Category Archives: Keep it Metal!

Just say Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is a Canadian political pundit and internet celebrity. In 2005, Molyneux began a podcast called Freedomain Radio (FDR) and in 2006 he started a YouTube channel. Today he has a large cult following. As of July 2018 his YouTube channel has 798,445 subscribers and has had 247,260,366 views.

By now many Kiwis will have heard of Stefan Molyneux, thanks to protesters—including Auckland’s mayor Phil Goff, the Auckland Peace Action group, and Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) president Hazim Arafeh—trying to shut down an event at which Molyneux was booked to speak. At this stage it’s unclear whether or not the event will go ahead as scheduled. What is clear is that these days Molyneux is both full of himself and full of the proverbial.

But Molyneux used to be all right.

Molyneux used to be all right. Now he’s alt-right.

Molyneux used to be a fresh and fervid anarchist. Now he’s lapsed back into full-blown statism.

It’s all very sad, but it’s worth remembering that back in 2010 Molyneux published this wee gem.

The Story of Your Enslavement

This is the story of your enslavement—how it came to be—and how you can finally be free.

I’m not your dad or anything, but it’s worth watching the video presentation or reading the transcript. Even though it’s somewhat offensive to many, including creationists and vegans, and riddled with alternative facts and flawed logic. There’s a discussion of its various shortcomings in the comment section here if that’s what you want to focus on.

Here’s the gist of it anyway.

Human society cannot be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.

Some people get confused because governments provide healthcare and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work.

Nothing could be further from the reality.

Farmers provide healthcare and irrigation and training to their livestock.

Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our governments protect our freedoms.

But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields—and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk.

In your country, your tax farm, your farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits.

Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?

Molyneux then goes on to describe how the illusion of freedom is maintained.

Keeping the tax livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process.

The first is to indoctrinate the young through government “education”.

And so on. There’s nothing particularly original in Molyneux’s claims. For example, the idea that we’re slaves who think we’re free was suggested by Aldous Huxley. It’s pretty much a variation on pānem et circēnsēs (“bread and circuses”) which goes back to the satirical Roman poet Juvenal circa 100 AD.

But is Molyneux right or are we living in a free world? In an important sense it’s a matter of perspective, and a matter of personal preference. Even in an ideal state of affairs—Molyneux’s “truly free and peaceful” society, a society “without political rulers, without human ownership, without the violence of taxation and statism”—people would voluntarily trade some of their absolute freedoms for security, and call the residual freedoms “liberty”. The nature of “the cage you were born into” is one that suits some people, who are relatively more free in virtue of the fact that they have no desire to leave.

What does Molyneux in 2010 tell us about Molyneux’s predicament now?

Molyneux is a free-range slave, the property of Canada’s ruling class. But he seems to have forgotten this. He’s bought back into the illusion that the government is the servant of the people.

Ask not what your slave-owner can do for you—ask what you can do for your slave owner.

Molyneux has reversed this paraphrase of JFK’s dictum.

Ask not what you can do for your slave owner—ask what your slave-owner can do for you.

And what is Molyneux asking? He’s asking his owners’ friends (NZ’s ruling class) to let him cross into and speak in their slave pen, and at the same time asking his owners (Canada’s ruling class) and their friends (Western governments) to keep Muslims out! The irony is rich. Molyneux requires permission to leave Canada and permission to enter New Zealand, and he’s only been given permission at the last minute and he’s only allowed to be here in Aotearoa for 10 days.

Stefan Molyneux will be allowed into the country for 10 days, Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway announced on Friday morning.

Today’s Molyneux is an immigration alarmist. I predict he’ll have about as much success stopping Muslim immigration as climate change alarmists will have stopping anthropogenic global warming. None at all. And this is for the simple reason that setting immigration policies is not up to Molyneux or to any of his fan base. Immigration policies are set, not by human cattle, but by human farmers. And they stand to profit from mass immigration just as much as they do from burning fossil fuels.

Its New Zealand Census night! Have you Filled out your Compulsory On line questionnaire? ….. NOPE!

Apparently its Census night!
Apparently we are all supposed to be good little slaves and happily pass on all our personal information to the Leviathan… You know the story… if you have not done anything wrong… if you are not a member of any politically incorrect minority… you have nothing to fear….
The right to privacy is sooo unimportant anyway.
Nanny State knows best!
And you will be helping the Beast decide how to spend all the money they have extorted from you at the point of a gun… Because the Beast cares for you… children.
So It would be very naughty if any of you refuse to Comply…because *compliance is everything* ….that’s the most important question at stake… making sure you know whose Boss!
What value to you place on your own dignity as a free person?
I for one will not be visiting the NZ census online page.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Join the Facebook Group Boycott the 2018 NZ Census

More from Tim…

The Census Nazis are coming.

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism.

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census.

The Census. Are you really free?

Good Cop Bad Cop.

I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.

As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.

If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.

Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.

A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.

A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.

When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.

A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…

Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.

Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.

My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.

My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.

So Enjoy ‘Good Cop Bad Cop’

Tim Wikliriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

A Fan Meets and Greets The Nicest Rock Legend In the World: Auckland Classic Deep Purple with Glenn Hughes.

Note: I will edit this post to get rid of errors, etc.

As a life-long fan hooked into Glenn Hughes Facebook page I got chills at the news he was coming to New Zealand to play His Deep Purple material.
Having missed his recent tour with the Cream Tribute band due to my current financial crisis (Cheers IRD) I had thought that I had probably missed my only opportunity to see one of my all time favorite Music Legends… as from my Teens I had not only ranked Deep Purple as one of the very best, but I had in particular cottoned on the the greatness of Glenn Hughes Funky voice.
The Songs and Lps He did were my favorite Purple, plus I had his Black Sabbath LP Seventh star…. all this … made the thought that I might miss his tour… quite frightening.
I had seen Deep Purple fronted by Ian Gillan (who is a Legend) twice, and in fact Their Tour in the Mid 80s was my very First Rock concert (I could write about that epic experience too… it was a Riot…. Literally!) … yet it was far from certain that I would make it to see Glen Hughes given my life… and that of my family being held to ransom by the Tax department for arrears.

When my wife asked me if I had anything I would like for my approaching 50th Birthday (3 August) …I could think of only one thing that I wanted… and I Cheekily said… “Well there is this Rock Legend called Glenn Hughes Coming to Auckland…”
In truth I did not expect her to get tickets… I was sure I would get the usual undies… etc, yet when the day arrived and she handed me the ticket I was overjoyed! (my wifes name is Joy)
Then she told me it was a ‘Meet and Greet’ I was dumbstruck! She had chosen to forego getting two tickets for us both to attend, and had instead got me the deluxe deal …. Best seat in the house… Meet the Legend etc etc!
It was seriously the Best Birthday present I have ever had in my life!

Yet now I was scared!
What the heck was I supposed to say to Glenn Hughes?????


The date 2-10-17 seemed to roll around incredibly fast… and my anxiety had not faded when I jumped in my Car and drove up to Auckland from Hamilton listening to Stormbringer on Cd… and so I arrived downtown Auckland about 3 hours earlier than I needed to out of sheer panic… and I was the first person sitting in the Lobby of the ASB Aotea Center after trying unsuccessfully to catch a few zzzz in my car parked directly below.
I had brought a book to read and dragged that out of my case… containing two of my Favorite Purple Lps… ‘Burn’, and ‘Come taste the Band’… in the hope that Glenn might sign at least one of them… I myself could not decide on just one…(alas it was not to be… many fans had come with the same idea and the promoters said just before we met him it was impossible for him to sign stuff as there was not enough time… yet we all left with a signed poster)

Sitting there in the lobby I was treated to hearing Glenn doing sound checks… Highway star was rockin out through the closed doors just a few meters away!

I was on the phone to Joy skite-ing about having this private performance when I saw through the window a guy walking towards the doors and remarked to her… ” I see a Dude in a Black Sabbath tee shirt commin… and when he got inside I fist pumped “DEEP PURPLE!”
It was Kristos Tsitsiridakis… and Ironically he had the seat next to mine!
And thus started an evening in good company!
And it is Kristos who took many of the photos that are on this Blogpost… Thanks for letting me use them Brother!
We also met a lovely Girl by the name of Leanne with whom we enjoyed the night.

It was not long before there were 50 (est) people filing into the front of the theater about to meet The Man and the Band… for questions… a chat… and photos.
And moments later…there he was… and he did not disappoint!

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What followed cemented in my mind what I already knew… That Glenn Hughes is not only one of Rocks Greatest… that he Lived and breathed Rock and Roll at its most extreme… but also that he was the nicest and most spiritual, and most caring of Human beings… yet he will be the first to tell you he was not always so.
He spent the next 30-45 minutes talking to us all… telling stories… and candidly answering questions… doing his very best not to blow his own trumpet too loudly.

He talked about the loss of his friend Tom Petty who had literally just died minutes before coming out to greet us.
He talked about being broken by all the violence in the world, and in particular the horrific carnage ‘At home’ at the Vegas Music festival merely days ago

We were talking to the much older wiser Hughes who constantly ridiculed the person he once was… in his Purple Glory, referring to himself as being ‘7 years old’ at the time.

One of the things that had stressed me out before the show was trying to think what questions will I ask the Man… without being too dumb… and one I meant to ask was that out of the countless gigs he has done.. ‘What makes certain shows stand out as special for him? yet I never did ask.
He talked about collapsing on stage just a few days ago in Christchurch due to Dehydration and exhaustion … and I was imagining how scary that must have been for him given he had also just talked about suffering a life-altering Heart attack in 1991 from which he had been given a artificial Heart valve!
No doubt in Christchurch just a few days earlier, his life had once again flashed before his eyes… yet here he was… telling us he was fine… and ready to perform for us!
That surely will be one of his more memorable gigs… yet for all the wrong reasons!
He expressed gratitude to his fans concerns for his health, then joked that had the young arrogant Glenn Hughes collapsed on the stage like that half the audience would have yelled out “Let him Die!”.

He mentioned that as he performs he takes positive energy from seeing his fans having a good time… loving his music.
His Near death experience in 91 was Pivotal for him in that it defines the low point… in fact the death of the infantile Drug and Booze fueled Hughes and the Re-Birth of the Humbled and Deeply appreciative Hughes… who now describes himself as ‘deeply spiritual’ and ‘a missionary of Love’… yet without carrying a Bible around… or seeking to lay a trip on his fans.
He want us to know the importance of loving one another and that He loves us.
I hope that he has put his trust in the cross… and resurrection of Christ…yet it was clear that he did not wish to become a Sunday school teacher to his fans who were there to hear the Rock and Roll Preacher!

Due to Excess…He said he could not remember the 80s!… and one of his companions made us all laugh when he told Glenn he had not miss much!
Before his Heart attack in the late 80s he was living up a mountain somewhere with his girlfriend and her Family… whom he moved into his pad because Dad was a heck of a drug dealer!
They would all sit around in their undies doing drugs…one of the very young children would roll them joints.
He said the day he saw his girlfriends mother stepping over the body of her own Daughter who was in the throes of Od-ing reaching for the crack pipe… he knew Sh%t was getting heavy! (expletive mine…Glenn never swore)
Glenn has seen many of his friends taken by excess… in particular alcohol… which when asked about whether alcohol was more dangerous than any of the illicit substances… he said *YES!*
He ranks alcohol as the most lethal drug!

Yet it would take several more years… and a heart attack to snap him out of his insanity…and vanity.
So Glenn is straight now … unlike the rest of Deep Purple!
Glenn also depressed me when he said the Deep Purple was going to Finnish up this year!
He spoke of flatting with David Bowie, and that Ringo Star is a good mate, and that David Coverdale remains close… yet there is little chance they will ever tour together again.

Like clockwork, and very Typical for me in the awe of having *The Man* standing mere feet away…my brains flew out the window… and I struggled to think clearly what I ought to ask and say….and so it was not until during the show that some more questions popped into my head that I could have asked him… like… “Where are your ‘Orange’ amps?
He had done adverts for Orange.
Was the size of the venue a factor for not using them tonight?

Or…. does it suck for you that we are going to be sitting here like idiots rather that standing and jumping about… like idiots?

Or…. with the venue being so small and enclosed does that negatively affect the vibe for you… not being able to crank it up Stadium style?
Yet The music was flowing like wine… and he stopped between songs to tell us that playing a seated gig in a small setting means he tries to substitute a lack of ‘bigness’ with *Quality*…

And the stage itself was Low tek and simple… no video… almost how local hometown bands have it set up… with just a Painted sheet backdrop… and psychedelic.
I did wonder at the weird bloodthirsty ‘Hindu God’ with severed head bleeding into a bowl of kai that hung over one of the amps!
Quite an amusing juxtaposition!

We got our photos taken with him… I shook his hand and said “Praise the Lord for You Glenn”… and soon we were back in the lobby having a few Monteiths Pillsiners in anticipation for what we were about to experience.
Then the show Began!
Boom! I was listening to Stormbringer live!
And many many more of my most favorite Purple tracks (See Kristos pic below of the track list he scored!)
I have learned that when you are at a concert like this to relish every second!

Glenn’s voice was unbelievable!
Like Rob Halfords at his prime… 5 octave range… like Paveroti … and driven by massive lungs …. more like Aqualungs!
So that he can hold these incredible notes for twice as long as other great vocalists.
He told us before the show that he still takes singing lessons!
He is always in control… never screaming….

There no need for me to go though the song set he delivered with precision, Each one a stand alone Rock classic, yet I must single out his comments about writing the mesmerizing ‘This time around’ with Jon Lord… drunk as skunks in the early hours of the morning… in about 30 minutes… at the age of 23!!!
He admits that he still wonders about how such words could flow out of himself at such a young age… and hinted at it being like ‘divine inspiration’… who can doubt it when you listen to that song… its depth… and beauty!

The Band was restrained by the venue, yet each was tight on their performance, taking full advantage of the genius of Purples material!
Guitarist Jeff Kollman hit every note with studio precision.
The drummer Pontus Engborg thrashed the drums… yet was still beautifully understated.
The keyboard Lachy Doley jumped about like mad man as he did justice to Lord’s Epic Hammond genius!
Go > here to get more details on the band.

The show went on and on… Classic after classic…growing in intensity yet inevitably there was the encore and then it was over.

I did not have time to hang about with my two new friends, yet I gave them my card and said to hook up with me on facebook.
My self proclaimed status as Glenn Hughes greatest Kiwi Fan was cemented after waiting in line to pay for my parking at the vending machine… $12 $12… was what everyone was asked to pay… yet when I put my ticket in the machine… it said $24.00! 🙂
That was the price I … his greatest fan… had to pay to be first at the gig!
I’m just laughing about it.

Glenn intends to keep touring… and says he wants to come back next year… and if he does, dont miss the opportunity to hear The Voice of Rock for yourselves!
Better still get the deluxe package… best seats in the house… and meet and greet the legend for yourselves.
The tickets were dirt cheap for such an experience.


Lachy Rockin out at the Auckland Gig (From his facebook)

Glenn has written a Book which is something I must get my hands on, and I’m sure most of what I have spoken about above will be covered in more detail in that… and so you guys reading this blogpost can get that… and hear these tales first hand.

I would not expect the show in Auckland to rank as one of *His* most memorable gigs… *YET* for me… and many of his Kiwi fans there that night is certainly was!
And I have been to many Rock concerts of the very Biggest names.

I thank my wife Joy for such a fabulous gift… seriously a Tick off my bucket list!

And Glenn… if you read this I hope you like what I have written and I would love chat with you sometime via facebook messenger!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian, Libertarian.

Do not copy or reproduce without permission

Me and my mate Glenn Hughes.

Caveat: Some of my ‘Quotes’ are not verbatim, but ‘what I was hearing’… and written from my seat.

More Music stories from Tim….

Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.

BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Jimi vs Jesus.

Peter Steele Type 0 Negative. ‘Dead again Hipo-Christian’.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

and from my mate Richard…. about Blackie Lawless…
I came not to bring peace, but a sword

I just dropped in

I just dropped in to proffer an explanation of my absence from this blog for the past 18 months or so.

In a word, depression. I have been beset with mental health problems my entire adult life. I have at least four diagnosed DSM-5 disorders. Of these, depression is the worst. It is, quite literally, a life-threatening illness. Fortunately, amongst other things, my life is not mine to take. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Things took a turn for the worse about 18 months ago. Amongst other things, the full implications of having recently been belatedly diagnosed with adult ADHD were sinking in, winter was coming, and my usual coping strategies of injudicious drug use and abnegation of personal responsibility were failing me. But what really got me in a tailspin was when the state started bankruptcy proceedings against me, for alleged failure to pay taxes. I saw my GP about my predicament and he had no hesitation in giving me a medical certificate for WINZ. The upshot is that, since last autumn, I’ve been on the sickness benefit. Yes, that’s right. I’m a ward of the welfare state. So you can see what condition my condition is in.

But that’s enough about me, I don’t want to make this post all about my personal woes. In time-honoured fashion, I want to make it about this country’s political woes. This post will be about the government’s role in providing mental health services and, in particular, it’s role in NZ’s high rates of depression and suicide.

Straightaway, let’s get one thing straight. The government doesn’t actually care. The present National government doesn’t even want to know. Why else would it re-brand what was formerly the sickness benefit as “job seeker support”? A sickness beneficiary already has a job, and they know it! Their job is to get well. Well enough to seek, find, and then hold down a permanent paid position. All of which is easier said than done for the chronically mentally ill. Some of whom should, and do, end up on the invalid’s benefit.

The government doesn’t actually care. Certainly, the neoliberal government we’ve had in this country since 1984 doesn’t give a damn. To begin with, take the fact that the suicide rate for New Zealand males aged 15-19 doubled in the course of three years from 16 per 100,000 in 1985 to 32 per 100,000 in 1988. While trustworthy statistics aren’t easy to find, it would appear that this alarming increase in NZ’s youth suicide rate has held up. I see no reason to dispute the claim that NZ now has the highest rate of teen suicide in the developed world.

Former Children’s Commissioner Ian Hassall makes a couple of especially pertinent points (notwithstanding his dubious analogy to climate change).

The critical fact is that New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the OECD. This excess of young people’s deaths in New Zealand when compared with other OECD countries must be a result of local factors.

The statistics show that whatever these factors were, they began to operate from 1985 to 1988. That was a time of social turmoil in New Zealand. The economic restructuring that was sweeping the world was imposed faster and deeper in New Zealand than elsewhere.

“No pain, no gain” was the catchphrase of Rogernomics. What it meant was that it was expected that the structural changes would be painful but they would be worth it in creating a more robust economy.

For young people, the changes were rapid and painful indeed. Suddenly, finding a job was not guaranteed and bright future prospects dimmed for many. A reduced welfare safety net meant that many were not sufficiently helped and inequality widened.

I don’t think that we can say for sure what aspect of neoliberalism is to blame, or even that we can definitively blame neoliberalism in the first place for the sustained rise in youth suicides. But it’s certainly a prime suspect.

As ever: what is to be done?

Officially New Zealand has focussed on mental health and mental health services as a means of dealing with the problem. Mental ill-health and lack of mental health services cannot explain the sudden doubling of youth suicide from 1985 to 1988.

Not surprisingly, then, this approach has failed. Mental ill-health undoubtedly has a part to play in many youth suicides, but there is no reason that this should be more of a problem in New Zealand than in other countries.

It is comforting to believe that young people will be safer if our mental health services are improved but it is largely a false hope. Saying so will, no doubt make me unpopular, but so be it.

So be it, and I agree.

Sadly, throwing more money at the problem isn’t going to help much, if at all. In fact, I submit that a big part of NZ’s current mental health crisis is down to excessive reliance on the state to fix the problem. A bigger part is due to state intervention in the first place. It is completely wrong, for example, that the state treats the simple administration of a proven cure for depression as a greater crime than rape or armed robbery, and instead busies itself funding a lolly scramble of often worse than useless placebos.

Whereas I don’t think more government money is going to fix the problem, I do think it’s downright criminal to cut funding to mental health services in a time of mental health crisis. And that’s what this National government has done. My point is that where the state has taken on responsibility for the provision of mental health services, it must honour that commitment in the meantime. Until such time as we can successfully devolve this responsibility to families, friends and support at the local community level. Faceless bureaucracy never made anyone happy.

At a time like this, it is utterly appalling that the government saw fit to cut funding to Lifeline, one of NZs biggest and long-established suicide counselling lines. And instead, allocate that funding to a “new, preferred supplier” called LaVey. All very well, perhaps, except for the six-month hiatus between Lifeline’s funding being cut and the new provider stepping in. Oh, and the fact that Bill English’s wife is on the board of LaVey! Nepotism doesn’t get much uglier. (LeVa, LaVey. Whatever.)

Now, a closing few words about the efforts of the government-funded agency Like Minds and their take the load off campaign. When I first saw their video featuring Daniel from Taihape I was immediately reminded of the disturbingly dark comicbook art of the Spanish artist Joan Cornellà.

Wait just a moment! Take another look at take the load off. What on earth is that woman friend using to get her mate Dan out of his pit of depression? That’s right, it’s a hangman’s noose.

Sure, it’s supposed to be a lasso. But seriously, what sort of subliminal message are they sending to the suicidal? The people at the agency that created this plagiaristic monstrosity sure have a sick sense of humour. (It wouldn’t surprise me if they were the same outfit responsible for Colin Craig’s election campaign material last election.)

I’m glad that I also have a sick sense of humour and can appreciate it. I hope you do too. To all my depressed friends out there, I say, life is very much worth living, no matter if it seems like a sack of shit right now. Hang on in there!

The price of freedom is Eternal Vigilance


Eternal Vigilance is 5 years old. 🙂

According to the meaning of numbers in the Bible, the number 5 symbolises God’s grace, goodness and favour toward mankind.

The name of this blog is from a speech by John Philpot Curran, given in Dublin in 1790.

The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance

said Curran. The shorter form of the original quote is variously attributed to the likes of Wendell Phillips and Thomas Jefferson, but no one really knows who first came up with the exact phrase. Here it is in the Virginia Free Press and Farmers’ Repository, May 2, 1833.


Sadly, the sentinels on the watch-tower slumbered long ago. We’re still not free, we never have been, and likely never will be. Eternal vigilance is a big ask.

Just as well we’re not commies and we never had a first five-year plan!

So what’s the good news?

One issue close to the hearts of libertarians in general and at least two Eternal Vigilance bloggers is cannabis law reform. I’d like to take this opportunity to review the dramatic progress made towards sane, sensible and just cannabis laws in the last 5 years. Not here in New Zealand (not yet), but in the original land of the free, the United States of America.

That’s 4 states plus the District of Columbia since 5 years ago, 46 more states to go. And an unprecedented number of states will vote on marijuana this fall.

But it’s not all good news.

For example, in Colorado, fatalities and injuries on the road attributed to DUI dropped after legalisation but are trending up again. And, although arrests are down, the racial disparity in marijuana-related arrests hasn’t changed.

These things have occurred. And it is a true adage that, “what has happened once, may happen again.”

“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.” (NIV)

I wonder and worry about what frightful bureaucracies may supplant cannabis prohibition in New Zealand once it is finally driven out.

The Great Xenophobe Winston Peters Fathers NZ Asian Political party.


The Master Puppeteer Winston Peters has gullible Pakeha Kiwi dancing to his fiddle again.
Supportive posts of his latest antics are flowing into my Facebook news feed.

Winston Peters has always been a populist politician … Its always about the math.
Never allowing his politics to be scuttled by un-popular moral principle… yet always opportunistic to suiting up his self-interested populism in some pious garb….whenever convenient.

This time he has climb upon his soapbox to Cry outrage at the foundation of an Asian political party…

Read /watch Here> Peters lashes out at ‘ethnic-based’ People’s Party

“The Gaul of these Boat People! We let them in out of the goodness of our hearts… they steal all our jobs, Buy up all our houses”…. they are taking over the Joint!…We should ship them all back to Katmandu!”

No… sorry Winston never said that… *Not exactly that* … yet again that is exactly the sort of mindset he’s pandering too… of the sort of people who Idolize him… laugh at his jokes… and keep voting for him.

Yet Lets ask the obvious question… why on earth would Kiwi Indians and Asians ever think they would need such a political Party?

I agree that there can be no legitimacy for Racial parties… that the rise of such phenomena is frightfully regressive, yet when it comes to politics of race… of all people *The hypocrisy* of Winston Peters is staggering!
*He of all New Zealand politicians * has made political Capital by attacking Asian immigration, Asians buying property, Asians driving on our roads, etc etc…. to the degree that His pandering to Xenephobia would be the chief reason he has remained in parliament for so long.

*Given the Racist nature* of New Zealand politics and Media, we should not be surprised that some Kiwi Asians have thought that establishing their own Political party to champion their own interests is a smart idea.
So Winston truly is a scoundrel… and New Zealanders who buy into his Posturing are as thick as two short planks… allowing such a Charlatan to play them so easily… lapping up his Bullshit…. never holding him to account for his own despicable politics…. because he’s smart enough to *pander to the despicable and ignorant opinions of the Sheepish Kiwis.


This is the Political environment Shameful Politicians of division have created… and Winston Peters Ranks Right up there with Tariana Turia, and The rest of the Racist Maori politicians.
Whereas The Maori radicals have made political capital out of stiring up Maori grievance and victimism, Winston Peters has not simply Capitalized off the Pakeha Backlash… which is legitimate, he has pandered to a deeply rooted Xenephobia towards Migrants, and Asian migrants in particular…. the sort of small minded, easily spooked paranoia that lurks within almost every population… and is a ‘sure bet’… for Populist politicains the world over…. the most famous of these currently being the Republican party candidate for US President Donald Trump.


Ever wonder why Western Civilisation is a sinking ship?
Trumps Campaign has been propelled forward by tapping into the very same *Bigoted* and Paranoia driven mindset lurking within so many Americans…. and it is these sorts of Popular phobias and prejudices that make Democracy a frighteningly Barbarous and Backward means of choosing Political leadership, and granting them the powers that they may wield.

It is because Democracy tends to be driven by mass hysteria rather than ‘Mass wisdom’ that an Enlightened Constitution is essential… to enshrine *The Rule of Law*… Principles of Justice… and limits to Government power… to Keep Populist Politicians in check and prevent them from enacting Laws that dont embody the principle of Equality for all regardless of Race, sex, etc.
It is only when a nation has no such Constitutional Defense, That Politicians like Trump and Winston Peters think they can win votes by making Statements that patently single out ethic groups to be politically suppressed and legally dis-advantaged.
So despite what so many Pakeha think about Winston Peters being ‘a great man of principle because he vocally condemns special treatment for Maori… in reality *He is exactly the same sort of Politician as the Racist Maori radicals*… when it comes to Asian ethnicties…
Yet of course they turn a blind eye to this… because Winston is pandering *To their personal anti-asian sentiments.
This is what really pisses me off the most about so many people in the ‘One Law for all’ movement… In reality the only evil they are fighting is the Waitangi racism that directly disadvantages themselves…. in the next breath they are quite happy to forget all about racial equality and freedom… and to support politicians who peddle Racist politics against a demographic they personally fear and disdain.
So underneath their pious calls for One law for all… there still lurks a petty mind driven wholly by self-interest… the use of the Principle of Equality is little more than a convenient tool to get their own way… Tragic.


The American Constitution is Battered and Crumbling… their population has become virtually lobotomized as to what their constitution represents, why It says the things it does, and how it is being subverted…
Without an Ironclad constitution Democratic Government is not *Lex Rex*….The Rule of Law…. but the opposite…. completely arbitrary… the rule of whim… and its that whim that is the play thing of populist politicians… (many like Peters and Dunne vocally express their contempt for ‘Ideology baced politics.)

This Millenia has been called ‘The Information Age’, yet in reality I think a better term is “The age of Bullshit”.
The Law of Compensation appears Ironclad.
On one side of the scale… The Internet, and social media have created an unprecedented freedom of information, and made it almost impossible for Governments and the powers that be to prevent uncomfortable facts for becoming public knowledge… so that one of the greatest aspects of political powers has been how they can keep their secrets secret… punish whistle-blowers, etc… all the while claiming to be ‘transparent’ and for justice to be seen being done (yet still allowing secret courts, Police to charge private citizens filming them, etc)

Many Believe the Internet is therefore this positive power for the people…

Sadly there is a Natural… ugly… counter-balance… the Law of Compensation…

Because of the internet, and social media there exists today an unprecedented means for Mass Bullshit, paranoia mongering, and herding the Sheeple…. Burring the truth under mountains of lies…. mis-directing the gaze of the population away from issues of great magnitude.. towards petty disputes and follies.
And The shear Volumes of Miss-information, lies, and Chaos renders the Internet just as much a tool for control of the masses as a tool for liberation.

The internet and social media *Expose the Pettiness and Mass delusions* of humanity… the shared ignorance and commonly held evils that lurk within the minds of men… of various societies… that have been cultivated, manipulated, and capitalised upon by the likes of Trump and Winston Peters.

Standing against the Politics of Race, as A Libertarian not only have I actively opposed Waitangi Treaty separatism, Special Indigenous Rights and Seats in Government for Maori, I have also campaigned of a New Constitution that outlaws Racist political institutions and Laws, and Guarantees equal rights and liberties for all.

When standing for Council, I have attended Election Meeting organised by Asian community groups and when asked about then having representatives in Council to promote their interests, Often I was the only candidate who stood up and said that as a Libertarian I would listen to the Asian communities concerns and applications with the same care as to any other sector of the community… and that I believed my position was the *minimum standard* and principle that All politicians ought to adhere to… and that the notion that various ethnicities need to have *Race based Representation* to get justice… was a very sorry situation.

*It is true* that many Indian/Asian migrants working in Convenience stores, Liquor outlets, and Gas stations have born a greater share than most of New Zealands rising violent crimes… and that successive governments have not merely turned a blind eye towards their plight… but have systematically made things much worse… in so many ways.
Not only have theses Businessmen and workers been left easy prey… denied their right to keep defensive weapons available to protect themselves from violent dangerous criminal determined to Rob them… Rapacious Tax Greedy Nanny State Social policies have caused the value of Cigarettes, and Alcohol, Fuel.. to sky rocket… making them a valuable contraband on the black market… and also making the Cash registers of these businesses much more attractive to Criminals.
As a Libertarian I directly campaigned advocating the right of Dairy, Liquor store, and Gas station owners and operators to have the means of self defense at hand, and also Spoke out against the Rapacious taxation.

If we had a Libertarain constitution and form of Government, It would be clear to Asians New Zealanders that they were at no political disadvantage… not an alien population… but Fully enfranchised and enjoy Full Liberty, and protection of the Law… to raise their families… to work for their own prosperity… and pursue their own happiness.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read > Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013



Politicians are Famous fabulous Liars and feigners… along with Lawyers, Insurance salesmen, and Used car dealers.

That Lies and falsehoods exist in reality is not something any sane person would deny.
Science tell us the Universe had a beginning… and so logic demands that there has been a finite amount of time from that beginning, and that at some point backwards… some one…. some being *Told the first lie*.
Someone invented Lying.
The Bible says this first ‘Father of Lies’ was Lucifer/ Satan.
The Bible also says that using lies Satan deceived Mankind and convinced man to sin/ rebel against God Almighty… and that is where all our troubles as a species began.
Jesus calls the Lost ‘Children of Darkness’… Children of the Devil…
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

The Internet… and this ‘Age of Bullshit’… proves just how True the Bible is.


And How Naive to view such Politician like Peters and Trumps as Saviors of Humanity!
They wear a cloack of Righteousness, yet are ministers of Satan… playing the Devils game… with that Hapless legions of lost souls… of the Children of the Damned.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

The Gospel of Democracy is False.
That is the moral of this story.

Jesus said “Broad is the way that leadeth to Damnation and many there be thereon. Narrow is the way that leads to life and Few there be that find it”…. so… according to scripture… *Following the many* is not a wise principle… it certainly is not a valid moral justification for Law.

Whole lotta Larken


Larken Rose, author of The Most Dangerous Superstition, is my favourite anarchist thinker.

Larken posted this on his Facebook page yesterday. It’s highly germane to my previous post damning the MSM so I decided to copy and paste it below.

The world is really damn big, and there are a lot of people on it. No kidding, right? But the near incomprehensible number of humans on the planet allows for massive manipulation and deception. To wit, if I could merely choose which events and stories you hear about—even if everything I tell you is completely true and accurate—I would have massive control over your perceptions, control over your thoughts and fears, and therefore a lot of control even over your actions. If, for example, I made sure you were told about it—and saw the gruesome images—every single time someone was injured by a chainsaw (which happens about 80 times a day), you would think it was an intolerable, shocking epidemic… a crisis! If you weren’t very good at statistics and critical thought, you might even be joining the call to have chainsaws banned, or at least licensed and heavily regulated.

As another example, if I made sure you heard about it, in lurid detail, every time someone with red hair mistreated an animal, and you were exposed to that day after day, over time you would—whether consciously, subconsciously, or both—start to think that redheads are all sadistic animal torturers. Just due to the sheer numbers of people on the planet, there could be a news channel that reported only redheads mistreating animals, without repeating the same story twice, and without ever running out of stories (provided they had a way to find all those stories). For those who want to check the math, there are estimated to be somewhere around 100,000,000 redheads in the world. If even one out of every 100,000 of those was nasty to an animal at some point, that would give our “Redheads Being Mean to Animals Network” around three unique stories a day, for a year, never mentioning the same individual twice. (After a year you could probably start over with the list of people without the viewers noticing.)

The point is, if YOUR perception of any group—any race, religion, nationality, fans of a particular band, people who wear a certain fashion, people born in a certain month, etc.—is based on what you see on a screen, or hear on the radio, keep in mind that you are allowing someone else to mold your opinions for you. And if your view of that group doesn’t match your own direct, firsthand experiences, then you are probably being lied to, and someone is probably intentionally instilling fear or hatred in you in order to serve their own agenda.

Take it from an anarchist, living in a world of people who are being taught to fear anarchists.

A quick question for the reader. What is YOUR perception of anarchists?


Allow me to mold your opinions for you.


Yeah nah. You can mold your own opinions.

Meanwhile, I pick my fights, and defending the preferred labels of the political tribes with which I’m affiliated from what I and other tribe members deem to be misuse isn’t my battle.

There’s an insuperable problem with the terms ‘anarchy’, ‘anarchism’, ‘anarchist’ that isn’t going to go away. Simply put, the trouble is that the term ‘anarchist’ (e.g.) is an auto-antonym. Check out the Collins English Dictionary definition.

1. a person who advocates the abolition of government and a social system based on voluntary cooperation
2. a person who causes disorder or upheaval

I’m a person who advocates a social system based on voluntary cooperation and the abolition of government, but I’m not a person who causes disorder or upheaval. So, am I an anarchist or not?

What do you say I am?

I say I’m a voluntaryist.

A life cut short by Police


My day got off to a bad start when I fetched today’s Dominion Post from the end of my mum’s driveway and read the headline. (See above. You can click the image to read the whole thing.) Three blatant lies in large print is excessive even for the Dominion Post.

A life cut short by P

FALSE. A life cut short by an unconfirmed number of police bullets.

Shot gunman had private education and good business – but lost it all to addiction

FALSE. He wasn’t a gunman. According to his girlfriend, who was present, he was unarmed. And, while he may (or may not) have lost the family business to an illegal drug habit, he lost his life to the War on Drugs.

Shooting unavoidable, say police

FALSE. There was no need for the police to break into a private residence unannounced and shoot a man dead just as he was about to sit down to have dinner with his girlfriend.

But Marshall’s girlfriend, who was there at the time of the shooting, insisted he wasn’t armed.

Kendall Eadie lived with him at the mechanic workshop.

She said the pair had just been about to have dinner when police stormed into the residence and immediately fired three shots at Marshall.

“The police executed a warrant on my place and murdered my boyfriend,” she said.

Three vicious falsehoods, and then my day got worse. While my mum read the paper, I went online to read the article. I searched for the headline, “A life cut short by P” to find it. But this is all that Google returned.


Two links to a review of a biography of Edgar Allan Poe. When I did find the online version on Fairfax Media’s stuff website, the main headline now read

Hamilton police shooting victim Nick Marshall sank into addiction

and I became agitated. So much so that my long-suffering mother, who is well accustomed to her visiting son’s political rants, had to tell me to calm down. This before I’d had my morning meth or even a cup of coffee. 🙁

Why was I agitated? Because I realised immediately that readers of the print version, who (on average) are an older demographic who vote more, would not read the more truthful headline presented to readers of the online version, who (on average) are a younger demographic who vote less. The demonisation of methamphetamine continues apace deviously as the police ramp up their ongoing persecution of drug addicts (essentially all of whom are addicts due to unresolved psychological trauma—yes, drug addiction is a mental illness) this time by way of an extrajudicial killing. FTP and the MSM they rode in on!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, loud and clear. LEGALISE P. Or, at the very least, medicalise it. Make methamphetamine available on prescription. This is not in any way, shape or form a radical or irresponsible proposal. It’s simple common sense and compassion. It’s a no-brainer, and if it seems otherwise to you it’s because, sadly, you’ve been brainwashed. Actually, let’s be frank. If you think methamphetamine is inherently dangerous (Jim Anderton once called it “pure evil”) then you’ve been duped. Methamphetamine is safe enough to prescribe to children.


Desoxyn is a central nervous system stimulant prescription medicine. It is used for the treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Desoxyn may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD.

Please realise that methamphetamine is only a methyl group (“meth”) different from amphetamine. Chemically speaking, methamphetamine and amphetamine are closely related, and in terms of subjective effects, even veteran speed freaks find it difficult to tell the two apart. Please know that amphetamine and its chemical cousin methylphenidate are routinely prescribed in New Zealand for the treatment of children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of magnetic resonance imaging studies suggest that long-term treatment with ADHD stimulants (specifically, amphetamine and methylphenidate) decreases abnormalities in brain structure and function found in subjects with ADHD. Moreover, reviews of clinical stimulant research have established the safety and effectiveness of the long-term use of ADHD stimulants for individuals with ADHD.

Pretty much all the (wildly overstated) harm associated with methamphetamine use is due to improper dosage (yes, you can have too much of a good thing), improper route of administration (don’t snort it or smoke it), and (mainly) its illegality. What are the odds that the late Nick Marshall had undiagnosed ADHD and his methamphetamine use was as much self-medication as addiction? Suppose that he’d been able to see his doctor and get a prescription for P. Fully funded by Pharmac, he’d burn through $10 a month instead of frittering away the multi-million dollar family fortune in a few short years. (If, indeed, that’s what he did. I shouldn’t be making such an assumption. People with ADHD make notoriously bad business managers.) With the help of his doctor, he could reduce his methamphetamine use and wean himself onto the perhaps more forgiving amphetamine or the even more innocuous drug methylphenidate. And today Nick Marshall would still be alive and successfully managing Marshall Transmissions.

In conclusion, the War on Drugs is the Holocaust of our times, the editors at the Dominion Post are propagandist scumbags, and the blue-uniformed thugs are murderous Sturmabteilung.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (NIV)

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!