Pay no mind what other voices say
They don’t care about you
Like I do
Like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See they don’t give a **** about you
Like I do
Just stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
‘ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I’ll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I’ll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
One and the same I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself
Swaying to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drum ….
Lyrics from Perfect Circles ‘Pet’.
I am *Very Sorry* to hear that after 125 years the Truth is going out of Biz… It was one of the few truly Independent Media voices in New Zealand.
It was Tits out!…. It covered ‘Nude’ stories the mainstream Media intentionally ignores for the sake of maintaining and pandering to the delusions of the ‘Populus’… the Mob.
It was Raw… seedy…. Real!
With the Truth gone there will be no *Real Free Press* left in NZ. Only Retarded State arse kissing PC wowzer Status quo Nannyist socialist Rubbish which functions like it’s a branch of government.
We will be reduced to Freedom blogs, and ‘Scoop NZ’ … and yet these rely heavily on Non professional Independent activists to supply their take on things.
Stuff article>>>> The Truth newspaper to stop publishing
The Death of the Truth Really is an indictment on just how mediocre minded and sheepish New Zealanders really are.
They are not interested in Independent thinking.
They lap up Reality TV… the kardashians… the Breakfast shows… and they Religiously worship Nanny State.
They believe all lifes problems have political solutions.
They believe in Totalitarian regulation of everything.
They absolutely deny an individual has inalienable rights which ought to be protected from Mobocratic power…. etc etc…
This is a society which tollerates Racist Law and Government.
This is a society of slaves which allows Rapacious Government to fleese them of 80% of their earnings and to give it to lazy bums who cant be bothered getting out of bed in the morning.
This is a society which allows the government to treat us all like children… banning our toys… etc etc…
In a society of sheep… an Independent Paper cant make enough to dosh to pay the lease.
And it’s not just NZ but the whole of wester Civilisation!
They have allowed their Governments to become their OverLords… To spy on them… to probe them… to disarm them…
“Goodbye Truth! We have no need of thee BAAAAA BAAAAA”
This is an update to the lists here and here of synthetic cannabinoids banned by Peter Dunne.
Banned as from 9 May 2013
BB-221-(cyclohexylmethyl)-8-quinolinyl ester-1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid 5F-AKB48 or APINACA 5-fluoropentyl analog or 5F-APINACA N-((3s,5s,7s)-adamantan-1-yl)-1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide
This is another blow to the industry and one of many we have delivered ā but I fully acknowledge it is more of the cat-and-mouse game until we can deliver the killer punch in August when the Psychoactive Substances Bill will become law
said Peter Dunne when he banned BB-22 and 5F-AKB48 last month.
But take a look at the trend here. There were 20 synthetic cannabinoids banned in 2011, 11 banned in 2012 and, so far this year, just 2.
I think the cat is getting tired.
And the industry is in very good health, despite having had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous prohibitions. Tonight on Cuba Street, Wellington, I counted 9 synthetic cannabinoid products, in 2 different stores, probably containing 3 or 4 different synthetic cannabinoids. (And that’s not even to mention the flourishing herbal cannabis industry.)
I think the mouse won this cat-and-mouse game a long time ago.
Tony Bower Director of Mullaway Medical Cannabis Limited, and Auzzy Hero!
Facebook here:!/Mullaway
Any one with Children who suffer from Fits and Seizures needs to watch this Video!
If you know anyone with children who suffer Fits and Seizures please forward this Video to them!
It could save their lives.
It is a matter of extreme urgency that Medical Cannabis be Legalised and made available to the New Zealand public!
IF had a child with such a condition, I would not hesitate to break the Law and get some of this Medicine for my child.
Tony Bower is a hero who is battling Prosecution for Cannabis cultivation to produce his wonder Medicine. I implore the people of Australia to Rally in his defence.
Post script update 15-6-13
It appears that the benefits of Cannabis in respect to treating Epilepsy were well known before it was prohibited…
Chapter 3 – (2nd Edition)
[America’s 1st Drug Czar, Harry Anslinger]
This section of the Antique Cannabis Book, was meant primarily as a tool for active News Media Reporters who needed a quick (yet well documented) source of information on the subject of Governmental Censorship as it relates to Medical Cannabis. As such this (1947) study, which was openly published and never actually under the threat of censorship, would normally not qualify for inclusion.
However, a quick look beneath the surface shows a different story. One that reveals, wheels within wheels, circles within circles, all spinning around . . . . letās just say that this study, came very close to (ah, how shall we put it), going the way of oh so many other Medical Cannabis studies.
The author is convinced that had Anslinger (or anyone at the D.E.A.) known about the study BEFORE IT WAS PUBLISHED , it most assuredly would have been CENSORED. Either that or (doing what the Narcās do now), killed it in its cradle by simply denying the researchers the needed licenses and permits.
This one however, seems to have slipped though the cracks. Here let us go over the facts (those weāve been able to locate), and let the reader to decide.
The following, located via 420 Magazine [1] is the shortest summery that weāve been able to find. However, as itās still filled with lots of PHD gobble goop, so the reader is advised simply to skim-read-it. The long and the short of it is that ā Cannabis Works. ā
Anti-Epileptic Action Of Marijuana-Active Substances BY JEAN P. DAVIS, M.D., and H.H. RAMSEY, M.D. [2]
The demonstration of anticonvulsant activity of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) congeners by laboratory tests (Loewe and Goodman, Federation Proc. 6:352, 1947 ) prompted clinical trial in five institutionalized epileptic children.
All of them had severe symptomatic grand ma1 epilepsy with mental retardation; three had cerebral palsy in addition. Electroencephalographic tracings were grossly abnormal in the entire group; three had focal seizure activity. Their attacks had been inadequately controlled on 0.13 gm. Of phenobarbital daily, combined with 0.3 gm. of Dilantin per day in two of the patients, and in a third, with 0.2 gm. Of Mesantoin daily. Two isomeric 3 (1,2-dimethyl heptyl) homologs of THC were tested, Numbers 122 and 125A, with ataxia potencies fifty and eight times, respectively, that of natural marijuana principles. Number 122 was given to two patients for three weeks and to three patients for seven weeks. Three responded at least as well as to previous therapy; the fourth became almost completely and the fifth entirely seizure free. One patient, transferred to 125A after three weeks, had prompt exacerbation of seizures during the ensuing four weeks, despite dosages up to 4 mg. daily. The second patient transferred to 125A was adequately controlled on this dosage, except for a brief period of paranoid behavior three and a half weeks later; similar episodes had occurred prior to cannabinol therapy. Other psychic disturbances or toxic reactions were not manifested during the periods of treatment. Blood counts were normal.
The cannabinols herein reported deserve further trial in non-institutionalized epileptics. Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology, vol. 8, lY49, p. 284.
Source: Anti-Epileptic Action Of Marijuana-Active Substances
The below newspaper article, taken from the āSalt Lake City telegram [May 20, 1947], was located via the National Archives (College Park, MD). It belonged to and was integrated into the files of Harry Anslingerās old Bureau of Narcotics, today known as the D.E.A. We believe that it was the first that Anslinger knew about the study, and thus too late to CENSOR or put a stop to it.
[Bureau of Narcotics files, — National Archives, College Park, Md.]
[As per the Bureau of Narcotics Files ; National Archives]
Marijuana Leaf Plays Epilepsy Cure Role
Drug principles isolated from leaves of marijuana, an innocent-looking plant that grows wild in different parts of the world, are playing an important role in research on a cure for epilepsy.
This is the same marijuana which so many people fear as a habit-forming drug and which is noted for the opium-like dreams it produces in those who partake of it.
The drugs being used are synthetic substances related to cannabinol, which is contained in marijuana, but does not produce the same effects. Dr. Jean P. Davis, faculty researcher at the University of Utah medical college, has done considerable research with the drugs in treatment of minor and convulsive epilepsy.
She reports that the drugs have been found effective about 50% of the time. Future for epileptics appears āvery bright,ā she said, ābecause of not only one new drug, but a whole field of new compounds to combat epileptic seizures.ā
Helps Minor Seizures One of these new drugs, trimethadione, is most effective in petit mal epilepsy, minor seizures common in younger patients. Another, paramethadione, a sort of second cousin to the first, is useful in such spells.
A third compound, called phenerone, is effective in psycho-motor seizures, sudden episodes of unusual behavior, accompanied by amnesia.
Epilepsy comes in four degrees: grand mal, or pykno-epilepsy, with brief staring spells; psycho-motor, accompanied by amnesia and unusual behavior, and Jacksonian, identified by retention of consciousness with progressive twitching and numbness of one leg or arm.
Mr. Davis is in charge of a section of the psychiatric clinic at Salt Lake General hospital, where she does some clinical work. She also instructs advanced courses in the departments of pharmacology and physiology at the university.
Began in 1929 According to Dr. Davis, actual valuable research with modern methods of fighting epilepsy came into their own in 1929 with the invention of the electro-encephalograph, an instrument for recording brain activity.
And the latest of the compounds used in treatment of the affliction was developed in 1948. Meanwhile, research is advancing at a rapid pace, Dr. Davis said.
She studied for three years under Dr. William Lennox, one of the top U.S. experts on epilepsy. She received her doctor of medicine degree at Yale university in 1943.
Most of her clinical work has been confined to children, with whom she ālikes to work.ā
Here note the wording:
ā. . . Have been found effective about 50% of the time. ā
ā . . . the same marijuana which so many people fear ā
ā . . . Drug principles isolated from leaves of marijuana . . . being used are synthetic substances related to cannabinol, which is contained in marijuana, but does not produce the same effects. ā
With respect to the above — note that a Medical Cannabis like āsynthetic substanceā is being referred to.
Many Modern Atheists are Pompous White horse Riding ‘Moralists’!
They are Religious Zealot’s on a Righteous Crusade, fighting the ‘Evils’ of Religion, and vigously propagating and defending their Faith.
They often get extremely vicious against declarations of Faith in the Christian God, which led one Blogger to inquire…
” I mean, if you truly believe there is no God, why get all worked up over what a bunch of delusional Christians think?”… Valley Girl Appologist.
Pondering upon a post on Richard Goode’s Face book page discussing this Atheist Mentality in respect to why many of them are so militantly Anti-Christ, and so strongly desire to deny God’s existence… I made the following comment…
“There is a psychological reason Richard, They Hide from God in the Dark so as to delude themselves they can do as they please, and yet Pesky Christians keep reminding them that there is a God, and that He sets the Moral Laws… not them, and that one day they will stand before him and answer for their sins. *This is a message they HATE* … to the very pit of their self deluded souls! They simply donāt want to know about God *End of story*
Which Solicited the following response from ‘Atheist Greg’
……… “GARBAGE!”
^^^ Now Greg has expressed an opinion, not a counter argument.
It is no doubt a very common ‘opinion’ among Atheists, yet I donāt think my position as stated above can be so easily dismissed.
Atheist Greg has actually provided me with further opportunity to discourse the arguments for the Theistic vindication for Objective Morality vs Atheist Nihilism, and the origin of Mans innate sense of Good and evil.
Here I employ the basic argument used by the Late great C S Lewis.
My Reply…
If You Greg, and your kin, are nothing more than ‘Space Algae’, well *then* my arguement would be ‘Garbage’, yet you are a Conscious Moral being with a sence of Good and Evil, and you appeal to the ‘Moral law’ governing human actions every day… eg when you get a bill in the mail which overcharges you, you immediately feel a pang of āinjusticeāā¦ and experience emotions of sorrow, and angerā¦. And begin to make self righteous determinations to see justice is restored. Now this sense of injustice at ‘wrong’ is more than simply being upset that an agreement was broken (social compact)ā¦ie that a mere human convention was violated, It is a sense that *A Real Moral absoluteā¦ binding on all humanity has been broken* and that you are within your right to seek justice for your injury.
You are in fact appealing to an objective Moral absolute… a ‘higher Law’ which you implicitly believe underpins all ‘conventional’ human agreements as moral duties/ obligations to fulfil.
Thus I say that You Greg do not/ cannot live as a human being consistently with your claim that the universe is nihilistic/ A moral, or that Mankind is merely āSpace Algaeā.
To do so you would have to loose all sense of moral duty. You would have say to yourself that a person steeling your carā¦ was not doing anything wrongā¦ that even saying the car is āmineā is a moral irrelevanceā¦ the universe caring nothing for your claims to ownership.
And you certainly have no basis to think that when a school bus full of children plunges over a cliff that any ācosmic injusticeā has occurredā¦ no basis to shake your fist at heavenā¦ the only reason you would do that is if deep within you believe in Moral absolutes, and know that Children *donāt deserve* to die, and that you are angry at God for allowing this sort of thing to happen.
The people who come the closest to the embodiment of Atheism are the Tyrants, Mass murderers, and Serial killersā¦The Hitlerās, the Ted Bundiesā¦ the Hannibal Lecters… The Sociopaths and Megalomaniacs who… like Wild beasts devour and enslave their fellow human beings *as if they are mere Space Algae* .
These are the Atheist ‘Realists’, who live under the conviction that all Morality and Lawās of society are merely Human conventionsā¦and that there is no Real āHigher moral Lawā than their own Will.
They are God’s unto themselves.
Thus unless you (Atheist Greg) are prepared to accept that these Killers are absolutely right, and are prepared to drop any sense of Moral consciousness you have, I say
āGarbage!āā¦ to you!
I say deep within you know there is a real Higher Moral Lawā¦ you know that you are a Moral beingā¦ and these things all point to the notion of *Universal Justice*ā¦ God will judge!
…and as I was saying Atheists hate this Knowledge and seek to hide themselves from it.
They despise Christians for their ‘Pesky declarations’ which puts a tourch light on them…reminding them of their flight from Reality and their knowledge of the Truth.
Thus We witness the Ironic spectacle of Atheists who insist they are Moral, yet deny all Moral Obligation! They are ‘moral’ in their own eyes, and ‘holy’/without sin according to their own standards.
*How Convenient!* š
What Basis is left for Morality if God… the Divine Lawgiver is Obliterated?
Atheist Materialists in the 1800s admitted that Materialism was the end for objective morality, yet the Modern atheist is not so bold, nor so rigorous as to where their premises ultimately lead, and instead pretend that their Atheism makes them *more moral than theists!* and they attempt to utilize Historic atrocities committed in God’s name as evidence that ‘religion is evil’… forgetting they have no ‘higher ground’ upon which to stand to make any such moral judgments, and that in doing so they are applying standards which are not theirs to use!
Such a one eyed approach which only looks at particular negative historic events does not succeed in knocking all religion off it’s perch, or by default add one ounce of objective moral reality to Atheism.
While defending God’s Divine right to execute judgments upon Mankind, Christians themselves are just as rigorous as any atheist in their condemnation of atrocities like 911, or the Salem witch trials…committed in God’s name.
I attended a Debate in Auckland a Few years ago between Matthew Flannagan and Prof Bradley on the topic ‘Is God the source of morality’ in which Dr Flannagan presented the God Command Moral theory, and the atheist Prof Bradley made the statement that he believed that because God does not exist that therefore he cant be the source of morality.
Instead he argued morality can only be founded upon ‘sentiment’!!!
Now ‘sentiment’ is an absolutely pathetic, subjective, and culturally relative foundation without any authority to impose Moral obligations! (and I criticised him for it at question time!)
This is really the subject fit for another Blog post, yet what is interesting about the modern Atheist is that they cannot bear the reality that their belief system is definitively Amoral and De-humanising.
To avoid this they attempt to change the game as to what morality really is.
Important End Note:
The Genesis story of the Fall of Mankind into sin declares that we were transformed from a child-like innocence into a ‘Knowledge of Good and Evil’, and It is this inner knowledge of Good and Evil which makes all mankind, in all times and places, accountable and Guilty before God and deserving of Judgment because they all have a knowledge of their own moral responsibilities. Thus I am saying that the Savage whom tortures his neighbor to death *knows he is committing Evil*… even if he has never herd of Jesus Christ. And God will Judge him for it. So too with the Atheist who does not believe Jesus Rose from the dead. This denial does not negate the Atheists own knowledge of sin, and guilt for his immoral actions for which God will hold him accountable.
Thus contrary to what Many atheists assert: The Bible does not deny Atheists cant have any sense of Moralityā¦ it insists that everyone does!
What We Christians say is that the Atheist position cannot justify their moralityā¦. That Atheism itself is Amoral, and that it leads to mere cultural relativism, and social arbitrary law.
When Atheists claim to be moral, they a contradicting themselves.
Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible Believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian, Christian.
To my horror I have just discovered that Hamilton City Council has just voted to become the First City council to be a āLiving wage employerā!!!!
Thus all the things I have said about this Socialist threat to Wellington (below) now also applies to my home town the Tron!
The HCC intend to roll this out within the next two years.
I will be standing for City Council with the express purpose of making sure this Ruling is overturned before it gets implemented.
Tim Wikiriwhi for Hamilton Mayor!
Read about this new threat to Hamilton here…
Beautiful Mermaids of ‘Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand’… Heed my warnings my shipmates!
Doom awaits all who fall under the Siren’s spell!
The following appeared on my face book feed…
Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand.
Wellington leaders are currently before the Wellington City Council asking for their support for the Living Wage and for them to become a Living Wage employer. A huge turn out of support from the community. The room is absolutely packed. The Wellington Deputy Mayor says it’s the most packed the room has been in a very, very long time. ā with Paul Eagle.
Living wage Aotearoa facebook page here:!/LivingWageAotearoaNewZealand
^^^ Notice the strategy of the Communists in targeting Government to adopt their Economic insanity!
Appreciate how easily City Councilors can be duped into signing off on this sort of ‘feel good’ socialism, considering Councilors personal income will not be effected… and they have no investors who can remove their investments, and they can simply increase their rates extortion to pay for it.
And once Government departments have embraced this madness it is a very short step to making it compulsory for everyone!
Inflation anyone?
In the meantime if City councils and government departments embrace this socialist doctrine, it will make working for the Beast a far more attractive proposition than working in the private sector, and to the simple minded this discrepancy between wages paid by the state from those offered in the private sector will appear to vindicate the notion that things work much better when done by the Government!
Most of these simpletons will never appreciate the reasons why their rents and the cost of essentials keeps rising with leaps and bounds.
Yet what these City councilors wont tell their workers is that all these types of spending increases actually threatens their Job security and that Layoffs will result when these Councils and government departments sooner or later are inevitably forced to look to cost cutting as a result of have yet again pushed up debts, rates and taxes way past bearable limits for their tax slaves to endure.
And the same thing will happen in the private sector if this doctrine becomes compulsory there too.
For the record when I stood for Mayor of Hamilton I explained to the city workers the dangers of voting for grand schemers and big spenders, and that Hamilton was facing a Debt crisis that would result in Job losses, while all the other candidates pretended all was well and promised them the moon.
I tried to communicate my Libertarian plan of privatisation… reducing Councils size and spheres of operation in such a way that would transfer employment to the private sector and reduce councils expenses and responsibilities.
Yet trying to communicate the economic benefits which would follow from such reform to Unionised workers whom are indoctrinated into believing their Job security is better protected by remaining employees of the State… is like trying to sell flies!
They were beyond reach.
No Surprise… I was not elected
Nek Minnut The City Debt Crisis hits… Rates went up, and redundancies followed.
And it’s not over yet.
And if you read my earlier post on this subject … ‘Ship of Union Fools. The Living wage.’ … you will see that I point out among other things that because of the inevitable inflationā¦ what they deem a āliving wageā to be Today will not be āsufficientā tomorrow!
This exposes what a crock this Socialist Idea is!
It is an open ended recipe for inflation and bankruptcyā¦ and a threat to the incomes of those low wage earners whom it pretends to be championing!
And as another critic of this ideology rightly points outā¦ what is a sufficient income for a single person, is completely different for what is sufficient for a person with a family of 6!
So this exposes this Socialist plot as a purely arbitrary extortion racket.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.
Wikiriwhi for Mayor! Read about my various Campaigns here:
Read how my prophecies have all come to pass Here:
I ask why the Media has not reported the truthfulness of my campaigns vs the lies of those whom got elected?
Affordible City shared a link to an excellent Scoop article from their ‘Affordible Wellington’ candidate Reagan Cutting….
āThe Living Wage campaign group has also called on Wellington City Council to publically endorse the Living Wage Campaign and support local businesses in becoming Living Wage employers.
āWhile I do not think the Wellington City Council should become a union advocacy group, I can see a few fantastic ways the Council can help local businesses increase wages to their staff,ā says Reagan Cutting. āThey can start by cutting rates, reducing compliance costs, streamlining regulations and eliminating the hoops companies have to jump through whenever they deal with the Council. This impacts on business profitability and reduce the amount of funds available to spend on wages..ā
^^^These are Excellent points… which go to prove the wisdom and benevolence of Libertarian Ecconomics vs the Folly and destructive and millitant mentality of socialism.
If only workers of NZ would liberate themselves from Socialist Unionism, and form Libertarian worker associations instead!
Read about The absurdity of the Socialist ‘Left vs Right Employment War’ Here:
Tim Wikiriwhi introducing John Ansell at the Waikato TREATYGATE Presentation, Thursday 16 May, at the Celebrating Age Centre in Hamilton.
Though I had planned this meeting for over two months, it was typical for me to be still hurriedly typing out script mere minutes before I was to deliver them.
Libertarians Peter Creswell and Robert Palmer traveled down from Auckland to give John and myself some moral support, and they listened to my only practice delivery from a ruff draftā¦ as they enjoyed an Epic Stout.
They offered me several good improvements, before heading downtown.
I had written much more than what I delivered.
This is a subject I am passionate about yet my speech was only an introduction and personal endorsement of John Ansellās TREATYGATE presentation which he is busy delivering about the countryā¦. So unfortunately though there was much which I would have liked to have saidā¦ many things which may have helped Maori People to better appreciate why I support John, there was no time for me to do so.
I would like to thank everyone who helped John and myself make this event happenā¦ those who contributed donations, those who came to the meeting in support (I got to meet some of my face book friends!), those who helped set up the hall, the Waikato Times, and Hamilton News staff, and others who helped me with advertising, sound systems, etc.
It was great to see Allan Titford, his new partner and child who traveled quite a distance to support us.
I estimate there were 60 people in attendance which is not bad for a political meeting.
The Waikato Times had a reporter there.
And our ads reached many thousands of People who, though they never attended the presentation, will know that there are Activists afoot, working to end Waitangi Separatism and establish racial equality before the law.
This is a mammoth task and every event like this held in the name of ending the shameful travesty of Watangi apartheid and the grievance industry… all helps.
The evening ended at the House Bar, yarning, joking, and drinking Pitch Black Stout from the Tap. One of the manifold blessings of British Colonisation!
Very nice!
My speech follows…
…And below that… is a link to a Waikato Times/ Stuff article on our Hamilton Treatygate meeting, and subject matter, and I make a few observations about comments it contains from a Waikato University ‘Treaty expert’ the Times also interviewed for the article.
My Speech…
“Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.
It is great to see you.
Thank you for coming.
I know many of you have traveled some distance to be here.
Your support is very much appreciated.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi,
I live here in Hamilton, and work as a self employed contract engineer,
and it has been my pleasure to organize tonightās meeting, for John Ansell to deliver his Treatygate message to you.
John is a very brave Pakeha, that is to say he is a brave New Zealander.
He will be speaking tonight for about an hour on one of the most important issues facing our Nation at present.
I myself have been involved in politics for well over a decade, and spoken many times around the North island on the ever worsening evils of Treaty separatism, Maori Radicalism, and our shameful Apartheid laws and government.
I hope that while you are here tonight John and I are able to communicate the gravity of our current political situation, and the race relations crisis which has been systematically manufactured because of an Evil ideology, which has taken full advantage of some serious faults in our democratic system.
I hope we impress on you the urgency and dire need for the people of New Zealand to Rally, and to organize ourselves into an Irate lobby determined to rid ourselves of these cancerous growthsā¦ and establish racial equality before the Law.
The shear scale of the Political extortionā¦Hundreds and hundreds of millions of Dollars! The utter Fabrications and falsifications of our colonial history by which a collective guilt trip has been heaved upon the backs of Non-Moari New Zealanders ā¦so successfully, that they quietly submit to this Extortion, and tolerate being rendered second class subjects in their own country.
I say We must smash the Anti-colonialist lie that stupefies so many New Zealanders into believing they have less right to Fully enjoy this country, than their neighbor who has a fraction of Maori DNA.
Now the fact that Race based Law is a travesty of justice should not really be News to anyone.
Who does not know about the times of Slavery and Segregation in America?
Who has not herd about Apartheid in South Africaās recent past?
Many Kiwi already know that the Law should not discriminate because of race.
The trouble is that so few of us actually have the courage to stand up in public say it!
New Zealanders actually allow their government to mass produce Racist law and give away millions of Tax dollars all because they have been deceived by a massive political propaganda campaign!
The Lying racist Radicals use intimidation and the Anti colonial guilt trip to dominate and steer our country towards every deeper Racial separatism, and Rapineā¦. And the power-hungry socialists of both the Labour and National parties have made bargains with these racist radicals for the sake of securing Election victoryā¦time and time again.
Thus our Government has been utterly corrupted and used to indoctrinate New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori into thinking that it is the fault of others that the so many Maori are violent criminals.
The Radicals want you Pakeha to continue to believe it is actually your fault that so many Maori suffer Ill healthā¦ live in povertyā¦. are in low paid jobs, or wallow in welfare dependence.
Well John Ansell has figured out what a crock that all is and he has the Balls to stand up and say ā¦ āGet Real!ā
John forthrightly declares āIm A Pakeha and I refuse to accept any such guilt!ā
āI demand My equal Rights!ā
I demand an end to the extortion, an end to the State Racism.
I want to live in a country of Racial equality before the Law!ā
You see John has figured out that Heās not to blame for any of that Maori miseryā¦and that heās got nothing to be ashamed ofā¦being a Pakehaā¦. And that if anyone is to blame for the misery of Maori today it surely must be the individuals themselves, who have allowed themselves to become depended upon welfare, not bothered to gain the necessary skills to compete with Non-Maori in the Job marketā¦ Skills which are essential to provide them with a decent income in a modern free societyā¦ and Blame also may be squarely laid at the feet of the racist radicals whose Toxic and hateful lies have fill so many Maori heads with a Victim mentality and vile racismā¦ preventing them from taking ownership of their own problems, and appreciating their own self responsibility for climbing out of this misery they have created for themselves.
Until they do, no amount of special rights, no amount of Welfare will save them.
Itās time for me to hand over the mic To John.
I want to finish by sayingā¦ Lets rally together and get rid of the Racist electoral rolls and race based seats in parliament which are a pox and a shame upon our democracy, and PLEASE do not allow the separatists to establish a new racist constitution.
They must be stopped at all costs.
.I now give the floor to John.
Thank you for listening.”
Tim Wikiriwhi.
āMaori Libertarianā
John Ansell and Tim Wikiriwhi in Tim’s Man Cave/ Library. Hamilton 15-5-13
I would like to make a few comments on this article…
‘Angeline Greensill teaches Treaty issues at Waikato University and she would be interested in who would attend the meeting.
”It’s the sort of thing I would normally ignore but it’ll be interesting to see who does turn up and who is taken in by this type of stuff. I ned to be aware of that.”
She said Mr Wikiriwhi has a history of throwing his beliefs out to ”a misinformed public. She said people should learn the difference between rights and privileges and rights and obligations.
”It is not a privilege. Maori are tangata whenua of this country and there was an agreement signed that was never kept and it was an agreement about rights.
”They are getting things because they have a right to them. They have a property right like anyone else except they have to fight for them.”
End quote:
^^^ I say Angeline has provided us (above) with a perfect example of the sort of Socialist Academics our Government hires to indoctrinate our young people!
Note how she calls into question the mentality and character of those whom thought John and My own message against her Political indoctrinations of Treaty separatism was worth hearing!
Note how she blatantly suggests that the treaty enslaves Non-Maori to certain ‘moral obligations’ (Read Money, Power, Political favouritism, etc)… simply because the Modern Radical separatists claim Maori to be ‘Tangata Whenua’…which is of course an absolute lie, and part of the Modern Re-fabrication of New Zealand history and perversion of The Treaty!
Maori of old were proud to say they were Migrant Colonists too!
The ‘Tangata Whenua’ were the People living here already when Maori arrived!
Yet why let the truth get in the way of your Political vested interestsā¦ when a lie suits so much betterā¦ Aye?
Lets label those who dare speak the truth troublemakers, and Racists, and Mad men!
Thank you Angeline Greensill for clearly exposing your agenda for all to see.
Thank you for demonstrating just how evil it is to allow the Government to control the Education of our nation!
I only wish that New Zealanders would wake up to why the Government ought never be allowed to control such a vast engine of indoctrination, propaganda, and mass manipulation.
Too many people who understand that Government ought to be banned from producing racist laws, fail to understand Treaty separatism clearly demonstrates the Libertarian principle that the State must also be separated from Education, because it has been via state control of the education system, which has given the Socialist Political parties the ablity to use the education system to imprint their political agenda directly into the public mind, by hiring such socialist racist academics as Angeline Greesill and deploys them into our schools and universities to directly brainwash our people into accepting the vile rehash of our Pioneering colonial history and the separatist ideology behind our Apartheid system.
They also do this with their Green Agenda, Re Man Made Climate change, the Theory of Evolution, Socialist ecomonic theory, etc etc… all designed to delude the sheeple into supporting their Heavy Taxation, their Nannyism, their Totalitarianism… and to fear/ hate Freedom.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Update: 18-5-13. Here: is a link to a short ‘The NZ Initiative’ article on the Bill English’s 2013 Budget which mentions New Zealand’s own ‘Fiscal Timebomb’ which brings home the realities of what NewsWeek is saying about the British Socialist Collapse.
Quit Bitching Zombies! You got what you voted for! Read about that Here:
The Economies of the West were bankrupted by Nanny State Social Democracy… You Sheeple are to blame! Because you voted for Labour/ National… Reps/ Dems… and their equivalent shyster parties in every Western Social Democratic Nation whom promised to mother you and keep ‘Evil free enterprise’ in check.
You yourselves voted for the Bankruptcy!
You wanted all their promises.
You wanted all their taxes.
You wanted them to keep spending and keep borrowing.
Donāt cry about them bailing out the Mega Rich!
That too was all part of the socialist package you voted for… the idea that the government is responsible for the economy and can manipulate the players as it sees fit.
Donāt now pretend it is all the wealthy fascists fault!
Your continued self denial of your own guilt makes me sick!
We Libertarians knew your socialist scam would end in ruin!
We warned you for years this Zombie Apocalypse was approaching!.
We stood for parliament preaching an end to spending, an end to big government…yet you chose instead to burry your heads in the sand and kid yourselves that the socialist madness could go on and on…at least until *You* were gone… and then the problem would be someone elseās problem to fix!
Well your chickens have come home to roost!
When you see growing poverty, and children in ragsā¦blame your selves!
Take ownership of what *You voted for!*
Know that it was your own selfish lusts for Nanny State socialism which has brought Great nations to ruin!
The day of Reckoning is here!
Will you humble yourselves and admit your errors?
No. Like most criminals you will never admit the truthā¦You will go the Hell screaming you are innocent.
Your politics created the Filthy Rich and the super powerful, and having learned nothing… having feed your growing Envy and Malice with even greater lies… you will soon elect an even more terrible Beast!
It is *you sheeple* whom will allow a new Totalitarian system to be installed!
You will vote for Full control of the worlds resources via a political eliteā¦ in the name of saving the world from āCapitalist exploitationā.
You will vote for a global Dictator under the delusion that this will end war.
And you will all receive the Mark of the Beast, and cry out against those arrogant ‘Libertarians’…who refuse to bow down… calling them ‘Enemies of the State.’
Yes you will have your Socialist āUtopiaā!
My heart breaks for the Death of Liberty and prosperityā¦. And for your Slave Children.
Tool is playing right now in Auckland.
They are my Favorite Band.
Why aren’t I there rockin out????
I should be!
Yet instead of having fun, Im spending my last buck$ on a Public meeting calling for an end to Racist Law and Government in New Zealand.
I would have loved to have been @ Vector Arena!
It’s a concert I have waited years to see, yet I have been forced to choose between my own immediate pleasure, and a political Ideal I believe is essential for the betterment of New Zealand.
An Ideal I believe will help end a lot of poverty, misery and dependence… and dispel a lot of bigotry and race hatred which has been fostered by Radical separatists for Political Power and Loot.
I refer to the principle of Equality before the Law.
Abolishing the separate Maori seats in parliament, and separate Electoral rolls.
Just today, the front Page of the Waikato Times ran a story which showed statistics which proved that Violent crime in a city was proportional to the size of it’s Maori population!
That is a shocking reality which proves what 30 years of Apartheid have achieved.
Read about it here: Top Criminologist blames Maori for high rates of violent Crime
‘Maori crime ‘fact of life”
This is the reality which the radicals try and blame on ‘Pakeha oppression’, on the Government’s ‘Failure to honour the Treaty’…. I ask How long New Zealanders will tollerate this absolutely despicable lie!
The Fat cat Tribalist elites may be sitting pretty, yet it has been at the cost of fostering Hatred, dependence, a victim/ blame mentality into the ordinary Maori Individuals, many of whom are incapable of admitting that their poverty, violence and misery is of their own making… not because of any oppression by ‘Evil Pakeha’… as the shit stirring Political activist preach, or as the average socialist whacko school teacher rambles on about… instead of teaching young Maori to take responsibility for themselves and their futures as individuals… competing on a level playing field… under equality before the Law!
Young Maori are told to study stone age Maori history and culture… instead of engineering, science, etc… thus putting them at a disadvantage when they leave school… alienating them from modern society, and setting them up for failure… with the Radicals whispering in their ears that this is all the Pakeha’s fault! “If the Pakeha were not here they would own the whole country… and could get buy fishing!”
Yes These are lies and insanity which I am dedicated to ending.
Treaty separatism has resulted in nothing but Race hatred and Misery.
I love all that is good and beautiful in Maori Culture, yet I despise racism, and Political propaganda… and politically engineered Evil.
And if in the process of fighting this evil for the sake of Equality before the Law that I must miss out on seeing my favorite Band… well there is always You Tube!
Hopefully they will be back in not too many years time?
The same thing ought to apply to all those who want to continue the war on drugs, have public health and education, ban guns, impose hate speech laws, , keep prostitution illegal, lock out Mexicans, etc, etc. The only True Americans are the Libertarians… The policies of Dems and Reps are all as bad and as un American as the Sharia Law.
They can make no claim to upholding the Constitution.
They are Hypocrites.
And of course many of the Islamic migrants living in Western democracies migrated to escape the tyranny of Sharia Law… from Afghanistan… from Egypt, etc.
They appreciate freedom, and are productive, tollerant and civilised members of our societies, peacefully practicing their own faith on equal terms with everyone else.
They do not wish to establish Sharia Law.
And it is bigotry to think that all Muslims are religious fanatics who desire to impose their faith on others by force, or to kill Christians…etc.
What is truely sickening are all the so-called Libertarians who wont vote Libertarian!
How sickning it is to watch them waste their votes by voting ‘Republican’… and then hear the excuse that the Libertarians have no hope of getting elected!
What is worse is that the actually elect * Right wing Socialist Republicans!*
I admit that Ron Paul was an exceptional Republican, yet what the Republican party did to stop him becomming their candidate for Presedent ought to be evidence enough that the Republican party is hell bent on maintaining the Status quo… it has no agenda of Libertarian reform.
In no way ought Libertarians to be suckered into supporting Rand Paul.
He should have quit the Party after what they did to his old man, yet he has chosen to stick around simply out of personal ambition rather than principle.