Category Archives: Local Government

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

On the reoccurring theme of ‘what is the proper roll of Government?’ I submit to you another post about the census yet with an extra punch.
Thomas Jefferson wrote “He who governs best Governs least”. He penned the American Declaration of Independence which actually defined what the proper duties of Government are… to defend the God given rights of the individual, which is a very limited sphere of operation which does not include the supply or control of such services as Education, hospitals, arts and sports, etc… all of which are the proper sphere of Free enterprise and private voluntary associations.

It is because western society has forgotten such enlightened principles as motivated Jefferson and the founding Fathers of America and instead have adopted a totalitarian socialist conception of government where the prevailing belief is that all of life’s problems have political solutions that western civilization teeters on the brink of Absolute economic collapse and chaos!
Keep this in mind when you read my following blog post.
Understand the gravity of the situation… the rationale that underpins the so-called justification for having the compulsory census…

^^^^ That is the Cover pic from the Government Facebook page Census NZ. Here:

It clearly demonstrates why the enlightened Kiwi is outraged by the underpinning arguments which Census NZ, and the Government use to vindicate this compulsory violation of our privacy… ie that the information gathered will be used to for their Social planning.

Bread and Circus.
Notice how this picture appeals to the unthinking… ‘the government as the font of all culture….get someone else to pay for it ‘ mentality…
‘More Drag strips, more skate parks, More Gigs and festivals, more sports…etc etc’.

Notice it completely forgets to add “More Taxes, more rates…. More Debt, more compulsions and property violations!, More Government poking it’s nose into things which are not it’s business to be involved in!

Now I like Drag strips, Concerts, etc yet I am not so stupid as to believe these things are only possible via political interventions!
I also know that every time the Government or city council builds a stadium or sports facility and events that they always run massively over budget and put us into massive debts…. And end up costing Rate payers and Tax slaves Tens of millions of dollars…. Every time!
Three examples from my home town of Hamilton will suffice as examples.

The Rugby stadium.

The V8 Supercars.

The Claudlands event center.

Each of these cost Hamilton Ratepayers many 10’s of Millions of dollars… over the price the Hamilton city council told ratepayers they would cost!
Via consecutive socialist medaling the HCC has racked up $500 million in debts!

And what needs to be appreciated is that this bankrupt situation is the norm across the globe in western socialist democracies… ie Socialist politicians are systematically bankrupting their captive populations! Debts are skyrocketing and Rates are going through the Roof!
Yet nobody seems to be waking up to the fact That City councils ought not to be involved in such ventures!
They are best left to Free enterprise, and voluntary associations, whom are much more realistic about how such things get build and on what scale.
Most importantly they don’t demand money via compulsory taxations upon the community!
Ie Little old ladies living on pensions don’t face rent increases or rates hikes to pay for the white elephants and delusions of grandeur which Big mouth big promising politicians spout at election time to get elected!
If the figures don’t add up… they don’t get built its as simple as that…. Ie economic reality prevails…. Not ridiculous socialist whim.
The sort of people whom support the Council/ government involvement in such things are either Ignorant, evil, or both!
The ignorant have not figured out that such things will turn around an bite them on the arse via higher rates, rents, and costs for necessities in goods and services, and the evil don’t give a damn if people whom don’t like Rugby, etc are forced to pay for New stadiums etc . All they care about is having a flash new place to worship their sporting Gods! They are too stupid to realize that Better stadiums and facilities could be established via legitimate means without the use of Draconian powers of compusion.

Here are just a couple of articles I have plucked off the net…

And below are some links to some blog posts I have done on thes subjects covering some of my own Libertarian Election campaigns standing for Hamilton city council in direct opposition to this Bankrupt big spending socialism….

How to solve Hamilton’s rates crisis

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

If only Hamiltonians had listened to me. Your 38 million dollar mistake!

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

wikiriwhi for HCC 001

Rotorua District Council stealing “designating” land (update).

I’m blogging on the wrong site.
Eternal vigilance sounds stressful – I think occasional vigilance is my limit. 🙂

Anyway… I just realised that Rotorua District Council never answered my questions… so I just emailed this follow up. Unfortunately I’m 5 days too late.


I asked these questions of Council in December and was given contradictory answers – I needed authoritative answers to be able to make a submission regarding the Proposed District Plan designations.

I see the Proposed District Plan is now closed for submissions.

The Council has acted unfairly by not answering my questions before ending the consultation process.

I’d still like to know the answers to these questions.

Reed Robinson
On 16 December 2012 22:35, Reed wrote:


I have spoken with several Council representatives concerning the Proposed District Plan – in particular I have been enquiring about the proposed rural road designations.

Most recently I was advised by Council that the statutory authority being relied upon was the RMA (sections 166 to 186) and that Council will be seeking the designations in its capacity as a network utility operator under the Act.

This explanation doesn’t make sense and it contradicts an earlier explanation I was given by Council. The earlier explanation I was given was that Council was seeking to correct rural road (or road reserve) widths; that Council considered some roads too narrow and was seeking to widen roads (or road reserves) from 15m to 20m as part of the District Plan.

Can you please clarify the following points…
1. Is the Council proposing these designations in its capacity as a local authority or in its capacity as a network utility operator?
2. For what purpose is the Council proposing these designations?
3. What statutory authority is the Council relying on to propose these designations?


Reed Robinson

I’m from the government and I’m here to help


I didn’t realise quite how bad things are getting in government-stricken Christchurch.

EQC workers threatened by frustrated Cantabrians

Angry Cantabrians, frustrated with the speed of the rebuild, are threatening to blow up earthquake repair hubs and shoot staff.

The abuse of rebuild staff escalated yesterday when an eastern Christchurch hub, which looks more like a fortress, was locked down after an angry homeowner, with a violent past, threatened staff.

Things are going to get worse before they get better.

Bullying of EQC workers could escalate

[EQC] Customer services general manager Bruce Emson says staff have been verbally and physically abused by homeowners frustrated at the speed of the rebuild.

He says there have been death threats as well.

“It’s exacerbating a little, as people become less resilient and less tolerant as I guess as we head into our third winter it might even continue to escalate.”

You think?

Fletcher EQR general manager David Peterson said the firm had spent thousands of dollars on extra security to protect its 700 staff after threats and verbal abuse from homeowners.

“We have 20 hubs around the city and we’ve had to make the fences slightly higher, put in exit doors for staff and the reception counters are higher now too, so people can’t jump over them so easily,” Peterson said.

He understood homeowners were frustrated but some behaviour had forced staff out because “customer interaction had become unbearable”.

“When it’s every single day, it really does wear you down. We’ve trained staff specifically to be able to handle aggressive phone calls, and we’ve trained them how to deal with threats physically and emotionally.”

Some areas of the city, such as North New Brighton, were “more problematic” than others, he said.

Perhaps the EQC should focus its rebuilding efforts on “more problematic” areas—areas where people actually live—instead of on the CBD, where rebuilding has continued apace. Take a look at the recent picture below. You’d hardly think that just over two years ago the city was struck by a devastating earthquake.


District councils – Who are you?

I thought it might be important for dealing with the Rotorua District Council to find out precisely what the Council is… so I asked. It took a few weeks to get a considered response.

Dear Reed

My email below refers. Kathy confirmed that Council is a territorial authority. Below, please find an explanation.

Territorial authorities of New Zealand
Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils. There are 67 territorial authorities: 13 city councils, 53 district councils, and the Chatham Islands Council. Six territorial authorities (Auckland Council, Nelson City Council, Gisborne, Tasman, and Marlborough District Councils and the Chatham Islands Council) also perform the functions of a regional council and thus are known as unitary authorities. Territorial authority districts are not subdivisions of regions, and some of them fall within more than one region. Taupo District has the distinction of straddling the boundaries of four different regions (see below). Regional council areas are based on water catchment areas, whereas territorial authorities are based on community of interest and road access. Regional councils are responsible for the administration of many environmental and public transport matters, while the territorial authorities administer local roading and reserves, sewerage, building consents, the land use and subdivision aspects of resource management, and other local matters. Some activities are delegated to council-controlled organisations.

I trust the above information answers your question.


**** ******
Policy Planner

Their considered response was the same as their unconsidered response – which I’d already explained couldn’t be correct. Try again…

Thanks for that but it doesn’t answer the question I asked.

The Local Government Act 2002 states: –
territorial authority means a city council or a district council named in Part 2 of Schedule 2

The Rotorua District Council must have existed prior to the existence of territorial authorities.
Territorial Authority is a title/role that has been given to the Council. This doesn’t tell me what type of organisation the Council is.

The type of organisation that the Council is should be defined by its establishment.
When was the Council established and which Act was it established under?


Reed Robinson

And their response…

Hi Reed

I will investigate further and get back to you.


**** ******
Policy Planner

Sent today…

Hi ***

Can you please investigate these related questions at the same time.

1. Do the Rotorua District Council and Council employees have a fiduciary duty to Rotorua property owners?
2. If not, what duty do the Rotorua District Council and Council employees have to Rotorua property owners?

I asked these questions in June 2011 and the following is a summary of Council’s response at the time…

I re-asked these questions in July 2011 and Council has not responded.


Reed Robinson

I’ll post Council’s responses if I get any.

** Related blogpost from 2011 – Something stinks in Rotorua.

Rotorua District Council is Stealing Land (Update)

Update to: Rotorua District Council is Stealing Land

I did decide to do some investigation… I’ve spent a couple of hours on the phone with Council staff but I still haven’t figured out precisely how Council intends to take away existing property rights from land owners. My questions probably seemed stupid to Council staff but everyone I spoke with was pleasant and helpful.

I figured out enough to put a question in writing so, I sent this email on Monday…


I have spoken with several Council representatives concerning the Proposed District Plan – in particular I have been enquiring about the proposed rural road designations.

Most recently I was advised by Council that the statutory authority being relied upon was the RMA (sections 166 to 186) and that Council will be seeking the designations in its capacity as a network utility operator under the Act.

This explanation doesn’t make sense and it contradicts an earlier explanation I was given by Council. The earlier explanation I was given was that Council was seeking to correct rural road (or road reserve) widths; that Council considered some roads too narrow and was seeking to widen roads (or road reserves) from 15m to 20m as part of the District Plan.

Can you please clarify the following points…
1. Is the Council proposing these designations in its capacity as a local authority or in its capacity as a network utility operator?
2. For what purpose is the Council proposing these designations?
3. What statutory authority is the Council relying on to propose these designations?


Reed Robinson

At this point I am trying to establish if there is an unjust law that allows Council to take away land owners rights or whether the Council is acting illegally.

As I understand the law (corrections welcome), for the Council’s (or any government agent’s) actions to be legal they must :-

1. have a law (statutory authority) that explicitly enables the action; and,
2. act according to the intention of the law.

I suspect there is no law that is intended to allow councils to widen road reserves in this manner. If my suspicion is correct (that the Council is acting illegally) then Council recognising the illegality should be sufficient to stop the Council from proceeding.

Rotorua District Council is Stealing Land

I got a couple of letters from the Rotorua District Council last week regarding a couple of my properties.

The letters said that their plan’s rural road designation overlaps with a property owned by me – that doesn’t sound good. The letters were wrongly addressed so I phoned to clarify that the letters were for me and what they meant. It was explained that the council has decided that they would like to own 10 metres either side of the roads’ centre line in rural areas and so… the Rotorua District Council is claiming all rural land that is within 10 metres of a roads centre line.

This is simply theft.

Not sure what I’ll do about it. Probably nothing. Tell me what you think I should do about it.

I might talk to the Council’s legal department about this. Tell me any questions you think I should ask.

Here is the letter…

Dear Sir/Madam


The proposed District Plan was notified on 31st October 2012. As part of this, the existing (formed) rural public roads are proposed to be designated.

Please note that the location of the rural road designation overlaps with a property owned or occupied by you. The planning maps provide an indication to the extent of the overlap, but a more detailed map can be provided upon request.

The details of the designation can be viewed on the Council webpage, under the link ‘Proposed District Plan’. The designation description is in Appendix 6 of the Proposed Rotorua District Plan and the extent of the designation boundaries can be viewed on the proposed planning maps.

The notice of requirement details the reason for the designation. This and the Proposed District Pian can be inspected at the Customer Service Centre of the Rotorua District Council (1061 Haupapa Street). The Proposed District pian is also avaiiabie for viewingat the Library (1127 Haupapa Street).

Any person may make a submission on the notice of requirement. Please address any submissions regarding the new designation to the undersigned at the above address, quoting the designation reference number. Submissions must be in Form 21. Copies of this form are available at the Customer Service Centre of Rotorua District Council

Public submissions to the Rotorua Proposed District Plan close on 18
January 2013. Submissions can be made online from 14 November 2012.

If you have any queries, please feel free to Contact me on (07) 351-8045.

Kind Regards

Ella Jonker
Policy Planner

Side Show Carnies : Socialist vs Socialist. The Auckland Housing Crisis.

National Socialist Bill English socks Commy Super City Mayor Len Brown.

Our system of Governments is ridiculous.
It would be Funny if it were not so tragic!

Recently I have blogged on the Super city Council manufacture of a housing crisis in Auckland (here)
This is The UN Agenda 21 in action.
I also blogged about Opposition to Mayor Len Brown’s unitary plan by Councilor Dick Quax (here)

Like all populist sensationalism which appears in the Media, the Hype has provoked the National government to act out of self interest resulting in a ‘socialist vs socialist’… Agenda vs Agenda situation… The National Party vs SuperCity Mayor.

Feigning Benevolence… with the aim of easing the extortionate rate of buying a home in Auckland Bill English has told Len Brown to ease council restrictions to free up land to be developed for housing… Or He will force the issue via legislation.

Read NZ Herald article and watch video here:

Super City Councilor Dick Quax put out a media release (Here) in approval of The government stepping in to force an easing of Council restrictions.
This is one of the rare occasions in which I too am in favour of Bill English using political coercion!
This coercion is aimed at forcing a tyrannical socialist council to loosen it’s grip.
it is a move which improves property rights (albeit ever so slight… It’s certainly not a fundamental reform)

Of course this artificial crisis offers Totalitarians like Brown both the the pretext, and the financial advantage to expand state housing… in the form of High-rise apartments… capitalizing on High rents in the city.

Watch this space…

Am I the only one who finds it despicable that Brown has no quams about knocking down Privately owned apartment buildings to create his Rail network?
Read about it here:
We are also witnessing the rise of left wing Totalitarian support groups posing as ‘concerned citizens’, for Eg The Tamaki Housing Group blames Deregulation for the Leaky buiding syndrome here:
It would be interesting to investigate what links Mayor Brown has with this lobby!
Of Course the ‘Red Flag’ aka The NZ Herald is quick to provide these Leftist with a media boost.

Objectivist Libertarian and achitect Peter Cresswell has done a series of blogs exposing this sort of socialist tactic used by the Tamaki Lobby that Leaky building syndrome was caused by deregulation Here:

Tim Wikiriwhi

No Utopia.

Mayor Len Brown’s Vision for Auckland

It looks as if Auckland is to become the most Un-livable City in the world.
Mayor Len Brown and his Socialist Council are orchestrating a Housing crisis via their refusal to allow the city to expand it’s boundaries so that much needed land can be developed to cope with increasing demand for New Homes.

“Property expert says up to 20 per cent of Auckland’s homes must go for infill and high-rise to cope with growth.

Between 50,000 and 80,000 Auckland homes have to be demolished and replaced with townhouses and apartments to create the world’s most liveable city, says a housing expert.

Martin Udale, ex-chief executive of McConnell Property, yesterday said that up to one in five of the city’s 385,000 existing homes had to be replaced with infill housing to accommodate an extra 1.2 million people over the next 30 years.”

Read more about this Politically engineered Crisis here:
‘Crisis demands mass demolition’ NZ Herald.

The Agenda.
Anyone who know anything about politics will recognize that like many cities around the country… around the Globe… The Super-city is being made to conform to the United Nations socialist Agenda 21 whereby the Communist Mankind hating, Nature worshipping, Control freak Green philosophy is to Force Populations to exist in ever increasing Density… the underlying idea being that this will force population growth to slow, and Preserve The Natural world from the Effects of the Human Contagion.

In the Minds of the Socialist Tree Huggers, This Tyranny is the Embodiment of Enlightenment… Caging Mankind…and thereby saving the Planet.
They seek nothing less than absolute control.
They believe owning your own home with a ¼ acre section and driving about in Greenhouse gas makers whereeva / wheneva you please… are Decadent extravagances… which they intend to take away!
And they are busy implementing these delusions as we speak!
This Socialist Movement and sycophant Media are busy undermining the Kiwi dream by making out that it is Greedy, and selfish… and evil. >>>”Urban sprawl“<<< And these delusions are shared by the City Councils everywhere, and around the globe they are attempting to force the Growth of High rise apartment buildings at the expense of the home and back yard. They're hoping that within a generation that the Kiwi Dream... for city folk... will be completely forgotten, and that High-rise ‘projects’ and ‘Ghettos’ will be thought of as ‘Normal city life’… and of course this congestion will exaserbate Traffic jams, inner city Parking costs will skyrocket… so why own a car? Why not ride *that train* which the council has conveniently built right next to your Building? Owning a Car and living in a single family detached home will become more and more the preserve of the upper class.
The UN agenda 21 is to force cities into high density vertical expansion.

Agenda 21 described…
“Agenda21 is global socialism directed through the United Nations. “Smart Growth” is doublespeak for planned communities. “Sustainable Development” means a centrally planned economy. “Industry Clusters” are government work factories. “Green Design” is the clustering of people in 700 sq/ft, 14 story “pack and stack” living quarters with your personal universe restricted to walking distance or light rail travel to your place of work. This is the reinvention of Mao’s China.”
Quoted from here:

The Platitude.
Yes To Live like Ants… Len Brown would have us believe… will make Auckland the most livable city on Earth!

Super City Councilor Dick Quax raised his concerns about this Diabolical Agenda recently at The Liberty Conference held earlier this month in Auckland.

Read about what he said here:
Now if you have read what Dick Quax said at the Liberty Conference, or are familiar with the goings on in Len Browns Council, you will be aware that to achieve his Socialist Utopia that Rates must increase at an annual rate of over 5%… which is 2.5 times current inflation, and despite this Revenue Grab, Mayor Brown will still have to borrow an extra 1 billion dollars per Year!

The Ploy….
Looking from his Ivory Tower Len Brown has already seen the stirring of a Plebs rebellion … as outraged Aucklanders vent their anger at their massive Rate hikes.

Election time is fast approaching (next year)… and so what do we see in today’s Herald?
Nek Minit….. An article appears in which Len claims he is attempting to trim his Rate hikes to 2%!
Herald Reading Jaffas may have exclaimed “What a relief!”
Sorry folks… This is Barefaced Machiavellianism!
In this article Mr Brown has the audasity to claim that up comming Elections has not been a factor in his attempts to reduce his sheduled rates hikes!

Schemer Auckland Mayor Len Brown.
Mr Brown said he was not giving any thought to next year’s election…


Ask yourself people …What Politician gives no thought to up coming elections?
One thing is certain. Socialist Powertrippers like Len Brown certainly think about elections… a lot!
Because they believe Political Power and coercion is essential to ‘save the world’, they have no sence of achieving goals in freedom, via voluntary community action.
Len Brown is straight out Lying!

Read this article here: Brown strives for 2% rates increase. NZ Herald

Many Green fanatics wont care about the finacial or human costs of implimenting the UN Agenda 21.
They wont care that Len lies to get re elected… they are true believers!
I dont waste my breath attempting to reach such people.
Yet to those of you with even a modicum of rationality must realise that Len is not attempting to reduce his rate hikes out of any benevolent concern for Aucklanders!
He is doing this out of self interest.
He is posturing himself for Re-election!
And what he is not saying is that his reduction in Rate hikes will translate into even greater increases in city dept and interest payments!

because his juggernaut will not be stopped!

What Aucklanders need to ask themselves is why they would wish to Re elect such a heavy handed, deluded and, callous person… whom clearly does not have their best interests at heart, but puts his own megalomaniac schemes first… and expects Aucklanders to carry the costs?

Aucklanders Need to listen to what Councilors like Dick Quax, and how Auckland could be saved from this Socialist Nightmare, and the Kiwi dream restored by removing the Draconian restrictions on Land development… and allow the City to expand outwards. This will cause House prices to stabilize, and even make the construction of cheaper houses possible.
And with more space… everyone, esp the children will have a better quality of life than the Slum conditions, the heavy Rates bills, and the lack of personal transport which are all the inevitable consequence of Len browns implementation of Agenda 21.

Power crazy Len Brown and his UN Flunkies must be stopped!
Get involved with the development of a New Libertarian political organisation to get Libertarians into city council.
I will blog more on this New Organisation as things develop.
But don’t wait…Get involved!
Make submissions!
Oppose Len Browns Unitary plan!

The Herald finnishes…
‘How can the public have a say?
The Auckland Council is drawing up a rulebook, the unitary plan, for residents and developers. Discussions have started with local boards and some groups. The draft plan will be released in March.’