Let’s be clear (in case any of Colin’s supporters are reading this). I am NOT calling for the beheading of those who ridicule Colin Craig. This is satire.
Earlier this week, however, Colin Craig was threatening to sue those who ridicule Colin Craig. Suing is so much more civilised than beheading, but both belong on the same slippery slope. Threats to sue those who ridicule Colin Craig and threats to behead all those who insult the Prophet both have a chilling effect on free speech.
Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our democracy. Any attempt to stifle free speech, whether by threats of beheading or threats of legal action, must be nipped in the bud early. It is a relief to read that Colin Craig abandons defamation suit. But he should never have threatened The Civilian in the first place. That he did shows contempt for the most basic of our Western values.
Up to 25,000 British Pakistani men, women and children from across the UK gathered in Aston Park to call on the British government to introduce legislation that bars people from insulting Islam under the garb of the freedom of speech.
The participants, who also travelled from several parts of European cities, were led in a mile-long march by Hazrat Peer Alauddin Siddiqui. This is the fourth consecutive gathering for the biggest Melaad-un-Nabi of British Pakistanis in Britain but this year it was dedicated to “protect the honor and legacy of Hazrat Muhammad”.
“To say Islamic terrorists represent the Muslim religion,” says this meme, “is like saying the Ku Klux Klan represents the Christian religion.” But this misses the point. Islamic terrorists are NOT a minority of Muslims. There’s at least 25,000 living in the UK and openly seeking to subvert freedom of speech under the guise of a ban on insulting their evil politico-religious ideology!
Restrictions on Islamic immigration must be put in place now before it is too late. It’s a numbers game.
“Williamson likes to talk about big gay rainbows, but it would help if he understood what the rainbow actually means. After Noah’s flood, God painted a giant rainbow across the sky, which was a message that he would never again flood the world, unless we made him very angry. And we have.”
– Colin Craig, Leader of the Conservative Party of New Zealand
A virus with the potential to kill up to half the world’s population has been made in a lab. Now academics and bio-terrorism experts are arguing over whether to publish the recipe, and whether the research should have been done in the first place.
Have we reached the limits of free speech? Discuss.
I went to Court today to support a friend. He has a long complicated story – today’s proceedings relate to a defamation case he has against the Police and the Ministry of Social Development. The Police and MSD are trying to stop the defamation case from going ahead and they are trying to ensure that some videotaped evidential interviews are never seen.
I was a couple of minutes late but when I arrived my friend’s parents and his other supporters were all outside the courtroom. They explained to me that the proceedings started with the public there but the judge noticed that someone was taking notes and when the judge found out that it was a reporter the judge declared that the court room needed to be cleared.
This indicates to me that the judge is going to protect the Police and MSD and he doesn’t want to be seen doing wrong.
“What you’re wearing is an absolute disgrace. You parade yourself as some sort of centre-right invested community leader, but you’re in the red!”
“You’re going to be nervous when you line up in those par threes now, aren’t you? You’re munted mate, you’re never going to make it. You’ve got that gay red top on there.”
And thank GOD that I live in New Zealand where I can say that with impunity!
From the office where I work, I can see the Beehive. I have a co-worker who is a young Chinese women who has been living in New Zealand for less than a year. The other day, we ventured outside together (I had to show her where to find the Post Office). Once on the street, I demonstrated the “one finger salute” in the direction of the Beehive—to show our politicians the respect they deserve. I said, “Make the most of being in New Zealand. You can’t do this in China!”
“Are you on Facebook?” I asked. “No,” she replied. “Why not?” She replied, “None of my friends in China is on Facebook.” (They don’t have Facebook in China.)
Most of us don’t fully appreciate how lucky we are to live in New Zealand where we have freedom of expression. It is our most precious freedom.
Last year, at an election candidates’ meeting, I shook hands with Peter Dunne. I despise Peter Dunne. But you know what? I’d buy him a beer. Or, a dose of whatever he thinks he might legalise under his stupid new proposal to legalise drugs that no one wants to take.
Seriously, we don’t know how lucky we are.
(I have a feeling I have stumbled on something substantial.)
This was brought home to me the other day when I visited Amnesty International’s Trial by Timeline. It’s a Facebook App that scans your Facebook timeline and finds out what you’re guilty of (and sentenced to) in places less enlightened than our beloved Godzone!
This afternoon I travel to Palmerston North for an all-night vigil in support of Billy McKee who is being sentenced tomorrow. If the sentencing judge shows an iota of compassion, Billy will receive a suspended sentenced or home detention. If Billy’s “going away” party turns out to be just that, and he gets well and truly FUCKED by the government, then … well, you won’t have heard the last of it from me. 🙂
(We don’t know how propitious are the circumstances, Frederick.)
Humbling courage of teenage girl who took on the Taliban: The inspirational story of 14-year-old who has shown breathtaking defiance in the face of deathMalala Yousafzai, 14, publicly condemned the Taliban’s brutal atrocities and campaigned like mad for girls’ education
She is now fighting for her life after being shot in the neck and head at close range
The Tehreek-iTaliban Pakistan (TTP) accepted responsibility and promised that if Malala survives their bullets, they will target her again
Read story Here:
Picture from Daily Mail…
One of the most sickening spectacles in recent years has been the growing Islam-a-phobia amongst so called Libertarian thinkers.
The terrorists have won when they have succeeded in infecting the world with the notion that either the west must outlaw and annihilate the Islamic world, or be consumed by it… they have succeeded in generating ‘intolerance’ and Jihad’… on both sides.
“Death to Islam!”… the Objectivists chant.
I have been appalled by such Mob phobia… How is it that even the most intelligent and enlightened people are so easily manipulated into a bigotry and hatred?
Don’t they understand what terrorism is?… How it operates… why there are so few voices of protest against Extremism?
This is rich indeed coming from ‘Armchair’ revolutionaries and Intellectuals sitting Cozily by their fires… Meanwhile … thousands of miles away… in Taliban country… a little 14 year old Muslim girl teaches these fear ridden Master minds the price of standing up for Liberty beyond the frontiers of their living rooms!
Yes Little Malala Yousafzai and her brave family show the world what it takes to stand up in resistance to this insidious Evil… religious extremism… religious intolerance… Religious tyranny… under such circumstances… It takes an absolute commitment to truth and justice… to the degree that it is more precious than life itself!
It takes a religious Faith that to do what is right is more important than life itself… and that though there are many Muslims whom know that The Taliban and the extremists are evil, and would rejoice the day they are swallowed up by the Earth… They have been terrified into silence… and only a handful dare step forward under Terror.
What say ye Islamiphobes to this?
Can you honestly tell me you would be as brave as this little girl and her Kin?
Taliban Terrorist Scum! Satanic. Tyranical over their own people, Intollerant, Savage, Brutal, Murdeous, Self Righteous, Killers of Children.
How can the pretend to be the servants of God?
I despise them, yet am not so foolish as to believe they ar representive of all Muslims!
Such a conclusion is a terrorist induced Phobia.
Malala and her family have done the whole world a great service!
They have proven that not all Muslims are Fanatics… not all terrorists.
Their bravery gives the world hope that Freedom and justice can indeed prevail in a world in which Islam is the chosen faith of a large percentage of the population.
In respect to speaking out against tyranny…they possess Christ like character, and I pray The Good Lord watches over them and has mercy upon their souls…!
I pray their sacrifice is the catalyst for a major reaction against the Extremists.
I pray all moderate/ peaceful and tolerant Muslims are pricked in their hearts for their scilence… that they become outraged!
If there ever was an appropriate time for outrage, the shooting of this little hero is it!
May the moderates be emboldened by this shinning example of courage and virtue displayed by a little Muslim girl and her family.
Of course the purpose of shooting this Angel of justice was to further terrify the population into remaining silent.
Will Terror continue to prevail over Moral courage?
Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian.
Important note: It is a most difficult task to convey what I am attempting to achieve with posts like this. Some people will think I am trying to stifle just criticism… eg The Objectivist Lindsay Perigo is quite right to be outraged against the intolerance of those Muslims whom riot and murder, and commit terrorism because they are incensed about cartoons, or Movies which they believe are disrespectful of Islam.
Some people will think I must have rocks in my head! Surely Tim must be blind to the Threat of Sharia Law… as absolutely incompatible with religious liberty and a free society.
In spite of my argument above… where is the voice of protest from Muslims living in western nations against religious extremism?
My point is that while I agree that these serious problems need to be expressed, that Libertarians must take extreme care not to assume that these Evils are shared by all Muslims, that these evils define Islam, or that they prove Islam is absolutely incompatible with a free society.
To believe this is a massive fail.
It is the lazy mans view.
It is definitively collectivist thinking.
It is an un libertarian excuse to perpetrate bigotry and hate.
It is to sell the world out to Jihad… that no grounds for peaceful coexistence can be found between East and West.
It is to ignore the bravery of such people as Malala and her family
It is to pretend all Muslims support the Talebans and Al Qaeda’s quest to Install tyrannical Islamic theocracies throughout the globe.
I will be writing more on this subject yet for now I will say my chief accusation against the Islamaphobes is that they don’t balance their writing as I attempt to do… ie I attempt to differentiate the good side from the Bad side… and throw support in for the Good and condemn the bad. eg when I am attacking Waitangi apartheid I take care to distinguish the Hateful Racist radicals from the rest of Maoridom whom are as much a victim of the racism as Non-Maori. And i attempt to make it clear that I am not Anti-Maori culture and that in Freedom Maori may embrace their culture as much as they desire… it simply will not be imposed upon others via oppressive laws…. and this is the same message which must be used in educating Muslims into the benefits of a free society. And it is this part of the message with is conspicuously absent from the rantings of the Islamiphobes. It is missing because they dont wish to admit they are extreme in their phobia.
They Rellish the opportunity to vent their Hatred. It may be enjoyable for them yet they fail Libertarianism because of this and do the cause of Liberty and justice a disservice.
I am a Christian. A Christian ought not Hate Islamic people but love them!
Christians ought not be an enemy of Islamic people… but an enemy of tyranny.
The Islamic people need the gospel, and we cannot expect to convert them if we ourselves meter out evil for evil… and act out of hate.
Peace, Liberty, and equality, are the best conditions for propigating the Gospel and showing the Lost the christian message… by compassionate example.
Imagine that one night, an alien prankster secretly implants electrodes into the brains of an entire country – let’s say Britain. The next day, everyone in Britain discovers that pictures of salmon suddenly give them jolts of painful psychic distress. Every time they see a picture of a salmon, or they hear about someone photographing a salmon, or they even contemplate taking such a picture themselves, they get a feeling of wrongness that ruins their entire day.
I think most decent people would be willing to go to some trouble to avoid taking pictures of salmon if British people politely asked this favor of them. If someone deliberately took lots of salmon photos and waved them in the Brits’ faces, I think it would be fair to say [he] isn’t a nice person. And if the British government banned salmon photography, and refused to allow salmon pictures into the country, well, maybe not everyone would agree but I think most people would at least be able to understand and sympathize with the reasons for such a law.
So why don’t most people extend the same sympathy they would give Brits who don’t like pictures of salmon, to Muslims who don’t like pictures of Mohammed?