Malum prohibitum

Malum prohibitum (plural mala prohibita) is a Latin phrase used in law to refer to conduct that constitutes an unlawful act only by virtue of statute as opposed to conduct evil in and of itself, or malum in se (plural mala in se).

Wikipedia says

Conduct that is so clearly violative of society’s standards for allowable conduct that it is illegal under English common law is usually regarded as malum in se. An offense that is malum prohibitum may not appear on the face to directly violate moral standards. The distinction between these two cases is discussed in State of Washington v. Thaddius X. Anderson:

Criminal offenses can be broken down into two general categories malum in se and malum prohibitum. The distinction between malum in se and malum prohibitum offenses is best characterized as follows: a malum in se offense is “naturally evil as adjudged by the sense of a civilized community,” whereas a malum prohibitum offense is wrong only because a statute makes it so.

Check out Wikipedia’s list of mala prohibita offences and you’ll recognise many, perhaps most, as classic victimless crimes. Of course, all laws prohibiting victimless crimes now on our statute books should be repealed. As a libertarian, writing for a (mostly) libertarian audience, I take that as a given.

What concerns me in this post is not that victimless crimes are on our statute books, it’s the sheer number of mala prohibita offences on our statute books. It’s a number that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Why is the number of such offences a concern? Because, as honest lawyer Scott DeSalvo points out

More and more things are being criminalized, so the number of otherwise law-abiding citizens who are technically guilty of a malum prohibitum crime rises.

This has the effect of causing everyone to be technically illegal, and thus in fear of a rightful imprisonment and seizure of property for what amounts to perfectly acceptable conduct. This shuts everyone up—no one wants to protest wrongdoing

We live in a society that I am sure all … can agree features too many malum prohibitum crimes (crimes that aren’t like murder, which are bad in themselves, but illegal because a politician said so). Witness the MASSIVE numbers of new such laws—seatbelts, helmets, cellphone use, smoking bans, foie gras bans, etc. that have been passed recently. And also consider innocuous use of marijuana at home—illegal, but not hurting anyone. Congratulations, we are all criminals in a society with too many laws that aren’t sensical or necessary. Now that we are all technically criminals, the government can snoop on us, right? Give me any person, let me snoop through their stuff—I promise, I’ll find some technical violation of some law.

So, you can see, we are on the way [to a totalitarian dictatorship.]

It’s time to call a moratorium on new legislation. Whoever’s driving the ban wagon, for pity’s sake, hit the brakes!

SkyCity worker disciplined over Bible

If you think Christians are free from discrimination in this country, think again. (Note that the MSM doesn’t even have the courtesy—or the literacy—to capitalise ‘Bible’.)

SkyCity worker disciplined over bible

A SkyCity Casino worker has been threatened with dismissal for carrying a pocket bible with her when she works.

Last week Tuni Parata, who has been a SkyCity employee for more than a decade and is currently a tower host at the casino, received a letter to attend a disciplinary meeting on Thursday over alleged misconduct for breaching departmental policies.

The letter said that the possible outcome of the meeting was “a final written warning”.

Mike Treen, Unite union national director, said the action was “absurd”.

“Since when does carrying a bible in your pocket become unlawful in New Zealand workplaces. For some Christians carrying a bible on the person at all times is a vital part of their faith and relationship to God.

“We do not believe that ordering staff not to carry a pocket bible is a lawful or reasonable instruction in a workplace in the 21st Century.”

Treen said the union had tried to reason with the company. “We tried to explain that the image the company is getting for its unhealthy relationship with the government will not be assisted by this stupidity… However our efforts fell on deaf ears.

Calls to SkyCity were not returned.

It’s good to see Mike Treen doing something useful, though! Good luck with this one, Mike.

[Hat tip: Darryl Ward]

‘Brave Boy’ Chace Topperwien.

This beautiful little boy died on Friday (15-6-12)
He was 3 years old.

“And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”
May the Lord bring you peace Ryan and Keri.

Joy, Roman, and I donated to his fund.
Though I dont know his Family, nor ever met this little guy, I am filled with grief for them.
There is something terribly wrong with this world that such unjust things happen to the innocent.
It is a Paradise Lost.
The explaination for such a tragic condition is found in the Bible.
Hope is also found therein, through faith.
In God I Trust.

All invited to mourn brave little Chace

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

When you look up Biomimicry on Wikipedia we are met with the Blind superstition of Atheism
Like Ostriches burying their heads in the sand, Atheists attempt to hide themselves from the knowledge that Living organisms are the handiwork of the God of scripture. ie Proof He really Exist.
Instead We are told @ Wikipedia that it was the Flying spaghetti monster ‘Nature’… The Deity of Atheist Materialism (at whose name all must bow!) who is said to be responcible for the existance and refinement of the Biological wonders which we see all about us.
Wonders which display a level of Technology far superior to what Mankind has so far aspired too… via millennia of plagiarizism.

Yet *The scientific truth* is the blind forces of Nature cannot construct complex devices!

This is because ‘Blind forces’ cannot ‘write’ information. A Rational Deity is Necessary to explain the existence of the Biological wonders on Earth.
Atheist like Dawkins attempt to Bamboozle the willfully gullible with statistical probabilities.
By playing games with gargantuan numbers they will look you with credulity and declare the most improbable outcomes (The spontanious generation and evolution of life) are Guaranteed certainties!
Via these charades the most extreme absurdities become iron clad Laws… the principles of Evolution.
It has wisely been said that Belief in spontaneous Generation and Evolution of life via Random coincidences of matter under the blind forces of Nature is like believing a dictionary can come into being via an explosion in a printing works!

Atheists like Dawkins believe that if you take enough monkeys and give them a typewriter each, and then give them enough time, that one of them will accidentally type out a perfect facsimile of ‘War and Peace’.

Wikipedia Quote: “Given enough time, a hypothetical monkey typing at random would, as part of its output, almost surely produce all of Shakespeare’s plays.”

There you have it! The miracle which turns the most improbable outcomes…. the wildest of imaginations… into certainties… without design.

… yet the reality is that beyond a certain point of improbability this becomes impossible. There simply is not enough Time or Matter. The Notion is absurd.

*This is why Spontaneous Generation has never been observed*, nor have *any* of the transmutations which make up the theory of evolution been observed or scientifically verified.
The whole theory is a fantastic fabrication.
*It Never Happens*

All this means that Science and Reason are squarely on the side of Theism and Intelligent design.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

This is the message

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (NIV)

This is the verdict

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. (NIV)


Recently a friend was engaged in a dispute before the Employment Relations Authority and during a discussion between the parties the Judge* claimed, and advised all parties, that my friend’s conduct may amount to blackmail. One of the parties involved in the discussion was the Crown and the punishment for blackmail is up to 14 years imprisonment so it was quite a serious proposition**. This got me thinking about blackmail and whether it should be illegal or not.

As far as I can tell blackmail, extortion and duress are much the same thing and are of the following form…

Do X or I’ll do Z.

One problem with blackmail is that many obviously just interactions are this same form*** e.g. “give me a pay rise or I’ll accept another job offer” or “give me back my money or I’ll have you prosecuted for fraud”.

The difference, I think, between just blackmail and unjust blackmail is what is being requested (X) and what is being threatened (Z).

Proposing “do X or I’ll do Z” is no worse than doing X and/or Z.
If X or Z are unjust then laws against X or Z should be sufficient to cover unjust blackmail.
If X or Z are not unjust then laws against this type of blackmail would be unjust.

Therefore, I say, blackmail itself is not unjust and blackmail laws may be unjust in some situations.

My challenge to you is to find examples where blackmail laws would be justified and, where laws against the request and threat wouldn’t be justified.


* ERA decision makers are not actually judges.
** Ironically similar to blackmail i.e. “don’t threaten us or we’ll prosecute you for blackmail”.
*** NZ law arbitrarily allows blackmail if the making of the threat is, in the circumstances, a reasonable and proper means for effecting his or her purpose.

Evil Woman (Don’t Play Your Games With Me)

My son, keep my words
    and store up my commands within you.
Keep my commands and you will live;
    guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
    and to insight, “You are my relative.”
They will keep you from the adulterous woman,
    from the wayward woman with her seductive words.

At the window of my house
    I looked down through the lattice.
I saw among the simple,
    I noticed among the young men,
    a youth who had no sense.
He was going down the street near her corner,
    walking along in the direction of her house
at twilight, as the day was fading,
    as the dark of night set in.

Then out came a woman to meet him,
    dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.
(She is unruly and defiant,
    her feet never stay at home;
now in the street, now in the squares,
    at every corner she lurks.)
She took hold of him and kissed him
    and with a brazen face she said:

“Today I fulfilled my vows,
    and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.
So I came out to meet you;
    I looked for you and have found you!
I have covered my bed
    with colored linens from Egypt.
I have perfumed my bed
    with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning;
    let’s enjoy ourselves with love!
My husband is not at home;
    he has gone on a long journey.
He took his purse filled with money
    and will not be home till full moon.”

With persuasive words she led him astray;
    she seduced him with her smooth talk.
All at once he followed her
    like an ox going to the slaughter,
like a deer stepping into a noose
    till an arrow pierces his liver,
like a bird darting into a snare,
    little knowing it will cost him his life.

Now then, my sons, listen to me;
    pay attention to what I say.
Do not let your heart turn to her ways
    or stray into her paths.
Many are the victims she has brought down;
    her slain are a mighty throng.
Her house is a highway to the grave,
    leading down to the chambers of death. (NIV)

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!