Your day in court

Your rights

You have the right to see all evidence they have against you before your trial – ask for ‘full disclosure’ of ALL the evidence they have. Make them work for a conviction, don’t hand it to them. What you do in court depends on whether you are a Dumb Lamb, a Stubborn Mule, or a Roaring Lion!


The Dumb Lamb meekly offers their throat to the butcher’s knife, mindlessly going where directed and doing like the police say and pleads “guilty” to get it over and done with. It’s you that’s getting done, while the police get a nice easy conviction.


The Stubborn Mule resists every step of the way, making the police and court work for a conviction. First appearance: enter “no plea” and seek legal advice. Second Appearance: “No plea” again. Say you refuse to recognise the charge, because you don’t think you’ve committed a crime.

Third Appearance: this is your chance to tell the judge exactly why you think the law stinks, in the politest possible way. The penalty for the Mule is not going to be more than for the Lamb, and often will be less, but you cost the system heaps and kept your self-respect.


The Roaring Lion is proud, and staunch with it. The Lion goes through the court process in the same way as the Mule, but takes non-cooperation that stage further. They tell the judge that they will not pay a fine, or do PD. If the court is determined to punish them, it will have to send them to jail, putting strain on an already full up prison system. The more we clog up their system, the less it will be able to cope.

Good luck, Michelle!

Is Harry Binswanger going insane?

Harry Binswanger is a rare breed of man—he’s both a philosopher and an Objectivist!

Qua philosopher, he wrote his doctoral dissertation in the philosophy of biology, later published as The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts.

Qua Objectivist, he takes credit for compiling the Ayn Rand Lexicon.

His latest piece on the current gun control debate in the U.S. is a gem. His point is a simple one, viz., With Gun Control, Cost Benefit Analysis Is Amoral.

Here’s a key excerpt.

The government may use force only against an objective threat of force. Only that constitutes retaliation.

In particular, the government may not descend to the evil of preventive law. The government cannot treat men as guilty until they have proven themselves to be, for the moment, innocent. No law can require the individual to prove that he won’t violate another’s rights, in the absence of evidence that he is going to.

But this is precisely what gun control laws do. Gun control laws use force against the individual in the absence of any specific evidence that he is about to commit a crime.

But he’s recently reported as saying this on his private list.

one thing that the law should return to doing is locking away the dangerously insane. The libertarian Thomas Szaz was instrumental in the movement begun in the late 60s to dump crazies back on the streets. He bears heavy guilt for many of these Newtown-type atrocities.

Isn’t locking away people deemed to be insane the very same evil of preventive law that Binswanger rails against in his Forbes article published only a week later? It seems that Binswanger has arrived at a contradiction.

To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.

Binswanger’s gone insane. He should be locked up, for the public good.

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?


Watching some Tube Vids on the expansion and consolidation of Nazi Power in Europe got me wondering what will be the attitude of the Anti-gun Obama Ass-kissers in response to scattered Waco type events of armed resistance, and to mass ’round ups’ into ‘Re-education camps’… of that minority of Hard core 2nd amendment patriots… those whom resist Obama’s power grabs and unconstitutional dictates?

Will they Cheer the suppression of the trouble makers and subversives?…
Will they mutter justifications for the pogroms… as necessary for the sake of National unity?
Will they Cheer the silencing of those annoying dissident Libertarians whom prattle on about mythical and mystical rights and liberties… and get in the way of State socialist ‘reforms’?
It is frightening to consider the reality that so-called ‘Friends and Neighbors’ will probably behave exactly like the Pig headed Germans whom condoned Hitler’s purges and mass imprisonments of his political enemies and ‘subversive elements’ in which hundreds of thousands were murdered, or thrown into concentration camps.

When the fires begin to burn, and blood starts to flow, will they turn their faces and Salve their consciences with the rationale that the blame for the carnage rest upon the folly of the victems themselves… for not simply obeying the benevolent and righteous Dictator?

“It’s only the trouble makers… those whom refuse the Mark of allegiance”.
“Finally we have a leadership willing to take on the difficult and ugly task of Ridding our nation of all the selfish and Criminal elements whom refuse to conform to what is best for the common good.”


Millions will know in their hearts what is happening is Evil yet will do nothing out of fear.

The Irony is that the real Subversives are actually in power, and it is the American Patriot whom is under seige!
Americans must choose this day whether they will resist or allow President Obama to ignore the Constitution, and Usurp Greater Powers of State, and the expence of their own rights and liberties.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read my Blog post>>> The Coming American Civil War



“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me”
Martin Niemoller.

Thou shalt not quack


The following is an op-ed by former (?) television newsreader and interviewer Lindsay Perigo, originally published online at But don’t read it there, and don’t read it here, either. Read it on Stuff Nation, where, in just a couple of days, Perigo’s piece has attracted 490 comments (last time I checked). Nice one, Linz!

Kiwi accent killing the news

I wonder how many television viewers there are like me for whom watching the six o’clock news on TVNZ or TV3 was until recently a staple of their daily routine, but who now repair to online sources for their news because the network bulletins have become unwatchable – or more precisely, unlistenable?

An army of airheads has been let loose on the airwaves who have no business being anywhere near a microphone sounding the way they do. They don’t speak, they quack.

Many newsreaders and most reporters on flagship news bulletins now sound like panicked ducks at the start of the shooting season.

Their employers, far from being alarmed by the situation and sending their uneducated charges off for remedial speech training, embrace the barbarian triumph as a victory for the authentic Kiwi accent. It is nothing of the sort.

The quacking epidemic spawned by TVNZ and TV3 is now a national plague and an international joke, an unseemly blight on a nation claiming to be civilised.

In recent times, high-profile commentators Karl du Fresne, Sir Robert Jones, Deborah Coddington and Janet Wilson (herself a former television reporter) have rung alarm bells about it.

The newsreaders’ quacking, droning, grunting and mumbling are our worst form of noise pollution.

Their “yeah-no,” “you-know,” “like, like,” “awesome,” “cool,” “wodevva,” and so on are the bane of coherent conversation. Their mangled vowels and muddied consonants make swine sound educated.

They are clueless about the distinction between “children” and “choowdren,” “Wellington” and “Wawwington,” “vulnerable” and “vunrable,” “the six o’clock news” and “the sucks o’clock news,” “showers” and “showwwwwwaz,” “known” and “knowen,” “well” and “wow,” “health” and “howth,” “New Zealand” and “New Zilland”.

The locus of their emissions is not the mouth, but the nose. Their assault on the English language is a [N]ational scandal. Theirs is not an accent; it is a disease.

In their childlike glottal stops (“thuh office”), their selective emphasis that is 100 per cent wrong (hitting conjunctions and prepositions —”Woow arroyv UN Wawwington ET sucks o’clock”), their spluttering nasality, their dim-witted droning and silly sing-song, their inability to scan ahead and phrase intelligently, our reporters are stuck at the level of an infant.

It may be that they are not truly “airheads”, but they certainly seem like airheads with such retarded speech patterns.

No, one is not demanding they speak like the Queen, but is it too much to ask that they sound like educated adults?

All that attention to how they look, and none whatsoever to how they sound! (Except when articulating Maori words. If it’s good enough for Maori, why not English?)

One of my pupils, a budding TV actor barely in his 20s, confessed that he was in deathly fear of being made to sound “posh.”

Sounding “posh,” he believed, would activate Tall Poppy Syndrome, be “uncool” and jeopardise his career.

By “posh” he evidently meant “plummy, like Sam Neill,” whose career doesn’t seem to have suffered for it.

I pointed to the impeccably Kiwi rugby commentary duo of Grant Nisbett and Tony Johnson both of whom speak clearly and well without sounding remotely “plummy.”

And what about the beautifully-spoken Sir Paul Holmes? Or Eric Young and Alistair Wilkinson on Sky?

What does it matter, the barbarians’ cheerleaders will ask, as long as we get the gist of what they’re saying? Dominion Post columnist Karl du Fresne answered this as follows:

‘‘I have heard it argued that none of this matters as long as we can understand what people are saying, to which my response is twofold. First, it’s physically painful to listen to some of these awful voices torturing the language; and second, it’s getting to the point where we can’t understand them. It’s only a matter of time before we’ll need subtitles on the TV news bulletins to explain what some female journalists and newsreaders are saying.’’

A New Zealand in which quacking is as universal as it’s threatening to become will intellectually bankrupt us. Its democracy will be a travesty of freedom as vapid voters who routinely quack inanities such as “Yeah, no, I’m like, oh my god, that’s so totally awesome” will thus mindlessly endorse the most unconscionable bribes offered by the most unscrupulous politicians.

Not only being able to watch the news again, but also freedom and civilisation themselves, are at stake.

[Reproduced without permission. Whatever.]


Just added a new blog to the blogroll.

Pursuing to comprehend how the facts of life compile universal truth is the single most honorable, difficult, and critical endeavor that a man may engage in. It requires all of the self; and consumes it like a ravenous fire: painfully and mercilessly removing all that is weak, faulty, and impure in a man, to temper and reveal an inner core of strength, righteousness, and unshakable personal serenity.

Sounds good. Also sounds kind of familiar … but why is half of it in bloody Russian?!

Never mind, it’s the perfect excuse to post some more brutal Russian death metal. 🙂

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!