achieved freedom when those in power have begrudgingly given it up. From the assassination of Julius Caesar to King John’s forced signing of the Magna Carta, from the English Civil War to the triumph of the allies at the end of World War II, from the fall of communism to the Arab Spring, governments have permitted so-called nobles and everyday folk to exercise more personal freedom as a result of their demands for it and their fighting for it. This constitutes power permitting liberty.

The American experience was the opposite. Here, each human being is sovereign, as the colonists were after the Revolution. Here, the delegation to the government of some sovereignty — the personal dominion over self — by each American permitted the government to have limited power in order to safeguard the liberties we retained. Stated differently, Americans gave up some limited personal freedom to the new government so it could have the authority and resources to protect the freedoms we retained. Individuals are sovereign in America, not the government. This constitutes liberty permitting power.

Yet we did not give up any natural rights; rather, we retained them. It is the choice of every individual whether to give them up. Neither our neighbors nor the government can make those choices for us, because we are all without the moral or legal authority to interfere with anyone else’s natural rights. Since the government derives all of its powers from the consent of the governed, and since we each lack the power to interfere with the natural rights of another, how could the government lawfully have that power? It doesn’t. Were this not so, our rights would not be natural; they would be subject to the government’s whims.

To assure that no government would infringe the natural rights of anyone here, the Founders incorporated Jefferson’s thesis underlying the Declaration into the Constitution and, with respect to self-defense, into the Second Amendment. As recently as two years ago, the Supreme Court recognized this when it held that the right to keep and bear arms in one’s home is a pre-political individual right that only sovereign Americans can surrender and that the government cannot take from us, absent our individual waiver.

There have been practical historical reasons for the near universal historical acceptance of the individual possession of this right. The dictators and monsters of the 20th century — from Stalin to Hitler, from Castro to Pol Pot, from Mao to Assad — have disarmed their people. Only because some of those people resisted the disarming were all eventually enabled to fight the dictators for freedom. Sometimes they lost. Sometimes they won.

The principal reason the colonists won the American Revolution is that they possessed weapons equivalent in power and precision to those of the British government. If the colonists had been limited to crossbows that they had registered with the king’s government in London, while the British troops used gunpowder when they fought us here, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have been captured and hanged.

We also defeated the king’s soldiers because they didn’t know who among us was armed, because there was no requirement of a permission slip from the government in order to exercise the right to self-defense. (Imagine the howls of protest if permission were required as a precondition to exercising the freedom of speech.) Today, the limitations on the power and precision of the guns we can lawfully own not only violate our natural right to self-defense and our personal sovereignties, they assure that a tyrant can more easily disarm and overcome us.

The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis had, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust.

Most people in government reject natural rights and personal sovereignty. Most people in government believe that the exercise of everyone’s rights is subject to the will of those in the government. Most people in government believe that they can write any law and regulate any behavior, not subject to the natural law, not subject to the sovereignty of individuals, not cognizant of history’s tyrants, but subject only to what they can get away with.

Did you empower the government to impair the freedom of us all because of the mania and terror of a few?

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. He is author of “It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom” (Thomas Nelson, 2011).

Read more:
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Time for Regime Change in the USA.


^^^^^^You think this is a joke?
Sorry, it’s economic reality!
Just ask your Neighbors whom escaped Zimbabwe about governments printing money and hyper inflation.
It is cheaper to wipe your arse on ten dollar notes than squares of dunny paper!
In places like Germany and Russia Money was blowing around the streets like worthless trash.


Today ‘Money’ exists to a large degree in cyberspace… as numbers in an electronic system, so it is not necessary for Socialists to Print as much paper as in times pass to achieve the same results…>>>inflation/ devaluation<<<... and so when the shit deepens, Yanks may not be seen using wheelbarrows to carry their lunch money yet their credits in the bank will be just as worthless. Look up the meaning of the phrases Hyperinflation. Look up the history of the saying "Don’t give a Continental"... Its all about Fiat Currency… Governments whom Mass print money/credits without having the means to exchange it for mediums of intrinsic value like Gold, silver, etc.
Governments have historically resorted to Fiat Money when they are in dire straits…Broke and in debt.
It results in poverty and ruin for the populations of such Nations.
Real Money is a ‘promise to Pay the face value in Gold or silver upon Demand’ by the issuers, which can only be done when the amount in circulation is less than or equal to the stores of real wealth in the vaults. When the money supply exceeds what is in the vault, it is impossible to redeem your paper currency/credits and you are stuck with BUM PAPER!

Yet what do we find is happening In America under Obarma?
Herd of QE1, QE2, QE3? (Quantitative Easing)
Look it Up!
Do you understand that they implemented QE2 because QE1 Flopped?
They have implemented QE3 because QE2 Flopped too!
Google *QE2 Fail* and see for yourself.


Ron Paul forced the Federal Reserve to admit it has *No Gold*!!!
When will Socialist realise that you cant print your way out of trouble, not print your way into prosperity?
The Bastards know that Printing money devalues it! Even the Tree hugging Zombies in New Zealand know that!
Here in New Zealand The Socialist Green Party suggested our government gets more Paper Money Printed with the express idea of reducing the value of the NZ Dollar with the insane notion that this will help our export sector and economy.
It’s economic voodoo!
They share the common belief with Obama’s democrats that Governments create wealth, and have the right to Meddle / control the economies of their citizens!
It’s Corrupt! It’s Theft! It’s Funny money!
It’s the final stage of Economic ruin.
All this meddling and regulation is Socialism not capitalism, it’s fascism, yet the Propaganda merchants of the Left have managed to brainwash the masses into thinking the corporate welfare… the bailouts is Capitalism!!!
Lies upon lies!
Stupidity upon stupidity!
Bail outs and Regulations are`ANTICAPITALISM!
Capitalism allows Failing Companies to Fail!
Capitialism does not Steel money from the People to prop up Bad businesses!
The freemarket allows business to Profit or go belly up baces upon their own merits.
What the regulations, Bailouts, welfareism, and other over-government (ie Socialism) has done is create a massive systemic failure and bankrupted the governments of the world.
There’s a massive crash coming folks!
Herd of the Fiscal cliff?
Understand why Obama wants to confiscate Guns…. to keep the people under when the shit hits the fan!
He know when it does the People will come gunning for his hide.
The People of America had there chance to save themselves.
They should have Backed Ron Paul, yet the vested interests wanted to maintain the Status quo at all costs.
They Made sure ‘Mit Romney’, not ‘Ron Paul’ appeared next to Obama on the ballot.

The Elite Fascists know what’s coming.
They put Obama in power to stall for time… so that they could prepare for the Great crash.
As we speak they are building Bunkers and stacking away Gold for the storm to come.
They will be sitting Pretty when there is chaos and starvation on the streets.
They will support the tyranny which will rise up to suppress the rioting masses.
The end is Nigh.
Prepare yourselves My friends… and pray.

The comming American Civil war