Category Archives: Nanny State

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?


This video not only highlights the blatant criminality of police violence agianst protesters, party goers, etc, but also reminds me of the Cannibals case of Jan Molenaar who fired on New Zealand Police officers executing a ‘routine’ cannabis search warrant at his house at 41 Chaucer Road, killing Senior Constable Len Snee and seriously injuring Senior Constables Bruce Miller and Grant Diver. A neighbour attempting to assist the police was also shot. Read about that >>>here<<< I was thinking that Pot smokers and their friends, neighbours, and families have become so submissive of peaceful people being violently fucked over by police under the pretence of the 'war on drugs', that we are shocked when One man chooses to defend his own liberty from a corrupt Political tyranny. Now I am not saying pot smokers should start shooting. I believe in passive resistance. Yet lets not confuse who is in the wrong and who is perpetrating violence against whom! Just by posting this to our site brings the fear of being tagged as 'an extremist' invites the intrusive Evil eye... and phobia of Tyrannical retributions... yet tyranny prevails when good people through terror...say nothing. I'm a fan of Peaceful activists like Socrates, Jesus, St Paul, Martin Luther King, Gandhi ...Oh wait.... they all got Whacked. :-( Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian. police-beating-kids-2

Read more… Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

God’s Grace, Libertarianism, and Anne Frank

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong


By Jacob Sullum

Growing familiarity with marijuana has been accompanied by growing support for legalization because people discovered through personal experience that the government was lying to them about the drug’s hazards. But it is easier to demonize less popular drugs such as crack cocaine and methamphetamine, which in the public mind are still linked, as marijuana once was, with addiction, madness, and violence. Any attempt to question the use of force in dealing with these drugs therefore must begin by separating reality from horror stories.


That is where Carl Hart comes in. Hart, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Columbia who grew up in one of Miami’s rougher neighborhoods, has done bold, path-breaking research that challenges widely accepted beliefs about crack and meth. In his inspiring and fascinating new memoir High Price, he describes both how he overcame his early disadvantages to secure a tenured position at an Ivy League university and how he came to question everything he thought he knew about drugs as he learned to think critically about the issue.


Before he became a scientist, Hart believed that people who use crack generally get hooked on it and thereby lose control of their behavior. But when he looked at the data on patterns of drug use as an academic, he could plainly see that only a small minority of people who try crack become heavy users. “Even at the peak [of] widespread use,” he writes, “only 10–20 percent of crack cocaine users became addicted.” According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, just 3 percent of Americans who have tried this reputedly irresistible and inescapable drug have smoked it in the last month.

Contrary to what anti-drug ads claim, Hart observes, addiction “is not an equal-opportunity disorder.” He notes that even rats, whose voracious consumption of cocaine in certain contrived conditions supposedly shows how powerfully addictive that drug is, tend to use it in moderation when they have other options, such as food, sex, or an interesting environment to explore.


Crack “gained the popularity that it did in the hood…because there weren’t that many other affordable sources of pleasure and purpose,” Hart writes. “And that was why, despite years of media-hyped predictions that crack’s expansion across classes was imminent, it never ‘ravaged’ the suburbs.”

Furthermore, Hart’s own research with heavy crack smokers found that, in contrast with the stereotypical addict who cannot help but immediately consume whatever crack is available, they frequently rejected the drug in favor of small cash payments or vouchers. He got similar results with meth snorters, even though he deliberately recruited frequent consumers who had no interest in stopping. These findings underline a crucial truth that Hart emphasizes: “The effects of drugs on human behavior and physiology are determined by a complex interaction between the individual drug user and her or his environment.”


Hart debunks various other misconceptions about crack and meth. He notes that the vast majority of violence attributed to crack grew out of black-market disputes, as opposed to the drug’s pharmacological effects. His studies found that cocaine and methamphetamine do increase heart rate and blood pressure, but the effect of typical doses is not dangerous in otherwise healthy people. He argues that research linking meth to brain damage confuses correlation with causation and fails to show that meth users’ cognitive capabilities are outside the normal range. And in case you were wondering, “There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes one to become physically unattractive.”

Read more >>>here<<< ********* drug-abuse-is-bad-drug-war-is-worse

Well Shucks!
Do you really think that Bigotry, Paranoia, and Tyranny has been propagating lies about how bad drugs like Meth are to maintain public support for their persecution and grievous oppression of an unpopular minority of Citizens????

That’s how evil powers justify violating such principles as our personal sovereignty and property rights over our own bodies and our right to peacefully pursue our own happiness… at our own expense.
I salute Carl Hart for his bravery in presenting his observations which challenge the popular prejudices and delusions of the Status quo, and Forbes for running this story.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
We need to expose the war on Drugs for the Brutal tyranny and injustice that it is and empty our prisons of innocent people, and remove such revenues streams from the vicious Drug Cartels and gangs… exactly as ending Alcohol prohibition achieved.

Read my blog post >>> The New Jews… Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

Update: 13-10-14 …
Meth hitler

METH HEAD ALERT: Report statest that Hitler used crystal meth

The Census Nazis are coming.

wolf at the door

The 2013 New Zealand Census Nazis are coming to crush the Spirit of Liberty and justice.

Reports the Northern Advocate…

Nineteen Northlanders in the firing line.

Northlanders who did not fill out their Census forms are waiting to see if they are among 100 people nationally who are being prosecuted.

Statistics NZ has already released the first results from the 2013 Census, publishing population counts and electoral population numbers.

But the agency is now cracking down on those who did not fill out their census forms and has confirmed that 19 Northlanders are among the 100 people to be prosecuted.

Those being prosecuted have not been issued with a summons yet. The documents are now with Crown Law solicitor offices in each region and they will be lodging the papers with the courts.

Libertarianz Party Northland co-ordinator Helen Hughes is waiting to find out if she will be prosecuted for not filling out a Census form. Photo / John Stone

One Northlander waiting to see if she will be taken before the courts is Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes, who held a party on Census day, March 5, to “responsibly” destroy her form, along with others opposed to the information gathering exercise.

Ms Hughes admits the event was exhorting people to take part in a mass form of civil disobedience but she said many didn’t like the intrusive nature of the Census and did not trust the Government…

Read more >>> here <<< Yes... 100 Kiwi Individuals are about to be summoned before the Nazi Courts for the crime of refusing to fill out their compulsory census forms as demanded by State Dictate. Many of these are people of principle who utterly refused to fill out any part of the forms claiming the States demands violate their rights to privacy. Others did not fill them out to the satisfaction of the State. One wonders how these Summons will be delivered to Us Conscientious Objectors considering we didn't fill out our names and addresses on our census forms? How on Earth will the State Know who we are or where we live???? Oh they already have that information!... thus exposing what a travesty this whole process of Prosecution really is! Its not that they need such information.... it that they need us all to abandon any belief in our own rights and liberties, and to submit to their tyrannical demands like good Slaves! Of course all the spineless slaves whom have already bent their knee will enjoy the spectacle of us 'pesky whackos' being punished for refusing to do as we were bloody well told! census

Like My Libertarian Comrade Helen Hughes I await to see if I am going to be one of the unfortunate few whom are to be broken on the wheel…. for the sake of making an example…
Of course picking only 100 people is a Machiavellian tactical ploy on the part of a vicious Socialist state as this is a big enough number to cause fear, but small enough to make it difficult for us to rally a large number of People in Protest.
Yes The Sheepish millions will not be too bothered by our plight.
They wont bother themselves protesting against our oppression by the government for our sakes… and will pretend that this issue has nothing to do with them… even though we Conscientious objectors are standing up for everyone’s rights!
The Machiavellians can rely on the Apathy of the sheeple… whom will not care that 100 little people are trodden underfoot.

All this in an Era when many western Nations are abandoning having a Census because they are a Gross waste of Time and Tax money.
This just makes the Tyranny here in New Zealand that much more insane… that much more unbearable.

Watch this space.
Please Contact me if you are one of the unfortunate few… of the thousands whom told the government to Bugger off and mind their own business.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more>>> I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Dutch King Kills the Welfare State…

The Following is From The Libertarian Republic

end the welfare state

Dutch King Willem-Alexander did his best to garner support for the country’s new austerity measures yesterday in a speech that proclaimed the end of the Welfare State and welcomed the beginning of a “participation society.” Speaking in defense of spending cuts that have been sharply criticized, the monarch said the second half of the twentieth century had brought about arrangements in social security and long-term care that are “unsustainable in their current form.” In the participation society, people would be responsible for their own futures, and would have to plan for financial and medical needs on their own with less help from government. – See more at:

The budget revealed yesterday by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte contains cuts to their military, axing 2,300 military employees in addition to the 12,000 the country had already committed to eliminate between 2011 and 2015. The new budget comes after several years of unpopular spending cuts, as the Dutch try to gain control of unsustainable entitlement programs and bring their deficit for the upcoming year under the EU’s permitted 3% of GDP.

The European Union’s Stability and Growth Pact which took effect in 1999 seeks to limit member nation’s deficits and debts. It sets a 3% of GDP deficit cap which the Dutch are currently projected to go over by 0.3%. The moves towards austerity by European nations are not due to populace demands but rather an increasingly grim and sobering financial outlook. Despite resistance, King Willem-Alexander’s speech marks an important shift in European politics. The progressive, post-World War II welfare state has failed and its continuation is not financially possible.

– See more at:

The Truth!
Can you take it from a Fortunate son?
The lefties will call for the Kings head.
Demonstrations may follow.
Rioters may Kill, burn and loot…. yet nothing can eradicate the fact that Socialism is a Lie and a delusion.
It is not only completely Unsustainable… it is completely tyrannical.
It does not alleviate suffering!
It generates poverty and dependence!
Most socialists *Don’t want to know!* …. yet deep down they do know!
They know they are guilty of Cannibalism… they secretly enjoy it …. out of pure envy and malice.
They hide their vile approbation of looting and extortion under the guise of ‘Humanitarianism’, ‘Utility’,’Democracy’,….
They refuse to admit that Socialist Democracy…. ‘Pure’ Democracy….Unchecked/ Unlimited Democracy has destroyed Western civilisation… and yet the destroyers will sucker many by saying that the blame is not due to their Tyranny… but to their lenience!
They continue to delude the sheeple by insisting instead that their Legislative Micro-management and regimentation of our lives has not been thorough enough!

Yet as the Rot sets in the harder the Lie is to maintain…
The King speaks the truth when he says that Socialist Paternalism is untenable, and that Individuals must shoulder their own responsibilities….yet the Idea that we must take care of our own Health, education, Retirement, etc is simply too frightening for many institutionalised and dependent Plebs to bear!

Many will hate him for it!
They will cry “Regicide!”
“Lets Build a scaffold… a guillotine…. and rid ourselves of the Monarchy”…. wilfully pretending that ‘Democracy’ is synonymous with justice…. yet this is a great lie!

All forms of Government have their strengths and their weaknesses.
All suffer from the ‘Human Condition’ making them susceptible to corruption… so why Give any government Absolute power?
Best to strictly limit political power and leave Individuals free to take care of themselves and to pursue their own happiness.
Socialism has failed on every level, and Western civilisation teeters an the edge of economic catastrophe… and this King…. has in fact proven what are some of the virtues of Monarchy…. of being an unelected ruler and having a birthright which makes his self interest and the interests of his nation/ Dominion synonymous… The Fact that it is both his duty to care for his Subjects, and that he can speak an unpopular truth without having to face an election… ie his Seat of power is not so immediately dependent upon appeasing the Whims of the Mob… as is the chief problem of the demagogue.
A king still requires the support of his subjects, yet it is Easier to vote out an unpopular Demagogue, than to legally dethrone a King.

Back in the late 1700s, the American Founding Fathers discussing these questions of ‘What constitutes the proper role of Government?’…. John Adams said to Thomas Jefferson … “You Fear the Few, whereas I fear the Many…”

Both were right.

Whether Monarchy, Oligarchy, or Democracy… “He who governs Best… Governs Least.”
Thomas Jefferson…

These are Issues facing all Western Nations…. All Nations.
New Zealand included.
We are currently going through the pretences of ‘a Constitutional review’ and yet it is a Charade!
So few of the Real issues are being discussed…. because the Status quo seeks to maintain and even strengthen the status quo!
There is no desire for any True reform….. no question of the surrendering of any government powers or spheres of Intervention, regulation, Taxation…etc.
It is a parade….. an act…. a formality…. for the sake of The Morons…. It’s the ruse of setting up ‘commissions’ etc so that the the powers that be can claim “due process was followed”… the fools can be duped into believing they ‘witnessed’ Justice being done…. even though the conclusions were all forgone… and not one ounce of political power revoked.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Osculum infame…. John Key’s Smarmy Smile and the Real Reason for the GCSB Bill…. The Daily Blog.

devils anus

Osculum infame

New Zealand’s Quisling Prime minister John Key…. Kissing Satan’s Anus!
Hollywood Global Copyrights ….
Secret Deals and Human Trafick ….
Mandating The Global Evil Eye….

Your Darkest imaginations …. are True!
The GCSB Bill must be Stopped!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian Independent.


Read The Daily Blog’s Take on the real reason for the GCSB Bill….

“National is placing considerable time, effort, money, and energy in pushing two Bills through Parliament;
Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Amendment Bill
Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill
Key’s rationale for the expansion of spying over all New Zealanders has consisted of purely bullshit excuses, relating to “weapons of mass destruction”, “terrorism”, and other fantasy scare-mongering. None of it is remotely true.
The real rationale for pushing these two inter-related Bills is more prosaic.
The common description of the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill (aka “GCSB Bill) has been that this allows the GCSB to spy on all New Zealanders.
This is correct.
Literally, correct. The Bill, alongside it’s barely acknowledged “sister-Bill” – the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Amendment Bill – is designed deliberately to mandate the GCSB to spy on all New Zealanders.
Not just criminals.
Not just left-wing radicals.
Not just Maori nationalists.
Not just anti-TPPA acctivists. Or environment campaigners. Or trade unionists.
In fact, those people aren’t the real targets at all.
The targets are all New Zealanders.

Read Full Blogpost >>>> Here <<<< skull_fillagree

stop gcesb

^^^ I hope to attend this Meeting…. even though it is full of Shyster Lefties and Political Opportunists!
You gotta worry when you download anything from John Minto’s FB page. 🙂
Yet still I am beginning to think Smarmy smiley JK is *Worse*…. more dangerous to New Zealand than Helen Clark/ Winnie the Poo ever were!

Earlier Eternal Vigilance Blog Posts on the GCSB Bill….

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

GCSB Legislation

The Big Con. Lew Rockwell


Click>>>> Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Click>>>>> Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Crank it up….

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013


What follows in my Pathetic submission to the government review of New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements.
As usual I left writing it to that last minutes.
Leaving my run too late I simply ran out of time.
I have been doing shift work lately and I dont manage shift changes at all well.
I worked 12 hours Saturday night, and had today off, and planned to use it writing a killer submission, and yet I slept until 2.30pm, and then had some house chores to do.
Thus my submission is by my way of thinking… Pathetic!
As Usual I must hang my head in shame at how far below standard my contribution falls.
None the less I submitted it, believing even a Crappy attempt was better than none at all.
so read on…. Cry if you must but please refrain from being too scathing in your criticisms… Oh what the hell Rip into me!
I deserve it.

What is happening in New Zealand constitutionally speaking is quite frightening.
The Key National-Maori party Coalition government have set up a ‘Constitutional review panel to look at our constitutional arrangements and this board is filled with Maori Radicals, and socialists and there is every reason to believe that after a formal semblance of public liaison and submissions, that the powers that be will simply enshrine a constitution which suits them… grant them maximum powers and discretions, and maintains their ability to tax us and in debt us at will, and so I at least attempted to make a submission which challanged the ambitions of the powers that be.
I will add some links etc to this blog post later


To the powers that be, and the Constitutional Review panel.

The purpose of my submission is to lay out some general guidelines by which I believe any proposed Constitutional Laws ought to be weighed, and deemed to be either Good or Bad.

I know my submission will not make some people happy.
I know my use of some terms such as ‘tyranny’ will cause some to ‘Poo poo’ me,
yet I ask you to seriously consider what I say.

My submission is not exhaustive.
There are some things I have only lightly touched upon, and others completely absent.
I would like to be presented with further opportunity to participate in future discussions, and would like to make an oral submission should that opportunity be made available.
Tim Wikiriwhi


The State is the servant of the people, not their Master.

The purpose of a constitution.

There are just limits to government powers, and there are legitimate liberties in which citizens ought to be free to exercise their own conscience in the pursuit of their own happiness.
When theses are not clearly delineated Injustice occurs.

Bad Constitutions, Good constitutions, and the Status Quo.
A Bad constitution pseudo-legitimizes tyrannical powers of government …in particular it grants license to the largest mob… via the ruling party, to arbitrary make laws, and impose their party political agendas with complete disregard to the rights of individuals or minorities.
Bad constitutions give Parliament an open check book by allowing it to Levy Taxes and borrow money… increasing debts…. For what ever reasons…the ruling party wants.
This is a recipe for disaster!
For Bankruptcy, Political Favoritism, and wholesale oppression.

Unchecked parliamentary power appeals and panders to vested interests which come in many shapes and sizes.
Most Political parties tend to be lobbies for particular vested interests rather than proponents of blind and objective principles.
Today our unrestrained Parliamentary system has allowed such parties to expand the State and its burdens upon us and to impose their popular prejudices and delusions thereby producing a totalitarian system with tentacles which reach into every area of our lives.
They have buried us in Debts and taxes, and hobbled our industries and abilities to prosper.
Bad constitutions which give carte blanch scope and maximize Parliamentary power are favored by prejudiced and megalomaniac types , who harbor a distain for freedom and equality, and are possessed with an overwhelming urge to micro-manage other peoples lives.
They desire broad political powers for the sake of granting favour to the special interests they represent, or to persecute unpopular minorities.

Conversely …A just constitution keeps such Tyrannical vested interests in check.
The purpose of a proper/ just constitution is to clearly define the duties of Government and set clear Demarcations and limits of its powers and spheres of operation.
A good constitution contains a Bill of individual rights which are clearly defined and sacrosanct… ie the State violates the constitution if it encroaches upon these rights… even when it claims to have a democratic mandate to do so… ie The purpose of the bill of rights is to protect individuals and minorities from arbitrary Mob Rule.

Thus the legitimacy of a Democratically elected Government is maintained only as long as their powers and activities strictly remain within the restricted sphere of their defined duties.
The sphere of Individual Freedom and self responsibility.

There is a sphere of Individual liberty and responsibility.
It is within this sphere that every Individual functions as a Free, and independent adult, Making their own choices and decisions free of political coercion, thereby benefiting from their own virtues, and suffering their own follies.
It is the domain of religious liberty, voluntary action, and personal ethics.
Under no circumstances is the elected parliament to be allowed to encroach upon, or reduce the sphere of individual liberty and responsibility.
Thus the Sphere of Individual freedom set limits to political power, and also leaves the individual the adult responsibility of self government in regards to such things as their own health, and financial well being, full control over their own money.

A proper constitution prohibits Meddlesome socialists from usurping greater powers and responsibilities at the expense of Individual freedom and self responsibility.
This is essential not only for maintaining Just Law and the proper relationship between Political power and individual Rights and liberties, but is also a Buttress against the Bloating of Government in size, scope, and expense.

The fact that we suffer a bloated Nanny State which levies heavy Taxations, and borrows hundreds of millions of dollars every week is testament to our dire need for a Constitution to Hog tie our socialist parliament and their financial ineptitude.

The Rule of Law.
It is a complete lie to equate ‘the Mandate of the majority’ as being the Rule of law.
It is no such thing.
The mandate of the Majority today is used by socialists as pseudo-justification for what ever Law they pass.
‘The will of the people’ is a grossly abused term used to justify Mob rule.
The oppressed are supposed to accept their lot simply because the Law has majority support.

The rule of law is something far less whimsical.
The rule of law is fundamentally the Constitutional safeguards which protect individuals and minorities from the evils of absolute democracy… the whims of populist politics and Mob oppression.
Without such safeguards citizens are exposed to the arbitrary will of Parliament.
It is the rigid nature of the constitution which establishes the true Rule of Law, by setting in stone certain Iron clad principles of justice which limits parliament from arbitrarily manufacturing laws which cater for vested interests, or impose popular prejudice, or from encroaching into spheres of activity which are not the proper domain of Just government.

One of the most important principles of Justice which establishes The rule of Law is the principle of Equality before the Law.
It is therefore one of the most violated of Just principles because Vested interests and warped Political ideologies are hell bent on creating un-equal laws, upon granting favours or removing the rights and liberties of certain sectors of our population.

Having the principle of Equality before the Law as a Constitutional Guarantee would halt the greatest percentage of Bad, unjust, legislations, usurpations, and Partisan Politics.
It should forbid Parliament from making any law based upon Race, gender, culture, creed, etc.
It would prevent laws which violate the personal sovereignty of certain groups… eg laws against drug and alcohol use by consenting adults, laws which discriminate against certain types of sex and Marriage between consenting adults, It would prohibit Parliament Banning or heavily taxing cigarettes, etc…. all these activities being within the legitimate sphere of personal choice, personal belief, and personal responsibility, because they do not of themselves violate the rights of others, esp when practiced on private property.

. keyyy

One of the greatest injustices and violations of the principle of equality in New Zealand has been the Institutionalized racism surrounding the modern interpretations of the Treaty of Waitangi.
As a Maori I am deeply ashamed that this travesty is being perpetrated under the guise that as a Maori I am a hapless victim, and that I need and deserve special help and rights to function.
Not only is the Treaty industry shambollic and a massive extortion racket, and a font of Racist law … it actually harms and enslaves the Maori people in dependence upon the state, and is instilling a vile race hatred and bigotry, which shows it’s ugly head in may ways… esp in Maori crime statistics, and ill health.
The fact is that even if in practical terms this apartheid system actually got positive results, it would still be evil and vile because Good ends cannot justify evil means.
The wellbeing of one section of society can never be justify the oppression and subjection of other section of society, and this is just one reason why the principle of Equality must be binding upon parliament and government institutions.

Maori as much as anyone will benefit when all race based laws and institutions are abolished…esp the racist Electoral rolls and race based seats in Parliament (and elsewhere)
As a minority people, our rights are best protected by constitutional guarantees of equality before the Law.

In brief…
Self ownership and Personal sovereignty.
The Individual is not the property of Government, not a slave of society, but is Free and sovereign over themselves, their own body, and their property.

Private property is another sacrosanct principle of justice which parliament must be kept from violating.

Though I have not space or time to fully expound everything which a righteous constitution ought to embody, I must make at least a passing comment that the institution of a New constitution can either be a Great leap backwards, or forwards, or it can entrench stagnation.
The Ideals of a truly Just and free society are miles away from where we are today and I am not so silly as to think all my principles can be implemented overnight, but require a period of transition which achieves the desired goals with the minimum pain for New Zealanders who have become depended upon the Status quo.
Thus what is required is a plan of transition, by which incrementally Bad laws and overbearing government institutions are repealed and ‘wound back’… over a period of years.

Subjects which need further elaboration….
* the evils of Welfareism and dependency.
* The consent of the governed.
* Articles for the Bill of rights.
* What are the Just duties of a government?
*. How far from the mark is the Status quo?
* Planning the transition from the Status quo towards Justice and liberty/
* Down sizing and privatization
* Maintaining a free society.

Vote AGAINST the Psychoactive Substances Bill

Dear MP,

Please vote AGAINST the Psychoactive Substances Bill.

Animals must not experience suffering for economic or entertainment reasons.

It is morally abhorrent to me, as it is to John Banks and all right-thinking people, “that animals will be in pain and will die all in the name of people wanting to take drugs on the weekend.”

Not in my name.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Goode
Christian libertarian (who wants to take drugs on the weekend)


“Stoner Dog” is just an Internet meme. Let’s keep him that way!

Please email your MPs today with your message, here is a list of names and email addresses.


John Banks <>

(OK, so John Banks doesn’t need any convincing, but you could try to convince him it would be a good idea to legalise cannabis. He’s been known to change his mind on human rights issues before.)


Russel Norman <>
Metiria Turei <>
Steffan Browning <>
David Clendon <>
Catherine Delahunty <>
Julie Genter <>
Kennedy Graham <>
Kevin Hague <>
Gareth Hughes <>
Jan Logie <>
Mojo Mathers <>
Denise Roche <>
Eugenie Sage <>
Holly Walker <>


Peter Dunne <>
Brendan Horan <>


Jacinda Ardern <>
Carol Beaumont <>
David Clark <>
Clayton Cosgrove <>
David Cunliffe <>
Clare Curran <>
Lianne Dalziel <>
Ruth Dyson <>
Kris Faafoi <>
Darien Fenton <>
Phil Goff <>
Chris Hipkins <>
Raymond Huo <>
Shane Jones <>
Annette King <>
Iain Lees-Galloway <>
Andrew Little <>
Moana Mackey <>
Nanaia Mahuta <>
Trevor Mallard <>
Sue Moroney <>
Damien Oconnor <>
David Parker <>
Rajen Prasad <>
Grant Robertson <>
Ross Robertson <>
David Shearer <>
Su’a William Sio <>
Maryan Street <>
Rino Tirikatene <>
Phil Twyford <>
Louisa Wall <>
Meka Whaitiri <>
Megan Woods <>


Hone Harawira <>


Pita Sharples <>
Tariana Turia <>
Te Ururoa Flavell <>


Amy Adams <>
Shane Ardern <>
Chris Auchinvole <>
Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi <>
Maggie Barry <>
David Bennett <>
Paula Bennett <>
Chester Borrows <>
Simon Bridges <>
Gerry Brownlee <>
Cam Calder <>
David Carter <>
Jonathan Coleman <>
Judith Collins <>
Jacqui Dean <>
Bill English <>
Chris Finlayson <>
Craig Foss <>
Paul Foster-Bell <>
Paul Goldsmith <>
Jo Goodhew <>
Tim Groser <>
Nathan Guy <>
Claudette Hauiti <>
John Hayes <>
Phil Heatley <>
Tau Henare <>
Paul Hutchison <>
Steven Joyce <>
Nikki Kaye <>
John Key <>
Colin King <>
Melissa Lee <>
Sam Lotu-Iiga <>
Tim Macindoe <>
Todd McClay <>
Murray McCully <>
Ian McKelvie <>
Mark Mitchell <>
Alfred Ngaro <>
Simon Oconnor <>
Hekia Parata <>
Jami-Lee Ross <>
Eric Roy <>
Tony Ryall <>
Mike Sabin <>
Katrina Shanks <>
Scott Simpson <>
Nick Smith <>
Lindsay Tisch <>
Anne Tolley <>
Chris Tremain <>
Louise Upston <>
Nicky Wagner <>
Kate Wilkinson <>
Maurice Williamson <>
Michael Woodhouse <>
Jian Yang <>
Jonathan Young <>


Asenati Lole-Taylor <>
Tracey Martin <>
Denis O’Rourke <>
Winston Peters <>
Richard Prosser <>
Barbara Stewart <>
Andrew Williams <>


The Death of TRUTH (nz). Step away from the window. Go Back to sleep.


Pay no mind what other voices say
They don’t care about you
Like I do
Like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See they don’t give a **** about you
Like I do

Just stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

‘ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I’ll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I’ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
One and the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself

Swaying to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drum ….

Lyrics from Perfect Circles ‘Pet’.

I am *Very Sorry* to hear that after 125 years the Truth is going out of Biz… It was one of the few truly Independent Media voices in New Zealand.
It was Tits out!…. It covered ‘Nude’ stories the mainstream Media intentionally ignores for the sake of maintaining and pandering to the delusions of the ‘Populus’… the Mob.
It was Raw… seedy…. Real!
With the Truth gone there will be no *Real Free Press* left in NZ. Only Retarded State arse kissing PC wowzer Status quo Nannyist socialist Rubbish which functions like it’s a branch of government.


We will be reduced to Freedom blogs, and ‘Scoop NZ’ … and yet these rely heavily on Non professional Independent activists to supply their take on things.

Stuff article>>>> The Truth newspaper to stop publishing
The Death of the Truth Really is an indictment on just how mediocre minded and sheepish New Zealanders really are.
They are not interested in Independent thinking.
They lap up Reality TV… the kardashians… the Breakfast shows… and they Religiously worship Nanny State.
They believe all lifes problems have political solutions.
They believe in Totalitarian regulation of everything.
They absolutely deny an individual has inalienable rights which ought to be protected from Mobocratic power…. etc etc…

This is a society which tollerates Racist Law and Government.
This is a society of slaves which allows Rapacious Government to fleese them of 80% of their earnings and to give it to lazy bums who cant be bothered getting out of bed in the morning.
This is a society which allows the government to treat us all like children… banning our toys… etc etc…

In a society of sheep… an Independent Paper cant make enough to dosh to pay the lease.

How did New Zealand become so ‘Institutionalised’????
Read more… Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

And it’s not just NZ but the whole of wester Civilisation!
They have allowed their Governments to become their OverLords… To spy on them… to probe them… to disarm them…

“Goodbye Truth! We have no need of thee BAAAAA BAAAAA”