Category Archives: Free Speech

Salt is a four-letter word

[WARNING: This blog post contains lots of very strong language and is practically guaranteed to give offence to weak-minded prudes. Please proceed at your own risk.]


The useā€“mention distinction is a foundational concept of (Western analytic) philosophy. To fail to recognise the distinction is, at best, to invite disaster.

The following true statements illustrate the distinction.

(1) Salt is an ionic compound, viz., sodium chloride (NaCl).
(2) ‘Salt’ is a four-letter word.

The first sentence is a statement about the substance called “salt”—it uses the word ‘salt’ to refer to that substance. The second is a statement about the word ‘salt’—it mentions the word without using it to refer to anything other than itself.

‘Salt’ is a four-letter word. Salt is not a four-letter word. And neither salt nor ‘salt’ is a four-letter word in the usual idiomatic (and only incidentally numeric) sense of the term. It’s perfectly polite and indeed good table manners to ask someone please to the pass the salt!

In this post I want to say a few words about four-letter words (e.g., ‘fuck‘ and ‘shit‘) and their cognates (e.g. ‘fucking shit‘) and briefly discuss whether (and in what contexts) Christians ought or ought not to be using such vulgarities and profanities.

And it struck me that the perfect way to make the main point I want to make is to recycle the metaphor that Jesus uses in Matthew 5:13 right after the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus says to his followers

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (NIV)

George Carlin aptly refers to the words I’m talking about as “just words which we’ve decided not to use all the time.” And “that’s about the only thing you can say about them for sure.” Carlin’s bang on the money! Because, if we used the words all the time, they’d lose their “saltiness”! They’d no longer be effective cuss words and they’d no longer be good for anything more than just plain old communication. Which would be a dingleberry of a disappointment.

(Or would it? If we no longer had an inventory of “reserved” words with which to insult others effectively, we’d have to relearn the art of the insult. And our prose would begin to be colourful like Bill Shakespeare‘s or Martin Luther‘s prose is colourful. And actually that would be fucking awesome!)

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Is probably the one blog post of mine I regularly link to. It explains how (according to me, but I’m not wrong) words acquire their meanings. The meaning of a word (any word) is determined by the conventions that govern its use. And those conventions can and do vary between different communities of language users. Amongst the kind of people I usually hang out with, the words ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ are used fairly indiscriminately. They’ve pretty much lost their saltiness in those contexts. (But I use those words extremely judiciously, if at all, if I’m having dinner with, say, my mum or any of her older friends.) Whereas both I and my peers still tend to hold back on using the terms ‘cunt’ and ‘motherfucker’. Those two words remain mostly reserved for when we need convenient terms to refer to truly despicable people, such as Peter Dunne.

But here’s the interesting thing. In the circles in which I usually move, the words ‘cunt’ and ‘motherfucker’ can cease to be insults at all simply by prefixing them with the words ‘good’ and ‘formidable’ respectively. To call someone a good cunt is to pay them a genuine compliment. And it is a mark of utmost respect to call someone a formidable motherfucker. Mohammed Ali was a formidable motherfucker. Vladimir Putin is a formidable motherfucker. Good or evil, you don’t want to cross such people! Not unless it’s from a safe distance, anyway. (I.e., well outside of Russia in the latter case.)

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. (ESV)

Here’s a picture taken Wednesday evening of me (on the right) and a couple of good cunts. šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚


Now to the question, ought Christians to be using the sort of language I’ve been using here? The answer is simple common sense, really. It depends on the context and the occasion and the company. None of the cuss words above is at all appropriate during a church service, for example. (But you may say “piss” if you’re reading from the KJV.) Such terms should be used sparingly, if at all, in polite company. Because they’re impolite. But in impolite company (such as on my Facebook page) they’re not impolite. Here’s what the Apostle Paul says

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV)

Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. (NIV)

It’s contextual, you see. Don’t go calling someone a good cunt if it’s “out of place” to do so. But do go calling them that if it’s “helpful for building them up according to their needs.”

I’ll finish by noting that there’s a big tension between being a good cunt and being a formidable motherfucker. If you succeed at being both simultaneously then you’re practically a saint.

Shame on you New Zealand. Restore Cassidy Boon’s facebook page! Petition.


Cassidy Boon is a Naive Feminist socialist/ self appointed ‘activist for social justice’ and *I personally disagree with everything she represents, yet I am horrified to see that a horde of ‘precious’ minded fellow Kiwis have manage to lobby Facebook into deleting this little girls facebook page simply because they could not handle her expressing her opinions.

In a manor I found very amusing/ quirky, she dared to criticize the Haka and after researching New Zealand on the net she expressed her *textbook* socialist feminist disdain for what she saw as ‘injustices against woman and the indigenous Maori’ whom… from her reading of propaganda on the net… she gleans are an under-trodden race.

The Irony is though she obviously wanted to help the poor oppressed Maori, she made the *unforgivable sin* of critisising a Maori Custom…. something considered Taboo in these parts.

Read about this here > Haka-hater Cassidy Boon’s Facebook removed after Kiwis complain

I wrote a blog post in response to her original video >here< and you will find her original Youtube post there too (unless that gets axed too!) Some people will think I am strange rallying in support of a person who if she studied my stuff on the net would probably think I'm a social menace... and would probably laugh if it was *me* who had been removed. They probably think I should be joining the celebration that she's gone... after all is it not great when an ideological enemy takes a hit? Is not vengeance sweet? For me it's frightening just how bad the tyrrany of Political Correctness is successfully destroying free speech and silencing dissent. This will have been devastating to her as she ... like me... puts her heart and soul into social concerns, and it is frightening to think that such small minds in large numbers can get *anyone* shut out of what has become an essential medium for people to express themselves, and fight for causes they believe are important to humanity. tyranny with mannors

As a person of strong independent views and the moral conviction at demands that I speak out against evil where ever I see it, I fear this Rabid Mob might get *me banned next*.
It is a favorite tool of nasty Socialists to attempt to get the voices of their opponents silenced via labeling anything they dont like as ‘Trolling’ or ‘hate speech’ and maliciously working to get them Banned.
This is definitive Fascism…. and the resort of devils who cant rebut their adversaries with reason and truth.

We live in Petty… yet dangerous times…. We even have intellectuals who suggest Non-conformity is a mental illness!

I have set up a facebook page hoping to get her restored… I have no idea how to effect this… yet this blog post and facebook page is my attempt to do just that…. for the sake of free speech … against the tyranny of Politically correct censorship… of which The removal of Cassidy Boon from facebook is a sorrowful example of nasty Mob mentality.

I call everyone who believe in free speech to please join my FB page, and help get her restored.
I need help to achieve this.

I know that by defending Cassidy… I am defending *all our rights* to think and to speak.
These sorts of ‘Lynch mobs’ are a threat to Individualism and all of us who naturally… refuse to be lemmings, and righteously swim against the tide.

And Cassidy…. if you ever read this… I want to say how ashamed I am to be a New Zealander for what they have done to you…. and I would apologize for what my countrymen have done… yet I dont speak for anyone but myself.
Please know that I had nothing to do with it… and please *Dont* remove your Videos from Youtube.
You have every right to express your views.
I can see you are an intelligent Girl, funny, and I would love to teach you about Libertarian social justice ideology.
You have great potential.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Please sign my petition for the sake of Free speech >here.

Thank you.

Update: 21/11/15 VICTORY! She has been restored…. I’m convinced it was all because of my petition which mannaged to get 1 vote. :-)…. terrified the hell outa Mark Zuckerburg! šŸ™‚
Thank you facebook for such a good outcome.