[The Onion] Nanny Bloomberg Bans Food Donations to Homeless Shelters: Too Salty!

Nanny Bloomberg Bans Food Donations to Homeless Shelters: Too Salty!

So much for serving the homeless.

The Bloomberg administration is now taking the term “food police” to new depths, blocking food donations to all government-run facilities that serve the city’s homeless.

In conjunction with a mayoral task force and the Health Department, the Department of Homeless Services recently started enforcing new nutritional rules for food served at city shelters. Since DHS can’t assess the nutritional content of donated food, shelters have to turn away good Samaritans.

For over a decade, Glenn Richter and his wife, Lenore, have led a team of food-delivery volunteers from Ohab Zedek, the Upper West Side Orthodox congregation.

They’ve brought freshly cooked, nutrient-rich surplus foods from synagogue events to homeless facilities in the neighborhood. (Disclosure: I know the food is so tasty because I’ve eaten it — I’m an OZ member.) The practice of donating such surplus food to homeless shelters is common among houses of worship in the city.

DHS Commissioner Seth Diamond says the ban on food donations is consistent with Mayor Bloomberg’s emphasis on improving nutrition for all New Yorkers. A new interagency document controls what can be served at facilities — dictating serving sizes as well as salt, fat and calorie contents, plus fiber minimums and condiment recommendations.

The city also cites food-safety issues with donations, but it’s clear that the real driver behind the ban is the Bloomberg dietary diktats.

Diamond insists that the institutional vendors hired by the shelters serve food that meets the rules but also tastes good; it just isn’t too salty. So, says the commissioner, the homeless really don’t need any of the synagogue’s food.

Glenn Richter’s experience suggests otherwise. He says the beneficiaries — many of them senior citizens recovering from drug and alcohol abuse — have always been appreciative of the treats he and other OZ members bring.

It’s not just that the donations offer an enjoyable addition to the “official” low-salt fare; knowing that the food comes from volunteers and community members warms their hearts, not just their stomachs.

So you can imagine Richter’s consternation last month when employees at a local shelter turned away food he brought from a bar mitzvah.

He’s a former city Housing Authority employee, and his wife spent 35 years as a South Bronx public-school teacher, so they’re no strangers to bureaucracy and poverty. But an exasperated Richter says, “This level of micromanagement is stunning.”

Says Rabbi Allen Schwartz of Ohav Zedek, “Jews have been eating chulent and kugel for a long time, and somehow we’ve managed to live long and healthy lives. All we want to do is to continue sharing these bounties with our neighbors.”

[The Onion] Hitler Commits Suicide; Ravaging of Europe ‘A Desperate Cry for Help,’ Say Therapists

Hitler Commits Suicide; Ravaging of Europe ‘A Desperate Cry for Help,’ Say Therapists.

Fuhrer’s Slaughter of Millions Blamed on ‘Serious Self-Esteem Issues’

‘If We Had Only Known How Much He Was Hurting Inside,’ FDR Says

Berlin – Absent from the public eye for months, Adolf Hitler is reportedly dead by his own hand in an air-raid shelter in Berlin, where he had sequestered himself during his final days.

Dr. Theodore Beaumont, director of the Virginia Psychiatry Center, said he believes Hitler’s marching on Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France, and his systematic killings of millions of people in Germany, was “a desperate cry for help.”

According to Beaumont, “This is classic attention seeking behavior.” Beaumont said Hitler made his plea for approval the only way he knew how: by lashing out.

Other experts agree. “The British and American forces just reciprocated negatively by advancing from the west,” said Dr. Johan Freberg of the Paris Center for Mental Illness. “And Russian soldiers reinforced Hitler’s self-fulfilling prophesy of ‘othering’ by attacking from the east, instead of lending a sympathetic ear, which may of been all Hitler needed.”

Upon learning of the self-esteem issues that led Hitler to militaristic “acting out,” Allied leaders are seeing the once-hated despot in a new light.

“I heard his angry speeches but failed to search for the hurt little boy beneath those words,” lamented British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. “I feel guilty – there’s so much more we could have done for him.”

Said President Roosevelt, “Inside that maniacal mass murderer – beneath the veneer of evil and sadism – there was a scared little child searching for love.”

Psychologists say the global carnage of the Second World War could have been averted if only U.S. forces had met Hitler’s emotional needs, giving him the love and approval he so desperately sought.

A High Calling.

Christian Libertarianism to aspire to.
Easier said than done.
Take heed ye Islamophobes, Homophobes, Ye Pharisaic Legalists.

Now I am not a Righteous Man, I am full of Human imperfection and only function as a Christian trusting in God’s grace.
This understanding humbles me and makes me more Libertarian… less legalistic and judgmental of the sins of others… and more acutely aware of how vile the bigoted and persecuting spirit of Religious self righteousness and hypocrisy is.

A Few Years back… in the height of the Wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan, A Zealous and otherwise Godly Christian brother ask me if I would come with him Downtown to confront the Muslims.
I could tell that his motivation was warlike… His intension was not to demonstrate Christian Grace.
I said to him that I would go with him if he could honestly say he would be acting out of Love for the Muslims, and not hate… That he desired their Salvation.
This stopped him in his tracks.
We did not go.

So many ‘Christian soldiers’ forget this most fundamental aspect of Christian action.
Some times I forget it too and need reminding.
Being kind to the Lost and Sinful is not the equivalent of condoning Evil.
It is to put Christian ideals into practice.
Christianity moves the world via Love, not Hate.
Through Humility, not Self righteousness.

Yes we must earnestly contend for the faith, yet if your actions are motivated by such festering and malignant desires as Hate, Hypocrisy, and Bigotry… you are not being a Christian at all… but the worst kind of Pharisee.

Christianity is Love in action…an appeal to reason and humanity.
It seeks to save those in distress.
It’s methods are not violence or oppression.
Indeed the true Christian will risk their own lives and stand between those whom seek to impose themselves and their victems.

True Christianity is Lighthouse in a stormy sea, not a Prison for the wicked.
It is a beacon for the lost and distressed.
A House built upon the Rock whose foundation is sure.
We have Good News!
True Christianity seeks to increase via voluntary subscription.
If you preach a gospel of Hatred and persecution, the only people you will attract into your fellowship are hateful people!
You will lead no one out from the Kingdom of darkness into the light.
Christianity is about a rebirth… a new and better way, not about feeding the worst of human prejudices and phobias.

When St Paul was confronted and saved by Christ on the Damascus road that was the end of his Pharisaic Legalism
That was the end of his spirit of Self Righteousness and Persecution.
Never again did he seek ‘Letters from the authorities’ to cast those of contrary beliefs in Jail.
Never again did he seek to stone to death sinners, unbelievers, or heretics.
He was forever changed by Gods Love, mercy, and grace towards him.
And that is what motivated all his future ministry unto death.

St Paul is our Apostle and example.
Let us follow him, as he followed Christ ie the Christ he met on the road to Damascus.

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.”
(St Paul 1Tim1vs15,16)

The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist

This post is the second in a series of classic philosophy papers. The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist is Chapter Two of C. S. Lewis’s Miracles: A Preliminary Study (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947)

First up was Nick Bostrom’s Are You Living In a Computer Simulation?. This post is also a follow-up to my follow-up to Bostrom’s paper, where I said

There are two fundamental worldviews that have currency today.

One I call Naturalism or the “bottom up” worldview. According to Naturalism, the world somehow got here by itself. It pulled itself up by its own bootstraps. …

The other I call Supernaturalism or the “top down” worldview. According to Supernaturalism, the world is an artefact. Someone or something made it. It didn’t get here by itself. …

C. S. Lewis makes the same distinction, but says it so much better. 🙂


The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist

‘Gracious!’ exclaimed Mrs Snip, ‘and is there a place where people venture to live above ground?’ ‘I never heard of people living under ground,’ replied Tim, ‘before I came to Giant-Land’. ‘Came to Giant-Land!’ cried Mrs Snip, ‘why, isn’t everywhere Giant-Land?’

Roland Quizz, Giant-Land, chap xxxii.

I use the word Miracle to mean an interference with Nature by supernatural power.[1] Unless there exists, in addition to Nature, something else which we may call the supernatural, there can be no miracles. Some people believe that nothing exists except Nature; I call these people Naturalists. Others think that, besides Nature, there exists something else: I call them Supernaturalists. Our first question, therefore, is whether the Naturalists or the Supernaturalists are right. And here comes our first difficulty.

Before the Naturalist and the Supernaturalist can begin to discuss their difference of opinion, they must surely have an agreed definition both of Nature and of Supernature. But unfortunately it is almost impossible to get such a definition. Just because the Naturalist thinks that nothing but Nature exists, the word Nature means to him merely ‘everything’ or ‘the whole show’ or ‘whatever there is’. And if that is what we mean by Nature, then of course nothing else exists. The real question between him and the Supernaturalist has evaded us. Some philosophers have defined Nature as ‘What we perceive with our five senses’. But this also is unsatisfactory; for we do not perceive our own emotions in that way, and yet they are presumably ‘natural’ events. In order to avoid this deadlock and to discover what the Naturalist and the Supernaturalist are really differing about, we must approach our problem in a more roundabout way.

I begin by considering the following sentences (1) Are those his natural teeth or a set? (2) The dog in his natural state is covered with fleas. (3) I love to get away from tilled lands and metalled roads and be alone with Nature. (4) Do be natural. Why are you so affected? (5) It may have been wrong to kiss her but it was very natural.

A common thread of meaning in all these usages can easily be discovered. The natural teeth are those which grow in the mouth; we do not have to design them, make them, or fit them. The dog’s natural state is the one he will be in if no one takes soap and water and prevents it. The countryside where Nature reigns supreme is the one where soil, weather and vegetation produce their results unhelped and unimpeded by man. Natural behaviour is the behaviour which people would exhibit if they were not at pains to alter it. The natural kiss is the kiss which will be given if moral or prudential considerations do not intervene. In all the examples Nature means what happens ‘of itself’ or ‘of its own accord’: what you do not need to labour for; what you will get if you take no measures to stop it. The Greek word for Nature (Physis) is connected with the Greek verb for ‘to grow’; Latin Natura, with the verb ‘to be born’. The Natural is what springs up, or comes forth, or arrives, or goes on, of its own accord: the given, what is there already: the spontaneous, the unintended, the unsolicited.

What the Naturalist believes is that the ultimate Fact, the thing you can’t go behind, is a vast process in space and time which is going on of its own accord. Inside that total system every particular event (such as your sitting reading this book) happens because some other event has happened; in the long run, because the Total Event is happening. Each particular thing (such as this page) is what it is because other things are what they are; and so, eventually, because the whole system is what it is. All the things and events are so completely interlocked that no one of them can claim the slightest independence from ‘the whole show’. None of them exists ‘on its own’ or ‘goes on of its own accord’ except in the sense that it exhibits, at some particular place and time, that general ‘existence on its own’ or ‘behaviour of its own accord’ which belongs to ‘Nature’ (the great total interlocked event) as a whole. Thus no thoroughgoing Naturalist believes in free will: for free will would mean that human beings have the power of independent action, the power of doing something more or other than what was involved by the total series of events. And any such separate power of originating events is what the Naturalist denies. Spontaneity, originality, action ‘on its own’, is a privilege reserved for ‘the whole show’, which he calls Nature.

The Supernaturalist agrees with the Naturalist that there must be something which exists in its own right; some basic Fact whose existence it would be nonsensical to try to explain because this Fact is itself the ground or starting-point of all explanations. But he does not identify this Fact with ‘the whole show’. He thinks that things fall into two classes. In the first class we find either things or (more probably) One Thing which is basic and original, which exists on its own. In the second we find things which are merely derivative from that One Thing. The one basic Thing has caused all the other things to be. It exists on its own; they exist because it exists. They will cease to exist if it ever ceases to maintain them in existence; they will be altered if it ever alters them.

The difference between the two views might be expressed by saying that Naturalism gives us a democratic, Supernaturalism a monarchical, picture of reality. The Naturalist thinks that the privilege of ‘being on its own’ resides in the total mass of things, just as in a democracy sovereignty resides in the whole mass of the people. The Supernaturalist thinks that this privilege belongs to some things or (more probably) One Thing and not to others–just as, in a real monarchy, the king has sovereignty and the people have not. And just as, in a democracy, all citizens are equal, so for the Naturalist one thing or event is as good as another, in the sense that they are all equally dependent on the total system of things. Indeed each of them is only the way in which the character of that total system exhibits itself at a particular point in space and time. The Supernaturalist, on the other hand, believes that the one original or self-existent thing is on a different level from, and more important than, all other things.

At this point a suspicion may occur that Supernaturalism first arose from reading into the universe the structure of monarchical societies. But then of course it may with equal reason be suspected that Naturalism has arisen from reading into it the structure of modern democracies. The two suspicions thus cancel out and give us no help in deciding which theory is more likely to be true. They do indeed remind us that Supernaturalism is the characteristic philosophy of a monarchical age and Naturalism of a democratic, in the sense that Supernaturalism, even if false, would have been believed by the great mass of unthinking people four hundred years ago, just as Naturalism, even if false, will be believed by the great mass of unthinking people today.

Everyone will have seen that the One Self-existent Thing–or the small class of self-existent things–in which Supernaturalists believe, is what we call God or the gods. I propose for the rest of this book to treat only that form of Supernaturalism which believes in one God; partly because polytheism is not likely to be a live issue for most of my readers, and partly because those who believed in many gods very seldom, in fact, regarded their gods as creators of the universe and as self-existent. The gods of Greece were not really supernatural in the strict sense which I am giving to the word. They were products of the total system of things and included within it. This introduces an important distinction.

The difference between Naturalism and Supernaturalism is not exactly the same as the difference between belief in a God and disbelief. Naturalism, without ceasing to be itself, could admit a certain kind of God. The great interlocking event called Nature might be such as to produce at some stage a great cosmic consciousness, an indwelling ‘God’ arising from the whole process as human mind arises (according to the Naturalists) from human organisms. A Naturalist would not object to that sort of God. The reason is this. Such a God would not stand outside Nature or the total system, would not be existing ‘on his own’. It would still be ‘the whole show’ which was the basic Fact, and such a God would merely be one of the things (even if he were the most interesting) which the basic Fact contained. What Naturalism cannot accept is the idea of a God who stands outside Nature and made it.

We are now in a position to state the difference between the Naturalist and the Supernaturalist despite the fact that they do not mean the same by the word Nature. The Naturalist believes that a great process, of ‘becoming’, exists ‘on its own’ in space and time, and that nothing else exists–what we call particular things and events being only the parts into which we analyse the great process or the shapes which that process takes at given moments and given points in space. This single, total reality he calls Nature. The Supernaturalist believes that one Thing exists on its own and has produced the framework of space and time and the procession of systematically connected events which fill them. This framework, and this filling, he calls Nature. It may, or may not, be the only reality which the one Primary Thing has produced. There might be other systems in addition to the one we call Nature.

In that sense there might be several ‘Natures’. This conception must be kept quite distinct from what is commonly called ‘plurality of worlds’–i.e. different solar systems or different galaxies, ‘island universes’ existing in widely separated parts of a single space and time. These, however remote, would be parts of the same Nature as our own sun: it and they would be interlocked by being in relations to one another, spatial and temporal relations and casual relations as well. And it is just this reciprocal interlocking within a system which makes it what we call a Nature. Other Natures might not be spatio-temporal at all: or, if any of them were, their space and time would have no spatial or temporal relation to ours. It is just this discontinuity, this failure of interlocking, which would justify us in calling them different Natures. This does not mean that there would be absolutely no relation between them; they would be related by their common derivation from a single Supernatural source. They would, in this respect, be like different novels by a single author; the events in one story have no relation to the events in another except that they are invented by the same author. To find the relation between them you must go right back to the author’s mind: there is no cutting across from anything Mr Pickwick says in Pickwick Papers to anything Mrs Gamp hears in Martin Chuzzlewit. Similarly there would be no normal cutting across from an event in one Nature to an event in any other. By a ‘normal’ relation I mean one which occurs in virtue of the character of the two systems. We have to put in the qualification ‘normal’ because we do not know in advance that God might not bring two Natures into partial contact at some particular point: that is, He might allow selected events in the one to produce results in the other. There would thus be, at certain points, a partial interlocking; but this would not turn the two Natures into one, for the total reciprocity which makes a Nature would still be lacking, and the anomalous interlockings would arise not from what either system was in itself but from the Divine act which was bringing them together. If this occurred each of the two Natures would be ‘supernatural’ in relation to the other: but the fact of their contact would be supernatural in a more absolute sense–not as being beyond this or that Nature but beyond any and every Nature. It would be one kind of miracle. The other kind would be Divine ‘interference’ not by the bringing together of two Natures, but simply.

All this is, at present purely speculative. It by no means follows from Supernaturalism that Miracles of any sort do in fact occur. God (the primary thing) may never in fact interfere with the natural system He has created. If He has created more natural systems than one, He may never cause them to impinge on one another.

But that is a question for further consideration. If we decide that Nature is not the only thing there is, then we cannot say in advance whether she is safe from miracles or not. There are things outside her: we do not yet know whether they can get in. The gates may be barred, or they may not. But if Naturalism is true, then we do know in advance that miracles are impossible: nothing can come into Nature from the outside because there is nothing outside to come in, Nature being everything. No doubt, events which we in our ignorance should mistake for miracles might occur: but they would in reality be (just like the commonest events) an inevitable result of the character of the whole system.

Our first choice, therefore, must be between Naturalism and Supernaturalism.

[1] This definition is not that which would be given by many theologians. I am adopting it not because I think it an improvement upon theirs but precisely because, being crude and ‘popular’, it enables me most easily to treat those questions which ‘the common reader’ probably has in mind when he takes up a book on Miracles.


Colorado, Washington … the world.

A “baggy half empty” blogger says

I don’t think there has been a large enough cultural shift yet when even California couldn’t bring itself to decriminalise the drug.

… in our lifetimes we’ve seen them come & go.

For example Holland has starting tightening up cannabis liberalisation to be less tolerant.

Also the UK decriminalised cannabis for a few years under new Labour only to reverse it again.

Not even the so-called “cool” liberals like Obama are supporting it.

This “baggy half full” blogger has a different take on Tuesday’s vote to legalise cannabis in Colorado and Washington. I think Tuesday’s vote was the tipping point in the War on Drugs™. The tide has finally turned. In the next few election cycles, many more states of the U.S., and many countries around the world, will fall like dominoes to common sense and justice. Victory will be ours, and it will be swift.

There will be setbacks, but we’re better than the crybaby routine.

On April 2nd 1780, British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton led an overwhelming force as it lay siege to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. The ensuing violence lasted 40 days. When it was over, 5,200 Continental troops had been captured, 92 were killed, and 148 were wounded. The city was lost. It would go down in history as the worst U.S. defeat of the Revolutionary War.

As news of the loss spread, Americans complained that war was hard, there was no way to win, and that Liberty just wasn’t worth the hassle. So, they surrendered and we remain English to this day.

Oh wait … that’s not what happened, is it.

No. They licked their wounds, put on their big boy pants, and took it to the Brits with such fury that, a couple of years later, the enemy signed the Treaty of Paris.

There will be setbacks … only this afternoon, Dakta Green (New Zealand’s answer to Marc Emery) was searched (yet again) by the Prohibition Implementing Goons. (“I write this as a Police officer searches my desk around me. WTF … nothing found…Police leave…”)

There will be setbacks … but legal cannabis as the norm across the globe has always been a matter of when, not if. Now it’s a matter of soon.

There will be setbacks …

You want to give up? Fine. The rest of us will carry on without you.

If you’re tough enough to keep going, cut the crybaby act and saddle up.  We have work to do.

A Message from Jodie Emery…

From her facebook feed…
“Congratulations to *everyone* who worked on all of the marijuana campaigns in the United States! Enormous thanks to, and praise for, YES on WA’s Marijuana Initiative 502 and Vote “Yes” on Amendment 64, Legalize Marijuana – YOU DID IT! The whole world is watching, it’s big, big news! Much more hard work and perseverance is needed in the USA, Canada, and internationally to keep the momentum going!”

For those of you who dont yet know it, the US States of Colorado and Washington have just legalised Recreational use of Cannabis!

For those of you who dont know who Jodie is… Shes the Legendary Flipside of the Legendary Cannabis Reform activist and Political Prisoner… Canadian Marc Emery, who is currently serving time in the US for his activism to legalise Cannabis.
Marc had a Postal seed business which he used to generate millions of dollars which he poured into the struggle to legalise Pot.
This made him Emery Number 1 with the American drug enforcement agencies.. you see few people whom capitalise from cannabis actaully want to decriminalise it and even fewer use their revenue for the cause!

What a Woman!
Not only has she’s stood by her husband through His ordeal, she has taken on his Mantle and is a Mighty Warrior… an Amazon for the cause!

Man that’s some good shit!:-)

That Marc has been separated from his Hot Babe is an Injustice upon Injustice!

Why do so many of you people out there whom enjoy Cannabis, and are persecuted for it… do nothing to in your own defence?
That’s Lame!
It is time to stand up Bitches!
Join Jodie on Facebook Here:
And help them with the continuing struggle for justice… Ending the War on drugs.

Read more about Marc here:

New Zealand has our own Marc Emery… Dakta Green.
Contact him Here and find out what you can do for the Cause here in NZ.

Liberty Conference. Auckland 2012.

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

@#$% you I wont do what you told me!

Sentenced to Burn One

See also Sentenced to Burn.

If all stoners go straight to hell, then I guess I’ll get to smoke with Satan, himself
Bored with the bullshit of a get-a-head world
Kept to himself a habit that his country can’t afford, criminalization
Smokes on the weekends and at parties or with babes
Eventually he gets ratted, is arrested but gives no names

Beat to shit by the cops, a monster for his love of good pot
Dragged into the court of law, soon he’ll be sentenced and probably left to rot
Whatever punishment the judge decides
There will be no laughing, no stoned high-fives
His life will be ruined, his spirits run weak
A thoughtless verdict, the judge begins to speak

I’d say you’ve earned one, sentenced to burn one
Now it’s high-time you’ve learned, son

You’re choking, catch that feeling, for a minute, of toking
Poisonous strain provoking
Circulatory system is seething
And now you are slowly ceasing to keep control of your breathing
This sentence takes on new meaning
Execution witnessed, family’s grieving
Judiciary system’s deceiving, disgusted jury, head attorney’s heaving

Bored with the bullshit of a get-a-head world
Now you have been targeted by policies absurd
Stop, you cannot, for the right and wrong they must discern
They’re sending you to gas chambers, it’s just as you deserve

Fooled to the end, no one knows once again
To your death you are sent, terror is what is meant
Government conspiracy, lethal dose of THC
Revolting, head explodes yet the body’s still convulsing
Like the roach that he is by merely dying drug-free world indemnifying
Because they can, there’s no way to fight the man
New world order type of plan
Results are achieved through their lying, police spying, genocide they are implying

Colorado and Washington Legalise Recreational Use of Cannabis!

Read about it Here: Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Industrial Hemp

And here:

More Freedom, More Justice, Less Tyranny, Less Oppression ought to make everybody happy even those of you whom dont enjoy Cannabis!
Of course we must wait and see how Obama’s Federal tyranny will react to this State Rebellion.
Recently Libertarian party Presidental Candidate Gary Johnson correctly identified the pretexts which underpin the War on drugs as an important part of the Tyranical power structure of Big Brother, The Government uses it as a ruse to build up a Billion dollar Serveillence Network… and heavily armed enforcement troops… and building prisons.
They tell the sheeple its to keep them safe… from the Baddies…
They dont wat the War to end… that’s for sure.

The battle for justice goes on, yet Today’s News is something great We Libertarians can celebrate.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!