Category Archives: Tax

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

new mordor

Picture by Slane Cartoons

I was asked if I would speak at the GCSB Bill protest in Hamilton last Saturday.
I had to decline because I said I had not read the Bill, and that I did not know enough about it to say that it was Bad legislation.

Now get this straight…. I believe DotCom has been very unjustly treated, and that John Key was as guilty as Sin and is lying through his teeth in respect to his complicity in this crime against a NZ resident… and also that I believe John Key seeks to rush through this Bill because he believes it will help him when he faces up and coming Criminal charges for his part in the GCSB Crimes Re: Dotcom and others.

One is reminded of Helen Clark’s ‘Pledgecardgate’ Electoral Fraud and misappropriation crimes and her rushing retrospective legislation to halt her High court conviction and the nullification of the Labour election victory over Don Brash.

….Thus I am fully aware that John Key and the GCSB have already abused the powers they have, and thus we must question any notion of granting them further powers to abuse!

None the less I could not say I oppose the bill, because in spite of all this shyster John Key business, I do believe that there could be legitimate National security issues at stake.

Let me elaborate further.
John key has said that the new legislation would not legitimise what the GCSB did to Dotcom.

John Key also said the GCSB bill will not legalise the Government collecting, storing and eavesdropping all New Zealanders Internet and phone communications… Ie the GCSB bill is not a part of ‘Prism’.

John Key’s has now made further claims that we need the GCSB Bill because there are Al Qaeda Operatives here
…Yet What evidence do we have to support that last claim?
I am not saying that’s impossible for Al Qaeda to be here, but why should we accept it on the word of such a dishonest Scum bag as Key?

Why doesn’t Key say the truth?…. Ie that the GCSB Bill would have been of value in the Tu Hoe Raids, and that Tame iti would probably be in Jail for 20 years had the GCSB Bill been in place at the Time Iti was planning Domestic Terrorism!
It was only because bungling Anti-terrorist legislation that allowed Tame Iti and those Psychotic Tree-hugging Greens to escape… because just like the Dotcom case… In spying on Tame Iti and co, the Powers that be broke the Law, and thus the evidence they gathered about Planned hijacking and murder was inadmissible.

John Key cant mention this valid example for spying because of his cosy relationship with the Maori Party.


For me it was the discovery of what Tame Iti was up to which has made me appreciate that there are Rare circumstances of National security in which spying might be justified.

I dont believe that spying on Drug dealers is at all justifiable… because I dont believe dealing or
using drugs is a Crime…nor a threat to National security.
I dont believe the spying on Dotcom was justifiable either because he’s not a threat to anything but a Happy meal… or 20.

The Tuhoe terrorism scare was a very different kettle of fish.
The Police raids and arrests were a result of a covert spy operation in the Urewera bush whereby special ops were able to film a terrorist training camp and to eavesdrop on conversations about kidnapping and murder.
Tami iti and a collection of Maori Radicals and Extremist Greens were practising Military/ Guerilla type drills using fire arms and home made explosives/ fire bombs.
And by my way of thinking if there is a known conspiracy to commit terrorism or murder, I have little problem believing it is the duty of Government to act covertly and pre-emptively to prevent innocent people being harmed.

This is all a very messy situation… It presents me with a conundrum… because had Tame Iti merely been doing Militia combat training, and not talked about ‘practising’ killing on unfortunate ‘Pakeha’ I would have no grounds to say he was committing any crime.

And yet that is not the case.
He was planning Murder, Kidnapping, and the armed Overthrow of the the NZ government via terrorist means.

Yet still ….and this is where things get even more muddled….I also believe it is fine to practice for a revolution… the overthrow of a tyrannical government by force… Indeed I believe the only thing that can keep a Government from over reaching it’s just powers is a fear of the People uprising… thus in a free society I believe that many New Zealanders ought to be training for such an event.

The dilemma is how to maintain the rights of the population to prepare for a justifiable revolution… and yet also maintain the legitimate government’s ability to cut off Domestic terrorism… ie Unjust revolutions such as Tame Iti was planning.

The dilemma is how to grant the government the power to spy and record evidence against such criminal organisations as Tame itis Terrorists… but forbid them from being able to spy on the Righteous militia and their plans to overthrow an evil Government?

The Dilemma gets worse when you appreciate the reality that Tame Iti and his Band of Violent Greens believed their cause was Just.

Now I myself would love to see our oppressive government overthrown :-)!
Yet my reasoning and justification is the exact opposite of Tame Iti and his TuHoe Terrorists.
They did not seek to establish a New Order of justice, Freedom, and equality, but to impose a severe Racist dictatorship… a lot like George Speight attempted to set up in Fiji… and like Mugabe was able to set up in Zimbabwe.

And Iti’s, Speights, and Mugabes Revolutions are to be juxtaposed against the latest military Coup in Egypt which has just overthrown the Elected government there because they were breaching the constitution and attempting to set up an Islamic State, and with Commodore Bainimarama’s righteous Coup in Fiji, who overthrew the Elected government there because they were busy setting up an apartheid system of Indigenous Rights.
Now Time has proven Bainimarama to be a very Benevolent Authority… with relatively few incidents of troop violence against the citizens of Fiji, and yet there have been some reported cases of serious violence purported by the Egyptian army against outraged Islamic Egyptians protesting the Coup… thus I hesitate to give full endorsement to the Revolutionary Cause.

These sorts of issues show just how difficult it is for any revolution to maintain the High/ righteous ground and avoid actions which are unjustifiable.
We must never forget that a righteous end cannot be used to justify corrupt means.

Some people may recoil at the Idea of the armed overthrow of an elected government… as if Mob rule is always right. It isn’t. The reality is all forms of Government can become oppressive, unjust, and tyrannical if they implement Laws which are purely Arbitrary, Oppressive, unjust, and tyrannical.

All governments ought to be ‘hemmed in’ by an Iron-clad Constitution… this is what constitutes the Rule of Law… and when any government violates the Constitution it has become a Criminal organisation which needs to be abolished and New government instituted.
It also ought to be obvious that the only power possible to protect a legitimate government from being overthrown by an Evil Military Coup is by having a well armed population trained in Militia.
The Army will hesitate from any actions when it knows the people will rise up and fight.

This has been a very heavy trip!
Spying…. Terrorism… Corrupt Politicians…Armed revolution… Constitutions…. etc
These were some of my thoughts in respect to the GCSB bill, and why I hesitate to either endorse the Bill or to protest against it.

gcsb scum

John Key is a Dirty lying scumbag Quisling and does not deserve to be granted more powers, and I fully support Dotcoms cause against the NZ Government… and yet there is so much more to this issue.

I believe we need more time to ponder what is at stake…. what are all the pitfalls, and in what final form such a Bill might be Good for New Zealand.

The Privacy of New Zealanders must not be curtailed under the guise of National security, and yet There must be means of identifying and catching terrorists before they strike.

It must be appreciated that it was because of poorly framed and rushed through Anti-terrorist legislation that allowed Tame iti and the Tuhoe terrorists to escape justice.
The Solicitor-General David Collins ruled that law was “almost impossible to apply in a coherent manner” and firearms charges were laid instead.

The last thing we need is more Bad legislation being rushed trough by a corrupt Prime minister who is seeking to mitigate his own culpability in regards to ongoing charges of Corruption and abuse of power.
That Key has played the Al Qaeda card is very suspect… and yet worrisome.

I also worry about the political connection between the PM and the GCSB.
We have all found out about John Keys devious Employment of his own Old school friend to the Head of the GCSB!…. Heinrich Himmler anyone???

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read my Free Radical article on Bainimarama’s Fijian Coup and The Right of Revolution’ Here:

Read about my condemnation of Tame Iti’s evil intentions Here>>> Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

Read about…. The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence. Here:

Read about New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:

Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

The Big Con. Lew Rockwell


Click>>>> Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Click>>>>> Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Crank it up….

Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Think seriously about this people..
By what right does the government demand to you declare every cent you earn?
Think about how arrogant and oppressive such a demand is!
Tell me please that under such demands that you/we are not *being treated like Cattle…like slaves* of the State!
Are you are so stupid….so conditioned as to think you are free, and that the Status quo is as good as a society as is possible?!!!
You are Slaves indeed!
What a joke it is that you consider State control of Education to be beneficial to society!

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Read about an alternative… Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013


What follows in my Pathetic submission to the government review of New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements.
As usual I left writing it to that last minutes.
Leaving my run too late I simply ran out of time.
I have been doing shift work lately and I dont manage shift changes at all well.
I worked 12 hours Saturday night, and had today off, and planned to use it writing a killer submission, and yet I slept until 2.30pm, and then had some house chores to do.
Thus my submission is by my way of thinking… Pathetic!
As Usual I must hang my head in shame at how far below standard my contribution falls.
None the less I submitted it, believing even a Crappy attempt was better than none at all.
so read on…. Cry if you must but please refrain from being too scathing in your criticisms… Oh what the hell Rip into me!
I deserve it.

What is happening in New Zealand constitutionally speaking is quite frightening.
The Key National-Maori party Coalition government have set up a ‘Constitutional review panel to look at our constitutional arrangements and this board is filled with Maori Radicals, and socialists and there is every reason to believe that after a formal semblance of public liaison and submissions, that the powers that be will simply enshrine a constitution which suits them… grant them maximum powers and discretions, and maintains their ability to tax us and in debt us at will, and so I at least attempted to make a submission which challanged the ambitions of the powers that be.
I will add some links etc to this blog post later


To the powers that be, and the Constitutional Review panel.

The purpose of my submission is to lay out some general guidelines by which I believe any proposed Constitutional Laws ought to be weighed, and deemed to be either Good or Bad.

I know my submission will not make some people happy.
I know my use of some terms such as ‘tyranny’ will cause some to ‘Poo poo’ me,
yet I ask you to seriously consider what I say.

My submission is not exhaustive.
There are some things I have only lightly touched upon, and others completely absent.
I would like to be presented with further opportunity to participate in future discussions, and would like to make an oral submission should that opportunity be made available.
Tim Wikiriwhi


The State is the servant of the people, not their Master.

The purpose of a constitution.

There are just limits to government powers, and there are legitimate liberties in which citizens ought to be free to exercise their own conscience in the pursuit of their own happiness.
When theses are not clearly delineated Injustice occurs.

Bad Constitutions, Good constitutions, and the Status Quo.
A Bad constitution pseudo-legitimizes tyrannical powers of government …in particular it grants license to the largest mob… via the ruling party, to arbitrary make laws, and impose their party political agendas with complete disregard to the rights of individuals or minorities.
Bad constitutions give Parliament an open check book by allowing it to Levy Taxes and borrow money… increasing debts…. For what ever reasons…the ruling party wants.
This is a recipe for disaster!
For Bankruptcy, Political Favoritism, and wholesale oppression.

Unchecked parliamentary power appeals and panders to vested interests which come in many shapes and sizes.
Most Political parties tend to be lobbies for particular vested interests rather than proponents of blind and objective principles.
Today our unrestrained Parliamentary system has allowed such parties to expand the State and its burdens upon us and to impose their popular prejudices and delusions thereby producing a totalitarian system with tentacles which reach into every area of our lives.
They have buried us in Debts and taxes, and hobbled our industries and abilities to prosper.
Bad constitutions which give carte blanch scope and maximize Parliamentary power are favored by prejudiced and megalomaniac types , who harbor a distain for freedom and equality, and are possessed with an overwhelming urge to micro-manage other peoples lives.
They desire broad political powers for the sake of granting favour to the special interests they represent, or to persecute unpopular minorities.

Conversely …A just constitution keeps such Tyrannical vested interests in check.
The purpose of a proper/ just constitution is to clearly define the duties of Government and set clear Demarcations and limits of its powers and spheres of operation.
A good constitution contains a Bill of individual rights which are clearly defined and sacrosanct… ie the State violates the constitution if it encroaches upon these rights… even when it claims to have a democratic mandate to do so… ie The purpose of the bill of rights is to protect individuals and minorities from arbitrary Mob Rule.

Thus the legitimacy of a Democratically elected Government is maintained only as long as their powers and activities strictly remain within the restricted sphere of their defined duties.
The sphere of Individual Freedom and self responsibility.

There is a sphere of Individual liberty and responsibility.
It is within this sphere that every Individual functions as a Free, and independent adult, Making their own choices and decisions free of political coercion, thereby benefiting from their own virtues, and suffering their own follies.
It is the domain of religious liberty, voluntary action, and personal ethics.
Under no circumstances is the elected parliament to be allowed to encroach upon, or reduce the sphere of individual liberty and responsibility.
Thus the Sphere of Individual freedom set limits to political power, and also leaves the individual the adult responsibility of self government in regards to such things as their own health, and financial well being, full control over their own money.

A proper constitution prohibits Meddlesome socialists from usurping greater powers and responsibilities at the expense of Individual freedom and self responsibility.
This is essential not only for maintaining Just Law and the proper relationship between Political power and individual Rights and liberties, but is also a Buttress against the Bloating of Government in size, scope, and expense.

The fact that we suffer a bloated Nanny State which levies heavy Taxations, and borrows hundreds of millions of dollars every week is testament to our dire need for a Constitution to Hog tie our socialist parliament and their financial ineptitude.

The Rule of Law.
It is a complete lie to equate ‘the Mandate of the majority’ as being the Rule of law.
It is no such thing.
The mandate of the Majority today is used by socialists as pseudo-justification for what ever Law they pass.
‘The will of the people’ is a grossly abused term used to justify Mob rule.
The oppressed are supposed to accept their lot simply because the Law has majority support.

The rule of law is something far less whimsical.
The rule of law is fundamentally the Constitutional safeguards which protect individuals and minorities from the evils of absolute democracy… the whims of populist politics and Mob oppression.
Without such safeguards citizens are exposed to the arbitrary will of Parliament.
It is the rigid nature of the constitution which establishes the true Rule of Law, by setting in stone certain Iron clad principles of justice which limits parliament from arbitrarily manufacturing laws which cater for vested interests, or impose popular prejudice, or from encroaching into spheres of activity which are not the proper domain of Just government.

One of the most important principles of Justice which establishes The rule of Law is the principle of Equality before the Law.
It is therefore one of the most violated of Just principles because Vested interests and warped Political ideologies are hell bent on creating un-equal laws, upon granting favours or removing the rights and liberties of certain sectors of our population.

Having the principle of Equality before the Law as a Constitutional Guarantee would halt the greatest percentage of Bad, unjust, legislations, usurpations, and Partisan Politics.
It should forbid Parliament from making any law based upon Race, gender, culture, creed, etc.
It would prevent laws which violate the personal sovereignty of certain groups… eg laws against drug and alcohol use by consenting adults, laws which discriminate against certain types of sex and Marriage between consenting adults, It would prohibit Parliament Banning or heavily taxing cigarettes, etc…. all these activities being within the legitimate sphere of personal choice, personal belief, and personal responsibility, because they do not of themselves violate the rights of others, esp when practiced on private property.

. keyyy

One of the greatest injustices and violations of the principle of equality in New Zealand has been the Institutionalized racism surrounding the modern interpretations of the Treaty of Waitangi.
As a Maori I am deeply ashamed that this travesty is being perpetrated under the guise that as a Maori I am a hapless victim, and that I need and deserve special help and rights to function.
Not only is the Treaty industry shambollic and a massive extortion racket, and a font of Racist law … it actually harms and enslaves the Maori people in dependence upon the state, and is instilling a vile race hatred and bigotry, which shows it’s ugly head in may ways… esp in Maori crime statistics, and ill health.
The fact is that even if in practical terms this apartheid system actually got positive results, it would still be evil and vile because Good ends cannot justify evil means.
The wellbeing of one section of society can never be justify the oppression and subjection of other section of society, and this is just one reason why the principle of Equality must be binding upon parliament and government institutions.

Maori as much as anyone will benefit when all race based laws and institutions are abolished…esp the racist Electoral rolls and race based seats in Parliament (and elsewhere)
As a minority people, our rights are best protected by constitutional guarantees of equality before the Law.

In brief…
Self ownership and Personal sovereignty.
The Individual is not the property of Government, not a slave of society, but is Free and sovereign over themselves, their own body, and their property.

Private property is another sacrosanct principle of justice which parliament must be kept from violating.

Though I have not space or time to fully expound everything which a righteous constitution ought to embody, I must make at least a passing comment that the institution of a New constitution can either be a Great leap backwards, or forwards, or it can entrench stagnation.
The Ideals of a truly Just and free society are miles away from where we are today and I am not so silly as to think all my principles can be implemented overnight, but require a period of transition which achieves the desired goals with the minimum pain for New Zealanders who have become depended upon the Status quo.
Thus what is required is a plan of transition, by which incrementally Bad laws and overbearing government institutions are repealed and ‘wound back’… over a period of years.

Subjects which need further elaboration….
* the evils of Welfareism and dependency.
* The consent of the governed.
* Articles for the Bill of rights.
* What are the Just duties of a government?
*. How far from the mark is the Status quo?
* Planning the transition from the Status quo towards Justice and liberty/
* Down sizing and privatization
* Maintaining a free society.

Uncharitable charities

Under current law, charities are not obligated to give even $1 a year from their surplus to charitable causes.

Does that even make sense? It’s from an article on, Flush Kiwi charities failing to pay out.


Labour’s charity spokeswoman, coat-of-many-colours Louisa Wall, and a member of the Australian Charity Law Association (ACLA), Dr. Michael Gousmett, are complaining that the current law is creating “inequality in our tax system”.

Today’s regulations give tax relief to private schools, fee-charging hospitals, Ngai Tahu’s 38 limited liability companies (including Shotover Jet and Whale Watch Kaikoura) and food giant Sanitarium with no public benefit test holding them to account.

Notwithstanding that Kiwi kids are Weetbix kids, why on earth does a breakfast cereal manufacturer have charitable status? And Ngai Tahu’s tourist attractions? I’m gobsmacked. The other day, I asked a member of the iwi, “How’s Ngai Tahu?”. He replied, “Rich!” No wonder.

As for private schools and private hospitals, it seems that the government concedes charitable status (i.e., tax relief) to private institutions that are still performing those charitable roles that the government, with its state schools and public health system, has long-since tried to usurp.

Merely operating as a hospital or school meets the criteria of charitability as it relieves pressure on the public system, even if the charity is charging fees largely unaffordable to most people.

Wall said charitable trusts that benefit only the wealthy were “creating divisions between the haves and the have-nots”.

“Those who least need charity are benefiting the most. It is helping those who can afford to pay to go to private hospitals and private schools, not those who actually need the help.

“We as a country are giving these organisations up to $600m worth of tax relief under the assumption that $600m should be reinvested back into the community, and if that is not happening we desperately need to change the law.”

Note the standard socialist newspeak. Thieving is now “reinvesting back into the community,” and not thieving is now “giving tax relief.” And the thieves are now “out of pocket.” Poor government! If only there were 54 weeks in the year, then they could just keep borrowing at their current rate of $300 million per week and they wouldn’t be “out of pocket.” Meanwhile, the charities sector is “swallowing” $600 million of its own money every year! Into the giant, gaping maw of charity! The horror!

The Government is $600 million out of pocket each year as the charities sector swallows $400m through income tax exemption and $200m in tax credit refunds, yet Cabinet decided against reviewing charity law last year through “fiscal cost” fears.

Recent calls to urgently review the sector were once again quashed by Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Jo Goodhew yesterday.

Charitable purpose relates to the relief of poverty, the advancement of education or religion or any other matter beneficial to the community, she said.

The Charities Registration Board determines whether or not an organisation fits within the Charities Act 2005 and the DIA Charities Services monitors charities to ensure they operate for exclusively charitable purposes.

“Irrespective of what a charity looks like, as long as they are operating within the law, that is what we should be assuring ourselves on,” she said.

The Government decided against reviewing the law relating to charities last year through fears more organisations may have expected to be eligible for charitable status which could have “increased fiscal costs”, an Inland Revenue spokeswoman said.

So, the truth outs. It’s the government being uncharitable, not the charities. Allowing people to give their own money directly to those in need is an “increased fiscal cost” to the government? Well, no. It’s actually an “increased fiscal cost” to those doing the giving. That’s how charity works.

Inland Revenue was aware of “the public concerns relating to charities” and would be monitoring them to ensure they were operating exclusively for charitable purposes, she said.

Who watches the whale watchers?

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

Update: 21-5-13

To my horror I have just discovered that Hamilton City Council has just voted to become the First City council to be a ‘Living wage employer’!!!!
Thus all the things I have said about this Socialist threat to Wellington (below) now also applies to my home town the Tron!
The HCC intend to roll this out within the next two years.
I will be standing for City Council with the express purpose of making sure this Ruling is overturned before it gets implemented.
Tim Wikiriwhi for Hamilton Mayor!

Read about this new threat to Hamilton here…

living wagee
Beautiful Mermaids of ‘Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand’… Heed my warnings my shipmates!
Doom awaits all who fall under the Siren’s spell!

The following appeared on my face book feed…
Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand.
Wellington leaders are currently before the Wellington City Council asking for their support for the Living Wage and for them to become a Living Wage employer. A huge turn out of support from the community. The room is absolutely packed. The Wellington Deputy Mayor says it’s the most packed the room has been in a very, very long time. — with Paul Eagle.

living wage!/photo.php?fbid=477016312369379&set=a.334217839982561.74059.322397127831299&type=1&theater

Living wage Aotearoa facebook page here:!/LivingWageAotearoaNewZealand

^^^ Notice the strategy of the Communists in targeting Government to adopt their Economic insanity!
Appreciate how easily City Councilors can be duped into signing off on this sort of ‘feel good’ socialism, considering Councilors personal income will not be effected… and they have no investors who can remove their investments, and they can simply increase their rates extortion to pay for it.

And once Government departments have embraced this madness it is a very short step to making it compulsory for everyone!
Inflation anyone?

In the meantime if City councils and government departments embrace this socialist doctrine, it will make working for the Beast a far more attractive proposition than working in the private sector, and to the simple minded this discrepancy between wages paid by the state from those offered in the private sector will appear to vindicate the notion that things work much better when done by the Government!
Most of these simpletons will never appreciate the reasons why their rents and the cost of essentials keeps rising with leaps and bounds.

Yet what these City councilors wont tell their workers is that all these types of spending increases actually threatens their Job security and that Layoffs will result when these Councils and government departments sooner or later are inevitably forced to look to cost cutting as a result of have yet again pushed up debts, rates and taxes way past bearable limits for their tax slaves to endure.
And the same thing will happen in the private sector if this doctrine becomes compulsory there too.

For the record when I stood for Mayor of Hamilton I explained to the city workers the dangers of voting for grand schemers and big spenders, and that Hamilton was facing a Debt crisis that would result in Job losses, while all the other candidates pretended all was well and promised them the moon.
I tried to communicate my Libertarian plan of privatisation… reducing Councils size and spheres of operation in such a way that would transfer employment to the private sector and reduce councils expenses and responsibilities.
Yet trying to communicate the economic benefits which would follow from such reform to Unionised workers whom are indoctrinated into believing their Job security is better protected by remaining employees of the State… is like trying to sell flies!
They were beyond reach.
No Surprise… I was not elected
Nek Minnut The City Debt Crisis hits… Rates went up, and redundancies followed.
And it’s not over yet.

Read about HCC Staff Cuts Here: NZ Herald… ‘Council staff brace for more cuts after 13 workers made redundant’

Copy of gm_little_people

And if you read my earlier post on this subject …
‘Ship of Union Fools. The Living wage.’ … you will see that I point out among other things that because of the inevitable inflation… what they deem a ‘living wage’ to be Today will not be ‘sufficient’ tomorrow!

This exposes what a crock this Socialist Idea is!
It is an open ended recipe for inflation and bankruptcy… and a threat to the incomes of those low wage earners whom it pretends to be championing!

And as another critic of this ideology rightly points out… what is a sufficient income for a single person, is completely different for what is sufficient for a person with a family of 6!
So this exposes this Socialist plot as a purely arbitrary extortion racket.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.

Wikiriwhi for Mayor! Read about my various Campaigns here:

Read how my prophecies have all come to pass Here:

I ask why the Media has not reported the truthfulness of my campaigns vs the lies of those whom got elected?

Affordible City shared a link to an excellent Scoop article from their ‘Affordible Wellington’ candidate Reagan Cutting….

Living Wage = Higher Rates!

Here is a portion…

“The Living Wage campaign group has also called on Wellington City Council to publically endorse the Living Wage Campaign and support local businesses in becoming Living Wage employers.

“While I do not think the Wellington City Council should become a union advocacy group, I can see a few fantastic ways the Council can help local businesses increase wages to their staff,” says Reagan Cutting. “They can start by cutting rates, reducing compliance costs, streamlining regulations and eliminating the hoops companies have to jump through whenever they deal with the Council. This impacts on business profitability and reduce the amount of funds available to spend on wages..”

^^^These are Excellent points… which go to prove the wisdom and benevolence of Libertarian Ecconomics vs the Folly and destructive and millitant mentality of socialism.
If only workers of NZ would liberate themselves from Socialist Unionism, and form Libertarian worker associations instead!

Read about The absurdity of the Socialist ‘Left vs Right Employment War’ Here:

Morbidly Obese Environmetalist Orgy in Climate ‘Blood Diamonds.’


Check out this Blog post (Below) about the Commy Green Mega scam of ‘Climate change’… all the filthy lucre which funds the Environmental Religion… pretending to be selfless idealists, when in reality they engorge themselves in money stolen via lies and taxation… all the while attacking Freedom and generating propaganda as pseudo-justification of absolute Global Totalitarianism…


“The peculiarity of the global warming lobby is that it is partly funded by governments to lobby governments.

Friends of the Earth received €3,101,245 from the European Union between 2007 and 2009. WWF did better, with €8,794,595.

Between 1998 and 2009, the EU disbursed €66 million to the green lobby. It’s a kind of “you fund us and we’ll keep forecasting climate catastrophe and you can produce green taxes on the basis of our forecasts that scare your citizens”. Some might call this a corrupt relationship. It’s certainly not a healthy one.

Organisations, scientists and governments have so committed themselves to global warming that they need us to keep believing it. Those lucrative funding projects for scientists, those jollies to conferences in five-star hotels to “save the world”, the wind turbines making cash for everyone except us paying energy bills – will all come to an end once the people rumble the climate con.”
Read on…
Friends Of The Earth & WWF Recieved Billions From EU To Promote AGW Scam


TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

treatygate Hamilton 008
Tim Wikiriwhi introducing John Ansell at the Waikato TREATYGATE Presentation, Thursday 16 May, at the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton.


Though I had planned this meeting for over two months, it was typical for me to be still hurriedly typing out script mere minutes before I was to deliver them.
Libertarians Peter Creswell and Robert Palmer traveled down from Auckland to give John and myself some moral support, and they listened to my only practice delivery from a ruff draft… as they enjoyed an Epic Stout.
They offered me several good improvements, before heading downtown.

I had written much more than what I delivered.
This is a subject I am passionate about yet my speech was only an introduction and personal endorsement of John Ansell’s TREATYGATE presentation which he is busy delivering about the country…. So unfortunately though there was much which I would have liked to have said… many things which may have helped Maori People to better appreciate why I support John, there was no time for me to do so.

I would like to thank everyone who helped John and myself make this event happen… those who contributed donations, those who came to the meeting in support (I got to meet some of my face book friends!), those who helped set up the hall, the Waikato Times, and Hamilton News staff, and others who helped me with advertising, sound systems, etc.
It was great to see Allan Titford, his new partner and child who traveled quite a distance to support us.

I estimate there were 60 people in attendance which is not bad for a political meeting.
The Waikato Times had a reporter there.
And our ads reached many thousands of People who, though they never attended the presentation, will know that there are Activists afoot, working to end Waitangi Separatism and establish racial equality before the law.
This is a mammoth task and every event like this held in the name of ending the shameful travesty of Watangi apartheid and the grievance industry… all helps.

The evening ended at the House Bar, yarning, joking, and drinking Pitch Black Stout from the Tap. One of the manifold blessings of British Colonisation!
Very nice!

My speech follows…
…And below that… is a link to a Waikato Times/ Stuff article on our Hamilton Treatygate meeting, and subject matter, and I make a few observations about comments it contains from a Waikato University ‘Treaty expert’ the Times also interviewed for the article.

My Speech…

“Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.
It is great to see you.
Thank you for coming.
I know many of you have traveled some distance to be here.
Your support is very much appreciated.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi,
I live here in Hamilton, and work as a self employed contract engineer,
and it has been my pleasure to organize tonight’s meeting, for John Ansell to deliver his Treatygate message to you.

John is a very brave Pakeha, that is to say he is a brave New Zealander.
He will be speaking tonight for about an hour on one of the most important issues facing our Nation at present.

I myself have been involved in politics for well over a decade, and spoken many times around the North island on the ever worsening evils of Treaty separatism, Maori Radicalism, and our shameful Apartheid laws and government.

I hope that while you are here tonight John and I are able to communicate the gravity of our current political situation, and the race relations crisis which has been systematically manufactured because of an Evil ideology, which has taken full advantage of some serious faults in our democratic system.
I hope we impress on you the urgency and dire need for the people of New Zealand to Rally, and to organize ourselves into an Irate lobby determined to rid ourselves of these cancerous growths… and establish racial equality before the Law.

The shear scale of the Political extortion…Hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars! The utter Fabrications and falsifications of our colonial history by which a collective guilt trip has been heaved upon the backs of Non-Moari New Zealanders …so successfully, that they quietly submit to this Extortion, and tolerate being rendered second class subjects in their own country.
I say We must smash the Anti-colonialist lie that stupefies so many New Zealanders into believing they have less right to Fully enjoy this country, than their neighbor who has a fraction of Maori DNA.

Now the fact that Race based Law is a travesty of justice should not really be News to anyone.
Who does not know about the times of Slavery and Segregation in America?
Who has not herd about Apartheid in South Africa’s recent past?
Many Kiwi already know that the Law should not discriminate because of race.
The trouble is that so few of us actually have the courage to stand up in public say it!
New Zealanders actually allow their government to mass produce Racist law and give away millions of Tax dollars all because they have been deceived by a massive political propaganda campaign!
The Lying racist Radicals use intimidation and the Anti colonial guilt trip to dominate and steer our country towards every deeper Racial separatism, and Rapine…. And the power-hungry socialists of both the Labour and National parties have made bargains with these racist radicals for the sake of securing Election victory…time and time again.
Thus our Government has been utterly corrupted and used to indoctrinate New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori into thinking that it is the fault of others that the so many Maori are violent criminals.
The Radicals want you Pakeha to continue to believe it is actually your fault that so many Maori suffer Ill health… live in poverty…. are in low paid jobs, or wallow in welfare dependence.
Well John Ansell has figured out what a crock that all is and he has the Balls to stand up and say … “Get Real!”
John forthrightly declares “Im A Pakeha and I refuse to accept any such guilt!”
“I demand My equal Rights!”
I demand an end to the extortion, an end to the State Racism.
I want to live in a country of Racial equality before the Law!”

You see John has figured out that He’s not to blame for any of that Maori misery…and that he’s got nothing to be ashamed of…being a Pakeha…. And that if anyone is to blame for the misery of Maori today it surely must be the individuals themselves, who have allowed themselves to become depended upon welfare, not bothered to gain the necessary skills to compete with Non-Maori in the Job market… Skills which are essential to provide them with a decent income in a modern free society… and Blame also may be squarely laid at the feet of the racist radicals whose Toxic and hateful lies have fill so many Maori heads with a Victim mentality and vile racism… preventing them from taking ownership of their own problems, and appreciating their own self responsibility for climbing out of this misery they have created for themselves.
Until they do, no amount of special rights, no amount of Welfare will save them.

It’s time for me to hand over the mic To John.
I want to finish by saying… Lets rally together and get rid of the Racist electoral rolls and race based seats in parliament which are a pox and a shame upon our democracy, and PLEASE do not allow the separatists to establish a new racist constitution.
They must be stopped at all costs.
.I now give the floor to John.
Thank you for listening.”


Tim Wikiriwhi.
‘Maori Libertarian’

john ansell and I 003
John Ansell and Tim Wikiriwhi in Tim’s Man Cave/ Library. Hamilton 15-5-13

Here is an article which appeared on ‘Stuff’ via the Waikato Times …Hamilton meeting to ‘stop the surrender of NZ to tribal tricksters’

I would like to make a few comments on this article…
‘Angeline Greensill teaches Treaty issues at Waikato University and she would be interested in who would attend the meeting.

”It’s the sort of thing I would normally ignore but it’ll be interesting to see who does turn up and who is taken in by this type of stuff. I ned to be aware of that.”

She said Mr Wikiriwhi has a history of throwing his beliefs out to ”a misinformed public. She said people should learn the difference between rights and privileges and rights and obligations.
”It is not a privilege. Maori are tangata whenua of this country and there was an agreement signed that was never kept and it was an agreement about rights.

”They are getting things because they have a right to them. They have a property right like anyone else except they have to fight for them.”
End quote:

^^^ I say Angeline has provided us (above) with a perfect example of the sort of Socialist Academics our Government hires to indoctrinate our young people!
Note how she calls into question the mentality and character of those whom thought John and My own message against her Political indoctrinations of Treaty separatism was worth hearing!

Note how she blatantly suggests that the treaty enslaves Non-Maori to certain ‘moral obligations’ (Read Money, Power, Political favouritism, etc)… simply because the Modern Radical separatists claim Maori to be ‘Tangata Whenua’…which is of course an absolute lie, and part of the Modern Re-fabrication of New Zealand history and perversion of The Treaty!
Maori of old were proud to say they were Migrant Colonists too!
The ‘Tangata Whenua’ were the People living here already when Maori arrived!
Yet why let the truth get in the way of your Political vested interests… when a lie suits so much better… Aye?
Lets label those who dare speak the truth troublemakers, and Racists, and Mad men!

Thank you Angeline Greensill for clearly exposing your agenda for all to see.
Thank you for demonstrating just how evil it is to allow the Government to control the Education of our nation!
I only wish that New Zealanders would wake up to why the Government ought never be allowed to control such a vast engine of indoctrination, propaganda, and mass manipulation.
Too many people who understand that Government ought to be banned from producing racist laws, fail to understand Treaty separatism clearly demonstrates the Libertarian principle that the State must also be separated from Education, because it has been via state control of the education system, which has given the Socialist Political parties the ablity to use the education system to imprint their political agenda directly into the public mind, by hiring such socialist racist academics as Angeline Greesill and deploys them into our schools and universities to directly brainwash our people into accepting the vile rehash of our Pioneering colonial history and the separatist ideology behind our Apartheid system.
They also do this with their Green Agenda, Re Man Made Climate change, the Theory of Evolution, Socialist ecomonic theory, etc etc… all designed to delude the sheeple into supporting their Heavy Taxation, their Nannyism, their Totalitarianism… and to fear/ hate Freedom.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Mitigating theft


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (NIV)

Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (NIV)

Money Week: The Great Socialist Catastrophe. You will not see a penny of your pensions.


Get Prepping for the Mega Collapse Peeps!

Update: 18-5-13.
Here: is a link to a short ‘The NZ Initiative’ article on the Bill English’s 2013 Budget which mentions New Zealand’s own ‘Fiscal Timebomb’ which brings home the realities of what NewsWeek is saying about the British Socialist Collapse.

Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for! Read about that Here: