I am not a number. I am a free man.


If the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party vote reaches the 5% threshold in the general election on September 20, I shall be an MP.

Top-Ten List Ranking Released

1. Julian Crawford (Dunedin South)
2. Abe Gray (Dunedin North)
3. Emma-Jane Kingi (Te Tai Tonga)
4. Alistair Gregory (Wellington Central)
5. Jeffrey Lye (Kelston)
6. Richard Goode (Mana)
7. Paula Lambert (Christchurch East)
8. Romana Manning (Tukituki)
9. Rob Wilkinson (Christchurch Central)
10. Richard Neutgens (Auckland Central)

How does the Israeli Defence Force minimize civilian casualties?


^^^ This video goes some way to answer many of the questions raised about concerns of how the Israeli Defence force is going about it’s retaliation to Hamas Terror in Gaza.

Read my Blogpost …. Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

And…. The Diabolical tactics of Hamas: What the IDF is up against.

And … “One Day”. The Peace Song of Our Generation. Matisyahu.

“One Day”. The Peace Song of Our Generation. Matisyahu.


“One Day”

Sometimes I lay
Under the moon
And thank God I’m breathing
Then I pray
Don’t take me soon
‘Cause I am here for a reason

Sometimes in my tears I drown
But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know some day it’ll all turn around because…

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


It’s not about
Win or lose
Because we all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent
Blood-drenched pavement
Keep on moving though the waters stay raging

In this maze you can lose your way (your way)
It might drive you crazy but don’t let it faze you no way (no way)

Sometimes in my tears I drown (I drown)
But I never let it get me down (get me down)
So when negativity surrounds (surrounds)
I know some day it’ll all turn around because…

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


One day this all will change
Treat people the same
Stop with the violence
Down with the hate

One day we’ll all be free
And proud to be
Under the same sun
Singing songs of freedom like
One day [x2]

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


An arab Israeli with a message for the world

arab israeli

As an Israeli Muslim Arab, I was subjugated to brainwashing against the Jews while i was growing up. I was taught that we should hate them because they took our land, and that no Jewish person should be
living here. I was told by a few of my own family members that the Jews were planning to throw us into the sea and until that happened I would be suffering in Israel because I was an Arab.
I decided to explore the situation on my own, I went out and started meeting new people, I met a lot of Jews… What struck me at first is that they didn’t hate me like I was taught to hate them, but rather I felt care, respect, love, and a want to co-exist.
I began to realize how lucky I was to be born in Israel, to live in a free, democratic, and first world country with lots of opportunities.
Its not easy to be an Israeli Arab Zionist in an Arab Society. I was attacked physically several times, and insulted a lot.
But with the support of my amazing mother and my friends in the only country in the entire Middle East where freedom of speech is allowed, I will continue to speak out for what is right. I know that there are other many other Israeli Arabs that feel the same because almost 90% of us said that they would rather remain an Israeli than become a Palestinian citizen, but they are afraid of being hurt. That is why I am asking the world to please listen and protect the truth about Israel.
The world needs to wake up.
I see myself as a lucky Arab for being born in Israel.
I am lucky to be born in a democratic country like Israel.
I have an opportunity to live as an equal human being who lives in the 21st century.
Though, anti Israel still accuse Israel for being an aparthiehd state, ignoring the true apartheid of the Arab world’s views against the Jews and Zionists like myself of Israel. All these talks of peace will only come true when the Arabs will stop educating their children to dream about killing and eliminating the Jews.
Peace with will be achieved only when the arabs will start loving their children more than they hate us.
World wake up. Shame on you for being anti hope, democracy, and freedom in the middle east. Shame on you, to be anti Israel.
Am Yisrael chai

^^^ an Awesome, brave testament from a voice for Peaceful co-existence.
It is esp pertinent for New Zealanders to understand how Race hatred is being propagated by the Radical separatists who claim exactly the same thing has happened to them re: the Land, and injustice.
The Maori separatist movement and the Political doctrines/ lies of ‘treaty partnership’ are toxic and evil, and it is up to brave New Zealanders and Maori who know the truth to speak out against it… just as MOHAMMAD ZOABI has done above for the Jews in Israel.
I pray for his, and his Families Safety.
May the Good Lord keep him safe, and lead him into the Light of Truth.
In Christs name I pray.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian

Read more…

Where Haters come from.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

The Diabolical tactics of Hamas: What the IDF is up against.

Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

IDF Code of Ethics. Fighting a just fight.

ACT’s Charter schools.


As a Libertarian, I have many concerns about ACTs policy for Charter Schools, that they are still funded by Taxes being number 1.

Number two is just as important… watching the video Jamie Whyte was careful to avoid discussing the reality that Charter Schools will still be dictated as to *Content*/ Curriculum, and as such they will still be indoctrination centres of the Socialist Political Status quo… ie Charter schools will still be forced to teach the Revisionist lies of Waitangi separatism, the theory of Evolution, and the lies of Fascist economic theory (that Laissez faire is unworkable and that State Regulation and micro-management of the economy is essential).

Another unmentioned issue is zero reform in what qualifications are required to be employed as a teacher.
It has been said that Albert Einstein would nor have the requisite qualifications to be employed as a physics teacher in a modern Socialist institution, nor would Bill Gates be qualified to teach Computer studies.
Credentialism, is a growing evil which is locking out liberty of employment opportunities, blocking people from transferring across trades, etc and is a return to Guildist protectionism.

What I see in this ACT policy on Schooling is a similar *Failure to make fundamental/ *real reforms* as was the case with the Super City… Both these policies looking at ‘efficiency’ while retaining all the old tyrannical restrictions and regulations.
Acts policies in both counts dont result in any Tax/ rates reductions, and if you look at the Super city under Brown… It has resulted in a Rates/debt Crisis… and an increase of Race based favouritism/ separatism.

The advantage of what ACT are offering…. apart from introducing more flexibility of delivery, and a level of ‘market competition’, is that Teachers may begin to appreciate just how backward the current Collective of the Teachers Union really are…. and via this avenue start to really question the idea that The State ought to run the Education system.

I will say however that if ACT are successful in the long term at establishing their policy of ‘One country… One Law’, and are able to ensure the State starts to apply the principle that it is not the States proper function to promote ‘Culture’ that via this avenue we may see the current State indoctrination about Revisionist history and Waitangi separatism being thrown out of State Schools.

Currently Trainee Teachers whom reject the current Waitangi Separatism, or the theory of Evolution, or Socialist economic theory are ‘weeded out’ …. leaving the teaching fraternity a nest of Socialist Atheist supporters of Apartheid, and is why there is almost zero vocal resistance to Waitangi apartheid policies from Educationalists…. inspite of the fact that Racist Law and Government is such an abomination that such a situation is unforgivable!
Such is the depth of Corrupt Politicised Socialist ideologies within the education system.
This is a system which employs the likes of Pita Sharples, Margret Wilson, and thousands more of their Socialist racial separatist ilk.

ACT’s race policies will gain few friends in the Education sector!

Update: Read about PREPARING THE PARROTS: A TRAINING COLLEGE GRADUATE ON THE CULTURAL CORRUPTION OF TEACHERS by John Ansell. >>> Here <<< ******* On top of that, though ACTs Charter school policy is very moderate, The Teachers and their Union know this Act policy attacks the collectivist foundations of their 'department'.... esp their collective agreements, and this the biggest reason why Jamie should brace himself for 'Cries and Howls' against him in following weeks from this quarter! More calls to front up on State TV 🙂 What is Nuts is that Charter Schools could mean better individual contracts for excellent teachers. It's only the Dead wood whom will not have a future... and that is as it should be... market forces at work.... destroying the Socialist *guild protectionism* Angela-Roberts
When Teachers Unions organise Protests or go on strike its *always* about their own Pay, or supporting political agendas which maintain their virtual monopoly in education.

Read about how socialism has destroyed the concept of ‘Vocations’ >>>Here<<< Socialist Teachers are protecting their own 'Racket' and are Ideological'Bullies' vehemently opposed to freedom in Education, and the teaching of Ideas contrary to their own warped opinions. The fact that such indoctrination is going on is of course a perfect example of why the Government cannot be trusted with the minds of our Children and young people and that State education should be abolished, and replaced with a Private education free marketplace in which Parents have full control over what their children get taught, and that individual Schools either flourish or fail based upon how New Zealanders choose to purchase/ or run the Education of their Kids. meet_the_new_act_leader_jamie_whyte_995984959

Do I Think ACTs policy is an improvement on the status quo?
I think the response it receives from the Commy fascists Teachers Union is evidence enough that it is a small step in the right direction.

Jamie Whyte is a clever advocate for ACT Policies.
What I mentioned as *weaknesses from the Libertarian perspective*… will be most likely considered it’s ‘virtues’ by the Status quo, meaning ACT’s policy for Charter Schools are more palatable… easier to swallow for ‘mainstream’ contemporary thinkers than my personal ‘Fringe dweller’ opinions.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi….

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of conformity. State education.

Where Haters come from.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

The Diabolical tactics of Hamas: What the IDF is up against.


^^^ WATCH VIDEO!!! (from the Israel Defence Force *Facebook page*)
Hamas does not give a Rats arse about the people of Gaza.
They are Fanatics with an Evil Political agenda.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read more…. Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.
Here the IDF destroy a Hamas Missile site right next to a Mosque, yet do so with pin point accuracy, and the Mosque survives intact.

IDF Code of Ethics. Fighting a just fight.

The Government wants to kill you. They know the end is nigh.


Read about California Rep. Introduces Bill to Ban Civilians from Buying Body Armor


They know America is bankrupt and about to collapse… because they are the A-holes whom have bankrupted her!
They know the American people will follow their Founding Document… the Declaration of Independence… and will seek to overthrow the Socialist tyrants in power.
They are preparing for civil war.
They have militarised the Police (and many other government departments).
They have bought up large quantities of Ammunition, Tanks, and military vehicles.
They practice warfare in the City streets.
They seek to control the Internet, and social media.
They have made many attempts to take away Americans Guns and 2nd amendment rights, and also to leave them as vulnerable as possible…. hence this sort of diabolical legislation to ban Body armour!

They want to Microchip everybody!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


“You have nothing to Fear…. Just Obey… and take the Mark of Allegiance … only Criminals and terrorists resist progress…”
The False Prophet. 666

Read more…
Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

Putin stashes tonnes of gold, while America burries itself in play money.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Riders on the Storm! Homeland Security already confiscating guns .

Christian Father defends 2nd Amendment and Liberty from Oppotunist Tyranny and Reactionary Socialism. Columbine Tragedy

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

The Coming American Civil War.

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!