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Category Archives: Go Hard!
Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.
Yesterday was ‘Wear Orange Day’ to highlight domestic abuse… or so I was informed at the morning meeting.
I was pleasantly surprised when the point was made that the abuse is not just ‘one directional’… “It can go the other way…”.
The truth of that observation cannot be overestimated, despite the Media being filled with Memes, commentaries, and articles by Woman who say ‘They have had enough’ of domestic violence , and Politicians who believe they can win votes by apologizing for being a man.
More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals
Not belittling the evils of Male violence towards woman, I would like to here take time to discuss the flip side of the coin…and the PC socialist brainwashing which perpetuates the myth of one-sided violence… and the terrible results these myths have for Human relationships.
The Truth is in New Zealand *Woman have more Rights than men*.
It is very hard to get the police to prosecute Woman for assaulting their partners…. and this skews the Statistics , and maintains the deception that woman are the victims of violence.
We have special Laws which *add* heinousness and therefore *increase punishments* upon those convicted for ‘Male assaults female’… and so female assaulting males is of less consequence.
When Marriages fail Woman get custody of the Children virtually automatically… even when they are at fault… and have been placed in psychiatric care.
Men have to Battle in courts… virtually bankrupting themselves… just to get visiting rights.
The IRD heavily *Rapes* the incomes of Men who loose custody, and refuses to properly assess either the justice of the costs imposed, or the plight their Insane child support demands leaves men in.
They seem to think Dad’s are irrelevant, and have no Idea that an impoverished father is in no position to supply his children with ordinary things when they need them.
These are the sorts of Feminist Socialist generated injustices which are driving Dads to Drink,Jails and suicide.
The System is heavily geared against Men.
Now all these things are Bad enough, yet It has occurred to me that this process of emasculation goes even further…. *destroying Romance*.
Not only is Militant feminism extremely Ugly in itself…. a massive turn off, It is also efeminising Manly Romance via politically correct insanity.
let me give you but three examples… millions could be found.
It has become common place these days for Artists to find their Balls on the block for upsetting some PC Feminist sensibilities… resulting in scathing attacks…. “They promote Rape”… “They promote violence towards women.”
Powerderfinger have lyrics… “I wont take no from you this time.”
Pat Benitar sings “Hit me with your Best shot”
etc etc…. none of which in fact ‘promotes violence or Rape’, yet can be misconstrued to infer that they do.
What is really going on here is an attack on Manliness.
The Dominant submissive counterparts of Great *natural* sex.
It’s a Dike attack on the idea that woman want to be manhandled.
It’s a crime to be Manly these days.
Fake claims of ‘Rape’ abound from disgruntled evil woman who have no compunction about using the anti-male bigotry of the system as a tool of extortion or spite.
“It’s not the kill, but the thrill of the chase!”… Deep Purple.
*Yet what these Dimwits are actually undermining *is Romance*.
Woman love to be pursued… hunted… yet today that’s called ‘Stalking!’
Feminists would have men believe there is something malicious about not being faized at the first unsuccessful advance.
When the love of your life leaves you… instead of persevering and attempting to win her back, you are supposed to simply let your dreams slip through your fingers.
It’s does not matter that by doing so you let your estranged partner think “Oh well… he obviously does not give a Damn”.
The latest and most famous example being the outcry’s against ’50 Shades of Gray’.
Having not suffered the show myself, I was wondering whether such outrage was justifiable… suspecting that this was just another ‘strap on Dildo’ Feminist Tirade when I read some very interesting comments by Kiwi Sexpert Lisa Lewis.
She said she enjoyed the movie, and when I asked her opinion about the claims that it promoted violence towards woman she said… that woman knew exactly what she was getting into, and that in fact she was exercising *a lot more control* than the critical *dimwits* assume.
I liked that insightful observation very much.
This is from a Woman who takes pride in her sexual prowess and boldly warns would be suitors that they had better be up to the job because she “F*&ks back like a Man”… Little whimpy boys beware!
She obviously does not suffer the ‘Woman are oppressed’ syndrome…even after having suffered *Real violence* herself.
She can make the distinction between Manly sexuality and Abuse…. why cant the rest of you?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
“If it’s not Ruff it isn’t fun”…. Lady Gaga
Read more from Tim >>>>
Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads ā¦ and the Survivors.
Feminism and the Death of Romance.
Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.
From Motorcycle Clubs Australia
April 13 ā¢ Edited
The Other World…
There are humans who live eventually,here and now.
And there are humans who decided to live in another world.
Being a member of a motorcycle club is an attitude towards life.
Truth and respect at the forefront outlaw bikies are proud and it’s an honour to be an outlaw biker.
Some find fellowship, brotherhood,and solidarity thats why they join a club.
If an outlaw biker gives his word he keeps it. If you behave like a man you’ll be treated like a man.
If you behave like an asshole you’ll be treated like an asshole.An outlaw biker can be your best and loyal friend.
But can also be your worst nightmare.
Its not about breaking the rules or fighting the system.Its about freedom that is fixed in the mind.The government doesn’t like that, they donāt like a strong group because they can’t control them so easy.
So of course the police handle the outlaw bikies differently, aggressively portraying them as the boogey men of our society.
The scary monster man that sells drugs to school kids from the back of his Harley,who rapes and murders at will,the lowest of the low who has no moral compass whatsoever or so they will have you believe …
Due to conditioning, through the government’s advertising arm, the media, threatening and intrusive governmental action is not denounced as dangerous but lauded as a positive step toward security a safer society. This concept–government psychologically shaping its citizens to comfortably accept authoritarianism.
Complex social circumstances in a progressive society like ours always determines and should determine the curtailment of civil liberties.Bikers do not want to be controlled from above,there’s already enough people in a free society who feel this kind of need.But that doesn’t mean that they are criminal organisations.
Those that give up freedom for safety will lose both in the end.
(extracts from various sources.)
ā with Eddie Mendez.
^^^The above is a Biker Credo which I ‘Liberated’ from an ‘outlaw’ Biker FB site…
Some people may think it is a poor show for me to glorify Outlaw bikers like this, yet I want to propose that *Outlaw Gangs* are to a large degree a reaction to all the BULLSHIT that passes for civil society these days.
They are a reaction to the monumental hypocrisy.
They are a rejection of all the Petty Tyrannies… all the Legal corruptions… all the ridiculous ‘Social norms’.
All the Religious Bigotry.
As a Person whom has spent over 15 fruitless years trying to reform the system via the democratic process, what … when the system has proven to be a self protecting charade…is a person like me supposed to do next?
Am I expected to just roll over, and accept the perpetual Sodomizing like a good little Slave?… am I supposed to be grateful?
Now I’m not about to join a gang…, nor am I about to surrender…. yet I want to make the point as to why many good people reach the conclusion that joining an Outlaw Biker Gang is actually *a good thing to do*
FUck the system!
I can relate to that… esp when … upon futher investigation you discover that Biker Gangs are not absolutely Lawless… they have their own codes of Honor… and they have strong views on *Natural justice*.
Of course Some Biker Gangs are full of Scum… Rapists, Thieves, and Murderers, yet by far the greater percentage of Bike Clubs don’t tolerate scum, and have codes of honour.
and Ironic as it may seem… within Limits, they have a Right to do exactly that!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
New Zealand Biker.
Read on….
The Right to Ignore the State
by Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer was an incredible prophet and a magnificent defender of laissez-faire. Among his numerous works is The Man Versus The State, first published in 1884. That book launched one of the most spirited attacks on statism ever written. He ridiculed the idea that government intervention of any kind “will work as it is intended to work, which it never does.” He drew on his tremendous knowledge of history, citing one dramatic case after another of price controls, usury laws, slum clearance laws, and myriad other laws which, touted as compassionate policies, intensified human misery. Below is one of his essays that explores the principles of self-government, which Henry David Thoreau defended in his seminal essay, Civil Disobedience.
The Right to Ignore the State
1. The Right to Voluntary Outlawry
As a corollary to the proposition that all institutions must be subordinated to the law of equal freedom, we cannot choose but admit the right of the citizen to adopt a condition of voluntary outlawry. If every man has freedom to do all that he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man, then he is free to drop connection with the state ā to relinquish its protection, and to refuse paying toward its support. It is self-evident that in so behaving he in no way trenches upon the liberty of others; for his position is a passive one; and whilst passive he cannot become an aggressor. It is equally self-evident that he cannot be compelled to continue one of a political corporation, without a breach of the moral law, seeing that citizenship involves payment of taxes; and the taking away of a man’s property against his will, is an infringement of his rights. Government being simply an agent employed in common by a number of individuals to secure to them certain advantages, the very nature of the connection implies that it is for each to say whether he will employ such an agent or not. If any one of them determines to ignore this mutual-safety confederation, nothing can be said except that he loses all claim to its good offices, and exposes himself to the danger of maltreatment ā a thing he is quite at liberty to do if he likes. He cannot be coerced into political combination without a breach of the law of equal freedom; he can withdraw from it without committing any such breach; and he has therefore a right so to withdraw.
Read more from Herbert >>>Here<<<
Free Biker Alliance Inferno -36
N F E R N O – 3 6 In mythology, the Minotaur symbolizes power and fear, that of a monster half man, half bull, but at the same time he was locked in the labyrinth by Minos (one of the judges of hell).
This symbol represents us perfectly, because it can be very strong and free in his mind, there still remains a prisoner of the system around us is our maze!
July 31, 2012
More Biker stuff from Tim >>>> The Perfect Woman?
Natās Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$
Iām Hunter S. Thompsonās Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.
Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$
I had to make up this Meme having herd that National is dropping the ACC levy of Cars registrations, which is always a positive thing.
Yet still they have not moved an iota on Motorcycle Levies… which are exorbitant.
This situation smacks of favouritism, and thus is typical Socialism in action.
The rationale appears to be that ‘Cars are Righteous, but Motorbikes are evil’.
Never mind the fact that a great % of Motor cycle injuries are caused by Cars, Trucks, tractors, and all the Shit they spread over the roads, and all the pot holes they create, etc, etc.
Frigging 4 wheeled freaks whom pull out of intersections without looking properly.
Bikers flying off the road avoiding Olde Muppets whom who are a danger to themselves and everyone else.
If I ever get that old and stupid… please take my keys off me!
I dont wana kill a young Dad on his day off.
Bikers are a victim minority of Populist delusions and prejudices, and are accordingly being raped by the Government.
National is obviously making policy with the up and coming election in mind rather than any concern for justice.
This Registration fee reduction is in really a ruse, because they are still borrowing 75 million per week…. which we will still have to pay back, plus the growing interest of well in access of 1 billion per year on this ever expanding government debt.
So please Ye Car fans… dont start clapping for National… they are playing yall like chumps.
Because on average I only get out on my bike about once a month, with insurance and registration, it costs me $100.00 per ride before I even turn the Key… before Gas, Tyres, Pies, Etc.
I pay over $50.00 per ride just for road rego!
It’s a Bloody Rip off!
I dont mind the Insurance so much, but greatly detest ACC, whom also take pleasure in raping me for the crime of being a self-employed Engineer.
I would much rather have all my taxes and Levies refunded which the Government extorts from me under the pretence of supplying me ‘a healthcare package’, and buy Private health insurance instead.
And true to Realecconomics… by driving up the cost of Bike registrations, the Rapist government have inadvertently encouraged people not to bother registering their bikes… and so the Government is actually collecting Less revenues!
They have created more outlaw bikers.
More bikers now choose to run the risk of riding unregistered bikes.
Bikers whom used to register more than one bike, instead keep some on hold.
Another way Bikers pay for the ignorance of politician Law makers is regarding the Speed limit.
Bikers are paying for naĆÆve heavy handedness in blood.
I believe Motor cycles ought to be allowed to do 120kph on highways, because I say this would reduce many Cycle accidents which are caused by ridiculous speed restrictions and ‘Hazard County police’ who ‘write their own Rules’ and enforce a pitiful 4kph over speed margin… claiming this Hard line reduces the Road Toll.
Well it doesn’t!
This gimmick has been proven false.
The Road toll is not improved by this crap… all that happens is that the Cops collect more Speed Taxes.
Such patently absurd targets as ‘Zero deaths’ on holidays just goes to show what sort of Bullshit excuses are used to justify Raping us on our days off!
The only way you can expect zero Deaths is by having zero people using the roads!
On Labour weekend 2013 there was one death, the lowest number on record,and the police were quick to take the credit for this as being vindication for their Heavy handedness… despite a myriad of other factors being involved… esp less people than usual travelling, yet having employed this tactic over many more breaks, it has proven that this low result was an anomaly and that enforcing a lower speed limit was not a decisive strategy.
One reason I believe that such simplistic rational fails is because the Speed restrictions on Highways… and the Legions of Ticket issuers just waiting to pounce means that Bikers now avoid these Good roads where it is Safe to travel at speed, and instead Ride the Back roads which are inevitably poory maintained, poorly signed, and not designed for speed.
Plus they encounter far more rural hazards… Cattle, Tractors, Cyclists, etc.
And it is on these Back roads that Bikers are doing 120kph+.
Riding slow can be dangerous too because it is so friggin boring that you are in danger of falling asleep.
Some people may mock me for saying this …. but it’s true.
It’s like when you are at work, and sit down for afternoon smoko … you start to nod off and it’s hard to find the energy to Finnish off that last hours of your shift.
You become complacent and stop thinking… too relaxed… not focused.
This happens when you are not fully engaged in your riding… bored… in the afternoons and evenings.
Yet when you can get some speed on, your blood flows through your veins and your focus is sharper.
Thus I argue that these are the sort of reasons that Lower speed limits dont make the road a safer place, and these Laws actually work to make riding less safe.
The Highways are far safer to travel on big Cruisers, and as such I argue a more tolerant speed limit would greatly improve Riding Stats.
Everyone knows Bikers are already doing these speeds anyway.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
The Christian conception of death… not Annihilation, but the separation of the soul from the body. William Lane Craig.
The materialist/ monist view of death is that once the Body dies… the conscious being of a person is annihilated… because to their way of thinking our consciousness is nothing more that the result of an attunement of atoms.
Thus there can be no judgement for sins because not only in the materialist view is there no judge.
They say their is no objective moral Law, nor ‘anyone’ to be held account… the actions of a person merely being the blind outworking of Materialist determinism.
It is vitally important to distinguish this false conception of Human life and death from what the Bible clearly teaches… and that is that Death does not result in the annihilation of the conscious being/ personality… which being created in the image of God is both non-materialistic, and eternal… and morally capable (possessed of conscious free-will) and accountable.
It defies belief that there are many ‘highly educated’ people who claim to be Christians yet fail to be able to believe in Man’s Dualistic nature.
They dont believe in Freewill.
They dont believe any part of us survives death.
In these things they are Atheists.
What is even more absurd is that the say they reject Dualism because they cant understand it… deluding themselves that they *can understand* how consciousness can be derived from Dead matter!
The reality is that the cannot understand such a thing either!
Yet they have been sucked so far down the superstitious highway of Naturalism… the false religion of our age…. that they trust in the follies of rebellious and vain human scholarship and pseudo-science rather than in the word of God.
What is doubly ironic is that Christ himself condemned the heretical Jewish sect called the Sadducee’s
for believing these very same *monist* beliefs in respect to Life after death, and judgement.
He told them that at that very moment Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were *Alive*… though their bones were in their sepulchres.
“…Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying,
Master, Moses wrote unto us, If a man’s brother die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed.
And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed: and the third likewise.
And the seven had her, and left no seed: last of all the woman died also.
In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.
And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.
And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.”
Jesus Christ.
Mark 12vs 18-27.
That the soul goes on is one of the most beautiful, yet frightening truths of the scriptures.
It is both Hope and Dread.
Hope for those of us who have faith in Christ and have a burning longing to be reunited with our loved ones… and with God our Father, and Christ our Saviour in eternity.
yet still it is dread for those of us who have faith in Christ, yet fear the reality that many of our fellow sinners… Family members and friends have rejected Salvation and will be lost for eternity.
These are the ultimate realities of Christianity.
They are too much for ‘the Natural man’ to comprehend… they are foolishness unto them.
Read St Paul… 1 Corinthians chapter 1.
more Blog posts on Monism vs Dualism…
Christopher Hitchens Dies.
Happy Birthday Jimi.
I’m ginna get tickets!
Update: Someone said this may not be happening….
Nothing on Google.
Click >>> Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus
Happy 25th Birthday Smashing Pumpkins!
25 years ago today Billy Corgan, James Iha, D’arcy Wretzky, and Jimmy Chamberlin took the stage for the 1st time together at the Metro Chicago.
^^^ From their Facebook page
^^^^One of the best Live Concerts I have seen.
Auckland Town hall 2010
^^^ Classic Disc (x2)!
Heretic! Defying the Establishment…Secular Excommunication for Free Thinking and Un-orthodox Scientific Research: PHD Welfareism
Try denying Big Bang Dogma…and see what happens to your career in science..
Try suggesting that Naturalistic Materialism is a blind faith….
Try suggesting Science has not dis-proven the Soul…or Freewill.
Fonterra Te Rapa Winter Shut 2013. Archimedes Engineering. Tim Wikiriwhi.
From the Fonterra Focus July 2013.