Category Archives: ACDC

Dr. John Campbell: mRNA Nanostructures found in Cov 19 Injectables.

Update: 9-9-24… The video did not last 24 hours before it was removed from Youtube… yet here is an X link that I think is the same one….

Dr. John Campbell fears his You Tube video will either be Shadow banned or censored.
Watch below.

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study…

Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research…

Full version of the journal
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Injuries, Causes, and Treatments, Part 2…

Creative Commons link…

Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time,

with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.

The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies,

most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna.

Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect

The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification.

Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions.

From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals.

In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable

— visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes.

There were animated worm-like entities,

discs, chains, spirals, tubes,

right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them

All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables,

and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures.

As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions.

They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes,

some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes,

and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains.

Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time.

Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

Dr. Young Mi Lee,
Jeju, Jejudo, 63098, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Professor Daniel Broudy, Okinawa Christian University, Japan

More from Tim…

Transhumanist Nano Tech Particles Found In The Covid 19 Vaccines? Are These Things Really In There? Living Now in the Last Days…

The Rock 2000. My 2022 Picks….

Its that time of the year again my Peeps!
Cast your votes here… The Rock 2000!

Here are my picks…..

Looking forward to the countdown!

Here is some Blogs I have written about the Rock 2000 and other stuff… including 2020 when I won VIP tickets etc to the Live Rock Countdown and Concert at Victor Arena headlining Devil Skin… thanks to Sponsors Carlsburg Beer!
This post also contains an 800 unit song title list… by bands… I have spent literally months writing… to help people to pick their own 20 songs they would like to win….


MY ROCK 2000 2021 PICKS…




Whole lotta Larken


Larken Rose, author of The Most Dangerous Superstition, is my favourite anarchist thinker.

Larken posted this on his Facebook page yesterday. It’s highly germane to my previous post damning the MSM so I decided to copy and paste it below.

The world is really damn big, and there are a lot of people on it. No kidding, right? But the near incomprehensible number of humans on the planet allows for massive manipulation and deception. To wit, if I could merely choose which events and stories you hear about—even if everything I tell you is completely true and accurate—I would have massive control over your perceptions, control over your thoughts and fears, and therefore a lot of control even over your actions. If, for example, I made sure you were told about it—and saw the gruesome images—every single time someone was injured by a chainsaw (which happens about 80 times a day), you would think it was an intolerable, shocking epidemic… a crisis! If you weren’t very good at statistics and critical thought, you might even be joining the call to have chainsaws banned, or at least licensed and heavily regulated.

As another example, if I made sure you heard about it, in lurid detail, every time someone with red hair mistreated an animal, and you were exposed to that day after day, over time you would—whether consciously, subconsciously, or both—start to think that redheads are all sadistic animal torturers. Just due to the sheer numbers of people on the planet, there could be a news channel that reported only redheads mistreating animals, without repeating the same story twice, and without ever running out of stories (provided they had a way to find all those stories). For those who want to check the math, there are estimated to be somewhere around 100,000,000 redheads in the world. If even one out of every 100,000 of those was nasty to an animal at some point, that would give our “Redheads Being Mean to Animals Network” around three unique stories a day, for a year, never mentioning the same individual twice. (After a year you could probably start over with the list of people without the viewers noticing.)

The point is, if YOUR perception of any group—any race, religion, nationality, fans of a particular band, people who wear a certain fashion, people born in a certain month, etc.—is based on what you see on a screen, or hear on the radio, keep in mind that you are allowing someone else to mold your opinions for you. And if your view of that group doesn’t match your own direct, firsthand experiences, then you are probably being lied to, and someone is probably intentionally instilling fear or hatred in you in order to serve their own agenda.

Take it from an anarchist, living in a world of people who are being taught to fear anarchists.

A quick question for the reader. What is YOUR perception of anarchists?


Allow me to mold your opinions for you.


Yeah nah. You can mold your own opinions.

Meanwhile, I pick my fights, and defending the preferred labels of the political tribes with which I’m affiliated from what I and other tribe members deem to be misuse isn’t my battle.

There’s an insuperable problem with the terms ‘anarchy’, ‘anarchism’, ‘anarchist’ that isn’t going to go away. Simply put, the trouble is that the term ‘anarchist’ (e.g.) is an auto-antonym. Check out the Collins English Dictionary definition.

1. a person who advocates the abolition of government and a social system based on voluntary cooperation
2. a person who causes disorder or upheaval

I’m a person who advocates a social system based on voluntary cooperation and the abolition of government, but I’m not a person who causes disorder or upheaval. So, am I an anarchist or not?

What do you say I am?

I say I’m a voluntaryist.

Pay toll. Do not use bridge.


I get a couple of local rags, the weekly Kapi-Mana News and the monthly Whitby Newsbrief. Yesterday they both arrived together.

The Kapi-Mana News told me that some 20,000 motorists per year are legally obliged to pay a road toll for driving on Whitford Brown Avenue.

The Whitby Newsbrief told me that NZTA has a “commitment to the local community” that they will “demolish the existing Paremata Bridge and remove the clearways through Mana in conjunction with the opening of Transmission Gully motorway, and following appropriate public process,” according to a Paremata Residents Association Inc. report.

Without government, who will demolish the road bridges?!

This is crazy stuff. Notwithstanding that NZTA isn’t actually committed to the bridge demolition, it’s only committed to considering it as a serious option! Read the full Whitby Newsbrief article here.


Now let’s cut to the chase. What really needs to be demolished immediately is the speed camera installation on Whitford Brown Avenue.

Whitford Brown speed camera NZ’s busiest

The Whitford Brown Ave speed camera is the country’s busiest, having clocked up more than $1 million in fines in nine months last year.

Figures released by New Zealand Police show that in the first nine months of 2015, 15,273 infringement notices were given to motorists caught travelling faster than 54kmh. That put $1,139,490 into the Government coffers.

The second most lucrative camera in New Zealand was the one in Ngaruanga Gorge. It collected $1,070,000 from 14,200 notices.

After complaints from residents, Kapi-Mana News last February asked police for the number of fines resulting from the Whitford Brown camera, and the highest speed clocked along the road, but we were refused that information.

We were told that “due to a technical recording error, [police] could not provide information relating to specific cameras”.

Also, releasing data on speeds risked “glorifying such behaviour and could promote copycat behaviour… thereby creating a public safety risk”, even though incidents of speeding was regularly in the media”.

The police have now chosen to release the information.

I.e., the police lied initially about being unable to provide the information. But I digress.

I’m a safer than average driver. (I collect 1 speeding ticket per 7 years on the road on average.)

I seldom drive Whitford Brown Avenue but I’ve been pinged once. Whereas, I often drive the Ngauranga Gorge and I’ve never been pinged once.

YMMV but, arguably, the speed camera in the gorge has less to do with extorting revenue from the citizenry and more to do with road safety. Whereas, arguably, the speed camera on Whitford Brown Avenue has next to nothing to do with road safety and everything to do with replenishing the troughers’ coffers by means of an arbitrary road tax.

The speed camera on Whitford Brown Avenue must go.

I fantasise about how to wreck the wretched thing as a service to the community.

A hacksaw at the base would surely fell it, but I might be seen sawing and also I’d risk electrocution.

Some explosives wrapped around the base and detonated remotely would see it go out with a bang, but I’d risk the loss of life and limb if I were to dabble in recipes from the Anarchist Cookbook.

A large truck would come off best in any collision with the installation, even at the legal speed limit of 50 kph. If stolen (from the government), it could be abandoned for a quick getaway. So this would be my preferred option.

Lord, lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil!

(See also Bridge jumping fun.)

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

my memes

I had to make up this Meme having herd that National is dropping the ACC levy of Cars registrations, which is always a positive thing.
Yet still they have not moved an iota on Motorcycle Levies… which are exorbitant.

This situation smacks of favouritism, and thus is typical Socialism in action.
The rationale appears to be that ‘Cars are Righteous, but Motorbikes are evil’.
Never mind the fact that a great % of Motor cycle injuries are caused by Cars, Trucks, tractors, and all the Shit they spread over the roads, and all the pot holes they create, etc, etc.
Frigging 4 wheeled freaks whom pull out of intersections without looking properly.
Bikers flying off the road avoiding Olde Muppets whom who are a danger to themselves and everyone else.
If I ever get that old and stupid… please take my keys off me!
I dont wana kill a young Dad on his day off.


Bikers are a victim minority of Populist delusions and prejudices, and are accordingly being raped by the Government.
National is obviously making policy with the up and coming election in mind rather than any concern for justice.
This Registration fee reduction is in really a ruse, because they are still borrowing 75 million per week…. which we will still have to pay back, plus the growing interest of well in access of 1 billion per year on this ever expanding government debt.
So please Ye Car fans… dont start clapping for National… they are playing yall like chumps.


Because on average I only get out on my bike about once a month, with insurance and registration, it costs me $100.00 per ride before I even turn the Key… before Gas, Tyres, Pies, Etc.
I pay over $50.00 per ride just for road rego!
It’s a Bloody Rip off!
I dont mind the Insurance so much, but greatly detest ACC, whom also take pleasure in raping me for the crime of being a self-employed Engineer.
I would much rather have all my taxes and Levies refunded which the Government extorts from me under the pretence of supplying me ‘a healthcare package’, and buy Private health insurance instead.

And true to Realecconomics… by driving up the cost of Bike registrations, the Rapist government have inadvertently encouraged people not to bother registering their bikes… and so the Government is actually collecting Less revenues!
They have created more outlaw bikers.
More bikers now choose to run the risk of riding unregistered bikes.
Bikers whom used to register more than one bike, instead keep some on hold.


Another way Bikers pay for the ignorance of politician Law makers is regarding the Speed limit.
Bikers are paying for naïve heavy handedness in blood.

I believe Motor cycles ought to be allowed to do 120kph on highways, because I say this would reduce many Cycle accidents which are caused by ridiculous speed restrictions and ‘Hazard County police’ who ‘write their own Rules’ and enforce a pitiful 4kph over speed margin… claiming this Hard line reduces the Road Toll.
Well it doesn’t!
This gimmick has been proven false.
The Road toll is not improved by this crap… all that happens is that the Cops collect more Speed Taxes.
Such patently absurd targets as ‘Zero deaths’ on holidays just goes to show what sort of Bullshit excuses are used to justify Raping us on our days off!
The only way you can expect zero Deaths is by having zero people using the roads!
On Labour weekend 2013 there was one death, the lowest number on record,and the police were quick to take the credit for this as being vindication for their Heavy handedness… despite a myriad of other factors being involved… esp less people than usual travelling, yet having employed this tactic over many more breaks, it has proven that this low result was an anomaly and that enforcing a lower speed limit was not a decisive strategy.


One reason I believe that such simplistic rational fails is because the Speed restrictions on Highways… and the Legions of Ticket issuers just waiting to pounce means that Bikers now avoid these Good roads where it is Safe to travel at speed, and instead Ride the Back roads which are inevitably poory maintained, poorly signed, and not designed for speed.
Plus they encounter far more rural hazards… Cattle, Tractors, Cyclists, etc.
And it is on these Back roads that Bikers are doing 120kph+.

Riding slow can be dangerous too because it is so friggin boring that you are in danger of falling asleep.
Some people may mock me for saying this …. but it’s true.
It’s like when you are at work, and sit down for afternoon smoko … you start to nod off and it’s hard to find the energy to Finnish off that last hours of your shift.
You become complacent and stop thinking… too relaxed… not focused.
This happens when you are not fully engaged in your riding… bored… in the afternoons and evenings.
Yet when you can get some speed on, your blood flows through your veins and your focus is sharper.

Thus I argue that these are the sort of reasons that Lower speed limits dont make the road a safer place, and these Laws actually work to make riding less safe.
The Highways are far safer to travel on big Cruisers, and as such I argue a more tolerant speed limit would greatly improve Riding Stats.
Everyone knows Bikers are already doing these speeds anyway.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Thunderstruck Tuesday

I used to think the unforgiveable sin was Metallica’s Black Album. It’s not.

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (KJV)

It’s unforgiveable sins. Exit Sandman? Satan laughing spreads his wings.

I’ve got big boobs


Angie Schuller Wyatt (pictured above) is the author of God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality. is Angie Schuller Wyatt’s website and also a Faceboob page.

Angie Schuller Wyatt is the granddaughter of celebrated televangelist Dr. Robert H Schuller.
Did we go from Hour of Power to breasts like towers in just two generations? I think we did.



What does the Bible say about breasts? What does my co-blogger Tim (pictured above) say about breasts? More than the Bible. His cups runneth over. Breasts have long been one of Tim’s good keen manly interests, but Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions.

AC/DC is not a cup size. They’re ballbreaking Aussie rock legends! AC/DC wrote the song Big Balls which was the musical accompaniment to my other post I’ve got big balls. So I think big boobs should be the musical accompaniment to this one. (This is the breast cover of an AC/DC song I’ve ever seen.)