Category Archives: There is a God!

“I am the American Flag”. By Dr Robert H Schuller. One of the greatest Christian messages ever on American Freedom.


^Must watch
For those impatient or always in a rush… or for those who cant stomach ‘Old style church services’ (you have my sympathy).. go to the beginning of his sermon @ 16:00
Dont let the ‘USA! USA!’ lead you to blocking your ears… give his a chance to explain….
Dr Schuller preached a rendition of the this message for America’s 200th anniversary.
It is One of the greatest Christian messages ever on American Freedom. by Dr Robert Schuller… Yet America is failing to heed his prophetic warning. Departing from the way of God is why your freedom is diminishing .

A huge 10-story high flag hangs from the rafters of the famed  Crystal Cathedral on Sunday, May 26, 1996 in Garden Grove, Calif.  The towering ensign was unfurled during an early morning service as part of the Memorial Day activities. (AP Photo/Bob Riha Jr.)
A huge 10-story high flag hangs from the rafters of the famed Crystal Cathedral on Sunday, May 26, 1996 in Garden Grove, Calif. The towering ensign was unfurled during an early morning service as part of the Memorial Day activities. (AP Photo/Bob Riha Jr.)

Dr Schuller was a Great Christian.
Read my Tribute to him here > New Zealand Tribute to Dr Robert H Schuller. Great Christian Possibility Thinker. 1926-2015.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
King James Bible believer.
New Zealand.

Peter Steele Type 0 Negative. ‘Dead again Hipo-Christian’.

“As a Christian, I must forgive”.

“My name is Peter Steele and I do nothing.
I am a kind, wonderful human being… sees the value in all life…
Lover of all living things… Typical christian … Hipo-christian….”
> here

This blog post started out as a simple tribute to Peter Steele, whose Music added flavour to my own life and whose death I felt as a tragic loss.
I did not know a great deal about him other than his music and so I started watching Youtube video interviews and what surprised me was how often he would slip in claims of being a Christian, usually in between some other strange comments… in particular his often claim that he actually *wanted to die.*

Now of course someone who belongs to a band called ‘Type O Negitive’ who wrote songs like ‘Everything dies’ and specialized on blatantly nihilistic themes, it should not be shocking at all to appreciate the Front man had a Morbid Fixation about Death, yet as a Christian myself I began to wonder if this Fixation had in fact stimulated some *Real contemplation* and that perhaps his random claims of being a Christian were something more than taking the Mickey.


It did not take much effort to discover that Peter Steele…. despite Everything his music represents… was indeed one of those amazing Heavy Metal Stars who with age… came to some form of Christian Faith before he died.
Though many of his fans would not at all be pleased by this , it was fantastic news to me, and a token of how *Real* a person he was because he would have known how unpopular his public conversion would be with many of his Fans.

Many wont want to acknowledge this aspect of their Idol and will probably slag me for blogging about it, yet I want to tell his fans that his bravery in ‘Coming out in favour of Christ’ was actually a great act of Love he had for his fans… He was showing them the way.
Though he did not seek to ram Religion down peoples throats, yet neither did he want to be an Apostle of Nihilism and Irreligion.
He does not want his Fans to think that Life is pointless and that Good and Evil are meaningless terms.
I can justify these things by his comments… listed below.

So Peter was not only a great Artist, but was very Honest and of great depth… and he was also a member of a growing number of Hard Rock/ Metal Icons who have professed belief in Christ… and I can relate to this myself as a Head Banger and Christian.

Blacky Lawless from Wasp talks about how Heavy Metal is actually Music for Soul searchers….

“You’re talking about a genre that, in general, is obsessed with the idea of God and/or the devil. Jazz, pop, there is no other genre that is absolutely obsessed with it as this genre is.

The Bible tells us, ‘The truth has been placed in the hearts of all men.’ In other words, people know what the truth is. What I see is people in the search of the truth. They’re all on a journey, the people that are attracted to this genre are people who are really a lot more in tune with it than they think they are.

I’m speaking from a direction where I know what I’m talking about. I was in the church until I was in my late teens, and when I left and came to California, I went as far away as you could possibly go. I ended up studying the occult for three years. I understand what they’re looking for — they’re looking for the same thing I’m looking for. I’m at a point now where I’m bilingual: I can speak their language. They can’t necessarily speak my language, but I can understand where they’re coming from.

When we say ‘religion,’ we kind of use that as a general term, and when people have the resistance that they have to it, they have every reason to feel that way. That’s part of what drove me away — the indoctrination of men that I received; it’s man’s indoctrination. Now, from my perspective, my faith is based on Jesus Christ and the Bible — nothing more, nothing less.”
Read more here> I came not to bring peace, but a sword

And For me this rings true.
Read about my soul searching here > Jimi vs Jesus.

And so I hope that Peter Steele / Type O Negitive Fans can appreciate the vital truth that His conversion implies, and dont harden their hearts and carry on the Charade of *Thinking that the Heavy Metal Fantasy* is a blueprint for real life to be emulated by real people!
It is a Show… an act…. a story… that should be making you contemplate the Higher truths and searching for the meaning of Life.
Like Alice Cooper, Brian Welch, Dave Mustaine, and Others… Peter found out that Wealth, Fame, and Fortune, are insufficient in themselves to give real value to a persons life.
That Meaning and Salvation is Found in faith in God, and Jesus Christ.


Ask yourself Who in their Right mind actually thinks Alice Cooper, or Blackie Lawless’s Stage show personas are to be take seriously?

“We’re the the Lunitic fringe… who rusted the hinge on Uncle Sams Daughters and sons”
“Were all Crazy”


Unfortunately Peter died not long after making his faith public.
I can only speculate about the interesting perspectives he would have shared if he had had more time.
Fortunately He turned to Christ in the nick of time!

Too many lost souls never reach this enlightenment…

Read> Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

So I hope ‘a light turns on’ in the minds of Metal fans who read this tribute rather than simply getting angry at the thought of taking Christianity seriously, or feeling that Peter ‘Betrayed’ the hedonist cause.
He did you the best favour he could possibly do.
He showed that *Keeping it real* sometimes being brave enough to swim against the current, and be willing to suffer malice and hate, for the sake of being true to yourself and not living as a fraud.

So Rock on Metal Fans…. enjoy life… but dont be a complete moron and deny the true meaning of Life that comes from Knowing Jesus Christ.
The Band in Heaven will Rock Hard!

Read > Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Music Fan.
Christian Libertarian.


“Peter Steele, frontman of TYPE O NEGATIVE and founder of my favorite thrash band evaaar CARNIVORE was for a while, quite the trainwreck. I remember seeing a Carnivore reunion a few years ago, and noticed he did not look well. Recently though, TYPE-O started touring again and its clear by the interview below that Peter Steele is clean, looks relatively healthy and still has that dry witty sarcasm that he is known for. The interview was pretty fun at first but then slowly it started taking a turn for the worse…

Ladies and gentlemen, Peter Steele has found God. Does this mean hell has really frozen over? Not only has he found God, he thinks you should have God in your life too. OMFG WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU??? He literally says “We are all part of God’s plan.”
Read more > Here.
Peter Steele is now sober; into God and shit.

“I was born a Roman Catholic and I think that I have gone back to my faith. You know, people ask me are you a born-again Christian and I said no I am a dead-again Christian I have always been dead. I believe in Jesus Christ and God and the whole thing but, you know, I don’t shove it down anyone’s throat. You know, it’s a very private personal thing and faith is really strong and I really want to see my mother and father again. And also I can’t believe that somebody like Hitler and Mother Teresa are going to the same place after death. I can’t believe that.” Besides, you don’t get a cock that big unless you are blessed by the Lord.”
From here > Top 10 Born Again Christian’s in Metal

“Most of you have probably never heard of Peter Steele, (left) who passed away last month at the age of 48 from heart failure. Steele was the bassist and lead singer from the band Type O Negative, a popular group in the 1990’s that was at the cutting edge of the emerging “gothic” music scene and culture – you know, all those whiny, self-pitying teens who dye their hair black and try to look like vampires? Though Type O Negative, as a niche band, never attained a real popular mass market appeal, they did sustain a strong underground following throughout the 90’s and into the new millennium. Steele set the group apart by his haunting, baritone vocals in an age when most goth/metal bands looked for male singers who could do alto or soprano. Attempting to sound as “gothic” as possible, the band’s music often featured church organs and choirs, as well as slow, creepy rhythms (think of the Addam’s Family theme song).

Steele had a typical rock-star lifestyle – struggles with depression, drug abuse and alcoholism that eventually derailed his music career and made him a has-been by the mid 2000’s. Last month he passed away of a sudden heart attack at the age of 48.

So why is this news? A rock-star dies before his age? Is this surprising for someone who dallied in the occult (and professed atheism), exulted vampires as role models and sung about sacrilege, fornication and demonology? I recall listening to Type O Negative when I was 14, and this music definitely got me interested and involved in occult spirituality (I even had a brief vampire phase that thankfully proved very temporary). How many other young people were lured into the occult through this sort of music that exalts vampires and everything dark? And why am I bringing this up on my blog?

Because shortly before his death, Peter Steele converted to Christianity and even claimed to be a Roman Catholic. He went on talk shows speaking about how God has a plan for everybody and stated that one thing that helped bring him to Christianity was the conviction that there had to be some justice in life beyond this world; in his own words, that “someone like Stalin or Hitler just couldn’t wind up in the same place as Mother Teresa.” This sudden change appalled his fans (who thought he had sold out) and amazed Christians, who were once again reminded that nobody is beyond God’s grace. His was definitely the most unexpected conversion since the 2005 conversion of Korn guitarist Brian “Head” Welch. Unfortunately, unlike Welch, Steele died very soon after announcing his conversion.”

From here > Peter Steele – 1962-2010

Wikipedia >Here

Read> Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.


Read > BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net

Read > Is your mind so small that you have to fall in with the pack wherever they run?

Tim the Toolman: Jesus built my Hotrod.


2000 years on, The Gospel message about ‘The Builder’ Jesus Christ still works it’s life changing…. saving power.
All the Atheist Lies and darkness in this world have not dimmed the Light of truth.
It shines for anyone who doers not love the Darkness… for anyone who is not willfully blind.
Below is the testimony of another popular and Successful person who is proud to be a Christian, and who encourages others to trust in Christ.
I give thanks to God for his testimony.
The Gospel of God’s grace is the most important truth that all human beings must choose to embrace… or be damned…
It matters not if you dont like the choice… it is unavoidable… each and everyone’s *own choice* will determine where you spend eternity.
The fool has said in his heart ‘there is no God’.
The heart of man is deceitful above all things… and desperately wicked.
It is appointed unto man, once to die… and after this… the Judgement.
God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners…. Christ died for us… and rose again the third day in victory over sin and death.
Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
1611 King James Bible believer,


Tim Allen Shares The Heartbreaking Story That Lead To His Faith In Jesus. (

Tim Allen may be known for his hilarious jokes and handyman hobbies, but there’s a side of Tim Allen many haven’t seen.

Tim Allen believes in God. And if you meet him in person, you’ll quickly learn that he’s unashamed to tell you so.

But Allen doesn’t claim to be a perfect Christian. In fact, he admits that many of his life’s deepest struggles are what caused him to turn to Christ.

Tim Allen hasn’t always had it easy.. Like many celebrities of our day, Allen wrestled with addiction and alcoholism in his younger days.

Allen’s father was tragically killed by a drunk driver when Tim was only 11-years-old. Through the unimaginable grief, Tim struggled to pick up the pieces.

After his father’s tragic death, Allen questioned whether if he had prayed harder or had been with his father that fatal day, he could have prevented his death. Not knowing where else to turn, Allen found comfort in drug and alcohol abuse.

On October 2, 1978, Allen’s life took a dramatic turn when he was arrested for possession of over 650 grams (1.43 lb) of cocaine. Allen pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges, and was released after serving two years and four months in federal prison.

Read more here


America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!


LaVoy's Daughter Raises the Call!

Tean Finicum stands up. — Will you rise with her and restore liberty or will you stay sitting down?FOLLOW: LaVoy Finicum's Stand For Freedom #LibertyRising

Posted by Bundy Ranch on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

More from Tim…. Police Investigation into Death of Lavoy Finicum proves FBI Lied. Criminal Prosecution pending.


(SHARE)(WHEN TYRANNY BECOMES LAW REBELLION IS A MUST) We The People need to preserve our freedom and Liberty.#DEOVINDICE #LavoyFinicum #Patriots #WeThePeople #Tyranny #UniteAsOne

Posted by Andrew Black Rebel Duncomb on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

More from Tim….

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Hydra.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Police Investigation into Death of Lavoy Finicum proves FBI Lied. Criminal Prosecution pending.

sheriff Shane Nelson
Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson

^ Must watch Video,
Published on 8 Mar 2016
Jake Morphonios discusses breaking news regarding the elite FBI strike force that set up the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum. The task force is now under criminal investigation by both the Deschutes Oregon County Sheriff’s Office and the US Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office.

It is fantastic to see that there are still some Law enforcement departments with integrity enough to perform their duty in a professional manor and test the FBI story of killing a ‘Domestic Terrorist’…. FBI via the evidence…. and what they have found is Damnable towards the FBI.
They used provocation, *Planned* and executed this murder of an upright American Patriot, in such a manor as to fabricate a litany of Lies… and this ongoing investigation could lead to criminal prosecutions of these ‘Special FBI agents’ who not only set the Ambush up in such a way as to make it impossible to stop in time, but clearly lied about their use of firearms.
For People like myself who live outside the US, it is fantastic to see how the roll of ‘Sherrif’ comes to the fore on these situations where the Feds are involved.
And it has been Sheriffs whom have been at the forefront of the defense of the Patriots and Cowboys as they have been trampled underfoot by the FBI and BLM.
*After being fired upon while still in his pick up, Lavoy decided his best hope was to get to the refuge of the Grant County Sheriff whom was expected to be in attendance of the Public meeting Lavoy and co were travelling to attend… yet he would never make it.
*This whole episode was absolutely unnecessary*.
*The Patriots were a threat to no-one*
*The FBI wanted to create an escalation*
* They carried out their Crime where there were no witnesses, nor any Cell phone coverage*
*Their blockade and firing upon the vehicle was against procedure and acted rashly*
*They Murdered Lavoy in cold blood, and needlessly endangered the lives of others*
*They almost certainly planted a gun on him*
*They blanked out the Audio and degraded to footage that was released to the public*
*They told lies about what happened, and about the use of their firearms*.
etc. etc.

*And remember that *This is a police report*…. not a propaganda piece for ‘Radical Christian domestic terrorists’.
PRAISE THE LORD! The Federal Government is facing serious resistance from many of these local State law enforcement personnel whom still uphold their oaths to the Constitution and the People they serve… *Above the political Elites* in Washington.
And The American peoples need to count on such Brave and principled Men and woman will increase by the hour as their country marches ever closer to the Fiscal Cliff… and Civil War.
*It is the Political Class and the special interests they represent that are eager to overthrow the constitution… to disarm the People and to subjugate them so that in the event of collapse, or growing unrest… the people will be in no position to overthrow them… put them in jail…. take away their power and privilege… which is their Right to do.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

From The American Declaration of Independence. 1776.

Read more…. Judge Napolitano: The Right to shoot Tyrants, not Deer…. here

Update: Here (below) is the Press conference with the police report….

More from Tim….

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Hydra.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

RIP Scotty

Now I am going to say some things that will upset some folk… yet It must be said… It keeps getting swept under the carpet… so that the party can carry on.

Though an indisputable Icon of Grunge, Scott was a tragically lost soul…. a Train wreak of a person.

Scott was the same age as me… 48.
His music is an essential part of the soundtrack of my life, yet his death… like so many others is a testament to the fact that he was a follower of unbelievably disastrous values, and yet sadly millions of other lost souls worship these Musical loose wheels… and dance their way down the road to destruction.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Rolling Stone Article: Scott Weiland: A Photo History of His Wild Life

Scott Weiland’s tragic story is but one track on a stuck record that keeps repeating…

We could talk about Alice in Chains frontman Layne Stanley, or the miserable fate of Kurt Corbain.> April 5 Sux.

Next week I’ll be going to AC DC… yet sadly Bon Scott wont be singing… he’s on that Highway to hell.


It does not have to end like this!!!!
On a much more positive note… Many Rockers survive long enough to wake up from their Drunken stupor and see the light.
Alice Cooper… Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Deep Purples Glenn Hughes > Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Korn’s Brian Welch > Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Ex Metallica/ Megadeth’s Dave Mustiane > Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Wasp’s Blackie Lawless > I came not to bring peace, but a sword

and many more.

I know what I’m talking about because *I was a lost soul on that road myself*
Read my story > Jimi vs Jesus.


Wake up my friends!
Love music by all means, yet you will not discover the road that leads to life until you free yourselves from your foolish prejudices which keep your minds closed to the truth.

Beware that love of the Darkness… you think you are free… when you are in fact slaves.

> Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

What about Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix,John Bonham, Keith Moon,Brian Jones, or Amy Winehouse?
Rehab could not save her.
The list is endless.
How long will Miley Cyrus last?

Scott Weiland LA 1994.

Many of you now are parents… how can you raise your kids yet leave them without direction… without hope?
You cast them out into open waters without a compass.

It does not have to be that way.
Seek and ye shall find!
Dont be fools unto the end.
Teach your Kids the lessons of the Survivors!
Those great and fortunate souls who realised in time that even being among the God’s of Rock is nothing but death without Jesus Christ.

The Bible is wonderfully true to those who learn the Truth in time…. terribly true who learn it too late.

My Testimony > Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

It is my hearts desire to help anyone who seeks answers to their questions… to their perceived critisisms of the Bible, yet only a truly open mind and heart is fit to receive the truth.
Closed minds and hard hearts are beyond reach.

To anyone disturbed by the carnage of Rock and Roll, and it’s effects on their youths… Seek!

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.
Jesus Christ. John 8vs 32.

more from me>>> Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

light in the dark

End note: Of course raising your children with biblical faith does not guarantee they wont wander off out into the world… yet even so they will have that lighthouse back in the distance…
They may have to learn what the lost world is like the hard way… yet like Blackie Lawless… they can return home.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Music lover.

Scott Weiland’s ex-wife has penned a candid, poignant essay on the deceased Stone Temple Pilots singer on behalf of his two children

Update: Rolling stone article > Scott Weiland’s Family: ‘Don’t Glorify This Tragedy’

“December 3rd, 2015 is not the day Scott Weiland died. It is the official day the public will use to mourn him, and it was the last day he could be propped up in front of a microphone for the financial benefit or enjoyment of others. The outpouring of condolences and prayers offered to our children, Noah and Lucy, has been overwhelming, appreciated and even comforting. But the truth is, like so many other kids, they lost their father years ago. What they truly lost on December 3rd was hope.”

Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

Made in His Image: Bone, An Engineering Marvel by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. Institute for Creation Research


Very interesting….

“A key design feature shared by many 100-year-old barns and some modern skyscrapers is that the external shell carries the building’s load with a minimal use of internal columns for support. Internal floors and walls, if any, function in a structural way to stiffen the building. This resourceful design allows for a very strong structure with a maximum of interior space available for other purposes.

The bones in the human body capitalized on this design feature long before farmers and architects did. In fact, studying bone construction and function provides a mini-course illustrating important engineering principles.

Sophisticated Engineering Properties

A quality product begins with materials that have superior engineering properties. Bone is constructed much like reinforced concrete, in which a cage of steel reinforcing bars (“rebar”) is embedded. The reinforcing “rods” in bone are made from minute strands of collagen fibers, 360 of which could be put end-to-end in the width of a human hair.

Each fiber is composed of three substrands wound in rope-like fashion around each other so tightly that along the area of contact only the smallest amino acid would fit in the space between the strands. In order to work, this particular amino acid would need to be designated for every third position in each strand–which is exactly what is specified in the DNA code. Collagen fibers are linked so strongly that their resistance to being pulled apart in tension is actually greater than the resistance present in an equal amount of steel rebar…

Read more >>> Institute for Creation Research <<< Rodin-s-Thinking-Man-The-Thinker-Skeleton-Skull-Bones-Statue-Sculpture-Art-Decor

Read some stuff from Tim….>>> Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.


Robo Fish Reality.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

One from Richard… Paley’s other watch

BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net


“In a brand new interview with The Weeklings, BLACK SABBATH bassist Geezer Butler was asked if he got any backlash over SABBATH singing a message of repentance and God being the only way to love on the “Master Of Reality” album.

“No,” he responded. “People always like to find the ‘evil’ in the music, so they’d quote the ‘pope on a rope’ part out of context, as usual. People like to find negative in everything. We weren’t interested in writing songs about the ‘nice’ things in the world; everyone else was writing about that. We wanted to inject some reality into music. I think if we’d been called WHITE SUNDAY we’d have had a totally different reaction.

Butler also talked about his thought process behind writing the lyrics to the SABBATH song “After Forever”, which some historians have called the first real Christian rock song.

“A lot of it was because of the situation in Northern Ireland at the time,” he explained. “There were a lot of religious troubles between the Protestants against the Catholics.

“I was brought up strictly Catholic and I guess I was naïve in thinking that religion shouldn’t be fought over. I always felt that God and Jesus wanted us to love each other.”

He continued: “It was just a bad time in Northern Ireland, setting bombs off in England and such. We all believed in Jesus — and yet people were killing each other over it. To me, it was just ridiculous. I thought that if God could see us killing each other in his name, he’d be disgusted.”


meeeeoct 13

Me at the 2013 Black Sabbath concert. Auckland. New Zealand.
More posts from me….

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.

Evolutionism vs. Rube Goldberg


Rube Goldberg machines are AWESOME! 🙂

Hand of the alarm clock strikes the hour … nek minnit roll the credits!

The red ute is OK Go … nekminnit … band members splattered with paintballs of many colours!

Pull the lever … nek minnit rain falls on the righteous and unrighteous flowers!

Let there be light … nek minnit Pee-wee Herman eats his daily breakfast!

Rube Goldberg machines are AWESOME!! 🙂

The essence of a Rube Goldberg machine is that there is a simple starting event … then follows a series of events that happen entirely automatically in a complex causal chain leading inexorably to … breakfast is served, the flowers are watered, there’s lots of pretty colours and the credits roll. No intervention required. AWESOME!!! 🙂

So are you ready for the AWESOMEST Rube Goldberg machine of them all? 🙂

You’re living in it.

Big Bang … nek minnit you’re reading this blog post!

Approximately 13.8 billion years ago there was a singular starting event. An unimaginably small speck containing the mass of the entire known universe and the space-time continuum itself expanded. After the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later simple atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies. Later, on a small rock circling an unremarkable star near the edge of a galaxy’s spiral arm, primitive life spontaneously appeared in a primordial ocean. This first cell divided and divided and biological evolution happened. Our species evolved from ape-like mammalian ancestors and human history unfolded. And here we all are.

In brief, the history of everything is no different in principle from a line of falling dominoes. From the moment of the Big Bang, the complex causal chain of events that lead to us happened by itself. Even the Big Bang happened by itself, like the alarm clock going off in the Rube Goldberg machine at the top of this post. While familiar flora and fauna may appear to be intelligently designed, and intelligent design needs an intelligent designer, it is really no more than appearance. A new study hints at spontaneous appearance of primordial DNA. All things bright and beautiful? Abiogenesis and the blind mechanical process of natural selection of chance mutations made them all. Over the epochs the ball bearings of genetic transmission rolled down the available pre-existing causal channels, and the evolutionary tree of life branched and blossomed, in the manner of drought-ending flood waters flowing to the sea down the already etched out causeways of a dry river delta.

So what’s the take-home message?

Evolutionism is true and our world is just a Rube Goldberg machine on a grand cosmic scale. It’s all ball bearings and clockwork writ large.

Checkmate Creationists! Where is your Rube Goldberg God now?