Category Archives: Prohibition

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

This is a scary video (Below).
It is a *MUST WATCH*.
Its something straight out of the Nazi era… and the Time is ripe…
Comments please

What this shows is that during a crisis… when you are most likely to need your firearms for self defense… The threat will come from the Government!
Many of the Preppers will be fucked over… by the police!
Most will submit to being robbed of their means of self defense.
Only three three types of people will have Guns… two of them evil… The state, and Criminals who hide their weapons. The third group who will be armed will be the Libertarians who will not submit to being left defenseless. Ie the Libertarians may hand over a gun or two if they are faced with an armed police squad… but they will have a stack more buried in their Back yard… or up in the hills so they can Re arm themselves.
This defiance of the Government will make Libertarians enemies of the State.
They will face a ferocious tyranny… many will be murdered by the government.
This could well be the price of Resistance to slavery.
Are you ready to Die in defence of freedom?
When you look at this scenario it is as if the police are working for the criminal gangs, by taking away the Good guys only means of protecting themselves from armed and violent criminals.
The whole Anti-Gun lobby is Batshit insane….
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

How is it that things have got this point?
Tyranny is at our Door!
Watch the Video below…Charlton Heston explains…

Update: 20 7 12.
More guns… less Crime…”Although a 19-year-high 47 percent of American adults report owning a gun, the firearm homicide rate has dipped remarkably. Gun murders sank from more than 10,000 in 2005 to 8,776 in 2010, and appeared to drop again in 2011, according to a recent FBI preliminary report.”

Trained circus seals

On Facebook, a libertarian friend posts

Sue Bradford complains:

“Bennett & English begin promoting next round of welfare changes – this time, it’s drug testing of beneficiaries. No thought appears to be given to lack of adequate A & D services, consequences to personal & family health & well being if you have no income, & downstream medical, police, court, prison & other costs. All aimed at appealing to beneficiary bashing vote, again, sadly.”

If you choose to take drugs, then get done when they stay in your system, any resulting consequences are of your own doing – so deal with them like a mature adult. It’s called taking personal responsibility. How hard is this to understand?

My response? Sue Bradford is right, for once. Here’s a post from my old blog that explains why.

[Reprised from beNZylpiperazine, August 2007. Five years later, National has picked up where Labour left off and nothing much has changed.]

What is it with right-wingers and their fetish for trained circus seals?

Popular among right-wingers is the following proposed solution to the problem of welfare abuse: make welfare beneficiaries jump through hoops. Exactly which hoops it’s thought welfare beneficiaries should jump through depends on the right-winger making the proposal. What particularly irks me is the suggestion put forward here.

Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I have to pass one to earn it for them??

Please understand – I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.

I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their arse drinking piss & smoking dope all day.

Surely, paying people to sit on their arses drinking piss and smoking dope all day is one of the better uses of government money. But I digress. There is an obvious problem with the proposal. If you make passing a urine test a condition of eligibility for the dole, this will have the unintended consequence of inducing people to apply for the sickness benefit as alcoholics or drug addicts, where failing a urine test is a condition of eligibility.

It’s all far too reminiscent of Jenny Shipley’s failed and embarrassing 1998 Code of Social and Family Responsibility. [PDF]

The truth is, there is only one solution to the problem of welfare abuse – remove the state entirely from the provision of welfare and devolve that responsibility to voluntary charities and private insurance companies – and only one political party advocating this solution – Libertarianz. Here are a couple of ideas which may (or may not) be part of the soon-to-be-announced Libertarianz transitional social welfare policy.

First, stop treating “alcoholism” and “drug addiction” as afflictions which qualify the afflicted for the sickness benefit. Drug addiction is a lifestyle choice, not a disease.

Second, put a six month time limit on the unemployment benefit. I don’t mean that beneficiaries should cease to receive the dole after they’ve been on it six months. I mean that all unemployment beneficiaries should cease to receive the dole six months after the policy is implemented. So, if the policy were to be implemented tomorrow, the unemployment benefit would be off the WINZ menu come February next year. Six months should be ample time to find a job. Perhaps some right-wingers might offer employment opportunities for professional trained circus seals.

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

Martin Luther King was one of many Civil disobedient Activists who found himself in jail for resisting Racial segregation. Ultimately He gave his life for the righteous cause of racial equality before the Law.

Salmaan Taseer. was martyred for advocating religious tolleration in Pakastan

Dakta Green is behind Bars tonight because of his stand for the rights and liberties of Cannabis users.

If it were not for the High morals and defiant yet Peaceful Civil disobedience of brave and enlightened People like Dakta Green, Western civilization would never have risen out of Barbarism.
Yet the quest for Freedom and justice is not yet won.
We may have to a large degree escaped many of the Classic evils of Bygone days yet only naive and foolish sheeple do not appreciate the fact that corrupt political powers and Subjection to tyranny still abounds.
There are plenty of Righteous causes and oppressed minorities in dire need of champions.
And when such champions arise, they face a vicious multi headed beast!
Bigorty and Tyranny.
Though they know they will be mauled, yet still their Conscience and love of humanity moves them to put themselves in jeopardy for the sake of Liberty and Justice.
One thing Political Evil cannot tolerate is defiance!
In Cold resolve of self preservation the tyrants move to crush the righteous, to break their spirits, and trod them under… as an example to the rest of the sheeple to stay in line…or else!
And when this happens… and the champions of Liberty and justice are in chains… who will rise up for their sakes?

I am not Surprised….yet still it was with shock, Depression, and Indignation that I received the news tonight that Cannabis Law Reformer Dakta Green is back behind bars.
It was to be expected given the fact that though Dak had only just been release from Prison for his Activism to end Cannabis prohibition, and ‘Living like it’s legal’… had declared that though he did not wish to go back to jail… he was resolved to continue his civil disobedience and crusade to end the oppression of Cannabis users.
This could only result in one thing.
The Machine is determined to break Him… and so acting under pressure from the Polit bureau the ‘Bastards in Blue’ paid him another visit. He was arrested for ‘breach of bail conditions’… I am not sure if this means he is facing new charges in relation to cannabis use. I do know

Dakta Green has only been released from jail for less than two weeks and already the Daktory has been raided 3 days in a row.”
If indeed he faces fresh charges, he will be dragged before a Stern court under instructions from a political commissar to deliver even harsher sentence than the one he has already endured.

I am not writing this blog merely to report it travesty.
I am writing it to ask all decent and liberal minded people what they intend to do about this?
We must Rally!
Our Man needs Backup!
Will you sit back in front of the telly and do naught?

I am sitting here wondering what I am going to do about this…and I will be doing something more that typing about it!
Duty calls.
Activists must Act! (peacefully and with all respect for good law)
I will report back when I have decided what I can do.
I suggest those of you who care… those of you with a spine… that you contact talk to your friends and families about this, and rally them to the cause!
Contact Norml.
Contact Me.

Oh it’s not convenient right now for you to do anything?
*Slap yourself for me!*
When is it ever convenient to stand against Evil powers?
Dak needs us *NOW!*
I implore you to rise up!
I will see you at the front of the picket line!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Drug prohibition makes a mockery of criminal law

This excellent article (excerpt below) is by Ben Mostyn and Helen Gibbon of the Australian Drug Law Reform Initiative (ADLaRI) based at the UNSW Faculty of Law.

Drug prohibition makes a mockery of criminal law

Recent reports into the criminalisation of drugs in Australia have all concluded that the criminal law is a counterproductive and harmful way to deal with the issue of drug use and addiction, and that prohibition has failed.

It is now time for the legal profession to add its voice to the community’s calls for reform.

Australia’s criminal law has developed over centuries, by legislation and through the courts as part of the common law. Out of this development came some basic concepts that all law students are taught early in their legal education: mens rea (guilty mind); actus reus (guilty act); the presumption of innocence; the right to silence; and the “golden thread” of the criminal law, that the prosecution bears the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Throughout history the common law has never developed criminal offences of drug possession or drug supply. Drug offences are mala prohibita (wrong because prohibited). That is, the drug laws have been created by parliaments over the past century or so. In this time, parliaments have severely eroded and ignored the basic concepts of criminal law that are deeply entrenched in the common law and that underlie legislation.

Due to the widespread popularity of illegal drugs and the fact that only a tiny proportion of drug transactions and drug use are caught by the authorities, parliaments around Australia and the world have continually created legal fictions and extended criminal liability to make it easier to prosecute drug offences.

Some of these legal fictions include: “deemed drug” provisions, where supplying a harmless substance (such as parsley or flour) will be considered supplying an illicit drug if you misrepresent it as such; “deemed supply” provisions, where if you are found to be in possession of a certain amount of drugs it is assumed you had it in your possession for the purpose of supplying it to other people; and “deemed possession”, so that if a drug is found in your house it is assumed you are the owner of it, unless you can convince a jury that you had no knowledge of its presence.

All of these creations fly in the face of traditional common law. They infringe the common law right to silence and the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Instead, the onus falls on the defendant to prove innocence. They also erode the concept that the criminal law should only punish acts where a criminal act coincides with criminal intention.

The drug laws have eroded some of the most important protections the common law has given us. …

Click here to read the rest of the article.

[Hat tip: David Peterson]

Malum prohibitum

Malum prohibitum (plural mala prohibita) is a Latin phrase used in law to refer to conduct that constitutes an unlawful act only by virtue of statute as opposed to conduct evil in and of itself, or malum in se (plural mala in se).

Wikipedia says

Conduct that is so clearly violative of society’s standards for allowable conduct that it is illegal under English common law is usually regarded as malum in se. An offense that is malum prohibitum may not appear on the face to directly violate moral standards. The distinction between these two cases is discussed in State of Washington v. Thaddius X. Anderson:

Criminal offenses can be broken down into two general categories malum in se and malum prohibitum. The distinction between malum in se and malum prohibitum offenses is best characterized as follows: a malum in se offense is “naturally evil as adjudged by the sense of a civilized community,” whereas a malum prohibitum offense is wrong only because a statute makes it so.

Check out Wikipedia’s list of mala prohibita offences and you’ll recognise many, perhaps most, as classic victimless crimes. Of course, all laws prohibiting victimless crimes now on our statute books should be repealed. As a libertarian, writing for a (mostly) libertarian audience, I take that as a given.

What concerns me in this post is not that victimless crimes are on our statute books, it’s the sheer number of mala prohibita offences on our statute books. It’s a number that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Why is the number of such offences a concern? Because, as honest lawyer Scott DeSalvo points out

More and more things are being criminalized, so the number of otherwise law-abiding citizens who are technically guilty of a malum prohibitum crime rises.

This has the effect of causing everyone to be technically illegal, and thus in fear of a rightful imprisonment and seizure of property for what amounts to perfectly acceptable conduct. This shuts everyone up—no one wants to protest wrongdoing

We live in a society that I am sure all … can agree features too many malum prohibitum crimes (crimes that aren’t like murder, which are bad in themselves, but illegal because a politician said so). Witness the MASSIVE numbers of new such laws—seatbelts, helmets, cellphone use, smoking bans, foie gras bans, etc. that have been passed recently. And also consider innocuous use of marijuana at home—illegal, but not hurting anyone. Congratulations, we are all criminals in a society with too many laws that aren’t sensical or necessary. Now that we are all technically criminals, the government can snoop on us, right? Give me any person, let me snoop through their stuff—I promise, I’ll find some technical violation of some law.

So, you can see, we are on the way [to a totalitarian dictatorship.]

It’s time to call a moratorium on new legislation. Whoever’s driving the ban wagon, for pity’s sake, hit the brakes!

Dakta Green is Free!

This is great News.
Yet still I hang my head in shame.
I meant to send Dak some $$$ when he was inside, but never did.
Please Forgive me Dak.
Your an Inspiration. A Legend.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Hero Dakta Green to continue fight against Cannabis Prohibition.

Below are some blog posts I did while you were Banged up Brother.

@#$% you I wont do what you told me!

The Hydra.

Dakta Green

My fellow Blogger and ALCP Candidate 2011 Richard Goode did these ones

A top tax rate of 39 minutes

ALCP holds election AGM and conference

And here is a few General posts we did on the Jihad on Drugs…

Dakta Grower busted by Brian Borland

Society of Hypocrites.

The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

Christians For Ending The War on Drugs

Free Schapelle Corby!

No need to raise the drinking age.

The youth of today…
I’m a typical middle aged guy, and will be the first to admit That I think the youth of today are less self responsible than their equivalents… In my day. (smirk)
I confess that this opinion is more of ‘a feeling’ rather than a concrete fact.
Nonetheless I can rationalize my position better than most(smirk) as I adhere to the Philosophy that the more you wrap a child in cotton wool, the less they learn via experience to be self responsible for their actions… and thus the less able they are to make proper adult choices. In short the longer, and more intensely a child is ‘mothered’ the greater the retardation of adult self responsibility and personal ethics.
For me this is self evident.
Thus it is with great interest that a Statistic has come to light that supports my theory regarding Youth drinking and flies in the face of current Anti-Libertarian political posturing surrounding imposing restrictions on the sale of alcohol to young adults and vote pandering calls of populist socialist Nannies hoping to raise the drinking age from 18 back up to 20… a move which threatens to reverse a Libertarian reform which a decade ago removed an ‘Ageist’ violation of equality of rights… and also removed some of the cotton wool of socialist Nannyism.
This statistic exposes the media hype that the reform has had serious negative effects… as figment of wild hysteria… and a malicious Freedom hating/ socialist agenda driven/ manufactured politically motivated hysteria unsupported by the facts.
Thus while polls show that …
“ Most New Zealanders think lowering the drinking age to 18 a decade ago has had a negative impact on society,”

Yet in reality….

Teen drink-drive numbers falling

‘The number of teenagers caught drink-driving has halved in the past five years’
… thus indicating the Libertarian argument that Less Nannyism and greater freedom will ‘pan out’… to an increase in self responsibility.

Of course The Statist Nannies will never admit that more Nannyism tends towards more irresponsibility, and conversely that More Libertarianism tends to stronger personal ethics!
They instead make claims that…
“The figures follow law and policy changes – including a zero limit for drivers under 20, increasing the driving age to 16 and making the restricted license test harder – aimed at reducing the road toll.
The national road policing manager, Superintendent Rob Morgan, said the statistics were encouraging and reflected efforts by the Government and police to stop teens driving drunk.”

Of course they will say that because they believe in compulsion.
I am not even arguing against the Idea that tyranny achieves ‘results’. I am arguing that it is immoral and has grievous negative consequences that are never taken into consideration by those who have no respect for freedom or the rights of individuals (such as causing disrespect for the Law in general by those sectors of society which heavy handed Legislation treats ill.)

The Media Lapdogs were quick to give the credit for the reduction to Ad campaigns targeting youth drinking, which if true only supports my Libertarian veiw that Education and making appeals to personal responciblity is a much better way to deal with social problems rather than compusions.

I leave it to you ‘Dear Reader’ to decide whether or not this most promising of Statistics demonstrates the virtues of greater tyranny or greater self-responsibility (That’s not an easy thing to do!)
I simply point out that this promising Stat aligns well with the Libertarian theory of personal Ethics trumping socialist compulsions, and that this ought to throw a Dampener on calls to raise the drinking age and re install a Nanny ‘ageist’ segregation and oppression of a Minority.

I don’t expect the socialist Compulsion Brigade will let an inconvenient thing like the truth get in the way of their Pious crusade.

Important note: Even in the midst of all the hysteria calling to raise the drinking age…before I herd of this favorable Stat… I still would not be moved from my position that the reform to lower the drinking age to 18 was morally the right thing to do *In principle*. I am not an ‘End justifies the means kind of guy. I am an Idealist who puts Justice ahead of expedience.

The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

Many people including many atheists consider the War on drugs to be a Holy War, and as such they are prepared to turn a blind eye to the great many evils that this opressive war inflicts directly and indirectly upon countless peaceful and innocent victems. They accept heavy ‘Collateral damage’ without loosing a minutes sleep. Indeed they sleep easier because they think this holy war is actually making them safer. Thats ultimately all that matters to them. They are the very definition of hypocrisy… they are quick to point a Judgemental finger at others, all the while pretending they themselves are without sin.

Reading todays NZ Herald I noticed a tiny column…

‘Mother charged with child neglect after P-making chemicals found’

A mother has been charged with neglecting a girl after police allegedly found chemicals and equipment for making methamphetamine at her house.

Karena Heta appeared at the Auckland District Court today charged with having a .22 calibre rifle, supplying the class A drug methamphetamine and the class B drug gamma hydroxybutric acid, known as GHB.

According to police charge sheets, the 49-year-old had custody of a 12-year-old girl.

The charge sheet alleges that Heta neglected the girl “in a manner likely to cause her injury to health” by exposing her to the risks associated with taking methamphetamine.

Read full article here :

Now there is no denying that this is a shocking thing for a mother to do. It is absolutely careless and wrong and I would never deny that, yet I want to point out that people who believe such cases simply demonstrate one of the many evils of Drugs *are wrong*. They are in fact failing to apportion just blame against themselves and the government they elect, for creating a social environment whereby Clandestine Drug manufacturing thrives, resulting in children being exposed to Drug manufacture and the underworld.

Of course the Legions of fear driven bigots and Booze guzzling hypocrites, don’t wish to consider their own collaboration in this nasty business. They don’t want to contemplate the reality that if it were not for The politics of Prohibition which they endorse that such drugs would be manufactured safely in industrial areas far away from little children, and using better quality raw materials and safe work practices, thereby reducing the most serious problems that are directly caused by not being able to manufacture such drugs legitimately.

So Ye Self-righteous Jihadists how about turning some of your moral outrage you currently harbour against such terrible mothers and Fathers whom exposed their children to Dangerous chemicals *against your selves!* You share in their guilt. You vote for this scenario. Hang your heads in shame!
Tim Wikiriwhi